Economic calendar

A calendar of important Indian and global economic events that may impact capital markets.

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Date Event Importance Previous Actual Unit
Fri, 26 Jul 2024
Merchandise Trade Balance (Mexico) Medium 2.84 -1.04 US$ bn
Merchandise Imports (Mexico) Medium -0.19 -3.58 YOY%
Current Account Balance (Japan) Medium 43.79 - US$ bn
Bank Deposit Medium 10.66 11.73 YoY%
FX Reserves Medium 666.85 670.86 US$ bn
Merchandise Exports (Mexico) Medium 3.71 -5.65 YOY%
Personal Consumption Expenditure (PCE) (United States) High 1.6 0.9 YoY%
Unemployment (Poland) Medium 5 - YOY%
Bank Credit Medium 13.83 13.38 YoY%
Sun, 28 Jul 2024
Current Account Balance (Poland) Medium - - US$ bn
House Price Index (South Korea) Low -0.68 - YOY%
Tue, 30 Jul 2024
House Price Index (United States) Low 6.29 - YOY%
Real GDP Growth (Preliminary) (Italy) High 0.73 - YOY%
Real GDP (Germany) High -0.93 - YOY%
Inflation (Preliminary) (Germany) High - - YOY%
Unemployment (Japan) Medium - - YOY%
Real GDP (Mexico) High 1.6 - YOY%
Merchandise Imports (Japan) Medium - - YOY%
Merchandise Trade Balance (Japan) Medium - - US$ bn
Merchandise Exports (Japan) Medium - - YOY%
Wed, 31 Jul 2024
House Price Index (Thailand) Low - - YOY%
Central Bank Policy Rate (Japan) High 0.3 - %
Current Account Balance (Brazil) Medium 14.09 - US$ bn
Industrial Production (South Korea) Low - - YOY%
Non-Food Credit Medium 16.2 - YoY%
Merchandise Trade Balance (Thailand) Medium - - US$ bn
Core Sector Medium 6.3 - YoY%
Central Government Expenditure Medium -37.9 - YoY%
Merchandise Imports (Thailand) Medium - - YOY%
Merchandise Exports (Thailand) Medium - - YOY%
Industrial Production (Thailand) Low - - YOY%
Industrial Production (Japan) Low - - YOY%
Central Government Gross Tax Revenue Medium 14.4 - YoY%
Merchandise Imports (Turkey) Medium - - YOY%
Merchandise Exports (Turkey) Medium - - YOY%
Central Bank Policy Rate (South Africa) High 8.25 - %
Merchandise Trade Balance (South Africa) Medium - - US$ bn
Merchandise Imports (South Africa) Medium - - YOY%
Merchandise Exports (South Africa) Medium - - YOY%
Unemployment (Germany) Medium - - YOY%
Inflation (Preliminary) (France) High - - YOY%
Inflation (Euro Area) High - - YOY%
Central Bank Policy Rate (Lower Range) (United States) High 5.25 - %
Central Bank Policy Rate (Brazil) High 10.5 - %
Unemployment (Brazil) Medium - - YOY%
Merchandise Trade Balance (Turkey) Medium - - US$ bn
Central Bank Policy Rate (Upper Range) (United States) High 5.5 - %
Thu, 01 Aug 2024
Services Imports Medium 5.4 - YoY%
Services Exports Medium 10.2 - YoY%
Portfolio Net Equity Flows Medium 3.2 - US$ bn
GST Collections High 8.4 - YoY%
Fri, 02 Aug 2024
FX Reserves Medium 670.86 - US$ bn
Sat, 03 Aug 2024
Power Generation Medium 8.5 - YoY%
Sun, 04 Aug 2024
NREGA Demand Low -22.5 - YoY%
Mon, 05 Aug 2024
Cargo Traffic at Major Ports Medium 6.8 - YoY%
Central Bank Policy Rate (Mexico) High - - %
Corporate Bond Issuance Medium -54.11 - YoY%
2W Sales Medium 4.6 - YoY%
Passenger Vehicle Sales Medium -6.6 - YoY%
Tractor Sales Medium -27.1 - YoY%
Wed, 07 Aug 2024
Petroleum Product Consumption Medium 2.6 - YoY%
Broad Money Supply (M3) Medium 10.67 - YoY%
Thu, 08 Aug 2024
General Insurance Premium Medium 8.8 - YoY%
Bank Credit Medium 13.38 - YoY%
Consumer Confidence Survey - Current Expectations index Medium 9.7 - YoY%
Life Insurance Premium Medium 14.8 - YoY%
Bank Deposit Medium 11.73 - YoY%
RBI Policy Rate High 6.5 - %
Consumer Confidence Survey - Future Situation index Medium 7.3 - YoY%
Fri, 09 Aug 2024
FX Reserves Medium - - US$ bn
Railway Freight Low 10.1 - YoY%
Sat, 10 Aug 2024
Rural Wage Growth Low 5.91 - YoY%
State Government Expenditure Medium 14.5 - YoY%
State Government Receipts Medium 2.1 - YoY%
E-Way Bills Medium 18.4 - YoY%
Coal Production Medium 14.58 - YoY%
Mutual Fund Equity Inflows Medium 811.45 - Rs bn
Mon, 12 Aug 2024
CPI Inflation High 5.08 - YoY%
Industrial Production Medium 5.9 - YoY%
Tue, 13 Aug 2024
Producer Price Index (PPI) (United States) High 2.7 - YoY%
Wed, 14 Aug 2024
WPI Inflation High 3.36 - YoY%
Thu, 15 Aug 2024
Fixedline Subscribers Addition Low 0.47 - Mn
Wireless Subscriber Addition Low 1.9 - Mn
Merchandise Imports Medium 4.98 - YoY%
FDI Inflows Medium 7.89 - US$ bn
Merchandise Exports Medium 2.55 - YoY%
Merchandise Trade Balance Medium -20.98 - US$ bn
Fri, 16 Aug 2024
FX Reserves Medium - - US$ bn
Wed, 21 Aug 2024
Broad Money Supply (M3) Medium - - YoY%
Thu, 22 Aug 2024
Bank Credit Medium - - YoY%
Bank Deposit Medium - - YoY%
MPC Minutes Medium - -
Fri, 23 Aug 2024
FX Reserves Medium - - US$ bn
Mon, 26 Aug 2024
Durable Goods Order (United States) High -12.2 - YoY%
Fri, 30 Aug 2024
FX Reserves Medium - - US$ bn
Real GDP Growth High 7.8 - YoY%
Personal Consumption Expenditure (PCE) (United States) High 0.9 - YoY%
Sat, 31 Aug 2024
Non-Cash Payments Medium 13 - YoY%
Central Government Expenditure Medium - - YoY%
Non-Food Credit Medium - - YoY%
Unemployment Rate High - - YoY%
Core Sector Medium - - YoY%
Central Government Gross Tax Revenue Medium - - YoY%
Sun, 01 Sep 2024
GST Collections High - - YoY%
Services Imports Medium - - YoY%
Services Exports Medium - - YoY%
Portfolio Net Equity Flows Medium - - US$ bn
Tue, 03 Sep 2024
Power Generation Medium - - YoY%
Wed, 04 Sep 2024
Broad Money Supply (M3) Medium - - YoY%
NREGA Demand Low - - YoY%
Thu, 05 Sep 2024
Passenger Vehicle Sales Medium - - YoY%
2W Sales Medium - - YoY%
Bank Credit Medium - - YoY%
Bank Deposit Medium - - YoY%
Cargo Traffic at Major Ports Medium - - YoY%
Corporate Bond Issuance Medium - - YoY%
Tractor Sales Medium - - YoY%
Fri, 06 Sep 2024
FX Reserves Medium - - US$ bn
Sat, 07 Sep 2024
Petroleum Product Consumption Medium - - YoY%
Sun, 08 Sep 2024
General Insurance Premium Medium - - YoY%
Life Insurance Premium Medium - - YoY%
Mon, 09 Sep 2024
Railway Freight Low - - YoY%
Tue, 10 Sep 2024
Rural Wage Growth Low - - YoY%
State Government Receipts Medium - - YoY%
State Government Expenditure Medium - - YoY%
E-Way Bills Medium - - YoY%
Mutual Fund Equity Inflows Medium - - Rs bn
Coal Production Medium - - YoY%
Thu, 12 Sep 2024
Producer Price Index (PPI) (United States) High - - YoY%
CPI Inflation High - - YoY%
Industrial Production Medium - - YoY%
Fri, 13 Sep 2024
FX Reserves Medium - - US$ bn
Sun, 15 Sep 2024
Fixedline Subscribers Addition Low - - Mn
Wireless Subscriber Addition Low - - Mn
Merchandise Trade Balance Medium - - US$ bn
Merchandise Imports Medium - - YoY%
FDI Inflows Medium - - US$ bn
Merchandise Exports Medium - - YoY%
Mon, 16 Sep 2024
WPI Inflation High - - YoY%
Wed, 18 Sep 2024
Broad Money Supply (M3) Medium - - YoY%
Thu, 19 Sep 2024
Bank Credit Medium - - YoY%
Bank Deposit Medium - - YoY%
Fri, 20 Sep 2024
FX Reserves Medium - - US$ bn
Thu, 26 Sep 2024
Durable Goods Order (United States) High - - YoY%
Fri, 27 Sep 2024
Personal Consumption Expenditure (PCE) (United States) High - - YoY%
FX Reserves Medium - - US$ bn
Sat, 28 Sep 2024
Current Account Balance Medium 0.6 - % of GDP
International Investment Position (IIP) Medium -361.68 - US$ bn
Mon, 30 Sep 2024
Non-Cash Payments Medium - - YoY%
Non-Food Credit Medium - - YoY%
External Debt Low 663.76 - US$ bn
Central Government Gross Tax Revenue Medium - - YoY%
Core Sector Medium - - YoY%
Central Government Expenditure Medium - - YoY%
House Price Index Medium 4.1 - YoY%
Tue, 15 Oct 2024
Fixedline Subscribers Addition Low - - Mn
Wireless Subscriber Addition Low - - Mn