30 Apr 2021, 08:55 AM
Revision in lot size of Nifty and stock F&O contracts
The lot size of 40 stock F&O contracts is being reduced from May 2021 expiry onwards. You can check the list of stocks here and the exchange circular here.
The size of Nifty contracts is being revised from 75 to 50 per lot in the following manner from July 2021 expiry:
- All monthly expiry contracts starting from the July expiry contract will have a lot size of 50. The Nifty July contract starts trading from 30th April. The April, May, and June contracts will continue to have a lot size of 75.
- All weekly expiry contracts from August will have the revised lot size of 50.
- After the June expiry, the Nifty long-term options contracts (where the expiry is greater than 3 months) will be revised from the current lot size of 75 to 50. The average closing price of Nifty (cash) will be taken to adjust the contract value.
For more details, check the NSE circular here.