We recommend reading this chapter on Varsity to learn more and understand the concepts in-depth.

Key takeaways from this chapter

  1. Remember the rules based on which candlesticks work.
  2. Marubozu is the only pattern that violates rule number 3, i.e. Look for the prior trend.
  3. A bullish marubozu indicates bullishness.
    1. Buy around the closing price of a bullish marubozu
    2. Keep the low of the marubozu as the stoploss
  4. A bearish marubozu indicates bearishness.
    1. Sell around the closing price of a bearish marubozu
    2. Keep the high of the marubozu as the stoploss
  5. An aggressive trader can place the trade on the same day as the pattern forms.
  6. Risk-averse traders can place the trade on the next day after ensuring that it obeys rule number 1, i.e. Buy strength, and Sell weakness.
  7. Abnormal candle lengths should not be traded.
    1. A short candle indicates subdued activity.
    2. Long candle indicates extreme activity; however, placing stop loss becomes an issue.


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  1. Sai Kranth says:

    Great Lectures!!!!

  2. kunal says:

    A heartfelt appreciation for this much required initiative, Thank you.

  3. Pradeep says:

    One feedback – Towards the end of these videos where the key takeaway section appears, the suggested video thumbnails cover the content making it difficult to read the key takeaways. Would it be possible to resize the suggestions videos in a way that it does not cover the video content?

  4. Aditi Dabhadkar says:

    Hi, loving the video lectures.

    Just a comment- The spinning tops and dojis are missing from the video content.
    Would appreciate if these were covered as well.

  5. Milind says:

    What should be the timeframe for the analysis?

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