18 Jul 2024, 10:07 AM
Adjustment of F&O contracts of TECHM due to dividend
As per NSE circular effective July 19, 2024, the strikes of TECHM options and the base price of the futures contracts will be revised due to extraordinary dividends.
Adjustment for future contracts:
All positions in futures contracts of TECHM will be marked-to-market on the last cum-dividend date, i.e., July 18, 2024, based on the daily settlement price of the respective futures contract. Subsequently, open positions will be carried forward at the daily settlement price less Rs. 28 (dividend amount) for the respective futures contract.
From July 19, 2024 (ex-dividend date), daily mark-to-market settlement of the futures contracts will continue as per normal procedures.
For example:
Assume you bought 1 lot (600 quantities) of TECHM futures on July 18, 2024, at Rs. 1500, and the daily settlement price at the market close is Rs. 1520. You would have made a mark-to-market profit of Rs. 20 per share.
On July 19, 2024, the previous day’s position will be carried forward at Rs. 1492 (i.e., 1520 – 28). If the closing price on July 19, 2024, is Rs. 1505, you’ll make a mark-to-market profit of Rs. 13 per share.
Adjustment for option contracts:
The full value of the dividend, i.e., Rs. 28, will be deducted from all the cum-dividend strike prices on the ex-dividend date. All positions in existing strike prices will continue to exist in the corresponding new adjusted strike prices.
For example:
The strike price of Rs. 1200 Call Option will be reduced to Rs. 1172 on July 19, 2024, and the positions in Rs. 1200 Call Option will continue to exist in Rs. 1172 Call Option.
The lot size of the F&O contracts will not change.
Also, if you hold equity shares of TECHM in your Demat account as of July 19, 2024 (ex-date), you will be entitled to receive the dividend, which will be credited directly to your primary bank account within 30 to 45 days from the record date.