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Upcoming IPOs

Stock IPO date Listing date Price range
TROM SME Trom Industries 25th – 29th Jul 2024 01 Aug 2024 ₹110 – ₹115
APRAMEYA SME Aprameya Engineering 25th – 29th Jul 2024 01 Aug 2024 ₹56 – ₹58
CTLLAB SME Clinitech Laboratory 25th – 29th Jul 2024 01 Aug 2024 ₹96 – ₹96
ESPRIT SME Esprit Stones 26th – 30th Jul 2024 02 Aug 2024 ₹82 – ₹87
SATECH SME S A Tech Software India 26th – 30th Jul 2024 02 Aug 2024 ₹56 – ₹59
HYUNDAI Hyundai Motor India To be announced
OLAELECTRIC Ola Electric To be announced
BLACKBUCK Blackbuck To be announced
GBL Godavari Biorefineries To be announced
KEVENTERS Keventers Agro To be announced
VLCC VLCC Health Care To be announced
OYO OYO (Oravel Stays) To be announced
NSDL National Securities Depository Limited To be announced
NAVITECH Navi Technologies To be announced
DELTAGAMING Deltatech Gaming (Adda 52) To be announced
LAVA Lava International To be announced
SNAPDEAL Snapdeal To be announced
WELLNESS Wellness Forever Medicare To be announced
GPGIL Gold Plus Glass Industry To be announced
Trom Industries 25th – 29th Jul 2024 ₹110 – ₹115
01 Aug 2024
Aprameya Engineering 25th – 29th Jul 2024 ₹56 – ₹58
01 Aug 2024
Clinitech Laboratory 25th – 29th Jul 2024 ₹96 – ₹96
01 Aug 2024
Esprit Stones 26th – 30th Jul 2024 ₹82 – ₹87
02 Aug 2024
S A Tech Software India 26th – 30th Jul 2024 ₹56 – ₹59
02 Aug 2024
Hyundai Motor India To be announced
Ola Electric To be announced
Blackbuck To be announced
Godavari Biorefineries To be announced
Keventers Agro To be announced
VLCC Health Care To be announced
OYO (Oravel Stays) To be announced
National Securities Depository Limited To be announced
Navi Technologies To be announced
Deltatech Gaming (Adda 52) To be announced
Lava International To be announced
Snapdeal To be announced
Wellness Forever Medicare To be announced
Gold Plus Glass Industry To be announced

Closed IPOs

Stock IPO date Listing date Price range
MIEL SME Mangalam Infra and Engineering 24th – 26th Jul 2024 31 Jul 2024 ₹53 – ₹56
CHETANA SME Chetana Education 24th – 26th Jul 2024 31 Jul 2024 ₹80 – ₹85
VLINFRA SME V L Infraprojects 23rd – 25th Jul 2024 30 Jul 2024 ₹39 – ₹42
VVIPIL SME VVIP Infratech 23rd – 25th Jul 2024 30 Jul 2024 ₹91 – ₹93
SARTELEFPO SME SAR Televenture Follow-on 22nd – 24th Jul 2024 29 Jul 2024 ₹200 – ₹210
RNFI SME RNFI Services 22nd – 24th Jul 2024 29 Jul 2024 ₹98 – ₹105
SANSTAR Sanstar 19th – 23rd Jul 2024 26 Jul 2024 ₹90 – ₹95
MACOBSTECH SME Macobs Technologies 16th – 19th Jul 2024 24 Jul 2024 ₹71 – ₹75 Listing gain 34%
KATARIA SME Kataria Industries 16th – 19th Jul 2024 24 Jul 2024 ₹91 – ₹96 Listing gain 99%
TUNWAL SME Tunwal E-Motors 15th – 18th Jul 2024 23 Jul 2024 ₹59 – ₹59 Listing gain 3%
ACLD SME Aelea Commodities 12th – 16th Jul 2024 22 Jul 2024 ₹91 – ₹95 Listing gain 82%
SATI SME Sati Poly Plast 12th – 16th Jul 2024 22 Jul 2024 ₹123 – ₹130 Listing gain 99%
PRIZOR SME Prizor Viztech 12th – 16th Jul 2024 22 Jul 2024 ₹82 – ₹87 Listing gain 99%
THREEMPAPE SME Three M Paper Boards 12th – 16th Jul 2024 22 Jul 2024 ₹67 – ₹69 Listing gain 16%
SAHAJSOLAR SME Sahaj Solar 11th – 15th Jul 2024 19 Jul 2024 ₹171 – ₹180 Listing gain 99%
GGBL SME Ganesh Green Bharat 05th – 09th Jul 2024 12 Jul 2024 ₹181 – ₹190 Listing gain 109%
EFFWA SME Effwa Infra and Research 05th – 09th Jul 2024 12 Jul 2024 ₹78 – ₹82 Listing gain 99%
AMBEY SME Ambey Laboratories 04th – 08th Jul 2024 11 Jul 2024 ₹65 – ₹68 Listing gain 31%
EMCURE Emcure Pharmaceuticals 03rd – 05th Jul 2024 10 Jul 2024 ₹960 – ₹1008 Listing gain 35%
BANSALWIRE Bansal Wire Industries 03rd – 05th Jul 2024 10 Jul 2024 ₹243 – ₹256 Listing gain 37%
NEPHROCARE SME Nephro Care India 28th Jun 2024 – 02nd Jul 2024 05 Jul 2024 ₹85 – ₹90 Listing gain 99%
VRAJ Vraj Iron and Steel 26th – 28th Jun 2024 03 Jul 2024 ₹267 – ₹281 Listing gain 22%
DTL SME Diensten Tech 26th – 28th Jun 2024 03 Jul 2024 ₹95 – ₹100 Listing gain 152%
ABDL Allied Blenders and Distillers 25th – 27th Jun 2024 02 Jul 2024 ₹267 – ₹281 Listing gain 13%
AKIKO SME Akiko Global Services 25th – 27th Jun 2024 02 Jul 2024 ₹73 – ₹77 Listing gain 21%
DPEL SME Divine Power Energy 25th – 27th Jun 2024 02 Jul 2024 ₹36 – ₹40 Listing gain 281%
PCCL SME Petro Carbon and Chemicals 25th – 27th Jun 2024 02 Jul 2024 ₹162 – ₹171 Listing gain 84%
SPCL SME Shivalic Power Control 24th – 26th Jun 2024 01 Jul 2024 ₹95 – ₹100 Listing gain 227%
SYLVANPLY SME Sylvan Plyboard (India) 24th – 26th Jun 2024 01 Jul 2024 ₹55 – ₹55 Listing gain 26%
MASON SME Mason Infratech 24th – 26th Jun 2024 01 Jul 2024 ₹62 – ₹64 Listing gain 44%
VISAMAN SME Visaman Global Sales 24th – 26th Jun 2024 01 Jul 2024 ₹43 – ₹43 Listing gain 10%
Mangalam Infra and Engineering 24th – 26th Jul 2024 ₹53 – ₹56
31 Jul 2024
Chetana Education 24th – 26th Jul 2024 ₹80 – ₹85
31 Jul 2024
V L Infraprojects 23rd – 25th Jul 2024 ₹39 – ₹42
30 Jul 2024
VVIP Infratech 23rd – 25th Jul 2024 ₹91 – ₹93
30 Jul 2024
SAR Televenture Follow-on 22nd – 24th Jul 2024 ₹200 – ₹210
29 Jul 2024
RNFI Services 22nd – 24th Jul 2024 ₹98 – ₹105
29 Jul 2024
Sanstar 19th – 23rd Jul 2024 ₹90 – ₹95
26 Jul 2024
Macobs Technologies 16th – 19th Jul 2024 ₹71 – ₹75
24 Jul 2024 with 34% gain
Kataria Industries 16th – 19th Jul 2024 ₹91 – ₹96
24 Jul 2024 with 99% gain
Tunwal E-Motors 15th – 18th Jul 2024 ₹59 – ₹59
23 Jul 2024 with 3% gain
Aelea Commodities 12th – 16th Jul 2024 ₹91 – ₹95
22 Jul 2024 with 82% gain
Sati Poly Plast 12th – 16th Jul 2024 ₹123 – ₹130
22 Jul 2024 with 99% gain
Prizor Viztech 12th – 16th Jul 2024 ₹82 – ₹87
22 Jul 2024 with 99% gain
Three M Paper Boards 12th – 16th Jul 2024 ₹67 – ₹69
22 Jul 2024 with 16% gain
Sahaj Solar 11th – 15th Jul 2024 ₹171 – ₹180
19 Jul 2024 with 99% gain
Ganesh Green Bharat 05th – 09th Jul 2024 ₹181 – ₹190
12 Jul 2024 with 109% gain
Effwa Infra and Research 05th – 09th Jul 2024 ₹78 – ₹82
12 Jul 2024 with 99% gain
Ambey Laboratories 04th – 08th Jul 2024 ₹65 – ₹68
11 Jul 2024 with 31% gain
Emcure Pharmaceuticals 03rd – 05th Jul 2024 ₹960 – ₹1008
10 Jul 2024 with 35% gain
Bansal Wire Industries 03rd – 05th Jul 2024 ₹243 – ₹256
10 Jul 2024 with 37% gain
Nephro Care India 28th Jun 2024 – 02nd Jul 2024 ₹85 – ₹90
05 Jul 2024 with 99% gain
Vraj Iron and Steel 26th – 28th Jun 2024 ₹267 – ₹281
03 Jul 2024 with 22% gain
Diensten Tech 26th – 28th Jun 2024 ₹95 – ₹100
03 Jul 2024 with 152% gain
Allied Blenders and Distillers 25th – 27th Jun 2024 ₹267 – ₹281
02 Jul 2024 with 13% gain
Akiko Global Services 25th – 27th Jun 2024 ₹73 – ₹77
02 Jul 2024 with 21% gain
Divine Power Energy 25th – 27th Jun 2024 ₹36 – ₹40
02 Jul 2024 with 281% gain
Petro Carbon and Chemicals 25th – 27th Jun 2024 ₹162 – ₹171
02 Jul 2024 with 84% gain
Shivalic Power Control 24th – 26th Jun 2024 ₹95 – ₹100
01 Jul 2024 with 227% gain
Sylvan Plyboard (India) 24th – 26th Jun 2024 ₹55 – ₹55
01 Jul 2024 with 26% gain
Mason Infratech 24th – 26th Jun 2024 ₹62 – ₹64
01 Jul 2024 with 44% gain
Visaman Global Sales 24th – 26th Jun 2024 ₹43 – ₹43
01 Jul 2024 with 10% gain

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