28 Jun 2017, 12:00 AM
OFS - Rashtriya Chemicals and Fertilizers Limited
Rashtriya Chemicals and Fertilizers Limited is offering to sell shares through an OFS process, the details of which are below:
Name: Rashtriya Chemicals and Fertilizers Limited
Floor price: Rs.74.25 per share
Issue Size: 2,75,84,405 Equity Shares
The link to place OFS orders is here: https://q.zerodha.com/ofs/display/
Orders will be accepted from June 29, 3:30 pm till June 30, 3.15 pm. There is a 5% discount being offered to retail investors.
If your account results in a debit, post allotment of OFS, interest at the rate of 0.05% will be charged on the debit balance.
You will receive contract notes should you receive allotment of the OFS.