Orders – Place, Modify, Cancel & View
We have introduced newer platforms since this post was published. Check out this user manual for Kite and Kite explainer videos here.
We will cover everything to do with Orders in this section:
The order window on Zerodha Trader looks as below, you can use the shortcut key F1 to Buy and F2 to Sell:
In the above snapshot above you will see various boxes, let me explain the use of each of them:
1. Exchange Segment: This box will indicate which segment you are placing the orders. The various segments are NSE (NSE Equity), NFO (NSE Futures & Options), BSE (BSE Equity), BFO (BSE Futures & Options), MCX (Commodities) and CDS (NSE Currency Derivative Segment).
2. Order Type: Order can be a Limit order (where you specify the buy/sell price), Market order (where you buy/sell at market price), SL/SL-M (stop loss/stop loss market). The use of Stop Loss orders is explained here. The difference between SL and SL-M is that when the trigger price is hit, the stop loss order is sent as a limit order with limit price mentioned by you in the SL order, whereas in SL-M, the order is sent to the exchange as a Market order.
Because of illiquidity of stock option contracts, market orders have been disabled on stock options. Only limit orders are allowed. Place a limit buying order higher than the current price or selling order below the current price, this will act as good as market order but will also protect from any impact cost due to illiquidity.
3. PRO/CLI: PRO stands for Proprietary, CLI stands for client. All of you are trading as clients so the default will remain as CLI.
4. INST Name, Symbol, Type, Strike, Expiry: All of these are chosen by default when you click on a contract and ask to buy/sell. But if you want to change the contract/scrip, you can do it from here.
5. Basket Wave Line/ AUC No: Ignore this.
6. QTY: Buy/Sell order Quantity. By default it will show 1 for equity orders and 1 lot for F&O. To change the default quantity and any other attributes of the order, look at the image below:
7. Price: Mention the price if your order is limit order; if it is a market order this field cannot be entered.
8. Tr Price: Trigger price will be used for Stop Loss orders. The price at which you want the stop loss to be triggered.
9. Disc Quantity (Disclosed Quantity): This feature can be used only on Equities (Stocks only) and Commodities. If you are placing a big limit order and you don’t want the entire quantity to be disclosed fearing a non-execution of order you can choose Disclosed Quantity. For example, if you buy 2000 shares of Reliance at Rs 800 and you mention the disclosed quantity as 500, your order will show only 500 in the market depth window for everyone else, whereas actually it is 2000. This is useful only if you are trading bigger quantities.
10. Prod Type (Product Type): MIS ( Margin intraday square off), CNC (Cash n Carry) and NRML( Normal). The following details are important so ensure you remember the same:
While trading equity (Stocks on NSE/BSE)
Use MIS for Intraday Trading (9:00 AM to 3:20 PM): Around 3:20 PM, all MIS positions are auto squared off. Using MIS, you will get Intraday Leverage (between 3 to 10 times) based on what stock you are trading. If it’s a good stock you get more leverage, and if it’s not a good stock you get less or no leverage. To know how much leverage you get for trading Equities for Intraday click here.
Use CNC for delivery-based trading: When you buy using CNC, you will not get any leverage, but there won’t be any auto square off’s either. Once bought, the stock would be sent to your Demat account and if you sell using CNC, stocks will be debited from your Demat account. Note that you won’t be able to sell with product type CNC without holding the particular stock in your demat account.
You can convert MIS to CNC and vice versa, by visiting Admin positions (F11) or by visiting Trade book (F8). You will need 100% cash in your account to convert to CNC. To know how to convert your positions click here.
While trading Futures & Options( NSE/BSE)
Use MIS for Intraday trading (9:00 AM to 3:20 PM). Around 3:20 PM, all MIS positions are auto squared off. The benefit of using MIS for Futures & Options is that you get extra leverage (not for buying options). You will need only 40% of Exchange stipulated margin by using this product type. So for example, if Nifty futures overnight margin is Rs. 25,000, you will require only Rs 10,000 (40% of 25,000) if you use the product type as MIS.
If you don’t want any excess leverage, use the product type NRML and you would not have to worry about auto square offs.
You can convert your MIS position to NRML and vice versa by visiting Admin positions (F11) or by visiting trade book (F8). You will need stipulated NSE overnight margins to convert to NRML. To know more on position conversion, click here.
While trading Currency (CDS)
Only one product type NRML as we don’t offer any additional leverage than what is offered by the exchange.
While Trading Commodities (MCX)
Use MIS for Intraday trading (10:00 AM till 30 minutes before market close). At 30 minutes before market close, all MIS positions are auto squared off. The benefit of using MIS for Commodity Futures is that you get extra leverage. You will need only 50% of overnight exchange stipulated margin by using this product type. So for example, if Crude futures overnight margin is Rs. 25,000, you will require only Rs 12,500 ( 50% of 25,000) if you use the product type as MIS.
If you don’t want any excess leverage, use the product type NRML and you would not have to worry about auto square offs.
You can convert MIS to NRML and vice versa by visiting Admin positions (F11) or by visiting Trade book (F8). You will need stipulated MCX overnight margins to convert to NRML. Click here to know how you can convert your position.
11. Validity: While trading on NSE/BSE you get only 2 options, Day orders (valid till end of day) or IOC – Immediate or Cancel (as the name suggests, the order if not executed immediately will get cancelled). By default day option will be selected. IOC will be a good option for people who place market orders of large quantity thereby increasing the Impact cost.
12. Client ID, Name, Participant, No of Days: These will be selected by default and no change to be made on this. Validity date can be used only for GTD orders on MCX.
The Order Book is a very important tool on ZT. It helps you monitor/cancel/modify your orders. To access the order book use the short cut key F3 or go to the Orders and Trades Option on ZT and click on Order Book as shown below:
The Order Book opens as below, use the edges to increase/decrease the size. Use Ctrl+3 if you are not seeing both open/completed orders. Tick/untick the Display all Orders button and then click Display if you don’t see the orders. See the pic below:
The Order Book allows you to Filter your orders,modify/cancel any pending orders or cancel all your pending orders (in case you have more than one pending order). The below picture shows you how its done.
Some of the main reasons for your orders to be rejected are:
- Invalid Product Type (using CNC for F&O, so on and so forth)
- Insufficient funds (please note that when you place an order – even if it is not executed, the exchange blocks funds as long as it is open), so be sure to check for any Open orders in Order Book. The rejection reason is self explanatory, but give us a shout if you can’t figure out the rejection reason.
Happy Trading,
Is there any way I can get the ordered placed (not triggered) date and time from past
When I buy ce and immediately place a stoploss order,
On modifying or cancelling that order charges taken or not?
I would like to purchase stock on btst basis.How to purchase the stock. As there are only two ways i.e Intraday or Long Term. In which way I buy the stock and how to convert the same to btst.
I made an order by mistake it is in processing stage how to cancel it ??
I just want to know if zerodha allows to trade cnc index option (buy option) on same day. Or in other words can cnc index option be converted to MIS.
You can, Amit.
I cancelled my order but money is reflected in funds section of kite app
Hi Gourav, we’re sorry to hear this. Could you please create a ticket on: https://support.zerodha.com/ so we can have this resolved at the earliest?
Will there be extra charges to convert from MIS to CNC? My actual buy value is 609956. However when I try to convert to CNC I get the error stating the required margin is 676000.
Hi Gokul, there are no charges for converting an order from MIS to CNC. However, you need to maintain full margin for taking delivery of shares and there is no leevrage privided in CNC.
Does zerodha put additional charges for modifying the orders(*stop loss orders)?
Hi Goutham, there are no additional charges for modifying any orders.
How to set a stop loss in basket order
I have placed a buy order in bank nifty option price and right after buying i have set a stop loss in now market goes up and i am in good profit now i want to exit the order manually but when i click on exit buttons it asks me to cancel my stop loss and then exit so how can i exit it without cancelling the stop loss
Hi, I have stock holding in my account. Due to GTT the stocks were sold out at some trigger price. I want to undo that transaction on the same day of sale. Is it possible? If yes, can I get those stocks with the price that I have purchased them earlier? Or the price will be the current LTP?
Hi Phani, once the order is executed it cannot be reversed. However, you can buy back the shares sold on smae day, it’ll be consodered as intraday trade. And since it is intraday trade, it won’t affect your average holdings price. Explained here.
I cancelled orders manually on Jan 27. The used margins for those cancelled orders are not credited back into my funds. Please help.
hello sir
i want to change default qty and lot size in FNO segment from 1 lot in NIFTY that is 50 to 100 qty minimum how can i change that?
Hi Harshal, this is currently not possible. You will have to manually enter the quantity/lot size each time. Will take this as feedback. Thanks.
Today I bought a share for 2000 rupees in CNC and I exited and sold the same share for 1985 rupees and again I bought the same share again for 1970 rupees but in the position it is still showing me that it was bought for 1985 rupees, why?
Hey Tejas, please create a ticket at support.zerodha.com our team will have this checked and clarified for you.
I want to sell my shares on zerodha kite. Please guide.
Hey Kunal, check out this article for more details.
pre-market orders are automatically converted into normal market sessions, or I just cancel the pre-market order and make fresh orders for a normal trading session from 9.15 ??
Hey Prashant, any orders that are not matched in the pre-market session will be carried forward to the normal market session. You don’t have to cancel and place the orders again. You can learn more on this here.
I am looking for modifying an order already placed. Your user manual says we should press F3 but it did not work. Wish there will be visible link in the order menu for that.
Dear Zerodha Team,
Can anyone help me understand how to place limit orders without getting my margins blocked until the order is triggered. For e.g. if a stock is trading at 100 and I want to buy at 98 so I place a Buy limit order at 98 but the margin gets blocked even if the order is not triggered. Due to the margin block, I am unable to place multiple orders as my new orders get rejected since all margins are used up for old orders even though the old orders are not executed/ Triggered. How can this be avoided so I can place multiple limit orders without worrying about my capital getting blocked and new orders getting rejected?
Will be very grateful if someone can help me clarify my query.
Hi Team
On 25 june 2021 I have bought 1 lot of 16000 ce @33.80.
But I put the sale offer for 50
It is showing order cancelled
Pls reply me the reason
While placing order on desktop version showing only intraday option for any share.
i have sell adani power but it doesn’t show me the completed popoup instead it showed me placed and now when i see in my orders its showing open??????????????why its not showing completed.
Dear sir,
In intraday is it possible to place SLM order along with GTT ( ie for s.l and Torget setting) order in single strock.
after buying shares i want to place target order of buyed shares how to do ?
I place the order in CNC where the order was not executed and I cancel the order in an hour. Rs 74 was deducted from the total. Could you suggest how can I find the reason behind
zerodha has a superb trading platform before it i using smc ,your brokerage charges are fabulous & your 60 days
challenge is awesome .i ‘ve only one issue with zerodha that i mostly working in mcx & we don’t ‘ve any option of gtc
bid at zerodha so kindly open the option because we don’t know what is happening after Indian markets close.
Hi ,
Can anybody let me know? Can we modify the stop loss after having a holding of stock. Please mind, I am not talking about orders, I am specifically asking for holdings.
If i book order with 5000 Qty at Market Price, system divides multiple orders like (70 order), in this case Zerodha will calculate Brokerage for 70 orders or One order
In case my order hasn’t been placed yet after 9:15 AM ,can I modify my AMO order?
My query is
1. As I was trading yesterday what I found is the order modification request per order is limited to 25 times which I feel is not correct because after that either you have to keep your order till it gets executed or cancel the order and put a new order.
Now here my question is that in putting up a new order is fyn no problem but what if my previous order was executed partially in this case I have to pay brokerage and other taxes for both the orders am I correct ?
2. My second question is this limit is being implemented on order modification is this because of current and will it be back kept to unlimited modification in near future or will it remain same as it is ?
If the sell order is partially executed and still showing in open orders as per i created, but in holdings and position shows the partially executed order, then what to do
You can choose to let the remainder of the order to be filled or cancel it.
For intraday traders, kindly put an option “in MIS order” for Loss/trade, along with the stop loss level, so system will calculated the quantities automatically in order to keep the loss at the defined limit & there will be no need to define the units to purchase or sell.
Sometimes market is so volatile, & we first need to calculate the quantities to buy, meanwhile market already moves.
Quantities Formula =
Defined Loss/(entry price – stoploss level) for Long Trades
Defined Loss/(Stoploss level – entry price) for Short Trades.
i placed order as CNC and Day, but i want to convert it for IOC (For long term). if i unable to convert it then what will happen? my order will end by the end of the day or else it will automatically converted into delivery? plz help me out
If the order isn’t executed, it’ll be cancelled at the end of the day. All orders are cancelled at the end of the day. IOC (Immediate or Cancelled) orders are cancelled immediately if not executed as soon as they’re placed. Day orders are valid for the entire day.
sir, if I BUY a share of CRUDEOIL FO NRML type and order validity- DAY, can will it be carried forward upto the expiry of the FO.
i have a holding of SBI say 1000 shares and i want to sell it in cnc position at 320 which is the market price and square off once price goes down to 318. to protect my captial i also want to put a stop loss for the cnc order which in his case is 321. but i am getting an error – “Trigger price for stoploss sell orders should be lower than the last traded price (320). Try limit order to sell at a higher price.”
The problem here is i cannot use a trigger price which is affecting my profit since i want to sell as soon as trigger is reached and give a range of price to which it is sold. in the above example. i want to give trigger price of 320.5 and selling proce of 321.
You can simply place a limit sell order at 321.
Do you allow MIS orders on Intraday on the expiry day?
Do you allow MIS orders for Intraday trades on the expiry day on the Futures of the same series?
Thank You.
Do you also allow other type of orders like Cover order and Bracket Order for Intraday trades on the expiry day on the futures of the same series.
My friend recollects reading somewhere that they are not allowed but I want to check.
Anurag, BO/CO orders are blocked for delivery scrips on the expiry day.
understood for cash segment. What about BO/CO on the futures/options of the delivery scrips on expiry day? Does it also means the NIFTY and BANKNIFTY futures/options MIS/BO/CO can be freely traded? Why don’t you lay out the entire policy at one place.?
how to post square off order in Future equity segment
You place a sell order if you’ve bought the future, and a sell order if you’ve shorted it.
I was Planning to Short sell CUB Today..!
I tried using CNC in Sell order. But Kite says Insufficient Holdings . Try BO/CO.. Can you please clarify
I need CNC i don’t want MIS.. How to Sell the Stock Today Biy the same tomorrow.
I know this is a basic question but actually i am getting Rejected in orders…
Dear Sir,
Can we place MIS order for Index/ Stock Futures on the monthly Expiry day?
can you provide bracket order in commodity MCX in bullion , Crude oil etc…
Thanks n regards
I was still login and filled details and when i was doing IPV then my network lost. So, again i have to payment after login.
my transection Id: HDF50B6B2C453FD403187A1855DF8E6917F
Hi Yogesh,
Do login and check again. One of our sales managers will reach out to you to assist shortly.
Hi While going to select scrip in watch list.
I am unable to see 25th July 2019 Bank Nifty options in the search type.
Could please let me know why. I can see 18th July expiry, 1st Aug expiry but 25th july is missing.
And it has happened many time with zerodha. In past also I was not able to see many expiry dates, like last time I wanted to add 11th July expiry that was also missing.
Could please check and let me know if in case I m doing something wrong.
As of today 17th July, I wanted to add 25th July expiry in my watch list but the options are not available in search list. It is same with Nifty also.
25th July is the monthly expiry, so you’ll see a scrip without any date, just the month. BANKNIFTY JUL 23000 CE, for example.
Hi Nitin,
If I buy shares for intraday suppose at price 100 (quantity 100) with a stoploss at 95.Then price reaches at 110,i want sell half the quantity,which type of order should i place.
A limit sell order at 110 for 50 stocks. Don’t forget to modify your stoploss quantity to 50. 🙂
Bought 4 lead futers May 2019 expiry.
Now cannot trade as May is not tradable. What shall I do now. HOW TO SELL THE 4 LEAD POSITION.
Please clear my following doubts. I would be obliged if you could explain them in detail as I need them urgently for a project.
1. Can a Stoploss order be explicitly modified to a Regular (Non-Stoploss) order? If yes, how?
2. Can a Regular (Non-Stoploss) order be explicitly modified to a Stoploss order? If yes, how?
3. What happens to a Stoploss order, once it’s triggered? Does it retain any memory of previously being a Stoploss order after being triggered?
4. Can a Stoploss order be cancelled after being triggered? If yes, how?
5. Can a Stoploss order be modified (price, quantity etc.) after being triggered?
6. Can a Stoploss order be an IOC order? If yes, how is it handled?
7. Can an IOC order be cancelled or modified? If yes, how?
8. How can a market order be cancelled or modified since it is immediately filled once it is entered?
9. What happens to a market order if it can’t be filled completely?
10. If a Stoploss order’s trigger is modified, can it be immediately triggered (at the current Last Traded Price)? If yes, won’t it create a chaos?
Hi Nithin
Suppose I ‘ve purchased stockat 100 in bo and put stoploss at 98. If price goes up say to 106, can I modify my stoploss to above my buy price say 103.
Hi, I bought one of the stock with Call Options CE, I can hold it until expiry or i have to sell the next day? please clarify.
You can hold it till expiry.
If not sold than what will happen.
Hey Ravinder,
Check this post.
All these questions are w.r.t. the NSE.
1. Can a stop-loss order be modified to a non stop-loss order and vice-versa?
2. Can an IOC order be modified to a Day order and vice-versa?
3. Can an IOC order be modified (e.g. price, quantity etc.)?
4. How long does an IOC order stay valid?
5. If two entry orders have the same order no. , what does that mean?
6. Can a stop-loss order be cancelled or modified after being triggered? If yes, how?
1. Yes, you can.
2. No, since an IOC is either filled or cancelled immediately, you can’t modify.
3. Same as 2.
4. IOC is filled immediately or cancelled. The fill could be complete or partial.
5. 2 orders cannot have the same order number. The order number is a unique identifier.
6. No.
Thank you for your response.
But I obtained the market data from NSE (for one day) in which I observed that multiple entry orders indeed had the same order number. What could that possibly mean?
Moreover, does an IOC order stay valid for atleast a few jiffies or will it be cancelled at that very instant if not filled?
It’s possible you see multiple rows in a trade book if one order is executed in multiple trades. You’ll see the same order number against all these trades. For example, if an order to buy 1000 shares of A is executed as 4 fills of 200, 250, 250 and 300 each, then the order number against all 4 of these trades would be the same.
The IOC order is filled or cancelled immediately. The latency for this depends on the exchange machines. Can’t really be quantified.
Thank you so much for your help.
Is there any brokerage charges apply when we cancel or modified order in Intraday Trading.
Popup options are not appearing properly, for example if I want to modify or cancel the open order in Order Screen, after clicking on blue … on a particular order then order modification related options not showing instead it showing info, chart….
Please find the attached screen which I have faced this issue couple of times, it is leading me to a loss because not able to modify the order on time.
Please let me know how to share you the screenshot of the problem as well.
Popup options are not appearing properly, for example if I want to modify or cancel the open order in Order Screen, after clicking on … order modification related options not showing instead it showing info, chart….
Please find the attached screen which I have faced this issue couple of times, it is leading me to a loss because not able to modify the order on time.
I bought a stock at 400.my target price is 410 and stop-loss is 390.how will I give order?can I give two conditions in a single window?
if i placed an order and cancelled it, will i get charged for that?
Im getting this error reason below while try to trade in option
RMS:Rule:Option strike price based on Ltp percentage for buy orders for entity account – PI6469 across exchange across segment across product.
This and other rejections are explained on our support portal, Vijay. The explanation for this particular rejection may be found here.
Yester i Bought some shares in cnc/ioc of price lubsum 2000 but today i have no shares in my account where it goes
When will Zerodha come up with “Good Till cancelled” orders. Its been long Overdue.
Today’s Crash (11/09/2018) could have been managed if the GTC facility was available with Zerodha. could have placed the market order on GTC.
This is especially true for working persons like me who don’t sit in front of the computer screen all day long.
Sentinel alert is not an option , if you know what i mean?
Cant understand why Zerodha is not bothered about getting the GTC functional on Kite and PI.
If Sentinel alerts are possible, then GTC should also be possible…. or am i completely out of context and theory?
When will Zerodha come up with “Good Till cancelled” orders. Its been long Overdue.
Today’s Crash (11/09/2018) could have been managed if the GTC facility was available with Zerodha. could have placed the market order on GTC.
This is especially true for working persons like me who don’t sit in front of the computer screen all day long.
Sentinel alert is not an option , if you know what i mean?
Cant understand why Zerodha is not bothered about getting the GTC functional on Kite and PI.
If Sentinel alerts are possible, then GTC should also be possible…. or am i completely out of content and theory?
i want to know will my orders that i have placed already will execute at trigger price, Even though i’m logout?
Today I had applied for an Bank Nifty 28400 Call Buy order (Market order) … Its rejected
so I applied for Bank Nifty 28200 Call Buy order (Market Order)… its also rejected
Bank Nifty was around 28050 that time
Called the customer care, they are saying you have set the limit of 100 points from the Spot Price for expiry day trade for all fresh buy and fresh sell positions. First of all there is no information/ Notification to customers how come they will come to know, they have lots of things in mind and they plan accordingly but cant work as you have sets the new rules.
That way its very difficult the work, earlier you had set the limit of 250-200 point now its 100 points. In near future will you ban trading on expiry day. Is this rule by NSE or its your own rule and its with all the Trading Platform or only in Zerodha.
A.K. Aggarwal
The permitted range is always available here. You can check this page in order to know what strikes are allowed. This is done because the exchanges stipulate that no one broker can have more than 15% of the market wide open interest in any contract. As such, we had to impose these limitations.
problem facing at the time of order when trying to buying high price of day when buying the cmp price on higher than
ex. cmp 970 and day high is 978 when i trying to place 978.5 order on BO ant limit order so automatically buying
done on cmp 970 and same happen in sell day low ,
so kindly solve the major issue
problem facing at the time of order when trying to buying high price of day when buying the cmp price on higher than
ex. cmp 970 and day high is 978 when i trying to place 978.5 order on BO ant limit order so automatically buying
done on cmp 970 and same happen in sell day low ,
so kindly solve the major issue
Hi i am getting below error please check
RMS:Rule: Option Strike price based on Ltp percentage for entity account-FV8152 across exchange across segment across product
Is stock brought under CNC head also get mark to market or not.
Once you buy a stock, the loss or gain is realised only after you sell it.
Can u send me the link to watch intraday trading for nifty future means buy and sell the order?or where to find such video?
Not sure what you’re looking for here, Sachin.
Hello team,
I am a retied govt employees, recently opened account with Zerodha, and new to share market. Now, on the way to trade on CNC method (Swing trading).
Then what are the precautionary measures to take while placing buy orders? How can I place target price, sell S L order in the case of Swing trading? Let me know the procedures at the earliest.
You’ll have to place separate CNC buy/sell orders every day. The orders you place, if not completed, are cancelled at the end of the day.
1. It would be highly appreciated if we can set quantity and order type by default as in Pi. It will save a lot of time while placing orders. One can change default values by typing if needed.
2. Buy /Sell extension is not working in GOOGLE FINANCE and YAHOO FINANCE although it is working in NSE site (all by Chrome). Please enable the extension in GOOGLE FINANCE AND YAHOO FINANCE as earlier done. (It seems these web pages have undergone some changes subsequent to your introducing the extension)
Like to know does Trigger price works even when we place Normal order – or it is only in BO/CO order ?
Appreciate your Reply.
Another question is why have DP charges , what does it mean ? I should be deducted with only the securities transaction tax
STT goes to the government, the DP charge is paid to the DP and CDSL.
I have buyed shares at suppose 150 per share around 40 shares. Can i exit it with some trigger price like 170 and have the order validity for 1 week
Not at the moment, no. All orders that aren’t completed are flushed out of the system by the exchange at the end of the day.
HI, IF i sell an order of zinc at 209.40 – 209.60 and Target 208.40 and stoploss 210.60. how can i order place on kite app. What i will choose -MIS-Normal and MARKET-LIMIT -SL-SLM and Qty-Price-Trigger Price -Disclosed Qty and REGULAR -CO -AMO and Day or IOC.
please tell me inj brief. i have already made a loss.
What is tha golden rule of buy/sell order placing ? Is there any minimum requirements for sell order? Why sell order getting cancelled ….its showing reject …what is RIMS: RULE
Anirudh, most rejection reasons are explained here.
Hi Guys,
Is there any way of putting Stop Loss order which does not get cancelled at the end of the day?
That is, I don’t have put Stop Loss order everyday; Rather the order is either executed or is cancelled by me (even if after months!). Various firms provide this feature including HDFC Sec.
Do let me know if you are planning to introduce this.
with out sending POI to zerodha . can do intraday trading
Yes, you can.
Is there any service charge/tax if we modify our trading order?
I am new on board. I was not aware about T”Day” and credit of shares into demat account. I simply researched stock and bought few shares that it will goes up next day so i used cnc option. However as shares take 3 days to get credited but i sold next day. I m little consfused why cant it be sold next day ? and why three days is required to get shares into demat account ? Please suggest me best videos or article for more clarifications of trading and delivery based trading.
You can sell the shares on the next day, but if the person you bought from fails to deliver the shares to you on T+2, you will not be able to deliver the shares you sold. This would lead you to short deliver and will be liable for the short delivery penalty. More on this here.
Hello Mr Nitin
We have done a bracket order today with stop loss and target of 10 for nifty . In 1 minutes time the target was reached but the stop loss was triggered just 1 point below.
We talked to your people and they kept blaming us. When we loose money we are loosing it correctly. But the moment we are earning something they are playing and doing something and then tell bracket order works only for target and not for stop loss. In fluctuation time according to its whim it will trigger. If that was the case why have all our other orders being correctly executed and the moment we make some flash money ur system does something else.
Is it the start of your downfall or our mistake as your guys tell me. They told me u you were wrong so imput the order and again I made the 10 points and again they close 1 point below squared off. So tomorrow if I am trading for a huge amount someone would loose in many thousands cause of ur glitch. I have sent ur team the screen shots …this should be know to the public as it can be dangerous for some investors. Please tell us we were wrong and we put only – as a stop loss. I am a lil surprised scared and dissapointed to trade with ur platform after this.
I was a big support of urs but things are changing now. Please ask ur team to sort things out immediately and prove us we were wrong …cause it’s our hard earned money at stake.
Dear Nithin Sir,
I am using Zerodha for trading purpose and today when I tried to place an order for 24400-Mar-8 expiry at 7 rs it got rejected. “RMS:Rule: Option Strike price based on Ltp percentage for entity account-RR2727 across exchange across segment across product “.
I called the Cochin office and they told me to call Head office and HO will resolve the issue . Local officer gave the HO phone number 080-40402020 and I contacted them and they said that Zerodha has crossed the limits hence you need to buy 24300CE and at that time Banknifty was at 24280. I dont understand why Zerodha is not allowed to buy a CE which is just 120 points away from Spot price. I bought the same CE at 38 Rs and sold at 52 Rs. i got a Gross profit 37% instead of 642%. Zerodha is going back and I am planning to open another account with some other discount broker since this has been happening during many Thursday and I trade mainly on Thursday. I have reached a situation where Zerodha is not ready to address my concern.
It is really pathetic that I cant buy 24400 CE and I am forced to buy 24300 CE.
I was really proud of Zerodha since it is the one who showed others that brokerage can be 20 Rs and still make profit. But now I need to depend on other brokers also.
I hope Zerodha does something to correct this ASAP.
Yours Sincerely
Ramabhadran Ganesh
why does a rejected order doesn’t show the price details.whats the harm in showing all the details .
if i am able to buy with the required margin for MIS trade ,why do i need extra margin to sell the same stock.
I have purchased a share at 55.7 CNC, i thought that i have made a mistake and purchased at a higher price, now while trying to sell the share with limit 55.7 the order is being rejected again and again, why? the market watch chart is showing share price as 55.7, i have put a limit to avoid downward fluctuation.
I purchased Bank Nifty PE 24900 at 137/- ( order status showing “filled” ) and put order for sell at 200/-. After some time I closed my PC and once again when I started my PC, Bank Nifty was at 180/-. I clicked the order book, to my surprise there is no order is showing, hence I was not able to modify the order.
I checked trade book, it was showing status “filled”, and money was deducted from my account.
I put new sell order for above at 177.70 and it got rejected saying that “RMS margin exceeds”
Why my order is not reflected in order book, how I can sell the Bank Nifty.
Today, I tried to buy BANKNIFTY18MAR27000CE, BANKNIFTY18MAR27500CE, at different-different prices (Higher & Lower price from Market Price)
But the order got rejected every time for both with below message.
Status Message: RMS:Rule: Option Strike price based on Ltp percentage for entity account-XXXXXX across exchange across segment across product
Last week also i face the same problem for other BANKNIFTY CE option .
Please let me know, why every time my order gets rejected? and How can I purchase it ?
Dear Nithin Sir,
Can you please reply to this question
i buyed sawabusi shares ten days back as price is going down if buy and do avarage means i am unable to buy the shares in zerosdha why i am getting error message i dont understand please let me know if zerodha application is workin or what if iam going to sell error mess:
rms:rule: check circuit limit including square off order exceeds for entity account-rk4746 across exchange across segment across product
if buying error mess :
rms:blocked for st b bse_cm block type: all
Hey Karthik, the sell order was rejected because the stock is hitting circuits and so isn’t trading. The buy order was rejected because the stock is now in GSM and so blocked for buying by our RMS team. Read more about GSM here.
Would like to know is option trading is different segment from future trading? In my profile NFO segment is enabled and I am doing trade in future but not able to trade in options. Already send mail to Zerodha support team no reply.
No Manoj, there is no separate segment required to trade options. Your orders may be getting rejected because you’re placing market orders for stock options. Market orders are blocked on stock options as a market protection measure. Read more about it here.
I placed 3 AMO sell orders (of stocks I already own) today morning around 8.30. Status was “AMO REQ RECEIVED”. Then at 9:00 am following message appears “Due to technical reasons your aftermarket orders (AMO) won’t be placed today. Please place your order once again after markets open.” Now after so many hours the order book still shows status “AMO REQ RECEIVED”. I cannot modify or cancel, nor are they auto cancelled. Also, it shows zero in my holdings, so I cannot even trade for those stocks, what to do now ?? How would they be cancelled? Also, the limit has exceeded for them now so I don’t want to sell for low prices.
Do you change to convert executed MIC order to CNC and vice versa?
Yes, you can. On the positions page, you can click on the position and you’ll see the option to convert the position.
For Bank Nifty Options If I place a Limit order for the maximum possible quantity (2480) in a single order and lets say only 1240 quantity got executed at the limit price I gave then will the order for remaining 1240 quantity will be automatically cancelled ? Would it depend on what I choose from Day / IOC ? Now this leads to my second question – should I choose Day or should I choose IOC while trading in options if I am trading in huge quantity
The remaining quantity would only be cancelled if you use IOC Anshul. Which option you choose is up to you. If you want the full quantity to be traded, you’d use day, else IOC.
I have some shares in Physical form. I want to convert these in Demate a/c. what should I do for Converting in demate in Zerodha a/c.
In MCX if i buy any commodity in market order type, Can i place both stoploss and profit target at same time in MCX “Normal” type orders??
You can, but you’d need additional margin for one of the orders.
I have purchased two Different stocks, First one is BSE stock and another is NSE stock.
But while selling the both stock i am getting cancelled order.
For BSE it will take T2 days but for NSE why it’s getting cancelled.
Please Help.
Chandan, the settlement is T+2 for both the exchanges. However, if the shares are trading on EQ in NSE or the A category in BSE, then you can do BTST. If not, i.e., if the shares are trading in a T2T category, you’ll have to wait for delivery before selling.
This is ompraksh, am a beginner i purchased Rcom stocks of around 35k in MIS and i waited till 3.28 pm to get nice price but after that i realised and when i try to sell the shares, the order has got rejected and showing a message (RMS:Auto square off), What does that mean and the available funds are around 20k only but margin available is 35k.when i try to withitdraw funds its not showing total amount its showing only 20k.Please help me on this, Thanq.
Om, the MIS position can be squared off by you only till 3:20. After 3:20, we will square this off for you. As for the margin, only once the settlement is done (which happens on T+1) can you withdraw the funds. Till then, this margin is available for trading, but not withdrawable since we get money from the exchange only after settlement.
Hi support.
After updating I facing issue with, Get Holdings, I am logged out of session and PI get closed automatically.
That shouldn’t be happening. Can you please write to tsiva[at]zerodha.com so someone can get in touch and check this out?
Sir, Is your ‘q’ called as de mat account? If so why there is no convenient app for that?
Please explain how to sell a stock.
I have a stock with symbol T1 after the second day of purchase. It is not listed under holdings in my trading account.
Now I wish to sell that one please help.
Hey Bharat, Q is the backoffice where you can see all the transactions on your account. To sell stocks, you can do so from Kite. If you see the stocks in T1, this means your purchase order has gone through, but the stocks haven’t been delivered to you yet. Delivery takes 2 working days.
How much you charge for cancelling (unexecuted) intraday orders?? Because I had Rs 7480, but it was showing Rs 7113, and let me tell you I have cancelled 3 intraday orders on (14/12/17). I am repeating this query for the third time because you were not replying. Sorry.
No charges for order cancellation.
Then what this charges are for??
It’s possible you mean you had open MIS positions that we squared off for you? If that’s the case, you are charged Rs. 20 + GST for every order placed on our end for closing your position.
I have two queries on charges.
1. Is Zerodha charges brokerage on Cancelled orders?
2. Is Zerodha chareges brokerage on rejected orders?
Because in charges list it is mentioned as charges per executed order
No, only executed orders are charged.
I am getting this error repeatedly
“rms:rule: option strike price based on ltp percentage for entity account-zq3504 across exchange across segment across product”
I have been trying to buy a Banknifty PE and it is giving me rejected message whatever price I put. Even when I put the bid at the current price still it is rejected.
Could you please explain that why is there an issue with trade performed on the last day of expiry.
Hey. Due to an exchange regulation that limits the OI per broker, not all strikes are allowed. If your order is rejected, please try a strike closer to the spot price.
Does all limit orders get auto canceled at the end of the day? I have shares in my account and placed limit order with CNC for them, but it didnt hit that limit so now its in pending order status and not executed. Is it going to remain there and gets activated tomorrow with same order? Or will it get auto canceled today eod? I am not able to cancel the order manually now as its past market time.
That’s right Kunal. All pending orders at the end of the day are cancelled.
How much you charge for cancelling (unexecuted) intraday orders?? Because I had Rs 7480, now it’s showing Rs 7113, and let me tell you I have cancelled 3 intraday orders that day.
How much you charge for cancelling (unexecuted) intraday orders?? Because I had Rs 7480, now it’s showing Rs 7113, and let me tell you I have cancelled 3 intraday orders today.
i have bought 100 shares of vikas ecotech today as CNC and tried to convert them in MIS but got an error like RMS: Blocked for nse vikaseco for typr all … and the same i followed for other shares and was able to convert them from CNC to MIS ..then why not with the VIKAS ECOTECH …
I placed Market order and got the same error “Option Strike price based on Ltp percentage for entity account- yt6032 across exchange across segment across product “. can you please explain on this?
The exchange has a limit of 15% of the market wide OI per broker for any options. Hence, the strikes allowed to trade are restricted. If your order is rejected, try a strike price closer to the spot.
How to buy in f & o if I know stock is going fall
Check out the modules on futures and options in Varsity.
I tried to exit by selling off 20 stocks of ONGC. But got rejected.
STATUS MESSAGE: adapter is not ready
Please let me know the reason
Suppose I have placed a buy order (CNC) of a share for Rs. 400 per share and it is executed successfully. It is a stop loss order and the trigger price is lets assume Rs. 350 per share. What will happen in each of these 2 scenarios:
Scenario 1: Stop loss hits on same day
Scenario 2: Stop loss hits after 1 month
Hey Ranjan, not sure what your question is here. If your SL is triggered the same day, your trade will be considered intraday, a month later, it would be considered a delivery trade, however, you’ll have to place a fresh SL order every day since all pending orders are cancelled at the end of the day.
Can i buy a CE or PE option as NRML order and sell on the same day if I get the desired price ? Or is it mandatory to hold the position overnight to the next day ?
Can i buy a CE option as NRML order and sell on the same day if I get the desired price ? Or is it mandatory to hold the position overnight to the next day ?
I had placed an AMO order for 10,000 shares. But when I checked at 5 PM next day I see that my order was cancelled.
But I see that my margin was used for about 4.5k shares, and those many shares are in my positions section.
Does that mean that my order was partially executed?
Thank you,
Abdul, that’s correct. Check your holdings.
Does Cover order for Commodity MIS INTRADAY, gets auto squared off at 3:20?
Antariksh, yes, all intraday BO/CO orders are squared off at 3.20.
Now GTC order is available? Still waiting, after shifting from icici to zerodha for 2 years, I am waiting for GTC order on kite. Please give it priority.
Nabendu, on our list of things to do but will take some time.
This is bad from 2014 people are requesting for GTC, I am missing it too but don’t understand why its taking so much time, instead of concentrating on chrome extension etc please fix these issues first.
i want to convert intraday to CIC, how can i do it on kite.
Vinay, you can do it from positions. Check the Kite user manual for more – https://kite.trade/docs/kite/#positions
Is there any charges for converting Stock Option-MIS position to Normal? I bought Airtel CE option when I received a flash message that intraday will be squared off by 3Pm then I changed my position to Normal. Later on Airtel CE option-MIS showing -850(negative) in the day’s history, why?
Abdul, no charges for converting an order but you need to have full margin present in your account for NRML positions.
rms:first leg of cover order already got rejected
how to solve above problem?
I have recently switched over to Zerodha from ICICIDIRECT. As a trial, I have purchased two scrip of equity shares on delivery basis to the amount deposited in advance. I am using Kite and the equity shares purchased on 10th October are shown as HOLDINGS and settlement date as per contract received is 10/10/27 (date on which I purchased). Generally settlement date of the equity shares purchased on delivery basis takes about 3 to 4 days. So I have a doubt regarding this Where did I go wrong and what should I do for selling the same when the price goes up. Further I wish to know where can I find my ordered equity shares after settlement date. Kindly clarify my doubt. Also let me know whether it is essential to download Pi, and Q .
The contract not just shows the date on which the transaction was made. The settlement cycle in India is T+2 days, meaning if you buy a stock on Monday the shares will hit your demat on Wednesday. This post gives you a brief about the settlement of equities.
All the shares you purchase will be visible under Kite holdings. Unless a stock is in trade to trade category, meaning cumpulsory delivery stock, you can buy it today and sell it the same day or the next day.
Pi is our desktop trading platform. You can check out both and Kite and Pi and use the one you like better. Q is your backoffice utility it is not downloadable but you can access it directly from Kite. For more, you can check out the Kite user manual.
i’ve added funds to my account yesterday night around 1’o clock , it was showing correct amount in payin and also margin available . but when i checked today morning there are no funds available in my account . in kite it is showing amount available is ” 0 ” .
Pritish, write to [email protected] for account specific queries.
I have been trying to sell shares of one company at MKT order but it is automatically getting under LIMIT order each time i am selling it…i have tried modifying it but it is still under LIMIT order..please explain
Dear Team,
Pls clarify for future trading queries
Scenario 1. Reliance Capital future =589 with expiry 26.10.2017 and Reliance Capital Equity =586, Now assume @ 10.00 am i shorted future for intraday Rs= 589 with expectation price will go down to 584. But my beyond my expectation price goes upto rs=592. Then in this case can i convert MIS order into Normal order before market close by end of day and any kind of charges would be levy?
Scenario 2.Reliance Capital future =589 with expiry 26.10.2017 and Reliance Capital Equity =586, now assume i place NRML order @ LTP=589 .
Then after 3-4 days price goes upto 595,in this case can i square off my position with profit or not?
Now some queries of stocks.
Scenario 3. Suppose reliance cap=589, i bought reliance cap for intraday , but share price went in reverse direction, then in this case can i convert my order from intraday to CNC?
Also one more thing if next day price goes upto 595, on same day can i square off?
Dear Team,
Suppose i bought stock for Intraday, but price fall by end of day and i converted the trade to CNC.
According to you there is no conversion charges but STT will be levy 10 times, am i correct?
Yes STT will be higher.
1. Yes you can convert, you just need to have the NRML/overnight margin money. No charges for conversion.
2. If you shorted at 589 and market moves up, you make a loss and not profit.
3. Yes you can convert to CNC by putting up full money. Yes you can square off same day if you wish even after buying as CNC.
Thanks to your reply , Pls clear some doubt in trailing
Scenario 1, As you said ,there is no conversion charges and what would be STT charges same or higher ?
Scenario 3 . Suppose Relaince Cap =589 on T day or Monday and bought for intraday but price went down then i converted into CNC without paying any conversion charges and along with paying 10 times higher Security transaction Tax.
Query 1. Now on tuesday or T+1 day price increased and sell off, in this case again ,do i need to pay higher security transaction tax?
Query 2. Now on Wednesday or t+2 , i did not get delivery of shares but i had obligation to must had share on t+3 or thursday to deliver share whom i sold off, in this case who will defaulter either whom i had to take delivery or me or both?
Query 3. Now on Wednesday or t+2 . i got delivery , in this case no issue of short delivery or defaulter or any higher charges would arise?
Pls let me know if there is any F & Q link to understand everything?
Hey Nikhil.
1. STT for futures is paid only on the sell side, so no STT until you square off the trade.
2. BTST trades would result in you taking delivery of the stock and then selling, so you’d be paying higher STT.
If you don’t get delivery of shares but have an obligation to sell, then you are taken to auction and would have to pay the applicable penalties. If you get delivery normally on T+2 and give delivery on T+3, then you’d pay no penalties, but the STT would still be 0.1%.
You can check out the consequences of short delivery here: https://zerodha.com/z-connect/queries/stock-and-fo-queries/consequences-of-short-delivery-nse-bse
This is Nagaraj I’m new to market, i want to start trading but thing is that before opening account with ZT the Guy is told that we will assist you regarding using the ZT platform and and etc…. after opening A/c with Zerodha the guy is not at responding and i’m also trying to call him but he is not responding my call some times he will tell that i’m on leave or in native… what should i do now..?
Nagaraj M S
Having this checked. Btw, you can see this video playlist and user manual.
Getting the below error.
rms:blocked for bl nse_cm broker- zerodha block type: all
This is for the stock National Aluminium. Also, since today morning, the instrument name is showing as NATIONALUM-BL.
Kindly help.
In Equity delivery, Is it possible to put stoploss and Sell order on the same day.
Not possible for equity delivery. Can’t have two exit orders for 1 holding.
I want to trade EQUITY DELIVERY ( CNC ) type, In particular stock can i place both limit buy (long) and limit sell at same time on After market order ( AMO type) ?
Please reply
Not possible rahul
Hi Nithin,
Can i modify pending order in non trading hours i.e. after 3:30 p.m.
IF they are AMO orders, yes, you can.
I’m a beginner please take time to resolve my query. Consider I’ve bought Zinc Mega for a price of 200 and also set a stop loss of 198.50 what should I exactly do after my Zinc achieved the target I expected. Should I click “exit order” and sell the order if it so can I set the target same way in the beginning when I bought the order as a target. Or is there any other way for me to set the target and stop loss at once as bracket order which Is not available for MCX.
Please help me regarding this.
Brackets are not on MCX. So you can either modify the SL order into a target order. Or cancel the SL order and place a new limit sell order at your target price.
Hi Team,
I have bought same company share at different rate. Is it possible to sell the share at different rates.
Currently the share is showing an average price in a single row in zerodha kite and i cant see the separate statistics as i bought the share at different day and with different price.
I bought SBI on 10th Aug for Rs 100/share @100shares
then I bought SBI on 25th Aug for Rs 90/share @100share
Now when i go to zerodha kite it shows me a single line with average price of both the order
avg price 95/share @200 share
SBI share price on 28th Aug is 105 and now I want to sell the shared that i bought on 10th Aug
But I am not seeing any option to do this.
Please guide me on how to do it is it possible?
When you buy shares, they all group as one. For taxation, you always follow first in first out. You don’t get an option to decide which one you want to sell, what is bought first is always considered to be sold first.
Tried placing order for Nelco multiple times in pre-opening and post-opening but all were rejected. the message displayed is rms:blocked for nse_cm nelco-eq bo block type: all.
Please explain the reason for rejection.
BO or bracket orders aren’t allowed on all stocks. Make it MIS/CNC, you can buy it.
Sir, My id is ZL7206. I purchased autoline industries share 2 days ago on kite platform. But since yesterday kite is not updating the price of the share from 74.1. It seems like it has hanged. Also, I am unable to sell this share. It is showing”16387 : security is not allowed to trade in this market”. Please look into the matter…
You’re placing orders for AutoInd under segment ‘Eq’, the stock is currently trading in the BE Segment. Add AutoInd-BE to the marketwatch and then place your order.
Sir, i have tried to place orders in F&O and none of the orders get executed. When i have informed your support team, they have given me Ticket. But its been more than 4 days after submitting the wanted scanned copies for make you to enable F&O. No important action has been taken on this issue although there is a chance of enabling with in 24 hours. I am aware of issue with floods that your team may be little bit in a mood of adjusting the systems. But please respond by allowing me to place F&O orders.
Sir in NRML Order what is the validity? means how many maximum days i can hold that position in Commodity
NRML or Normal if trading any commodity futures for overnight. You can hold these positions until expiry, provided required margins maintained.
Please elaborate reason of rejection
rms:rule: option strike price based on ltp percentage for entity account-zw5638 across exchange across segment across product
Please refer this: https://tradingqna.com/t/order-rejected-rms-rule/18068/2
rms:blocked for optstk mkt nse_fo broker- zerodha remarks: option stock market orders are not allowed block type: all
I am trying to exit from a position and getting this error.
Santosh in stock options market orders are disabled due to less liquidity on most contracts. You can place a limit order at a price higher than current price, it becomes like market.
hi i am trying to bye or sell..but it is comming that..admin stopped amo..pl help
After market opening, you can’t place an AMO order. AM0 = After market order. You’ve to place a regular order to buy/sell.
How can I place a bid to buy a stock above some trigger price.
For Ex- DLF current price is 155 and I want to buy if the price goes above 160, so i want to place a bid for Rs 160.10.
How can I place such bid, please let me know. The order should execute only if the price touch Rs 160.10.
Select SL-M buying order either MIS(for intraday)/CNC (for delivery) and put trigger as 160.1. Check this video on stoploss orders.
What’s the difference between CNC and NRML order for EQ instrument?
For Eq there is no NRML.
I had place CNC order specifying the price around the time of 3.20 pm. At around 3.31 my order was completed at market price which was higher than the price specified by me. Why? Why was it not cancelled? Please explain
Can you email account specific queries to [email protected]
Please help me
I’m getting this msg
Rms rule option strike price based on ltp percentage for entity account xxxxxx across exchange across segment across product
Can you email [email protected] with your client ID?
For bank nifty even if I try to short 200 points far away strike I am getting the following error: RMS:Rule: Option Strike price based on Ltp percentage for entity account-RD1912 across exchange across segment across product.
This is really annoying. Can you do something & fix this issue. This happens all the time for Bank Nifty & due to this we are unable to select the strike price that we want trade on.
For bank nifty even if I try to short 200 points far away strike I am getting the following error: RMS:Rule: Option Strike price based on Ltp percentage for entity account-XXXXX across exchange across segment across product.
This is really annoying. Can you do something & fix this issue. This happens all the time for Bank Nifty & due to this we are unable to select the strike price that we want trade on.
Do I have to pay the charges for Cancelled and Rejected orders ????
Sir I bought some shares on Tuesday MIS,
Trend was bearish so I stopped watching market assuming will b autosold @wtever price.
But when I came back at 1630 hrs I checked it was still showing in my positions.
I got text msg to sell my shares by own or they will sell it.( As I don’t hv this much funds to get their delivery). Next day as immediately as market opened I sold them all.
When my blocked funds will be credited back to my account ..??
And if u please explain the process. Thank you!
There’s more explained in detail here: https://zerodha.com/z-connect/queries/stock-and-fo-queries/consequences-of-short-delivery-nse-bse
I already have 1000 shares of ABCD company bought in CNC mode, without selling this ABCD company shares.
I want to buy 500 more share of ABCD company(now total became 1500) on other days using CNC option and sell 500 shares on same day.
In this screnario, will this be considered as intraday for those 500 shares? because I already have 1000 shares of that particular company on hold?
will be there be any additional charges.
Yes, it will be considered intraday. Intraday and delivery charges are different, check this: https://zerodha.com/charges
Hi ,
One more doubt , In equities how does disclose quantity order is executed, Let say I have 500 ONGC shares to sell
but i disclose only 100 , So just 1 order of 100 ongc sell is sent to exchange ?
And remaining 400 are sent as second order after first order gets executed ? or remaining 400 are split in 4
different orders and sent to exchange one after another ?
Check this answer.
Hi ,
In Kite F&O orders can you introduce disclosed quantity feature just like equities orders ?
For e.g I have 4 lots of Tatamotors to sell but I just wan’t to disclose 2 lots
(In F&O the minimum disclose quantity would be 1 lot size)
Disclosed is not supported by exchange for F&O
1. SL-M buy order with trigger price as when you want to enable this buy.
2. No
Suggest you to check videos here.
when i placed cover order @4.45 pm IST with my recently opened commodity trading account, it is showing the message “first leg of order already rejected”, without accepting the order. Please provide me your assistance for the same.
When i placed BUY Cover Order with my recently opened commodity trading account, it was showing the message “first leg of order already rejected”, without accepting the order. I have calculated on Cover Order Leverage calculator about the margin requirements in which i need only Rs.4193 to lace the order. My account value is Rs.5000 and i have placed an order of 100 quantity of Crude Oil Futures trading@2995 (value of 299500). Please provide me your assistance for the same.
Check this:https://zerodha.com/margin-calculator/Commodity/, to trade crudeoil you will need around 10k. You can trade the mini contract.
How can I buy and sell on same day using CNC in https://kite.zerodha.com/.
Please explain below scenarios
I bought 10,000 shares of ABCD company and now it is at low price. so I want to KEEP them as it is bcos of its low price.
Now my requirement is to do intraday for that particular ABCD company using only CNC option, if I feel good to sell on same day then I sell it orelse, I will wait for T+2 day to sell that ABCD company stocks.
1. If I BUY that particular ABCD company stocks using CNC in https://kite.zerodha.com/., they are going into’ positions’ . how can I sell them on sameday?
2. what happens if I sell 100 stocks on same day using CNC, only 30 bought by others then what all charges will be applicable. will it be Delivery charges/Intraday charges for those 30 stocks.
1. You can sell the same way you bought it. Click on the stock and place sell order. Else, in positions click on the stock, you get exit option. Hit on t hat.
2. You pay only for executed quantity. Charges will be as per this list: https://zerodha.com/charges
Please answer my above query
My ID is ZR 9446 dated 1 July
Can you email account specific queries to [email protected]
While placing a buy order, it says “nse exchange not enabled for the account”. What does it mean ?
How it ll be enabled ?
I am guessing your demat account is still not opened. Can you email [email protected]
Dear Sir,
Today i tried to purchase banknifty 22900 PE option through NRMS and MIS but every time it gives following error. rms:rule: option strike price based on ltp percentage for entity account : but when i searched for the error this one is related to exchange order regarding execution range as mentioned. But when i tried same from ICICI direct i managed to buy same put option with same price. Can you please explain what is the issue with zerodha that my orders didnt get executed.
Sandeep deep out of the money banknifty options might get blocked on expiry days due to open interest restrictions by the exchange.
Dear Sir,
But How can ICICI direct managed to execute order for the same price.
This would be based on position limit broker wise. They might not have hit the limit for that contract.
Suppose today i put request for order for call of Nifty (NFO) for 1 lot as NRML without giving any SL/SL-M. Now next day if market is in my favor and want to sell the above order then do i need to place separate order or just modify earlier order?
All orders get cancelled by exchange end of day. So you have to place a new order everyday.
does zerodha charge for cancelled orders?
I had placed an order of 30 shares at 149.30, MIS but later cancelled it.
The cancellation was executed.
I logged out of the system for sometime,
Later, after an hour when I logged in, I checked my margin is used up.
I saw that I have a position on 16 shares at 149.30,
How is this possible if I have cancelled the order?
Looks like when you cancelled your order was partially filled. You just cancelled the remaining quantity order.
No, The orders were cancelled when the price reached 150.50.
hi sir, if i have ordered few shares in bracket order then if there is bearish trend and i was going long can i convert it into cnc or if not cnc can i convert it into nornal then cnc , if possible what will be the charges
Ah not possible. You will have to exit BO and take a fresh CNC position.
I tried to place a buy order using limit with price above current price but it got rejected .. please help
rms:rule: option strike price based on ltp percentage for entity account-rm6272 across exchange across segment across product
There is an execution price range on options, so if you place a limit above that, it gets rejected. Check this.
Ok, tanks for the repley
I have a another doubt,regarding BO order
When Bo order is placed, two order can be seen in pending one for SL and other for Trg . I use to modify SL order for trailing ,but when I modify Trg order the trade gets squared off . This happens for me twice when I short trade. Is it like that or is there anything I can do to modify Trg order??
When you modify, if you mention exit order above the current market price, it will exit at market price (in case of short trades).
I placed Market order and got the same error “Option Strike price based on Ltp percentage for entity account-PR4748 across exchange across segment across product “. can you please explain on this?
Raj, check this post.
Any option to place stop loss for CNC(delivery) type of order and holding more than 2 days?
where in the stop loss validity should be valid until the respective order is in position.
Please help on this
Not possible currently.
Hi Team,
If i buy silvermic today at 39900 and want to sell after 40500. Meanwhile at about 40100 i want to give diff sell order and dont want first buy order to get square off.How we can do it??
hmm… the only real way is to short it using a different product type. So for example, you are long using NRML at 39900, you can sell using MIS/CO (intraday only) at 40100. But there is no real point holding a long and short at same time.
hi sir,
yesterday i got one message from csdl saying my account is credited with 700 sintex plastics but why its not showing in my demat.
Can you email account specific queries to [email protected]
thank you sir.i got reply from support
How many charge on order cancellation and modify?
Any number of times.
When I buy from “KESARENT”, it goes to open orders directly. why ?
That is because the stock is in upper circuit today. Up 10% and can’t move above that.
Hello. In Derivative options I made some trades using NRML and not MIS. As I have done in NRML I can continue to trade tomorrow from what I have purchased today. Am I right? If not please correct me. I get a message as F/O obligation amount debited. What is that?
Yes once bought in NRML, you can either exit the same day or exit whenever you want until expiry. F/O obligation is essentially the money blocked in your account every day you hold position. This includes margins + P&L for the day.
Suppose I placed a limit order using Kite. Now I want to modify the order to market order. But when I am in the process of modifying it using Kite interface, if the limit value reached and the order executed, then what will happen when I finish modification. Will it place new market order or will it give error?
Hi Zerodha,
When I choose CNC, should I opt for market order or limit order? And, is stop loss applicable only for MIS?
Rahul, CNC is for delivery based equity trades. You’ll require the full margin to buy these. MIS is used for intraday trades in equity and F&O.
Check more, here: https://kite.trade/docs/kite/#getting-started
Rahul, You could place either a Market or Limit order. market order – where you buy/sell at current market price. SL/SL-M (stop loss/stop loss market). The use of Stop Loss orders is explained here
Hi Nithin,
This regarding call option . Suppose I want to buy call option of Axis where the LTP is Rs 6.10, at what price I have to mention in the limit order to be placed ? When squaring off the order the LTP is Rs 8 , what price to be mentioned in the limit order for sale ?
Hi Charasekaran,
You’ll have to check the market depth. the CMP (Current Market Price) need not also match the LTP (Last Traded Price)
Can I place target and slm order for CNC order after buying??? Can I do it in equity (CNC) and futures (NRML) market after buying or selling ?
A target order for a CNC position is always a Sell order/Exit order.If you want to take a Buy position say at 1200, then it is a Buy order/Entry order.
You can Buy a stock above market price. For this, you will have to make use of a Buy SL-M order.
A Buy SL-M order consists of a trigger price. You will have to enter your Buy price of 1200 as the trigger price. When this price is triggered, your order will be executed.
Once your Buy position is complete, you can place a Stoploss on this CNC position. Please note that you cannot place a Target and a Stoploss for a CNC position at the same time. You can either place a Target or a Stoploss. This is because once either of the orders is hit, you will still have an Open Sell CNC order in your order book and this is not permitted until you actually have shares in your demat.
What about futures? If I bought a contract on NRML so can I place target and stop loss order for it..???
You can place a Target or a Stop loss for your order. If you wish to place both then it’d require you to have additional margin.
My client I.D ZQ9229. During placing F&O order “exchg not enabled for this acct” and order was rejected. I want to know the reason. Is it because of insufficient amount or any other reason?
Hi Reeta,
This could be because you probably wouldn’t have signed in the F&O section on the application form or haven’t submitted the income proof required to enable F&O trading. Please write to [email protected] for more details.
I was into CoalIndiaMayFut position since yesterday in Zerodha Kite, today when I tried to put SL in the same existing position, it didn’t trigger when the price has gone below my trigger price.
Please help me to understand the correct way to put SL for existing positions?
My guess is that you are placing a SL order with trigger and limit price. So basically when the trigger is hit, a limit order is sent with the price you have mentioned. There is no guaranteed execution if it is a limit order. If you want a guaranteed fill, use SL-M order with a trigger price. As soon as the trigger is hit, a market order is sent to buy the stock. Check this post.
I placed limit selling orders (above current prices) for already bought stocks in equity. They were showing as open order and cancelled automatically by 4.15 PM. Why is this happening? Is it not valid till the order is executed?
No, all orders are cancelled by exchanges end of day. Exchanges don’t support good till cancelled orders.
Ah ok. So in case I’m out for a few days and won’t be able to watch markets or place orders, is there any way I can protect myself in case of an unexpected fall in stocks that I have bought?
Hmm not currently.
Hi Nithin,
I am new to Zerodha and disappointed to learn that you don’t provide VTC (Valid Till Cancelled) feature on your trading platform. It is a lot useful feature for folks who are not able to watch the market on a daily basis. I see posts requesting to prioritize this feature as old as two years ago. I am pretty sure even though the exchanges are not supporting this feature directly, you should be able to implement this on your side. Today, ICICI Direct and other brokers provide this feature, this is the mostly used feature whenever I place orders.
I request you to prioritize this feature and let us know when it can be made available to the users. Until that time, I will resort to other trading platforms.
I placed BO order (of BIOCON:EQ).But it is rejected due to less margin. I am unable to use leverages provided with BO orders.Plz explain me what is the problem?
Riyaz, your BO order was rejected because you had used price values in the SL and Target fields. In BO you have to use absolute values for your SL and Target. For Ex. if your target is Rs 5 use 5 in the target field and similarly for SL,
I think i have filled correct details…ex::price:1093,target :1108,sl:1088
2017-04-21 10:54:59
rms:margin exceeds,required:65220.00, available:4989.74 for entity account-zr8184 across exchange across segment across product
THis was the message appeared in the box.
Your target and SL should be in absolute values. Please check this video.
When you are buying at 1093, if you want to the target to be 1108, you’ve to enter the target value as 15 and not 1108. Same for SL as well, if you want the SL to be 1088, you’ve to enter 5.
sir, When are you all planning to bring GTC orders in zerodha?
We’re working with our vendors, it’ll take a little time.
if i buy a share using NRML option, do we need to square off at the end of the market on particular day or we can hold for 3 to 4 days or more.
if i buy from NRML, i should have only 40% of the total value of share in my account to buy a share?
You can’t buy Equity under NRML. NRML is the product code for Futures & Options. Suggest you go through this: http://zerodha.com/z-connect/tradezerodha/margin-requirements/zerodha-margin-policies
whenever i am trying to trade USDINR on zerodha kite today, its showing ‘exchange CDS is not enabled’. what does it mean and how it can be resolved ?
What is final(last) time to modify intraday order as I was unable to modify at 3:19pm. Also final time to place delivery order as unable to place order at 3:21pm. Thanks.
Would help if you can let us know the date you were trying to place these orders. I could check the log and get back to you.
Many thanks for prompt reply. On 13Apr2017 at 3:19pm tried to change intraday order(IDZS9598). Thanks.
Will check and get back to you.
Awaiting your reply.
Pls reply.
Your order modification was at around the time that our systems were trying to close all MIS positions. Also, you tried to place the delivery order at 3.34, post market close. That’s what the logs indicate.
Thanks for explaining in simple terms. One more request, if possible please consolidate all softwares of kite, coin & q in one software to ease of operations. Also many thanks for quick reply and zero brokerage concept which large benefits to small traders.
I have exiting Bank Nifty Options (10 lots = 400 qty) of 21800 at Rs 1/- on the day of expiry (Thursday weekly expiry day). I purchased them in MIS.
Now I place a MIS order for target at 5 for the 10 lots.
Again I place another MIS order for SL-M MIS order for SL of 0.25 paise.
Now let me know if my understanding is right —
1 – If my target is achieved then only the SL-M order will be left in pending state until 3:20 and if the rate does not touch 0.25 paise then it will get cancelled?
2 – If my SL is hit at 0.25 paise the my target will be left in pending state until 3:20 and if the rate does not touch Rs 5/- then it will get cancelled?
3 – If my SL-M or the target both are not executed by 3:20 then my 10 lots will get executed at the best buy rates available at that time, also the other 2 MIS orders (SL-M and Target) will get cancelled at 3:20?
Kindly let me know if my understanding is correct?
1. Even if the target is not achieved, the SL-M order would remain pending. The order would get canceled at 3.20 and would get squared off automatically since it’s an MIS order.
2. Same answer as above. Even if the SL isn’t hit, the target order would remain pending.
3. Yes, the system will square off the positions automatically, but do remember that the onus of squaring off the position lies entirely on you.
Thanks Venu, What I understand from the reply is that at 3:21 or later there will not be any open orders in my order book as all we under MIS.
I was just wanting to understand this because there might be a situation where in I am unable to square off my open positions and end up In The Money with just a few points and end up paying a big STT amount. So if all open orders are either squared off (incase of open positions) or cancelled (incase of open Target and SL-M orders) then the STT issue is solved coz my open position will either hit the target or get squared off at 3:20 but not exercised.
We start the square off at 3:20, needn’t necessarily get done within 1 minute. Sometimes it takes longer. As I mentioned earlier, although the system will square off the position, the onus of squaring off position vests entirely on you.
Hi Venu,
I did not understand this point of yours ” although the system will square off the position, the onus of squaring off position vests entirely on you.”. If the system will square off the position, what is left for me to square off??
What I meant to say is, Yes, the systems will square off the position after which you’ll not be left with anything to square off. In the unlikely event that the system does not square off the position for whatsoever reason, you will have to ensure you square off the position and not let it carry forward to the next day.
Thanks Venu, Now I get it. The systems will auto square-off starting 3:20PM but I also need to keep monitoring and incase it does not get squared off then need to do it manually to avoid carrying forward to next day or excess STT incase of expiry day.
Thanks for your prompt and quick response Venu. Appreciate the great job that you guys are doing !!!!!
Does Cancelling an Order in Kite Charge.
please give me a reply
I have replied already. No there isn’t any charge for cancelling orders. Charged only for executed/traded orders.
But,When we cancel it comes in Executed Orders
I am using kite platform. I had 400 shares of canara bank stock and last week i got its 100 right issue shares.(total 500). I cannt add the right issue amount to get average buying price. I can do correction in Q back office but it is not showing in my portfolio.
please give a reply
Remya, if you have gotten credit of the rights shares, it should be showing as discrepant holdings on Q. If you go enter the correct value, it should update. Best to send such account specific queries to [email protected]
thank you for the reply. I contacted zerodha support and they told Q back office has some problem and thats why its not showing the updated average buy price.
Should be showing correctly, can you email [email protected] with your client ID.
How to create GTD in Options?
Currently GTD/GTC not possible.
Please help :
I bought 1 lot (150 units) of Maruti Apr 9600CE at 12.95. Now the current price is 10.25. When i place a sell order (market or limit, tried both), i get the following message:
rms:margin exceeds,required:50729.54, available:10007.35 for entity account-zw2055 across exchange across segment across product
Kindly let me know what can be done. Thanks!
Cancelled a stop loss order which I had placed earlier (it was open, didn’t get executed) and placed the limit sell order again (with price below LTP). Is this the right procedure?
Ah yes, only one exit order at a time for option writing. Do go through the playlist of videos.
Two reasons, 1. You have bought using NRML or MIS, but when selling you are using a different product type. Both buy/sell have to remain same product types. 2. You are placing two exit orders, hence extra margin. Check this playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLkxTRam6E2V-okv6gwQlt6dLTsn0v6CD1
You had already placed an order which was pending in the system after which you tried to place the second sell order. You can place only one sell order against an existing position. Hence the error. You’ll have to cancel the pending order and place a fresh order.
Hi NITIN my only concern with zerodha is to increase the margin for cash segment atleast for intraday traders. And on volatile market login is very difficult. It happened to me when UP results were out this (March) month and i have to ultimately come out with loss when i log in because all the settlement happened within 2-3 minutes after the market open
plz explain ioc order charges day/day or what is use……
IOC is an immediate or cancel order. that means whatever price you place an order, if there is no fill available, it will get cancelled immediately. No charges.
Thanks again for immediate reply that too so late night.
In AMO I want to short ‘A’ share which is previous close was 100. I want it to short at 99.90.
Limit order would be better or any other option would be better.
Yeah, if you are sure of the price, then limit order is better.
I opened an account with Zerodha and today I tried buying shares all that I knew was for every Intraday trading Zerodha gives some margin. So I tried buying shares with balance of 5000 as I thought Zerodha gives additional 14 times margin and tried buying shares but I got error that margin exceeds available 5000 and required 60000. Please advise on this
Place your order under product type: MIS, CO or BO. http://zerodha.com/z-connect/tradezerodha/zerodha-trader-software-version/cover-orders-for-higher-leverage
do i get charged brokerage etc,. for executed rejected and cancelled order or i only get charged completed executed order
It’s only for Executed orders, no charges for cancelled/rejected orders.
I purchased shares with product: CNC but system show validity for Day.
How i convert this for long term ?
Only day orders are allowed. Once you buy using CNC, the holdings stay with you till forever.
I just wanted to know what will happen in following situation:
Let us say current rate of infosys is going on Rs. 1000.
Next I put two orders:
1) Buy order at 1005 (long trade – expecting it to grow)
2) Sale order at 1005 (short sale – expecting it to go down)
Then rate changes to Rs. 1005 of infosys, so what will happen to my positions. Will my net position be zero i.e. I won’t have any shares of infosys or Will I have two positions taken for me i.e. one for buy order & one for short sale?
Net position will be 0, you will immediately buy and sell.
While purchasing shares for MIS this message occur, please explain !!!!!
rms:blocked for t bse_cm mis broker- zerodha block type: all
Stocks which are in the T2T category (which exchange considers as penny stocks or excessively speculative) cant be allowed for intraday trading. You will see this message when buying those stocks for MIS.
mcx crude oil trad………. do STBT,BTST …………. 1) can i place good till cancelled order with stop loss ?
No, currently we don’t support GTC orders.
Been a month since i started using Zerodha on mobile. Im happy and look forward to a profitable journey. My question is when i bought a Ce Stock option to keep till expiry ( I had enough cash in account) and didnt exit on the same day as i was in loss. But at 3. 20 it was auto sold. Please explain to me the buying procedure in the kite app about how to buy options if i want to hold till expiry. Thanks
When buying, use the product type as NRML. You can join our daily platform demo here. Also check the kite user manual and videos: https://kite.trade/docs/kite/
Thank you
Can you explain about cnc order to mic order
Check this user manual: https://kite.trade/docs/kite/, also check different order types section and videos on them.
For example if I buy stock of rs 100 and I place limit target order at 105 rs does it sell above 105 rs or only at 105 rs not above that. Please advise if there is any sell market order.
It is 105 or above, never below. You will get above 105 only if the current price of stock is over 105. Otherwise it is always exact 105 in case of limit order.
Hello nitin sir,
Suppose i buy a stock xyz at rs 150 of some quantity and again i bought that same stock at rs 155 of some quantity on same day,is it possible to sell only those stocks which i bought at rs 150 bcoz in kite it is showing average buy price…can i sell stocks which i bought at a specific price or i have to sell at average price??
Shubham, if you see a contract note you will see that it is always FIFO. What is bought first will be sold first.
My Kite Zerodha A/C ZX**98 BYE & SELL is not working from last 8 days. when BYE It show “BUY trigger_price should be lesser than price” . when SELL It show “SELL trigger_price should be lesser than price” can u tell me is thr. any problem in my a/c?? or any other method to BYE & SELL is there??
thank you,
Sandesh, looks like you are placing a stoploss order. Can you change it to either limit or market. Suggest you to look at all videos on Kite here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLkxTRam6E2V-okv6gwQlt6dLTsn0v6CD1
Suppose I place an MIS order for 100 quantities of buy (not BO/CO, plain MIS buy order). The trade gets executed in in 1 lot itself at, lets say Rs 200. Now I want to place Sell order for target booking and also stop loss Sell order for preventing untoward loss. Can I:
1) Create a create a Sell order for 100 qty at Rs 204
2) At the same time, can I place a SL-Sell order at Rs 198.
3) I assume when any of the above 2 gets executed, I will have to manually cancel the order order – pls do confirm
Assuming the above 2 is possible, can I:
1) Before the target order is executed, can I modify the sell target order placed in 1) above to change the qty to 40 at Rs 204?
2) And then create another sell target order for the rest of the 60 qty to Rs 206?
Yes to everything. You can check this video on exit orders.
Sir please explain me in COVER ORDER UNDER MIS
Suppose I am buying 500qty of vakrangee @MKT PRICE say Rs. 305/- Active option .
0 CO My trigger price will be 302/- as stop loss. ??? Here no Target price option given
this order will get sequared off at 3.20 pm
Under CO This is also for buying and selling of my above shares or seperte order has to be placed for selling my shares …. confusion pls answer …
Once you buy using CO, to sell that you have to exit the pending SL order in the order book. Check this post on cover orders.
Hi Nithin, Once my order is executed, if I want to change my stops, it is showing as “No pending order to modify” pop up. Is there any way to change my stops. Thank you!
Once an order is executed, u can’t really modify it. You will have to place a new order as stoploss. Suggest you to go through the manual here https://kite.trade/docs/kite/ and the video on stoploss.
There is a confusion on my mind, kindly clarify please.
If I buy some stocks with CNC product type & I sell them on the same day itself i.e. intraday, then is there any chance of Auction penalty just like “buy today sell tomorrow” orders ?
No risk if you sell the same day.
How to modify my stop loss on an already executed order on kite?
hmm.. if order is executed you will not be able to modify SL.
Hi My id D00042. I placed amo order in kite for jet airways buy SLM 405 but order got rejected says
rms :rule: check trigger price vs ltp for sl-m orders ,trigger price:405.00, ltp:406.35 for entity account-do0042 across exchange across segment across product
Can any call me regard this i couldn’t understand what it says exactly.
My contact : 9566068331, D.Omprakash.
Check this answer, explains.
I don’t get what you are trying to say. I don’t find any link too. Can you please explain
Sorry, check this link: https://tradingqna.com/60456/trigger-orders-trigger-price-entity-account-xxxxxx-across
Is there a benefit of using ” MIS ” for the option market for nifty and bank nifty or option stock. I dont find any use as initially I was of the assumption of there is less brokerage……I realised it only after seeing the statements. It was quite late as I lost a sizable amount as Brokerage.
Sunil margin/premium required to trade is lesser if you use MIS, not brokerage.
Suppose I trade in Natural Gas Intraday with Cover Order type.As per my knowledge in NG I can place 16 lots per single order or 2.5% of OI. Lets take 16 lots per single order.
1) But I want to BUY 20 lots with the same price and at the same time.So how do I will do that?
2) I want to SELL that 20 lots with the same price and at the same time. So how do I will do that?
Not possible, you will have to break it in 2 orders.
I’ve sold some shares of a single company. As the order was in pending status I’ve cancelled it. So the stock were showing back into my holdings. Later say after 5 mins I’ve sold them again and the position of the order is still open. So my questions are :
1. Do I need to pay brokerage and other charges ( Like demat charge ) for pending and then cancelled order ?
2. As I’ve cancelled pending sell order is there any sort of penalty charge applicable ?
3. For how long a sell order can remain in pending / open status ? If the shares are not sold say after x period of time do I need to pay the charges like brokeeage, taxes, exchange and demat fees ?
Thanks in advance.
1. No, only for executed orders.
2. no
3. all pending orders are cancelled end of day. If they are not executed, no charges apply.
For Intraday trading what type of orders should I use.
How much maximum qty of shares can I purchase with my available capital? Is there any limit for such qty?
You’ll have to use order type MIS. You can check margins for Intraday stocks here: https://zerodha.com/margin-calculator/Equity/
Good Evening Sir,
I am new to Sharemarket and trading ofcourse.
Sir, I want to purchase shares of a particular company and retain it for a period of say 8 months. Then what type of order should I place. My capital is 1.5 Lk.
I want to use the whole capital amount in purchasing the shares of that particular stock.
Will I be charged for holding these company shares in my demat account ?
Say the shares purchase value is 300 and it is going below 300 then to minimise my loss what should I do ?
I am going to use my capital for investment purpose and not for daily trading. What kind of order should I place ?
Please guide..
Thanks in advance…
You’ve to place an Equity order under product type ‘CNC’. There are no charges for holding shares in demat. When you sell shares from demat, there’ll be a DP charge of Rs.13.5+ST. You can place Stop loss orders to minimise losses. Read more on Stop loss here: http://zerodha.com/z-connect/tradezerodha/zerodha-trader-software-version/stop-loss-orders-limit-market
is there a way I can partially cancel my order through order_type 3. For ex: I currently have a limit order of 100 shares of Reliance, so can I partially cancel 89 shares through order_type 3 so that I only have 11 share in my limit order book.
I’m assuming you’re talking about Kite connect, no, you can’t partially cancel an order.
dear sir, if i try to place a sell order for the equity CNC then it is being rejected everytime from last few days but if i place a buy order for the equity CNC, it always completed. may i know the reason, why? and how can i place the sell order first for the equity cnc? i am using kite.
Thanks & regards,
Ankur Agrawal
For the sell CNC order to get accepted, you will have to have the equity shares in your demat account from before. If you don’t, your order will get rejected.
ok, if i find any share that it will go down and in this case if i have to sell that particular share at market price and when it will go down then i will purchase ….in this case what can i do in case of equity?
You will have to sell it with product code MIS – Margin Intraday Squareoff. This will be an Intraday position only and will have to be closed before market closes.
hi Nitin sir, first of all Happy New Year and thanks for varsity it is very helpful for people like me….im a newbie…i have some doubts regarding placing orders…
1. Karthik sir advised to start positional trading for few months…so i cannot place MIS for that…i should place only CNC am i right…so if i hit the traget on the same day can i sell the share even though it is not credited to demat account.
2. in around 1000 comments in stop loss and trailing stop loss section im not able to find my doubt… can i place stop loss order ,TSL order , or bracket order for CNC . (though i dint go through all the comments)
1. Yes, you’ll have to place orders in CNC to take positional trades. You could square off the position the same day, it’ll be considered an Intraday trade.
2. No, there’s no facility to place TSL for CNC orders.
In zerodha kite, do you guys charge for modifying any order like changing the stop loss or trigger point in cases of intraday or CNC.
Hi Nithin
I am new to trading with less than 1 month experience.I have a problem or may be doubt you can take it in any aspects.Below is my query,
Support level 8100
Current price 8099
Like to place a sell BO at 8103
If it breaks the support level i need to place a sell order in BO so, I am placing an sell BO order for 8103 but unfortunately when i execute the order it sells at 8099 and if it dosent break the support level i am ending up with a big loss.
I need to know how to place a sell BO or CO which exceutes between 8103=< in this specific case
Kindly help me in this
If you’re placing a sell order at 8103 when the current market price is 8099, the order stays in the system as a limit order, doesn’t get executed at 8099. You can’t place conditional Bracket orders.
I want to start using CNC order type for equity. I want to know how much capital is required & how to calculate profit. Below is the scenario:-
Capital in account – 1lak
Script name – Techm
Order type – CNC
Buy Stock Price (SL-M with trigger) – 478
Total shares can be purchased – 209
Target Sell Stock Price (Limit) – 489
Stop loss Sell Stock Price (SL-M with trigger) – 455
1) Will the money be blocked as soon as i place the Sl-M entry order? Or upon order execution?
2) After the entry order is executed do i require extra margin for the Target & Stop loss order? If yes then how much?
3) How do i calculate the profit in this scenario?
1. Blocked as soon you place order.
2. U will not be able to place both exit and SL order even if you have enough margin. Since u hold stocks, only one exit can be placed.
3. Profit = Sell price * Qty – Buy price * Qty
Thanks for the reply. I have further questions. How much extra margin is required to place the target order? What if the market goes against my position? At that time from where will money be deducted at real time?
Extra order will be taken as an order for new position. So that much margin is required. Money will be deducted from your account balance.
I placed a BUY order for 10000 shares of Ugar Sugar. The trade book shows that 9516 shares have been bought. But the order book and the stock holding do not show any change. How do I know whether the shares have been bought or not?
Can you login to Q.zerodha.com and check out your trade book and holding. Kite on weekends sometimes would be running through maintenance at which time it may not show.
Dear sir
trade got cancelled also if someone uses bse stock which i was using whole day .
only,after reading your blog, i came to know only after that nse stocks are allowed only at mis/bo/co
Is it possible to place a buy order above market price with a stop loss ?
Yes. Place a SL buying order with trigger price about the market price. When trigger is hit, the buy order is sent.
1. I want to know that how to use AMO option.
2.Difference of three type of trading pattern
a.LMT b.SL c SL-M
1. Check this to know more on AMO.
2. Check this to know more on Stoploss
3. Check this to know more on order types.
My question is specific to pre-market orders. When I was using NEST, I could clearly see the LTP (last traded price) between 9:00 AM and 9:08 AM. Based on that I was able to take the decision to put a limit order and most of the times it used to execute. Now problem with Pi and Kite is that I cannot see LTP till 9:08 AM. Only final pre-opening price is known at 9:08 AM. Am I missing something or is it a limitation of Pi and Kite? If later, can we fix it?
Check this post, in the first 8 mins of pre-open orders are only collected, no matching of orders happen. So there cannot be any LTP. Let me check what you are seeing on NEST, but it definitely is not LTP.
I want to know what these suffix stands for in the script name Maruti-BL. Here what is the meaning of BL or BE means?
I want to use the weekly charts to do my Stock futures trading. I want to open a position and keep it for few days or end of the week. I want to setup stop loss & target level using NRML order. I want to understand the margin requirements. I will give a scenario.
I wanted to Buy HDFC16NOV at 1272 on 21/11/2016. SL is 1232. Target is 1308. I know that it will most probably reach 1308 by the end of this week. If not also i would like to take profit by end of this week. I want to use NRML order. How do i calculate margin requirements?
1) I will use the margin calculator using the below link i.e Equity futures. I will enter the price & money that i have. It will give me how many lots i can buy as NRML & MIS.
2) The above step is for entry. Do i need to do the same for stop loss order as well? So i should have similar amount of money for SL order as well. Am i right? The NRML order does not have SL in built in it.
3) The same goes to target order as well. Am i right?
4) So i would need roughly around 3 times the money required in step 1 or even more. Am i right?
5) What if i don’t use SL order & only target order? I want to risk the entire amount placed in step 1. How do i calculate the SL price till which the order in step 1 would last? i.e How far should the market go against to take out my entire amount in step 1?
1. Yes.
2. Funds get blocked only for the position you take. SL doesn’t require additional margins
3. As mentioned above, you don’t need 3X margins to place the target and SL order. Suggest you read this: http://zerodha.com/z-connect/tradezerodha/margin-requirements/margins-2-exit-orders-for-1-position
4. Typically, your position would be squared off (closed), if the margins go below the required numbers. You’ll always have to maintain the margins in point (1) to be able to carry forward your positions.
Thank you for the reply and link. But still point 5 of mine is not clear. I will rephrase it. When my NRML position is open ie active in the market and when price moves against my position will money get reduced from the balance in my account? Or only the NRML margin gets blocked and reduced in real time. Another way of putting it is how much extra money is required apart from the margin to withstand the negative price movement?
When market goes against you, MTM losses are first adjusted with any free cash you might have in your account which happens on a live basis. If the position continues to make MTM losses, it now starts eating into your NRML margin blocked. Typically our risk team will square off positions if the total money in your account starts dropping below around 75% of the NRML margin required. On volatile days, our risk team can be stricter and square off earlier as well. Typically these square offs are done between 3.10 to 3.30pm. If there are any losses, best to transfer money before that time. Also ideally it is best to always have some extra money over and above the NRML margin to make up for any MTM losses.
Thank you.. This is very helpful..
One last question.. When can we place NRML orders? Can we place them after market hours? Can we place them during pre-market open? For example BO orders cannot be placed during pre-market open i.e 9:00 am till 9:15am. Is there any such restrictions for NRML orders? I would like to place it either after market hours or during pre-market opening. Is it possible to place it before 9am?
You can place it anytime you want. Between 9.15 am to 3.30 pm in live market. After 6pm till 9.15 am as AMO. During pre-market, you need to use the AMO option to place NRML orders.
Thank you once again.. Please let me know whether the below are True or False for NRML orders:-
1) If the NRML order is not executed i.e trigger pending till end of the day it will get automatically cancelled at the end of the day
2)In this case i should place the same order again the next day
3)In the above scenario i should place the stop loss & target order only when the 1st entry order is executed. Am i right?
4)Once the 1st order is executed i will have to place the stop loss & target order every day until either one of them is executed. This is because both of them will get cancelled by the end of the day if the trigger is not executed.
5) Once one of them is executed then i will have to manually cancel the other one.
6) Even if i don’t manually cancel it, it will get cancelled automatically by the end of the day if it is not already executed i.e trigger not reached
1. True
2. True
3. True
4. True
5. True
6. True
I think I did. However, I will work with your support team to have it enabled.
Any plans to provide Good Till Cancelled (GTC) order validity type?
I do not see “NRML” option in “Product” list field of “Order Window” in Zerodha PI terminal. Let me know If I should report this to your support team and also let me know when “NRML” option should be used?
Have you enabled futures and options when opening an account? NRML is used for trading F&O on overnight basis.
Hi Team,
Sometimes I convert my CNC positions into MIS, by default it creates an MIS Regular position. I want to check if there is way to add Stop loss/ Target to a normal MIS position later on. Or anyway I can convert my CNC to something like BO?
Please help.
The above question is for both Kite and Pi.
You can’t convert from CNC/MIS to BO. What you can do is, once converted to MIS, place MIS SL order and target order.
Thanks for your response Nitin!
But the moment I place new MIS SL order, which is lower than the current price (I am assuming this is just another normal MIS order with the sell price where I want my SL), the position gets squared off immediately. Seems like it does not work as SL, rather an offer price less than current mkt price.
Please let me know if I am getting it right or it has to be done some other way.
You need to put the trigger price below the current market price. If you don’t it will become like a market selling order.
Hi Nithin,
Thanks for the tip. It is working fine for SL. Just want to check if same method can be applied to put a target selling price as well. For Eg, out of 100 shares, I want to sell 50 at say Rs 150, another 50 at Rs 200, should I put put two different SL order, with trigger price of say 145/195 and tgt price as 150/200 (in addition to the MIS SL order for actual stop loss). Since, in this case, trigger price will be higher than the current price, I am little confused if this will work.
I want to have some standard values in the orders. for examble always whenever i select a srip target will be 10 absolute points and stoploss will be 8 absolute points. Is it possible to set this is kite.i dont want to enter this everytime. once the scrip is selected these values will be prefilled. Is it possible
FYI I don’t know if it is available on Kite, but the feature is there in Pi.
Is there a type of order in which it is a market order at the entry and a target order at the exit? (Similiar to a BO, but using a market order at the entry point instead of a limit price). If not, how can I achieve it(without manually creating new exit points for all lots)?
You can use the bracket order facility and place a bid at a price higher than what it’s trading at, it automatically becomes a market order of sorts.
Thank you. Happy diwali 🙂
1. can u once again clarify if BO is available for option trading for equities. today i again got an error while putting BO for supharma options “rms:blocked for optstk nse_fo bo block type: all”. also please say if for commodities is CO trading available, and the steps/points to note.
2. please tell BO order is avialable for …. and CO order is avialable for……., as in margins page we can see that it is available for all but while trading we get error.
3. if possible can you give me the link to the video tutorial of BO and CO (kite app- web and android app). also sir i suggest if it is possible please insert a little note to the trading platform regarding the various parameters which we need to enter like for trailling stop loss ( hint can be – enter no of ticks to trail – .05 means 1 tick for X instrument etc). this feature can help a lot.
4. also sir in kite android app the stocks pertaining to bse is not been displayed. there are many stocks which only trade in bse. we have to open money control to see if it is available in bse or nse only and then type in kite.
5. 1 last favour sir- is it possible to trade on the chart ( in kite app , web interface and pi directly by placing buy and sell order ) and also to show the buy order line and stop loss line which can be modified by shifting the line in real time directly on the chart. i know it will take time to integrate these advanced features but i think these can make zerodha software all they way more competitive and more user friendly ..thanks again sir for reading my suggestions and solving them. have a great day.
1. BO not available for stock options. Only for Nifty and Bank nifty
2/3. Check this: https://kite.trade/docs/kite/
4. When you search for a stock, follow it by BSE in the search box. You can see all BSE stocks.
5. On our list of things.
Is there any brokerage charges on Modify,canceled MIS and CNC orders???
Is there any way to get trade type(CNC or MIS) of backdated trades? Actually I wanted to know how much i have earn while doing CNC vs MIS trades.
Thanks in advance.
Hmm.. trade book not possible. What you can do is open your tax P&L statement on q.zerodha.com. All intraday trades are shown as speculative P&L and all delivery as capital gains.
Thanks Nitin.
While placing a buy order, it says “nse exchange not enabled for the account”. What does it mean ?
How it ll be enabled ?
It’ll be enabled by EOD. You can trade in Equities from tomorrow.
if i am converting from cnc to mis, does that mean i am selling in cnc and buying again in mis
No extra trades happen. It’s mere conversion of product type.
I hope you can bring in GTC orders in Equity options soon. A low brokerage rate is much appreciated but it becomes pointless every time I lose a profit booking opportunity just because price levels I’m waiting for hit right at market opening while I’m still clicking about to place an order. Sometimes that price level doesn’t come back or at best it just stalls all other possibly juicy trades because now money’s stuck in that one trade. In the meanwhile, I’ll try to go clicking and keying at lightning speed but please try.
Understand your requirement. There are certain dependencies which we are trying to overcome. It’ll take a little longer, we’re doing out best.
1. If I use a bracket order to buy ‘x’ stocks by using disclosed qty x/2 at a time, then will this disclosed qty be obeyed when the target price is reached also?(When the selling occurs automatically on reaching target price, will my stocks be sold using disclosed qty x/2 each?).
2. Why does kite not support disclosed qty on BO? It’s the main feature I miss in kite.
1. Disclosed will be only on entry and not on target/SL.
2. This will come up in time.
There is a option of Trailing Stoploss followed by Optional in in bracket on KITE platform. You have not mentioned whether the Disclosed QTY is optional or not. Is Disclosed QTY optional for intraday trading?
Yes, disclosed quantity is optional.
Hi Nothing,
I have a query regarding F&O orders….
Suppose I bought an Option contract of Strike Price= X in NRML mode since I have bullish view and there is about 3 weeks for expiry .
Subsequently, next day or so if I see there is temporary down trend (due to a small correction etc), now can I short the option contract of same Strike Price X in MIS mode ( & square off by EOD) without affecting my NRML long position taken earlier?
Thanks & Regards
Santosh Shetti
Yes, you can. When you take position in 2 different product codes, the positions does not get netted off.
I have doubt regarding product types. When I trade for intraday I give MIS as product type and system considers it as Intraday trade but after sometime if I want it to be delivered I change product type to CNS but Trade has done before changing product type. I dont understand how share are delivered as Trade has done as Intraday just changing type I get share delivered. How does it work?
Product types like MIS, CNC are only product types that brokers provide. To the Exchange, there’s nothing called MIS, CNC etc. So if you buy a share and convert it later, you would have made a delivery purchase against which you’ll receive credit of shares on T+2.
Hi how can i exit a Cover Order which i have placed.
Go to pending orders and exit the pending SL order.
Hi, I have opened an account with Zerodha 10 days back and when I try to place an order to future and option segment like Nifty call and put there is error message generate each time when i place an order “not a valid product code”. Why it appear? And I want to know that means my FNO segment is not active? And what should I do to activate it. please suggest.
Are you placing orders with product type as NRML? If you are still getting error using NRML, it means you haven’t enabled F&O. Check this: https://kite.trade/docs/kite/#product-types. If you want to add F&O, fill the segment addition form from here, send it to us along with an income proof.
Hi zerodha,
If i cancel/modify my buy/sell limit order will i be charged?
So, if I cancel / modify my order, there are no charges, but if my orders is rejected by the exchange due to insufficient margins, there will be a charge incurred. Is that right? If so, what would be the charge on rejected orders?
No charge for rejected orders as well. We charge only executed orders.
During Place my order i got status message as “exchg not enabled for this user” and status Rejected. Can you explain me what is the reason behind this ? ( i am using in kite web browser)
Hi, please provide GTC(Good Till Cancel)orders in MCX.
Hi, NSE emerge scrips are opening under SM in Pi, but I am using kite and not able to add any nse emerge scrip. Kindly solve the problem at kite.
I have a query regarding Intraday Trading and Delivery Trading. When I give Buy order for delivery, Will NEAT system matches my order aganist Sell Order for Delivery?
We have different Product codes like MIS and CNC etc. Will these orders match aganist same type order? How order Matching Works?
Product types don’t matter when order matching happens on exchange. Product types are just internal methods to tag orders for brokers. Order matching happens only based on buy and sell
Thanks for answer. But what happens when Intraday seller short sells and Delivery buyer buys the same order then How shares are transferred to buyer.
And, a general question, In Intraday trading no body owns shares they just trade prices without holding any shares in that company. Then, What is the benifit of Intraday trading to people It is like gamble I feel. I just want your opinion on this.
The intraday short seller will cover his position before end of day, so his obligation would most likely pass on to someone who is actually selling stocks.
Yeah, intraday trading is speculation.
Thanks for your prompt reply. But, I don’t understand fully You mean exchange does not know whether order is for Intraday or Delivery It will execute based on prices. And Brokers should make sure that Short selling should not be allowed in delivery so they put product types. Am I correct?
Every one knows Intraday trading is gamble then why SEBI allows intraday trading?
Srikanth, Yes and Speculation is part of life. Free economies shouldn’t ban anything, it is for people to decide what they want to do.
I faced the worst glitch today . I placed a limit order of AB Nuvo @ 1302.50 But to my surprise it got executed instantly and started showing average price of 1294.85 ?? How the heck is this possible?
Binny, if you place a limit order above the current market price, it will become a market order. It is not a glitch, that is how limit orders work. If you want an order to trigger higher than the current price you will have to use triggers/stoploss orders. Check this post. So use SL-M buying order with trigger price as 1302.5
Not possible right now.
can i place selling order of a Put option in the beginning of the market at 9.15 am for the quantity i have and leave the day for my work exiting from my zerodha account
Yes, you can.
1. Today I tried to buy option at market price but rejected with error msg “rms:blocked for optstk mkt nse_fo broker- zerodha remarks: option stock market orders are not allowed block type: all”. Why am I getting such error. ?
2. Can I buy option with stoploss (mention both SL and SL-M)…??
3. If 2nd query is possible, then, when trigger order get placed .?
4. Cant I place CO/BO for trading option and also trailing stoploss as you claim in you website.?
1.Because of illiquidity of stock options, we have disabled market orders. If you want to place market, just place a limit buying order above the market price and limit selling order below the market price.
2. Yes, but only SL, no SLM
3. Only SL so when trigger is hit, limit order is sent.
4. BO/CO only for index options.
Today, i bought a Option of ACC18FEB1560PE @ Rs 34, and i used Stop Loss with Price Rs. 32 and Trigger Price Rs. 32 (I generally take same Stop Loss Price and Trigger Price) then, price fell but my order SL did not executed and i tried to exit at market, i tried 4-5 times but it did not executed, it was showing error ”RMS:Blocked for OPTSTK MKT nse_fo broker- ZERODHA Remarks: Option Stock market orders are not allowed block type: ALL”. Then, i applied limit for the same, lower than actual price then it was executed. I lost my hard earned money. Please review and clarify where i am doing mistake? and What should be in my favour?
I also have the same issue. Even when I tried with limit order, it didn’t executed. Instead it rejected.
Can I ask you why such thing has been implemented and by whom?
No Pramod, only market orders are rejected.
Can I buy share from BSE and sell it on NSE in MIS trading. ? if yes.. I did experiment with tata power share yesterday but share from BSE and NSE were shown separately. why.?
No you can’t, check this answer.
You say no.. but answer in the link you shared says we can do arbitrage trading. Please clarify. .I m confused
The only way you can do arbitrage is if you hold shares in your demat, that is what the link I share also says.
Where do I change the answers to the 2FA security questions?
Do I use the Admin option to check P&L for my options trade or is there any other menu?
Yeah admin. If you are using Kite you can use the positions tab. https://kite.trade/docs/kite/#portfolio
Would insist zerodha to issue declarations on their updates adhering to GTC/GTD orders so that the traders wouldn’t have to find rejected orders in their order book when enunciating the aforesaid validity types even for MCX segments. And hope zerodha has a trick up it’s sleeve to call in an alternative for this shortcoming. Would also like to if pre-market orders could come in handy to substitute GTC orders for MCX
*would also like to know about pre-market orders and its availability for mcx and if that could be the answer for gtc orders
Will there be any issues in order execution if i’m day trading several times in stocks like GMR infrastructures which is currently 11 rupees with average volume 1,642,614.
If i’m buying 100 shares one company and selling after one hour on same day do zerodha charge brokerage 20rs total for buying and selling ?
or is it like 20 rs for buying and 20 rs for selling on same stock = total 40rs
It is Rs 20 or 0.01% whichever is lower per every executed order. If you buy for Rs 1lk, you pay only Rs 10 (0.01%) and not 20
Sir can i place Stoploss and Target in simultaneously. For example lets say i want to buy ICICIBANK at 100 and i wish my profit target to be 102 and stoploss be 98. How can i place such order. I know that i can put a stoploss but what about target price???
I can see & add stocks from BSE SME on zerodha watchlist, but not form NSE EMERGE. How can an investor buy shares of sme/emerge ?
Select the scrip series as “SM”. This will allow you to add and buy shares listed on the Emerge platform.
how to place valid till cancellation order?
Currently not possible.
how can i place an order at the beginning of the day where i buy if the mkt is down or reaches a level where i want to buy and i sell when the mkt is up and gets there before the buy order? can both orders be placed with the premise tht only one gets executed? i trade nifty futures
hmm.. not really possible the way u r asking for it.
hello sir.
my question is related to commodity.
Soppose in gold, bid price is 30560 and ask price is 30580.
if i want to place sell order at 30570.
wht type of order should i place?
is it sl sell order or limit sell order?
thank you.
You’ve to place a Limit order to sell at 30570.
Hi Nitin,
I tried to use BO 3-4 times using Kite and every time I have faced this issue. Once I place the order, it automatically gets changed to some random price in the Kite. Luckily I noticed the issue and manually updated my orders. Below are the details of one of my orders. I have have the relevant screenshots also, but this portal does not allow me to paste SS. Let me know if I can send that to you somehow.
Would request you to please look into it and let me know if I this is system issue or I am doing something wrong.
Original Order Placed:
Buy @ 269.40
Stoploss: 262
Target: 275
Order Showing In System:
Buy @269.5
Sell @241.2
[email protected]
Please send the screenshots to [email protected]. Would help us analyse and someone from the support staff will get back to you with an explanation.
Sir, when i try to contact the number 8040402020. It ask for
a 8 digit number. I don’t understand what is that 8 digit number. Plz explain it.
For example, if my client ID is DN0005 and ZPIN is 1234, the 8 digit number is 00051234
could you please explain the meaning for below status :
order is not open
Order executed already.
If i bought the commodity in NRML type. Can I sold my commodity on same day. It’s possible.
Yes you can.
Thanks for reply. So it’s not like equity delivery. If bought share in equity I can sale T+2 only. But it’s not same in commodity. I’m correct.
Yes, correct.
Thank u very much
iam totally disappointed with zerodha
yesterday i bought 7 crudeoilm ..nrml order..but they automatically sold my one of the crude …
who told you to sell my product?
my id is pr2520
Prashanth, if there is not enough margin to hold your positions it would have gotten squared off. If we don’t there is a penalty from the exchange for this.
is intra-day CNC (Cash & carry) possible or intra-day trading it has to be MIS ?
can stocks be bought & sold on same day or next day if bought using CNC ? or only possible after T + 2 DAY ?
You can use CNC to also do intraday, you won’t get any leverage though.
What is the Differents between sl and slm?
When you place a Stop loss order, you mention a trigger price. Your order gets executed when the trigger price gets hit. If you’ve placed an SL order, the order will get placed & traded at the limit price, if it’s an SL-M that you’ve placed, the order will get traded at the market price.
wrongly i sell future mis order my admin position shows minis (-) quintity
You can close the position by buying it back.
i would like to request team zerodha to pls simplify the things such as CNC, MIC, PUT, SHORT, and all other short forms so that new investor can be know about these full forms with explanation if possible
When do you propose to include GTC / VTC (Good Till Cancellation or Valid Till Cancellation) Order Type. Any reason for not having this till now.
Exchanges don’t support GTC/VTC, essentially a broker has to simulate this. Little hacky, hence getting postponed.
Hi, I am also eagerly waiting for GTC orders. Many a times I will miss entry and exit points, as I can’t keep watching the prices. If Zerodha implements this, it will be a great feature addition and helpful for most of us. Instead of Kite extension to chrome, GTC orders could have been given priority.
Hi Nithin,
I was reading a blog on Stop-Loss orders on Zerodha. I usually trade through KITE. I am little bit confused and I have following queries:
1. For Stop-Loss Limit (Sell) order, the Trigger Price have to always be LESS than the Current Market Price ? Irrespective of the scenario whether the position is running in profit or loss.
2. For Stop-Loss Limit (Buy) order, the Trigger Price have to always be HIGHER than the Current Market Price ?
Irrespective of the scenario whether the position is running in profit or loss.
3. If I place any of the Stop-Loss Limit (Sell/Buy) order depending upon my position and let say my stop-loss is triggered and position get squared-off at the limit price. So, If I understood correctly then the Stop-Loss Order at Limit Price is executed and there won’t be any pending order after that and the trigger-price order will get automatically rejected/cancelled by the system. ? OR Do I still have to manually cancel the Trigger-price order even after the position is squared-off on the limit-price of Stop-Loss Order?
1. Yes
2. Yep
3. Once a trigger is hit, either the limit or market order is placed on the exchange (based on SL or SL-M). Once the order is placed, you don’t have to cancel trigger or do anything else on it.
Hi Nithin,
Whenever Zerodha introduces Valid Till Cancel (VTC) orders for cash market, please also introduce for futures as well (ICICI Direct has just launched it).
It seems like most of the brokerages now a days offers BO, CO and VTC orders, Zerodha has to be really innovative in offering advance tools for traders to stay ahead of competition apart from discount brokerage.
Hope to see Conditional Orders soon (Interactive Brokers India are offering it to retail).
how to square off Future trade NRLM order. Do I have to convert it first to MIS order?
Just place an opposite order, no need to convert and all.
There should be a square-off button which will square off the last placed order. E.g a buy order of 10000 should be placed with the sell with market/limit options. This will be very convenient given the limited time we get between a intraday order..
You can always exit an open position from the admin positions. Squaring off the last placed order is not practical. The last order may just add to an existing position or may not be the one you always want to square off.
i want to know what is “BO,CO blocked for the day” , as i m not able to place order , why this is happening and when it will be fine.
Bracket orders & Cover orders are blocked today on account of increased volatility. https://zerodha.com/marketintel/Bulletin/196
Trading in all other product codes are allowed.
Why GTC option isn’t there even for MCX?
We had run into some complications while offering GTC for MCX and thus has been blocked for now.
Is there any way to set Limit order valid of more than 1 day. I have moved from ICICI to Zerodha, ICICI has this provision.
Not currently Sandeep
how to give target order when you have sold and you want to buy . should i use sl order to buy or limit order.
limit order to buy.
i am getting the following error while order shares of gokhle exports in nse. not able to order for some stocks…shows same message
rms:blocked for nse_cm gokex-eq mis block type: all
MIS is for intraday trading, that stock Gokhle exports not allowed for intraday trading. Use the product type as CNC if you want to buy delivery.
Is it that market orders cannot be placed for stock options??..My orders are getting rejected for this reason..
Yes, it has been disabled because stock options are generally very illiquid. Some of our clients have lost a lot of money due to fat finger trades. If you want the orders to be market, place a limit order at a much higher price for buying and lower price for selling.
Can we buy a stocks before 9.20 am ?
can we place stoploss with it ?
Issue regarding order placing via kite..
Hi, today around 09:52 pm bought Tata Steel @ 335.65 it was a ”limit order”… around 12:52 pm the stock was trading around 332.65.. so placed another ” LIMIT” order for selling the stock & the rate I filled in the order slip was 330.60 assuming.. if the rate comes to 330.60… the position will get squared off.. but when I pressed the sell button it got sold immediately at 332.65… the rate at which it was trading during that time.. Same thing happened for Rinfra.. bought it at 541.60 limit order & when after 3 hours it was trading low at 535.50.. I placed another sell ”limit” order.. the rate filled was 530.. but when I pressed the sell button it got sold at the market rate of 535.50. When I am placing a ”limit” order with a specific rate mentioned in the slip for squaring off my position then how come the stock is getting sold at the current market price… Also while getting into a new position.. say a stock is trading at 100 now if I want to buy it only above 100 and hence I place a buy ”limit” order @ 101 so when the stock comes at 101 the order will get executed or i ll get the stock at the market rate… Please advice.. Refards
Sameer, you need to use orders with trigger to place such orders. So if you want to buy at 101, when the market is at 100, use SL-M buying order with trigger price as 101. As soon as the stock goes t o 101, a buying order is sent. Similarly for selling, place SL-M sell order with trigger wherever u want.
Today i faced issue in while trading using zerodha kite. i hold few stocks. From holding section when i click on exit button it shows order is executed but this order is shown as short sell order in open positions. so i need to again square off by buying this short sell order. thus my holding stock i am not able to sell. today i encounter loss due to this issue. plz guide me on priority
Hi, when I buy/sell a stock for intraday using kite.. if the stock is bought/sold then in the ”Orderbook Section” its shown as executed order & in ”Positions Section” its shown as open positions (1).. then when I want to square off my position.. I again go to the ”Positions Section” place the mouse on the particular stock.. an ”exit” button is displayed.. I click on that exit button and a new buy/sell order window is opened.. and from their I place an order for squaring off.. after squaring off the order is shown as executed order in the order book.. but when again I check into ”Positions Section” its showing as OPEN POSITIONS (1) ”BUT” in a mild shade and when I again place the mouse on that particular stock.. the exit button is NOT displayed.. so in the position section try to check for the exit button & the shade light/dark by taking the mouse on that particular stock.. I am not a Zerodha authorized person.. just a client like you.. Regards..
Prashant, when you exit through holdings, it will continue to show as short position on position window under product type CNC. Since it is CNC, it is not a short position, it is just an exit position. You don’t have to do anything if it shows up there. The reason we show it there is, if anyone wants to buy back this share, they can do it from the positions window.
please guide me,
i have bought 200 shares, for a value XXX, through CNC, but the validity is for a day,
so do i own the shares overnight, and till how many days i can hold the share,
Validity for day is an order type since all orders get cancelled by end of day. Yes if bought through CNC, you will get shares in your demat, and you can hold it for as long as you want.
Please explain about share buy and sheel.day or ioc
Use day orders.
Add BSE stock on marketwatch and place a sell CNC order. It will automatically sell on BSE. Nothing extra that needs to be done.
No sir , its nt working properly,,, its getting REJECTED…. while doing that
I think yu didnt get my question itself
Hello Sir,
Plzzzzz help me, i m not able to place orders today during market hours
16387 : Security is not allowed to trade in this market
Status message
RMS:Rule: Check holdings for entity account across exchange across segment across product
Best to send such account specific queries to [email protected].
can i revise/modify executed order’s Stop loss. suppose i Place an order for asian Paint buy @850 with SL 825 and order was executed. now market Price is 880 and i want to modify SL as 860. how can i do it. Please tell me Steps.
Go to order book, you will see the SL order as pending. Click on it and modify.
I try many time but there is no pending order for trigger Price. for understanding, today 27-05-2016 i Place an order as- buy meghmani @40.50 trigger Price @36 , order type SL, Prodct type MIS. After Execution buy order there is no Pending order for SL.
Thanks in advance
Ah.. what you are doing is just placing one entry order. You have to place both entry orders and SL orders separately.
Sorry sir
i could not understand. can u provide me a video link or step by step details for this. if it is possible can you help me over Team Viewer by practically.
I cannot, but you can read through this blogpost. You can also call our support number and get your queries answered.
I recently joined zerodha.
One of the most required feature for me is “validity” of the stoploss order. Is it possible to place a order which is valid till some date ??? This is a break or make feature for me.
We are working on this.
This is a deal breaker for me. When can I expect this to be available ?
Dear Nithin,
I recently opened an account with Zerodha. I am pretty new to trading and does not have much knowledge about trading .
How can I get initial assistance to know about using tools like KITE and pi. Like is there someone who can give a little demonstration if I contact him . Or may help me answer some questions on how to place orders\sell using these two tools ? Or should some other options other than these two ?
Prabhjeet, I will get our sales person to give you a demo. Btw, if you go through Zconnect, you have links to everything you need to know off.
Dear Nithin sir
Here is a link to Trading Q&A. I request you to please if you can have a look at them and answer these queries, it will be very helpful sir.These are very interesting queries. Siva did try to answer them but not satisfactory. I think now only you can throw some light.
Hi Zerodha team,
I have two doubts.
1. My transaction get rejected some times “rms blocked for nse_cm zerodha” What is it ?
2. Zerodha have only 258 scripts where we use multiple margins or is this for user specific ? becouse my freinds using another brokers and he has more that thousand company where he can use marigin.
Thanks for your support.
1. You can’t trade using MIS on certain stocks and after 3.20pm
2. As a low cost business model, we can’t take higher risks that traditional brokers take.
when can we expect zerodha to offer GTC orders on CNC
Working on it, hopefully in the next two months.
Eagerly awaiting for it..Would be a great addition for us
I really thinking to switch to another broker as I missing GTC/GTD.
GTC/GTD really relieved my burden of observing market every minute and supported my Strategy without any hassle, but without this, I am feeling helpless and that why thinking to switch to some better platform of Discounted Broker.
Please update us on “GTC/GTD” feature going to available as it’s a decision point for me to continue or switch.
Guru, it is going to be available, hopefully in the next few weeks.
Thanks for the reply, it’s more 6-7 weeks after you commented on my query regarding GTC/GTD. I hope “next few weeks” will arrive very soon.
Its September now … Still waiting for GTC feature. We all believe that this feature is absolutely necessary so please prioritize it.
Nithin, Still waiting, after shifting from icici to zerodha for 2 years, I am waiting for GTC order on kite. Please give it priority.
Thanks Venu. I am new to this platform. i got it now.
Hi Nithin, do you have any upcoming plan to bring in margin trading for futures and options in zerodha platform.This will be beneficial to all traders who do trade in futures in zerodha.
All Futures & Options are margin products alread. You only pay a percentage of the actual contract value to buy/sell F&O contracts. Am I missing anything?
I bought 300 SBI shares and 100 Tata steel shares under MIS. But I didn’t sell it. I thought by 3.20 it will be automatically squared off. But it’s not squared off and I got a contract note to pay Rs.73210.30
Kindly advice what’s going on. Is there any change in MIS policy?
We had an issue with one of our leased lines connecting the exchange. MIS square offs didn’t happen for a few clients. These positions if you didn’t square off today, you can do it first thing tomorrow morning.
Why GTC ( Good till cancelled) feature is not there for equity trading?
Dont you think it is the big advantage against all the best advantages of Zerodha?
GTC is on our list of features-to-provide, but it might atleast a couple of months before it’s available.
Dear Kamath and Team,
Here I am requesting you Please provide GTC order feature for Equity section as early as possible as It will be a good feature for traders and advantage for Zerodha against competitors.
I am also a Zerodha trader from more than 2 years and I really like Zerodha service. Could you please start the ‘Good till cancel’ facility in the equity trading as soon as possible.
Namit Gupta
eagerly waiting for GTC order facility in equity cash segement from zerodha for more than 2 years..please prioritize this feature..
why the price shown in kite is difference?Means today bhel
OPEN-115,HIGH-121.45,LOW-112.7,CLOSE-119.25.thses data is true and it also shown under the candlestic chart.
but when i select 1day candle stick and move mouse over the candle stick above the chart,beside the share button it shows wrong information
like OPEN-115.5,HIGH-121.40,LOW-112.85,CLOSE-119.25.
Why this is happen?Some times the last candle shown in pi of any equity which is red and its true.but the same equity in kite show green.Over all the kite give wrong data some times.Please resolve the issues
in kite there is in left side is equity name and right side is price…but before price there is some values..what is this??and how to calculate this??
voltas -2.17 277
what is this -2.17 and how to calculate this?
Please some one help me
That’s the percentage change in the stock price.
Dear Nithin
I am trying to buy AADHAARVEN on BSE. I am getting this error – “Not a Valid Product Code” I am ordering using CNC. Please help.
Can you please send a screenshot of the error to [email protected]?
i got an error “RMS : client not enabled on product”
What is this error?
Dear Nithin,
If I buy a share as CNC and then sell on next day (before delivery on T+2 days), is there an additional cost (charge) to me? Actually, there is some discrepancy in expected and actual funds credited to my account when I sold shares before delivery.
There is DP charges of Rs 13.5 per scrip. Check this.
hi sir,
i am new to trading.just wanted to ask how do place an intraday trade.suppose i wanna buy rel infra at 536. i have chosen limit order and mis. but what do i put in price and how much money do i need to have in my account since zerodha provides 10x leverage..thank you
With 10X leverage to buy Rs 1lk of stocks you will need only Rs 10000 in your account. How much quantity you can buy will depend on the money you have in your account. You can use our calculator: https://zerodha.com/margin-calculator/Equity/
got it..thank you for the prompt rply..
Hello Nitin,
What are PRO/CLI exactly.I see in excel file from NSE too.Would you please clarify.
CLI is the option using which all clients of a broker place orders. PRO is what is used for the broker to place orders on behalf of himself.
Dear sir,
If Sale a commodity (short option) in NRML, how much time i can hold the same.
As long as you have the required funds, until expiry day.
please explain how to give a call or put buy/sell order on any nifty lot derivative market, and what is the minimum lot size and how much margin require..pls send me feed back as soon as possible.
Add the contract to the Marketwatch, press F1 to buy & F2 to sell. I suggest you give your Sales manager a call and arrange for a demo on how to use the trading application.
Do you have a GTC order facility at least for Cash market?. All brokers have it now and i think exchange is giving approval.
When can we expect it in Zerodha. I am planning to port to Zerodha from Kotak. this is one feature which is stopping me as i should not worry about my sale price or buy price.
GTC is on our list, but it might atleast a couple of months.
Very helpful for a new comer like me.. Thanks a lot
Dear Nitin
I am not able to understand how to place the Oder in f0
specially option trading i prefer the system very complicated
in bfo …. there is term like io . so .sf and all
in nfo there is diff terms
i use z5 screen … Also while trying to see how to put order i see that a list of nifty put or call doesn’t appear istead only particular that need to be selected .
I had icicidirect also i have traded from there there is very good clarity inplacing order ….. Please help me
Will get someone to call you back. Btw, why don’t you start using kite.zerodha.com. Everything you need to know to get started is here: http://zerodha.com/z-connect/tradezerodha/kite/kite-introduction
Hi Nithin,
Your cover and bracket orders are supporting only Market or Limit orders at the time of entry. Can you please allow StopLoss order entry as well ? Are there any challenges from broker side for not allowing stoploss entry in cover and bracket order ?
Also Cover and Brakcet are intra day. Can it be made normal positional trade ?
My objective is to avoid sitting in front of screen entire day to adjust positions 🙂
These order types need approval from the exchanges. For now that is the challenge. 🙂
Thanks Nithin.. is exchange citing any risk related to such orders ?
Anything that has automatic in it is frowned by the exchanges.
horrible..in the age of high frequency trading, retail investors don’t have such basic facility.. hopefully you will get it changed from exchange :).. Thanks once again.
when you buy share the at certain point i had to take some half share profit so to only sell half of share not exist all of them?
Yes, sell only half the quantity of shares you’re holding to realise half of the profits.
Hi Nithin,
I am new to this Stock market & Zerodha. I am not a trader but an investor. whenever i buy a stock, i want to add Stop-loss that should be valid till i modify or till execution.
But i can see that validity is Just a Day in the Z-connect or Pi. In this case, do i need to set Stop-loss on daily basis.
Yes Sasi, you will have to place a new SL everyday. We are working on introducing valid till cancelled order.
Moving my trading and demat account from ICICI to Zerodha has definitely saved me plenty of brokerage over the past year or so and it has been a relatively good experience using Zerodha.
However, I am really getting hurt in equities with the inability of placing a Valid till Cancelled (VTC) order which ICICI offered till 45 days! I’m starting to think that any saving I have made in brokerage costs in 1 year is now being lost through this single feature missing when trading through Zerodha.
This will take sometime Gurjot. We’ll let you know once this feature is out.
I have the exact same thoughts.. VTC should be introduced as soon as possible unless and until you only want day traders on your brokerage and not delivery based investors
Zerodha Trader software not working properly. I am getting “log file open error”. How many times I reinstalled results are same.
Please suggest me how do I carry on…
Someone will call you back. Btw, why don’t you start using PI or Kite.
Today i was trying to convert an MIS position to NRML for an options trade. However, I got the auto square off blocked error. But shouldnt i be able to convert the position?
You should be able to if you have enough margins.
Dear sir
Please tell me how to check square off price before I do square off
Square off is at market price, so whatever the price is showing on marketwatch.
sir, I am having Demat account @ ICICI bank, in which having some shares about 100shares.
Now i want to sell these shares through Zerodha. Already i had mapped my demat a/c with zerodha trading a/c.
let me know how i sell?
If you have a non Zerodha demat account mapped to your trading account, you can only buy shares from Zerodha. You have to place sell trades through your other broker. In order to be able to buy & sell through, you’ve to open a demat account with Zerodha. Here’s the link to the demat form: https://www.dropbox.com/s/rd7m72qlkilbet6/ZerodhaDsep15.pdf?raw=1
From where can I get the list of scripts in which Intraday is available?
I am knew to trading. Please clarify how to place order to execute the following in intraday
Eg:Lt buy at 1300-1301 sl 1290 target 1320
Buy: SL-L Limit:1301 Trigger price:1300
Sell: SL-L Limit: 1290 Trigger:1320
I am thinking this way. Please suggest the best way to steps
Step 1 is correct
Once step 1 is complete
Step 2 sell limit at 1320 (your target order)
Step 3 sell SL-L trigger 1290 (Your Sl order).
My orders getting rejected from all platform for equity Intra day. Getting status msg
“RMS:Blocked for 532144 bse_cm WELCORP MIS block type: ALL”
How to place order for successful order?
There’s no Intraday trading allowed on Welcorp. You’ll have to place it under product code CNC
I got the following error message on limit order of NSE. Will u please explain?
“RMS:Blocked for nse_cm NRML Remarks: Equity orders are not allowed in NRML product type block type: ALL”
Dhaval, if you want to place orders in equity, use MIS for intraday, and CNC for delivery. NRML is for trading futures and options.
Thank you Very much Nitin 🙂
If I want to do intraday without MIS means on my independent capital do I have to place a nrml order or CNC
Hey got in mind if bought through CNC means I will get delivery by t+2 so if I buy something today and sell it today means I am doing intradya right? I want to know is there any specific tag or toggle given to do intra day thought kite coz I used to do kite.
If you use CNC and buy/sell within the day it will be considered as intraday.
Sir,why I am unable to place equity buy or sell order ,it shows invalid product code .in pi also it doesn’t show nse/bse option.pl help
Shashikant, I think either demat is not opened or not mapped. Can you send an email to [email protected]
Sir what’s meaning of ‘RMS:field not found 63002’. Today it appeared many times & I could not trade on bfo using zerodha trade. Please explain how to place order as I don’t own PC.
The contract may not have loaded correctly. Try deleting the contract and adding it again.
can i use margin trading in nifty options. if yes how much margin i got.
If you are using product type as MIS, then only for shorting margin is given and not for buying for intraday. For shorting, you will need only 40% of overnight margins.
If you are using product type as cover order or bracket order (with stoploss), then on buying also we are giving for only nifty and bank nifty. For buying you will need 70% of the total amount, for shorting you will need 25% of margin.
1.) Lets say that I buy 100 shares of Tatasteel using the product type CNC at 10:00 hrs today. At 10:15 hrs today I short 100 shares of Tatasteel using the Product Type MIS. So will this square off my long position in Tatasteel ie; will the 100 shares purchased with product type CNC be squared off ?
2.) Consider a scenario where I buy 1 lot of LT15NOVFUT using Product Type CO and few minutes later take a short position on 1 Lot of LT15NOVFUT using Product Type BO. Will this square off the initial long position (product type CO).
Thank You.
1) No, CNC and MIS are 2 different product codes. Trades don’t get net off. Your MIS short will be covered at 3:20 and your 100 CNC purchase will remain.
2) BO, CO are 2 independent product codes. You can’t square off position in one product code by taking the opposite in another product code. They’ll remain as 2 different positions.
Can you please explain why under MIS when I try to trade on a stock my order is rejected with ” Admin stopped AMO ” as the reason.
You can’t place an AMO during market hours. You’d have to place it after 6:00 pm
Send such queries to [email protected]
I have opened demat and trading account with zerodha. In Z5 trading platform I am not able to find NSE or BSE when I add a new scrip. Only NFO and CDS are available for selection.
Please suggest how to place CNC buy order through Z5.
My guess is that your demat is still not mapped to trading account. Can you send an email to [email protected] with your client ID
Hi Team,
1) If I place a order and cancelled it right away before the order gets executed. Does it charge any money?
2) In IOC, if there is no trade available to suit my limits and it gets cancelled. Does it charge any money?
1. No
2. No
Hi Nithin
My SELL/MIS order is 5/20 done and still in open status . If i cancel this order,
1. will there be any brokerage applicable.
2. will the 5 order partially executed be squared off automatically or manually?
3. Any other thing I should know to avoid this situation?
1. No brokerage for cancellation.
2. You can manually square it off. If you don’t it’ll be done automatically.
3. Not really, there’s nothing wrong here.
Sir how to buy bse listed shares through zerodha ? in web it only displays NSE only ? please help ?
Please bear with me for asking a basic question. I’m a new client. Today I placed the first order. When Nifty Oct Futures was selling at around 8160 I placed a sell order in Kite under ‘Normal Sell Limit’ order type mentioning the price as 8535. My intention was to short at the level of 8535. But it got executed immediately around 8159. It appears that I’m wrong in placing the limit order. Thereafter after going through various categories of Z connect I have prepared a table as attachment (untitled.png image) wherein I have given my understanding of various order types. Whether my understanding of the order types are correct or not? If not correct, please rectify it. This would help me to avoid such mistakes in future.
Yep, looks like it is correct.
Why my order always gets rejectd when ever I use nrml product type ?
Send such queries with client id to [email protected]