Tax reports at Zerodha
As a trader, it’s extremely important to file your taxes, regardless of whether you made a profit or loss. Most people assume that just because they’ve made losses, it’s not necessary to file taxes, but that’s a mistake—you may get a notice from the Income Tax Department regardless of that. We also understand that filing your taxes can seem complicated, so we’ve built reports on Console to make this as easy as possible.
Here’s a brief overview of the various reports on Console and how they can help you in filing your taxes.
Tax profit and loss (P&L) statement
1. Your tax P&L report gives you a breakup of:
- Speculative equity intraday trades.
- Non-speculative F&O trades.
- Capital gains from delivery trades.
- Charges, taxes, and net gains or losses.
2. The tax P&L report also includes a tradewise P&L for all segments, including a provision for grandfathering long term capital gains (LTCG) on equity and equity mutual fund investments made on or before January 31, 2018. Tradewise P&L contains all the information you need to report long term transactions under Section 112A in your ITR.
3. In 2019, a tax on all buybacks was introduced and profits from buybacks are no longer taxed in the hands of the investors. So all buybacks trades are shown separately in the tradewise P&L so that the profits from all buybacks can be reduced from the total short term capital gains.
4. The tax P&L report also contains scripwise and tradewise computations of the turnover as per Section 44AB, which can be used to determine if a tax audit is required.
5. All the dividends for the previous financial year are shown separately. Dividends have to be filed under the income from other sources head in your ITR.
6. All the charges and credits that are not part of your contract notes are shown on a separate sheet as other debits and credits. To know what are other debits and credits, see What do ‘Other credits & debits’ in the Console P&L report mean?
How to download your tax P&L statement?
To download the tax P&L, follow these steps:
- Visit console.zerodha.com/dashboard
- Click Reports and then Tax P&L.
- Select the Financial year (FY) and the period (quarterly or annually).
- Click on the arrow button.
- Click on Download Tax P&L report for all segments to download tax P&L the report.
Other reports that can help you when filing taxes
Tax P&L reports are generated based on all the data we have on trades, corporate actions, and stocks transferred in and out of Zerodha at the time of generating the report. The accuracy of the reports can also be verified by comparing contract notes, tradebook, and the funds statement.
To make things easier, we allow contract notes for up to 1 year to be downloaded in one go. Contract notes can be downloaded up to a year at a time.
Contract notes include all the trades executed on a particular day. They contain a breakdown of all the charges incurred for the transactions. To download contract notes, follow the steps below:
- Visit console.zerodha.com/dashboard.
- Click Reports and select Contract note under statement.
- Select Report type as PDF, XML etc.
- Select a Date range .
- Select Category and Trade type.
- Click on E-mail and the contract note will be sent to the registered email address. The password for the contract note is the account holder’s PAN number in capital letters.
The Tradebook contains all the trades executed in a particular segment for a particular period.
To download the tradebook, follow the steps below:
- Visit console.zerodha.com/dashboard.
- Click on Reports and then Tradebook.
- Select the Segment.
- Select the date range and click on the arrow button.
- The Tradebook can be downloaded in XLSX or CSV format by clicking beside the Download button.
You can see the statement of all your transactions along with your billing details with Zerodha in the Funds Statement available on Console.
To download your funds statement, follow the steps below:
- Click on Funds.
- Click on Statement.
- Select the segment (Equity or Commodity).
- Select the date range and click on the arrow button.
- You can download the statement in XLSX/CSV format by clicking on them.
How to file your taxes?
We understand that filing taxes can seem complex and people need assistance. We’ve written an entire module on taxation when trading and investing on Zerodha Varsity. We’ve also partnered with Quicko to make the filing of taxes easy.
We recently recorded a webinar with Quicko on how to file your taxes. The webinar has a detailed walkthrough on how to file taxes, common queries about taxation, audit applicability, AIS, taxes on gifting, and more. Please do check it out.
You can also download the glyde app by Quicko to file your taxes easily.
Here are some things to remember while filing your taxes for FY2021-22
- The last date to file your ITR is July 31, 2022.
- Income from various trading and investing activities has to be reported under the ITR head as mentioned in the table below:
- In case you have only traded equities on a delivery basis resulting in capital gains, you can use the ITR 2 to file your returns.
- If you have traded equity on intraday basis and F&O resulting in business income, you will have to use the ITR 3 or 4 to file your returns.
By what time of the day after the end of normal trading hours is the tax P&L report updated with current day’s buy / sell transactions?
Thank you.
Hi Deep, it is currently updated at midnight or between two and three in the morning, we’d request you to check the report the following morning.
If my zerodha account is inactive and I need tax p&l for f&O income calculation how to download
Hi Piyush, in case you have closed your account, you can request Tax P&L report by creating a ticket here. If the account isn’t closed, you can login to Console and download the report as explained in the article linked earlier.
I recently received a response concerning the confirmation or revision of my refund claim under section 194H. However, I have been unable to locate any generated worksheet in the pending actions section. I recheck AIS ,FORM 16 and 26 AS but didn’t get any thing related to 194 H Could you please assist me in accessing the necessary documents or provide further guidance on the next steps?
The tax P&L, Equity sheet shows all of these Brokerage, SEBI Charges, SGST, IGST, CGST, Stamp Duty, STT and Exchange Transaction Charges, etc as o. I see others have asked this as well, and you’ve mentioned you are working on it. By when can we expect to get updated Tax P&L statement with scripwise tax details so that we can file itr directly
When we download the Tax P&L there are 3 files received in zip Tax P&L 1) taxpnl-2023_2024-Q1-Q4 2)Tradewise Exits from 2023-04-01 to 2024-03-31-F&O 3)Tradewise Exits from 2023-04-01 to 2024-03-31-Equity. The Turnover for F&O in Taxpnl file does not match with the turnover from Tradewise Exits file. The trade wise exit files need to be upload while filing ITR and hence the turnover should match. This would also indicate on if we need Audit or not. Please check and correct. This is the query most of the zerodha uses in my connections have. We have started raising tickets, but they are still trying to figure out on what to respond
The tax P&L, Equity sheet shows all of these Brokerage, SEBI Charges, SGST, IGST, CGST, Stamp Duty, STT and Exchange Transaction Charges as Zero. Why are these columns shown 0 ?
Hi, we’re working on adding scripwise charges.
Hello Team! I had to close my zerodha account because of Employer’s policy. Can you please tell me how can I still download my Tax PnL statement for FY 23-24 or Kindly help email to me directly.
Hi Vandana, you can request for Tax P&L report by creating a ticket here.
Oh yes, your customers need Pax P & L in a CSV format that maps to the Schedule112ADtls provided by Income Tax Department. Its the most basic thing you can and MUST do ASAP as its going to help your customers file their returns without spending hours on trying to figure out a way to get those details input in 112A. How can you call yourself TECH company – you have so far been missing this suitable download for years now!
I want to know whether the back end team thinks the customers who are requesting for TAX PnL statement in CSV format as ITR’S TEMPLATES are fools? Inspite of so many requests, why is the back end team not replying or responding? If the back end team is not having this expertise, better the resign and so their replacement staff will do the needful.
After reading my mail and if the back end team has any self respect, they should release the required format in 24 hours.
Hi Ganesh, we’re getting this checked. You will have an update on your ticket.
How to find out qtr wise segregation of Tax P&L as desired to be filled in itr 2.
Zerodha Tax P&L statement on equity is after indexation ? I do not see that in the statement ? Please clarify
Tax P&L is in .xslx format while the income tax portal needs a CSV file. This is very basic stuff. Zerodha please get your house in order
In Tax PnL why charges for Delivery and Intraday trades are combined ? How to segregate these charges into delivery and intra-day?
I am facing issues in filing my ITR because of this. Kindly resolve this issue ASAP
Hi Anurag, we’re working on adding trade wise charges. We’ll keep you posted on it. However, cannot provide a timeline at this moment.
In Tax P/L why charges for Delivery and Intraday trades are combined ? How to segregate these charges into delivery and intra-day?
Hi Garv, making tradewise charges available on Console is on our list of things to do. We’re working on it and will keep you posted. However, cannot provide a timeline at this moment.
Dear Zerodha Team,
I have a doubt about PL amount in “Tax P/L/ Console” page vs “P/L/ Console” page
For financial year 2023-24 (till the date)
1. P/L Console page displays : Realised P&L = +2.39L , Unrealised P&L = +16.95k
2. Tax P/L/ Console page displays “Short term realized profit” = +2.71L , “Long term realized profit” = -19.53k, Intraday turnover = 77.36k, Total charges = 14.45k
My Tax P/L = 2.71L (STCG) – 19.53k (LTCG) = + 2.52L
But My Realised P&L = +2.39L
1. My 1st question is which amount is taxable ?
a. 2.71L (STCG) – 19.53k (LTCG) or
b. My Realised P&L = +2.39L
2. My 2nd question is if my realised PL is just +2.39L , why should I pay tax for a bigger value (2.71L (STCG) – 19.53k (LTCG)) ?
Thanks in anticipation,
Realised P&L = +2.19L
Total Charges = 2.46L
Net Realized P & L = -27.18k
Please let me know should I disclose as Profit or loss while filing ITR. Most of my profit drain because of charges.
This is very annoying. The tax statement format zerodha is providing is of no use. Please provide it in CSV format as requested.
Hi Guru, the Tax P&L report is provided in Excel format itself. Could you please share more details about your query at support.zerodha.com? We’ll check and assist you with it.
Can you please provide the Tax P&L statement in the format exactly similar to Form 112A of ITR which needs to be uploaded by us while filing Capital Gains?
This will be of great help if provided by Zerodha.
From the tax pnl report I can see that profit in fno is Rs 21000, but the charges paid for them(including brokerage, stt etc) is 19000. So, on what amount i have to pay tax. Is it 21000 or 19000. kindly clarify.
Hi Sujit, you can post all taxation related queries here.
I have salary of 2000000, STCG 5000, LTCG 80000, Intraday loss 4000
1: Can I fill ITR2, If I am ok not to carry forward Intraday loss of 4000
Hi Prem, you can post all questions related on taxation here.
Can the Profit and Loss statement of financial year 2021-2022 be provided for closed accounts as well?
Hi Sai, you can request for all reports for a closed account by creating a ticket on support.zerodha.com.
this is the error – Error processing group job request.
do we need to show or deduct the following:
SEBI Turnover Fees – Z
Exchange Transaction Charges – Z
Integrated GST – Z
Securities Transaction Tax – Z
Stamp Duty – Z
Brokerage – Z
Other Charges
Other Credits & Debits
(DP charges, amc charges etc)
From where we do show the above charge or deduct from which head
Hello,till current fy ie 2022-23 i have mentioned / shall mention LTCG and STCG in ITR. I have also mentioned F@o profit under presumptive taxation. Since 2023-24 my number of transactions will be much more. Can i replace stcg with business income? I mean can i show ltcg and business income, no stcg. Are there any rules/ conditions for switching from stcg to business income for the same work of buying and selling shares on delivery basis only number of transactions will increase?
Hi Mahesh, you can post taxation related queries on our forum: tradingqna.com
Hi, I want to know that, if my PnL from options is 10000 and out of this charges are 4000 and net realized PnL is 6000. So the income tax will be charged on PnL Or Net realized PnL.
Hi Sujit, you can post tax-related queries on our forum TradingQnA.
My turnover for fno trading is 34.88 crore earlier with losses of 38 lakh earlier. After icai new update turnover is 1.63 crore. Earlier I required tax audit and can file itr3 upto 30 SEP 2022 for losses to carry forward.
Now for turnover 1.63 crore with 38 lakh loss I haven’t need tax audit, but for losses to carry forward itr has to file before due date(31.07.2022).
I already file ITR1 before due date, can I file revise itr3 now for losses to carry forward.
The contract notes generated in xls format are always downloaded as corrupted files. Been following up with zeordha support for months. They dont want to help!
Hey Swapnil, sorry to hear this. Having this checked. You’ll have an update on the ticket.
I traded on f/o ,toun over is 50 L,
Am I need to pay IT ,or no
is it possible to get p&l statement month wise in pdf format from console???
Hey Bijoy, from Console you can download the statements in CSV format and convert to PDF by following the process given here.
Hi, I am a house wife. I trade in options. My loss is 1.5 lakhs. But my turnover is 1.2 crores. I put only 2 lakhs. But the turnover is 1.2 crores. Why should I file the tax
I have open demat account. But no fund is added due to account payment issues. I have not done any trading or investment yet. Should I file tax return.
Hi There,
I have a loss incurred in 2019. I have not included it in the tax filing. Can I go back and file it and carry forward my losses?
Thank you Zerodha and Team for integrating with Quicko.
It was super quick to fetch all details from income tax portal and Zerodha. We can easily update details if required and validate.
Best part it is completely free.
This is with respect to Short Term Trades records shown in the “Tax P&L report” downloaded from Console.
Is the ‘Realized P&L’ amount shown in this report excluding the charges for Total of SEBI Charges, SGST, IGST, CGST, Stamp Duty, STT, Exchange Transaction Charges?
OR, do I have to deduct these from ‘Realized P&L’ when reporting the actual P&L while filing ITR?
Is best option
As per my trade book I have sold 1900 shares on 02-02-2022 (cdsl statement date;04-02-2022) =. But as per the AIS report only 260 shares are showing. what may be the reason.
It is surprising to see the childish work of Quicko in filing itr3. I paid the desired fee for filing my ITR3. I asked them to send me the JSON file to verify.
I was shocked to see the filled ITR3 as there were so many errors in it.
Lastly to see their poor knowledge in ITR filing, I was compelled to forgo the charges paid to QUICKO and hired some other agency.
The schedule meeting for 30 minutes and expect to complete filing of so complicated ITR3.
So, it is my sincere advice not to go to such horrible agency who do not know abc of Income Tax.
In futurei It is going to create bad name also to Zerodha who are involving QUICKO for filing of ITR.
Hi Santosh, that does not seem right, it’s not the experience our users vouch for. Can you please share your email & order id on [email protected] so that we can look it and make sure all your concerns are addressed?
Can i set off F&O or equity losses of earlier years which were not reported against current year’s profits?
Thank you.
Sir, both my divident income & TDs on divident are not showing in tax portal. What may be the reason?
Team quick is chargeable?
We need capital gain details in 5 different time frames than 4 quaters you guys are providing. Why can’t you provide that which is actually useful
मैं nifty, bank nifty मैं F&O trade करता हूं, मुझे ITR की जानकारी नहीं है ZERODHA मेरा ITR FILE कर सकता हैं जो CHARGE होगा मैं pay कर दूंगा,
Is the STCG profit from the buy back of TCS tax free?. If yes, should we mention it somewhere in the tax filing?
should we deduct the total charges and other credits/debits from the profits to get the taxable profit? or is the entire profits only without deductions?
i have STCL Rs. 6500 in shares, Intraday Loss Rs. 550 in shares and loss in Options trading Rs. 251000 around with turnover of Rs. 1.20 Crores. my income from other business is Rs. 200000. Please tell do i need Audit by CA ? if yes under which section & clause ?
Hi Arun, like we talk about tax audit in the webinar above it is applicable u/s 44AB if:
1. Turnover > 10Cr
2. Turnover < 2 cr 2a) Profits < 6% of turnover 2b) Taxable Income above basic exemption (2.5 lacs) 2c) opted out of the presumptive scheme in the preceding 5 years However, it's always up to the user to opt-in or opt-out of the tax audit
Send My statement
Hey Avinash, you can download your tax P&L statement from Console. We’ve explained how to in the article above.
I am not sure about Buybacks being shown separately
….. ( 3. In 2019, a tax on all buybacks was introduced and profits from buybacks are no longer taxed in the hands of the investors. So all buybacks trades are shown separately in the tradewise P&L so that the profits from all buybacks can be reduced from the total short term capital gains. )
Please check
I am not a trader. My income is STCG /LTCG only. However I have only one intra day transaction having profit of Rs. 1000/- (speculative income). Is it OK if I file ITR-2 by including trading profit in STCG.?
Mera khata kholane me madad Karo
Hey Duryodhan, we have explained the account opening process here. You can create a ticket at support.zerodha.com if you need any assistance.
I am not an active trader but I had traded some times so it is necessary to file itr return
Hi Om, it is always a good practice to file your ITR and report all your financial activities to avoid scrutiny. In case you have income below the basic exemption limit, you won’t have any tax liability.
How to get dividend report
Hey, a dividend report for your stock holdings is available in the tax P&L statement.
I have loss in equity and option trading. So I have to file return for that?
HI Sunil, you should file your ITR on time and report all your losses to carry them forward and set off against future profits.
how to verify the data given in AIS with your data.they given data from cdsl under the head purchase and sale of secutities value.what are the corresponding figures in your report?there is no head of expenditure,in Ais,how can we arrive the net profit figure with out expenditure heading
I have loss intraday(RS -2300), short term( rs -482) and options(-44k) .
No capital gains
My option turnover is 42lakh
I am a student .
Please verify the ITR filing is necessary in my case?
Hi Vishal, it’s always a good practice to file your ITR before the due date and report all your financial situations. You’ll also be able to carry forward the losses to set off against future gains.
It wii still be easier if quarterly break up of the expenses given as required in ITR return.
Hey Anil, you can also download the Tax P&L report separately for each quarter from Console. The process is the same as explained above.
I have Short term capital gain in 4 time periods and short term capital loss in 5th one. How to show or where to fill up this amount of loss?
When I was filling return, asked what to do about the shares traded (in intraday) and holdings lying on my demate. They told, if it is so then filing charge will be more & u will need to bring reports regarding this which your brocker will provide u. Then told let’s check and confirm u whether to do that or not and then after checking said u need not to that. Now, pls. guide me regarding this.
Hi Ashish, you should always report all your financial activities when filing your ITR to avoid any scrutiny in the future.
My yearly income is less than 2 lakh
Do i still need to file itr
Hey Saroj, if your gross total income for a year is less than INR 2,50,000 then you don’t need to file ITR. However, it is always a good practice to file your ITR. In your case, the total income is less than the basic exemption limit you can file a Nil return.
मै एक सरकारी कर्मचारी हूं और ITR1 भर चुका हूॅ। मुझे जानकारी नही थी की घाटा होने पर भी ITR भरना होता है और सबसे बङी गलती की मैने F&O मे बङा घाटा खाया है मेरा टर्न आवर भी करौली मे पहुच गया। कृप्या कोई उचित समाधान बतायें।
Hi, you can file a revised return and report your losses.
I am a central govt servant and my turn over more than cr overall i booked a big loss.
In this situation, am i a gilty or punishable.
Please tell me
Can revised return filled now means after due date for reporting losses and carry forward if earlier only Itr1 file before due date
Very useful information and great learning from the audio. I got confidence that I can on my own file ITR which otherwise I felt it was very tedious procedure. Yours is very simple way of teaching, sir.
Thank you very much. You are great and Zerodha is also great.
How to show loss from the currency trading? Which ITR form?
Hi Smit, currency trading is considered a non-speculative business income and ITR 3 would be applicable.
Here is an article that you might find useful – https://learn.quicko.com/income-tax-trading
My demat account is closed,how to I get my reports and tradebook
Hey Jitendra, you can get all the reports by creating a ticket at: http://support.zerodha.com.
Is it possible for Zerodha to file ITR on behalf of their clients as they have all the informations with them? Zerodha may charge some reasonable amount for this.
If so, pl. let me know.
You are sending the reports at the eleventh hour. These reports should have been sent at least one month back. So that it would be useful for filing the ITR returns. We hope you will take care of our opinion.
A report in format required by ncome Tax Department would have been so very useful. they ask for the following details
Share/Unit acquired(1a)
ISIN Code(2)
Name of the Share/Unit(3)
No. of Shares/Units(4)
Sale-price per Share/Unit(5)
Full Value of Consideration(Total Sale Value)(6) = 4 * 5
Cost of acquisition without indexation(7)
Cost of acquisition(8)
If the long term capital asset was acquired before 01.02.2018(9)
Fair Market Value per share/unit as on 31st January 2018(10)
Total Fair Market Value of capital asset as per section 55(2)(ac)(11) = 4 * 10
Expenditure wholly and exclusively in connection with transfer(12)
Total deductions(13) = 7 + 12 Balance(14) = 6 – 13
In a tabular form in their CSV file dowloadable from Income Tax website while filing the ITR-3
I would like to add……
Required all the details for Income Tax Return Filing could not be found from the back office / reports. If you refer to the enclosed CSV / Excel Sheet that I have downloaded from Income Tax office asking for details under Schedule 112A in my ITR-3, you will see that such detail is very difficult to get. Therefor kindly guide me how to get these details from your consolidated / global / annual / or / P&L reports.
How to get csv report from zerodha
The newsletter in email message received today, should have been sent to the clients long ago after the Tax P&L was ready and available for downloads. Some of the details are not accurate such as Dividends. Further, if the charges, which are to be deducted from the profits should be shown separately and the net gains to be shown in for IT purposes should be shown in the different segments, such as Intraday, STCG, LTCG, etc for the benefits of the clients. Request the Zerodha team to be more accurate in the data and presentation.
Anyways, whatever the team Zerodha has already done for their clients are highly appreciable and great. Keep up the good work. There is always scope for further improvements.
Could the broker do the ITR filing for their clients according to the information available with them by charging some reseonable amount? If so, plse inform me.
Example- My STCG is 50k and expenses in connection to transfer is 1k excluding STT.
So, net STCG- 49k
How do I find the STCG(excluding expenses) for different 5 date ranges?
On the Tax P&L dashboard, does the numbers under STCG/LTCG/intraday profit are after the deduction of charges for the trades.
Hey Praveen, the STCG, LTCG, and intraday profit numbers are excluding charges. While filing ITR the charges have to be reported separately. Hence the charges in the Tax P&L statement are shown separately.
Is it mandatory to show exempt income in ITR No.2 ?
Hi Chandrakant, you should always report all your incomes in your ITR.
There is difference in Buy & Sell value compared to your report to the report uploaded to AIS.In Holding Statment particularly Invested value figure are misleading compared to previous financial year. Even same report of even date differs with Daily invested value of Kite. As a leading Brokerage firm accuracy is not taken care. Please look into mathematical part.
Hey Ganpati, please create a ticket at http://support.zerodha.com so that our team can check and assist.
In TaxPnL the scripwise charges not matching with summary .Further in many cases intraday, short term & longterm charges not mentioned scripwise separately.It is having zero values. It shows sorry state of affairs with Zerodha.Naam bada darshan thoda.Sadak chhap companies giving scripwise charges and vlean tax pnL reports whereas zerodha not able to hive despite many reminders.It us high time to change your broker.
Hey Pramod, please create a ticket at http://support.zerodha.com so that our team can check and assist.
Tax p&l for short term capital gains how much tax will be charged on that
In the case of Listed Equity shares where STT is paid, the STCG rate would be 15%. Here an article you might find helpful – https://learn.quicko.com/equity-share-trading-income-tax-treatment
These reports are really helpful in filing the returns. However, the dividend received report is still having errors and it is not matching with the bank statement or the AS26 report or AIS reports. I have reported this many years back but no improvement
I had duplicate entries in equity dividend tab. Also mutual fund dividends are not captured in the report.
I concur. The dividend report contains duplicate entries. Having to do a manual check takes away the benefit of a well-prepared report. Request if the errors can be rectified.
Looks like everyone is facing the issue; would be great if someone in Zerodha takes this up on priority.
Hey Sid, please create a ticket at http://support.zerodha.com so that our team can check and assist.
Hey Prashant, please create a ticket at http://support.zerodha.com so that our team can check and assist.
Hey Vishnu, please create a ticket at http://support.zerodha.com so that our team can check and assist.
I agree with Krishnam above. A quarterly breakup as required in ITR filing can be introduced for STCG, LTCG and for Dividends. More so for STCG & LTCG. It would be a great feature to see in the Tax PnL as it would make the filing so much more seamless
Hey Yashaswi, you can also download a separate Tax P&L report for each quarter from Console, the process remains the same.
In addition to each quarter, if you could provide Tax P&L statement based on advance tax due dates (ie.15th of June, Sep, Dec & March) will be very helpful.
While Filling ITR2
It expects to fill the STCG/LTCG/Dividend received in five different time frame having that information in the same report already calculated will turn out to be very helpful.
Yes… timeframe of 5 different ranges are to be tabulated by our selves … If zerodha can provide tabulated sheet with those 5different ranges that would be praiseworty … otherwise it takes 5to6hours of rigorous checking by ourselves …. Expect response from Zerodha
How can I get consolidated statement of long/short term gain/loss of financial year 2021…2022
Hey Anil, you can download the Tax P&L statement from Console. This will have all the details. We’ve explained the process for downloading the report in the post, above.
Hey Anil, you can download the Tax P&L report from Console by following the process given above. This includes all the details.
I have need of my capital gains statement for income tax return for 2021-22.
My account number is AZ3709.
Hey Mohan, you can download the Tax P&L statement from Console. We’ve explained the process above.
Should we show the mutual fund in coin application, in ITR filing??
Is it compulsory to show?
I have loss intraday(RS -2300), short term( rs -482) and options(-44k) .
No capital gains
My option turnover is 42lakh
I am a student .
Please verify the ITR filing is necessary in my case?
please file it , because next time if you will be in profit you can minus your loss from it for taxable income it is called as loss carry forward
Hey folks, it’s always a good practice to file your ITR and report all your financial activities. With everything being linked to Aadhaar and various partnerships with CBDT, ITD has more visibility. Now, if you have taxable income below the exemption limit, you won’t have any tax liability. As Gaurav mentioned, you won’t be able to carry forward the losses to set off against future incomes without reporting them when filing your ITR on time.
My turnover for fno trading is 34.88 crore earlier with losses of 38 lakh earlier. After icai new update turnover is 1.63 crore. Earlier I required tax audit and can file itr3 upto 30 SEP 2022 for losses to carry forward. Now for turnover 1.63 crore with 38 lakh loss I haven’t need tax audit, but for losses to carry forward itr has to file before due date(31.07.2022). I already file ITR1 before due date, can I file revise itr3 now for losses to carry forward.