

Tax reports at Zerodha

As a trader, it’s extremely important to file your taxes, regardless of whether you made a profit or loss. Most people assume that just because they’ve made losses, it’s not necessary to file taxes, but that’s a mistake—you may get a notice from the Income Tax Department regardless of that. We also understand that filing […]

Simple and secure, no nonsense investing and trading.
22 Jul 2022

Introducing family portfolio view on Console

Hindi: इस पोस्ट को हिंदी में पढ़ने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें। In many families, even though investments might happen through multiple individual accounts, one person is usually monitoring all the portfolios. It is extremely important to track the portfolio risks in terms of asset allocation and concentration to stocks and sectors not just at […]

Simple and secure, no nonsense investing and trading.
14 Jun 2022

UPI का इस्तेमाल करके IPO के लिए अप्लाई करें

आनेवाले IPOs के बारें में जानने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें अब आप Console के द्वारा नए IPOs (इनिशियल पब्लिक ऑफरिंग्स) में अप्लाई कर सकते हैं। अब तक, हमने कस्टमर्स को IPOs में अप्लाई करने के लिए ASBA (एप्लिकेशन सपोर्टेड बाय ब्लॉक्ड अमाउंट) का  इस्तेमाल करने के लिया कहा था। आप संबंधित बैंक के नेटबैंकिंग […]

Content writer at Zerodha
06 Jun 2022

Tax loss harvesting opportunity for fiscal year (FY) 2021-22

Traders, If you hold stocks or mutual funds in your portfolio that have unrealised losses, you can set off these losses against realised profits, on which you have to pay taxes. To do this, you can book the losses, effectively reducing the realised gains and hence also reducing the tax payable. This act of booking […]

Simple and secure, no nonsense investing and trading.
21 Mar 2022

ऑनलाइन नॉमिनेशन से परिचय

अब आप अपने ट्रेडिंग और डीमैट खाते में एक या उससे ज़्यादा नॉमिनी को Console पर ऑनलाइन ही रजिस्टर कर सकते हैं बिना किसी परेशानी के। अगर आपका अकाउंट डॉर्मेंट होजाता है जो एक साल तक बिना ट्रेडिंग या एक्टिविटी की वजह से माना जाता है तब आपको वापस KYC करके अपने अकॉउंट को एक्टिवेट […]

Business Analyst at Zerodha
13 Sep 2021

Introducing online nomination

Hindi: इस पोस्ट को हिंदी में पढ़ने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें। You can now add single or multiple nominees to your trading & demat account completely online on Console. We will alert your nominee(s) over email/SMS if your account becomes dormant after one whole year of inactivity and you do not activate it by […]

Simple and secure, no nonsense investing and trading.
13 Sep 2021

Introducing Kill Switch

Over-trading is the biggest destroyer of capital when actively trading the markets. The trading frequency is usually inversely proportional to profitability for most traders. This means that when in a drawdown or making losses, the average number of trades are significantly higher than when making profits. Good traders typically either reduce their trading size significantly […]

Founder & CEO @ Zerodha
09 Jun 2021

Tagging on Console: Trading journal & tracking goals

We launched Console 2.0 earlier this year, a complete rewrite of our entire backoffice and reporting system from scratch. While many assume that generating various types of reports is simple, it isn’t, especially when dealing with huge amounts of data across millions of customers and regularly dealing with complex edge cases such as arbitrary corporate […]

Founder & CEO @ Zerodha
01 Jun 2021

Tax loss harvesting opportunity – FY 20/21

Traders, If you hold stocks or mutual funds in your portfolio that have unrealised losses, you can set off these losses against realised profits on which you have to pay taxes. To do this, you can book the losses, effectively reducing the realised gains and hence also reducing the tax payable. This act of booking […]

Simple and secure, no nonsense investing and trading.
18 Mar 2021

Now gift stocks and ETFs to your friends and loved ones

Hindi: इस पोस्ट को हिंदी में पढ़ने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें। We all have been in situations where we’ve spent several hours searching for the right gift for an occasion. Choosing a meaningful gift is never easy. One of the things we’ve wanted to do at Zerodha for a long time was to make […]

Simple and secure, no nonsense investing and trading.
14 Nov 2020

Understanding the new margin pledge system — effective Aug 1, 2020

Check this bulletin for updates The three principal objectives stated under SEBI’s preamble are: To protect the interests of investors in securities; To promote the development of the securities market; and To regulate the securities market. If you’ve been following the actions of the market regulator closely, you’ll notice a spate of regulations introduced in […]

Head of operations and compliance at Zerodha
21 Jul 2020

Tax loss harvesting opportunity – FY 19/20

Traders, If you hold stocks or mutual funds in your portfolio that have unrealised losses, you can set off these losses against realised profits on which you have to pay taxes. To do this, you can book the losses, effectively reducing the realised gains and hence also reducing the tax payable. This act of booking […]

Founder & CEO @ Zerodha
18 Mar 2020

Introducing Portfolio Analytics

While all of us wish that all the stocks we hold go up, it seldom works out that way. There will always be asset classes, sectors, and stocks which underperform your expectations. The “putting all your eggs in one basket” risk with the hope of getting lucky is something all investors need to avoid to […]

Founder & CEO @ Zerodha
29 Jan 2020

Introducing Quicko

A super important part of trading is filing income tax returns (ITR), irrespective of whether you’re profitable or have made losses. Through the Markets and Taxation module on Varsity, we have not only explained all aspects of taxation, but also answered thousands of queries. It was obvious that just education isn’t enough, but we need […]

Founder & CEO @ Zerodha
02 Jan 2020

Same day fund withdrawals & update on quarterly settlements

24X7 NEFT transactions are not available on the corporate portal of our banking partners yet. We are working with them to enable this for same day fund withdrawal for all our clients. Introducing: Same-day fund withdrawals Now withdraw funds from your Zerodha account to your bank account on the same day, any day of the […]

Simple and secure, no nonsense investing and trading.
10 Dec 2019

Introducing e-Mandates – Now fund your SIPs automatically

Update: Funds in the trading account cannot be used for investing in mutual funds due to changes in regulations. The money for all mutual fund investments has to come from your bank account. You can automate this process by creating a mandate. Follow these steps to create a mandate on Coin. Using SIPs to regularly […]

Simple and secure, no nonsense investing and trading.
17 Sep 2019

Apply for IPOs using UPI

Click here for upcoming IPOs You can now apply for new IPOs (Initial Public Offerings) from within Console. Until now, we asked customers to apply for IPOs using the ASBA (Application Supported by Blocked Amount) from their respective bank’s netbanking portal or by visiting a bank and submitting a physical application with your Zerodha demat […]

Simple and secure, no nonsense investing and trading.
06 Aug 2019

Introducing Console holdings

Our tech team has been working on Console – our reporting tool for the last two years, and it has been a grind covering for all the edge cases. It is probably the only platform that includes P&L and the average price even for stocks transferred in from another demat, all types of corporate actions, […]

Founder & CEO @ Zerodha
18 Jun 2019