
  • Regaining Poise, Focus, and Profitability

    Kulsum Khan on September 21, 2020

    Have you had one of those days where nothing went right? Perhaps you thought that Monday’s malaise would drag into Tuesday but unexpectedly saw the markets surge. Perhaps you were a little unpre ..

  • Mean Reversion: Missing Expectations

    Kulsum Khan on September 21, 2020

    In his study of genetic influences on height, Sir Francis Galton compared the height of fathers to the height of their sons. He reasoned that if height did have a genetic basis, fathers’ height ..

  • Making A New Beginning

    Kulsum Khan on September 21, 2020

    At the end of the year, it’s tempting to examine the events of the past year, learn what you can from them, and start the New Year feeling that you can tackle anything the New Year throws at you ..

  • Controlled and Relaxed

    Kulsum Khan on September 17, 2020

    Have you ever had a bad day when nothing seemed to go right, a day where it seemed as if every decision you made was wrong? Perhaps you bought at every top and went short at every bottom. Or you panic ..

  • Conditioned Reflexes

    Kulsum Khan on September 17, 2020

    Novice traders describe a common ailment: “I don’t know what it is, but I can’t stick with my trading plan. I try to stay calm, but when I see the price fall, I panic. I close my pos ..

  • Reduce Stress During the Trading Day

    Kulsum Khan on September 17, 2020

    Stress is ubiquitous in modern life. Trading is especially stressful. How stressed out are you during the trading day? Do you have a short fuse? Do you find yourself getting a little more frustrated o ..

  • Rebuilding Momentum

    Kulsum Khan on September 16, 2020

    It’s inevitable. There’s a point where even a seasoned, master trader faces a losing streak. The difference between a seasoned trader and a novice, however, is that master traders know how to get ..

  • The Need for Reassurance

    Kulsum Khan on September 16, 2020

    Trading is risky. There are times when you have almost no evidence to put on trade but your gut instinct. For some traders, gut instinct is enough validation to put on a trade. Others, however, need m ..

  • Realistic and Ready to Trade

    Kulsum Khan on September 16, 2020

    The human mind is capable of vast abilities. When you are relaxed late at night, sitting in a hot tub, and dreaming of what your future might be like, it’s easy to imagine that you are a super-t ..

  • Calm, Relaxed, and Ready to Trade

    Kulsum Khan on September 15, 2020

    Winning traders are calm and relaxed. They don’t put unnecessary pressure on themselves, stress themselves out, and then crack under the pressure. They don’t believe that they must succeed ..