#60day challenge


Mr Consistent returning incredible returns

Traders, Madan is part of our illustrious top 25 traders from almost 35000 who trade at Zerodha. He has won 3 challenges in a row, and he is consistent, not very aggressive, and has still managed a return of over 300% in the last 1 year + trading with us on a good sized trading […]

Founder & CEO @ Zerodha
21 Dec 2013

Intraday stock trader par excellence

Traders, G. Bharadwaj is one of our oldest clients and has been consistently profitable. If I had to talk about percentage returns in terms of capital in his trading account over the last 3 years, it will be an obscene number, mainly because of his trading style. He has requested us to not disclose his […]

Founder & CEO @ Zerodha
11 Sep 2013

From IIT to intraday options on Nifty

Traders, Find following an interaction with Rajesh, who’s very nifty trading options on the Nifty. He was not only the winner in the first challenge but is also presently up over 100%, 20 days into the second challenge. What makes him special is also the fact that he was up over 150% in the last […]

Founder & CEO @ Zerodha
03 Aug 2013

Nithin – Zero to Zerodha

Traders, Since we are profiling winners – traders who are successful trading the markets and get them to share ideas, we thought why not Nithin, an astute trader himself. It is Nithin’s idea to have the Winners’ section and the following interaction to share what helped him while trading. He writes on Zconnect, am taking […]

Head of client relations at Zerodha
26 Jul 2013

Software Engineer up 400%

Traders, Find following interaction with Pawan, a software engineer from Bangalore who has made over 400% on his trading capital with consistent profitable trades during the 60-day challenge. Education: B.Tech (Computer Science) Profession: Software Engineer Hobbies: Teaching Quants to students preparing for CAT and playing badminton. Following is the interaction on July 19, 2013. You […]

Founder & CEO @ Zerodha
19 Jul 2013

Introduction to Winners

Traders, Over the last 5 years I have been interacting with thousands of retail clients and a common thing I have heard is that no one makes money in the markets. This is a huge problem for a trader’s psyche, knowing not whom to emulate. This is a problem especially for the retail trading community […]

Founder & CEO @ Zerodha
19 Jul 2013

Update May 21, 2013

Hi Traders, Hope that your trading has been going good. I would like to share with you some important updates that have taken place at Zerodha in the last few days: New Password Policy: After getting approvals from the Exchange, you will now be required to change your trading passwords once in 90 days unlike […]

India's largest broker trusted by 1.5+ crore investors.
20 May 2013

Start the Zerodha 60 Day Challenge

Update: Zerodha is saddened to announce that the 60-day challenge will be shut down with effect from January 1, 2023, owing to recent changes in regulations that disallow any form of competition or “gamification”. Although 60 day challenge was neither a multi-party competition nor a game, a strict interpretation of regulations still disallowed it. W.e.f. […]

Founder & CEO @ Zerodha
02 Apr 2013