Author: Team Zerodha


अपडेट: कॉल & ट्रेड और RMS स्क्वायर ऑफ में फीस का बढ़ना

ट्रेडर्स, हर रोज़ 1 मिलियन से ज्यादा क्लाइंट ट्रेड करने के लिए हमारे प्लेटफॉर्म पर लॉग इन करते हैं। लगभग 5% क्लाइंट जो कि हमारे क्लाइंट-बेस का एक छोटा सा हिस्सा है , MIS (मार्जिन इंट्राडे स्क्वायर-ऑफ), BO (ब्रैकेट ऑर्डर), और CO(कवर ऑर्डर) जैसे प्रोडक्ट टाइप का उपयोग करके इंट्राडे ट्रेड करते हैं। क्लाइंट्स को […]

India's largest broker trusted by 1.5+ crore investors.
07 Jun 2022

Sensibull द्वारा पोज़ीशन्स पेज अब नए अवतार में

हेलो! हमें आपके लिए अपना बिल्कुल नया पोज़ीशन पेज को पेश करने में बेहद ख़ुशी हो रही हैं – ये थोड़ी टाइम के लिए फ्री है! यह पेज हमेशा मुफ़्त रहेगा और सभी इसे एक्सेस कर सकेंगें और वो भी बिना कोई चार्ज दिए। इस पेज से पोज़ीशन्स के एनालिसिस भी मुफ़्त होंगे। जब भी […]

India's largest broker trusted by 1.5+ crore investors.
07 Jun 2022

बियॉन्डIRR से परिचय

जैसा कि हमने पहले भी कई बार ये ज़िक्र किया है, सलाहकारों और डिस्ट्रीब्यूटर्स के एक जोशपूर्ण सलाहकार के बिना, इन्डीअन मार्केट केवल इतना ही बढ़ सकता है। इस में कोई दो राय नहीं है की, पिछले कुछ सालों में निवेशक आधार यानि इन्वेस्टर बेस काफ़ी बढ़ा है। लेकिन अगर मार्केट बढ़ते रहे उसके लिए […]

India's largest broker trusted by 1.5+ crore investors.
06 Jun 2022

Varsity मोबाइल ऐप्प से परिचय

ट्रेडर्स और इन्वेस्टर्स, Zerodha में हमें हमेशा शिक्षा और ज्ञान को बाँटना अच्छा लगता है। इन वर्षों में, हमने इसे अलग-अलग चैनलों और फॉर्मैट के माध्यम से लगातार किया है –  Varsity, Webinars, TradingQnA, ये Z-Connect भी और पार्टनर प्लेटफॉर्म के माध्यम से जैसे LearnApp।  अब हम इस कोशिश को एक नए स्तर पर ले […]

India's largest broker trusted by 1.5+ crore investors.
06 Jun 2022

Iceberg ऑर्डर और मिनट्स में ऑर्डर की वैलिडिटी से परिचय

Iceberg एक प्रकार का आर्डर होता है, जो ज़्यादा क्वांटिटी (या ज़्यादा वैल्यू) वाले ऑर्डर को छोटे ऑर्डर में डिवाइड करता है। पिछला (प्रीवियस) आर्डर जब भर जाता है, तब ही हर छोटा आर्डर या लेग, एक्सचेंज को भेजे जातें है। यह मार्केट डेप्थ के बिड्स और ऑफर्स में बड़े ऑर्डर्स (large orders) के बारे […]

India's largest broker trusted by 1.5+ crore investors.
08 Apr 2022

Introducing Iceberg orders and order validity in minutes

Hindi: Iceberg ऑर्डर और मिनट्स में ऑर्डर की वैलिडिटी से परिचय  Note: Please update the Kite mobile app, if you don’t see the Iceberg order type.  Iceberg is an order type that slices orders of larger quantity (or value) into smaller orders, where each small order, or leg, is sent to the exchange only after […]

India's largest broker trusted by 1.5+ crore investors.
04 Apr 2022

Tax loss harvesting opportunity for fiscal year (FY) 2021-22

Traders, If you hold stocks or mutual funds in your portfolio that have unrealised losses, you can set off these losses against realised profits, on which you have to pay taxes. To do this, you can book the losses, effectively reducing the realised gains and hence also reducing the tax payable. This act of booking […]

India's largest broker trusted by 1.5+ crore investors.
21 Mar 2022

Zerodha में ग्राहक वेरिफिकेशन कैसे होती है?

पूरी तरह से डिजिटल रूप में तत्काल लोन देने वाले ऑनलाइन प्लेटफॉर्म काफी तेज़ी से बढ़ रहे हैं। और इसी के साथ ऑनलाइन पहचान में धोखाधड़ी आसमान छू रही है। कई लोग हाल ही में ढीली जांच और अनुचित KYC (नो योर कस्टमर ) तरीकों के लिए चर्चा में रहे हैं, जिससे जालसाजों ने पैन […]

India's largest broker trusted by 1.5+ crore investors.
23 Feb 2022

Customer verification at Zerodha

With the rise of online platforms giving instant loans completely digitally, online identity fraud has skyrocketed. Several have been in the news recently for lax checks and improper KYC (Know Your Customer) practices that allowed fraudsters to use manipulated images of PAN cards and other documents belonging to the victims of identity theft to avail […]

India's largest broker trusted by 1.5+ crore investors.
21 Feb 2022

ब्रोकिंग बना मेनस्ट्रीम – दिसंबर 2021

मैं पिछले हफ्ते बेंगलुरु में ब्लॉसम बुक हाउस में अपने बेटे के लिए कुछ कॉमिक्स खरीद रहा था, जब एक 20 वर्षीय लड़के ने मुझे (मास्क के पीछे से !) पहचाना और काफी उत्साहित हो गया। मेरे मन में मैंने ये सोचा की ऐसा क्यों हुआ ? और मेरी यही प्रतिक्रिया यह दर्शाती है की […]

India's largest broker trusted by 1.5+ crore investors.
04 Jan 2022

Introducing glyde by Quicko

When we started off, one of the things we were aware of was that taxation for traders was never simple. We have explained how taxation works for traders and investors in the Varsity module on taxation. We could always do more, so we partnered with Quicko, a startup to help people file taxes easily, via […]

India's largest broker trusted by 1.5+ crore investors.
23 Dec 2021

क्या हाई-ग्रोथ, कम प्रॉफिट वाली कंपनियों में इन्वेस्ट करना चाहिए ?

इन्वेस्टिंग की दुनिया उस समय काफी बदली गयी है जब बेंजामिन ग्राहम ने पहली बार 1949 में इंटेलिजेंट इन्वेस्टर नामक एक किताब लिखी थी , इसमें उन्होंने ये कहा था की केवल उन वैल्यू स्टॉक्स में इन्वेस्ट करना चाहिए जहाँ अच्छी मार्जिन ऑफ़ सेफ्टी हो यानी इन्ट्रिंसिक वैल्यू मार्किट वैल्यू से ज्यादा होनी चाहिए। अबकी […]

India's largest broker trusted by 1.5+ crore investors.
17 Nov 2021

Explore the Zerodha Universe this Diwali

Wishing you all a Happy and prosperous Diwali from all of us here at team Zerodha! As has been our tradition, there won’t be any brokerages for trades executed in the Muhurat trading session. We also have some exciting offers and discounts on all our partner products this Diwali. Along with these offers, we’ve also […]

India's largest broker trusted by 1.5+ crore investors.
01 Nov 2021

Introducing online nomination

Hindi: इस पोस्ट को हिंदी में पढ़ने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें। You can now add single or multiple nominees to your trading & demat account completely online on Console. We will alert your nominee(s) over email/SMS if your account becomes dormant after one whole year of inactivity and you do not activate it by […]

India's largest broker trusted by 1.5+ crore investors.
13 Sep 2021

Coin newsletter #1: Bull market mistakes

In the past year or so, we’ve seen a huge spike in new investors. While, in general, this new breed of investors are more informed than the previous generation, some of them continue to make the same old mistakes. At Zerodha, we spend quite a bit of time educating investors. We constantly share things and […]

India's largest broker trusted by 1.5+ crore investors.
22 Jul 2021

Security practices at Zerodha

In light of recent events, we’ve received several questions from our clients about how we ensure the security of your account at Zerodha. We’ve explained the security practices we adhere to in this post. We are extremely cautious and security as a practice is baked into our processes when writing code and when managing our […]

India's largest broker trusted by 1.5+ crore investors.
12 Apr 2021

Tax loss harvesting opportunity – FY 20/21

Traders, If you hold stocks or mutual funds in your portfolio that have unrealised losses, you can set off these losses against realised profits on which you have to pay taxes. To do this, you can book the losses, effectively reducing the realised gains and hence also reducing the tax payable. This act of booking […]

India's largest broker trusted by 1.5+ crore investors.
18 Mar 2021

Everything you need to know about Rights Entitlements

Rights – A basic overview Before we understand Rights Entitlements, let’s quickly understand what a rights issue is.  In a rights issue, a company gives its existing shareholders the right to buy more of its shares at a discounted price. The rights share being issued by the company may either be a fully-paid share or […]

India's largest broker trusted by 1.5+ crore investors.
16 Mar 2021

24th Feb 2021 – When NSE was down for almost the entire trading day.

Today at around 10:06 AM on 24th Feb 2021, NSE exchange feeds for Nifty, Bank Nifty and other indices stopped across all brokerage firms in India. But trading continued until 11:40 AM, after which NSE completely halted trading, with no prior warnings. This was also across all brokerage firms. SEBI has sought a root cause […]

India's largest broker trusted by 1.5+ crore investors.
24 Feb 2021

Trading Holidays 2021 – NSE, BSE, MCX

The list of trading holidays for the calendar year 2021 has been announced by BSE. Here’s a one-page list of all trading holidays for NSE & BSE.   Holidays Date Day Republic Day January 26, 2021 Tuesday Mahashivratri March 11, 2021 Thursday Holi March 29, 2021 Monday Good Friday April 02, 2021 Friday Dr.Baba Saheb […]

India's largest broker trusted by 1.5+ crore investors.
10 Dec 2020

How to easily file your taxes when trading at Zerodha with Quicko

It’s that time of the year when all of us have to sit down and plan our income tax returns. The last date to file your income tax returns for FY 2019-20 is December 31st, 2020, and traders need to file their Income Tax Returns (ITR) on time. Here’s why: the income tax department has […]

India's largest broker trusted by 1.5+ crore investors.
20 Nov 2020

Now gift stocks and ETFs to your friends and loved ones

Hindi: इस पोस्ट को हिंदी में पढ़ने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें। We all have been in situations where we’ve spent several hours searching for the right gift for an occasion. Choosing a meaningful gift is never easy. One of the things we’ve wanted to do at Zerodha for a long time was to make […]

India's largest broker trusted by 1.5+ crore investors.
14 Nov 2020

Dark theme & simplified order window on Kite web

Dark theme A dark theme for Kite web has been a much-requested feature for the past several years, and it’s finally here! You can now switch to dark mode on from the “My profile” section as shown in the GIF below. Simplified order window While Kite was built with simplicity in mind, we realised […]

India's largest broker trusted by 1.5+ crore investors.
18 Sep 2020

Changes in margin requirements from Sep 1, 2020

There are two major regulatory changes from Sep 1st, 2020: The method of pledging stocks, and Upfront margin requirements (Stocks and F&O on NSE, BSE, MCX) New pledging system Until now, when you pledged stocks as collateral to receive margins for trading F&O, you had to move it from your Demat account to the broker […]

India's largest broker trusted by 1.5+ crore investors.
31 Aug 2020

ET Startup of the Year Award & other updates

We just won the Economic Times Startup of the year award for the year 2020. This is the most coveted award in India for new businesses. This would not have been possible without your support and love. So thank you! The award only means that we will try even harder to wow you in terms […]

India's largest broker trusted by 1.5+ crore investors.
25 Aug 2020