Author: Pranav


Maths made the modern world

The modern world is a mathematical achievement. This is the story of the minds – Fibonacci, Pacioli, Fermat and more – that guided us here.

Senior writer at Zerodha
27 Jun 2024

Financephobic #2: To live is to gamble

You’re always gambling. You make decisions you can’t understand for a future you can’t predict. There’s no getting around this. And if you’re already gambling, might as well learn how to do it well.

Senior writer at Zerodha
03 May 2024

It’s the economy, stupid! 2 slow 2 sedate

With a strong economy and falling inflation, RBI keeps rates where they are. Automobiles don’t sell, services exports fall, but power generation stays robust. And more.

Senior writer at Zerodha
10 Apr 2024

China’s Unreal Estate

In the final instalment of our China series, we trace the journey of the country’s real estate industry – from its heady rise to its sudden crash – and how China is trying to emerge from the ashes.

Senior writer at Zerodha
19 Mar 2024