19 Aug 2022, 06:00 PM

Rights Entitlements listing in August 2022

When a company launches a rights issue, eligible shareholders receive Rights Entitlements (RE) in their demat accounts. These REs are not rights shares by themselves and need to be used to apply for the rights shares. The REs will be in the form of temporary demat securities which will lapse if you do not use them to apply for the rights or sell them.

The following REs are listed in the month of August:

Company Rights Entitlement (RE) ISIN RE Listing date RE Last trading date Last date to apply for rights shares
PTC Industries Ltd PTCIN-RE INE596F20018 Aug 03 Aug 08 Aug 12
Gennex Laboratories Ltd GENNEX-RE INE509C20018 Aug 05 Aug 12 Aug 19
Sandur Manganese & Iron Ore Ltd SANDUMA-RE INE149K20016 Aug 08 Aug 23 Aug 29
Swiss Military Consumer Goods SWISSM-RE INE010C20025 Aug 10 Aug 19 Aug 25
Mercury Metals Limited MERMETL-RE INE763M20010 Aug 16 Aug 24 Aug 30
Add-Shop E-Retail Limited ASRL-RE INE01B520018 Aug 17 Aug 24 Aug 30
Tembo Global Industries Limited TEMBO-RE INE869Y20010 Aug 22 Aug 29 Sep 05
KCL Infra Projects Limited KCLINFRA-RE INE469F20018 Aug 22 Aug 29 Sep 05
G G Engineering Limited GGENG-RE INE694X20014 Aug 22 Sep 01 Sep 07

You will not be able to transact the REs intraday as they are settled on a trade-to-trade basis.