P2P Platforms: What you need to know as a lender as well as a borrower

I have a friend whose family lends money to local stores at interest rates ranging from 24% to 40% per annum. While this return may seem like a great return on investment, the reality is quite different. The risk of shop owners defaulting or delaying payments is high, which can significantly reduce the actual returns. […]

Personal Finance, Varsity
22 Aug 2024

Receiving money from your NRI relative? How to use it and its taxation

India is one of the top countries with the largest diaspora residing in nations like the UAE, the US, and Saudi Arabia. We all have that one friend or a relative living abroad who regularly sends money back to India for family maintenance, investments, medical care, education, and more. Such inward remittance is governed by […]

Managing Partner, Victoriam Legalis
14 Jun 2024

Can a Central Bank Devalue its Currency on Purpose?

My politically opinionated father asked me worriedly, “Why has the INR depreciated since the current government took over?” I first said, “Go back a little farther, and you will see that the INR has been depreciating, irrespective of who was running the government.” But is that a bad thing? The words “depreciating” or “falling” INR […]

Content, Zerodha Varsity
24 Apr 2024

Discover Unclaimed Wealth: Shares and Dividends Owned By Your Ancestors

Humour me. Do this exercise. List the names of five people who participated in the share market in the 1980s or 1990s. Then go to the iepf.gov.in website and click on this link Search those five names in the search box provided. (Note: Provide at least the first and last name. Do not get put […]

Head, Fee Only Investment Advisers, a SEBI registered Investment Advisor
13 Apr 2024