Introducing Kill Switch
Over-trading is the biggest destroyer of capital when actively trading the markets. The trading frequency is usually inversely proportional to profitability for most traders. This means that when in a drawdown or making losses, the average number of trades are significantly higher than when making profits. Good traders typically either reduce their trading size significantly or take a break from trading when in a drawdown. This is maybe the only way to survive trading the markets in the long run. Being aggressive or trading more when losing rarely ever works out well.
With Nudge, we have been slowly incorporating warnings and nudges into Kite, alerts that help clients better the odds of winning when trading. We have just added Kill Switch as a new Nudge. If you’re making losses, this new feature helps with your trading discipline and risk management by allowing you to instantly disable trading in one or more segments on Kite, forcing you to take a break from trading. Once a segment is disabled, you can only re-enable it after 12 hours.
To use the Kill Switch and deactivate trading, visit Console -> Accounts -> Segments.

Using the Kill Switch
Kill Switch also doubles up as a utility for those looking to temporarily deactivate the trading account or specific segments for any reason. Do note that you will have to exit all open positions and cancel all open orders before disabling a segment.
We are now working on setting up Kill Switch to automatically trigger based on a predefined loss or drawdown level set by you. We are also working on allowing you to define the maximum order and position sizes for every instrument as a percentage of your overall trading capital. This is to help you avoid taking large positions due to anxiety induced by greed or fear when trading.
Like we have always said, what differentiates profitable traders from those who aren’t isn’t a specific trading strategy but risk management. Taking a break from trading or reducing trading size significantly when you are in a drawdown is an important risk management rule.
I have two basic rules about winning in trading as well as in life: 1. If you don’t bet, you can’t win. 2. If you lose all your chips, you can’t bet. – Larry Hite
Happy Trading,
It’s been 3 years since Zerodha has launched kill switch. But did guys aware of it that it’s worthless, because until unless it will be automatically closed segment after a certain number of trades preset by us or after a certain amount of loss. Then only it will fullfill the purpose of kill switch. I don’t understand why Zerodha is not launching this, just because of brokerages? Then I have to switch to another broker.
The kill switch should have the below feature also.
As a trader if I decide not to use option trading, then I should have an option to us kill switch for option trading permanently. So i will continue with Equity Intraday but no options.
The only way to reactivate the options must be to call Zerodha customer care and ask them to reactivate and reactivation should take a minimum of 24 hours.
Hi Mohit, we’ve noted your feedback and will look into this. Thanks.
Dear Zerodha,
I appreciate the feature of Killswitch,
But I request an additional feature in Killswitch where we can set the number of trades.
For example, I preset the number of trades to 3 trades per day so that any trades after that has to be stopped. Even if I change it, it will reflect only after 12 hours.
I hope this feature will definitely help me improve my trading. Thanks for considering my request.
kindly introduce this feature.
“We are now working on setting up Kill Switch to automatically trigger based on a predefined loss or drawdown level set by you…”
This feature would have the potential to be the biggest differentiator between losing traders and disciplined traders, who do not overtrade on a losing day resulting in blowing up the complete capital.
Hey! Can anyone tell me when Auto Kill switch(predefined) will be introduced. Its more than 2-3 years since zerodha team is working on it.
Please introduce it faster . This feature will will make zerodha no1 broker.
Waiting for auto kill switch trigger to protect capital. Want to define a certain amount of loss each day and not more than that.
Hi Ashish,this is on our list of things to do. Thank you for the feedback 🙂
When will auto kill switch and defined number of trades feature will come waiting for that
I have good winning ratio, But P&L is in Green but realised P&L is in Red because of Over trading Charges is more than profit. I Hope this switch will control my risk management. Thank you Zerodha.
Hi, plz introduce the kill switch for a week so that one who trades only a day in a week must not be tempted for trading remaining days in week.
Hi Ishwar, thanks for the feedback. We’ll look into the possibilites 🙂
Capital protection
1. A feature that does not allow you to risk more than a set % of the Captial at a given time (eg. Intraday),
or manually set MTM Limit % (Loss/Profit) which will automatically deactivate the segment once the Limit triggers.
This feature can significantly change the Percentage of the loser/winner ratio in overall traders.
Expecting early delivery of this feature said Zerodha.
We are now working on setting up Kill Switch to automatically trigger based on a predefined loss or drawdown level set by you. We are also working on allowing you to define the maximum order and position sizes for every instrument as a percentage of your overall trading capital. This is to help you avoid taking large positions due to anxiety induced by greed or fear when trading.
This is on our list of things to do, Nikunj 🙂
I trading with u before covid time.( I have another 2 account s with other traders). The most spectacular thing in ZERODA is actively disengaging by not pushing calls and emails. And your honest approach that reveals in between lines Thank u
Good feature.
But when there is a problem like hacking of your account, zerodha must temporarily freeze the account when phoned from an authorised number first and then go for arguments , to minimise the loss
Hi Team,
This is a great feature. But, it would be great to introduce one more feature like activating a segment only after some kind of otp authentication happens. This will help in situations where if some hackers or frauds try to place order in some high risky segment where they can’t activate these segments on there own
When will amount based kill switch be enabled?
This is on our list of things to do, Kedar. We’ll keep you posted.
Hi there ,
One feature that I desparately want to see in Zerodha is separation of trading and investing accounts for a single person . If I purchase a scrip for investing then it gets impossible to swing trade in that scrip since everytime the scrip for trading gets added to invested shares and while selling it executes in a Fifo fashion – ultimately making me lose invested shares rather than shares purchased for trading ( maybe this price will be higher as compared to price of shares purchased for investment )
Or other workaround could be allowing people to have 2 separate trading and investment account on zerodha
But this kill switch is not working if had done any cnc trading.the system is telling me to close the open position when I had already sold my holding. please correct it
Hey Karthikeyan, when you sell shares from holdings this will be considered an open position as before market close one can buy back the shares anytime. You can activate the Kill Switch the next day.
When this will start?
We are now working on setting up Kill Switch to automatically trigger based on a predefined loss or drawdown level set by you. We are also working on allowing you to define the maximum order and position sizes for every instrument as a percentage of your overall trading capital. This is to help you avoid taking large positions due to anxiety induced by greed or fear when trading.
We’re working on it, Jai. We’ll keep you posted 🙂
Hi Nithin, when the below going to be available?
We are now working on setting up Kill Switch to automatically trigger based on a predefined loss or drawdown level set by you. We are also working on allowing you to define the maximum order and position sizes for every instrument as a percentage of your overall trading capital. This is to help you avoid taking large positions due to anxiety induced by greed or fear when trading.
Perfect feature.
I was actually searching on internet whether such feature really exists, but happy to know that zerodha is already working on it.
But can you predict a time, by when can we expect that feature?
Daily set loss can be set, but can we set weekly loss too?
Also how will zerodha differentiate between Intraday orders and carried over orders? Because I may wish to set loss for a group of trade, but may want to carry ( say an index future) , and dont want it to be a part of the set SL.
Would that mean that SL will be for orders bought as MIS and not for delivery orders?
Hi Zerodha Team,
Can we have the kill switch kind of feature to stop trading between certain timings? In my case, I would like not to trade between 9:15am to 9:45am. Is that possible?
Is it possible to enhance the kill switch to disable only intraday trading but, allow market orders.
This will be useful for people who only want to invest and not participate in trading.
My reason is,
– Investing will not need tax audit
– Trading needs tax audit
Thanks for the innovative tool. Suggest you to bring another automated advanced version in which I may decide the maximum loss for the day (for purely intraday trades) beyond which the system will automatically squareoff all open intraday positions and disable the segment for 12 hours.
Very poor support system, I had raised complain on their support portal. my complain has been open since last 3-4 days. No one is reverting back and solving my problem.
@zerodha @siva @nithin Another feature that will greatly help newbies is a demo trading account. Maybe also enable kite connect APIs in the demo as well
Funny idea: Enforce that they be first profitable on the demo before risking real money.
Mail ID Abhi Tak nahin aaya
If a person have to activate this feature itself then I don’t think it is of any use.
Account suspension should be forceful.
Bring a feature where a person can set a limit of drawdown in terms of loss ie. 10000 or 20000 as per risk appetite. If this triggers trading should suspended for the day. Thank you.
Great thing!
I would be waiting for auto kill switch.
Thank you
I dont think it should be made mandatory atleast. Just keep it as an option. Because there are many discipled traders too. which should not affect their way of trading. When it is kept as optional its good to have it as a feature rather than a compulsion. After all no body forces any body to do anything greedy or create fear. Its just human emotion. By mechanizing emotion into system it can create hurdles (with mandatory option).
What ever you make , you still could not include 2 important features even after your repeated updates.
1. In your Mobile App, Why we need to Scroll Every Time to see Nifty Index / Bank Nifty Index ? Adding these 2 scripts in WatchList again kills space . Imagine a situation that your Both hands are Engased somehow – and you need to see Nifty Index or BNF Index which needs Scrolling from Top , that creates a Big Problem. ( Of course we can add these 2 in our WatchList but that again kills space. While on PortFollio – Positions – It should SHOW the Nifty Index and Bank Nifty Index also. You are using such a BIG Font writing Marketwatch / Portfollio – why not you reduce these fonts and include Nifty Index and Bank Nifty Index in that Place in Line ?
2. Newly added Scripts should always go to TOP Place. Currently it comes in Buttom.
Upstox has these 2 important features – which is very much good. I wish ZERODHA’s KITE also includes these 2 features in its Mobile App.
Many times I have written EMAIL to Mr. Kamath but I think – he is not serious about it ! Very Sad .
Let us try how this will help us.
Congrats to Zerodha team for introducing “KILL SWITCH” to deactivate the particular trading segment in which the trader are making huge losses due to greed,fear or over trading….requesting team to set up Kill Switch to automatically trigger based on a predefined loss at the earliest possible…
Warm Regards
It is good that you are devoting resources to enhancing the platform. However, I believe your priorities are misplaced. These are good tidbits but there are far more important features that require your attention — 75 min candlestick chart, NRI investing through Coin, U.S. stock investing to name a few. Please devote time to these items as well.
Is it free ?
Happy for this feature.
Many time to compensate lose and finally end up with more losses because of over trading.
This features will forcefully control trader to avoid over trading.
I dont need Killswitch. What I need is a full fledged demo account which allows me to trade with virtual money. I am aware that sensibull have paper trading. But its not useful.
Why we (traders) do overtrade? Evenif first trade is successful, we cannot sit idle. Right?
No one can switch off the computer and go away..So second trade happens which result in losing the profit which I earned in the first trade. Third trade is a rescue mission to make good the loss which will result in capital wiping.
A switch to move between Real and Demo is only the way to save money from overtrading.
Please do it Nithin. I am ready even to pay the same brokerage as real trade. It should not be with bogus 1 lakh virtual capital money. The starting amount and fund add section should be same as real account.
Except bank withdrawal, everything should be there…
Another feature which will really help the traders is to show a notification if he tries to do MIS on stock which is blocked for intraday trades right away. Now the notification will come after hitting the BUY/SELL button. This will save lot of energy and time spent on pinpointing the trade on that stock.
Hey Praveen, showing a notification before we know that someone wants to trade a stock wouldn’t be possible. 🙂
Is this possible can u make watchlist like trading view where we can Keep all more than 100 stocks in single list. Also improve font size it’s too big not like tradingview and also marking colour on stock which can be filtered for next day trading.
Great initiative once again
You Rock
Keep up the good work
Team Zerodha
Good option. Please tell me what’ll happen to the open positions and pending orders. Hope they’ll all be closed.
Very useful one for aggressive traders, especially 12 hours time frame is very mindful and maximum order implementation is expected from you guys.. Thank you so much.. people will start to relalize the broker’s aren’t villains here☺️👍🙏
I really appreciate the efforts taken by you, I had experienced this in the past and lost lots of money. Thank you so much for your efforts much appreciated.
I highly appreciate this feature
Thanks sir it’s saved my 1k today.. thanks so much 🙂
This was said by someone: “When you introduce a feature/tool that is counter-intuitive to your business, that’s when you really start making money.”
You guys have really understood the nuances of making business. It is hard for retail traders to choose your opponents. That’s a nice move!
When will introduce the automatically trigger based system on a predefined loss or drawdown of certain limit?
This is very valuable information for traders like me who trade with high frequency.
Very good feature shall improve overall trading profitability.
Please don’t make anything automatic.. Let me decide when to trade or not.. And personally I don’t need much overhead like checklist fund prioritizing etc during trading.. Else I may need to look out for another broker.. Even if I see 90% loss in a script I would average it to gain during the reversel and if you block me trading then you want me to continue with the loss and not to recover.. Hope I make sense
Please make the deactivation for 24 hours at least.
That way one can deactivate on previous evening itself. If it’s just 12 hours, then one will be able to deactivate the entire next day at 3.25 am in the night! (in case you don’t want to trade at all the next day, and consequently need to deactivate the entire next day).
So if you make it 24 hours, it will be more useful and more convenient for users. Better still, give the users the option to input the time period, anywhere from 1 hour to 24 hours.
If it’s just 12 hours, and I want to deactivate the next trading day, I’ll have to do it on the morning of the trading day itself. That means opening up the computer and getting tempted to trade that day…
Good initiative..
Kill switch saved me from excessive options losses. Good feature.
Do note that you will have to exit all open positions and cancel all open orders before disabling a segment.
What does it mean ?
And one feature to disable mis only also.
And one feature to disable mis only also.
12hrs is too short, it should be for 12 days
As an option, ok.
But don’t enforce.
Option strike range limit is already a pain enough
I just though about this today morning who to stop trading 👍👍👍
An implicit kill switch is to display the profit/loss on Positions window.(net of charges)
Just like Michael Burry in film , The Big Short – He wrote on a board, Zerodha can show on Positions window.
– Week to Date, Profit/Loss
– Month to Date,Profilt/Loss
– Year to Date ,Profit/Loss
🙂 [optional ] Begining to Date Profit/Loss
Hi zerodha, kindly allow to Trade in some of the OTM options
This is wonderful . Humble thanks to Shri Nitin Kamat. You are a superhero. And to understand the mind of the traders is art. that only you can do. Thanks a lot
Great feature to protect the customers !!
Like these features are very much required for every trading person, in this way zerodha is thinking and acting as Very practical person. Keeps rocking..
Please sir o
Please add direct trading from option chain in onclik order completion
Please add direct trading from option chain in onclik order completion.
Can you please introduce option chain feature for both index and stock options, as this feature is very much needed for trading with ease.
This feature will definitely reduce huge losses of a trader in successive loss making trades taking place due to fear and greed. Very good step.
Yes i too was thinking of such feature to auto prohibit self from trading after weekly mentioned losses..i was also thinking of auto exit in profits as a feature to tap momentarily target that gets achieved as price falls quickly than to rising..hope u listen.
Dear sir, Zerodha की औरसे हमेशा बहोत सारे नये नये features aap मे aad होते रहे है। लेकीन उनका 100% आसानीसे कैसे use करे इस बात का ट्रेनिंग कही मीलता नही क्या आप zerodha aap पुरी तरह से use आने के लिए लोकल लेवल पर ट्रेनिंग arrange कर सकते है क्या ? और बहोत जुड सकते है।
Good Initiative !!! Thanks !! How about adding one virtual platform which is connected to actual market. So when in nudge we can do some virtual trades to check and regain confidence.
Kindly introduce colour coding/ colour background of different stocks for long term investment/ short term/ swing trading etc
Colour coding for easy separation of stocks for long term/ short term investment
The 1987 villain was something called portfolio insurance. It was a product that used stock index futures and options to assure institutional investors that they need not worry if market prices seemed to be unreasonably high. Portfolio insurance would let them get out with minimal damage if markets ever began to fall.
Will GTT orders also be disabled ?
Can u add this in real life as well?
Need to take a break from life and will start again after achieving state of mind.
Can you update zerodha chart saving portal as the trend lines drawn on it gets automatically deleted after refresh or re-login process. In short we use another websites for it like investing.com but if it some trading website unnecessary shuffle of websites will be ceased.
Sir not able to apply bracket order
Hi Nithin,
Is there any way to improve the watch list alerts? People like working unable to sit throughout the day.
Any SMS based or push notifications with sound would help us.
How come you going from being a neutral broker to someone who is worried about clients profit and loss?
I am not sure if this is good idea.
every trader want new margin rule to be taken back by SEBI as it look like they are doing ot for big player so general trader can’t write option & make easy money & brokers are happy as retail trader have no option now they only hv to buy option because of rules so this way brokers making more money in brokerage. Wish some genuine broker make SEBI to withdraw foolish margin rule & every trader know if broker lobby want to make SEBI change their rules they can but they won’t now as their goal is to make more brokerage which now they are getting as huge volume raise in option buying only.
Thank you very much.
Good feature for traders
My zerodha me segmet not add nadhi Tharu te Kari apo ne
Can we expect Zerodha to launch a facility where we can track multileg options strategies at one go and place our single p&l or stop loss for entire strategy at one place?
This is good feature that will help us in panic situations. Kindly add one more feature in Fund – Payments history- only show added & withdrawal amounts. That help us track our investment any time any where and more easily.
woww wonderful option even day before yesterday i was thinking like why cant broker can give this option and may now zerodha have herd me LOL , but great job done by u people keep it up
I want to add a new bank account
Today morning me and my friend were discussing about hiding option to be made available so we could hide few scripts which we have invested for longer period so we do not visit those scripts day to day and not to worry about daily P/L . U can introduce such options also in Profile or Portfolio section
but the stop loss kill switch is also needed.say we have capital of 10 lakh and wanted that if our loss crosses 30000 then our id get suspended for 12 hours.it may be in absolute and percentage term of our capital in both way this will be a diamond thing for trader
Very good features,it is very helpful to all day traders. THANKS
I think you should seriously add a feature to group trades together into a single strategy. This will allow option players to manage multiple legs of a strategy while playing out multiple strategies from same account.
Great feature,
Thank u Zerodha, u care about customer ,not ur revenue ❤️❤️❤️
but the stop loss kill switch is also needed.say we have capital of 10 lakh and wanted that if our loss crosses 30000 then our id get suspended for 12 hours.it may be in absolute and percentage term of our capital in both way this will be a diamond thing for traders
Now days too much problem in zerodha app.like
Ye mat karo wo mat karo ….
May be reduced customers next 3 to 6 months
Nice feature to protect the financial health of customers while not concerned about eventual reduction in the amount of brokerage on trades. Nice attitude.
Fantastic this software is especially made for me. Every traders after making profit they actually want to exit but there is no such options and again bet and loose money with their capitals keep rolling
Hey!! Great job.
Will it be able to add 75 min time frame to the chart section.
kill switch is a good concept but as far as restricting trades for the amount of capital , i think is not good for learning traders like me who put small amounts of fund and learn to trade on a real platform with real money involving real emotions . anyways they never have huge capitals to lose
Dear Team,
One request, if possible please update profit and loss calculation to last in first out method from FIFO. Bcoz if I average a stock ans sold the share which I boug second time, then it calculates PNL next day and shows in profit but actually its not in profit. So I calculating manually everytime.
Please send us long term, medium term & short term investment Tips and guidance to buy the Shares on our E-mail and Mobile number to invest. So that we can earn propertionate amount of income
i was thinking for this from many years .great effort
Super good nice
Vishnukmaer Hi
I deeply appreciate your initiative in this direction, the loser always tries to recover his losses so fast, and in order, to do that, he commits more mistakes, with too many worries in his mind he can not earn any profit at all, even if his trade is in the right direction, he would not stay there to capitalize it.On the contrary, the winning traders may also feel a kick in their mind, may feel extra high confidence with their trading, and may take wrong decisions after a big win, so its a better idea to take a short break from trading for a while, it really helps to realize the market conditions neutrally when a trader watches market activities by isolating him from trades quite frequently.
Ka tas kel aaizavadya
Kudos to Zerodha’s intentions of protecting small / novice traders!
But you will lose business . How is this a good approach to increase your revenue?
Ek hi to dil hain, kitni baar jeetoge?
Very good feature. Thank you zerodha team and nikhil. This is great feature for traders.
Great Effect to help Zerodha Traders.
Once again, Zerodha shows development of Zerodha trading Platform, the intent of developing the tools are to help the traders to gain more knowledge to trade better for make profit, as long as its goal are met then it is great otherwise is not good – if misused the information.
Hi Kamath,
Thank you for protecting traders interests. As long as trader is their bussiness of broking is their. It is a win-win intiatice. I request you to put another swith which will reduce the position size when trader makes good profit as the trader like me uually becomes overconfident and trades more when he is making good profits and eventually give more than what he makes.
Please re-introduce trailing stoploss. Thanks.
Nice initiative. It will be useful for new traders who don’t know the importance of Risk & Money management.
If you really concern about ppl’s money.. Now.. try to provide some margin at least 2X for delivery also. So ppl can move to positional instead of intraday which is too risky.
nice feature
it is a nice feature and certainly help the investor like us, though I have not use it yet but read the post and seems that it is going to be a very promising feature for Zerodha users.
That will be useful.. Thanks 🙂
Is this free or paid ??
don’t do timepass, upgrade your Desktop trading software. no one is listing to this request.
Can this feature be added in KITE too so that we can stop overtrading
Nice Feature.
Can we have something like this for GTT orders. On some day is market is down its possible that most of your GTT orders will be triggered and may eat your all available balance. So such feature is required for GTT to disable from executing it at once.
Wow, Such a Excellent stuff came out from Zerodha.
OFT Profit.
A very useful and important feature for beginners.Thank you for understanding a trader’s mentality.
1.Another upgrades can be made in term of watchlists. Either the no. of watchlists can be increased or the limit from maximum 50 scrips to higher can be increased under each watch list.
2. Wish if we could have been able to put and categorize different scrips under different portfolios such as long term , short term and trading one , so that we do not get to all the scrips on single screen . It would avoid unnecessary attention to scrips which we keep for long term and help us to act irrationally by meddling with them.
Great feature! Good initiative.
I would like you to add a feature for dividing funds into few compartments so that funds can be blocked for various targets like Mutual Funds (Coin), Small case, F&O, Cash segment etc.
Thank you. It is necessary for people who can’t be disciplined.
Also, When are you launching the international trading /investing feature? Any time line?
zerodha needs to tie up with US brokerage firm, IND MONEY is offering trading in indian stocks, and US stocks only equity, i aint moving out there, but it wud be great to have access to US stocks, since we live in more global world than ever before
There are 7 columns in ‘Positions’ tab
Product, Instrument, Qty., Avg. LTP, P&L, Chg.
Is it possible to allow trader to choose which one to keep and which one to hide ?
e.g. if trader want to hide P&L column, Can you pl help with that ?
Awesome feature. It is an essential one. Thanks for this innovative feature.
Nice One….
Kindly Request to add Algo Feature to Kite. Already You and Your Team has done so beautiful Work by Incorporating TradingView Chart, why not add your Brokerage House or Tie Up with TradingView so that we can directly trade from Trading View. Streak is good but semi-auto so if we want to have fully auto then we have to depend on other Vendors.
Dear sir, Good morning. i have not understand some features . i want talk through mobile understanding . can you provide your any master person contact
this is something BET365 has too on their tool
Looks great,
And one more thing, How can we save drawings to cloud.
like trend line and support, resistance levels for stocks to refer in future.
I could see there only option to save indicators template but unable to save trend lines of particular stock.
Good idea, as long as the control always remains with the trader/investor, especially when it comes to automatically disabling trading, which would be very unfair to a user trying to rebalance their positions by closing old ones and replacing them with new ones to manage losses in a drawdown situation.
very good initiative for retail traders! will help them reduce losses. nudge is proving to be a very beneficial tool as it warns you when ur about to take trades in penny stocks. thanks a lot for this!
brokerage charges so high
Why are the security transaction tax charges so much high for equity delivery trade than in intraday trades
Now That’s a feature worthy of being present in the Numero uno trading platform. Good work and Thank you.
Just the required thing for new FNO traders! Nice Job Zerodha..Could’ve introduced a little early though hahah..
sir hindi me dijiye ye msg.thanks
Keep options for disable time, like for how long we want to disable trading.
Then this will be a fantastic tool
If this feature has come up in last year, i would still be a part of market today and may be I havent created my life into trouble and trap into debt even being a CA
Great Initiative 🙂
Nice to see Zerodha taking such investor friendly initiatives.
Thank You 😊
Addition of this feature and the future extension is a brilliant example of ‘Whats good for the investor might not be good for the customer and vice-versa’
Hi Nitin, this is a really nice feature for trader. For people who have holding, what’s is the equivalent of trailing stoploss in zerodha ? I know CDSL 2FA kills the deal. Are there any plans to build it ?
Just awesom !!!
Great idea to stay away and needs break somedays to avoid such a huge loss , it will help to all thanks team Z
Nithin I think you should enable this for a pre defined TP as well. So many traders complain that their pre noon profits evaporate to zero by evening.
Can you please release the date for the launch of this feature? Awaiting reply ,thanks
This feature is live now, Fahed.
As described above “To use the Kill Switch and deactivate trading, visit Console -> Accounts -> Segments.”
The Kill Switch feature is not showing on my account console.
please help me to activate the kill switch feature.
Hey Abhishek, just enable or disable a segment on the Console Segments page. Whenever you disable a segment, it acts as a Kill Switch for that segment.
I think the kill switch facility has not been introduced as yet, I could not find it.
Thanks sir
Capital protection and protection of profit is what is needed the most..
1. A feature that does not allow you to risk more than a certain % of the Captial at a given point it time. So new trader should not be allowed to expose and risk all of the available capital
2. A set % of target in every trade eg 25-30% in options, 20k-40k per lot of future to be auto locked and auto trailed there after… Traders loose when they don’t lock or book profits and then positive trades turn to losses due to greed.
3. Similarly a min% of target should be fixed assuming atleast 1:2 risk to reward, esle that is not a good trade
4. Once a trader reaches a certain % of profit on the starting coaitla for a month, 60% of the profit should be locked and 40% of profit and not capital should be aalowed to be risked for newre trades… This resets on start of new expiry. This will allow not to loose and go overboard once someone names good profits and eliminates the risk of losing the profits earned or even more
All of these can also be manually applied, but human tendency needs rules to tackle it in a smart way
Prien Jobalia (PJ)
Hey Prien, we agree with you.
1. This is on our to-do list.
2. Hmmm… Will pass this on to the dev team to consider feasibility. Right now, you can set a target and stoploss for every order with GTTs.
3. Nudge will soon start warning you for this.
4. On our to-do list.
I have trying to apply kill switch, but it is not showing like you have mentioned in video.
What is the error you’re seeing?
Great initiatives….
Can u gays launch some scanner..pop up or something.. where traders will come to know immediately about the stocks crossing 200 DMA,weekly high,crosssing resistance or something like that…
So that it would be easier for the traders to grab the right stock at right time…
Hey Vijay, check out the Scanner by Streak.
Can you provide a checklist popup.
Like when one is about to place an order then checklist can pop up asking a person whether his trade is as per the plan.
This would even solve over trading issue and a trader would improve in his winnings atleast not by taking unnecessary trades.
This is on our to-do list for Nudge, Nirav. While we may not show an actual checklist for every order, we’ll do something along these lines.
Great feature once implemented fully. Much awaited feature. I have been using cold turkey software to block, but is not as precise and powerful as this once implemented.
This is already live, Guru. 🙂
Mus awaited feature. Thanks team.
Can you people provide a nudge for scrips brought from Smallcases? Sometimes it happens that I have some quantity of a share and bought another quantity of same shares from smallcases. At some point of time I exit all the quantities of that share, which disturbs the smallcase portfolio. Oned should get nudge when existing (or buying more) shares of a small case portfolio.
This is a wonderful suggestion! Even I face a similar challenge.
I fully endorse your views. Smallcase and non-smallcase items should not be mixed up though same scrip may find a place under both categories.
Yes Dinesh, tags will take care of this soon.
Can you please make a different tab or something like that to differentiate long term trades and swing trades. I’ll be of much help to a bigger chunk of retail invertors.
Tags will help in this differentiation soon, Satish.
Waiting for this feature.
Pls make it a different page/section itself like 1.Holding – INVESTMENT 2. Holding – SHORT TERM 3. holding – DAY/BTST.
that will really help a lot, when the script in holding are above 50 its really difficult to search the one; even having search option.
Can you guys please provide the feature of combining 2 or more position in one bucket/folder where we can put target or stoploss on the total PnL of the bucket/folder instead of doing it in each leg. This is easily doable via kite connect but just for this, paying the monthly subscription is too much. Option sellers and buyers who deploy spreads, strangles, straddle need will love to o have this feature of sq off in combined PnL.
Yes, this is on our to-do list for tags.
Nice Forward move. Kindly implement at the earliest.
Sir , one problem i have been fasing is whenever I put Oder of exit the share price at upper or lower price its automatically exit the stock at market price in instant then I have to get position again and my profit goes in taxes .
Hey Tej, If you’re placing a sell limit order for a price lower than the market price, or a buy limit order above market price, the order will get filled at the market price. That is how limit orders work. They execute at the best price. Use SL/SLM orders instead. Read more here.
Can zeodha incorporate in watch list premarket top 20 stocks for ease of traders.
In zerodha streak scanner, you can already do it, scan scrips based on pre-market price along with other conditions
Do I have to manually activate the segment ? Or it will automatically activate next day??
You’ll have to manually enable the segment when you’re ready to trade again. 🙂
Handy feature for beginners and experts alike. Appreciate it.
Is there a way we can earmark the funds available in Kite as strictly for ‘Trading’ and ‘Investment’ ? This would greatly help so we dont constantly eat up money from the investment bucket when trading.
Wonderful suggestion
Very Good and confidence building
I would request to CEO, kindly add this feature also ‘Trading’ and ‘Investment’ amounts in different segments, just like current feature ‘Equity’ and ‘Commodity’
Hey Abhishek, while it isn’t possible to segregate funds right now, we’ll consider this for some time in the future.
Understand at the end of the day what matters is how you manage your money.
Would really be helpful if this feature is available to segregate the amount available for Investment and Trading.
This would help traders and investors also to reduce the number of Demat accounts they have.
The possibility of a turnover increase in Zerodha is also high. It becomes a win-win situation for all.
Great, and please don’t forget to provide an option to switch the funds in both the section so that what ever we earn in trading can switch in investing and if there is no opportunity for the investing or investing target has completed then one can use remaining amount in trading.
i am also looking fot this feature…
currently i have pledged my longterm share and i am happy that its not on kite app so my trading and longterm share wont mixup
This is on our to-do list, Karthik.
Good suggestion Karthik, even better would be if each scrip can be allowed to be marked as “trading” or “investing” or short / long term
You can do this with he help of tags which is an existing feature in Kite/Console.
I will not say keeping two separate funds but keep a section where we can mark our positions as investments which will not be visible with our trading positions.
Agree, this should be added.
Yes absolutely agree with you.
Just as we have separate section for Mutual Funds .. in same way there has to be partition between trading and investment also so we can identity our trading limits easily.
Yes. I also thought of this many times. Trading portfolio and investment portfolio should be different. We can have 2 separate accounts for them but handling two accounts will not be easy. That’s why having separate funds for trading and investing will be a great option.
There have been many threads on this, but Zerodha just keeps saying it is in their road map. Hearing this since the past so many years. Their road map keeps adding milestones, but not the feature most asked by customers.
Its a great suggession.
Your thinking of eating from your investments is the reason for your failure in day trading. Think of profit profit profit always.
Pending share market Rate par buy Nahi ho raha
Awesome Feature
Good Morning
After going though the details I recalled that I was precisely thinking on such a utility. I am using quants app. It has the utility since beginning. Though it is not a trading platform. It gives a good aspect in decision making.
Thanks a lot..Very good effort.
Suhas Kalgutkar
Mob 9561133337
Very good
Very nice.
kill switch a new nudge get help a new trader . it get helpful to minimize greed and fear,
thank you for your initiative.
Its really good …
Help us tremendously
Hope that further modifications will come soon…
Define the maximum order and position sizes for every instrument must needed.
Good initiative. But please keep the time period 24 hours at least (or let the user choose the time period).
One should be able to deactivate the previous evening itself. Rather than wait for the next morning and then deactivate trading for that day. Because once you open the computer in the morning, you will be tempted to trade…
12 hrs helps us not to miss the next day 9.15 am. Just a round figure number.
12 hours is only helpful when you are already trading and want to stop. But if you want to take a complete day’s break from trading, you need the 24-hour functionality (wherein you can deactivate previous evening itself).
A complete day’s break from trading is a very useful thing. It helps to recalibrate the mind, and you come back to trading refreshed. It may even end your losing streak.
With 12-hour functionality you’ll have to deactivate in morning only. That means you will open your computer before 9.15 am, log in to Kite, get tempted to trade, drop your plan to take a day’s break, start trading again… vicious cycle.
Even a 16-hour functionality can do the trick. You can deactivate for the entire next day around midnight, before going to sleep.
Perfect! A must-have feature for a your trading software. It also shows that Zerodha really cares about their customers and are not just focusing on maximising their brokerage. Kudos!
When you will offer Kill Switch based on day loss?