Pi – Final Beta Release
We had over 1000 people test Pi over two months in October/November. We took suggestions and feedback and today launched the final “beta” release of Pi. This was released to around 100 of our clients today, and over this week will be released to over 5000 of our clients who have requested for the same.
If you login to Q, you will be able to see a menu called Pi where you can put in your request to test the beta. A lot of new infrastructure has been added which has upped our running cost for Pi and hence we are giving access to only our active clients. An active client for us is anyone who has at least Rs 10,000 (including cash + option premium + margin blocked) in either the equity or commodity account with us.
Pi is enabled for all the three exchanges now – NSE, BSE, and MCX.
Following is an overview to get you started on Pi. I also suggest you to go through these two blog posts and videos Pi-1 and Pi-2.
1. To get access:
Login to Q and place a request. We will increase the speed at which we are giving out licenses from January 14 (two days from the launch). We are trying to scale up slowly to avoid any unforeseen issues.

To request Pi access
Make sure to uninstall all the previous versions of Pi, and install the latest one (Version and above). Here is how you check, In the help menu, click on About Pi. The Version number shows up there:
Quick login helps to login faster by not having to download scrips everytime. But when new contracts are added (including stock splits), make sure to untick on quick login once. This will ensure the latest scrips are updated on your Pi.
2. Marketwatch
Very similar to a standard marketwatch on ZT/NEST, a few things that are new:
- Quick snapshot chart for each scrip on the marketwatch, to help you spot intraday trends.
- You can add indices on the marketwatch and also view their charts. To add an index, click on the dropdown which says EQ, and choose indices instead.
- A column called Predictive Closing, which will in case you trade futures and options, help predict the weighted average price of the last 30 minutes of trading. This is especially more important on expiry days.
- If you want to add a gap/space between two rows on the marketwatch, click on the row and click on the space bar on the keyboard.
- You can’t have multiple marektwatches like in ZT.
- You can use the User Settings option to enable/disable market indices on the top right, and to change few other settings.
3. Multiple Application styles

Zerodha Theme



Application style can be selected under “View” on the main toolbar.
4. Admin Positions
One of the drawbacks of NEST was that your overnight positions would show the average price as previous closing price. This required you to either login to Q or keep a tab on the actual Buy/Sell price.
On Pi, the Buy/Sell average price will show you the actual entry price. Also, the Total P&L column will show your actual P&L, whereas MTM will show the marked to market profit based on the previous closing price. The same applies to the Demat Holdings menu as well.
Also unlike NEST, the admin positions window is auto updated, you don’t have to click on get positions to see your latest positions.

Admin Positions
5. Charts
We have intraday data from June 2014 onwards for the top 200 NSE stocks. You will be able to see intraday data for the remaining stocks, futures, and Indices from January 6th, 2015 onwards. We will add end of day charts for the last ten years soon. Do keep these things in mind:
- Up, and down keys to Zoom in and Zoom out. Right click on the chart, and click on complete Zoom out, to see the entire chart. Right click and choose Zoom selected area if you wish to Zoom into a specific area on the chart.
- Left and right keys to move left and right on the chart.
- To delete an indicator, left click on it, and hit delete.
- To move your horizontal and vertical trend lines and other drawing tools, left click and drag.
- Drawing tools and all indicators will be active only when you open a chart.
- You can presently open minute and hourly charts. Daily charts will be available soon.
- Left click and hover over the candle to see the OHLC
- You can open multiple charts, and can pop out any window (including charts) by clicking on “popout active window” under the view menu. This will be particularly useful in a multi screen setup.
- To arrange your screen with multiple charts/marketwatch/positions, you have to left click, drag and drop the window. You can also look at this video (time: 6:40 onwards)
- To trade from the chart, right click at the price point where you want to place your buy/sell orders. Pending orders show an arrow, executed orders don’t. To cancel/modify orders placed on the chart, use the order book. Right click on the chart and clear orders will cancel all the pending orders placed from the chart.
- For optimum performance don’t open more than 20,000 candles at one time on a chart.

Trading from the chart
6. Backtest, Scripted alerts, Expert advisors, Pi Bridge, Scanners, and Pattern recognition
We will run a detailed section on each one of the above. For those who want to give it a shot:
The programming language used on Pi is called TradeScript, and this post has around 300+ queries answered and the manual should help you get started.
Backtest: You can code your strategy in tradescript, and backtest using this menu. Note: Backtesting uses your system resources, make sure that you have a powerful computer especially if backtesting on large amounts of data. Also try to ensure that your strategy doesn’t have code that can go into loop and cause infinite number of buy/sell, this can also crash the program.
Scripted alerts: You can go live on your backtested strategies using scripted alerts.
Expert Advisor (EA): Very similar to scripted alerts, but it is easier to run multiple EA’s and sharing with others. We have shared 14 public EA’s with you to help get started.
Pi bridge for AmiBroker: Those who are used to AFL (AmiBroker Formula Language) can fire orders directly from AmiBroker into Pi.
Generated alerts: Scripted alerts, EA’s, and Pi bridge for AmiBroker; all buy/sell signals get logged in the generated alerts window. One click from here to buy/sell.
Consensus report: You can see what is the consensus of multiple EA’s, how bullish or bearish.
Scanners: You can use TradeScript to scan on a big group of scrips for trading opportunities.
Pattern recognition: Open a chart and run this tool to find the patterns that you are looking for. For example, head and shoulders, double tops/bottoms, or create your own pattern and scan the chart for it.
Here are some screenshots for those who want to get started right away:


14 public Expert advisors

Order getting fired from Amibroker to the generated alerts screen on Pi. Can be traded with one click.
Cover Orders are available and Bracket Orders will be made available soon.
As I said already, we have over 5000 requests for the beta of Pi, and we are releasing new licenses slowly. So it might take a few days before all of you get your hands on it. We want to be sure that everything goes right when the load increases. Sorry for keeping you all waiting, having Pi out soon is very important for us as a business too.
This is still a beta release, so if you spot any issues do let us know either on this blog post or by sending an email to [email protected] and [email protected].
** 3rd Feb 2015**
We have an updated release available for Pi. You can either uninstall and install the latest release of PI, or else update by downloading and running the latest patch available on Q. Once updated, the About Pi link should show the date as 01/30/2015.
Happy Trading,
how can i access to use PI version please forward the link in my respective mail. i’m greatful to u
Now pi need some updates chart are lagging
Dear Sir,
PI for Mac, would it be available anytime soon?
Hey Arun, no plans as of now.
Especially scanner in the pi, i was trying to scan for previous day high or low breakout. it is 8hr time frame, 5 days period. Algo will be REF(HIGH,0) > REF(HIGH,1) for high breakout and REF(LOW,0) < REF(LOW,1) for low breakout.
I may be wrong. to my surprise, scanner counts only the candle for the intraday only ie REF is not working in the scanner mode for the previous day ie we cant refer the previous day candle.
Kindly help me out.
Why charts not working on Pi? It’s been 2 days since I can’t open any chart. so I reinstalled Pi today and now I can’t find the activation key. where can I find it, other than back-office?
Udeeksh, you don’t need an activation key for Pi, just download the latest version from Q. If you are having issues with charts, please write to [email protected].
I installed Pi for trading, is this is chargeable?
No, it is free.
VWAP or ATP as an indicator is not available on Pi. Any plans for availability?
In our list of things but will take more time.
Zerodha Pi..Takes lot of time to download scripts and most of the time it shows Not Responding..Can you pls suggest a fix for this ?
Will reach you on this but it would be appreciated if you can write to [email protected] for these kind of account specific queries.
SIR How to install ‘PI ‘ in windows 10 64 bit os ?
Go to your back-office q.zerodha.com, after logging in on left bottom side you can see pi icon, click on it and install, if you need anymore help on this you can write to [email protected].
How to place a short order? Need a step by step guide please.
The order placement technique is the same, you’ve to place a sell order. If you sell without owning the stock/contract, it’s called short selling. You can read more here: http://zerodha.com/varsity/chapter/shorting/
1)is download or using pi have any cost???????
2)what is pi bridge in simple terms
1. No charge for using Pi.
2. Pi Bridge is an application that connects our trading platform (Pi) to third party charting software. Based on the criteria you set on the charting tool, alerts get generated which will show up on the Pi trading software where you can buy and sell. See this video to know more: https://youtu.be/VUQ4zHOsW88
Lots of time, Mostly at night, Q is not accessible, I always see 502 bad gateway, This is very bad for me. For some reason i need access to Q such as for getting activation code for PI, or just to see my Profit and Loss, but this is very bad for me as i am unable to access Q. Only Funds page on Q works, all other shows 502 bad gateway. Hopefully you resolve this. This is happening since last 3 – 4 months since i opened my account with Zerodha. There is no problem i see at day time.
Arpit, we are in the process of moving into a new Q, these issues will get sorted soon.
Same Problem is Happening Again, 502 Bad Gateway, I Can’t Withdraw My FUNDS, If I Can’t Withdraw my FUNDS Any time and Shows Error Again and Again and No Solution, How Can I Trade or Do Business with ZERODHA ?
Sorry for the inconvenience, getting this checked.
How do you remove drawing/indicators? Earlier I would just right click and delete/edit, lately it doesn’t seem to be working.
Also kindly add weekly/monthly charts to pi like like in kite in your next update.
Just select drawing and hit delete button on keyboard.
Make sure cross hair is not selected. 🙂
One can also double click on drawing and delete.Select indicator and use delete key.Weekly and monthly will be available soon.
Hi Nitin,
I’m happy with the Pi software for charting tools, Traders like me wants something which is similar to Bloomberg terminal which provides all insight information on the go in one screen, why don’t Zerodha try to build a solution similar to that.
Yep, on our list of things to do.
Please please add supertrend to Pi. The data on kite is always delayed by a few ticks as compared to real time prices, hence it becomes very difficult to analyse. Pi is relatively fast. Please put supertrend on pi at the earliest. Thanks
Supertrend will be available in the next release.
Please let me know few standard popular techniques to buy/sell stocks
Just updated to v1.0.0.6. Really great improvement. Able to switch TF very quickly. Charts are loading fast.
How can I keep drawings marked on 1 Hour timeframe on 5 minute timeframe?
I mark pivots on 1H TF and use them to trade on 5M TF. I marked horizontal lines on 1H TF and saved it as template. I applied it on 5M TF, but lines are not showing on 5M.
Can I change colors for horizontal lines?
Marketwatch Link to Excel?
Some more time.
Hi Nitin,
I installed and update PI, but ain’t able to place Bracket order in PI, I get error: RMS: client not enabled on product, can you look into it?
Can you log out and login and try to place the order?
When placing limit BO in pi, sometimes it gets executed in number of parts, say for example i put a limit order to buy 1000 shares of ‘xyz’ at Rs 1100 and put a square off sell price as Rs 1120.The order may get executed in two parts say 600 shares were executed and then 400 after that.
After the execution of order what pi does that it will put two square off sell orders at Rs 1120. That is one order will be to sell 600 shares and other will be of 400. So if the target is met, it will be completed in two orders and thus the user ends up paying more brokerage(double in this case i.e 40+40).
So there should be some automatic or at-least manual way to merge different orders at the same price. Even splitting of order should be available, Say i want to sell 500 share at Rs 1120 and other 500 shares at Rs 1130. So if possible, these types of merge and split facilities in BO and CO can be very useful.
There is no way to merge two different orders into one.
Hi Nithin,
When does GTC option available?
Will take some time.
Thanks zerodha for this wonderful trading software. There was never a single hanging issue with Pi for me, even though i am using a standard laptop.
One things i want to point out is, Heikin Ashi chart is drawn incorrect. The open price is wrong for MOST of the candles. Open price must be middle point of the previous HA chart. Kindly get it corrected
When can we expect SuperTrend in Pi?
Thanks Once again.
Warm Regards/Brill
Checking the Heiken Ashi bit. Supertrend will take longer.
whether pi is compatible to windows 10
can we have ‘drag and drop’ type moving stop loss and take profit on chart..thx
Not sure what you want to drag and drop. Currently you can place an order by clicking at any price point on the chart.
what is required BADLY in PI is ” LINK to EXCEL”.
Yep, soon.
Nithin, Pi is refreshingly wonderful.
Only one issue, can I create some more space on the right side of the chart for the future projection of trend line, S/R ?
This would be very helpful.
Adding space on the right is on our list of things to do.
WHen Pi new update is coming, because i am not able to login to pi on my system.
Can you send an email to [email protected], we will call and check.
Can we use a manual trailing stop loss method in Cover Orders?
Ex: I buy something at 100 with a compulsory stoploss @ 95. After sometime i see that the price have move up to 125, now can i change the stop loss to 110 from initial 95?
Earlier this was not happening however one of my friend told this can be done now.
Yes possible now, if market moves in your favor the SL can be modified above the range.
Hi Nithin,
Would it be possible to square off a portion of my cover order instead of doing it fully?
Any way or work around for this?
You can’t modify the qty in a CO. Hence it wouldn’t be possible to square off the position partially. No workaround for this yet.
Nitin i am facing issue with charts in Pi as for first login i able to see charts but after re login I am not able to view charts .so i have to reinstall the software again every time . Is there is any issue related to this if it please resolve my this issue.
Thanks & Regards
Sanjay Marathe
Sanjay, getting someone to call you back.
Innovating way of presenting data.You too can try this.
It gives the present position of script with respect to PIVOT.
whether it is at Resistance (R3,R2,R1) or Support (S1,S2,S3).
Hmm… looks interesting…
Hi Nithin,
Pi has an excellent feature and interface.
I couldn’t find chart analysis for “BSE scripts”.There is warning that historical charts not available for BSE.
Is there any update in future to enable this functionality.
Deepak, yes historical currently not available on Pi, will take a couple of months more.
Hi Nithin,
PI is a very good Terminal and i liked it a lot. I am a linux user Is PI available in Linux OS ?
if not Please inform me when will be.
Linux little tricky, don’t think will be possible in the near future.
i am a new trader. i want to do trading with PI but before that i need training in chart, experts advices, and such other things which can help me in trading with pi. please help and conduct a session of training .
Or if you have videos please email me path specially for charts and expert advice other things which a normal user does not know.
Thanks and Regards.
Check this Pallvit: https://www.youtube.com/user/zerodhaonline and here is a link to a webinar on Pi: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hg5iZzvBV1A
Hi Nitin,
I have been actively trading with Zerodha from past 4-5 years. My client ID is DG0052.
I had initially download PI beta during the first trial last year and stopped using it. I requested again for access in Q but am reluctant to use it again.
Reasons being lack of manual or videos to explain full feature. Going through the blogs with 100’s of post to understand what feature is working, what is not working, how to do setting is tiresome and irritating.
For someone starting to use PI for first time it really annoys to read soo much to know about a trading tool. Does it sound to users that this is a very complex tool and not user friendly?
I see your team has put soo much effort and done a fantastic job in coming up with this tool but whats the use if it can’t be used easily.
Please don’t read this as a criticism. Its just a genuine feedback from a user who wants to use the tool but doesn’t know what’s in store inside it. Looks like a black box to me
Diclaimer: Read quite a few posts in this page and saw the scrollbar was still in the upper section of window and stopped reading henceforth.
Hi Gautam, we have categorized everything you need to know into short blogposts, check this. We have also put up a bunch of videos on our youtube channel, check this.
Hi Nitin,
Thank you for your prompt response.
Will check the links and get back if there are any questions.
updated today 7/24 to the latest PI, not able to place orders from the chart.
Pi version is v1.0.0.6
Dhun, seems to be working fine, can you send an email to [email protected] with your client ID.
Hello Nithin,
One thing to mention, bracket order is a great and time-saving tool, but for me due to my trading style if it is also an SL-M (buy or sell ) order, it would be of great benefit since currently it is only limit order. Do you have any plans for incorporating bracket order as both limit as well as SL-M order ? Thanks in advance.
We haven’t been able to get approval from the exchange for BO with entry as SL-M.
Switching between Ashi candle chart to Normal candle chart is really needed.
command line option to start the zerodha PI.
Is there a option to use the zerodha pi in command line mode? If not, is there a option to remove the questions and log in faster than it is now?
If there is a issue (logout and login message that came in), happens, it would take a while the terminal becomes ready for trade.
ps: another suggestion, can you make the growth of the page in reverse order, that is last question appears top in the list. As the page is growing, it is annoying to scroll to the end of the page (as it takes a while to load).
No command line option, and unfortunately the questions are part of the mandatory 2fa questions.
About the comment section of the post, the idea is to show people questions that they have on mind if already asked.
Hi Nithin,
Please arrange Real time link to Excel from Pi. This feature is available in Zerodha Nest. Don’t know why this is not being given in a supposedly advanced version.
There is not HUGE difference between Normal Candles and Ashi Candles. But users can put orders
from Normal Candle chart / Bar chart. Why can’t users put orders from ASHI candle chart? Of course
there is minor variation ,since the calculation of ASHI candles is based on previous candle also ,
whereas in case of Normal candle chart it is not there at all.
Suggestion.1: In case user is putting order from ASHI chart , system should say ,PLACING AN ORDER
Suggestion.2: There should be some short-cut key changing from Normal to ASHI vice versa.
Dear Sir,
From your web site I downloaded statement “Eq.Tax P&LBreakdown-FY-14/15” on19th June and today also I downloaded the same staement.There is vast difference in two staments.e.g. In old statement short term profit was shown as Rs.11802.76 and todays statement it is shown as Rs. -3952.40 (loss).There is difference in other values also.Please explain.
Please inform me whether you take into consideration in your Eq.tax P&L breakdown report while caculating capital gains (FIFO),if the shares are bought in previous finanacial year and sold in current year.
Vijay Bhide
ID DV 0767
Vijay, the old statement didn’t have classification of short term and long term, which is available now. Yes FIFO is considered while calculating profitability (even if shares are bought in previous years).
Old statement is not too old.It is downloaded on 19th June 2015.It does have a clssification such as intraday/specullative,short term profit and long term profit.I f you want I can upload images if possible.I was about to file income tax return using old statement.
Yes Vijay, the old statement didn’t have any demarcation, so it is possible that the new P&L looks different. If you spot any issue with the new P&L, let me know.
There is something wrong in the Tax P&L report generated by your site. P&L (absolute )report generated shows realized profit of Rs.18878 for FY14-15 and your new Tax P&L
report shows loss of Rs.3952.4 for short term and Rs.3120.17 loss in intraday for the same FY.I am feeling helpless. I don’t know what to do.
Viju, the tax P&L is correct, we had someone crosscheck your account. The new Tax P&L, shows your short term, intraday and long term separately. The previous tax P&L didn’t have this, so possible that the old one and new don’t match. But do refer the current Tax P&L
Is it possible to plot candles without wicks in Ω.
No. A wick is a part of the candlestick which denotes the high and the low. Candlesticks with no wicks are called Marubozu. When opening & low and closing & high are at the same price, we get a Bullish Marubozu and when opening & high and closing & low are at the same price, a Bearish Marubozu gets formed.
its difficult to add BSE stocks on marketwatch by adding BSE stock number. Is there any update coming to get that bit sorted ?
P.S. Watched the first webinar …the coding demo was very useful
Good Job
Hmm… let me bounce it off with our team.
I have mentioned this issue in the past too. Its a simple thing but an important one. Would be extremely important if you can fix this one 🙂
Partially execution of a BUY order …… a small beep & Full execution of BUY order ….. a long beep.
Same for SELL order also ,with a different BEEP sound.
Hello Nithin,
I have opened my account with Zerodha few days ago.
I have been a key follower of signals by SuperTrend.
I see quite a few others have already asked about the availability of SuperTrend in PI. What is the timeline you are looking for adding this indicator on PI?
Krishna, we are currently working on certain back end bits, we will start on new indicators very soon.
Suppose I buy/short a stock on Pi by generating automated trading signal using Amibroker and systemically placing order though Pi bridge.
Post execution of the order and certain price movement, I want to exit this position. Is it possible for me to do this systemically through Amibroker-Pi bridge or will the exit has to be done manually?
Aziz, if you are sending market orders, then it becomes easy. So you can assume in your AFL that all orders are executed. In this case, yes you can fire your exit signals also through Amibroker assuming all orders are executed.
But if you are sending limit orders, AFL will not get to know if your order placed is executed or not. Pi bridge can give order status updates, but reading it using Ami is tricky. We have got a bunch of amibroker experts trying to figure this out.
Thanks Nitin.
I am placing market orders only….can you please share AFL code snippet that I shows how I can exit an executed order.
Aziz, every order fired from AFL, you have to consider as a completed/executed order. So there is not need of any other code as such.
Currently in PI if I have to watch any chart in different time frames, we have to open charts of the same stock in the time frames we want. So if I am monitoring 5 stocks, I have to open 15 charts (5min, 60 min and daily). This is really cumbersome and also slows down the system. Hence I have to limit myself to 3 or maximum 4 stocks. Also to improve the system performance, I open the daily chart at periodic intervals and note down the 5 low and high emas. Is the Zerodha team working on getting the different time frames on one chart?
Option to change time frames from within the chart is on our list of things to do. But this might take longer.
Can we plot spot CNX Nifty and Bank Nifty on PI charts? Also when will we have weekly and monthly charts available?
Yes u can plot both nifty and banknifty spot. Weekly and monthly will take time. For weekly, u can keep the time period as 5 days (it will act like weekly)
Thanks Nithin. This will be extremely useful , how soon will the data be available?
We will try to have it in the next 1 week.
Hi Nithin,
Still waiting for the previous year’s data for backtesting strategies. Currently only able to backtest spot nifty for 4-5 months only which is very less to confirm a strategy.
Hi Nithin,
I am trying to backtest a strategy in PI with spot nifty using 1 hr candles. But I can only backtest around 400 candles (data available from feb 2015). Will you be adding data from previous years?
Arshad are you sure you are backtesting on Nifty spot? My guess is that you are doing this on futures contract, so if you are backtesting June futures, there will be only 3 months data.
I am doing it on spot nifty only (CNX NIFTY). For nifty futures NIFTYJUNFUT, it shows only 3 months which is expecected but for CNX NIFTY also it is only available from feb 2015 onwards.
Yes Arshad, spotted, we will have it soon.
Nithin sir : I have 15 stocks in my watch list and I want to scan from them which is at RSI 70 and 30 levels . Thanks
There is a scanner option on Pi, if you want a code to scan, ask the coding query here: http://tradingqna.com/
Dear Sir,
When using Renko Bars, The bars should be formed according to price movement. But it is not showing. For example when Nifty futures is at 7984 the Renko bars are showing 7950 some thing. I think this may be a problem or may be wrongly interpreting the bars. Please explain
Will get someone to call u back.
Also, I have installed it in one of the systems. now, I get error after I entered the 2FA security questions and unable to login. Please help.
Hi Nitin,
I just got the Pi download access. Can I use the same license key to install it in 2 computers? (my office and personal laptop).. It would be of great help… awaiting your reply to install it.
Yes u can.
Dear Sir,
I am using Pi and is working good,Want to know one thing that if I already have any OPEN POSITION ,and I want to place STOP LOSS and SQUARE UP order in single order so that if any one get trigger other will get cancel automatically. If it is possible please guide me how can I do it.
No Hari, not possible. You can use bracket orders, check this on how to use them.
hi nithin kamath,
i have downloaded pi 2-3 days back and i could logged in properly but yesterday on entering login details it shows ‘invalid password’ though i have entered the same password and 2fa authentication. on changing password i still not able to logged in and it showing the same ‘invalid password’ message. however i could login from to nest with my new login details but failed while trying in pi. what i conclude that pi is asking for 2fa authentication but nest isn’t and that 2fa authentication is not accepting by pi. please address this issue.
i had the same problem when i logged into pi for the first time. They addressed the issue telling me not to use long passwords. I dont think that is the correct way to address the issue by zerodha. I use nest on my other platform with long passwords and it works fine.
Zerodha needs to look at this issue seriously . Choosing single digit and two digit passwords are compromising on the security.
Chandru, currently some issue with Pi identifying special character as passwords. You can use long pwds, as long as it doesn’t have special characters. We are working on having this fixed.
Varun, we are running maintenance of our servers yesterday/today, and hence you might be finding issue logging in.
Things can be improved…First very much bug free must be ensured.
PI after a while is lagging like a 80 year old even on 4gb ram machine.
when click on snap quote its taking few mins to fully evolve in to a box .
sometimes PI says not responding and taking time –a restart is forced later on.
coming to charts why should we count how many candles is their for min chart ,hourly chart or daily…just keep default how many were candles are their..so if me just clicking on hourly chart comes up with that many candles regardless of mentioning how many candles i need to choose.
buy are sell boxes are rich in colour..u can adjust them to pale. truly useless to keep such dark boxes for buy and sell order blue and red.
Lastly i can see MCX data connects and disconnects in a while.
Murali, Pi taking time for you is strange. I am getting someone from our tech team to call and check it out.
About the way the candles have to be opened, that is the way the charting library works for now. It will take time for us to change.
Have a question on charts.
It appears that the chart contracts (as if zooms out) the candles to accomodate new candles. Instead I would like to get the candles move away as and when new ones appears while keeping the candle size constant. Is there a configuration to set this.
Not presently, but we will add it in due course.
It appears that data used for charting is coming from totally different server than the data coming for market watch.
There is a serious difference between the numbers between the terminal and the charts. e.g. today (2-June 2015, 10 am) Day low is 8351.60 while terminal it is 8340.6
Is it possible to provide charts from the tick data coming for market watch?
Tarak, we use the marketwatch data to plot live charts. The historical charts when you pull, for example from morning to till now, it comes from our data server. There are thousands of ticks that happen every second, and both the marketwatch and our data server captures only a small sample of that and send it via internet. Check this, should give an answer to your question.
I understand your other post. Not able to comprehend the following.
If I am not interested in the historical charts (that is yesterday and prior to that).. and if I start from the first candle of the day (I’ll exclude first candle also), the market watch data and the nse data match (in particular high and low of the day). This is where the mismatch is. Live charts (low and high) do not match with your own market watch…
Appreciate the answers.
We have separate data servers that powers the charts. Every second we could receive hundreds of ticks for a single stock. Only around 8 ticks are captured in that 1 second. This is the same way charting platforms work, wherever you trade. It is possible that these 8 ticks didn’t capture the exact high/low for the day. One of the reasons, charts on different platforms don’t really match exactly with each other.
The same thing with marketwatch, you see only a maximum of upto 4 ticks in a second as you get this data via internet. The only thing done differently on the marketwatch is that the high/low is pulled separately from the main servers every once in a while. This can be done on the marketwatch, but not on the charts. So this answer kind of hints at the same thing.
Hi Sir,
Is there any option to copy all scripts from Market Watch.As of now, i am able to copy single script.
Copy all or export to csv file will help to analyze the data offline.
Thanks & Regards,
Currently not possible.
Hi Nithin,
Some of the things which i am badly missing on Pi is.
A. Opening the charts by double clicking on the script from mark watch….
B. Changing the time frame on the chart itself via some short cut keys.
C. Open the other script charts from already open charts.
D. Short Cut key for Horizontal Lines though which a support and resistance can be drawn.
E. Opening scripts /charts using already saved template charts from charts itself
F. Line charts (Simple line charts)
G. Option where any trend lines, support/resistance/Fab Retracements drawn should not just get erased once you close the chart.. it should ideally save those on charts itself till its removed manually.
Please check the feasibility to accommodate these into zerodha Pi. Thanks.
Yep, they are all on our list of things to do.
Can one can place stop loss Limit and profit taking orders from Zerodha pi chart? If so how?
when buying from PI chart the order type is SL-M and when selling the order type is limit. No options to change those. Then how do i place stop loss Limit and profit taking order in both buying and selling?
MD, If you are trying to buy above the current market price it automatically becomes a SL-M order, and if you are buying below the price it is a limit. Similarly if you are trying to sell below the current price, it becomes SL-M and if above the price limit.
So if you are holding 1 Lot of Nifty, and currently it is at 8400, place a sell above this (automatically becomes limit) and place a sell below (automatically becomes SL-M). So you don’t have to do anything.
Hello Nithinji,
I would like to know when Supertrend indicator will be available in Pi.It is a very useful tool for intra day trading.
Thanks in advance.
We are working on adding new indicators Moorthy, it will probably take a few more weeks.
Thanks for enabling algorithmic placement of cover and bracket orders on Pi.
A lot of your users, including myself, use AmiBroker for analysis and trigger generation.
We are currently having difficulty in placing automated orders on Pi through Amibroker Formula Language, it will be great if you can post AFL code snippets placing one order of each type i.e. buy, sell, cover and bracket orders.
This will help a lot of us in exploring Pi effectively.
Aziz check this: http://zerodha.com/z-connect/tradezerodha/pi-bridge/pi-bridge-for-amibroker, there are code snippets mentioned by Choks (search in the comments section). Also if you are using Amibroker, we might have something very interesting for you soon.
Thanks a lot for your response.
In the link that you have posted, AFL code snippets for normal buy and sell orders are present.
I don’t think that we have AFL code snippets for cover/bracket orders – it might be so because this functionality (of placing semi-automated cover/bracket orders) is a very recent addition to Pi.
It will be of great help if you can post AFL code snippets for placing semi-automated cover/bracket orders from AFL to Pi.
Aziz, for now you can’t place BO/CO using the bridge. You will have the option soon.
Hi Nithin,
Thanks for introducing BO in PI… It was really icing on the cake… One thing which i really want to see in Pi is…Open High Low and current Price details (In Numbers) for the day .. somewhere at the middle or corner of the charts….. And also real time current price should be popping at the extreme right of the candle as and how the price moves …
Adding on our list.
For long i have been wanting to trade with Zerodha, but i dont know when it would be feasible.
I trade with Symphony + Composite edge. I have y automated trading strategies on amibroker in the NSE FNO and Symphony executes the amibroker triggers.
I understand that you have the same functionality but you provide the semi automated way. When will you be providing the fully automated trading in FNO using amibroker like symphony does.
Purusharth, have you seen the Pi bridge? Check this, you can do it through this. The strategies would be running on your machine itself. send an email to [email protected]
Hi Nithin,
I installed Pi, after launching Pi short key => gave user name & pwd => gave Security answers & Click on Ok button => Giving popup message “Not able to login , Please restart to continue”
Please help to check
Getting someone to call you back.
When Expert Advisers (EA) is added to a Chart , a small ICON is sitting on the Upper RIGHT
corner of the chart ,indicating EA is ON.But this is not a good position for the ICON.
1.It is interfering with the NEWLY formed candles.
2.Concealing a small portion of the chart.
Perhaps the ideal position of this ICON is in Upper left corner or Lower Left corner
(may be above the letters ZERODHA PI).
Sending it out to our tech team.
You have many CHART TOOLS like Fibbanacci Retracement ,Arcs,Timezones,Fan etc…..and
at present using ONE colour,but by using different colour for each tool ,your hard work is
well appreciated.
We have been working quite a bit on the backend, now that most of the initial issues have been sorted, we will start adding indicators, and the option for different colors and etc.
“Getting unable to connect to data server” error. Is it PI issue ( or some other?
Also, can you give downgrade facility ? Now, I’m stuck with 1006 which is having issue with charts; now, not able to connect to server. I wish if I go back to 1005.
Tarak, update the latest patch on Q, it has all the fixes.
hi Nitin,
I am very pleased with the services of zerodha. but want to know some things below.
why we dont have trigger price in bracket order while buying or selling. Are there any technical problems or its there in road map.
how to place a buy order @ 10 if stock touches 9 and cmp is at 7.5
Are you planning to include bracket orders in any web platform or no such plans.
Sriram, entering brackets through trigger is still not approved by the exchanges. We will offer as soon as it is.
Change logs in
I found a bug in ( I’m using may 12 release). It crashes pi.
To recreate do the following. Install Pi in say (non default i.e, other than c:\, say e:\ ). Open Nifty for current month. Open chart for 3 m and also open another chart for 15 min. Opening multiple charts crashes PI. Can you try this sequence please ?
Same here!!
Yes Tarak, multiple charts is crashing, we will have this fixed by eod. Until then I suggest you to open charts with lesser than 500 candles.
Hi Nithin,
Today a new version ( of Pi with bracket orders was launched. Keep up the good work!
But I was disappointed to see, it still doesn’t have GTC orders. I was really expecting GTC in this update.
It’s been more than two months since I pointed your attention towards feasibility of GTC on NSE/BSE (which you already knew!) and other users have been requesting for same since a long time.
I’ve no doubt that you and your team must be working round the clock to keep up to our expectations.
I just hope the next update will come with GTC.
Akash, yes this is on our list. The issue with this work around for GTC is that there are a few operational issues.
There is a difference in placing order from Chart and in Normal way.Though this appears
RIDICULOUS ,it is true.I will explain through an example.
Say ,the Current Price is 49.(Nifty option)
Place a BUY order at 50.
If you place an ORDER in NORMAL way ,the order will be executed immediately at the
available Market price.(Around Rs.49).
If you place a BUY order from Chart ,at Rs.50.It will not be executed ,even though LTP is 40.It
will be executed only after reaching 50.
In this way ,Chart placing is losing to Normal placing.
My only suggestion is if an order is placed from chart ,treat it as a Market order if Order price is
greater than Current price.
A bit difficult to understand and visualize ,but traders do face this problem.
Of course, you have some difficulties from your end.
Typically trading from the chart doesn’t have an option to place market orders, drawing lines then wouldn’t really make sense. If you place a buy order below the current price it becomes a limit and if you place above current price it becomes a Sl-M with trigger where you have placed the line.
Hi Nithin,
I have open a 5 min chart of SBIN . When i invoke a new chart for a 1 hr SBIN, a very big tail forms in the 5 min chart.
While trading from chart, after an order is completed the lines do not erase on its own. how can i erase them, when we have multiple orders placed on the same chart it creates a lot of confusion.
SSLT is not updated to VEDL in script master.
Checking out the SBIN issue you have spotted.
To remove the orders, right click on the chart and click on remove all drawings to take out the lines.
This issue of contracts not auto updating will be fixed in the new release. For now can you delete nse_eq_contract.bin from C:\Zerodha\Pi folder and relogin in Pi
Hi Nithin,
Thanks for your reply.
Today, not able to view charts in PI. Getting the message ” unable to connect to data server”
Also i have tried to install the new patch. it was crashing Pi, so had to reinstall the old version.
The crash thing on old version was happening only on Monday when opening longer than 500 time period charts. All of that got fixed, can you update the latest patch from Pi, everything will work.
Hi Nithin,
Thanks for your reply.
Everything works fine.
The reason for modifying the existing ORDER arises ,because in case of FRESH order you need
to fill TWO columns (1.Price + 2.Quantity ).Whereas in case of modifying an existing ORDER
involves filling ONE column ,that is ,PRICE only.Quantity keeps on changing depending on
the volatility in the Market.
This is a suggestion ,that you can keep in your mind for further releases of PI.
Yes got it, it is on our list of things. It is a little tricky technically.
When you are placing an order from CHART ,it is shown on chart .OK.When later on the order is
modified ,then the same should be reflected on the CHART also.Otherwise it is creating a wrong
picture since the order is not modified on the CHART.
Yes, for now the best thing would be to cancel and place a fresh order instead of modifying.
Dear Nithin
Not able to log into pi since May 1st. I just started using PI. Does it not work on Weekends/holidays?
I notice that NEST is working fine. Also, is it possible to have tabbed multiple market watch similar to NEST?
Tarak, we were running some maintenance bit this weekend. Multiple marketwatch will take time.
Hi Nithin,
Pi is a best trading platform in India.
I have few suggestions and requests in the functionalists of pi. I know it is still in beta. But I would see these functionalities in future.
Can I know to whom I can send it for?
Thanks, you can post your suggestions right here.
Please USE, Green colour when when market is BULLISH and RED colour when it is bearish in
averages so that it will overall mood/intensity of market.
Market window not showing on the right top. Need to be checked.
Under View option, you can see a link ” Market Index”, click on that to initiate the box again. The shortcut key is Ctrl +M
Nithin Sir, I’m a commodity trader just opened a trading account with Zerodha..The only reason i opened an account with Zerodha is that i heard about its Price Trigger Alert feature via SMS n EMAIL ….but now when i called up the support team they are saying its not available anymore…Price Alert via SMS n EMAIL allows us to freely move around without having to be chained to the computer for 14 hours which is really not possible….I’m sure many serious commodity traders would agree with this…I request you to bring the Price Alert feature via SMS N EMAIL even if it means to pay some charges…
final release of pi, can we expect multiple market watches
Hi Nithin,
Can you please add the stock/index comparison feature of Pi… Something with which we will be able to see how a particular stock is moving in comparison to the index …or how one index is moving in comparison to the other index…This helps us in identifying the strength/weakness of the stock/index and make an informed trade . Thanks.
It is on our list, but will take a while.
Nitin sir.
You worked hard by providing us such a wonderful software . Its looks nice and working smoothly. Now add much awaited BO, Pivots, Fib Extn and Super Trend.
Yep, by next release hopefully.
Please USE in averages GREEN colour when market is BULLISH and RED colour when it is bearish.
(Representing a same line with 2 colours depending on the mood of the market)
In final release of PI ,I wanted to see the customized columns of ORDER BOOK ,TRADE BOOK and
ADMIN POSITIONS to be saved ,just like Market watch. Otherwise everyday ,I have to do it choose
the columns manually and it is taking precious time.
The latest release that is on Q, already has this. When you logout, it automatically saves the columns in the right sequence
Waiting to get my hands dirty on the “almost” final Pi version. Thanks a bunch!! Must be exciting for you and we 😀
How far are we from the Kite? The last I read somewhere was that its waiting on approvals from the exchanges.!
Yes, kite soon. 🙂
When we see Bracket Order on Pi ?
A little longer.
Hi, I am not able to add USDINR underlying currency in market watch. was able to do that in zest. If I select CDS, i should get option UNDCUR which i am not getting. will this get added?
Ajith, I can add it on mine, can you send an email to [email protected]. He will have this checked. Also, we have put up the latest release, do check it. This section to help all your queries: http://zerodha.com/z-connect/category/tradezerodha/pi-tradezerodha
Does Pi run on Apple Macbook or a web link available to run Samsung note4 phone? You guys are doing a good job overall in terms of this discounted brokerage. Go for binary options!
Binary options not legal in India. Pi doesn’t run macbook.
Add on:
Ideal settings would be just like Google Finance: Fixed view in Header only (no overlapping on candles) in below format,
Date : Time : Open : High : Low : Close : Volume
As latest candle always appears right side of the chart, ideal position is Right Hand Side alignment on Top Header.
Indicators values like Ema etc must come below (2nd header or on charts top) of above most essential values. There must be switch on/off options for such optional values like Trade Tiger.
@ Faruq , the trick is left click and don’t release it. Then by pressing on left button, hover it around desired candle; price pop up stays until u release the left click.
Hope this helps.
H. C .
Dear H.C. Thank’s a ton you are Super Star .
Dude is there anyway where i can see the OHLC values on the left hand corner of the chart as the candle is getting formed it is very important . Currently all i can see on the chart is the closing value which does tick and changes while the candle is being formed but there is not separate OHLC values being displayed .
If you checkout Google finance or Yahoo finance you will see how well the they have first the date : Time : Open : High : Low : Close : Volume for the specific Candle being formed and keeps on changes as the price is being decided by the bears and the bulls . Well you get the same information in the popup when you place it the way you have mentioned above but the way in which Google finance or Yahoo finance has placed it helps your eye’s and brains to take decision quickly . After all we are in age where we have to compete with HFT traders . Hope you are getting my point .
Thank You
Best Regards
Faruq Shaikh
Dear Nithin ,
When you left click in the chart you get pop up for Buy here , sell here , clear all order etc and when you try to hover the cursor over the candle you get nothing but if you again right click on any candle you get a pop up for HLOC but that is only for fraction of second and then it vanishes in thin air .
If you check out your other software all you need to do is place the cursor on the candle and HLOC of that specific candle is immediately shown in an pop up window . Request you to kindly check it for yourself please . Your Help cooperation and coordination will be highly appreciated.
Thank You
Warm Regards
Faruq Shaikh
Faruq, left click anywhere on the chart and hover over a candle. As long as you keep your mouse clicked, the OHLC shows up.
Dear Nithin ,
I really respect and salute you for what you are an amazing entrepreneur. I got access to PI just few day ago . You are going great ” Keep up the good job ” . Just wanted to share the following observations which will help in streamlining the software .
1) When ever i open intraday 1 min chart the chart should open for the data for that day only instead the chart opens for the previous day while trading which is very confusing . i.e if i am opening candlestick chart for intraday trading on 27th March 2015 ..at 9:15 i should only get 1 candle . But when i open the chart i get the candles from the previous day and today .
2) In your youtube video you had mentioned that you will be posting new video on Alerts and artificial intelligence explaining the 2 topics in details . Request you kindly post the videos as soon as possible .
3) If you carefully check out the ” net change ” column the purpose of the column is to show the net change in the price in the ascending or descending order. But it placed the name of the script in the ascending and descending order not the price in the ascending and descending . There is no reason to place ascending and descending arrows in the ” net change ” column as if the person clicks the ” net change ” heading the scripts should appear in ascending order when he clicks next time that should appear in descending order ” PRICE WISE ” .
4) Add tick charts at your earliest .
5 ) If you check google finance or any other chart as the candle is being formed in the left hand side corner you are able to see the ” Open , High , Low , Close ” horizontally ticking and changing as per the change in the price at the very moment the candle is being formed for that specific candle request you to kindly do the needful to add this in the chart as it is very very very valuable information for an intraday trader.( VERY IMPORTANT )
6) My select zoom in and zoom out is not working i have tried several times request you kindly inform the right people to do the needful .
7) There is no way in which i can see cross hair or grids lines on the charts .
8) In your chart tools you have wonderfully added many things commonly used chart tools i really failed to understand you have not added ” Support and resistance ” in your chart tools which is one of the most important tool for intraday trader request you to kindly add ” Support and resistance ” in ” chart tools ” with R1, R2 , R3 AND S1 , S2 , S3 .
“Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success.” – Henry Ford
Thank you
Best Regards
Faruq Shaikh
Faruq, left click on the chart and hover your cursor on the candle, you can see OHLC. Other things on our list.
Hi Sir,
Can we have the option to save all scripts from market watch to a csv file or copy all scripts from market watch.
Hi Nithin,
I have attached chart of strides arcolab (COde:STAR)
On daily chart , yesterdays candle is completely missing
You can check at your end
Hey Sameer, we’ll look into this & have this sorted.
Hi Nithin,
I have attached chart of strides arcolab (COde:STAR)
On daily chart , yesterdays candle is completely missing
You can check at your end
Unable to login. what is happening in pi ?
There was no issues as such today. Will get someone to get in touch with u.
It looks like in pre market best sell and best buy data are getting reversed.can we check this?
Syndicate Bank and Take Solution daily charts with 5000 bars shows data only from 2nd Feb that too not properly but half candle.
What is the reason? For most of other stocks its working correctly.
Kindly copy some chart related features from NetDania Net Station, Sharekhan Trade Tiger and Keystocks.
From Net Dania: Trendline should be able to spot highs and lows making it easy to draw in a pattern.
From Sharekhan: + and – key should be used for chart zoom in and zoom out it will improve experience.
From Keystocks; Kindly introduce Chart Pattern Scanner (double top/bottom, Head and Shoulders/Inverse, Triangles) among all NSE Stocks, I see you already have a Pattern Recognition for opened charts but if you can introduce a scanner for the same, Something like the Keystock has but with poor data and poor GUI.
I hope you take the above three suggestions seriously.
Yes Prem, it is on our list of things to do.
Hi Nithin,
Spotted couple of issues.
Zoom out doesn’t work at the extreme left of the chart.
Will have to login in multiple times to PI in case of improper shut down of PI.
Is this getting fixed in the next version.
When is PI officially releasing.
Also please share Pi downtime for server maintenance, etc
I have been working with PI since the second release. It is really interesting to note how Pi has improved and matured into a stable trading platform and happy to be part of the testing process. Congrats to you Sir and Zerodha team for the hard work 🙂
Zoom out with the down arrow doesn’t work at left extreme of chart.
Also, the % change and net change is shown as 0 after market hours.
it would be helpful if it showed the change for the day as during market hours.
Thanks Noble, we will give you the final release next week. That said, Pi will be a continuous work in progress. Checking the issue of Zoom out not working. Having to login multiple times has been fixed in the next release.
“3. Q-Total P&L – Unlike the MTM column which gives you the mark to market values based on the previous closing price of the scrip, the Q-Total P&L column gives you the actual difference between your entry price and the last traded price of the scrip in real time so you can make calculated decisions instead of assuming what your profit or loss is at that moment.”
Your website says Q-TOTAL P/L is the difference between Actual Sell amount and Actual Buy
Amount.Consider an Example that a person entered at 100 no.s options (4 lots) at Rs.50.
3 days back.Yesterday it closed at Rs.20.Today the LTP is 30.The MTM should be 100*(30-20)=1000
and Q-Total P/L should be 100*(30-50)=-2000.This is as per my understanding.
Unfortunately it is not happening now.In that case ,you please give us a CUSTOMIZED button.
nithin ji
is it possible to have a column in the market watch which can show the value of various ( at least 3) chart indicators in the define time frame === means that==== if i am able to see the the value of 20 ema ( or any other indicator) in 15 minute or 1hourly time frame on market watch column, then it will be a great , and we can track many stocks at a glance .
what is your view ?
Let me speak to the guys, but issue with doing this is that all the EMA calculation has to be done by your machine. Your machine will also need to get historical data for all the stocks in the marketwatch for the calculation. This is quite a bit of load, and my slow down the performance.
thanks nithin ji , for considering my views . please talk with your software development team and your technical team too. if this would happen -then it will revolutionize the way of trading .
thanks again
thanks nithin,
when fully automated will available in pi?
We need to get approvals from exchanges for this .
hi nithin,
in user setting,confirm before submitting order,it will act as fully automation?
No biju, unticking confirm order means, when you place the buy button, you won’t get another box asking for confirmation. This is not like fully automation.
“3. Q-Total P&L – Unlike the MTM column which gives you the mark to market values based on the previous closing price of the scrip, the Q-Total P&L column gives you the actual difference between your entry price and the last traded price of the scrip in real time so you can make calculated decisions instead of assuming what your profit or loss is at that moment.”
Your website says Q-TOTAL P/L is the difference between Actual Sell amount and Actual Buy
Amount.Consider an Example that a person entered at 100 no.s options (4 lots) at Rs.50.
3 days back.Yesterday it closed at Rs.20.Today the LTP is 30.The MTM should be 100*(30-20)=1000
and Q-Total P/L should be 100*(30-50)=-2000.This is as per my understanding.
Yes, your understanding is correct.
Dear Sir,
PI is great. And hope it will only get better from here.
But I have a few problems.
1. I placed a “Buy Here” order from chart. It was executed properly. But after that when I tried to put another order on the chart as a “stop loss” for existing order, “margin insufficient” error came.
2. Also after placing order from chart, I could not put in a normal “stop loss” order from market watch. I know having a “cover” and “stop loss” order at the same time is the “bracket order” feature, but if we buy from chart should we not be allowed to put in “either” “cover” “Or” “stoploss” order without any additional margin.
3. The only way I could get out of my trade (placed from the chart) was by squaring off my position from “admin positions”. Could you please look into the matter and advise.
4. Also the “buy here” order levels cannot be changed in the order window that pops up, to match the exact point we want to buy at. The cursor tip does not have a “cross-hair” and hence no way to know and get the precise levels we want to buy and sell at, making it really difficult to use it for active intraday trading.
5. And most important, when we hover the cursor over a candle, I cannot see “O,H,L,C” levels for that candle anywhere (this is basic, hope I am not missing a simple setting here). It would be nice if we get OHLC values at the top of the chart, similar to amibroker maybe. Or at-least at the tool tip.
These are small issues but they impact the trading experience in a big way. Please guide.
1. I guess you had a pending order already placed, hence the margin error.
2. Checking
3. We can’t allow to change prices on trading from the chart. The reason being, we determine if it has to be a SL order or limit order based on the current market price. If you are buying above the current market price it is a SL, and below limit. If we allow you to change the price, it will not be possible to determine.
5. Left click on the chart and hover it over the candle, you will be able to see the OHLC
about renko :- 1. there should be no date axis
2. the bricks are either ATR based or price based. which one in our case ( i believe its price wise )
3. Also when i compare the renko on amibroker versus and that on Pi , there seems to be a lot of difference
abt normal candle sticks :- nothinh much there , most charting softwares have end of the bar as timings , but we use the opposite
Checking Renko. The new release (you will get it in couple of days) will have 9.15am as the starting candle for all time periods. Earlier 30 min candle would start from 9am.
Renko has problem .Last candles are not visible.please check same.Give an option to select from price based and volatility based
I wanted to know how renko charts are calculated . I feel there is some issue with that,
Also in the case of normal candle sticks, what is the basis of bar timings ?
What about Renko do u feel wrong ? Candle stick bar timings are like a normal bar timing. Didn’t get your question.
HI, Nithin
PI seems to have a nice and efficient interface, i was wondering if its only available during market hours only or we can also use it for analysis during off hours (and on holidays) ?
Akshay, you can use it off market and as well as on holidays. It is possible that sometimes on the weekend we have our server maintenance, you will not be able to access those times.
Dear Sir,
I have downloaded Pi. It’s interface is very good. I am requesting you to have there should be some option to view option chain for NFO index and equities like zerodha traders
sir i have a small request i like the look of pi but i not so feel gud with
1. snap quote of pi . ..i like the nest trader snap quote .
2. sell order entry and buy box again nest trader buy and sell look is cool.
and when i use zerodha theme then i have to change grid color to light black everytime buz i cant see the grid i using low brightness on my laptop.
this my observation so i thought to share it .
*THE DAY’S HIGH SHOWS 8843.06 ,i have attached screen shot image.
on 19/03/2015 day’s high is 8788.20,open-8749.45,low-8614.05,close-8634.65
kindly solve the problem.
Dear Nithin,
Can we have advance/decline ratio indicator for market depth in pi.
i fully agree with what ravinder has said abt charts. plz nithin sir do this.
nithin ji
one major problem is still persisting with Pi in respect of connectivity , i am not sure whether this is network specific , system specific or happening to other fellow Pi users also . the problem is ===
=== when Pi is running >>>if suddenly internet disconnected>>> then connect to internet again>>>market watch take a while and reconcile auto-matic , now showing updated rates ===every thing is right till now , ===when we try to open charts , or order window >>> PI GET HANGED>>> task manager show – not responding . +++ then i have to end task through task manager and re-login , this is the main problem and it consume 5-8 minutes and i have to load everything again.
this problem is persisting since the third beta release , before that ( in first and second release) the Pi get hanged when we disconnected from internet
please do some thing in this regard before final release
i also request to other Pi users if they have same problem ,then please bring it in the knowledge of nithin sir
I also agree with what Mr Riaz and Mr Vinesh kuar had mentioned.These problems reduce the reliability of Pi because we are not sure of timely action,which is most essential for short term traders.
Please do some thing on this regard
I also had mentioned these problem earlier
same here.. raised tickets also
Regarding charts:
There should be an option to load the saved chart template at start up and there should be an another option to change chart’s bar interval and script at rutime. currently we need to create new chart to change interval
Yes we will have the template option soon. Changing the time interval directly on the chart may take sometime.
If i have PI up and running and then when I put my computer in sleep mode, and then switched back again, PI takes an awful long time to have the tickers for scrips blinking again(Including marketwatch. which is stuck at the last price before sleep mode). Can this be fixed. This happened post i switched to the new patch released this month
After Patch update. Order Window appears with delay when I try to Buy or Sell from Market Watch
Dear Team Zerodha, I tried PI two days back and i must say it is one of the best softwares available in India.
I have a small suggestion, if you can include it in the next release i think no one will be able to match Pi
Kindly introduce Chart Pattern Scanner (double top/bottom, Head and Shoulders/Inverse, Triangles) among all NSE Stocks, I see you already have a Pattern Recognition for opened charts but if you can introduce a scanner for the same, Something like the Keystock has but with poor data and poor GUI, Go for it.. I think Pi will make a big name in International Arena.
All the best, Really good job Zerodha!
Hi Nithin,
Candles are missing on several charts of today for the first 15-20 minutes.
Will this be available soon.
Today had trouble with Brodcast symbol showing red several times. Interactive was green throughout. During this period price in charts and market watch were not updating.
Also, since last few days there is a delay in live quotes, sometimes the delay is upto 30 seconds.
When i open a saved chart from Disk, i am not able to apply any templates nor any indicators.
It shows unhandled exception window. Zooming in and out is impossible since the left click doesn’t work at all.
When i apply a template with SMAs and EMAs on a new chart , and when i try to add a new SMA, it shows unhandled exception window.
This blog page has become too large. would you be able to put a new page (FAQ for PI) so that it becomes easy to solve problems on our own.
Yes, we will have a patch by day after that should take care all these issues that you are facing. Yes will take a new post live soon along with our next release.
Hi Nithin,
Thanks for your reply!
my id: TNRE0074 pls enable PI for downloading… still i can access
Hi Nithin,
I am trading on Pi for last 3-4 session and found it good.
One issue which came up today was SL-M order.
I had put an SL-M order from the Chart and it skipped because the price jumped, I think it behaved like SL rather than SL-M.
To confirm this I put similar orders (buy SL-M in this case) one from F1 and one from Chart everything else same and the difference in the order book was this (BP: buying price):
From Chart:
Price: BP
Type: SL-M
From F1:
Price: 0
Trigger: BP
Type: SL-M
The chart buy-order should also have behaved like the regular SL-M order.
Is it a known issue/feature or am I missing some point ?
— rishi
Rishi, if you are buying above the market price, the chart order is a SL-M order and below it is a limit price. The only way it could have opened is if before you placed the order, the market had already moved above the market price, and hence it was taken in as a limit order. If it happens again, do let us know.
Nope, I had placed the order much before (SL-M)… one thing that happened (and might have triggered that) is that the broadcast had gone (red), so I relogin’d in Pi and the order might have moved to limit (from market) as the chart also gets closed…
Can you get that checked, place an order (SL-M) on chart then close Pi and relogin and see if the order becomes SL/limit ?
Just for clarification, if price is at 98 and I place (buy) SL-M at 100 (from Chart), it will get executed even if price jumps to 102 directly right (at 102) ? That is how it behaved on Z Trader…
— rishi
And while we are at it… Can you also tell me what is the difference between placing an order from chart and F1/F2… as I mentioned above the difference I could make out was the Price was the Trigger-Price in Chart and Price was Zero by F1/F2.
Thanks a lot : )
— rishi
Rishi, Siva from our office will call and double check.
It happened again today. This time the SELL SL-M order was placed (on the chart) half an hour before the price came to that point, then price jumped that point and the SL-M order “magically” turned into a Limit order and din’t get executed.
You can ask Siva or someone else to check. In case you want to see the order I am mentioning, here are the details of the Order from Pi:
Pi Order No: 150317000064825
Exchnge Order No: 1200000007152548
It was placed as SL-M at 1315 on the chart, modified (increased lots 2 times) and then the price came to this at 1340 and it turned into a Limit order…
After this I started using F1/F2 (stopped placing orders on chart) and everything was smooth as usual.
— rishi
Rishi, yes some change in the new patch. We will give you the latest release in the next couple of days with this fix.
Is there a different thread for using Tradescript. I had following queries:
1. At end of day I want to scan for scripts where a crossover had occurred in a particular timeframe. For eg 10 and 30 SMA crossover in 30 min.
2. At 10 am that is when the hourly bar is formed I want to know scripts where the hourly bar has closed above previous day high or below previous day low.
We are taking queries on coding on Tradingqna in the algos category, check this: http://tradingqna.com/algos-strategies-and-code
nithin ji
today there is no data delay on Pi , atleast till now after the passage of 1 hour of market , also i do not uninstall anything , i am using Pi with the patch which you release on 10 march .also the network which i used to check is EDGE , every thing is going smooth
great job !!!
see the image below
Hi Nithin,
I suffered lot today(13.3.15) because of price delay, after placing order it is executed on some another price, later on i realise there is delay in price display
please see below image wich can show difference between Pi price and actual price
is any way to uninstalled last updated patch ? or i don’t need to un-install
please suggest
Sameer, this issue has been fixed, let us know if you see any delay today. You don’t have to uninstall anything.
The attached screenshot explain it all.
Hushaam, in the new release we have data in compressed form and hence there is no need of the quick login anymore. Even your normal login will be quick.
Noted with thanks
Old installer present on Q does’t include the patch of 3rd-Feb-2015. There was some improvement in that . Can you please ask someone to upload that patch?
ST, the issue with delayed feeds that some people faced has been sorted. We are checking it out now, if all is well we will have the latest release by end of day.
Thanks for the update.
nithin ji
the page is taking too long to load ,please change it .
I guess it is because of all the images and over 1000 comments, we will have another page for feedback soon.
When I see charts for Jan 15 many a time I charts with same OHLC values. Is this an error or any other issue. This is giving wrong data for the Tech Indicators. Please let me know how to display the proper candle for these cases. I have given the example as below:
Getting someone to call and have this checked.
If possible then instead choose to select number of candles set default days of intraday data and give option to choose time frame on same chart.so can switch to other time frame on same chart.also add option of parallel lines and trend lines .
Sanjay Marathe
Hi Nitin
Thanks for reply on previous query. Today i faced problem related to price update on open chart latest price not updating on opening chart, while it update in market watch. Also back fill for intraday data instead of choosing number of candles it is possible to limit it with number of days back fill like 20-30 day in trade tiger.
Today was mock, so there was some issues with the chart data.
You just have to choose number of candles. So for example if you choose 10000 candles for 1 min, you get 15 days of 1 min candles.
Could you please activate Pi For DP0554.
Please let me know link to download PI.
Ramesh, if you can see the post above, you have to place this request by logging into Q.
Today (13.3.15) there were severe ORDER problems.You sent SMS regarding this.
In such cases send SMS ,Log Message on trading terminal and POP-UP message
on trading terminal also.
We have put back the old installer on Q, can you uninstall the current version of Pi and install the previous one. In the current version we have done data compression, which is causing delay in price ticking for a few. We will have this fixed asap.
Hi Nithin,
I suffered lot today because of price delay, after placing order it is executed on some another price, later on i realise there is delay in price display
please see below image wich can show difference between Pi price and actual price
is any way to uninstalled last updated patch ?
Nithin the candles for different time frames are not loading. The candles that are loading are not enough to make the technical indicators work. For ex if i choose the 15 minute time frame, the most number of candles I can load are 3333, but the candles that are loading is 250 or less. This fools with the technical indicators. Again for ex if I were to choose the EMA for 200 days it gives an error message ‘invalid period for indicator’. I left a mail with your technical staff but all they could say was its a ” known problem”.
Yes Karthik, we are still limiting the amount of historical data. We will have more data soon, we are taking this up slow.
Dear Nithin
Its happening since 5th march and i bought it to the notice of tsiva and support team thru mail, they are saying they are working on it, i dont know still how much time they need 🙁 go thru the attached screenshot and check the system time and on snap quote time
We have put back the old installer on Q, can you uninstall the current version of Pi and install the previous one. In the current version we have done data compression, which is causing delay in price ticking for a few. We will have this fixed asap.
Don’t worried about that. If you read above posts , the answer is there. Pi header takes time from system clock. I already reported this. If you change system time , the header time changes. It is OK. My concern regarding time all ready mentioned in this blog. Now I request Nithin Sir to put a refresh signal in the code ( server to client )for a time interval at least in 30 seconds. This message I putting it here because of my experience in other trading software.
There is lot of time lag in Pi. Today, I had 8700put bought multiple qty, I wanted to exit @ 81, I put my order and I could see 81.6 in snapquote but it could not take my order at all. Then, I changed it to 77.2 and it was executed @ 11:17:06, where as in the chart ( 1min) I could see it @ 11:17:08. Later I bought 8600 put, I placed order @ 61 and it got executed @ 55.75, I could see the price of 62, 63 but when I place my sell order it was not getting executed. finally I exited @ 57.5 in ZT. ZT is working better than Pi in this aspect. Please check there must be something wrong in your server.
We have put back the old installer on Q, can you uninstall the current version of Pi and install the previous one. In the current version we have done data compression, which is causing delay in price ticking for a few. We will have this fixed asap.
pi real time updation there is difference in time with amibroker provided by neotrade.pl.check
Wrong price updation on day Chart. Previous day candle not showing. showing few candles and zoom in zoom out not working.
hi ,
this is a request for pivot points in pi.
I am looking for pivot points for each day separately(not just for the current day like it is in nest). It would be really helpful for us to backtest data.could you please add this feature soon?
Today I logged to pre-market hours. I see on the top right corner, nifty is not changing from 8843.3. Even after 20 mins of opening, it is still showing 8843.3 and the same goes with sensex. It is not changing. Screen shot, please let me know.
Can you close the index box and re-open and see if it works. It is working for me. Will get someone double check.
continue … self understood. already emailed.
nithin ji
during market hour near about 2:10pm i found that quotes are 30 seconds delayed ( please see first image ),at first instance i thought that it might be net problem but it was not that, then i logout from system and login again and found the same problem ( please see the second image in bottom ) quotes are nearly 30 seconds delayed . and at 2:35 every thing was right quotes are live ,and then again at 2:50 quotes was delayed again 20 seconds , i also checked quotes for MCX they are also delayed
please check – it might be horrible if the case is like that as i described
Yes you are right. PI Charts are always fast enough 2-3 seconds than Market Watch & quotes (different source). But today market watch was delayed by 20-30 seconds in last hour. Many one noticed, just after market is closed at 3:30 charts stopped updating but market watch was live for around another 20-30 seconds bcoz it was delayed.
Such things happened in some other days too. If limit order automatically filled up from market watch using F1,F2(unless we put a direct market or limit order from chart or it is a CO), this can cause big loss. Zerodha, please take care of it.
Vinesh, not happening at our end, we will see if this is happening only on particular networks. Someone will call you back today.
Could you please please make VWAP(volume weighed average price) available for all the products,especially for Commodities in PI,
as it is the most important thing for technical trading.
Please let me know if it already there.
Or let me know if i can find any alternate to get VWAP for Crude oil or any other commodities
I agree. I already requested Nithin sir for this,Hope this will be added in next patch.
Rohan, not there currently but we have added this on our list of things to do.
charts dont open again if we reopen the terminal. only market watch is saved. earlier charts opened but without the saved template, but now no charts.
Yes, you save the template and load it on open. The reason we have removed charts on Open is because if you had a 25000 candle chart, it will take a long time to load.
Hi Nithin,
Two important feed back for PI,
1. Pi charts are automatically squeezing with time(zooming out /smaller candle size), we have to press up arrow key frequently to view in previous standard size. Please try to correct this (by auto scrolling to right by removing each candle on left whenever one fresh candle added to right) in future version if possible.
2. Thank you very much for adding Daily Pivot on Nest Chart. Waiting for similar thing on Pi chart, if possible add Weekly Pivot too with different color lines. This will be a great help to many traders.
Best Wishes.
Yes we will have both of this done soon.
Thank you very much Nithin.
Please ,introduce one beep for BUY and another for SELL instead present narration.
You can as well use SHORT BEEP (buy) or LONG BEEP (sell).
Yes soon.
Hi Nithin. Are there any plans to include volume-based charts…as in candles based on the number of contracts traded (as opposed to time-based charts) in Pi?
Yes we will, but this will take some time.
Hi Nithin,
Couple of questions/pointers after installing the 10/3/2015 update:
1. While logging in I do not see the quick login option anymore? Is this intentional?
2. It is taking couple of attempts to successfully login – I am getting error messages like ‘Not Responding’, ‘Unable to login please try again’ etc. Please have this checked.
3. Thank you for introducing daily charts. However I notice that even though it is letting me input higher number of bars (50k) while loading the chart, the data being retrieved is different for different scripts – E.G: Infy returns charts with daily bars starting from Feb 2010 while wockpharma returns only 1 month daily charts, Can this please be corrected?
4. Will higher frequency chart options be included in the future releases – weekly, monthly, quarterly, half-yearly and yearly charts?
1. Yes, this issue is fixed. You don’t need a quick login anymore, we have compressed all contract files.
2. Having this checked.
3. We have added 5 years data for Top 150 stocks. We will add it for all the stocks soon. We will give 10 years daily data.
4. This will take a while.
Thanks Nithin!
The login issue has happened today (11th March) so the developers could check the security logs of today to see why the connections were being denied.
Another question: This I have noticed with both NEST and Pi: If I have to find a company in the equity segment, say I select NSE > ‘Normal’ gets prepopulated > The third dropdown has many dropdown values like BE, BL, H1 to H9 etc. However, till date I have only used ‘EQ’ or ‘Indicies’ to find the script or index. What is the purpose of having the other dropdown values? I do notice that selecting say ‘H9’ gives ‘IDFC’ in the fourth dropdown. But the same is also present in EQ.
1. Checking,
2. BE, BL etc are different series on Exchange. BE for example is T2T segment, so if a stock is moved to T2T it will stop appearing in EQ and start showing in BE. T2T is when exchanges don’t allow intraday trading in the stocks. Check this.
Updated new patch. But daily scanning not working……even if we selected daily..it automatically change minute ..Any problem from your side..please let me know
Having this checked.
Got the new Patch today and installed. Looks like it is not consuming the bandwidth like before. Never stopped the Pi due to bandwidth problem after the new patch. Good going. Keep it up Mr. Nithin. DL 0071
Updated the new patch for PI on 10th march ’15. Was wondering if there is any way that I can save the layout of the way the windows are arranged on PI? . If not can you guys have it incorporated in the next update. You know the way the order book and marketwatch and the cash position have to be arranged everyday as by default it just appears as a new tab. Would be a great option if the arranging part can be saved on ones desktop so that when one logs in, it appears just like how the windows were left yesterday.
Riaz, this is fixed in this patch. If you logout, the way you have saved all the columns, and etc, automatically gets saved.
tried reopening Pi multiple times but the windows dont appear side by side like i left them..all that shows once i log back in is the marketwatch and order window…Are u sure this was fixed in this patch?
My bad Riaz, what I meant was that the order of your marketwatch, orderbook etc is saved. The layout in terms of how you have opened different tabs, won’t get saved.
Its a small thing but its an important one. Would appreciate if you can do it in the next patch!
Nifty Day chart is showing wrong candle for today. it started below yesterdays close in chart. where as market started above yesterdays close
Yes, spotted this bug only now. Yesterdays candle is getting changed today.
Bebo Advisor. Please check the script
in this patch also there is no option to increase the index font size.
nithin ji
after applying new patch what i open first thing -is HOURLY CHART , and happy to see the chart that the wrong data ploting of candle is fixed , again many -many thanks for your hard work .
will check other things during market
After applying new patch,
1) I can see the daily chart..but it does not zoom out like other time frame charts, also it does not scroll left (left arrow key). so it ends up showing only 28 candles. (I selected 1000).
2) Not a big thing, but Daily is misspelled as Dally 🙂 on chart label.
3) I am not versed with RENKO, but as far as I know the chart should look same for fixed points irrespective of time frame i.e if I select 20 on daily or 1hr chart it should look the same?
1. Are you trying to open daily charts for F&O? we have only 28 days data for that. Can you try opening equity daily charts.
2. ah, getting this fixed 🙂
3. Let me check this
thanks, daily chart of equity looks good, but CNX NIFT index or BANK NIFTY Index is also showing 28 days like NIFTY FUTURE, should the Indices chart behave like equity charts?
PT, In the drop down choose NSE, NORMAL, Indices, CNX NIfty. Add this to the marketwatch. You can open 5 year daily chart for this. For Nifty futures daily chart is only From Feb 3rd onwards.
yes Nithin, thats how I am opening nifty chart…see attached file, it shows few candles only and doesn’t scroll to left..
Yes PT just reconfirmed, we have removed Index data for the last 5 years temporarily. You will be able to see it next week.
What is new in latest patch other than daily charts? Even simple basket order is missing.
This is the email that was sent: With the latest patch, you will find a significant drop in bandwidth utilization, ability to disable transaction passwords, daily charts, and many other improvements. (Basket and bracket orders will take longer).
I recently got access to Pi, but i’m unable to login.
I have followed the installation procedure given in the zip file.
When I input my credentials and click on login nothing happens, it just stays there.
Please help.
Can you send an email to [email protected]
Admin position is showing N/A for Q-Total P&L, Q-Buy Avg Price?
looks okay with new path..though its after market hours, will check again during market hours tomorrow.
Sir as per ur advice emailed to the person whose id u gave. Unfortunately no response as yet and its freezing very frequently and let me add internet is working fine here and speed is almost 2mbps.
Is it possible to code in anyother language in Pi other than tradescript?
Sandip, on Pi you can use tradescript only. But we have built a bridge from Amibroker to Pi, check this.
kindly go through the attached chart, PI terminal was frozen for few minutes and then delayed improper quotes were coming.
Delayed quotes? Can you send an email to [email protected] as soon as it happens next time.
when will come Bracket Order on Pi
It will take a little longer. But the final release should be out next week.
Thanks for the initiative. Here are my few feedback after using it for 2 months.
1. Futures contracts after expiry also remains in the list. I started to use Pi in Jan and for selection of futures contract for market watch, still I see Jan and Feb contracts.
2. For nifty I have been using 14 and 206 EMA crossovers on 30 mins which is working well. In pi charts it is not allowing me to plot 206EMA. Its is not allowing beyond 161.
3. Important-I miss option calculator
4. While trying to modify order from order book, it asks for confirmation twice. Once when I click ‘modify’ button and second time when I click submit after changing my order qty/rate. It is good to remove first ‘modify’ button.
5. Yes, it is good that we can place orders from charts. But it is not allowing to change the price. We should get an option to modify rates as well.
We will have our final release next week, you will see a few changes on that.
1. When logging in, untick quick login, the old scrips will be removed and new ones added. This will happen on its own in the final release.
2. We will have much more intraday data soon. 206 30 min candles means, around 100 odd days of intraday data. We are providing that to backtest, but not currently to plot on the charts.
3. Will take longer
4. We have given an option in user settings an option to untick on confirm order options.
5. When placing order from the chart, there are two types of orders that are placed based on where you click on the chart. So if you are trying to buy above the current price, it is SL-M and if it is below the current price a limit. If we let you change the price on that screen, we will not know what order has to be placed.
Is Zerodha PI a paid service or free?
It is free, but given to only our active clients (clients who have atleast Rs 10,000 in the account). We should have our final release next month, when we will also bring in a brokerage criteria to determine active clients.
Why does q.zerodha.com gives me “502 Bad Gateway” error?
Is the site down?
How i fix it?
I need to get a report but not able to.
Please help.
same for me…since yesterday night – not able to login to backoffice.( q.zerodha.com )
Seems to be working. Can you check.
yes all set with q. Thanks.
Hi Nithin ,
One more issue occurred in Pi about chart
On 4-march-15 High of Nifty(march)Future is 9191 as per the NSEindia site
but Pi shows 9162 which is absolutely wrong, You are providing lots of indicators but system showing wrong values then no meaning of technical indicator because all the indicators are derivatives of price. I will not be wrong if I say “You are providing wrong information”. So please work-out of price issue without that all the indicators are meaning less.
Please see the attached image
Sameer, the 9191 on Nifty might have been a freak tick. No charting platform can capture all ticks. Check this answer on tradingqna.
nithin ji
although it is not possible to capture all the tick, but day high and day low are the single ticks which should be reflected in charts
this condition is also be true for individual candle for any time frame i.e = what i mean to say that when we are looking in hourly chart= the candle represent 1 hour time and the high should be the highest price and low should be the lowest price of that time slot of the particular candle ir-respective of number of trades executed on that price.
only then then the charts will be reliable ,and you are able to say that we ar providing next generation trading experiance
otherwise the traders will spent their valuable time in crosschecking the charts data with other providers , and there is no excuse for that
think about it
Vinesh, Have explained this here.
This is how it is with every charting platform out there in India.
Nithin, I am unable to get past the Login dialog box. It does not get to the questions tab. Any idea what could be the issue? My id is DK2878.
Thanks in advance
My guess is that your Pi login has been disabled. Can you send an email to [email protected] and [email protected].
Will do. Thanks Nithin
If i try to open the MCX charts, I get a window showing ‘unable to connect to the data server. should be soon’. Please explain.
Today morning it took a while before MCX charts started working. We were working on something on our back end.
when you are going to release new patch for pi
Hi Nitin,
Any update on my query on scanner which I posted on 24th Feb?
Scanner is giving signals.
When the condition is met there is a change in alert time and it gives the latest time when the condition is met.
Will put up a post soon on how to use this.
Hi Nitin.
I would like to point your attention towards attempts reqd to login on Pi. Do you know on an average how many attempts one has to do before he/she can actually log in ? The ans is more than 15. I am also waiting for daily charts……. and one more thing make available the option to remove sequirity questions for the one who wants to.
pls do something for that …..
Shouldn’t take 15 times, getting someone to call you back. Security questions is an exchange mandate. From the next release, you will have an option to disable transaction password.
that will save some time on the transaction password stuff….
When reconciling data, even past executions are REPLAYED once again and it is creating a lot
of confusion.
what do you mean by reconciling data? Will get someone to call you on this.
When broker server is down / any disruption in Internet connection , we get a message
“RECONCILE DATA OR NOT”. If we reconcile the data ,then previously executed orders
are replayed (SOUND). It gives a false impression that the orders are executed just
now.In that scenario we should not ask for reconciliation.
Which version of Pi are you using? Can you click on About Pi in Help and see the Version number?
Regarding Sound replayed when reconciled.
I got a call from ZERODHA ,and asked me to UNCHECK the box against Reconcile
button in User Settings under the menu VIEW.I think it is working fine now.
is it possible to add features like net change indicator, ATP, and price modification which are there in ZT.
Yes on our list.
in pi one miniute charts it is leaving blank spaces continuty of chart i s breached only in one min charts pl corect it
It is alright, guess someone called you already.
Hi Nithin,
I use fibbonacci retracement and Pi has issue in this case, which i have described with the help of pics
Pi always show o% retracement at high, If i select low first or later it always come on high
where as there should be flexibility to replace it as per selection
or need to add an additional level of 78.6% which, I have added pic from ChartNexus software
thank you
Sameer, if you want a retracement, you have to start from the top and come to the bottom point. So if market on its way back falls, and comes back to where it fell from it is 100% retracement. You do the opposite thing if you are short. I think that behavior is right, will cross check with esignal anyways tomm. Check this
Hi Nithin,
Two days back you have given me reply over Fibonacci retracement and suggested to a link of investopedia http://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/05/fibonacciretracement.asp
in this link also in last para. a level is mentioned 78.6% which is missing in Pi
A client must be able to 0% retacement at low or High as per wish, It is very very important
see i have attached my study, see a candle of 27/feb/15, a bullish candle
I have selected 0% at low and 100% at High and you will nifty has taken exactly support at 23.6% retracement , but in Pi you can’t do this because of 2 reason
1)0% retacement always come at high
2)important retracement is missing 78.6%
Please go through followign link where you can download a book of fibonacci theory, in this book on 3rd page all retacemetn and extention level are mentioned.
Extention level are equally important as retracement and they should be added in future updation as per my view .
so please please add all the retacement levels, I will be very thankfull to you for this
Yes Sameer, what you are asking for is Extension, we will add that soon. Adding 78.6% is something that we will also do.
Hi Nithin,
When are you planning to incorporate GTC (Good till cancelled) order facility in Pi?
GTC are very beneficial for long term investors. It’s a well known fact that unlike MCX, NSE/BSE do not keep orders in their server overnight.
But, there’s a very simple solution to this which brokers like ICICIdirect & Kotak securities have been following – They place the orders again next morning or convert the non-executed orders into AMO at the end of trading session for the next day. This will behave similar to the original GTC orders except the orders will have new timestamp everyday.
I hope you would pay heed to this.
Yes Akash, we will have a similar solution soon.
Hi Nithin,
I use fibbonacci retracement and Pi has issue in this case, which i have described with the help of pics
Pi always show o% retracement at high, If i select low first or later it always come on high
where as there should be flexibility to replace it as per selection
or else introduce an additional level of 78.6% which, I have added pic from ChartNexus software
thank you
I forgot to add pic in above msg
attached as below
When an order is executed ,PI is giving all details pertaining to the order.We do not require it.
Just a BEEP will suffice.
Yes, we should have the beep option by the next release.
1) Can anyone tell how to draw Fib extensions in Pi ?? I am able to draw only Fib retracements…
2) Is it possible to alter default fib levels and how to do ??
Thank you…
1. Extensions currently not possible.
2. Presently you can’t change the default values.
Dear Nitin,
Two very basic features are missing from Pi. One is simple price alerts. And secondly, the ability to insert blank lines in between scrips in order to group them easily. Hope the final version will have these features enabled.
To insert blank line between script, just press alt + Space bar
Bijoy, you can use the expert advisor/scripted alerts to create price alerts. So if you want to set a price alert for a stock at 950,
Set A = 950
As soon as the price goes above 950, you get an alert in the generated alerts box. You can click on this to place the order.
You have provided us many revolutionary product like Pi,Q,pulse etc
I am an office staff .This type of widget will help us to put our lap top on sleep and to take timely action. This will be very useful while travelling
This will generate more trades for ZERODHA and function as permanent ADV in mobile of lot of traders and in GOOGLE PLAY
Yep, Kite is on its way.
Nothing is revealed on Kite till now.
Does it have multiple time frame charts with indicators?
Can we trade from chart in kite?
Can we set alert in it?
We will inform soon.
look at this all signals are negative,but a buy signal generated,many wrong signals while backtesting
What is the code you are testing?
I collect the code from Q&A,
Hi Nithin,
I am using Pi since last one month and I have following 3 doubts as shown in Pic.
Thank you
1. Sameer, since you are using quick login, new contracts would not have been downloaded. The next time you login, untick on quick login, all the expired contracts will get removed, and you will be able to see new contracts.
2. Alerts and messages box can’t be hidden. Don’t know if this is the best way to arrange your screen, have a look at this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7k1Rg-MAx4I
3. Left click and drag the column to wherever you want. Currently these layouts can’t be saved, you will be able to do it soon.
Thanks Nithin for ur support
i have gone through video and my first doubt is cleared
but yet second issue exits
if I shift Order book towards left then i can’t see Modify symbol, i need to drag it every time which is inconvenience
If i keep it below then issue is like as shown pic
I think all the traders might be having this issue because every one want to modify order with live prices
is it possible that LTP visible in Order Book ??
or make order book as NEST ?
I will be more happy if you solve inconvenience of order book setup
No answer for my 3rd doubt ?
thank you for proving advance Trading platform pi
3rd doubt, like I said, just drag and drop your columns. Left click,and drag that column to whrever you want to place. About that order book thing, let me speak to the team and see what can be done.
Once again thanks for ur support
I am using the Beta version of PI and I seem to be having problems with live streaming of MCX charts. I am using the 5 min time frame. The charts seem to load but there is no streaming of live prices and the chart goes still. Is there a problem with live streaming of MCX charts ?
getting someone to call you back, are u sure that you are not looking at some expired contracts?
Couple of thoughts on PI:
1. The bar right at the top shows version as while through help>about pi it shows I have downloaded 3-4 days back so I am guessing the one at the top bar is incorrect. Please have the same corrected.
2. In Nithin’s video on pi, I noticed that he was able to select minute, hour, day and week. However on my app, I am only able to see hour and minute (which is why I got wondering if the correct version has been provided to me). Please let me know if what I am seeing is expected. Also, when will the other time frames be added? Additionally, some of us like to have a view of larger time frames so please do try to incorporate month, quarter, half-year and year as well for the charts.
3. It would be really great to have a horizontal scroll bar on the charts. It is a pain to use the scroll bar or the buttons provided on the app.
4. It would be great if trade script could let us check the trend() on a larger time frame and then simultaneously let us backtest on a shorted time frame. Can this be done currently?
5. As somebody has mentioned earlier, allowing user to change time frames from the chart itself would be great. Further, deleting individual indicator plots by right-clicking instead of having to select would be nice.
6. When I back test using multiple indicators, the app creates a separate window for each – for example the trend and all the EMAs etc which is not really helpful. Ideally, either pi should populate the usual indicators over the price (like EMA, PSAR etc) and the usual indicators below the price (MACD,RSI) and others over the volume (like volume average) while allowing the user to drag these to seperate windows individually as well.
More thoughts as and when I explore more! 🙂
1. Some compliance issue that doesn’t let us change on top, it is not a bug. Do look at the version in the help link.
2. Day charts will be added in the next release.
3. hmm.. this will take time.
4. We are in the next release giving an option to run tradescript without opening a chart. Should be possible there, but you won’t be able to see a plot of the backtest, just results.
5. This is tricky, will take time.
6. Yep, on our list.
nithin ji
i want to know that ,will you drop the omnesys NEST after the full fledge release of Pi ? please explain in detail your future plan in this regard . because i personally do not feel comfortable while trading on Pi instead of nest , internet is main culprit in my case , Pi required lot of resources it hanged 4-5 times (some time more ) when disconected and reconnect , response time for commands is also high while compared to nest , it also uses 4 times of internet data compared to nest .so tell me how can i get broadband while no provider is available here ? india is preparing for 4g network ,and we are pinning for 3g services here . all cities in india are not banglore . banglore is the IT city with world class infrastructure .
also if some how i manage broadband service in future then it will increase my cost on internet 4 to 5 times .
already a trader is threasing with
ctt /stt -turnover charges -sebi charges – stamp duty- service charges ……brokerage – internet…etc
so this is very important for me to know the future plan in regard of NEST , which will decide my fate with you
please do not ignore my question
Vinesh, NEST will continue to run along with Pi. Even with Pi, the final release will have changes made to ensure the bandwidth utilization comes to around what NEST does.
I too support you views on Nest/ ZT with nest plus for charts is more comfortable for trading than the latest ” Pi “, basically for manual trading at ease regarding moving the charts with multiple time frames and colour schemes, moving around/resizing with different windows of order book, trade book, admin position, etc., resizing the main market watch window with multi market watch profiles, all are required for basic and fast trading experience in intraday trading.
I hope if Nest -ZT platform is retained with maintaining less login /crashing instances and if being sorted out it serves the basic purpose of Trading in the real sense.
can you code this
williams%r above 70 buy , below 30 sell
Do ask these on http://tradingqna.com/ under algos category.
Hi, Nithin,
Is there any progress on modified Cover Order until BO is available on Pi. We need SLM target also inbuilt with CO. We just need to execute a Market Order for exit a CO with profit when target trigger is active. It can help us a lot.
Best Regards.
Yep, it will take more time H.C
Ok, we’ll wait. Thanks Nithin.
showing like this
Send an email to [email protected], one of us will get back.
yesterday one of your support team try to solve the problem by teamviewer,i dont know what he did,error is still existing , but today my system permorming like a robot,automatically restart many times,again i sent a mail today and i call your banglore office but still no response,can you do something to solve this,its a request
nithin ji
please be ensure to have option calculator in next patch or release
also correct the hourly chart data , i point out the problem on 9 feb that hourly chart is plotting wrong candles and mail to tsiva in this matter with pictures , but nothing is done till now in this regard, the problem is still there
please correct it
Option calculator will take some more time. But the hourly and daily candles bit will be given in the next few days.
here is some more information, the chart opens up with weird LRC candle but if I hit left arrow key then correct candles show up, but cannot see the latest candle. both images attached.
after hitting left arrow.
Yes PT, this issue is fixed in the new patch. Give us a few more days for this.
pvo , williams% r is in pi?
Yep available.
thanks, also compare 5 mins and 15 mins chart for JPY/INR…they do not show same picture. for starters 5 mins open price is 52.2100 and that of 15 mins is 52.2400. Secondly the low on 15 opening candle is 51.9575 which never cam today.. as per nse site todays low was. 52.0275.
PT, can you see the version of Pi that you are using. You can see this under Help and About Pi.
v1.0.0.5 (01/30/2015)
ah, now I see under backoffice a new patch was released on 3rd feb…thanks let me install that…
okay even after applying the patch same effect, also the version number did not change…though I got message saying patch applied successfully, but I still see same version…. missing something?
todays 5 min chart for eur-inr MARCH series.
Hi Nitin,
Scanner is not generating alert for the same logic which was working during back test.
Back tested the below logic & it was working as expected, but not generating any alert in scanner.
I would like to know scanner functionality is having some bug or I am missing something. PFA setting & logic for my scanner.
5 Minute Periodicity
1500 Bar history
36 Symbols
All the scripts are locked.
Nothing is paused.
My assumption is, scanner generates signal whenever these conditions are met in newly generated bar. (ie.even when the previous bar satisfied these conditions, new signal will be generated if the conditions met in new bar. Old signal for previous bar & new signal for the present bar).
But for the above logic and settings, during the data priming, scanner generated the alert time stamp for all the symbols, after that no change on the alert time even-though the conditions are met. I tested this for at-least 5 hours continuously. (Running the scanner continuously)
I tried for the following settings also. But no alerts were generated. (I tried different logics also)
1 Minute Periodicity
3000 Bar history
5 Symbols
All the scripts are locked.
Nothing is paused.
I sent a mail to IT team. According to them its working fine. No other explanation, since Pi is a beta version.
Is anyone using scanner function and is it functioning as expected?
If so, do let me know, if I am doing anything wrong or missing something.
What is the meaning of colour change in volume bar during the scanning?
Dear Nitin & developing team,
I request you to include proxy support in the final release of Pi.
Currently, there is no support for proxy in NEST trader which is extremely painful for college students like me.
Hello Sir
Pi will work on windows 8 and windows 8.1 ? – DL 0071
It works on both, also it works on Windows 10 Technical Preview
1. What is the difference between GoLive and Enable Alerts button in Pi
2. It seems its not possible to create alert based on NiftyChart and Trade in Nifty Call or Put.
3. The log generated after Scripted alert shows only time and Type of alert ( Buy and Sell ), Can we have Indicators values that are used in scripts, so that we can refine our scripts based on that
Is it possible to have a webex or similar online session on all the features of Pi for all the traders?
1. Go live allows you to preset product type and size on the alert, while enable alerts just gives you an alert.
2. Yes, you can’t.
3. Yes, you can save the alert with a name, and this will show up in the generated alert window.
Yes, we will have detailed session, waiting for the final release.
Not for now Jayaram,
Could you develop a few indicators for me ? I will give you the code
We will after the final release. Do send us out the code, you can send it to [email protected]
When will the next patch be out for PI?
The coming week we should have another patch.
Hey Nithin it’s been going great with Pi
Congrajulations !!
Can you add a simple Volume Moving average in the next patch would be very useful
Rahul it is already available. When you are adding moving average from the indicator dropdown, you get an option to choose n what you want to add this moving average to. Price or Volume.
this is the screen shot
Hi NIthin,
Wanted to point out a few issues I’m facing in Pi regarding RENKO bars..
1. Bars are not formed after the right intervals. Different bars have different ranges, I think thats not suppose to happen.
2. Prices on the bars are not in sync with prices on the right. OHLC differs from the prices on the right.
3. Cant see the present candle forming.
Hope to get a reply soon.
Thanks in advance..
Bouncing this off to our team.
Same is true about point and figure chart
If you can consider adding the feature of scrips making new highs and new lows during the day (would be better if you could do for Fno stocks, indexwise scrips etc.,), that would be really helpful.
Internet connection is a problem .Even though I have a broad band connetion ,Pi freeze often .May be due to connection loss.A button to reconnect is required.If I use multiple internet connection,Is it possible to change from one coneection to other by clicking a button,If yes that button is also required( idon’t know much about internet connection)
Gilari, If the internet drops and connects, Pi reconnects automatically. You don’t need to manually reconnect. But try to get a stable internet connection.
nithin ji
although Pi reconnect automatically but it get hanged after some time and we have to relogin to Pi to access its full features, thats the main problem gilari is talking about -i also face same problem 2-3 times perday
This doesn’t happen here. Do you have multiple internet connections? Can you tell what speed your internet is and if it is broadband or something else?
what Mr Vinesh has written is correct.It take a lot of time to reconnect automatically.
I use broadband with a speed of 500kb/s If we can speeed up the reconnection manually it will be helpful.
Shall multiple connection solve the problem ?
Try getting one of those 2mbps broadband connections. We never face any issues with disconnections here. You can take multiple broadband connections and connect it to a load balancer. This will ensure that even if one broadband drops the other one is supporting you.
Sounds like NOT all the contracts are getting loaded into Pi. e.g.., Natural Gas April 2015 contract is there in the dropdown while I continue to see the Natural Gas Jan 2015 contract.
When is the final version going live and what’s the tentative go-live date of Kite?
Mary, while logging in untick the quick login, it will update the latest scrip master. Do this atleast once every few weeks. Final version should happen in the next 2 to 3 weeks. Kite is still a little away.
continued from previous post…
==> Good to have the comma (,) separator for the amount / number columns in “Cash Position”, “Order Book”, etc… For e.g., 399853.5 ==> 3,99,853.50
==> Options to choose the Up/Down colors on candle-stick chart. Since some people prefer black & white candle than red & green candle.
==> Good to have the “Save Template” option; stores the location of different charts (with the templates for each chart) on the Pi window and brings back when we load the workspace.
I traded with MIS order on nifty 9300 ce today and later realized there was no leverage on this trade as it allowed me only certain quantity that my cash balance would buy. Which is fine, but I want to know if such positions get squared off at 3 pm? If so, then should there be an error message saying “no MIS orders allowed for options”? unless I am missing something basic…..
There are a few intraday traders like to use MIS for buying options as well to ensure all positions are squared off at 3.20pm.
cool..that makes sense…thanks.
Over a Fantastic job by Pi / Zerodha team.
Here are some suggestions to improve.
==> Basic Line chart is missing ( candle, kagi, renko… are there)
==> User settings not saved after logout. e.g., un-check quick order windows on charts.
==> zoom-out (Up arrow) >>> it zoom-out in the middle of the chart i.e. recent candles are out of the chart window. Again we have to press right arrow to see most recent candles. so while zoom-out show most recent candles on right side and remove candles on left side.
==> Good that you are keeping the “bar history number” of previous chart. But we need an option to set default value for chart settings (period, Bar interval, bar history) while opening a new chart.
==> Need an option to set default chart template. i.e., all new charts will open with that template.(available in ZT)
==> Another feature needed is “apply a template to all open charts”.
==> option to set the thickness of the lines in the tech analysis tools like moving average, RSI, MACD, etc (like thin, medium-thin, medium, thick, etc)
==> Need an option to change the timeframe in the chart itself; instead of opening a new chart.
==> type & select (Search) option is must in many places like Technical analysis combo box, Bar interval (on new chart settings screen) ( you already have this feature in stock selection combo box on Market watch add)
==> While saving chart template height of the ‘Technical Analysis’ tools (RSI, MACD..) is not saved. see pictures.
==> When I open a Buy/Sell order windows it shows the Stock/Future symbol of the most recently opened chart; what we need is the symbol of the chart from where we open the buy/sell order window
==> Need a Short-cut key for “popout active window” .
can i add indicator in pi like amibroker with afl code
You can’t add indicator, but you run scripts and alerts.
hi nithin
can pi give data feed to amibroker?
you can add data feed for amibroker
pi chart data to amibroker it is possible?
No, you can’t use the Pi data feed to amibroker. You can use the bridge to fire orders from Amibroker.
If you ask me to say 2 good things and 2 bad things about Pi:
GOOD things.
1.Ability to place orders from chart/ quick order.
2.Artificial Intelligence
BAD things.
1.Unable to change Time Frame ,without opening a new chart
2.LINK to EXCEL is missing.
Hi Nithin,
Can you add a feature where say we would like to place order of 10000 nifty options to buy or sell but the limit set by nse for max order is 7500. So the order automatically break 10000 in 2 orders of 7500 and 2500 each and execute them as per the price entered. That would make life easy for traders who deal with large quantities.
Hmm.. tricky Pratik. But we have plans on bringing in execution algos in the future.
Hi Nitin.
Pi is really very good. I want one feature that may very easy for you. I listen that INDICES ( Nifty, Banknifty, etc ) graphs are available in PI right ? But those are not available to me. May be because I did not have activation for Equities. But I have activation for NFO, CDS and MCX. If you provide INDICES graphs for us also it is very helpful to trade in options.
Eagal, you will need to map a demat account to your trading account with us. As soon as you do that, you will start seeing all the equity/indices data. Any demat that you have will do.
Help Needed on charts.
Can i change the Time frame of chart from chart window or from menu bar? I am not able to find it.Please help. Or do we need to close the chart and again open it with different TF? how can i load daily candles? Only minute and Hour options are there .
What am i doing wrong here ??
did not seen the order form color… sorry for post….
Check this post on SL orders. Your trigger has to be higher than the limit price, otherwise there is no use of SL order.
Hi nitin,
Are you guys planning on including range bars & tick data in pi ??
Thanks in advance
All the historical data in Pi is already tick data. Live tick data should start soon. Range bars, we will look at it after final release.
Is historical intraday option contract data (i.e. option contract already expired) available
Little botheration.Now all columns of Market Watch are saved.Why can’t you implement the same
for other windows also.(Order book-OPEN,order book-COMPLETED,Trade book and Admin positions)
Yes, we should have it by the next patch.
When LTP reaches max/min then let the entire line in the market watch glow in Green/Red.
What is the minimum requirement of a system to run Pi and which windows it works better. DL 0071
Any latest system with a 1GB ram should be enough. Works on all the latest Windows OS.
nithin ji,
when can we expect final version of pi?will any intimation mail will come?
Hi nithin,
in we need chart candle like amibroker use one color for entire candle and hollow body for UP candle,pls do in next update.
LTP price is not getting updated real-time in many instances in Pi, while Bid and ask rate are showing updated prices. Request you to look into this.
Gaurav, if yo face this, do send an email to [email protected], someone will get back to you immediately.
I also have noted same (LTP)
Pi doesn’t work in Windows 8.1. I have installed Pi and it takes to login screen. After entering UserId/Password and clicking login button, it does nothing. The login screen stays as it is and no error is thrown.
I have disabled windows firewall as well as any blocking in my router. I have reinstalled new version as well as tried applying patch also.
(My PC has windows .NET 4.5 and VS 2013 installed…)
Please help.
Zulfi, send these to support@[email protected] and [email protected], someone will get back asap.
nithin ji
no new comments are coming , so its time to upgrade .
nithin ji, i post a serious problem about hourly chart candle formation and data directly to tsiva via mail, please sort out that before new release
Hi Nithin,
Awaiting for the bracket order on PI. When earliest is it possible to implement?
quote from ashok kumar’s post
“*. First we need the high, low, open, close, volume details of a candle at a glance. Now we need to long press a stick to see the details without volume information. It will be better to display these information in top of the charts as in other charting platforms.
I think if we include a cross hair mouse pointer like in meta trader it will be fine to select a particular stick to display the information or dot at the top of the candle stick and indicators as in google finance chart.
Also it will be better to display the indicator properties in the indicator panel as well.”
Today is my 1st trading experience of Pi, nice experience. there are some issues. i also facing the above issue. HLOC is not easy for me. I use HL for entry and stop loss. This and cross hair are very common features. Please provide these.
1. I am having a serious issue with you people. On 11/02/2015 I bought caplipoint stock at 670 and tried to sell it at 679.90. My order is shown open in the order book but not shown in snap quote. Market reached 680 but my order is not executed. I tried to sell the stock at the buyers quoted price of 676 but it is not execute as well. These things happened around 10 to 11 A.M. The stock went down and reached 612 after that.
I called your support team and asked about the issue. They told me that “it was an NSE issue and it is fixed right now. Tough it is an NSE issue we can’t help you sir”. I quit talking and squared my position off at 549 some how. Any way I face loss.
Today 12/12/2015 at 10.54 I placed an order on BSE stock 531156. I placed order on 122.60 to 123.10. While the price is trading on that range. My order is shown open in the order book but not reflected in the snap quote window and my order is not executed as well. I called your support team again. The answer that I got was : “Sir you placed an order but the price is not reached at that point to execute your order.” I am seeing it in my own eye that I quoted to buy at 123.10 the price traded at 123. What ever may be If I placed at 123.10 it should shown in the snap quote right. It is not shown there too.
All the above things happened in NEST.
2. I am facing an issue with order modification in pi. When I click modify order it takes too much time to open the window and most of the time modify order window is not displaying as well.
3. I have a suggestions with the charting system as well:
*. First we need the high, low, open, close, volume details of a candle at a glance. Now we need to long press a stick to see the details without volume information. It will be better to display these information in top of the charts as in other charting platforms.
I think if we include a cross hair mouse pointer like in meta trader it will be fine to select a particular stick to display the information or dot at the top of the candle stick and indicators as in google finance chart.
Also it will be better to display the indicator properties in the indicator panel as well.
About the issue you faced on NEST, will get someone to have a look at it. About PI, order modification being slow, doesn’t happen at our end. Will get someone to call you on this.
with very humble and sincerely.
My request.
There is serious problem in Pi. It is regarding time. All the comment related chart is happening because of time. Pi header can take time from My computer . It is OK. But Other parameters It should take time from Last Update time. I changed system time so many times and experienced so much problem. I( eg. stop loss not triggering. Chart start running reverse) . It is a question why you wanted to change system time? It is OK. It should not depend up on My computer time. we are users. facing problems with terminal. An error is an error, Time which you programmed is not correct in Pi. Alert generated time also connected to my computer time. Please look in to it and do the needful.
Please suggest the remedy. Thanks
Getting our team to call you back. Not happening at our end.
My final review of pi.
Nothing will happen at your end. reason you are in a LAN @ a speed of 1 GPBSe or more than that. You are putting us on screw. I reported the problems. You just blaming internet connection. We are traders for years and experience of various trading platforms.
The problems users face never faced by you.
1). you just change the system time. the chart start running reverse( pathetic about your programmers. I pointed out about it . you said about a patch. Nothing happened on your patch. only one thing I observed is that alert from different chart timing is working. Any way I am taking 02 months leave. please close my pi account and you can give to some on else(DG0230). I will trade/ login only after 02 months. I am comfortable with ZT.
for improvement.
1) buy alert generated only after a close above the indicator on particular candle. good one. But what about a candle surges?. But sell happens when price crosses the indicator. If the same candle crosses above the same indicator ,alert remains as sell.
2) Scanner not generating any signal for the same strategy in script alert/assist.
3) Very slow. As a trader I have to take extra precaution to save my ..s.
Hey Girija, Speed of 1 GBPS ? 🙂 in India?
I remember being around when the tech team was trying to take your system on remote. The teamviewer refused to load. If you don’t have access to higher speeds, i’d suggest you to use ZT.
Start up village Kerala.
will it be possible to fire bracket orders from pi bridge in the final version
Bracket orders via bridge might be tough. But we are looking at giving order updates on the bridge, so you should be able to design your own execution algos on Amibroker.
Mr Nithin,
Today also I am experiencing the same problem that the chart doesn’t do live update after 11:00PM. Infact it stops @ 10:58PM. I am enclosing the charts one @ 10:58 and another at 11:50PM
HI NIthin.
Before in nest i have this choice in nest traders including zerodhas–while keeping my stoploss.i usually keep price as 0 and ad my stop in trigger section.i dunno why it looks dam easy for me to keep stop easily and fast way….why not in PI…i was struggling like hell to keep stop on PI…
Murali, instead of SL, you just need to use SL-m in the dropdown.
Hi Nithin,
Today I bought ACC for 1573 and had my SL at 1563. But at 9:32, my SL got triggered whereas the system still showed the low of the day as 1573 at 9:33. In fact, it went it 1563 only at 9:49. My question is if it went to 1563, then the low in PI should show as 1563 but that was not the case. My second question is if the scrip did not go to 1563 at 9:33 then how did it got executed at that price. I called the customer care but they were not able to answer my question.
Nagesh we get this query quite often. It is explained here: http://tradingqna.com/2492/placed-order-which-executed-price-charts-amibroker-other-chart
Nithin ,This happens to me too. Granted the software can capture only a fraction of the trades done during a period. But can’t it capture the high and low of the period. If it cannot then the shape of the candle itself changes and what it means !
Roy, it is technically not possible because there is no way to reconcile intraday data with the exchange till the end of the day. If you really want every tick to be captured, you as an individual have to keep your system within the NSE collocation, which will easily cost around 10lks per year. If you can read that link above, I have explained why.
Hi Nithin,
Can you please incorporate the following features in Pi
a. Cross Hair, ( it should have been included in the very first release)
b. Keeping the left arrow pressed the chart pane should be able to move up and down
c. Right side self extending trend lines
d. Horizontal line
Horizontal lines are there. But yes, the other things are on our list.
Hi Nithin,
Today i got the Pi activated for my account.
I am using Bracket Order on ZT,
Surprised to find that missing on Pi.
When will it be incorporated.
Till then on ZT.
Arun, should take us a couple of weeks more.
Hi Nithin,
First of all I would like to thanks to you for providing advance technical software Pi,
But I found some errors in chart display which I have explained with the help of image as shown below
1.Today 10th Feb-15 Nifty future open at 8499.9 and Low was 8498
but Pi 30 min.chart shows something different in fact candle it self is wrong
2.nifty given gap down opening today but chart not showing like this
3.Nifty did’t went down after its opening but candle showing an leg/shadow
I hope you will respond to my queries
thank you
please go through attached image
Sameer Hadwal
Sameer, having this checked.
Hi Nithin,
Issue that i have raised yesterday it exists today (11-feb-15)also , if you compare 15 min chart of Nifty (fut) it shows low of 8626 for 1st candle of the day , 1hour chart also shows low of 8626 but 30 min chart shows low of 8636
if low of 8626 created in first 15 min then same should come for 30 min and 1 hour 1st candle
where as actual Low of Nifty fut is of 8610 as per NSEindia.com and Pi market watch also
thank you
Sameer, the 15 min charts are starting at 9.15, whereas the others are starting at 9am. Since the day has 6 hrs and 15 mins, you can’t have an exact number of 30 or 60 min candles. Either the first candle or the last candle of the day will have some variance. But yes, we will soon have all candles start at 9.15am, but this would mean that the last 30 min and 60 min candle of the day will be actually just 15 mins.
could you explain why i get this error in nest trader everytime …
what is the solution please…
(i will apply for pi after some time but till then solve this issue please nithin sir )
Hi, Nithin,
Presently there is no option under user settings -> order window of PI (like Nest) to set number of lots as default (say 40 lots/1000units nifty must automatically appear if it was set) . Please make it possible. Also for Cover Order (default no. of lots) too. It can reduce execute time by few seconds.
Best Regards.
Yes we will add this soon.
Thank you very much.
Best Wishes.
ZT vs PI
1) Hope at least the basic charting available in NestPlus works reliably, correctly & robustly in PI. It would be nice if the free version of PI has just the basic charting available for all (Price-volume chart) which is bug free, error free, robust and just enought to start trading similar to Nest Plus. The additional features can be given for a fee or at discretion.
2) Hope option to set default number of lots (at least for buy/sell orders using F1/F2) is available in the settings GUI of PI final release. This comes very handy when placing quick buy/sell orders for intraday trading.
I just hope PI is better than what ZT is when it comes to doing thebasic tasks like placing order & Price-volume charts (without the addons!) ! Thanks a lot.
Ravi, you will be pleasantly surprised with Pi. We have a new release next tuesday/wednesday. Do give it a shot.
nithin ji,
im using Pi silver theme which is good,but i hate the marketwatch which looks like a excel sheet.
nithin ji,
when are we going to get price alerts in Pi.
Hi Nithin
When are the daily and weekly charts going to be available on Pi.
We are testing this within our office. You should have it in the next 10 days.
Every time we select a stock or Index futures, default series is still Jan 2015. Please remove the Jan 2015 from the drop down option. It’s quite irritating.
Raghvendar, the next time you login, untick on the quick login button in the main login window. This will download the latest scripmaster and remove all the expired scrips. Do this once after every expiry.
nithin ji
the hourly chart of nifty fut is showing irregular data , look at the candles in black box (close of previous candle and open of next candle differance ). i spotted out only two cases there may be more ,
the silver theme is phenomenal…except the marketwatch…
Charts still showing mock trading session held on saturday (07 feb 15)…called zerodha helpline they not listening anything about PI and asking to contact through email only about any PI related issues. So one should not expect fast resolutions, huh?
Can you please let us know for which stock/script it is showing? We will have a cross check
Thanks,please check now.
Kindly try to setup one dedicated helpline for PI support…current mechanism of email support is time consuming…see 2mins thing taken 3hours…discount broker certainly doesn’t mean it performance wise, right?
Saga, we will have the entire team supporting Pi by the time we hit the final release.
Saga, there is no 7th Feb data showing on charts. If you have been logged in from the 6th, logout and log back in.
I never keep terminal open after market close…logged out on 6th and logged in today just before market open…after finding mock session data…logged out and logged in multiple times …even deleted charts files in “install_dir/pi/charts” folder…even tried by deselecting quick login option…problem remains….and due to lack of prompt support options, even after reaching afternoon trading session…I’m yet to get the solution 🙁
Hi Nithin,
Is it that holding of equity more than 10K is also not eligible for PI. Do we need to have 10K in cash to get the same. Please let us know.
For now Tauqir we are giving this to only our active clients. So either 10k in the trading account, or if you have been generating atleast Rs 200 to Rs 300 worth of brokerage per month.
Hi nithin,
I am not able to login to pi account.
ID: DM1916
Can you send an email to [email protected]
nithin ji
charts are showing mock trading data this morning , please erase them
Yes, we will have it removed by EOD.
Hi Nitin,
Good job done. Kudos for all the innovation and hard work you guys are putting in with minimum charges possible.
My query is about multiple marketwatch Multiple marketwatch is a must. Let me give you an example: In nest trader, i had multiple marketwatches named psubank, oil, steel etc. For example, If i saw sudden spurt or drop in a sectoal index like cnx psu banks, I would move to psubank marketwatch and could check all psubanks shares in one go. Which one is up by what percentage and which one is down, their ask and bid quantity to decide which one to buy or short. It was a very fast mechanism.
In pi, we d’nt have multiple marketwatch. shares from all sectors are there is one market watch. So It has become almost impossible to compare relative positions of shares from a particular index if that index has sharp moves. so Multiple market watch is a desired feature. Please add it as soon as possible. It will make life easy. Can we expect multiple marketwatch feature soon?
Yes Vishank, we are working on having multiple marketwatch, it will take a bit longer though.
Hi Nithin,
some weird thing i noticed in PI just want to bring to your notice, earlier i thought may be its not frequent but i see this now on a regular basis.
issue is when sit in the evening to scan through the market to find opportunities, i see that my market watch is filled with impossible data, for low and high’s market made for each options.
i have attached a screenshot here. is this common ???
Sarang, there was mock trading today at NSE and hence all the weird prices. Doesn’t happen like this on normal days. Do let me know if you spot this again.
Its happening today too, i will update you if this happens next week. thank you for quick reply.
Sarang, it will still be showing yesterday’s mock trading data on the marektwatch.
I made a request for PI. Status is still showing “Activation pending”.
Could you please activate the same as early as possible.
Client ID DK0807.
K. Lahon
your query is on the other blogpost: http://tradingqna.com/12194/afl-to-place-order-from-amibroker-to-pi-using-the-pi-bridge
I must say, I am quite impressed with the Pi software you and your team have created.
I have a feedback.
I could see that the VTD (Valid till date) orders for equity is not there with Zerodha, however in PI saw that there is an export of orders to Excel. If a functionality can be provided to import the orders from Excel (of course in the same format as exported), it can at least ease the process of order placement. Many traders are positional traders and they wait to enter a stock at a particular price. This import feature would definitely hep them.
Looking forward to this feature.
Client ID: DM1898
Sir, can you please tell us when you will be posting us the demo video for pi with respect to using scanner, artificial inetlligence and alerts section..
Sir, what time interval do i need choose for generating the daily candle in pi trading system. Is it 8 or 24 with respect mcx crude, nse fo charts etc. i know if we keep 5 for 1 min its generating 5 min candle chart but not sure about daily weekly candles.
DP, give us a few more days, the new patch will have an option to open daily candles. For now there is only minute and hourly candles.
In both bracket order and cover order , even if we are putting limit order ; it is always executing as market order . eg; when nifty is trading @ 8000 and if we put
a limit order to buy @8005 , it is executing at the available market price. as long
as you do something about this , these order types are not fully usefull to
most traders.
Ramesh, there is no bracket order available on Pi yet. Cover orders by default are market orders.
Every time after login we have adjusting the column settings(column width). My request is what settings we have done before closing the market watch window that should be displayed again after login
yes, we are working on having this fixed soon.
Hello Nithin/Zerodha,
Sir,It is fantastic to be associated with you,the amount of Standard information(Zerodha varsity)you provide in this website is really great.
Just want to Suggest Something,If you can start some technical(Training on software’s like amibroker ) and fundamental training(In Stock Markets) programs on monthly basis(Like Atma Does),it would be really great.
Also ,i have been using PI for last Couple of weeks. Candlestick charts with S&R and Fibonacci retracement ,will always help in making some decent money.So if you can add the Indicator which can indicate whether it is a bullish pattern(ex-Hammer) or bearish pattern(Ex-Hanging Man),it would be really helpful.
Once Again appreciate your great work.
Could you please have a look at my post and let me know your opinion.
Rohan, don’t know if we have the bandwidth to run physical classroom kind of training. But yes, we have planned a module, Programming for traders on varsity.
Pi has pattern recognition, but to recognize candlestick patterns as and when it happens, hmm… it will probably take us some time. I am adding on our list of things though…
Also I did not get what we mean by ‘Periodicity”
I wanted to use scanner for higher timeframes like 60/120 mins. In drop down its shows only 30 min.Am i missing something?
You can use the hourly candle, and use periodicity as 1 or 2. 1 hr candle or 2 hr candle, which is like 60 min or 120 min.
So if you want to choose 5 min candle choose periodicity as min, and bar interval as 5.
Intra day chart is a very basic requirement in a platform–Pi not having it
Didn’t get you? Intraday chart not working for u?
Well how to get intra day chart? Is it buy setting say 5min .No of candles? Why not by clicking the small trend indicating sketch and then selecting 1m/3m/5min. And again line….. also dividing line between dates……
If you have the latest patch, to open an intraday chart, choose periodicity as minute, and bar interval as 1 if you want 1 min chart. bar interval as 5 if you want 5 min chart. Day separator line will be added soon..
Hi Nithin,
Pls try to give us the following in the next release.
1.Pls enable shortcuts +/- for Buy/Sell.
2.A very basic and important tool – Pivot Points.
Hi Nithin,
One more observation–while navigating a chart by moving right or left, data stops updating in other charts for the time i keep pressing the arrow keys. I found this when multiple charts were streaming at the same time in a single window
Would you check if this is a bug?
Please also mention internet bandwidth requirements in “Installation help” document for ideal running of Pi.
Having this checked. A 2mbps line is required for optimum performance.
Hello Sir,
Is it possible to change the SL Trigger Price in Cover Order, once it is executed (buy or sell). If possible how can we do it. Also when can we expect the BO.
Yes, go to pending order, and modify the pending SL order. We are making a few changes on Pi to make this more intuitive. BO will take a little longer.
Sir, I tried to put SL in pending order. But it doesn’t change, Could you please check. DL 0071
Chart open price differs from market open price both NF &BNF–today
Vasu, we will have a new patch next week. This issue will be fixed.
HI Nitin,
First congratulation on getting this amazing thing rolling out this in a massive scale. I would consider myself a novice in trading. However this tool is super helpful.
COuple of things i notice:-
– Pattern recongintion is a wonderful tool for day traders & also for positional traders. However there are a few thing that are not working like elliot wave(not sure if there is something wrong happening from my end) second request you to add something supertrend as well over here…would be of great help.
– different type of charts a great thing, what i’m looking to see is ability to buy/sell even on other chart types like Heikin ashi etc
– lastly not sure what is the roll out plan for daily candles, but would be great if you release the same before the final roll out
I would also like to know more about scripting, also know there is tons of literature in Z Connect, however it would be really helpful if you can upload short videos of different things that can be done like on a weekly basis. This helps people like me to script things as we have regular jobs to manage 🙁
Again, congratulation for bringing this amazing tool closer to reality.
and Pls pls pls include black theme also or customization options on mkt watch–very strain full below white light and distracted.
It seems you are telling about the connection status,alert & messages window,yes its very distracting.
Hello Nithin,
PFA the screenshot from my Orderbook page and the transaction information I received from NSE.
Earlier today, I placed an order for Indosolar for Intraday trade for 4000 qty, the order was not executed and I cancelled it after a few mins. After cancellation I remember seeing “Order is not open” message and it was not filled, but I’m shocked to see that the order was actually filled and it was not squared off as well (I agree it is in lower circuit).
I need a reason as to why there are contradictory messages about order cancellation and fullfillment. I’m using the Pi platform with the recent patch 30/1/2015. Is the Pi platform unreliable? I’m concerned and worried.
And now what happens to my open intra-day position? This is my second question.
Note: I have logged an issue for this a while back and waiting for reply. Tkt# 280618
Hey elegant, the trading engine that runs Pi is the same as NEST/ZT. So there is no issues with it. Your snapshot the status of order as completed, see the column next the red circle on top. So your order was completed, and yes since the stock would have hit circuit, MIS square offs would not have been done.
Your open intraday position will continue to exist in your trading account.
The status was NOT showing as complete in the Orders Page in Pi and that is the reason I had to cancel (not even partially filled). The moment I cancelled, rejection reason appeared and it showed “order is not open”.
Why would rejection reason show up when I try to cancel a filled order (I didn’t know it was filled, if it was, the order should have not been sitting in the orders page, Isn’t it?)
It is best that you discuss with our support executive. Like I said the engine is the same, so whatever happens on NEST is same on Pi. It is possible that when you pressed on cancel, at the same time the order got filld. So before you cancelled it was already executed, and hence the rejection reason said order not open.
Thanks Nithin for the clarifications late in the night. I’m almost convinced about the back end engines and that its not an issue with Pi execution, but what bothers me is that I didn’t know I had an open position until the contract note was out. The voice alerts for a filled order, the trade book, none of them updated, which is quite disturbing.
I have an open ticket anyways, will get in touch with your executives tomorrow morning.
Forgot to add another point which is related to the image. The high of Infy was 2212 but it was still showing as 2199 in the ‘High’ column.
Checking this
Dear Nithin,
1. Application gets hanged more often. There is no Refresh Broadcast choice.
2. We cannot color code for Day’s high/low, life high/low. This code will be useful for traders when we have more than 10 scripts in the market watch window and if some script is making new high or low, we can trade it fast based on the color code information.
3. There is no option of selecting NSE, MCX, CDS scripts during the start of the application. Since I am not trading in currencies, I do not need them. So, if I do not select them, the application will load a bit more faster. Since there 60 thousand scrips to get downloaded, it will take time. So, there should be an option to choose NSE/BSE/MCX/CDS like we had in NEST.
4. We have only the Green and Red as the color code for high’s and low of the scripts. We need more color code options. Because of the harshness of the Red color, we cannot see that for a longer time.
5. Even though Jan series is over, we still see that in the drop down box of Future Stock/Index, Option Stock/Index. By accidentally we may choose the last month series. This should not happen.
6. Even though the workspace is saved, the next day when we login, all the scripts are not in an order. They would have jumbled their places. I normally save scrips according to the sectors. These never happened in NEST.
7. Limit order is not working. Even if Limit order is placed, it takes as Market Order.
8. There is a delay in the quotes sometimes.
9. What is the maximum number of scrips that we can we have in market watch and how many market watch can we have?.
Friends, I would like to thank the entire team of Zerodha for working on this tool persistently since the last 6 months. Please think once again, we are paying only Rs 20 for one executed order and no where in India we are given such low brokerage and such good platform at low price. So do not be harsh in your comments. Please give the team some time to give us a good trading terminal (Pi).
If you untick quick login, new scrip master is downloaded and all the expired contracts get removed.
Limit order definitely works, can u send an email to [email protected] with ur contact number if it happens again.
What internet speed do u have, there is no delay in quote that we have spotted.
Currently u can have 50 scrips.
Internet comes back, the broadcast is auto refresh. Make sure that you have good internet.
Sir plz add on BO in pi.
nahi to call and trade main aallow please
does the Current Zerodha Trading Platform and/ or the latest PI is compatible / support Croma XT1179 8″ Windows 8.1 Tablet (Black)
i m planning to buy the above device
Dear Nithin,
I am very new to PI as i installed it yesterday only. Below are some of my observations.
1. It will be better to include/enable “Interval change” option in Chart right click option.
2. Drew a Fib. Retr at chart tab using complete zoom out area for banknifty feb fut. (0% at 21134.51& 100% at 18445.10). I believe
the Fib. Retracement values should not change, (i mean the value of 38.2%, 50%) whatever view/Zoom positions i choose to have. If i
zoom in or scroll horizontally using mouse in Chart tab these values change. The Retracement values should remain the same for
(0% at 21134.51& 100% at 18445.10).
3. Not getting Tradescript help or System help. Getting error “There is a problem with Adobe Acrobat/Reader. If it is running, please
exit and try again. (103:103)
4. From chart if i want to open a workspace it goes to Pi Directory “G:\Zerodha\Pi”, But if i want to save it goes to C:\Users\Desktop.
It would be better to change the default save directory of workspave to Pi “G:\Zerodha\Pi”
5. How to close the additional pane opened for any Tech Analysis.
6. It would be better to include/enable “Remove indicator” option in Chart right click option.
1. Changing interval from the chart, is not possible for now.
2. Checking this.
3. You will need a PDF reader. You can also find it here, check out for the sections that say algoz, algoz and tradescript are the same.
4. Putting on our list
5. Right top of the chart, there is a close button.
6. you can left click on the indicator and hit delete button. Or left click on the button, white square boxes appear on the indicator, right click on it and say delete series.
It’s like gone in 60 seconds movie! Though I knew the margins are short to keep the positions to carry forward to next day I saw that the positions are getting squared off! I guess your Risk Desk guys are doing this!
Nitin – I’m not sure about this but do you give at least one day for retail traders to deposit the short fall of margin? I live in SG and by the time the India Commodities Trading hour complete it is 2.25 AM here. Within two days I lost about INR 5,00,000!
Mary, the risk management system squares off when your positions loose 60 to 70% of the capital, and it is required to ensure the accounts don’t go into debit. Exchanges charge a short penalty if the SPAN margin is not in the account overnight. So even by exchange compliance rules, the minimum SPAN has to be maintained in the account. The best way to trade commodities is by being under leveraged especially in volatile times like these.
Hi Mary,
Market is there for whole life..so please trade wisely… money management is must. My humble request please consider risk first then reward. No matter whether you have crore or thosand!
Money lost is tough to digest. and as rule says if you have to win you have to bet, but to bet you require capital…so have strict rules and trade accordingly..sorry for unwanted advise..
Hi there,
I am using Pi, but it suddenly stopping and some times it hangs (not responding). but it stops frequently, it comes back after 10 secs or 20 secs. I am using 15 mbps speed net and my laptop is advanced one.
Hi Nitin,
When ever I try to place a order Buy/Sell Pi just Hangs. After restarting Pi there is no Order. Lost some trades today. Yes i have installed the latest version including the Patch. Hope some solution for this.
Can you send your contact to [email protected]?
Getting below issue(See attached image) while opening chart in pi.
Could anybody help me to resolve the issue.
My Client Id DS3538
Thanks in advance
Testing PI.
I am not able to modify the cover order placed at times. Although the value being quoted is well within the range.
Can you send a snapshot of it the next time to [email protected]
Hey Nithin, another problem I am facing with the 4H chart today is like in the below pic, once I open the chart, the current candle starts just then so it doesn’t give the actual OHLC.
Yes, we will have this sorted with the next patch.
one currency charts candles opening from yesterdays close instead of today’s open…check eur/inr 15 mins chart attached.
in case this problem is looked into, today the candle shows gap down, but there is still difference in open price…see the image.
Yep we are looking into this.
this is age old problem with zerodha. i’ve been facing this problem (also reported it to zerodha, but didn’t get any solution so far) since long time in nest trader. plus, a new candle gets generated 1.5 minutes later than time frame. last but not least, missing data base issue is also there since long time, when reported it to zerodha, i was clearly said that it’s not gonna solved.
Hey Nehal, this is not NEST and I don’t think you are using Pi. No such issues on Pi. The issue that PT has pointed to, will be sorted by next patch update.
quotes in pi are stopping quite frequently today. also they seem to be lagging many times.
i am facing this problem for last 3/4 days, today it is quite severe.
i am using 512 kbps bsnl broadband connection, everything else works quite fine.
is there a solution for this ?
Is working fine here, can you send an email to [email protected] with your contact number
Hi Nithin, Nifty Feb Fut 4 hour chart candle is incorrect (9AM to 1 PM) candle. The Open was 8846 as per MW and NSE site too. However the candle is showing open as 8813 which has caused the candle to appear different. Please check the same at your end.
hi nitin :- as u said ” Shortcut key to invoke order book is F3.” . thats ok . But after that if we want to delete an order we simply hit delete. But to modify an order we need to first “click” modify then change price and submit.
For scalpers or during trading on a volatile day it is not useful. So a keyborad press to modify would be great.
Ah got it. Will put it up on our list.
Hi Nithin,
Quick question – installed Pi on Windows8 pc. After installation..and logging in… i get a popup Avant Garde Trading and in the background i can see the main terminal. Under the Connection & Order Status tab it says – Downloading symbols for Exchange. Its been like this for 20 minutes now. Any suggestions?
Ignore this question – its working.
Dilip, the first login can take upto 15 minutes, longer if you have slow internet speed. From the second time, make sure to have your quick login ticked.
Is there any problem on data feeding in Pi after the patch installation ?
Nothing that we have spotted, can you tell what issue you are facing?
Couple of suggestions / feature requests.
1. F1/F2 doesnt work in snap quote window. It is a feature that is required for active traders.
2. Sorting doesnt happen in Order Book / Trade Book.
3. Option to configure fonts for market watch. Increase font size etc.
1 and 2 on our list
3. You can go to user setting under view (Ctrl + P) and change the font size there.
I am getting this type of ERROR, please give solution.
Can you mail us your teamviewer/Ammy session credentials at [email protected]
Dear Sir ,
Thanks for activation of Pi ,I am getting error like this,
NItin ji,
thnks for the patch update,now its seamless working chart are auto updating without any reopens…great job,there is one thing which you should consider for pi as we are aiming for global level platform we need to change some common colors in the pi,namely the chart candle stick colors look traditional i am using RB(51,204,204) sky blue.and RGB(255,153,51) orange..which looks fabulous and also complements the volume,indicator colors very well.i got inspired from http://www.netdania.com,if possible it can be made default.
mm, after the final release, we should be able to give you the option to select your own colors. For now we are working on having the final release out soon.
I wish a very small modification. Please invoke a shortcut key for modifying orders like in ZT. Also in the order placement window, please enable the arrow keys to change the price by the allowed ticks as in ZT. I hope its a very small request
Saurabh, we have an updated patch available on Q. Do install and run it. The arrow key thing is already done. Shortcut key to invoke order book is F3.
experienced something weird…for short time, its all fine now, may be worth reporting..
Tried to login with pi, nothing seems to happened after entering id and password, so
– tried blank password, got related error message
– Entered wrong password to check if its connecting to server, again got related error message
– Entered right password again nothing happened.
– Tried again and a window in attached imaged showed up, did not know what to enter in text boxes as it was missing lables.
– Tried to login from web and it said “Try Normal Login” (in attached image).
Finally all started working again, both pi and web.
PT, we run our end of day process early hours of the morning. It is possible that the platforms will be down around that time 1am to 5am.
i thought so, thanks..may be a better message will avoid the confusion..
i have one question . i have 20 k in my account if i buy 11 k stock in cash segment using cnc then do i still use pi or is 10 k required at the time .
Yes Bipin, you can use Pi. The condition is just to ensure that people who are active with us only get Pi.
Updated the patch after market hours, first experience is quite good…pi now opens quite faster …chart opening still takes time though less than 2 mins though so not that bad…..
observed that
1) The charts with yesterday still has corrupted data. can you provide button to refresh chart that will download fresh data incase users box has corrupted/incomplete ? see attached file.
2) The market watch shows contract expiry from Jan 2015…these contracts are no more active can it be updated for valid contracts only?
PT, depends on how many candles you are trying to load. If you ask for 1000 to 2000 candles, and you have decent broadband speed, it should ideally open in few seconds.
1. Having this checked.
2. When you login, untick on the quick login button. This will update the scrip master to the latest one. So it will remove all JAn, and add May contracts.
thanks, 2nd point is resolved after removing the quick login check
Will be great to get the data for currencies fixed too. saw same issue with EUR/INR and USD/INR for yesterday….