Start the Zerodha 60 Day Challenge

April 2, 2013

Update: Zerodha is saddened to announce that the 60-day challenge will be shut down with effect from January 1, 2023, owing to recent changes in regulations that disallow any form of competition or “gamification”. Although 60 day challenge was neither a multi-party competition nor a game, a strict interpretation of regulations still disallowed it.

W.e.f. 25th April 2018, winning the 60-day challenge will not entail brokerage refunds. Digital winner certificates will continue to be issued.


We’ve been running the Zerodha 60-Day Challenge successfully for the last few years now.  We were the first and still the only brokerage in India to run such a challenge to recognize and reward the hardworking trading community. The idea of the challenge is to keep you more focused on winning rather than just trading, and at the same time bring the fun back into it. This year the challenge is getting bigger and better! Not only are we going to reverse brokerage for winners of the challenge, we will also give them opportunities at becoming star traders on OpenTrade.

What is the challenge?

The challenge is to trade profitably over 60 trading days. You can login to your Backoffice and you will see 3 challenges: Equity, Commodity and Currency. By Equity we mean, Equity and F&O. Once you click start, over the next 60 trading days if you are net profitable, you are declared as a winner. By “net profitable” we mean profits after paying all brokerage, taxes and other charges.

How to Start the challenge?

If you wish to start the challenge using the new back office, visit our new reporting tool Q at and follow the steps mentioned in the image below :

Starting the 60 Day Challenge from the New Back Office (Q)Pic 1 for the 60 day challenge

Invoking the Profit and Loss report from Q60 day challenge pic 2

Click here for a brief on Q if you haven’t already figured out everything about Q and Quant.

How are Trading Days considered?

When you click on start, that day will be considered as your first day, it doesn’t matter what time of the day you click start, morning or night. If the day you click start is a holiday, the next working day will be considered as your first trading day.

Do note that by 60 trading days, we mean days on which the markets are open for trading. So 1 week will have 5 equity trading days, 5 commodity trading days and 5 currency trading days. If there is a market or segment holiday in between, that day won’t be counted as a trading day.

What do you get as a Winner?

Each and every winner of the 60 – Day Challenge gets a mention on our Winner’s page with his photo and also a badge saying how many times the challenge has been won. Go ahead and show off to your friends and family by sharing your winner’s page on social media.

All winners will be emailed a certificate from Zerodha acknowledging your success in the 60-Day Challenge. You can print this and put it up on your wall as a memorabilia. Additionally, if you authorise us, we would share a brief profile of yours on our website which gets lakhs of unique visitors every month and on our Facebook page which has over 50000 likes.

As a consistent winner, you would also get an unbelievable chance to get featured as a Star Trader on OpenTrade, India’s first and only social trading app which allows you to publish your trades real-time and garner followers. If you have a good track record as a trader, you could have many followers who will pay to view your market action.
Opentrade Stars

Opentrade Stars

Last but not the least, you can claim your brokerage reversal for the 60-day challenge period by logging into as shown in the image below.
We have capped the maximum brokerage reversal at Rs. 6000/- for winners.
  1. To be considered as a winner, you need to have been actively trading during the challenge. Cases where clients have stopped trading completely after making a small profit won’t be considered.
  2. Brokerage refund is applicable only for individuals. Non-individual/algo-trading clients are allowed to take part but will not be refunded.

How does it workout for Zerodha?

Our business revolves around word-of-mouth advertising and keeping you profitable is a key to it. As we have seen in our earlier challenges, the profitability of contestants during the challenge shoots up considerably, and a profitable you would probably mean that you will refer more people to the business.

Finally, today if you want to set up a cricket team, you can visit 20 cricket grounds, spot the talent and you can set up a pretty decent team. But what if someone wants to set up a trading team? Trading, similar to sports and arts, requires the person to have an inborn talent and is very tough to spot as everyone is trading on their own online. For all of you talented traders who wish to be professional traders, we see a business model being a scout, connecting you to the world of prop shops and hedge funds who are continuously looking for traders with skills.
Check out the discussion threads for Equity, Commodity and Currency under the section “Zerodha 60-Day Challenge” for all of you to share your views on the market, trading ideas, strategies and any others which can benefit our trading community.

I hope that you like this program and I wish you all the best!

Happy Trading

Founder & CEO @ Zerodha

Post a comment

  1. sonal says:

    Is there any minimum capital needed to perform or at the end Rate Of Return matters irrespective of the capital?


    what will be the maximum amount amount one can get winning 60 days challenge? Is it the total charges which it shows or what?

  3. Uzair says:

    Hello there,
    I wanted to know that does participating in the 60-day challenge cost the user any money..??
    Are there any charges involved (hidden or any kind of) to participate in this challenge ?

  4. RAKESH says:

    Dear Sir,

    How do i get hard copy of certificate?

    • Matti says:

      Hey Rakesh, we don’t offer a physical certificate. Please download the pdf on Console. Stay green! 🙂

  5. HAWWA says:

    Dear Nithin and Team of Zerodha,

    I wholeheartedly Thank you for Bringing up the 60 Day Challenge. I had Won the challenge Today. It May look like an simple Message as you might have crossed Many Winners. But for me, this is My Dream Come True. Being Born and Brought up in a Poverty Hit family, Trading is a Greed. It is always a Rich People Game. But Trading is My Passion. I Had Failed Miserably in the Past 10 Years, but i never Gave up. Today im Reaping the Fruit of Success. With Zerodha, Passionate Traders Like me get a Platform to Express our Talents. Thank You, so Much!!!

  6. Pradeep kumar says:

    I have generate a ticket to close my 60 days challenges. but ticket is processing, they are not closing, its a force to participate in 60 days challenges.
    I wanna out to this challenges , please suggest me how

  7. HAWWA says:

    Dear Sir,
    First and Foremost Thank You, So Much, For Initiating this Fantastic Challenge. Through This You Have Educated Me to Learn More on Quality Trading. The Traders Who Has The Bestest Talent Will Be Recognized In a Very Good Platform. I want to Know whether You also select Weekly Star Traders too?

  8. Venkatesh Prabhu says:

    Hi, I have started my 60 days challenge a week back. It has been said that only the realised profits/loss are considered and the withdrawals are not taken into account. However as days passby, I can see that the realised profit is not considered completely and the withdrawals made on the same day is being deducted from the realised profit. Can you please throw some light on this.

    Venkatesh Prabhu

    • Nakul says:

      Hey Venkatesh,

      Can you please raise a ticket through our support portal explaining the issue in the P&L you are seeing. Since this is an account specific query, it’ll be easier for our support desk to track and answer.

  9. psahi says:

    Firstly ,thank you so much for the wonderful platform and starting this discount brokerage concept.You blogs are really helpful.

    I want to know till what limit the brokerage will be waived off.(The upper limit).

    I do numerous trades in a day (average 40-50).

    Also,is there a rank of traders who are most profitable or just WIN and LOOSE status.

    Can you tell what is considered to be ideal return for a 1 lakh trading account size in 60 days.
    (since you have an expertise in field).


  10. Maregowda says:

    Daer Zerodha….

    I wanted to know what the 60 day challenge is, so I clicked on ‘Start 60 day challenge’. Afterwards, the next screen displays charges of Rs. 56.00 change. Now there’s no option to deactivate it. Why weren’t these charges shown before starting the challenge? Or even on an intermediate confirmation page? Please deactivate and cancel… pls refund is charged….

    • Matti says:

      Hey! There’s no charge for the 60-day challenge. What you see is probably the total charges paid during the challenge period.

  11. Gopall says:

    Exactly… The same thing happened with me… I enrolled for the challenge only after reading that it is free… And it showed me charges of Rs. 146.59… It should be notified before na? Please clarify…

  12. Pranmay says:


    I wanted to know what the 60 day challenge is, so I clicked on ‘Start 60 day challenge’. Afterwards, the next screen displays charges of Rs. 13.69. Now there’s no option to deactivate it. Why weren’t these charges shown before starting the challenge? Or even on an intermediate confirmation page?

  13. Jensar says:

    Is there any fees charge for 60 days challenge?… reason is that when I click the start challenge option. …then display charge of 1500 + amount….

  14. shambhu deo says:

    I am not able to start Q-back office (showing you are not synced). And also I am not able t add fund in commodity a drop down menu of commodity is not active.
    Please help me out

  15. niftyfriend says:

    Awesome blog its very useful information, Thank you for sharing with us.

  16. niftyfriend says:

    Awesome blog its very useful information, Thank you for sharing with us.

  17. Ajay Singh Sharma says:

    I have won 60 days challenge but I have not received broackage refund yet. My ID YJ3611.

    • Faisal says:

      Ajay, if you started the challenge before 25th April, the refund will be processed in the coming weeks. We are currently moving our back office and this will be processed once it is complete.

  18. Deepwater says:

    Hello Nithin sir,
    By completely removing the refund , Retail investors doesn’t sense the reward by participating and wont keep them motivated.. I understand that it is an extra burden with minimal margin in Brokerage business.

    To keep retail investors motivated, you could reduce the max brokerage to 2k for 60days or make it 5k for 365 day challenge.

    There by reducing the outflow from you and also reduce the number of instance by making it 365 day challenge..

    Please give it a thought..It will surely keep retail investors motivated for disciplined trading..


    • Matti says:

      Hey. The reason for stopping this wasn’t the revenue, but compliance. The exchanges don’t encourage any schemes/offers like this.

  19. Purnaiah Vemuru says:

    Hi Nitin,

    I took 60-Day challenge in EQ & FO on 2018-05-17(17th May 2018)

    Before taking the challenge, I have some equity holding which were bought through the ‘Smallcases’.

    I may rebalance those Smallcases on 31st May 2018. So, I need to close some existing stocks, and need to buy some new stocks during the 60-Day challenge.

    After that rebalance, the next rebalance will be at the end of Aug. Hence, I may have someopen positions (equity holding) for all those stocks at the end of 60-day challenge.

    So, how my existing equity exposure and further rebalances will be counted for the purpose of the 60Day challenge?

    How will be the calculation done for the stocks that are bought before the commencement of the 60-day challenge and sold after the commencement of the 60day challenge?

    How will be the calculation done for the stocks that are bought after the commencement of the 60-day challenge and not sold until the end of the 60day challenge?

    One gentle request: Please continue the 60-day challenge forever for encouraging the people…

  20. Madhura says:

    I observed that the challenge is considering unrealized profits of my options. Why? Isn’t it supposed to consider only the realized profit – I mean, shouldn’t it consider the value only after I have sold my options?

    • Madhura says:

      My Challenge is about to end today and I am anxious to know the answer for this. Could you please give me more information regarding this?

  21. Madhura says:

    I entered the 60 day challenge on Feb 23, 2018, and at the time it was mentioned that the brokerage up to 6000 rupees will be reversed if someone successfully completed the challenge; honestly, that was the only reason I started the challenge. But this policy seems to have changed since April 25th! Does this mean if I successfully complete the challenge I will not receive a refund of brokerage, even though I started the challenge before this policy change???

    • Rajesh says:

      You will get refund. Those who started after 25th April, they won’t get.

      • Madhura says:

        Thank you, Rajesh.
        In my account, it says the challenge has 5 more days left, but the tentative end date is 17th May (today). Is this as an error of some kind? If there are 5 more days left then the end date should be 24th May.

        • Matti says:

          The tentative date is calculated when you start the challenge, the holidays aren’t taken into account. Hence ‘Tentative’.

          • Madhura says:

            I observed that the challenge is considering unrealized profits of my options. Why? Isn’t it supposed to consider only the realized profit – I mean, shouldn’t it consider the value only after I have sold my options?

  22. Vivek M says:

    I understand the 60 day challenge brokerage refund has been discontinued as of April. However, why is the brokerage not being refunded for challenges that ended in December for example. My 60 day challenge ended in Dec 2017 and it has still not been paid out. Customer service gave me some story about a back end migration and no ETA on when the brokerage will be refunded. I still dont have the refund. It has been 5 months. And in the meantime there has been another 60 that I won and that ended before April 25. No refund for that either.

    I can understand stopping of the challenge as of a particular date, but not paying refunds for prior challenges won doesn’t seem right.


    • Matti says:

      Hey Vivek, as you said, we’re revamping our backoffice. The new backoffice is currently being built to process trades, holdings, etc.,. Once the critical bits are done, we’ll finish the refunds bit and process these.

  23. Saran says:

    Had won the 60 day Challenge in Feb 2018, refund not yet received!?

  24. Rajesh says:

    Why you have stopped brokerage refund?

    • Matti says:

      The exchange doesn’t really encourage such schemes where brokerage is refunded, hence the decision to stop the refunds.

  25. UDAYA P says:

    As you have stopped 60days challenge,what happens to those who are already in the challenge periods

  26. Teja prakash says:

    how many time we can participate in the 60 days challenge.means if i loss the challenge for the first time then is it possible to participate another time and how many time we can do like that.

  27. Sunil says:

    I didnt received my brokerage refund of 60 day challenge yet. please help

  28. navin says:

    sir galati se mene 60 day challenge me commodity ho gaya he or mera sagment only equity ka hi he usme se muje remove ho na he. sir help

  29. Sudhansu says:

    Dear Nithin Sir
    Today I got reply from your team against my query regarding 60 days challenge error.Even though my net realised profit is +ve. it is showing as lost in status.
    Your representative has replied that Zerodha has calculated both realised and unrealised profit/loss to conclude the result.
    But as per your previous replies against queries the unrealised profit/loss will not be considered.How could you consider a trade as loosing trade until I have not exited from it.I have already sent a mail to Zerodha support team regarding same.
    Please revert and do the needful.

  30. Sudhansu says:

    Dear Sir
    Zerodha 60 days challenge profit is not getting update from last 2-3 days.

  31. SanthanaLakshmi says:

    After account opening, I can add the fund. but unable to access withdraw site – to start the challenge. when login it’s takes me to site and if click Login with Kite i am redirecting to same page (

  32. SUDHAKAR says:


    • Matti says:

      I’m afraid you can’t cancel it as such. Nothing to worry about though. You only have to gain from this. If you are profitable after 60 days, your brokerage is refunded, else it’s not.

  33. Ashish Soni says:


    I won the 60-day challenge in commodities segment and it has been more than 16 days.
    I haven’t received my brokerage back.

  34. Mahesh Naik says:

    Sir my 60 day challenge WL end tomorrow and it’s profitable now my question is what is next process

    • Matti says:

      Once the challenge ends, you’ll see an option to claim the refund for the period. Once you click on it, the refund should be processed within 10 working days.

  35. JHKN says:

    Is it only for MIS or CNC is also considered for 60 days challenge.

  36. Kshitij says:

    I can’t see the details of 60 day challenge in by back office (q).
    At the top of the page it just says “Connection timed out. Please refresh this page.”
    Although all three segments are checked, I cant see any further details.
    Please help.

  37. dinesh says:

    Hi i am unable to see start point.

  38. smit says:

    how to stop 60 day challenge , by mistake it was click.

  39. smit says:

    how to stop 60 day challange , by mistake it was click.

  40. Satish N says:

    I also didnt receive my brokerage refund of 60 day challenge yet.
    My id is YO7469

  41. Deepak Dargad says:

    I didnt received my brokerage refund of 60 day challenge yet.

  42. Manvendra Singh Rathore says:

    Dear Nithin,

    Just a suggestion –
    There are many companies where the whole business model is based on profitable trading/investments, Futures First is a great example. From what I can observe Zerodha stands in a great position to start such a business initiative. You have winners of 60 day trading challenge, You have star traders, You have surplus revenues (from what I know), you already have an incubator which is promoting mind boggling start up ideas. All of this puts you in drivers seat to start such a venture. You just need to create a pool of funds and get the shortlisted traders on roll, you can can have lucrative profit sharing deal with these traders. Availability of additional funds will attract shortlisted traders while profit sharing mechanism will increase your revenues. Not just this, you will also create an unprecedented level of healthy competition within your active clients as they would definitely thrive to be a part of Zerodha team while earning additional money. If everything goes on well then this would lead to even more word of mouth marketing for you then the 60 day trading challenge.

    P.S. – Please ignore this idea if it goes against any compliance requirements which I may not be aware of at the moment. If you do give it a serious thought then feel free to reach out.

  43. Akshay Pawar says:

    I have one query. If my 60 days completed and i failed to win the challenge ,then after how many days i could start again the challenge.

  44. Manish Dwivedi says:

    I Have participated in 60 days challenge which completed on 13th Dec but didnt get the refund yet inspite of winning the challenge..Pls look into this matter.

    Client ID :DM4418

  45. Raghavendra says:


    I have won the 60 days challenge on 4th dec, 2017 but still (27th Dec, 2017) I didn’t get the price money. Please do the the needful.

  46. MADHURJYA says:

    If I buy a share and hold that for say 10 days and then sell that share ,but buying and selling dates are within the 60 day challenge.So,in that case whether profits will be counted for 60 day challenge?

  47. MADHURJYA says:

    Whether BTST profit is considered or not for 60 day challenge?

  48. Prat says:

    Is prfit or loss fron ETF like nifty etf or BHARATIWIN included in this challenge?


    Till now my refund has not yet been initiated in my account after more than 10 days of waiting. i have won the 60 Days challenge which end on the 16/11/2017. Please solve my issue as early as possible

  50. SUJAY KUMAR says:


  51. Madhurjya says:

    If I buy and sell a share in the same day by CNC (not MIS) and gets my profit.Will it be considered as profit for a day for 60 day challege.

  52. Mini Pillai says:

    Q : I have won the challenge in the commodity section. I have also activated the process for refund on, last month. I haven’t received the refund as yet. The Refund status still displays “Your refund will be processed within 10 working days”. Im sure it been well over 20 Working days from my request. Why is it taking so long??? Will it be actually refunded?

    • Matti says:

      Hey Mini. We’re in the process of upgrading our backoffice platform to ensure such delays don’t happen. In the meanwhile, can you please write to winner[at] with your issue? The team will have this resolved ASAP.

  53. Piyush Pandey says:

    Q1)Suppose i made a net profit (here, net profit) of only Rs.100 or more on 60th day. Then what it would be considered “won”or “lost”?
    Q2)In case of won, suppose i spent the brokerage(excluding taxes) of Rs. 2000 in 60days and i m also in profit then how much brokerage amount I’ll get refund?

  54. Harshal says:


    i have one concern here.

    i trade in cnc equity delivery regularly.

    in equity delivery we have zero brokerage.
    for, 60 days challenge certificate issue condition is brokerage should be minimum 100.

    if i am equity delivery trader, how can i generate 100 rs. brokerage?

  55. Naman says:

    Please explain this statement !

    *Effective 1st April 2016, maximum refund of brokerage for a single 60 day challenge will be Rs 6000. Institutional/algo-trading clients are allowed to take part but will not be refunded any brokerage. Minimum amount for brokerage refund is Rs 100. Certificate will be issued only if the brokerage refunded is applicable

    What does it mean? Do I have to pay Rs 6000 fee for participating in 60 day challenge ?

    • ah no :). This means that if you have paid us 10000 in brokerage in 3 months of trading, only 6000 will be given back. Btw, if you are trading equity stocks for delivery, there is no brokerage you pay and hence no refund.

  56. Parth Patel says:

    If I am profitable in F&O and loss in Equity segment in 60 days challenge ( Vice varsa also in F&O and equity) but overall Profit after combining both then I am eligible for winner of 60 day challenge and refund.

  57. Ganesh Rajput says:

    After paper trading, next step is actual trading.
    So thank you Zerodha for providing this contest and giving us tools and lowest brokerage structure.
    I just want to confirm that there is no minimum capital / fund requirement in contest.
    (because for testing my strategy and discipline i want to start with low fund..)
    As per my understanding there is no such requirement…

  58. akshay says:

    i have my 3 doubts regarding 60days challenge…

    1. is it like we can participate again and again in the challenge after its over (weather its in profit or loss)

    2. it is said that if you are in net profit at the end of the challenge and brokerage i paid during the challenge is more then 100 .. will i get back all the brokerage charges into my bank account or zerodha account …

    3. if i am in profit at the end of the could i know i have been displayed in opentrade. and what are the terms and conditions to get displayed there…. is it like u have to be in net profit above specific percentage? or is it on turnover?

  59. hulu says:

    I’m unable to start Zerodha 60 day challenge.
    What should I do? It keeps showing — Connection timed out. Please refresh the page.

  60. Hamish Haridas says:

    Are NRI’s trading through NRE trading account eligible for the brokerage refund?
    I hope I’m not repeating a question previously answered – a quick search didn’t show any hits.

  61. Subodh says:

    Hi Nithin,

    I have 3 questions to pester you with 🙂

    Question 1:
    I see that Star Trader : Carina, has an average Capital of 5.41lac(from 01-02-2106) and profit percentage of 185.39%.

    Can you please explain how Average Capital and Profit Percentage is calculated for a given period of time(explanation for a period of 3 days will clarify my doubt).

    Question 2:
    How often is the Overview chart updated for a star trader(I see that the trader(Carina) has traded today(29-Aug-2017) but the chart is only updated until 24-Aug-2017)? Is it Weekly once?

    Question 3:
    I have checked Carina’s Trade history. I found that after calculating the P/L for a day(08-Aug-2017) where only futures were traded(considering Trader traded with only one lot of the instrument), the P/L doesn’t match with the overview P/L. Am I missing some parameter in this case?


  62. Ravindra K says:

    Your certificate will take upto 24 hours for it to be generated. Thank you for your patience.
    when will b this 24 hr going to complete
    i won it on 14 aug
    please i m eager to see Certificate
    is it coming to my email id

  63. Bibhuti Bhushan Barman says:

    I want to know, Is this offer still open for users?
    I just started trading in Zerodha, If this offer is still available I want to participate in this contest.

  64. Adil says:

    Hi Nithin

    It’s wonderful trading with Zerodha since last year, you guys are doing a great job!
    I just wanted to know that how much funds are refunded for every Rupees 1000 profit we make?
    or some percentage of profit that is refunded?

  65. asd says:

    Just checking if the ports comments are real..;P

  66. Sagar Joshi says:

    Hi Nithin,

    My 60 days challenge page is showing different profit from the P&L report for the challenge. The P&L report value matches that from the ledger as well. Where and how to report the discrepancy?


  67. RL1359 says:

    yesterday i sent a mail and today i got brokerage refund so its very good service provider keep it up

  68. Prajwal says:

    Could you guys look into my refund from the last 60 days challenge which ended on 18th may ! … I was profitable and its written there it would be processed within 10 working days but I guess its been more than that …. My Id is RP5502 🙂

  69. kiran says:

    in backoffice in that 60 day challenge days were not changed for past 5 days.

  70. Devang Rachchh says:


    My name is Devang Rachchh, I won 60 day challenge which was completed on 26th April, I was supposed to get brokerage refund in 10 days from challenge complete. However, I have still not received amount in my account, may i know the reason and let me know when can I get refund amount in my account? My client id is RD0859.

    Devang Rachchh

  71. lalit mohan says:

    Hi Team,

    Today is my last day of 60 days challenge and I am in profit of around 65000.
    But when I am trying to open the page, one pop up comes and page is not opening properly.

  72. ranjit says:

    sir, currently i am trading in angel broking but i need to open account with zerodha for the 60 day challenge so my doubt is will you definitely refund the brokerage after getting profit and how many days it takes to refund.

  73. Raju k v says:

    60 day challenge with all my heart say they are successful because they genuinely care for all their customers. Have seen this since I’ve know them.This made clients to refer others from 25,000 customers in 2014 to 2,30,000+ customers as of Feb 2017.
    Good business statagy..

  74. Kiran says:

    It’s just a good business strategy. In fact pocketing all the profit, Zerodha is happy to share it with clients and in turns they could able to increase client base because of mouth publicity. don’t discontinue this 60 day challenge, most of the clients opened the account for this only so ZERODHA may get bad name in future.
    All the best Zerodha team.

  75. nsiva says:

    In short is that at the end of 60th day the P&L should be positive.

    Correct me if I am wrong.


  76. ramesh patil says:

    hi nithin sir,
    i have referred more than 300+ clients by speaking about 60 day challenge and they are all active traders and interesting thing is that, they are also referring more clients by saying only about 60 day challenge so, definitely 60 day challenge will brings more clients by upcoming years.

  77. Devang Rachchh says:


    I am using 60 day challenage, currently I am in profit and 1 day left (25th April) for ending my 60 day challenge. my question is that if I bought position today then do I mandatory need to close the position on 25th April ? Myt position is selling of call and put options ? how profit /loss would be calculated for this trade if I don’t exit it before challenge ends ?

    Example, if I have sell call option of Banknifty @ 78 rupees and if Monday closing price of this would be 40 rs and I decided to continue this trade for Tuesday , however my challenge ends on Monday then how this trade would be calculated in profit/loss statement ?

    Devang R

  78. Lakshya says:

    I sold an equity from my holdings during 60 day challenge. I had bought it before the start of challenge from secondary market. Will the profit be part of my challenge P&L?

    • Venu says:

      No, only such trades where the buy & sell happens during the course of the challenge will be considered for the 60 day challenge.

      • Lakshya says:

        Thanks. Is the same followed for derivatives as well? Suppose I buy an option and sell it during the period of next ’60 day challenge’; then any profit or loss resulting due to this trade shall not be counted. Pls confirm.

        • Venu says:

          For Options, the closing price of the option 1 day prior to the challenge is considered to determine whether or not you’ve made a profit on the option you’ve sold.

  79. Ishan KAran says:

    My Total Profit is showing less than what i have actually made – Are the withdrawals also being taken into picture.

    Is there a payin / payout report ?

    • Venu says:

      No, withdrawals aren’t being considered while computing p&l. There’s no separate payin/payout report as such. You can download the ledger into excel and sort it to determine payout/payins.

  80. pavitra says:

    I won the 60 day challenge on 23 mar 2017. But till now (10 apr 2017), I have not got my brokerage refund. Why?

  81. Sanjay Saha says:


    if I make Rs.1 profit after 60 days paid all other charges & taxes.

    my brokerage will be refundable ?


  82. anoop says:

    how to deactivative this 60 day challenge…started by mistake

  83. Nithy says:

    Dear Nithin,

    Happy new year. Sixty day winners page is not opening for last 2 to 3 months. Is it completely removed from zerodha? or can we expect soon.

    I am seeing one cute ☺kid photo in that page.

  84. Rashid says:

    Is the cap of 6000 rs is per challwnge or overall?

  85. Raju Kumar Giri says:

    I ahve won the 60 days challenge but certificate is not sent to me on my registered email id .
    When I mail to Zerodha , one of the executives said certificates will only be provided only if brokerage exceeds Rs.100.But in my case brokerage does not exceed Rs.100 .
    If anyone do not get certificate then what’s the need of playing 60 days challenge ?

  86. Jegan says:


    I do not see the winner page right now. Any work going in winner page? how much time it takes to get it online?

    I have won 60 day challenge 3 times and going to win 1 more time continuously. My name is also short listed in opentrade. What is the eligibility and criteria to get participated in pro trading? Like time period and return expectation?

    If my profile needs to get published in main page of 60 day challenge winner (, what is the criteria? Do I need to win more 5 times consistently with good return?

    I did not get certificate for my recent 60 challenge win.

  87. amitk says:

    Sir ,
    what is the minimum amount profitability to be declared as winner ? I mean what if i only made 1 RS @ the end of 60 day challenge in equity ?

  88. Charles says:

    Sir, how many days does it take to receive Winner’s certificate and brokerage reversal ?
    And please do not stop this challenge

  89. madhav says:

    In 60 day challenge, maximum brokrage refund is 6000. If my brokrage is more then 6000 then i get 6000 or not?

  90. Sajeev says:

    Hi Nithin,

    Great to see Zerodha, under your able leadership, coming up with new initiatives that help customers.

    In US one has trading championships which run over months and many successful traders, like Larr Williams, Marty Schwartz etc, have used it to successfully catapult themselves.

    Have you considered something on those lines where people start with maybe 10 lac money points (fake money) which can be used in a simulated environment but with real time quotes and execution ability. It could also be linked to their Zerodha account, if so chosen, so that they do not have to place trades separately. Also it could be either free or for participation one needs to purchase credit points. The top 3 winners at the end of the stipulated price period can be given a purse and can be included on Open Trade as stars.

    Best wishes to you and your team for future successes.

    Warm regards,

    J Sajeev

  91. jegan says:


    60 day challenge winner page is not updated now. I did not receive my last challenge certificate. when will it get updated? when are you going to publish new set of stars in opentrade? I got an email that I had been shortlisted.


  92. GANESHB says:

    Amazing Idea !!! i’ve seen Many Sites / Companies .. But Zerodha is Totally Different .. The Secret of Success Of this Company is its CEO Mr . Nithin .. I’ve Never seen a CEO interacting with his Customers Like This !
    I’ve Earlier Traded With HDFC Sec ..Sadly their Heavy Brokerage ate Most of My Profits .
    Already Applied for New Trading / Demat Account to Trade / Invest Via Zerodha .

  93. NareshS says:

    1) How many times can I take the 60 days challenge?
    2) Are there any monetary perks of being a star trader?

  94. SWAPNIL says:

    I’ve mistakenly activated the 60 day Challenge for EQ & FO.. how do i unsubscribe it?

  95. Arjun Prasad says:

    I am trying to start the 60 day challenge again. but I am not able to renew/start the challenge again.
    Th e challenge got started for commodity and equity.
    but the challenge is not starting for currency.


  96. Sankar says:

    Dear Nitin

    Please try to split EQ & FO into separate segments if possible
    As EQ is easy where as FO is a challenge to be profitable


  97. EQTrader says:

    Can you please clarify what do you mean by “actively trading” in statement as quoted below?
    “Note: To be considered as a winner, you need to have been actively trading during the challenge. Cases where clients have stopped trading completely after making a small profit won’t be considered.”

    Does that mean I have to buy/sell every business day?

  98. Sannidhya Agrawal says:

    Why my days of challenge are expanding automatically? 60 days are already finished but my challenge is going on and on. Cust id- DS6674

  99. hardik says:

    is there any charges for entering in 60day challenge ??? or it is free for zerodha account holder?

  100. Jegan says:


    I had won 60 day challenge last time and going to win one more time consecutively by today. I have the following questions

    1) Why does it take 10-15 working days to refund brokerage? Is there any screening done over the trades I had done?

    2) At end of financial year, refunded money will be considered as profit to which I need to pay the tax?

    3) How many times do I need to win 60 day challenge to participate in Zerodha interview? Is it based ROI, capital, risk trades?

    4) To qualify in opentrade, still the requirements are not clear. What type of traders will be in opentrade? There are more winners in webpage, but few are in OpenTrade.

    5) How do you come to know how much risk I am taking? By looking at the trade book or talking to me in interview?

    I am really happy with Trading in Zerodha. Thanks Nithin. I am bit concerned about max refund policy Rs 6000 for 60 day as I do more trades everyday. It looks like 5 trades (100 per day) free per day if I am going to be the winner :).

    email id : [email protected]


    • 1. This is currently a manual process, also since brokerage is already collected there are some accountancy issues also that take time.
      2. You can show this brokerage as refund, so your cost reduces.
      3. A few times, currently haven’t been able to do any interviews.
      4. You can send a request to, we will see if you qualify or not and let you know.
      5. Talking to you during interview and corroborating it with your trade details.

      🙂 we have to run a business right.

  101. Raghav says:

    Sir, I have exp of 2 years and will be opening an account with Zerodha soon. My query is “Do I have to trade every single day for the 60 trading days to be considered having completed the challenge because that is what the support person was telling me”. And what are charges for option trading “Is it 0.01% or 20rs, the lower of both” or “flat Rs. 20”.

    Thanks &

    • No need to trade every single day.
      It is 0.01% of the contract value or Rs 20 whichever is lower. Since options contract is all above Rs 2lks, so brokerage is a flat Rs 20.

  102. Omprakash says:

    Hi nithin my name is omprakash. Id. DO0042.Regular trader for zerodha.Had some query on 60 day challenge.once I activated this challenge day for ex. In 60 day’s making profit for 45 days remaining 15 days loss but at the end of 60 day’s Iam in profit will it be considered. my brokerage will be refunded? Profit means realised profit or net realised profit. This challenge is for temporary or permanent?

  103. velmurugan sengottaian says:

    Dear Nithin,

    I would like this 60 day challenge to continue forever.
    Participating in this challenge makes me to win every time and forces me to trade better.

    But i really dont mind if Zerodha cancels the brokerage refund completely.

    I started trading with Zerodha from Jan 2016 and won my first challenge.
    And i am doing pretty well for the second time. Thanks a ton for you guys to come up with this.
    As i said earlier , i dont mind forfeiting my brokerage refund. But keep this challenge forever.


    • Venu says:

      We’re glad that the challenge is helping you stay profitable. We’ll keep the challenge for as long as we can 🙂 Good Luck

  104. Rizwan says:


    It is my first challenge. My start date is 10-Mar-16 and estimated end date 08-June-16. after completing this How many times i can take this 60 day challenge.


  105. Senthil Kumar says:

    Dear Nitin Kamath,
    Good day

    I am Senthil Kumar and i am a Marine Engineer

    I would like to take the challenge, positional trader considered for this challenge and kindly pls clarify the question below,

    If i will be buying a stock future contract, since i think that the stock may go down, hence i hedge the stock by buying put option.
    Suppose if my stock which i bought @ 1500 and the other day i see the stock gapped down to 500, and i bought my put option at 1200. Would i be in loss or would i be in hedged?



    • You would be in loss until you sell your option position. Notional gain in options won’t really be considered for MTM loss on futures. Margin requirement for your position will drop significantly though because you hold the put options.
      Yes positional trader also considered for 60 day challenge. Starting April 1st, we have decided not to do any brokerage refunds on 60 day challenge.

  106. Kalai says:


    The start button is not visible to start the challenge. Tried in IE and chrome. Both doesn’t display. Please help.

  107. Tapas Kumar Sardar says:

    I want to start the ” 60 Day Challenge”. But my question is
    1. What if I can’t trade continuously 60 trading days? There can have 3 to 4 days I can’t trade for personal reasons/ other obligations.
    2. How the refund will be adjusted?

    • Vishnu Talanki says:

      Tapas, it doesn’t matter, 60-day challenge does not mean you have to trade all 60 days. If your portfolio is in profit after 60 working days after commencement of challenge, then you are entitled for a brokerage refund.However, max refund is Rs.30,000, algo traders and institutional trader are not entitled for refund.

    • 1. You need not trade for all 60 trading days.
      2. Refund will be for the brokerage generated for 60 trading days from when you start.


    Is this challenge time over or not.
    “This would be a limited period offer, which we will run until December 31st, 2015 and we would be hoping to add many more clients during this period to negate the revenue outgo during the course of the year”.

  109. Bharat William Win says:

    Hi Nithin,

    I would like to interview for the Zerodha Prop Desk. What do I have to do to be given this opportunity?


  110. Phani says:


    Suddenly, today when I have only 4 days left, my unrealized loss is added in my Zerodha challenge. We were told only realized will be considered and that’s the reason I did not sq off my position which is in loss.
    Can you please look into it asap?


    • Phani, in case of F&O both realized and unrealized return are taken to determine profitability, that is how it has been from the last 2 years of us running the challenge. If you have open positions the starting day, it is MTM’d to the previous day and all open positions are then MTM’d to the last day. Getting it Checked if it was showing differently on your individual account.

  111. Phani says:

    Already sent the picture and feedback when I got an email from [email protected]

  112. Phani says:

    Thanks for the Zerodha 60 day challenge. I have below queries.

    1. Is the challenge extended till April 2016? I heard from my friend but cannot see anywhere, Can u pls confirm? If yes, can I start challenge even on last day and still use the benefit?

    2. The usage of only realized profit is good. This would help us to strategize on last day for those who are on border. 🙂 This will also improve discipline and help us realize profits than wait for greed. One small suggestion. If someone wants to check even unrealized, then an option can be kept before the 60 day challenge if we want to consider unrealized as well.

    3. Also, are all the winners not published in website? I won last time but could not see my name? 🙁

    Thanks for keeping up the good work. Hope zerodha challenge will continue forever and not stop in 2016. I referred my friends tempting about this challenge only. 🙂 If it hits your profit, probably can reduce the bounty to half brokerage or so!!!

    • Venu Madhav says:

      1. The challenge is on till 31st December 2015. We’ll let you know if it gets extended on this page:
      2. We don’t consider unrealized profits towards the 60 day challenge. If a position is open you can check the unrealised profit in the normal p&l in Q
      3. You’ve to write a review and upload your picture and the system will capture it and display it on the website

  113. Vivek says:

    Hi Nithin,

    I understand that one cannot trade for 2 or 3 days and claim as challenge winner.
    But one may not be taking trades on all days and, say, if we take trade in every alternate trading day it will be 30 trades.

    So how many trades has to be taken in 60 days to be eligible for the result? any minimum number of trades?

  114. Kaveri says:

    Hi Nithin,

    As as a regular at 60 day challenge, I think the feature of exited trades is beneficial to traders (customers), and perhaps a bit unfair for challenge. I do believe you should consider the stock/future/option closing rate at challenge or find a way to mark it at the initial stage as not for 60 day challenge).

    My point is say nearing the end of my challenge I am close enough say (days at 58/59 my loss just about 4-5 k), I can buy/sell both calls and puts (or buy nifty future sell bank nifty future) of an appropriate amount (for opposite direction). One of them will surely make money for me to win the challenge. Even if i loose a little bit in the other trade (net effect will mostly not be much and I will win back the challenge amount which can potentially be up to 30k).

    I surely believe in Rajat’s like case it should be allowed to buy shares for long term but that should be marked at the start of taking the position as not for challenge. I think previously we used to count open positions and have changed that in last couple of months. i also like to see my actual’s (including notional profit/loss) in my 60 day challenge rather than completed.

    All in all, I do not mind it, food for thought 🙂 Great work as always at zerodha 🙂

    best regards,

  115. Rajat says:


    I have started the challenge on 08/10/2015.

    1. After that I have bought some equity shares which I do not intend to sell within next 2 months. In that case, will the closing price of those shares on the 60th day be considered for calculating 60 day profit/loss?

    2. If I am in profit after 60 days, Is there any max limit of brokerage that can be claimed for refund?

    Thanks & Regards,

    • 1. Rajat, only the profits made of exited trades during the 60 day challenge is considered for profitability. If you continue to hold the share, that trade itself won’t be considered.
      2. Yes, 30,000 is the max that we will refund.

  116. sasmita says:

    why your call and trade price is 20 rupees ,can not it may reduce to 5 rupees,as we have somuch power cut we can not open computer if it is less amount we can ask and trade

    • Venu Madhav says:

      We don’t intend to make any money by charging you call and trade fee. Its a nominal fee of Rs.20/order which is to cover the costs of our agents that are hired to place your call and trade orders.

  117. Vishwanatha Sangam says:

    Hello Mr. Kamat,

    Nice initiative. I account got activated yesterday and I dont have 60days to complete the challenge. Please make end of year as the last day to take challenge.

    Thank you,
    Vishwanatha Sangam

  118. Harish says:

    Hallo Sir,
    Just wanted to know, i had started my 60days challange on 19th June 2015 & won, i click for refund but from last 20days it shows your refund will be processed with in 10 days.
    Plz let me know the processer for refund.

  119. Dipesh Gohil says:

    Dear sir

    In 60 days we want to make profit all days ???? or
    If our account has 50000 after 60 days account if account balance 60000 and we book loss 10 days,,,,
    Brokerage will be refund or not ????????

    • Venu Madhav says:

      No, you needn’t make profit on all days. If you’ve made overall profit over the course of 60 days, you’re a winner and brokerage is refunded.

      In your example, brokerage will be refunded.

  120. M PALANI says:

    HI, Its nice to read this page! Just i wish to know why the terminal some times hangs.

  121. Bathala Ramana Murthy says:

    Dear Sir,
    Is 60 day challenge free or are you charging fee for this? Is it for intraday or for delivery also?

    Ramana murthy

  122. Gagan Chaudhary says:

    I have 2 queries regarding 60 day challenge.
    1) Does unrealized profit/loss is considered in 60 day challenge? and
    2) Can same user participate multiple times before 60 day challenge ends on December 2015?

  123. Antriksh says:


    I won my first 60 Day Challenge.

    What is the procedure for obtaining the certificate and getting your name in the list of winners?

    • You can login to Q, and click on 60 day challenge. You can put a request through there. You can send an email to [email protected] if you have any doubts.

      • Kaveri says:


        I won my second 60 day challenge yesterday, happy to survive market collapse in august as I predominantly sell options. My challenge was as volatile as the market this time 🙂

        Also, I want to know more about commodity trading via zerodha, I understand there are no options only futures, so mainly want to know about the lot size, places where I can gather news (only trading equities). I do not see a lot of information in Z-connect in commodity section. Is there a email where I can ask specific Q’s Nithin?

        Best regards,

  124. Abhineet Singh Chauhan says:

    Thanks @vinay got it.. 🙂

  125. Abhineet Singh Chauhan says:

    Hi Nitin, my 60 says challenge completed on 17aug. but i don’t get refund till now. In your zerodha Q it would shown that brokerage refund will be processed within 10 working days. And yes your 60 Days challenge is really encouraging..

    Thanks n regards
    client id: DA0438

    • Vinay says:

      Abhineet your request will be processed at the earliest, you can verify the refund status on your back office ledger details.

  126. Antriksh says:


    I have a few questions

    My 60 Day Challenge is going to finish today.
    1. How many days does it usually take for the brokerage refund?
    2. Is it transferred to our trading account or bank account?
    3. Is this a continuous process?

    • 1. Upto two weeks.
      2. Trading account
      3. Yep, continuous, u can start another challenge from tomorrow.

      • DS0626 says:

        I won the 60 Day challenge on 24th July, 15 after lot of conversations through mail Zerodha people refunded brokerage on 19th Aug but till today (02 Sept) I didn’t get Certificate of Winner and also a review form, which I supposed to get.

        Mr. Nithin Kamath the concept of 60 Days Challenge is good and encouraging but on the other hand your Back office team need to maintain track record of that also and need to reslove issue within stipulated period not like even though after 45 days ” no response “, really frustrating,

        • Yep, in the next 10 days, the entire refunding brokerage will be automated without any manual intervention. Will check why you didn’t get a review form, but we have stopped sending out physical certificates for free. It was a huge operational hassle. We will send an e-certificate via email, if you want us to courier you the physical certificate it will cost Rs 500 including courier charges. You can send an email to [email protected] for that.

  127. soujanya says:

    Hi Nithin,

    Thanks a lot for the 60 day challenge, it really helped me to track my profits/loss day by day.
    I have opened Commodity account with Zerodha 2 years back, but started trading since last month. First God’s guidance, then Zerodha Pi char & 60 day challenge helped me to be in profit :). I can book profits regularly in SILVER trading and transferring profits to my trading account. 🙂
    Started trading with 1 lakh, I can see profit of 30 thousand in this 1 month only.
    No advisors, no tips…only following Trend & Charts.
    Once again thanks for the 60 day challenge, it is really helped me to compete myself. 🙂

  128. Charles says:

    Is the challenge still open ?

  129. Srikrishna says:

    I’ve mistakenly activated the Currency trading for 60 day Challenge, Right now I trade only on EQ & FO. I haven’t activated my currency account, will it any chance affect my 60 day challenge of my EQ & FO.
    My Client id: DS2624

  130. Vivekanand says:

    The beauty of Zerodha is Owner himself directly interacts, Great Job Mr: Nithin

  131. Kaveri says:


    Have received refund, online as well as physical certificate 🙂

    Best regards

  132. tanishq says:

    completed my 3 rd challenge for ID RD0090… 20 days back…
    Yet to receive my Winner certificate

    Why now a days Very late response from Zerodha..

    I been using it since its inaugural Year

  133. dear I am an indian live in japan I dnt know about share market business but I know about binary option business so plz tell me how much I have to invest with you and what I have to do next I earn $200 to $300 per day with binary option and I need $100 per day from your side so how much I have to invest and how you help with trader plz infrome all information we still waiting thnas

    faiz ali

  134. Tanishq Capital says:

    Completed 3rd Challenge Last week

    Waiting for Winners certificate

    Yet to recieve

    My ID RD0090

    Please check and do the needful

  135. Kaveri says:

    I won my latest challenge, RK0774. Backoffice says brokerage refund will be processed in 10 working days, when can I expect my certificate 🙂

  136. becky says:

    I have a question about the 60-day challenge
    1) Can I fund/withdraw cash from my account during the 60- day challenge? Will it alter anything?

    • Yes becky you can withdraw, it won’t alter anything. 60 day challenge is based on profitability of your trades in that period, ur account balance is not considered at all.

  137. Tanishq says:

    Hi, Why Now a days Winners List are not getting updated..

    Why no Much Interviews by Winners since 2013,14…

  138. Pradeep says:

    Hi nithin
    R u planning anthor challenge like

    “India trading league”

    Weekly, monthly and yearly

  139. ParanjyotBhuyan says:

    I completed my 60 Day Zerodha challenge for the first time… Very recently.. waiting for Winner Certificate, and eagerly waiting for My name to be updated on Winners List…

  140. lokesh says:

    if today i start the challenge after market are closed (i.e after 3:30pm)
    will today’s profit from trading will be considered under Day 1 (of 60 day challenge) ?

  141. AKS says:

    Haven’t received my brokerage till now… i won my second challenge 2 months back but brokerage not refund till date… no response for mail also.. please refund ASAP.
    ID: DS3343

  142. GEORGE says:

    Hi venu madhav

    60 day zerodha challenge Brokerage refund received . Thanks…..

  143. I completed my 60 Day Zerodha challenge… Very recently.. waiting for Winner Certificate.refund brokerage. and eagerly waiting for My name to be updated on Winners List

  144. Ravi says:

    hi zerodha,
    winners of 60 day challenge should be as per their decreasing order ie most time winners in first row in your winners page , at present they are in random order , and those who have won only one time in first row.

  145. GEORGE says:

    Hi Nithin,

    I completed 3 times 60 Day challenge. Two times failed last time become winner . April 2 i started again new challenge . But today i check my 60 day challenge page nothing found . including my new challenge position. so i started new one . what happened to my current challenge ? … waiting for Winner Certificate and refund brokerage of previous session .


    • Venu Madhav says:

      Congratulations on winning the challenge ! We see that your current challenge is active and has commenced on 2nd April.

      You’ll receive your Winner’s certificate and brokerage refund soon. We’ve intimated the concerned people who’ll check and revert.

  146. Suman says:

    Still waiting for phone call from zerodha regarding refund brokerage and certificate.

  147. Suman says:

    I completed my First 60 Day Zerodha challenge… Very recently.. waiting for Winner Certificate.refund brokerage. and eagerly waiting for My name to be updated on Winners List “RS2902″

    Now looking forward for second 60 DAY zerodha challenge..

  148. Mahadish says:

    once i finish the 1st can i take the 2nd challage n continue taking?
    Or will it stop once i win ir?

  149. Mahadish says:


    How many times can i participate in the challenge?
    Only once?

  150. AKS says:

    Sir if possible add number of losing challenges also like out of 5 challenges 3 won (3/5)
    It helps normal traders like me to judge something.

  151. maheshwar says:

    Hi Nithin,

    can you please have more interviews with multiple 60 day challenge winners please, i see some have 5+ wins on various segments which is just brilliant & their insights would be very valuable for the traders community here and a great recognition for them as well, by the way all earlier interviews (especially Madan’s) were excellent and very useful for me.

  152. Mahadish says:

    Hi sir,

    How many times can i take the 60 Day challenge?
    Only once or can be more than that?

    Will the last date 31st March 2015 be extended?


  153. Sowmya says:

    Hi I am using nse NOW app for trading. Can you please answer me below queries as I am facing problem.
    1. Which option do I need to select for BTST/STBT,
    2. Incase if I don’t sell the scrip after buying next day do I need to convert it into CNC, if yes with in what time
    3. Which option I have to select for buy today and sell after two days.
    I don’t use any leverage. Is their any option which enable me to buy and sell at anytime and any day.

  154. Natvar Patel says:

    I read that 60 day challenge is extended until 31st March 2015. Kindly clarify if the last day is the day before which one should have opted for the challenge or it would the last day of trading within the challenge period. In the later case if one completes 45 days by 31st March 2015, I presume his/her challenge will be incomplete.


  155. virender kumar says:

    thanks nitin sir your maneger mr bharat call me and solve everything it was just a silly query by me i should say but its important to me to clerify this thanks once again and sorry but it was due to not autometic updation of the shares that goes into auction so pls make a autometic updation of share like that in q

  156. virender kumar says:

    dear sir i saw in q a positon of mastek ask for buy price of mastek 198 share but it was already setteled my conceren is that weather it include in profit loss statement or it affect my 60 day challenge because still i am in profit i emailed also on 2feb but they still not answered my que thanks

  157. Bharat William Win says:

    Hi Nithin,
    I would like to apply for the role of a professional trader at the Zerodha Prop Desk.
    I have both won and lost the 60 day challenge in the past but I have acquired the skills required as a trader over the past 2 years. I know I would be an asset to your firm with the knowledge I have gathered, but more than that I want to learn more and work in a team.

    Please let me know how I can go about this so as to be given an opportunity to attend an interview.

    Thank you,

  158. virender kumar says:

    dear sir i want to now is it nessesry to trade everyday to eligible for winner in 60 day challenge i mean their are dayswhen you cant trade supose if i dont trade 3 to 4 days should i consider as a winner is their a minimum limits of days you can took off trading and last thing is btst are also eligble for 60 day challenge

  159. balaji says:

    hi zerodha
    its been 11 working days since i have won the 60 day challenge and 4 days since i have raised complaint to support team yet i didnt get my brokerage refund. please clarify..

  160. B.Nageswara Rao says:

    Dear Nithin Sir,

    My account No.RN0499.

    I am doing investment trading and day trading for the last 30 years, I resigned my job in2011 to do research in trading and earn my daily livelihood. For 2 years I was getting losses eventhough I was making profit trades everyday due to high commission. Some brokers are not sending contract letters everyday for me to understand what is happening. From the day-1 I have been making profits every day and withdrawing everyday for the daily household expenditure. I am grateful to you. Your 50-day challenge is cakewalk for me, because that is a must for my survival
    I have been dealing with customer service of many banks and companies they are harsh sometimes and not understanding what I am talking.Only in the case of ICICI bank I am able interact with CEO. You are very humble and simple with customers, I sincerely appreciate you . I made a request to zerodha to code my algorithm*Algotrading) 5 monhs back.There was no redponse. Kindly expedite it to help me make more trades. I am forwarding my algorithm for your reference. It is aresult of 3years hard work. If it is done I will become a billioniore within 3 months. I have written a book “The last wonder-Univeral day trading model”and pubished as e-book throught the world. I am forwarding the book also. Now my fear is your employees may give my algo software to other clients without any benefit for me. I am hesitating to send mail to you for the last 3 months. In that case other trader may obstruct me in my trading. I request you to kindly take action sasfeguarding my interests. I do not mind not getting software for me.
    B.Nageswara Rao

    • Yep, saw your email. We should be able to help you out with this. My guess is you already use a coding/backtesting platform? If you are using one, semi automating/fully automating it on our new platform Pi, will be quite easy.

  161. Mayank says:

    i saw winners list of 60-Day challenge as marked Equity*2/Equity*3,
    By this does it mean, if once 60 Day period is over for someone,
    he can start another 60-Day-Challenge?
    and can he/she start it after 31-Dec-2014 also (if he/she is currently enrolled into the challenge)?

  162. Sandhya says:

    I have won 60 days challenge couple of days back. When will the brokerage amount for the challenge period gets refunded? Will it be credited to my trading account or bank account? Also when certificate will be issued?

  163. Damymaddy says:

    I completed my First 60 Day Zerodha challenge… Very recently.. waiting for Winner Certificate.. and eagerly waiting for My name to be updated on Winners List “RD0090”

    Now looking forward for second 60 DAY zerodha challenge..

  164. Kaveri says:

    Thanks Nithin, decent trading platform, low brokerage and find this challenge a pleasing initiative.

    I cancelled one of my other trading platform to open a account here as I am primarily into option trading (did this only for flat 20 brokerage) I think I made the correct decision, like everything else here as well 🙂

    Exploring Z-connect further, thanks again.


  165. Kaveri says:

    Can I take the 60 day challenge even now? Also, will my current open positions be considered if i take the challenge (have sold nifty options for sept expiry and have have few open stock options).

    Can I also take the challenge beginning 26 sept, starting from oct. series? I have recently started trading from zerodha, using web based platform till now and have just seen this forum 🙂

    Best regards,

  166. Nitin Kumar Gupta says:

    Is this only Brokage refund or related STT and other charge too??

  167. Nilesh says:

    Suppose , i have started with with 60 day challenge , my capital is 30,000

    and on the 60th day my capital is 32000 ,

    but but for these 60 days i have paid brokerage of rs. 2100

    so will it be considered for price or not

  168. Revathi says:

    If I look at the old backoffice my net value is shown as 10397.866. But in new Q tool, the profit is shown as 380.37. As per my understanding the net value will be considered, right ?
    Why there is a difference between two values.

    • Revathi, there is a difference in the way profitability is considered for open positions/holdings, Q is the correct way. If you can let me know your client ID and time period for which you are trying to see your profitability, I can have it double checked.

  169. akhil says:

    I just opened account and i would like to do 60 day challenge. is there time left.? it is till 30 September. there isn’t 60 trading days left i think. can i join sir.?

  170. Prem says:

    Is Zerodha 60 Day challenge has been stopped…I cannot start a new one now

  171. Ravi says:

    Hi Zerodha Team,
    i had recently won the 60 day challenge (challenge time period ended on 24-Jun-2014) and i have clicked the claim button (around 28th or 29th) , but still havent received the brokerage refund. Do let me know when i will get it ?

  172. […] If you haven’t yet taken the challenge, get started now. […]

  173. satyam singh says:

    Please start new 60day chalange.

  174. […] putting up the first five interviews of some of our top traders and winners of the Zerodha 60 day Challenge, I was asked many times if engineers have better odds to win while trading, as each one of the […]

  175. pavan says:

    I have completed the Equity challenge with positive note 3 weeks before and I evaluated on the same day. But till today I didn’t get any update on this.
    Can you please let me know the status of it.

    ID: RP1062

  176. Parmesh Kadam says:

    Give me same information or Link about how to use Exponential Moving Average

  177. optix says:

    Could you let me know the tax implications of the brokerage return. That amount directly gets added to the profit and we are supposed to pay tax on that rite. It would be good if there is a section on tax / queries. Am sure lot of clients will be interested in knowing about tax, how to set off some profits against expenses etc.

    • Optix,

      We probably have the most popular Post with Q&A when it comes to trading markets in India, check this link.

      Brokerage is an expense for you that is declared while you are filing your returns, the brokerage refunded just reduces the expense, and you don’t have to pay any tax on this.


  178. optix says:


    This 60-day challenge is extended to 31st March 2014. So if someone enables it on 30/31st March, will it be valid for 60 trading days from 31st March?

  179. dipanshu says:

    Hi Nitin How can we come to know if we r in net profit .Is it net receivables – (net payable , brokerage fee tran. fee and all other charges). Also how many days it takes to refund the brokerage if we win .

    • Dipanshu,

      If you login to our backoffice(, you will get to see all the options when you click on evaluate on the 60 day challenge box. Once you win, the brokerage refund can take upto 10 days.

  180. Kavitha S says:

    Hi Team, Couple of questions
    1) For 60 Day challenge, in cash segment, is delivery trades also included or is it only intraday trades?
    2) Currently i am doing trades in both F&O as well as Cash segment. Suppose if i complete in profit in one cost centre and loss in another and the profit is higher than the loss, whether the brokerage of both the cost centre (cash and F&O) will be refunded?

    Please clarify, Thanks

    • Hanan says:

      Hi Kavitha:

      We wish you a very happy new year. Here are your answers:
      1. All kinds of trades are included in the challenge as long as the buy and sell has happened within the 60-day challenge range.
      2. Each challenge is treated individually. This means that if you win the Cash challenge, you’ll get a brokerage refund. If you lose the F&O challenge you will not get the F&O refund. There is no connection between the two.

      • Kavitha S says:

        Hi Hanan, Wish you a Happy New Year.

        I am happy with the first answer but with respect to second, the answer is quite confusing.

        Actually i am speaking about Cash and F&O and both falls under the challenge “EQUITY & DERIVATIVES” and hence they should be treated together.

        Also i read the above posts and the same question was asked earlier and NITHIN said the same. can you look at the post posted

        “16 Sep 2013 at 05:16 AM” which says “We will refund for both equity and equity futures together”

        Please clarify

        • Hanan says:

          Ooops, Kavitha. Sorry, I got confused between the cost centers. To clarify, NSE/NFO are considered as one cost center on our back office and you would qualify as a winner/loser based on your overall performance between these two market segments. If you have a small draw down in one segment and a nice win in another segment, you’re still an overall winner. 🙂

  181. sam says:


    • Venu Madhav says:

      There are no conditions 🙂 The idea of launching the 60 day challenge was to ensure that whenever our clients traded, they had the thought of being profitable..There are no minimum trades that you’re required to make..

  182. mahipal singh says:

    i am mahipal i haven taken the 60day challenge in currecy ihave allready complitted it but how the brokage will refunded will it trnfer to my trading a/c my user id ncdm0875 still now i did not recived the amount or pls guid me what r the process to get it

  183. manikandan says:

    Great work

    Suppose i tradeonly 1 day during this 60 dy challenge – and i am in profit – will the brokerage refunded??

  184. DM0969 says:

    Hi Nitin,

    Thanks for starting Zerodha. It took 3 years to find that such wonderful concept exist. Thanks to Youtube i say for finding Zerodha. The best thing is the efforts and idea you have put to built a community of practise for traders is very unique and which motivated me to open an account with you.

    One Question
    60 Day challenge i have initiated. Nice concept of Gamification. I wish that we have an option to show our trades and profits made and a stack ranking of the traders? something like for Zerodha community

    Mahesh Patil

  185. Gautam says:

    Hello Mr.Kamath.

    I would like to know if I can open an account with Zerodha and take the challenge now or is it too late?
    What is ur projected date of termination of this challenge.
    I am looking to grab this opportunity to be a hedge fund trader.

  186. Raghavendra says:

    Hi Nithin how many times can we take this challenge?…. is it only once or can we take n number of times

  187. Ashim says:

    Hello Nithin. I recently opened an account and started trading. I have just started the 60 day challenge so wanted to know if the challenge will continue in 2014.

  188. Mukunth says:

    Hi Nithin,

    I have completed the zerodha challenge for derivatives successfully, I heard that there are some opportunities in your firm and associated hedge funds for traders, if there is some opportunity, I will be interested in trying for the same and explain my views on trading and the way i trade. My id is DM0430, kindly check, if interested please reach me.

  189. Jaspreet says:

    Hi Zerodha,

    I am not able to understand WHY MY NAME IS NOT APPEARING on the 60 days challenge winners page. I already have two wins in my kitty – one for commodities and one for equities future and options..

    Already has submitted the testimonial with my photo (2 times)…

    My client id is – RJ0088

    Can you please look into this ?

    – Jaspreet

    • Jaspreet says:

      i cleared the 60 day challenge for commodities and nse future and options…by mistake i have mentioned equities…anyhow i am two times winner :)..

      Please check and let me know.

      Client id – RJ0088

  190. Nik says:


    My 60 days challenge has been completed on 25th October in which I was in net profit of approx. Rs. 2500.
    I clicked on claim button to claim the brokerage after the challenge after two days which was showing net profit at that time.
    The brokerage has not been refunded as of now.

    Also, I had bought some options on last day of challenge in the last minute of trading which I sold on next trading day in profit. But now when I click on Evaluate button on backend it shows my challenge to be in net loss which was actually in profit even if closing price of option is considered for calculation.

    Could you update the data and refund the brokerage.

  191. optixx says:

    Me and my friends have enabled the challenge from 27/09/13. In the backend it shows the start date ad 27/09/13 and end date as 25/12/13. The end date should be 26/12/13, since 25th Dec is a trading holiday.
    Could you update this.


    • Hanan says:

      If 25th is a trading holiday, the challenge will end either on the 24th or on the 25th. Both ways, you can rest assured that if you’re a winner, you will be recognized. 🙂

  192. Anilkumarvg says:

    Hi Zerodha,
    My friend completed the 60 day challenge 2 times(2 Cycles) and started the third one, he have win the first cycle on commodity segment,but he couldn’t claim (otherwise he don’t know if any process for refund this brokerage).
    It this time we can’t see the first cycle result for claim.What we will do ? Help me please….

    Waiting for your Reply…



  193. jrkraj says:

    hello sir,

    I need a small clarification how the winner is selected ?

    Is it based on amount he earned ? or the growth he got ?

    for example : when i am started by portfolio is at 20000.00 when my challenge ended i am end up at 120000.00 my growth is around 600 % .

    please clarify us sir


    • Nithin Kamath says:


      We declare the people who make net profits during the challenge as winners, it is based on all the trades you have done. If you are in profits we declare you as a winner, give you a certificate acknowledging and also refund the brokerage.

      Traders who have consistently made profits while trading, we feature them on the Zconnect section of our website as well.

  194. nag says:

    hi zerodha i completed my first 60 day challenge on 02/08/2013 with increase in proffit over 600% .my initial capital is 65000.00 rs and net value as on 02/08/2013 is 470389.26 rs. naanu claim kooda madiddini adare brok refund aagilla .nanage brokge refund aagutta illa ilva ?

  195. amarchamba says:

    How will I get Certificate of a winner in 60 days challenge as I am a winner in equity segment My Client ID is RA0816

  196. amarchamba says:

    I am one of the winner in zerodha 60 days challenge. I am looking forward for you offer for the interview for prop Trader. Could you please tell me when are you going to call for the the interview. I consider myself as well experienced trader having potential of making 4 to 10 % per month. Please guide me about the Interview.

  197. Shine says:

    What happens if I sell my long term holding which bought earlier and sold during challenge period ? For example I bought X company shares before @100 and sold @200 during challenge period. If at end of challenge period X share value is 400, I am a looser or winner ?

    • Nithin Kamath says:

      At the start of the challenge we will have a value for your long term holding and the profitability of this trade would be considered based on the holding price on the 1st day of challenge..

      Hope this clarifies

      • Naren says:

        But, your software calculated in other way. Suppose if I buy shares before challenge period @ 100 and sold @ 200 during the challenge. If the value at 60th day of challenge is 400. Software is calculated like bought @400 and sold @200 and loss=200. Because of this, backoffice showed my second challenge is on loss, even though I made profit.

        • Venu Madhav says:

          Hey Naren,
          If you are carrying any equity position into the challenge and are selling it during the challenge, the buy price that will be considered is the price of the stock as on the opening day of the challenge..Would you be able to tell us the stock name where the computation hasn’t happened this way?

  198. BSRAO says:

    If one is in profit in Equity and loss in Equity Futures, and the profit is more than loss, howmuch Brokerage willbe reffunded. Will you refund the total brokerage of Equity and Equity Futures or only Equity.

  199. optix says:

    Good news that the zero brokerage challenge is extended till Dec 31. I am on the second challenge and will get over by month end. Can I start the challenge for the third time immediately?

  200. nandakumar says:

    i completed my first 60 day challenge on 14/08/2013 but till day my brokerage for nse futures is not refunded after completing it in profit . even certificate is not received by me . i have even sent an email to vishal two days back but no reply. i hope my query will be answered at the earliest .

  201. Siddharth says:

    After completion of 60 Days, How many days it will take to get back the brokerage refund in my account? Is it immediate or will take some time.

  202. kiruba says:

    During the 60 days challenge, we are able to check the net value in the back end system. But is there a way to calculate the percentage returns we made?

    i.e. I would like to know how much did i earn/lose in percentage wise? is there a possibility to check our % returns?

    • Nithin Kamath says:

      %return is tough to calculate because the fund status can keep changing, you can be adding or removing funds. There is also MTM to worry about..

    • kiruba says:

      So there is no way one can find how much returns a person made after 60 days challenge??

    • Nithin Kamath says:

      In the evaluation page of the 60 day challenge, you can see the net amount which basically shows how much you are up or down by.

  203. maarish says:


    The demat a/c is in my sister in law name and in my cousins name and i handle both the accounts and i have started the 60 day challenge in both the a/cs. i have a query if i am a winner in this 60 day challenge , whether the certificates will be issued in my name or in a/c holder name

  204. rohanr_b says:

    I have a few questions regarding Zerodha 60 day challenge.

    1> I have started my challenge on 29th july will it end on 15th August as mentioned or it will end when i finish 60 days..?

    2> It is mentioned that ” winner will get an unbelievable chance to work as a professional trader for the Zerodha Prop Desk and associated hedge funds.” On what basis will this opportunity be presented and what parameters will be used to evaluate a trader besides net profit. eg Percentage of profit to capital, trading strategies, usage of technical analysis, rate of return on each trade. etc

    Kindly through some more light on this topic. Your guidance would be of great help as i’m looking forward to moving into full time trading.

    Thanking You

    • Nithin Kamath says:


      1. Your challenge will end 60 trading days after 29th July and not on 15th aug.

      2. You can consider this as a first round screener, it is not absolute returns but what we are looking for is people who show discipline in their trading and also stay profitable. Discipline in terms of strategy and risk management.


  205. optixx says:

    I guess there is lack of clarity of when the brokerage will be returned. Being specific can help.

    • Nithin Kamath says:

      Did you get the certificates? If you haven’t yet can you email [email protected] , we have a lot of winners and doing this job one by one. If you send the email out, it will happen faster.


  206. Tarun says:


    i got positive net profit in Commodities, have not yet received the brok.

    pls. look into that


    • Nithin Kamath says:

      Did you get the certificates? If you haven’t yet can you email [email protected] , we have a lot of winners and doing this job one by one. If you send the email out, it will happen faster.


  207. daytraderbt says:

    Hi Everyone,


    Nifty Signal updated on Blog…

    Happy Trading…



  208. Shahi says:


    I completed 60 day challenge on 28th June successfully taking my equity account to the maximum on the final day of 28th June. By when can I get the certificate for the same ? My associated email id with this account is same as the one which is associated with my Trading ID. So please have a look into my performance. I am also sending a separate email with excel attachment showing the equity curve and Daily/weekly/Monthly profit/Loss Report. Please have a look and let me know if you see me as a potential trader to be hired by your firm.


    Trade View


  209. optixx says:

    Just need one clarification on the brokerage returns.
    How will the proft & loss statement get affected by the brokerage returns.
    Assuming, the brokerage for this financial year is 25K, the returned brokerage was 10K, will the profit & loss statement have the value as 25K / 15 K?
    Will the amount be credited to the associated bank a/c directly? OR will it be added to the trading margin?
    When can we expect the credit to happen?

    • Nithin Kamath says:


      The brokerage will be credited to your trading account. Will show on the books as a brokerage refund.

      Credits should happen from tomorrow, we will be sending out the certificates today and also some information that will help us and fellow traders.


    • Ashish says:

      I am yet to recieve Certificate or Brokerage return although I have hit the claim button on 5th July 2013. Upon dropping a mail to customer care, they have replied that brokerage will be refunded starting from Aug 2013. I am confused right now.

  210. optixx says:

    Last month you have mentioned that more than 4000 ppl have started the challenge. Am sure, that the list will grow till 6000 or so by Aug 15th (discounting same ppl starting twice).
    Do you have plans to publish all the names of those who were profitable at the end of the challenge in your website?
    Or just a select few?

    • Nithin Kamath says:

      We will be publishing only those who agree for us to display the names. But yes, we will publish and share on our FB and social media.

      It is important for everyone to know that there are traders out there making money.


    • Ashish says:

      I am yet to recieve Certificate or Brokerage return although I have hit the claim button on 5th July 2013. Upon dropping a mail to customer care, they have replied that brokerage will be refunded starting from Aug 2013. I am confused right now.

  211. eztrader says:

    How do I ask new questions/queries? Is there an option like ask new questions or new post?

    It feels odd if my question/query is no way related to current post..


    • Nithin Kamath says:

      You can ask your question in the respective blog. You can see the categories on the right side of this page, almost every aspect of our business is covered in those.

      You could also use the search option for this.

    • eztrader says:

      I understand. Point I tried to made was that we can not start new topic or question..

      Must we ask questions as a comment to some (possibly !?! ) unrelated article/post?

      anyway, my question/query: Can I drop account opening forms and supporting documents along with cheque to your Ahmedabad support center? It is very near to my office in-fact next building.. :-))


    • eztrader says:

      Oops!! made silly typo..Sorry!! there is no way to update the post/comment hence new comment…..

      I understand. Point I tried to make was that we can not start new topic or question..

      Must we ask questions as a comment to some (possibly !?! ) unrelated article/post?

      anyway, my question/query: Can I drop account opening forms and supporting documents along with cheque to your Ahmedabad support center? It is very near to my office in-fact next building.. :-))


    • Nithin Kamath says:

      Yes ez,

      You surely can drop it in the office there. You can also find the local contact number in Ahmedabad on our website.

      Yes you can start a new question, no need to ask in an unrelated post.


  212. Hanumantharaju says:

    Hi Zerodha i have registered for the 60 Day Challange and still 20 days to go i have a question
    When i click the 60 daya challenge to see my Profit/Loss status the Net value shows around 96181.532 (Gross value shows 120317.50)

    does this means my profit is 96181.532 after deducting all the charges like brokerage, stamp duty sebi and tranacation charges

    kindly help me to understand

  213. Ashish says:

    Please let keep Zerodha the brokerage they have EARNED. Please do not claim it if your winner of 60 days challenge.

    • Nithin Kamath says:

      Hey Ashish,

      It is perfectly alright to claim for the refund. There is a business strategy around what we are doing and we will share with you in the future. But for now, Ashish do claim for the refund, we will send you a beautiful certificate also acknowledging that you are a winner.

      We will also send out a testimonial form and we will appreciate if you can write and put up a photo. We want the trading community to know that there are winners in the business of trading. People need a motivation to stay in the business and all of you winners will be the motivation and a target for other traders to get to.

      We are hoping with this challenge to remind all our traders that we are all in this business to trade for profits and not just for the heck of it.


    • Ashish says:

      So does that mean only after claiming we will get a certificate? if Yes then I would claim; But thing is I am not aware of procedure. When logged into backoffice, I am seeing -2 days against Equity &FO ( my 60 days challenge ) ….. Can you help?

    • Ashish says:

      Also I want to take challenge for same equity&fo for second time. And there is no way I can do that currently.

    • Nithin Kamath says:


      Give time till end of the day, you will get option both to claim and restart again.


    • Nithin Kamath says:

      Firstly congratulations on winning Zerodha’s 60 day challenge.

      The restart module has been set right. You will now be able to restart the challenge.

      At the same time to Evaluate your performance, please click on the Evaluate button and view your results Cost Center wise..You will get the Claim Button in case you have been profitable..Click on claim and it will come as a request to us and we will initiate suitable actions to refund your brokerage

    • td2win says:

      Hey Ashish

      I understand from your previous messages that you don’t want to get brokerage refund because you made 900% profit. Also you are preaching that zerodha earned the brokerage..etc…

      So do one thing… as you won the brokerage challenge, don’t claim your brokerage. Instead send a mail to Zerodha and asked them to provide ONLY the certificate. Can you do that ?.

      When you enter any competition, before entering you should know what is the outcome . After winning the competition if you say i don’t want the prize that is like insulting the competition.


    • Ashish says:

      Yes Sir.

      I have claimed the price. I do not want to disrespect the competition. I am going to claim is second time too ( I have restarted the challenge 🙂 )

  214. optixx says:

    My 60-days was over y’day (28th June). I got the “evaluate” button, but , I don’t see the “claim” button anywhere once I press the evaluate. I guess the reason is the Net Value is being shown as 0.00 , though I have made profit. Is this a bug in the software.
    If so, rectify this soon.


    • Nithin Kamath says:


      Can you send an email to [email protected] with your client id mentioning this issue.

    • optixx says:

      I sent a mail. Looks like some issue with the backend. To be sorted out by today evening. Probably next time, we can avoid this “claim” procedure. Automatically, the brokerage can be refunded. I dont think anyone will be against it.
      Btw, this is a great initiative, which is a win-win situation for traders and brokerage house. Will be spreading the word, hope you get a lot of new customers.


    • sandy says:

      same problem with me sent a mail also.
      should be made automatic to make it more effective and user friendly

    • Nithin Kamath says:

      Yes Sandy and optixx, issue with the equity challenge for clicking on the claim button. Working fine on the commodity. The tech guys are working on this and should be fixed by end of the day today.


    • optixx says:

      Looks like the issue is still not resolved. The calculations were working on a day-to-day basis very well during the challenge. We were able to see the net profit and the total brokerage. The issue is only with the “evaluate” thing. Can you not bypass this “evaluate” and “claim” stuff?

    • Nithin Kamath says:

      Facing some issue with the equity window, should be fixed by end of the day today..

    • Nithin Kamath says:

      Facing some issue with the equity window, should be fixed by end of the day today..

    • optixx says:

      Seems like taking more time to fix this. You have the data with you. Can we not make it automatic.

    • Ashish says:

      Optixx & Others,

      I am not sure why you are pressing for getting the claim ( getting refund). I would rather say not to ask for refund. Let Zerodha keep the money they have EARNED. Even I am the winner of challenge ( I have made 900% profit) and I have ask them not to refund. Please Respect other’s earnings.

    • Nithin Kamath says:

      Hey Ashish,

      It is perfectly alright to claim for the refund. There is a business strategy around what we are doing and we will share with you in the future. But for now, Ashish do claim for the refund, we will send you a beautiful certificate also acknowledging that you are a winner.

      We will also send out a testimonial form and we will appreciate if you can write and put up a photo. We want the trading community to know that there are winners in the business of trading. People need a motivation to stay in the business and all of you winners will be the motivation.


    • Nithin Kamath says:

      Firstly congratulations on winning Zerodha’s 60 day challenge.

      The restart module has been set right. You will now be able to restart the challenge.

      At the same time to Evaluate your performance, please click on the Evaluate button and view your results Cost Center wise..You will get the Claim Button in case you have been profitable..Click on claim and it will come as a request to us and we will initiate suitable actions to refund your brokerage, should take a maximum of 2 weeks.

  215. nicktrader says:


    I will be starting to trade today so will it be possible for me to complete the 60 day challenge considering it ends mid August!!


    • Nithin Kamath says:

      Yes it doesn’t matter if you haven’t completed before 15th aug, after 15th Aug you will be not allowed to take a new challenge

      best of luck,



  216. Quest says:

    Hi Zerodha,

    My zerodha 60 days challenge will end on 28-06-13 . I want to start new challenge on 1st July but there are only 34 trading days before August 15. In this case will I be considered for the challenge ? At the end of the 34 th day if my net profit is +ve, will I be considered a winner and brokerage will be refunded ?

    • Nithin Kamath says:


      From July 1st you will be allowed to complete the challenge in 60 trading days. From Aug 15th you cannot take a fresh challenge. But if you click on july 1st, your challenge starts from the 1st and for the next 60 trading days.

      best of luck


  217. gb333 says:

    I have just completed my 60 days challenge in commodity. How can I see the results? What is that “evaluate” option in 60 Day Challenge Banner?

    In Commodity it shows “Start” option, so shall I start the new challenge again from today itself.


    • Nithin Kamath says:


      Evaluate will show all details of the last challenge, if you have made profits it will also show you a claim button and if you click on it, the brokerage will be refunded. If you haven’t made profits, you will not see the claim button.

      Yes you can click on start and the next 60 day challenge would start.


    • gb333 says:

      where is that clam button

    • gb333 says:

      This is my 60 days challenge report in MCX? Should I get back my brokerages after this? If yes then how can I claim them, as there is no button like “claim” in that window.

    • Nithin Kamath says:

      Sorry had missed your query, you will be able to see the claim only once the 60 trading days is complete. I guess you would have seen it now and congrats on winning the challenge and staying profitable.

    • gb333 says:

      I have claimed my refund amount three times , but still now I wont get anything. Why so?

  218. kalai says:


    I had a doubt. I choose Equity and Derivatives for 60 day challenge.
    Scenario is like this:
    I had made loss in Equity cash say for example 15000 Rs., but i made profit of Rs. 20000 in options. So my ledger initial opening balance is 10000 and due to the profit it is now @ 15000 which is a addition of 5000 Rs. At this scenario did i win the challenge to get the brokerage (of both Cash & option) refund. or will i get only of the option brokerage. Or did i failed in the challenge.
    Kindly suggest me.

    • Nithin Kamath says:

      You will be a winner for the equity challenge, because we look at combined profits of equity and f&O..


  219. niftytrader says:

    I have started zerodha 60 day challenge on 23-may-2013 and when i calculated trading days left till 15-aug-2013 is 59 and if NSE does not organise special trading on saturdays then i will be able to trade for 59 days only. Should I am considered for zerodha 60 day challenge or not please clear my doubt.

    • Nithin Kamath says:


      It doesn’t matter even if 15th aug is your 59th day, your 60 day challenge would then end on 17th aug then. It doesn’t matter if your 60 day doesn’t end before 15th Aug.. You are still considered..


  220. gb333 says:

    Is the only 60th day MTM count or you will count all total MTM till 60th Day from the start of the challenge. If I win the Challenge when I will get the brokerages, mean how much time it will take to credit the amount.


    • Nithin Kamath says:

      Gautam, basically all trades done in the 60 days and the MTM on your open positions as on the 60th day. The brokerage credit will happen to your trading account within 2 weeks from when the challenge ends.

  221. srinivasan says:

    traders come on we will take this challenge when markets shoot up on a higher mode with our technical analysis stats and play safe for a 60 day challenge

    • enmy says:

      @ Srinivasan i agree your point…. 🙂 but Technical Analysis will give only 70% Accuracy… so can’t depend on Technical Analysis also…. Hey i feel Alogz is very cool so did you try that Algoz Trading..??

  222. kishorekumar2k13 says:

    Very encouraging Program takenup by Zerodha…giving lowest possible brokerage charges 4 traders…n daily trying to give new upgradations in software…Glad 2 b a Zerodha trader…It vl b a surprise addition to d account after 60 days…all brokerage charges deducted in dese 60 days….Sure..vl try n get my brokerages back…by being in profit after 60 days!! Gr8 going…just started 2 days back…n in profit as of now…sure good thing 4 traders!!

  223. Mandar_1985 says:

    Hi Zerodha,

    M i required to trade on all trading sessions falling in those 60 days to be eligible to be held as a winner????

    • Nithin Kamath says:


      You are not required to trade on all 60 days, if you have done 1 trade which has made money in those 60 days, you will get the refund at the end of the 60 day challenge.

  224. Deep says:

    Does profit calculation includes the Rs 20+20 Zerodha brokerage charges with other gov. charges (ST, STT, turnover charges..etc) or only Gov. chrges?

  225. muinali says:

    hi zerodha
    i registered myself as partcipant today at 5.00 pm in cash/f&o segment ,today my trading day was profitable. my quetion is :will today considered as 1st day ? if yes then, why are statement not showing today’s status?

  226. Arjun_Patel says:

    Hi Zerodha,

    After starting the 60 days challenge, I sold positions that I’ve been carrying for long time and now there is a difference of 750 stocks b/w buy qty and sell qty, I wanted to clarify even if there is difference in buy and sell qty and net profit is +ve, Will I be considered a winner?

    • Hanan says:

      The 60-day challenge is quite simple actually. Whatever positions you held before the start of the challenge will not be considered. Your profitability will be considered only for positions that have been taken during the challenge. I hope this clarifies.

  227. Musa says:


    Today pick of stocks is FRL.

  228. vijay says:


    For me also it is showing error in f&o. Previous date contract not pertaining to me is given. Pl rectify

  229. MohanReddy says:

    sir i started the challenge on 03 april so how calculate what ever trade i did on 02nd april

    its ok because i hold the positions so calculate when i bought that one …. pls check the details

    its not correct
    \ i bought at 5800 pe at 100 but in my performance sheet it s taken as a 239 ( 450 quantity )

    pls calrify pls pls pls

  230. vijay says:


    I joined the zerodha challenge on 5.4.13. however two contracts of alum and zinc dt 30.3.13 are shown int he statment. Kindly rectify

  231. Maahi_007 says:

    Hi @Mr Zerodha,

    Any idea about STT and CTT implementation ?? Would it be implied during 60 day challenge ?

    • Ganesh-Mungaru says:

      Hey Zerodha ,

      If i accept the 60 day challenge would be enrolled for refund of brokerage or also the STT ?? P.S

  232. Maahi_007 says:

    Has the issue in Back ofc rectified ? I have a small doubt ..would be grateful if anyone clarifies

    Ex: i started with 1000 and end of 60days i carry 1010 ..will i be a winner ? Or are there any best of the best too happening? Can i place a withdrawal in btw 60 days ?

    Suppose at 1st day i had zero balance and then at 5th day i invest 5k for trading ..would it be ok ?

    • Maahi_007 says:

      And also a request to Zerodha, Please let us track on the 60 day challenge as in on which day we started/ has the challenge properly accepted or declined.. It would be helpful if you could help track these 60days

  233. vijay says:


    In my trading a/c other charges for rs.178.85 is shown. what is that? I have not made any call or i have not incurred any penalty. Kindly explain

    • Nithin Kamath says:


      There is a small issue with other charges, it ideally should show only call n trade or penalties, but right now it is showing a different number, will be fixed in a while.

  234. ramchander says:

    60 day trading challenge means v do all 60 days trading from 1 to 60? or in 60days it is our wish to trade.

  235. abhinav says:

    I HAVE A QUERY FOR STT (may not be relevant to challenge)

    The STT was reduced on equity futures from 0.017% to 0.01% for FY. 2013-2014
    but the contract notes charge same 0.017 % as last year

    has the stt change not been implemented ?

    what has the reason been ??

    Can you please clarify

    Just want to know as a genuine client

    Encourage Zerodha for its discount Initiative

  236. murali says:


    i had activated the 60 days challenge on 4/4/2013…. i clicked the menu button and it is not showing the track nperformance….


  237. vijay says:


    Kindlt let me know whether the existing open positions will be taken in to account for zerodha challenge

  238. VishalShah says:

    If it’s a matter of competition for profit and not only trading then

    we should know the competitors position in the RACE ?

    It will definitely urge competitors for making maximum profits with lesser risk.

    • Nithin Kamath says:

      It is not a competition Vishal and definitely not a race where you have to beat others…

      It is a challenge, where you are pushing yourself to do the right things with the goal of staying profitable.

      Winning is a habit and we are trying ways to assist you get there..

      Best of luck…

  239. VishalShah says:

    Dear Nithin Sir,

    What is other charges being shown at the right bottom corner of status tracking window for 60-day challenge ?

    Wouldn’t that be better, if each participant can see his daily ranking in the aforesaid NetValue tracking window ?

    Also, if a participant takes challenge in more than a segment out of three viz equity, currency and commodity and

    If he stands loser in one segment and winner in another segment then how is overall performance/Netvalue calculated ?

    One more thing, there are separate NetValue records for different exchanges viz. BSE, NSE, MCX

    Can we get a composite NetValue record for the same ?

    • Nithin Kamath says:

      If you visit our brokerage calculator you will see all charges, other charges would be call n trade charges or any exchange penalties etc.

      These are 3 different challenges. If you win the equity and f&O, you will get back all the brokerage you have paid for that .. if you lose commodity, you will not get back the refund for that.. simple..

      There would be no overall netvalue, 3 separate net values for equity, comm and curr…

      Yes we will have that issue fixed, NSE, BSE and MCX-SX will all show as one for equity and derivatives..


  240. Manjunath_DN says:

    I am Manjunath. I am trading on behalf of my friend Prashanth S (Id RP0429) from my terminal. In case I am a winner, the certificate is going to be in Prashanth’s name is it? Regarding the interview for selecting the trader, how can I be called as the winner is going to be Prashanth?

    • Nithin Kamath says:

      Yes Manjunath,

      Certificate would be in the name of the account holder but if the account holder authorizes we would consider.

  241. Maahi_007 says:


    I guess this is a great chance for young traders like us to save large amt of brokerage. Zerodha please make the challenge for entire year:)

  242. gb333 says:

    In my backoffice home page the link for 60 Day Challenge in yellow color is disable. Please help, I want to take the challenge.

    • Nithin Kamath says:

      You have to delete all your browsing history and you will be able to see the start button. Open a new internet explorer window, under tools you will see internet options. Click on internet options and you will see browsing history. Under browsing history, click on delete browsing history on exit and click delete. Close your internet explorer, open a new internet explorer window and login to BO. Once logged in, you will see the 60 day challenge and the link to start.

    • Nithin Kamath says:

      GB, Can you send an email to [email protected], someone from our team will call you back and help you on this. Send your client id and contact number along with it…

    • Nithin Kamath says:

      GB, also use the REPLY button to post, the thread will go longer if you post newly again.. I have deleted the image and the other comment u posted.. You can repost it if you wish by using the reply button…

  243. Vani says:


    Ive started the challenge today will the trades I took today be counted.
    (Ive accepted the challenge after finishing my trading today)

    Plz reply

  244. kinjhoh says:


    In 60 days challenge if i made a loss of Rs.1000 but if i got a referral amount of Rs.2100 which will increase my capital then i will be winner of this challenge or not?? please help

    • Nithin Kamath says:

      No kinjhoh, your trading has to be profitable , referral amount , money transferred in , withdrawn nothing will matter or be considered..

  245. kinjhoh says:


    Zerodha-60 day Challenge is very nice! I was trading from couple of years so this is very good challenge for me to check my efficienty of my trades. Thanks zerodha for introduction this concept.

  246. MohanReddy says:

    sir when i observe one thing in “common profit loss view”………….. in that window we observe all are separate taxes and brokerage so on… and net value so i calculate my netvalue subtract all those taxes …… are as it is same what ever it shows in that window….

    pls reply

    • Nithin Kamath says:

      Net value actually shows profits after all charges and taxes. So if net value shows + it means you are profitable and if it shows – then not …

    • MohanReddy says:

      sir………. actually some mistake in our zerodha window that is it shows “other charges” instead of “Net value” Yesterday in Equity and derivative segment …. thats why i ask the above question….

      today i observe same problem in Currency segment pls rectify that issue from your side ……. (may be i am wrong)

      Gross Value , Net Value and Other Charges three things are shows Wrong Places in that performance window ……….

    • MohanReddy says:
    • Nithin Kamath says:

      Mohan, this thing will be fixed by tomorrow, the report here is not showing other charges correctly and also the net value for people who were holding positions from before clicking on start…

  247. Dtrade says:

    Very good effort. I like it.
    so, after 60 days i made profit 1 rupees, i am the winner.

  248. MuraliKrishna says:

    Hey Zerodha,

    I’ve been trading in stock market from 2008 Jan, started in 1st year while studying engineering. I’ve read more books on stock market than my engineering degree and also managed 5lac amount of my clients money with over 15% profit per trade . Its my passion to be part of stock market, but unfortunately I’ve end up in IT sector and working in an MNC.

    But I couldn’t resist myself in a IT cubicle, All i want is to work as stock broker/technical analyst but no brokerage house recognize my talent and not ready to offer me Job in this sector.

    I admire zerodha and its CEO Nitin. I take up this 60 day challenge and prove myself to be part of zerodha team.

    -Thanks, Murali
    [email protected]

  249. Sikander says:

    Zerodha is here to stay, so i opened account with you guys!
    I wish you all the best!!

    Well, here are my queries:

    1. Will there be any ranking of winners?

    2. I am only participating in commodities. Is it OK?
    I mean will there be separate list of winner for all three segments?

    Long live Nithin!


    • Nithin Kamath says:


      No ranking of winners, everyone who makes money is a winner.

      Yes you can participate only in commodities, completely alright.

      Yes winners will be separate for all the 3 challenges..

  250. Sai says:

    Very good initiative frm Zerodha 🙂 Rock n Roll !!!

  251. nawaz1006 says:

    How to start the challenge from Zerodha Trader?
    Or else Do I have to start the challenge online only?
    If started online and traded through Zerodha Trader, will it be consider as active participation?

    • Nithin Kamath says:

      You have to start the challenge through our backoffice only, but once you click on start it will be on all trades you execute on your account no matter online version, software or mobile version…

  252. naarayanan says:

    good challenge… i started trading only in 2013… but am loving it. the zerodha platform is fantastic and very user friendly.. i use ZT.. since 1st april 2013 am making only profits.. i just thought, if it could have started 2 days back, i wud have got more refunds… hahaha.. great going zerodha.. keep up the good work.. cheers 🙂

  253. InTeReVeNtiOn says:

    The video says that you can a chance to work as trader with Zerodha (citrus paribus)…..what goes into this selection process? is there any transparency on this…so that it gives us the outlines to follow if w are gunning for this position???

    • Nithin Kamath says:


      The attributes that we are looking for firstly is to be a profitable trader(winner of the challenge) and secondly when you interview we would check out for how much you risk on your trades, is there a logic behind your trade or are they blind bets and so on and forth…

  254. sayantan2u9 says:

    hey zerodha , i couldnot activate the 60 days challenge even after deleting browser history ..
    can it be activated by calling you..?.

    Also 1 other question

    Let say after 59days , i m in profit of 2000 after paying taxes and all
    now on day 60 , i have an open position which is at mtm 2500 loss , then am i eligible for for refund or not (coz may be on day 61 that position may end in profit also)

    • sayantan2u9 says:

      hey !! dont have to answer the 1st question , i can see the start button now

    • Nithin Kamath says:

      For the challenge we will consider the closing value of positions that you hold on the 60th trading day. So if you have an MTM loss of Rs 2500, it will be debited from your account’s profitability which is Rs 2000 and you would have ended the challenge with a Rs 500 loss and hence not a winner. You will not be eligible for the refund..


  255. abhinav says:


    While calculating Net profit in 60 day challenge
    is there any FIX % of profit on turnover…
    or should the brokerage be <= net profit

    say for example If I make a
    total turnover = 1 crore
    net profit = 1000 rupees only
    brokerage = 10000 (500 orders)

    inspite of 1 crore turnover I still end up in Net profit of 1000
    but the brokerage paid is 10,000

    WILL I GET THE ENTIRE 10,000 refund?

    • Nithin Kamath says:


      Your turnover or how much money in your account has nothing to do with it. If during the 60 trading days, you are net profitable(which means after paying all taxes, brokerage and other charges) you are a winner. So if during the 60 days if your net profit is Rs 1000 and the brokerage paid is Rs 10000 during the period, the entire Rs 10000 is refunded.

      Your Net profit after paying brokerage and other charges > 0 , that’s it .. Hope this clarifies


  256. PraveenKumar_16 says:


    1) When i take 60 day challenge,do trading only for few trading days & make some profit after all the charges & brokerage paid, will i get refund of brokerage paid?

    2) For example if i had paid the following charges by end of 60 days 1. brokerage paid is Rs 1000/- 2. STT rs 800 , 3. Turnover charges Rs 1500 etc , if i’m a winner i will get only the brokerage paid i.e RS 1000 right?

    • Nithin Kamath says:


      Yes you can trade only for 1 day in the 60 day period and if you are in profits you will get back the brokerage. There is no conditions to this.

      Yes only the brokerage of Rs 1000 is refunded.


  257. RajendraPrasad says:

    I see a button after logging in saying “TAKE THE ZERODHA 60 DAY CHALLENGE!”, but it doesnt respond when i tried to click on it. Please help me!

    • Nithin Kamath says:

      You have to delete all your browsing history and you will be able to see the start button. Open a new internet explorer window, under tools you will see internet options. Click on internet options and you will see browsing history. Under browsing history, click on delete browsing history on exit and click delete. Close your internet explorer, open a new internet explorer window and login to BO. Once logged in, you will see the 60 day challenge and the link to start.

    • RajendraPrasad says:

      ThanQ.. It worked for me now 🙂

  258. MohanReddy says:

    just now i started so my today trading is counted are not pls reply

  259. MohanReddy says:

    sir i am very happy to see this challenge

    but one problem i am not able to see the pop up this start button for this challenge activation purpose…..

    so kindly help me as ssoon as possible

    Thank You

    • Nithin Kamath says:

      You have to delete all your browsing history and you will be able to see the start button. Open a new internet explorer window, under tools you will see internet options. Click on internet options and you will see browsing history. Under browsing history, click on delete browsing history on exit and click delete. Close your internet explorer and login, you should see the start button and click it.

    • Nithin Kamath says:


      As mentioned above, your funds transfer and withdrawal has nothing to do with it. If your net profitable after considering all the trades during the period, you are a winner. On the last day if you are holding any position, the profitability will be considered based on the closing price of your holdings on the 60th day.

      No conditions at all, you could have just done one trade or 1000 during this period, if you are net profitable the brokerage will be refunded for that period.

      • ShreyaDR says:

        Are you sure? Say i still have 24 days to go. At present i m in profit of very small amount (lately able to recovered my losses made in last 36 sessions) now if i stopped trading till my challenge day completes. Will i get my brokerage refund?

        “No conditions at all, you could have just done one trade or 1000 during this period, if you are net profitable the brokerage will be refunded for that period.”

  260. ravichandra says:

    Just stumbled upon it while visiting the backoffice & i’ve clicked on satrt… so probably today counts for me. Good to see the Zerodha challenge back finally… bigger & better!

  261. Shrikantha says:

    I have logged in but there is no window showing take zerodha 60 days challenge.

    • Nithin Kamath says:

      The link will be up before the market closing today, you can login and click start after that.


  262. Sebastian says:

    What if a client wants to participate in the Zerodha Challenge., But he does have some positions which he don’t want to squreoff., How will be the calculations done in that concern., What about the payin/payout during the 60day challenge.?

    • Nithin Kamath says:

      From the day you click on start and over the next 60 trading days, all your trades is what is considered for your profitability. The funds you have transferred in or withdrawn won’t make a difference. On the last day of the challenge if you are holding any position, the profitability will be calculated by looking at the closing price of the stock/future/option on that day.

      • PD says:


        there are 2 doubts,

        1: One should be profitable in EQ & FO::::: Does this means one should have profit in his holdings (delivery ) instrument and also on F&O position, OR Does this means delivery and FO profit / loss will be added and if both sum comes profit then win else loose.

        2: Consider one have profit in his option instruments in his challenge’s last day, however on last day he did some trading where he is about to get loss and if he realized the loss he will loose the challenge, so one decide not to Square off the position, in this scenario how you guys will confirm if he won or loose ??


        • 1. We don’t check holdings. You need to profitable across all trades executed within this period.
          2. It is just P&L for 60 day period, sum of all realized+unrealized in case of F&O. Only realized in case of equity.

  263. babai says:

    Hi, I am interested and want to activate the same. But after logging in Zerodha backoffice I can see the link to “START” the challenge, But when I click on it it shows error “access restricted”.
    Please provide solution how to activate in NSE equity and F&) challenge?

    • Nithin Kamath says:


      Click on start next to equity and derivatives. It will start working by 2pm. Cheers..

  264. Kalyan says:

    Is there any last date before which we need to activate the challenge in order to participate in it? Or we can also activate it after one month also.

    Also, if we are permitted to start the challenge after say 1 month sometime in the month of May, then the validity of the contest will be counted as 60 trading days from when we start the contest?

    • Nithin Kamath says:

      Kalyan, you can start the challenge anytime you want before Aug 15th 2013. From the day you click start, 60 trading days from then would be counted. The only good thing with starting the challenge right away is that you will have an opportunity to take 60 day challenge twice before Aug 15th 2013. Hope this clarifies.

      • Jawed Iqubal says:

        how would u decide the the rank …as each trader have different invested amount. i was declared winner in 60 days challenge .. this is my 1st challenge but my name is not posted in winner list on ur website and how would i get my certificate

        • There is no rank, if you are a winner you get a brokerage refund, we send you a certificate, and display that you are among our profitable traders on the webpage. Can you send an email to [email protected], he will give you details.

          • B SINGH says:

            Nithin Sir,
            I have the following queries for which answers are kindly requested.
            1. Is every winner’s name displayed on your website, even if it is only 1 winning, if so, where can we see it please? Could you provide the link please for it?
            2. Can additional funds be added to the trading a/c after starting a challenge and will it give any adverse effect on the winning?
            3. Is MTM P/L taken into a/c at the end of the 60 day period, or only closed trades are taken into a/c?
            Thanks & Regards,

            • Shubham says:

              Hey, we do not maintain a public list of 60-Day Challenge winners. You can add additional funds to your trading account, this will have no effect on the 60-Day Challenge. Only closed trades are taken into account. You can learn more about the 60-Day Challenge here.

  265. Arnab says:

    Fantastic idea! I congratulate Zerodha on such a innovative competition… I will participate and winning the challenge is the goal 🙂


      really fantastic, but do continue this challenge without any break. Thank you Nithin.

  266. VSKumar says:

    How many Members will be Declared as winners in the Contest…
    Top-10 or 20 or30….or No number…

    • Nithin Kamath says:


      Every person who is net profitable after the 60 trading day period will be declared as a winner, no limit on the number of people…

  267. VSKumar says:

    Unable to Start…
    When Clicking ion Start. its Giving a pop-up as Access Restricted….

    • Nithin Kamath says:

      Hi Kumar,

      Sorry about the earlier post, so here is your right answer, also on the blog now:

      How are Trading Days considered?
      When you click on start, that day will be considered as your first day, doesn’t matter what time of the day you click start morning or night. If the day you click start is a holiday, the next working day will be considered as your first trading day.
      Do note that by 60 trading days, we mean days on which the markets are open for trading. So 1 week will have 5 equity trading days, 6 commodity trading days and 5 currency trading days.

      • Mohit vora says:

        In this challenge, how many days we have to active and suppose sometimes i made a loss than i recover it and i did net profit. so it valid.

        • Mohit, as long as on the 60th trading day you have made profits, you are considered as a winner. It doesn’t matter what you did during the 60 days.

          • Avito Lourenco says:

            Does that mean even unrealised products are taken into consideration? Since if I am an investor I would not want to close a trade just for a competition since I may never get that entry in the near future?

        • Yashoda mungi says:

          Dear zerodha,

          I am yashoda from Hyderabad.
          I was the successful winner in the 60 day challenge.
          On 02-02-18 it was completed.
          On 14th you changed the status saying’ refund has been credited to you’re
          Every day saying you will receive today when I call them and when I mail them.ticket number #477094.
          Nithin sir kindly respond to day 17th Feb.

      • Kinnari says:

        Hi Nithin,

        Could you please clarify as to why in the P& L report generated in the 60 Day Challenge when the share goes ex dividend, the dividend income is not included in the “Realized Profit”?

      • Siddardha Kamal says:


      • Yashoda mungi says:

        Dear zerodha,

        I am yashoda from Hyderabad.
        I was the successful winner in the 60 day challenge.
        On 02-02-18 it was completed.
        On 14th you changed the status saying’ refund has been credited to you’re
        Every day saying you will receive today when I call them and when I mail them.ticket number #477094.
        Nithin sir kindly respond to day 17th Feb.

      • NavnathK says:

        Hello Nithin,

        I am a big fan and supporter of Zerodha platform, i have recommended Zerodha to all my colleague, they are also happy with it.

        But the 60 day challenge refund should have been there, it attracts people to trade and encourage us to make more trade for winning. Please consider activating it back.

        • Faisal says:

          Navnath, the reason for stopping this wasn’t the revenue, but compliance. The exchanges don’t encourage any schemes/offers like this.

      • vikas says:

        60 days certificate id not issue challenge is completed after 26 days. but certificate is not showing in download area.

    • sangeet jain says:

      Net profitable means everyday in profit or last of day of 60 days total will be in profit.

    • Keshav maheshwari says:

      will dividend get into account in 60 day challenge