Author: Vineet Rajani


How can notional losses hurt in reality?

Did you see this headline last week? Norinchukin Bank, a Japanese bank, is selling $63B worth of US and European Government Bonds. The reason is that the bank wants to stem losses from low-yielding foreign government bonds it has purchased in the aftermath of Covid. But hey, if they held the bonds until maturity, there […]

Content, Zerodha Varsity
26 Jun 2024

Indexing the new age

Electric Vehicles (EVs) are becoming mainstream, and seem to be a stable EV ecosystem emerging in India. NSE Indices recently launched the Nifty EV & New Age Automotive Index to track this space. The “New Age” component in the index name is meant to accommodate any new technologies that might come up in the future.  […]

Content, Zerodha Varsity
20 Jun 2024

Can India Learn From Japan’s Population De-Growth?

An abandoned village is one where no one lives. Throughout history, people have abandoned their villages for various reasons—the threat of wild animals, flooding, dam-building, forest fires, wars, etc. Today, Japan probably has the highest number of abandoned villages.  The most frequently cited reason I found on the internet is Japan’s declining population. As older […]

Content, Zerodha Varsity
12 Jun 2024

What’s the PRC Matrix of Debt Funds?

Debt funds are usually considered to carry lesser risk than equity funds. In fact, many believe that funds cannot give negative returns simply because they invest in debt instruments. However, interest rate risk, liquidity risk, and credit risk are all real risks carried by debt funds. The presence of risk indicates the possibility of a […]

Content, Zerodha Varsity
18 May 2024

Can a Central Bank Devalue its Currency on Purpose?

My politically opinionated father asked me worriedly, “Why has the INR depreciated since the current government took over?” I first said, “Go back a little farther, and you will see that the INR has been depreciating, irrespective of who was running the government.” But is that a bad thing? The words “depreciating” or “falling” INR […]

Content, Zerodha Varsity
24 Apr 2024

Give me some sunshine; give me some capital

My 20-year-old cousin took a fancy to the stock market recently. I would like to take credit for his excitement, given my employment at Zerodha, but I am aware he is just joining the trading wagon with his friends and social media connections. I am glad that he is curious about concepts. He asks me […]

Content, Zerodha Varsity
09 Apr 2024

Underlining the Underlying Exposure

The RBI requires anyone trading in currency derivatives to have an underlying exposure to forex. It seems many market participants were not aware of this. So, the RBI recently reinforced this requirement through a recent circular. The deadline to ensure that users participating in currency derivatives have an underlying exposure was set at 05 April […]

Content, Zerodha Varsity
05 Apr 2024

Why Contribution Profit is a Big Deal?

Let’s say you want to put up a lemonade stand at a college fest. The rent for this stand is 10,000. The cost of making a lemonade with lemon, syrup, soda, and ice is 25. You plan to sell it for 50 per glass. How many lemonades should you sell to make profits or break […]

Content, Zerodha Varsity
16 Feb 2024

Nestle India split its shares. Will MRF ever split?

Nestle India split its stock in a ratio of 1:10 on Jan 05. Each share of a whopping ₹27,000 converted into ten shares of ₹2,700 each. At ₹2,700, the shares became a lot more attractive to a larger set of investors, especially retail investors. The move will perhaps improve the stock’s liquidity. That begs a question – why can’t MRF consider a split?

Content, Zerodha Varsity
05 Jan 2024

What could ruin the party for an all-time high Nifty?

In the blink of an eye, the year 2023 is wrapping up. After gaining about 5.5% in November 2023, the Nifty 50 index is hovering near its all-time high. There will be many bull case scenarios suggesting a rally higher up. But let’s look at the bear case and figure out the factors that can potentially drag the markets down.

Content, Zerodha Varsity
01 Dec 2023

The Dark Side of the Big Fat Indian Wedding

Beti ki shadi se bada baap ka kya farz hota hai? A father’s biggest duty is his daughter’s wedding. Two fathers, one spending ₹2.5 Cr and the other spending ₹6 lacs on their respective daughters’ weddings, make this statement in an episode of Made in Heaven on Prime Video. The show is about big fat […]

Content, Zerodha Varsity
21 Nov 2023

How to forecast the economy? Economic Indicators could help

What are Economic Indicators? A basket of factors that help forecast how an economy will perform in the future. Economic forecasting is used by Businesses to plan investments and operations and estimate performance Investors to adjust portfolio allocations and expected returns Govt and regulators to make policies for the public, businesses, and investors Consumers to […]

Content, Zerodha Varsity
17 Nov 2023

Hope is not a strategy

A few years ago, I came across a microcap real estate stock. It got ownership of hundreds of acres of land parcels in multiple cities as part of a PSU restructuring. The plan was to develop residential and commercial buildings on these land parcels. Given the value of the land it owned, the stock looked […]

Content, Zerodha Varsity
11 Oct 2023

Stock market scams and how to avoid them – How the elderly are scammed?

Remember Yes Bank’s AT1 bonds that were written off when the RBI forced a reorganization of the bank in 2020? Many elderly people lost their retirement savings in AT1s. AT1 bonds are pseudo-equity bonds. They pay higher coupons than regular bonds or FDs. However, when a bank suffers losses, AT1 bonds are the first ones […]

Content, Zerodha Varsity
07 Oct 2023

Stock market scams and how to avoid them – Phishing Trading Accounts

“Click here to win an iPhone for INR 1,000!?” “Your broking account funds are blocked. Click here to update KYC.” “Beware of frauds. Secure your credit card XXXX on this link.” Ever clicked on messages or emails like these? They will usually have a link that will take you to a homoglyph website. A homoglyph […]

Content, Zerodha Varsity
05 Oct 2023

Stock market scams and how to avoid them – Pump and Dump

Several stocks have given 1000% returns within a few months. Who could have predicted that kind of rally for any stock? Hardly anyone. Most rallies are a surprise. However, many people do predict massive gains for various stocks. Several channels and groups on YouTube, WhatsApp, and Instagram make tall predictions. This ₹20 stock will go […]

Content, Zerodha Varsity
04 Oct 2023

Trading Holiday Vs Settlement Holiday

Today, 29 September 2023, is an unusual day in the financial markets. It is a trading day for all financial instruments but a settlement holiday for some. Quarter-end has added to the confusion. Why so? The Government of Maharashtra moved the public holiday for Eid-e-Milad from 28th September to 29th September. So, the Clearing Corporation […]

Content, Zerodha Varsity
29 Sep 2023

How is inflation 6-7% when veggies shot up 50-100%?

A simple Google search of “no tomato recipes” will show a variety of preparations without tomatoes. You could also find a lot of “no onion recipes.” People generally search for such recipes when tomato or onion prices shoot up. Retail inflation was 7.4% in July 2023 and 6.8% in August 2023, mainly driven by food prices, especially […]

Content, Zerodha Varsity
18 Sep 2023

The compounding effect is not linear!

The Nifty 50 Total Returns Index (TRI) delivered a 10.36% CAGR between Mar-08 and Mar-23. ₹1 lakh invested in Mar-08 would have become ₹4.4 lakh in the 15 years through Mar-23. Does that mean, at a 10.36% compounded rate, your investment in Nifty 50 would have grown steadily year after year? Meaning, would your INR […]

Content, Zerodha Varsity
18 Sep 2023