Laxmi Organic IPO Closed

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15th – 17th Mar 2021
₹129 – ₹130
Lot size 115 — ₹14950

About Laxmi Organic

Laxmi Organic Industries is one of the leading manufacturers of specialty chemicals which have applications in industries such as pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals, paints, printing & packaging, flavours & fragrances and adhesives amongst others. The company is currently among the largest manufacturers of ethyl acetate in India with a market share of approximately 30% of the Indian ethyl acetate market, it is also the only manufacturer of diketene derivatives in India.

Check out the recent financials of the company below:

Financial Year Ended Revenue (₹ crores) PAT (₹ crores) EPS (₹)
March 2018 1,396.08 75.695 3.03
March 2019 1,574.32 72.391 2.89
March 2020 1,538.62 70.212 2.86
Six months ended September 2020 814.36 45.484 2.02

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How do I apply for the Laxmi Organic IPO on Zerodha?

You can apply for the Laxmi Organic IPO using any supported UPI app by following two steps:

  • Enter your bid on Console
  • Accept UPI mandate on your phone

On acceptance of the mandate, the bid amount will get blocked in your bank account. Click here to learn more.