Kite – publisher
Many of you probably write stock market related blog posts or manage websites or mobile apps providing fundamental info, analysis, option strategies, advisory, etc. Until now, even though the decision making was happening on your interface, the actual placing of a trade would have been outside it. This meant lesser client traction on your site and loss of potential brokerage revenue share. Kite Publisher can now help you let your users execute orders via Zerodha with a few lines of HTML/Javascript code that you can copy paste.
How does it work?
We have added sample buy, sell, and trade demo buttons on the Kite publisher webpage to give you an indication on how it works. These buttons can be integrated to your blog, website, or mobile app to give a seamless trading experience.
Let me explain with an example. Assume I have this business that gives fundamental research and niche portfolio tracking on a website. These are decision making tools that might get a user to buy or sell, which is currently not possible within my website. The website also relies on a client manually updating his trade details for portfolio tracking to be in sync.
Using Kite publisher I can integrate buy and sell buttons as shown below.
Clicking on buy, sell will open a Kite overlay popup which can be integrated within the mobile app where any Zerodha client can login instantly. This means that you will be able to allow all the 1+ lakh clients of Zerodha to be able to place orders through your website. If the user is not an already existing client, we will capture the lead and our sales team will help open the account. All such leads generated will be mapped to you as part of our partner (authorized person) program.
Once logged in, an order placing window with stocks you coded into the buy/sell buttons will show up as seen in the pic below. Both the login and order placement in the popup are a part of our exchange approved Kite trading platform. This ensures regulatory compliance. The type of order, quantity, scrip can be determined by your website itself. The client will get an option to edit this order before placing.
Also, while logging in if a client authorizes, your website will be able to pull all portfolio details of his account (this is a part of the advanced Kite Connect APIs). So now, your website can import data and build a very cool portfolio tracking report with just a single click. You can also initiate basket orders using Kite Publisher. All the documentation required for this integration is really simple and available here.
If you are looking at live market data feed to power your blog, website, mobile app, or any charting and programming platform, do connect with http://www.globaldatafeeds.in/. Let them know that you are a Zerodha client to get a special discounted offer.
Any new leads generated through your interface will be submitted on our sales CRM, which our sales team will coordinate, help open an account, and get the client mapped to you. Clients mapped to you would earn you a share of brokerage revenue generated irrespective of if the client trades on your interface or with us directly.
Getting Started
- Check out the Kite Publisher demo
- Signup for a developer account and generate an API key
- Read the documentation to integrate Publisher with a few line of HTML + Javascript.
Please note that all integration details are in the documentation. If you have any questions, post on the developer forum. We will not be able to provide any additional technical help.
Kite publisher is absolutely free of cost. Like I had said in an earlier post, it is not revenue but financial inclusion and helping grow the very shallow investor base in India that we are focusing on as Zerodha.
Happy Trading,
sir i am trying to connect kite through publisher trade button..only futures and monthly options able to put order..
nifty weekly banknifty weekly options we put it shows error message?when will i expect weekly options enable integration in tradebutton sir?
Is there any facility to see predefined NSE/BSE scripts list like nifty 50 list, nifty auto , Bank nifty list etc. ? If yes how to get it if no add it
Add future list on Pi. ,
Pl. let auto delet old date on future date window as back dates are coming and confusing it and has to adjust each time
Is there a way to use free kite api script to place orders via other brokerage platforms, like u offer thru Smlcase
Recently joined in zerodha. i have something to tell about kite ,the marketwatch. We can add 100 stocks in a total of 5 marketwatch pages. But they are inter related. you can sort the content in a single marketwatch. be not able to move one from one page to other. this causes discomfort when we want to see a stock while on trading hours, it takes lot of time to find out the stock of my preference. by the time i find the stock the opportunity might have missed.
so what i want to suggest is make the market watch pages interconnected. when we sort , it should sort the order in all the five marketwatch pages together. so that we can get the stocks in alphabetical order. if it is not possible for any reason. i want to suggest that the first page should have the search area. subsequent pages will not. and there should be provision for moving one stock from one page to another.whenever we add a new stock it should appear in the first page only. then if there are already 20 stocks, when we add a new one the last one of the page should automatically move to the next page to give room for the new one to accommodate in the first page.
Thank you so much team Zerodha to find us such great service at extreme low cost.
I would like to give one suggestion
Can your technical team will be able to add the tool for drawing demand and supply zones like Sharekhan’s trade Tiger.
It is very useful tool for me. And I think most of the people appreciate the same
Thanking you
Thank you so much team Zerodha to find us such great service at extreme low cost.
I would like to give one suggestion
Can your technical team will be able to add the tool for drawing demand and supply zones like Sharekhan’s trade Tiger.
It is very useful tool for me. And I think most of the people appreciate the same
Thanking you
I have opened a trading account with zerodha just few months back.The app is user friendly.I have recommended to many of my friends.But i dont exactly know what is the problem with my account.Few days back i faced problem in logging on to my account..I wrote to supporting team,they took more than day to resolve the issue.After that now iam not able to buy as iam getting error that user not enabled for the product. CNC iam trying.I hav sufficient funds in my trading account
Iam not happy with your technical supporting team.They take so much time like a complete day or even more to resolve the issue..Iam losing the opportunity to buy when markets are down.
I didn’t expected this kind of services from zerodha.Though i dont lose hope,iam disappointed with you guys.
I have sent twice mail today,spoken thrice wit customer care executives.Please understand how a customer feels when he/she has funds and a opportunity when markets are down but not able to buy Just because trading platform not working.
Hey Archana, I believe the problem has been sorted now.
HI Nithin,
Are you working on sumthing like the below and wat is the time frame for its implementation?
Introducing upto 4x exposure in delivery (from tradesmart)
Awaiting reply
There is a new circular from SEBI which goes live from July 1st. All other brokers will have to close margin funding which was done in the earlier way.
Thanks Nithin for the update.
Any reason for the same?
Are there no oposition to this rule?
There is opposition from broking community, but SEBI wants funding of stocks from brokers to happen in a different way.
Is Zerodha working in other ways investor could benefit from margin delivery trading?
We have just received our NBFC license, we will do it in a regulated way soon.
Any time frame your are looking for?
Any update on the time frame.
We have received our NBFC license. So very soon.
There is no option of square off all open positions in Kite. Please add this feature in Kite.
Yes, on its way.
“Kite publisher is absolutely free of cost. Like I had said in an earlier post, it is not revenue but financial inclusion and helping grow the very shallow investor base in India that we are focusing on as Zerodha.” – Nitin
I believe you really want financial inclusion. Hence I request you again to provide Kite Connect API Access free to small retail investors. Make Algo inclusion for retail investors . By charging 2000 Rs p.m, we are essentially cutting off all small retail investors. Please consider my request and make the API Access free. You may charge for market data feed more to compensate loss of revenue from API Access fee.
Vishal, exchanges/regulators dont’ want everyone to give a shot at algo trading. Most people don’t understand the risks, there has to be a filtration layer.
In a scary and shocking incident, Kite failed to display my stock holding correctly no matter how many times I logged in. I tried using both the mobile app and the desktop app. When I logged into Q to find out if the back office has it correctly, again my holdings do not show the stock I purchased 4 days ago, totalling over 1 Lakh.
Even if your team fix this by the end of the day, the loss I’ve had as to not being able to sell the stock on time is on who? This is unacceptable. This is supposed to be a discount brokerage, does it mean unreliable “ram bharose” brokerage too?
Hey Kushal, The holdings were not visible for a few clients on the trading platform due to a Depository issue. This got resolved almost instantly. The holdings are updated on the trading platform and will get updated on Q, by the end of the day.
When can we have Limit Orders in Cover Orders on Kite.
And Price Alerts would be a Great Feature.
Will take some more time, but working on it.
Can we Place BO Order Via Kite Publisher Account?
Can we get to see spot price in when we add future of or option of the script. This will be useful because future/op tion trading decisions are made based on spot price.
I need price alert on kite. Please include in the next version
I’ll pass on your feedback.
Kite is possibly the best app i have ever used for trading. But Please provide a option for security Price alert for phone number and Bracket order for Commodities.
I added 500+4500rs to my equity account today. After few mins that amount where reflected in my equity account. But now i cant find the amount. It shows 0. Am much shocked. Please clarify me immediately. Please
Lakshman, I am guessing you checked when we were running some backend process. You can login anytime to q.zerodha.com to see your balances and reports.
Dear Nitin, The entire KITE platform is very light and it needs to darken a bit. It is straining the eyes. I requested over phone to treat it as a feed back. Nothing has happened. It is only a matter of tweaking with the software? Please if it is possible, do it. Thanks.
Will pass on the feedback.
Can you please brief on what Next in Kite 3.0 ?
We’ll keep you posted when it’s out!
Please let me know why Avg.cost and P&L are showing as NA against SGBAUG24GB of my holdings in RN3263.This is resulting in wrong display of my investment and showing profit instead of loss.Please rectify the defect and reply
Narasimha, https://q.zerodha.com/holdings/display/ on this you will be seeing enter buy value for 10 (since this bought similar to IPO, the acquisition price won’t be entered on its own). Click on this and enter the price at which this SGB was bought/allotted. This will automatically get fixed.
Can u add buy, sell and market depth button in the popped out chart window. Then it will be much more easier to trade on the selected script.
Thank you
keep up the good work
Hi Nithin
In Kite in the “Positions” tab is it possible to put “Value” in the main display ? It would
be useful to see the proportion and value of each of my positions. Right now the only way to see “Value” is to
click on the “more info” button.
Even within the “more info” section is it possible to put comma’s to separate the numbers so the numbers are easier to read .
can i login to pi with multiple logins as i want to trade in my wife’s and daughter’s accounts simultaneously.
Yes you can.
Hi Nitin,
Awesome work you and your team have done till now. Extraodinary and mind blowing services are provided by your entire team. I can straight away say to my friends to opt for Zerodha without any doubt.
I have no idea where to provide the suggestions, so just updating here only. I have few following suggestions to add up in kite so that every trader can get benefited.
1. It would be good if we can see a 52 week high/low price below the market depth.
2. And I would really appreciate if there is an option chain for both call and put options and their price details so that we can directly select the strike price instead of manually typing and checking the stock option.
Looking forward for your reply
Thanks Srinivas, working on both your requirements.
Dear nithin sir,
The kite platform have many horrible bugs.
1. refreshing bug also in back office.
2. kite and back office not show same account amount !!!!!!!!
and also many but this two is biggest.
What happening in zerodha !!!!!!
sir, we are not expect from you because we know zerodha is best. so, why this types of drawback happen ?
Jatin, backoffice is an end of the day reporting platform. IT doesn’t update live, whereas Kite is live. SO there will be mismatch. Can you send all bugs that you are spotting to [email protected], will check and get back.
Kite is really horrible and pathetic. date august 8th time 9:15 AM. ITS NOT EVEN OPENING . Server busy is being displayed. I have mailed the problem. First rectify basic issues of kite. PROBLEMS LIKE THESE SHOULD NOT REPEAT.
Sir kite is a very good software….But sir Kite me Moving Average ki price jo right side me disply hoti he uski badle pi chart ki tarah uper ki side me displyho to its very good…
Can you tell me how to provide a limit as well as trigger price for stop loss in a single order execution through KITE?
Example of Single order execution – Buy INFY share at market price(say, Rs. 1100) with a stop loss limit price as 1050 and stop loss trigger price as 1060.
So, as per your previous comments a trigger will be send at 1060. Considering CMP as 1055, the buy order should get squared off at 1055 since CMP(1055) > Sell Limit Price(1050).
Sharda, you can’t do it in a single order, you will have to place two different orders. Buy Infy at 1100 and once it is bought, place the SL order.
And yes u r right about the SL.
Can we have notification in mob app about the execution of limit order.
E.g:- if I placed a buy order with limit then I will get notification once the order is executed.
So that I can again place a sell order for the same script with limit.
on its way.
I don’t understand where you can provide a stop loss limit price and trigger price on KITE.
Check this video, you can skip to the section where we talk about orders. Also check this doc: https://kite.trade/docs/kite/#order-window, Click on the SL box and mention trigger and limit price.
I trade heavily using Kite. However the daily issues we are facing using Kite is embarrassing. Today for some reasons charts are not loading either on desktop or on mobile application. Every week there is a new issue and I have made many losses due to the same. Is this what Zerodha wants to be known for? Online brokerage with worst online trading platform?
Ritu, there are many new things we are trying out, there is a risk we take doing this. We introduced over 2.5 years of intraday data on kite charts over the weekend, which caused the issue. If we hadn’t tried, there would have been no issue. And yes, we had done all kinds of load testing, but live markets are always a different issue altogether. But yeah, I get your concern, and we are trying to do whatever possible to ensure no issues with charting or anything else when trading.
Kite is really horrible and pathetic. Stop loss never get triggered. The case is below –
Brought HUL 920 CE @ 7.5 with stop loss trigger price as 5.
The premium went to 5, still the positions were not squared off automatically.
Sent 3 emails to Zerodha Support and they have not yet responded.
If you have placed a SL limit with trigger at 5, there is no guarantee that orders are executed unless the LTP goes below the limit price you have mentioned.
Well the price went to 4.5 still it was not squared off. I squared it off manually. You can check the HUL 920 CE closing price. I think 4.5 is very well below the limit price of 5.
Check this post on stoploss orders. How it works is when the order is triggered a limit order is sent to the exchange. So if you have a trigger at 5 and limit at 5, when trigger is hit a limit selling is sent to exchange at 5. When price is dropping fast, this limit 5 can become a pending selling limit order. For guaranteed execution, it is best to place this limit at a much lesser price, say 4 in your case. So trigger hits at 5, a selling order at 4 is fired, this gets sold at the best available price in the market.
Dear Team Zerodha,
One suggestion for FNO: Please change quantity to No of LOT instead of LOT Value. Like Qty: 1 LOT for SBIN instead of 3000.
Pravat, most of our clients requested it to be the current way. So it is easier to know the position they are taking.
Better to show lot as well as quantity, with quantity field changing automatically based on number of lots provided and keep the quantity field as non editable.
sir yesterday and today kite site not opened it takes long time what is the problem ,today morning to 12:30 pm not opened ,now it is opened why ?
Working perfectly fine here. Have you checked internet? Try using multiple browsers.
can we set price alert on kite?…how?
Not possible for now.
Yesterday, i started my trading in mobile app kite, whenever i used to buy it was rejected i dont understand the reason as it say “error user/user target not logged in”
so plz help it was wasteful day for me
When you get this error, logout once completely and log back in. We log you out once before market opening everyday, this could have been because of that.
I am new to kite and Zerodha.
I am longtime investor .do we have SIP(SEP) for stock facility
Not currently.
Hello Zerodha,
After the update last week, there is an issue in the Graph where it is always default to 1 minute chart. But usually it will default to the setting that was done previously.
If I want to get 5 minute chart, it doesn’t come and only 1 min chart appears every time when I select different scripts. Please fix this issue.
Just to clarify, this issue is only on Kite Android app.
Yep, working on it.
Hii nithin,
Currently on kite and pi ,while using BO n CO. Entry order is by default limit order. Since i like trigger orders (SL orders) to enter , it would be really helpful if you can include SL orders as both entry and stoploss in BO n CO. Are u planing on doing that and if yes when can i expect it.
This is on our list, but will take time.
Hi, there was a session by Nithin about Kite on Saturday (04-Jun-2016). I got SMS but could not watch it as was out for some work. Will there be a video available?
Here is the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UVENqhSdTqE
Dear team ZERODHA
Thaks a lot for your great work….i feel proudest to be a part of ZERODHA family as a customer.
Is there have any problem to kite browser base version with UC browser …? From last few days Kite could not fetch live data and market watch is not loading in uc browser…..??
I preferred UC browser because it is fast than google chrome browser.
Hi Nitin is that possible to provide multiple time frame (short,intermediate,long) KST indicator on pi or kite simultaneously for comparison.
Will take time, but adding on our list.
Nitin sir,
When custom time interval will be available in kite ? If custom interval is going to take time then atleast add 120 mins for intraday chart .
Thanking you in advance .
How to sell CNC products.
After selling 10 shares from my holdings , it goes to my positions and there it shows -10 shares and the P&L goes to negative .. Can anyone explain it to me plain and simple ..
How to completely sell my shares from holdings (CNC) . Do I need to convert the position before selling or …
I am not able to understand..
I am new to this and I am unnecessarily losing my money because of this ..
Can anyone help me out ?
When you sell shares from holdings, for that day it will continue to show in holdings as shares sold (with no corresponding buy), and hence there might be some marked to market profit/loss that you would see. The reason it shows in positions is because, you can buy back this share before the end of the day if you change your mind and it will be considered as an intraday trade.
So yeah, just use CNC and place sell order or exit from your holdings, the shares will get debited from your demat account by end of day. Don’t worry about seeing them on the positions menu during the day unless you want to buy them back.
When kite is released for iOS?
Probably in the next 4 weeks.
Do you plan to have Equity SIP option in Kite , please
Dear Sir,
“If you want entry order in a bracket to work like a market, place a limit order much above the current price in case of buying entry limit or place a limit order much below the current price in case of selling entry limit order.”
Please define what does it mean like “Much Above / Below”.
Today I placed a Sell Order 10 points below current price but got executed at current price. Please explain.
Sushree, if you placed 10 points below the current price and it becomes a market sell, isn’t it what u wanted it to do? Much above/below means a few points above or below.
Dear Sir,
I want to make it trigger or execute at the price I wanted i.e. 10 Points below the current price. Kindly enable the “Trigger Price” option. I mean a SL kind of order. Please help.
If you are placing a bracket, currently there is no option to set triggers using bracket order. You can use a normal stoploss order with trigger to sell set 10 points below the current price, but not brackets.
Hi Nitin..
I was just swithing zerodha from icici . hats of for support of zerodha quick service and for brokerege compared with icici. i am a trader with icici from long time Waisted much money in brokerages. one request just develop kite mobile app like no one made. now days mobile trading platforms are necessary to be excellent.. and give me some un official advice to reduce the body fat . i am 95kgs haha..
thanks… cheers..
🙂 Have you checked the Kite android app: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.zerodha.kite
Checked kite mobile app, its actually amazing, need some improvements, like nifty, sensex, on top of watchlist and day low high data of stock should be with stock price. and add a extra order window for direct buy/sell by typing stock code or name, this will reduce the time. we can buy/sell directly without adding stock to watchlist. usefull for intraday traders..!!
and when you starting margin for delivery ?? ..!! thanks… nitin
please Release new version of kite app for add sensex and nifty index and other index like oil and gas,IT etc. and In graph study tool not work properly in the kite app.
Hey Nitin..
I just opened an account at Zerodha with Saneeth who works at your Bangalore office. Excellent service given to me by him. I am a lawyer by profession but a trader by passion. I have had accounts with various other brokers and i have downloaded various other softwares but i havent experienced a simpler software than Kite at Zerodha. Being a lawyer i am used to black on white and thats exactly what you have given me. A big shout for your team.
Thank you.
Sometimes i face some problems while transferring funds as that tab gets jacked. I am sure you guys will fix it.
Kite 2.0 is Amazing. Good Job Team Zerodha.
One concern.. Kite for iOS ?
IOS hopefully soon, btw have u seen the new Kite on your mobile browser.
Yes and using the same till date. For me working fine without any trouble.
Any expected date for iOS App ?
Not timelines yet.
Zerodha team – I’m facing the issues today that, CO orders were not square off automatically today till 3.20pm and I did myself… Same issue yesterday in MIS square off – it didn’t happened till 3.24-25pm and again I did same from my end. Is something application problem? Please look at it.
It worked well yesterday. Can you send an email to [email protected]
today was my first day, and zerodha completely disappointed. server was not ready. i hope this will not happen.
For 20 mins, our clients connecting from a particular line faced connectivity issues. Hopefully shouldn’t repeat.
Yeah, it just did!
thanks. i am happy to join this intellectually stimulating excercise of stock market by zerodha. i will learn functionality in step by step. but i am interested to invest in IPO. How to do it? in stock trading, I cannot see IPO. I also have not seen BSE and NSE.
online IPO is still not possible at Zerodha. You will have to apply for issues offline. If BSE and NSE is not enabled, I am guessing the demat is not opened yet. Can you send an email to [email protected] with ur client ID>
Hi Team,
Was there any technical snag post 3:15pm for users of Kite or Pi ? I had kept order to buy 1 lot SKSMICRO @ 615.70 and that got freezed in orderbook. LTP of SKSMICRO was 615 seller. Still my order to buy @615.70 didnt got executed and i tried to update it from Kite as well, but no luck. As of now Positions shows -1000 and I am worried that i didn’t wanted to carry SKS short and unfortunately due to this technical mess i am forced to carry. Waiting for contract notes to check what was finally happened..
How to deal with such issues, specially when it happens at 3:15-3:25pm when your dial and trade numbers are too busy ?
Your kite soft webbased software lack the following:
1. No cover order is available
2. No alert for price movement, indicators is available
3. Option to place order from chart not available
pl therefore provide the above. it is not going to cost you as only software upgradation is required but it adds value to your member in terms of doing trading with ease and simplicity.
Hope zerodha attaches value to customer experience.
Please show it to them
mem id RR0824 bangalore
Dear Nithin,
past 2 days Kite web version chart not working properly, for example: in 15 min chart last 4th candle blinking but present candle not blinking.
Hi Nitin Sir,
I am a new customer of Zerodha. I liked Pi and your web trading platform. But I am facing one critical issue with Fund transfer.
I am having account with citibank and I am not able to transfer fund directly. I need to do IMPS, then upload the screen shot on backoffice website. But the website is not taking any of the file formats like jpg, png etc.. So the money transfer is very problematic. I have a trading account with sharekhan and I never faced such issue there. Please get this issue resolved to make the end to end process smooth.
Do one thing, first transfer amount and when you take screenshot, click print screen sys request, then open ms-paint , paste (ctrl+v) and save as this jag or on extension. That’s all
Yep Kite Rocks!!!
Kite android is excellent and unique ( Super fast and very easy to place orders) . only one thing i can say just add indices ( Nifty 50 & Sensex) on top of the application. and in the market depth, just increase the font size for open, high , low and previous close.
Will pass on the feedback. Thanks. However you can now add the Nifty 50 Index to the marketwatch on Kite mobile.
I want three thing in kite Android app which is under development,
1) a corner pop up window for index watch and my position.
2)I can move my MarketWatch scripts up and down after selecting it.
3)Double charts are showing of single scripts.
Sir rest all app is as smooth as butter,wonderful interface user friendly and every one will fell in love while using it and one thing more index are not loaded in scripts like nifty,bank nifty and other.
Hi Nithin,
Could you please tell us when can we expect a Margin Funding facility for delivery like Equimax by TSO,?
Margin funding for taking equity delivery hopefully in the next 4 to 8 weeks.
Thanks Nithin.Sounds good.
status of this comment. As this feature helps us in swing trading.
10 weeks crossed what’s the status
SEBI has just put out a rule for margin trading. All brokers will now have to follow a different method, waiting for clarity on this.
One of my friend is using kite android app on his mobile. Its android so i thought i will get from Google Play Store but i was unable to find it.
Please tell me where i can find Kite App on Android
It is still in beta https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.zerodha.kite
Dear Nithin Ji,
Thank you for your prompt reply & assurance.
I have made an error in explaining.
Kite range chart is not showing opening & closing rates.
It is showing high & low rates as opening & closing for all the bars.
Practically it is not possible for all the bars.
Sorry for the error. Regret for the inconvenience caused.
Hi Team Zerodha,
Kite is a wonderful platform where we can trade with the use of charts.
This is the only platform where we can use the range bars.
I find a basic difference between the range bars in kite with other range bars.
Other range bars I have seen opening, high,low & closing of price irrespective to the time with same range for all bars.
But in kite, the range bar is showing only opening and closing and not showing high & low of the bar.
This can mislead the decisions and it is not exactly showing the price range.
I am posting above comment as per my understanding of kite range bar chart.
If the range bar can be fixed with range, please let me know.
Having this checked.
Any update on this sir? This is impacting our trading
Hi Nitin,
When can we see BO/CO on Kite !! We are eagerly waiting for it.
CO hopefully next week, BO will take a little longer.
Hi NIthin –
I am having 10 script added in KITE, now I want to see which script is having RSI <20.
Can we figure it out.
Pls help.
No, not possible. There are no scanners on kite currently
How to add the Moving Average (MA) into RSI Indicator like MT4 (we have a option of Drag and Drop).
Check this post. You can first add RSI, and then add another MA, while adding MA choose RSI
how to aplay IPO
Currently not possible online with us.
dear nitin
plz give facility of bracket order in kite website.so that :-
1. we can work in larger quantity because margin requirement is less.
2. once tgt or SL gets executed then other order gets cancelled automatically so that those who are not watching market continuosly need not to bother to cancel other pending order. it will be very help full for part time trader.
M eagerly waiting for this since last more than six (06) months. plzzz plzzz plzzz help us out by rolling out this facility.
We are working on it. There are some things that go beyond our control and hence the delay. We’ll let you know once its out.
In Kite, Is it possible to generate an event based alert?
for example in Intra day
1) in Stochastic Momentum Index, I want to set an alert when K is cutting down D and both values are above 60.
2) Further, is it possible to run this logic across Nifty 50 scrips and system generates an alert for a scrip which qualifies this in given timeframe?
Currently not possible to generate an event based alert.
Hi Nithin,
Can you provide multiple LIMIT order option in kite? When an order is placed, the margin get used up. Instead of that, for example lets say stock A is trading at 100. I want to buy above 102 and sell below 98. If I place any of the order as a limit order, margin get used up and I cannot place the other order. So by MULTIPLE LIMIT order I can place both the orders and when any one of them is executed, the other automatically gets cancelled. I hope this will be extremely useful for people who cannot monitor the market continuously.
Dear Nitin Sir,
KITE is an excellent trading platform for desktop, where you has provided various type of chart settings and a Super Trend magic to fly along with different types of Indicators which help to trader when they can BUY/SELL.
I am posted an amibroker formula bellow, it is an excellent divergence and convergence indicator written with the help of MACD and Stochastic indicator (it is not written by me, it’s searched from google) but, it work amazing with change of color of candle stick. It is helpful to trader, when they will enter to trade (BUY/SELL).
You are requested, may please test it. If it gives satisfactory divergence and convergence signals.
I am humbly request you add it in the list of “STUDIES” of KITE TRADING PLATFORM it will much helpful for BUY and SELL.
Show_color = ParamToggle(“Display CandleColor”, “No|Yes”, 1);
r1 = Param( “ColorFast avg”, 5, 2, 200, 1 );
r2 = Param( “ColorSlow avg”, 10, 2, 200, 1 );
r3 = Param( “ColorSignal avg”, 5, 2, 200, 1 );
Prd1=Param(“ATR Period”,4,1,20,1);
Prd2=Param(“Look Back”,7,1,20,1);
green = HHV(LLV(L,Prd1)+ATR(Prd1),Prd2);
red = LLV(HHV(H,Prd1)-ATR(Prd1),Prd2);
flowerClose = EMA((Open+High+Low+Close)/4,3) ;
flowerOpen = EMA((Ref(Open,-1) + Ref(flowerClose,-1))/2,3);
Temp = Max(High, flowerOpen);
flowerHigh = EMA(Max(Temp, flowerClose),3);
Temp = Min(Low,flowerOpen);
flowerLow = EMA(Min(Temp, flowerClose),3);
r1 = Param( “Fast avg”, 12, 2, 200, 1 );
r2 = Param( “Slow avg”, 26, 2, 200, 1 );
r3 = Param( “Signal avg”, 9, 2, 200, 1 );
r4 = Param( “Wk slow”, 17, 2, 200, 1 );
r5 = Param( “Wk fast”, 8, 2, 200, 1 );
mycolor=IIf(m1s1, colorYellow,IIf(m1>0 AND
m1>s1,colorWhite,IIf(m1>0 AND m1Green ,colorWhite,IIf(C < RED,colorRed,colorWhite));
PlotOHLC( IIf(flowerOpen<flowerClose, flowerOpen,flowerClose),flowerHigh,flowerLow,IIf(flowerOpenRef(HHV(High,Buyperiods),-1) ;
Sell= C<Ref(LLV(Low,Sellperiods),-1);
/* exrem is one method to remove surplus strade signals. It removes excessive signals of arrow */
Buy = ExRem(Buy, Sell);
Sell = ExRem(Sell, Buy);
PlotShapes( IIf( Buy, shapeSmallUpTriangle, shapeNone ), colorWhite, layer = 0,yposition = HaLow, offset = -30);
PlotShapes( IIf( Sell, shapeSmallDownTriangle, shapeNone ), colorYellow , layer = 0, yposition = HaHigh, offset = -30);
Sunita, for now adding custom indicators will be tough. But we have plans of having a facility where we can do this, but will take time.
Nitin sir,
As so many indicators are available in kite, it is also could be added, if you are looking forward for the same.
Nifty Index has been added by Sensex Index still not adding after so many trial and keywords.
Please guide us.
Sensex is still not enabled, but soon.
Hi nitin sir
I am new at zerodha earlier at motilal.,, your brokerage is very low and transparency is also good ,,but at technology you are very behind…at kite you are not providing even live sensex and nifty up and down,, it’s very basic thing ,please provide this..so we can know at this moment where the market going up or down ,
And cover order and bracket order is not available in KITE . AND YOUR zerodha mobile app hasn’t facility for quote rupees and Paisa in buy and sell order like 65.50,,45.05 etc please make KITE AND MOBILE app more better with latest technology ,, hope your team will work on it …. study motilal app it’s very good and having full functionality as computer, so please work on it ,
Sanjay, on the marketwatch search for index. You can add nifty and sensex index. You can send a request to [email protected] for beta access t o the mobile app.
live rate is not showing in kite platform in crome on mobile ans tab
from 14 march
kindly resolve and guide further
Sir any update on kite app for iPhone.
Kite app for iPhone will take some time.
Dear Nitin,
how can we see the nifty and bank index on kite while trading like on pi has one window for index
There is no separate window, but you can add any index you want on the marketwatch. Type index in the search box.
Zerodha support asked me to ignore the Amibroker related error message. It worked, and I can now successfully fire orders from my python script! @ pybull – Do you necessarily need feed from Neoanalytics to fire trade orders using Pi bridge and using Pyrhon to write the codes?
No, it is not mandatory to get feeds from neotrade.
In a kite platforms, in holdings option , when move the mouse on that shows “exit ” what it is , if I am click its go to sell order, or what will be happen.
Yes, it will open a sell order form.
This is regarding kite Android beta .CO could be placed successfully but there’s no way I could square off/ exit the positions. I had to go back to pi and do it..please look in to it
Ah checking.
please update other harmonic patterns on KITE (Bat,Alt Bat,Black Swan…….). Gatley was very good. its almost like automatic.
“Kite Publisher” is Gr8 stuff. I have ready a product in my site for placing orders, Free of course. My request is can it take more than 10Stocks@a time in the future. Currently only max10stocks is allowed in one go.
At least 25stocks in one go will be ideal.
Yep, should be possible. Can you send an email to [email protected] asking for this.
BO is available on Kite mobile app but not working. When is it likely to start working. I have been waiting for BO for quiet some time but it does not work on any platform other than pi which I can’t use.
Pl let me know the likely date when BO can be placed on Kite desktop and Kit mobile app.
Hopefully in the next two weeks.
What about dedicated android app for trading? Will you release it or not sir?
You can get the beta by sending an email to [email protected]
Hi Nithin,
Kite android app is simple and super , UI is pleasing, I didn’t get chance to trade via mobile app today, but can see order book and some other options.
I find some lagging while scrolling, well I think this will be fixed in upcoming releases.
Happy to be a zerodha client. Keep Rocking.
Thanks Kesava, what phone are you using?
when u launch kite android app
It is on beta right now. You can send an email to [email protected] to get access.
When custom time interval chart and expert advisor will be available on kite
This will take a while.
Hi Team,
can i buy and sold the shares on the same day in the CNC segment .
Yes you can.
Today i had put a ‘limit’ order for buy at 139.65, but price never touched it (max price for that bar was 139.3), still my ‘limit’ order was triggered. Can you please investigate.
There’s a detailed explanation here: http://tradingqna.com/2492/placed-order-which-executed-price-charts-amibroker-other-chart
Nitin, your attention please…..
KiTE issue…
Today is 23rd FEB 2016… 12:10 PM…
See the screen below
The previous day’s data is of 21st and not of 22nd. The closing price is of 21st and NOT of 22nd.
actually it is of 19th Friday 2016, instead of that of 22nd.
Dear Sir,
My total Income is Less than 50000
But i traded in F & O in NIFTY & BANKNIFTY in one time only
is this Compulsory for me to file the Retruns in 2016
if yes tell me the which form to file my Retruns (Form 1,4,4s,)
Thanks & Regards
It is not compulsory to file, but it is best practice to do it. You can use ITR4 ,check this module: http://zerodha.com/varsity/module/markets-and-taxation/
Hi Nithin,
like MCX commodities, is there any plan to launch NCDEX agro commodity futures for trading on ZERODHA ?
Hi Nithin,
like MCX commodities, is there any plan to launch NCDEX agro commodity futures for trading on ZERODHA ?
No plans as of now Ajay.
may i know any kite app for iPhone users to use facility of BO and CO.
Currently the android is available, IOS will take some time.
Want to know the status of my form.
Registered email-sp3090@gmail
1. Can I use the kite api to built automated trading system for my personal use?
2. How often Can i pull the quote information using the api?
3. Is there any limit on number of api calls?
4. What is the latency of your api ?
5. What is the best way to get quote to my application with low latency?
1) Although Kite Connect APIs are not really meant for automated trading, if you secure the necessary exchange approvals, this is possible.
2) The live WebSocket API streams one tick per second.
3) We have not set a hard limit as of now and will review usage on a case-by-case basis.
4) Latency is unpredictable as it’s an HTTP API offered over the internet (numerous factors in play resulting in several hundred milliseconds). The API is definitely not meant for any sort of latency-sensitive execution.
5) For low latency data, you’ll have to get co-located at an exchange and get quotes directly off exchange leased lines.
As I understand we can place orders using kite API. So what did you mean when you said that we need necessary exchange approvals for automated tradings ?
For example …. would I be able to create a button in my desktop application which places an order at say market value. ? Would this require me to key in my logon for each transaction or would it be only on the initial login ?
Can you check the sample buttons provided here: https://kite.trade/publisher/. Someone clicks on an order to buy at market on your page, a webview of Kite webapp opens asking for authentication and then confirmation of order. Once logged in, from the second time only order authentication required.
Hi. Nice Information.
on 18 feb i purchased stocks in BTST but on 19 feb they are not reflected on home screen.
i contacted support team then some excuse was given .
but today we are not able to do intraday trading.
why early warning was not given.
its really very irritatingggggggg????
Please read this: https://zerodha.com/marketintel/Bulletin/159
Hi Nithin
I bought 25 shares of quick heal to my account yesterday and i dont see it getting reflected in my account today.Kindly help me resolve this.
Hi Sarath, Please read through this: https://zerodha.com/marketintel/Bulletin/159
Nitin, Pls bring Opentrade Idea + Mobile platform ASAP. It is been a long pending project. When Net goes down it will help us to trade in mobile at least. Pls don’t delay. A Kind request.
dear sir
despite these all new things happening around zerodha , we need OPTION CALCULATOR in zerodha Pi very despiratly . since this is very basic tool for trading software .
please consider
Yes, on our list. For now you can use our simple web based calculator: https://zerodha.com/tools/black-scholes
Any problem with pivots plotting on kite charts ? Add indices watch window. Though Pi is amazing, Super trend is badly missing. Awaiting it since long time .
hough pi is amazing Super trend in pi is badly missing.
Pi was good initially .. but now its gets stuck and keep getting reconnected .. and order modification take lots of time… so not practically usable in quick trades
kite seems good now… looks promising… can i use it on desktop or is it intended for mobile only. On mobile its working fine. But on desktop its not. On desktop on ie11 i could login into kite but the market watch was not showing live rates.. I use maxthon browser… its a chrome based browser but when i am not able to login as the login buttons seems disabled.
Ideally there should be no issues on Both Kite and Pi. Getting someone to call you back. Kite works best on chrome browser. yes it is intended for desktop as well.
Dear Team,
I had little request when I started using your mobile trading app is has one of Column its showing equitys RATE On home screen when I place order,But after upgradation of app this column was not showing….I request same thing if possible pls replug this column……
Suraj, the kite android app is available for beta testing. Why don’t you try that out, send an email to [email protected] to get access. Also checking on your request.
Yahoooo…..Its Very sleek and simple. Just loved it where you have given a Buy access from the holding which i always used to average or add more to existing holdings .I always missed it after i moved from ICICI.Should be trading tomorrow with Kite APP.
I have sent a request for the Kite Mobile! Lets see how this goes. Any criteria to be provided access and any updates on the BSE, Bracket, Cover orders?
BSE, brackets, and cover are on kite mobile.
Dear Nithin,
On Kite mobile have an indicator to show whether it’s BSE script or NSE script similar to Kite Web app version. Also i mailed few observations to support team. Please get it checked.
Yep, a bunch of things will change next weekend. The current version is more like an alpha release, we are trying to see if all the functionality bits are working fine.
Hi Nithin,
I did use the Kite mobile app yesterday. The charts need a lot of work on. They seem to freeze and it is difficult to implement studies e.g. SMI on the chart. We should if possible implement a pinch and zoom feature only for the charts.
Also, today morning from Marketwatch on the mobile app i was not able to buy or sell.
Otherwise all good so far. Hope changes next weekend.
Dear Nitin,
I do not see BO available in Kite mobile application. When I talk to support team today, she said this BO option just enabled in Pi application & hasn’t enabled in Kite application. When can we expect that, it will be available in Kite mobile application? Thanks!
Hopefully in the next two weeks.
Thx lot……
From my side I check at Google play store and update if any question……
Dear Nithin,
Is it possible to include StepMA NMC V3.01 indicator in KITE web application. This indicator is coded for MT4.
Its a very similar indicator like super trend but can be tweaked more than supertrend.
Will get someone to check it and see if possible.
I have till date not come across such a pleasing , interactive and user friendly software as Pi. Glitches apart its a winner . I have traded on other platforms no one can provide such friendly charts and friendly trading both in the same software as PI & Kite.
dear sir
is there any additional feature that zerodha is providing in comparison to indian trading league
Kite, Pi our trading platforms, Q/Quant our reporting tools they are completely different.
Good Going!!
I would suggest you should upload a short detailed video demo for every new updated technology/feature, that would be good for everybody to understand it easily.
Looking fwd for new gr8 updates.
Cover order,bracket order and TSL features very much required in kite web application. For IT professionals who can use only kite web app during market hours and having no permission to install 3rd party sw in company system will be largely helped with it.I am really happy with Zerodha.Nice service .
kite is fantastic but we need more data for nse in charts some scripts have only limited one year data
Very Interesting, does any revenue sharing with publishers, if yes how much, it looks like Google Adsense program, I think!
Yes revenue sharing with publishers. Can you send an email to [email protected] for details.
Hi Nithin, you people are some what tricky, millions of trading transactions has done though your platform. But no transaction mistakes happening. But I have referred some of clients ,this month onwards referral wallet not get updated. How come happening this kind of mistakes. It’s really ridiculous.
Hmm.. Can you send an email to [email protected] with your client ID. we will look into it.
Need link to apply in IPOs both debt and equity online. It’s becoming very difficult to look out for forms and apply, rather applying in a click of the button.
This has been a very long pending feature to be included in Zerodha. (Hope am right!)
A little tricky because of this ASBA issue. But we are trying.
Yes Nithin
There has to be some way by which Zerodha helps it’s clients to subscribe for IPO. PARAG FOODS, MGL, QUESS CORP, L&T INFOTECH I missed all of them.
If you have internet banking available on any of your bank accounts, you can apply for the IPO. You can mention your Zerodha demat account number while applying online. SEBI has made it mandatory for all IPO applications to be supported by ASBA, so there’s very little we can do unless the regulators make some changes to the existing rules.
God initiative. Btw, with the mention of selling of mutual funds, i want to ask that ‘has buying & selling of mutuals funds facility started in zerodha?
Not yet live, but the platform is out http://mf.zerodha.com/
Hi Nithin,
Am existing Zerodha Customer… I used all platforms like kite,pie nd mobile app…before i was kotak securities customer.. Nw i closed kotak nd am trading with Zerodha.. Brokerage is comparatively good.but one draw back is zerodha mobile app is worst app i ever seen..even the local brokers have been devolved good nd user friendly app..but this zerodha app is worst nd not user friendly.. Its not only my opinion.. Can u plz look into devolving zerodha mobile app? Bcz nw everything can be easy in mobile apps..plz don’t give ur advise that use our html kite nd all..apps are always user friendly compared to html nd browsing through browsers
You can download the android app from here, it is in beta though: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.zerodha.kite
Do we have kite mobile app on IOS platform?
Not yet.
How to place a BTST/STBT order
Check this: http://zerodha.com/z-connect/queries/stock-and-fo-queries/btstatst-buyacquire-today-sell-tomorrow
Hi Nithin,
I don’t know why you give financial incentives in your programmes. Zerodha brokerage is lowest and as an client perspective I am having a feeling that bcoz of all of this financial incentive, which you are doing to increase your client base, you might as well increase the brokerage to bear that expense. that is not good at all. This defies the purpose of getting Zerodha account. All that matters to traders is your low brokerage plan. can’t see that getting threatened in the name of services and incentives you may want to give others to increase ur client base.
As somebody mentioned above earlier, introduce ideas, articles, guidance on “something like money management ,emotional control , risk control, capital protection, disciplined approach …on such topics Z team should come out with innovative ideas”.
Lastly, encourage a open discussion forum for traders to share knowledge, news, ideas, calls, trades etc. this forum must have volunteers or moderators who can keep eye that people are not exchanging personal contact details, any external website links and also save people from getting trapped with tip providers or premium call providers etc
As of now many traders are alone, dependent on someone or other. May be already paying to some tip provider or fund manager or a financial consultant. In one way or other they are dependent. It also may be moneycontrol message board or some other forum.
There would be many helpful people having lots of knowledge & making money and who can also help others earn money while they are also earning.
Rashmi Ranjan Rajguru Did you send it to [email protected] ? Try calling the support number. You will always get a proper response from Zerodha team.
ALready months back, i had given a lead to zerodha Team, and the new member already have send the form to zerodha (i am confirm about this). Till now his account has not been opened. I have given 3 emails seeking answer, I want to know “where is the problem”. But still my tickets are open.
How can i rely on zerodha, that he will take care of the leads given by us? I am disheartened. Thats all.
Hope Mr. Nitin, you are reading this post.
hmm.. surprising, having this checked. If there is a delay it must be because of incomplete forms.
Do I need to pay for the API if I am building a application/website for academic purpose. Also do you have API which provides details on economic indicator and data releases like PMI data, annual report of a company. Also can the data be read through web services like REST ? I am working on a academic project of intelligent notification app which suggests buy/sell based on market news and technical indicators.
Best to send an email to [email protected] with all details. Currently no API for economic or any fundamental data.
Hi Nitin
Can you pls tell whether Zerodha Pi can work in Proxy networks?
I am a student . I am trying to install Zeroha Pi in my campus. But it’s not working.
You can’t install it on proxy networks. You can use our web platform: kite.zerodha.com
Can I have list of such websites or mob apps who are offering fundamental or technical guide and they are using the kite publisher
We will put up a webpage showing all such sites. But check out smallcase.com
Hi Prashant, any luck with economic or fundamental data source? I’m a student and looking to build a platform which requires these.
Superb Nithin, this sounds really interesting. Will check and do it.
Very Good…This is quite innovative and unique in its nature. First of a kind i have seen. Good luck for future.
Hi Z team,
Good initiative and win win condition for everyone involved.
But as of today(11 feb2016) the carnage in market really keep everyone guessing and tortured emotionally.
so if your intention is as mentioned below.
it is not revenue but financial inclusion and helping grow the very shallow investor base in India that we are focusing on as Zerodha.
then along with technological weapons something like money management ,emotional control , risk control, capital protection, disciplined approach …on such topics Z team should come out with innovative ideas to make this idea more strong.
hope such more initiatives in pipeline …
Thanks Zerodha for all your tools…i am really enjoying trading but really feeling pity for all those who lost money in today’s carnage..
Mkt is always there – play safe, aggression + money management is must must must.
Thanks Zerodha…