
  • Setting the Right Goals: It Makes All the Difference

    Kulsum Khan on October 16, 2020

    If we had a choice, we would all want to become an overnight success. But unless you win the lottery, it is unlikely that you will become wealthy that quickly. If you are like most traders, it will ta ..

  • Sortino and the Capture Ratios

    Karthik Rangappa on October 15, 2020

    23.1 – The Sortino’s Ratio In this chapter, we will discuss two other ratios related to the mutual fund performance/risk measures, i.e. the Sortino Ratio and the Capture Ratios. These are fairly e ..

  • Curbing a Vengeful Spirit

    Kulsum Khan on October 15, 2020

    Jack has just lost $1000 on a trade that he thought was a sure winner. He’s frustrated and angry. He thinks, “I want revenge.” In the back of his mind, he wants to get even with some ..

  • Take a Break, Relax, and Rejuvenate

    Kulsum Khan on October 15, 2020

    The mind is similar to a muscle. When you go on a long run, for example, you soon run out of energy. You can’t go any farther. Your muscles begin to ache and you need to take a rest and recupera ..

  • Rested, Relaxed, and Ready for the Market Action

    Kulsum Khan on October 15, 2020

    Sometimes success is a matter of making the most of a few key moments. Those hoping to gain acceptance to a prestigious college, for example, must perform well for a few key moments on a standardized ..

  • Mad and Ready for Action

    Kulsum Khan on October 13, 2020

    There are times when everything goes wrong while trading the markets. If you aren’t ready for a barrage of mishaps, however, you may feel frustrated, and if you are tired and worn out, you may e ..

  • Don’t Stress Out: Rest Up During the Holidays

    Kulsum Khan on October 13, 2020

    Today marks the start of the holiday season. During this time of year, many people have extra responsibilities and hassles. There are holiday parties to attend, family obligations, and holiday shoppin ..

  • Riding Through the Downers

    Kulsum Khan on October 13, 2020

    Despite what most people think, there are times when we just aren’t at the top of our game. We try to put on a trade, but our heart just isn’t in it. What do you do when this happens? Do y ..

  • इक्विटी स्कीम (भाग 1)

    Kulsum Khan on October 8, 2020

    9.1 – अक्टूबर 2017  मुझे उम्मीद है कि पिछला अध्याय पढ़कर आप म्यूचुअल फंड की फैक्ट � ..

  • म्यूचुअल फंड फैक्टशीट

    Kulsum Khan on October 8, 2020

    8.1 – म्यूचुअल फंड की दुनिया  पिछले अध्याय में हमने सीखा कि फंड कैसे बनते हैं औ� ..