06 Nov 2023, 06:00 PM

Muhurat Trading session on account of Diwali

Muhurat trading this year for Equities, Equity F&O, Currency F&O, and Commodities will be conducted on Sunday, November 12, 2023.

In line with our tradition over the last 13 years, brokerage charges for all trades during the Muhurat trading session will be reversed. Zero brokerage on all Intraday, F&O, and commodity trades.

Market Schedule Start Time End Time
Pre Open * 6:00 PM 6:08 PM
Normal Market 6:15 PM 7:15 PM
Closing Session 7:25 PM 7:35 PM
F&O, Currency, MCX 6:15 PM 7:15 PM


*Random closure in the last one minute

Any F&O credits (i.e. premium from options sold, marked-to-market profit, intraday profits, etc.) and intraday equity profits from November 10th will not be included in the available funds during the Muhurat trading session due to the settlement holiday. Meanwhile, you will be able to check these credits in your Console ledger.

All intraday positions will be squared off 10 mins prior to market closing. After Market Orders (AMO) will be collected until 5:57 PM for Equities and 6:10 PM for F&O on November 12th to be placed in the Muhurat trading session.

Please refer to the circulars from NSE (Eq and F&O), BSE, CDS, and MCX for more information.

Read about the significance of Muhurat Trading & Samvat 2080 here and also check out a short video here.


  1. You will be charged brokerage on November 12, 2023, however, this will be reversed/credited back to your trading ledger within 3 working days.
  2. SIP orders on Kite will not be executed during the Muhurat trading session. The scheduled SIP orders on 12th November will be placed on the next trading day.
  3. The call & trade option on our telephone lines will be available at 080-47181888 from 6 PM to 7:15 PM.
  4. The sale proceeds from the BTST sell transaction on November 12, will be settled on Monday, November 13, and the credits will be available for trading on Wednesday, November 15.