Zerodha updates – Sep 2015
We have been working on a bunch of things which are fructifying now. Some very exciting updates for all of you.
1. Kite (web) which is in beta has just received a major overhaul in terms of charting. 99 indicators, 15 drawing tools, templates, ease of changing time frames, and much more. If you haven’t checked it out yet, visit https://kite.zerodha.com and let us know what you think. Here are some pointers if you are using Kite for the first time.
- Press the ~ key, or simply click on the search box, to bring out the contract omnisearch (lets you instantly search tens of thousands of contracts across exchanges).
- Put whatever keywords you want in the search box separated by spaces.
nse eq icic
nifty jul fut
nifty opt ce 8500
opt bank nif aug - You can use up and down arrow keys to browse the entries you’ve added to the marketwatch. With an entry focused on, you can press:
B – buy
S – sell
D – toggle market depth (bids and offers)
C – chart
Del – delete the item
2. Quant & Q have been updated with a few new features
Holdings visualization to track your sector wise market exposure.
Notifications for all your account activity and a symbol wise search for a quick summary of trades, profitability, open position, completion of trade process and more.
3. Our DP business has finally gone live. You can now hold a Zerodha demat account instead of having to maintain it with IL&FS. All our existing clients who wish to migrate to our demat account will have to sign a new demat form (also available on download section of our website) and send it back to us. You don’t need to send us fresh set of documents as we would already have what you had submitted while opening the trading account.
If you already have opened an IL&FS demat account, make sure to also send the ILFS closure letter so that all stock can be moved from ILFS to Zerodha demat with zero cost. The AMC charges for Zerodha Demat of Rs.300 are collected at the end of the financial year on a pro-rata basis and the Demat account opening charges are Rs.100. DP charges are Rs8 +Rs.5.5 = Rs.13.50 which is charged only on the sell side of the transaction
4. Varsity’s option theory module is coming up beautifully. From basics to understanding volatility, normal distribution, option greeks and more. Click here to check it out.
We will soon have the official launch of Kite, and hopefully Kite mobile will follow soon after. We are also working on a bunch of surprises for all of you before the end of 2015. If you have complaints, ideas, or suggestions don’t forget to email me on [email protected].
Do help spread the word!
Happy Trading
A query regarding ‘Bids’ option given in Kite platform.
Our holding which could be offered against auction are displayed. If we offer our holding and the same is executed, do we get additional payment, collected from the defaulter as penalty towards short delivery? How is this transaction shown in the contract?
Hi, you can learn all about the auction markets here.
I’ve been a zerodha customer for 2 years now. Initially an IL&FS demat account was opened for me. Recently I approached zerodha support to get my residential address changed. The person who I spoke to also suggested me to transfer my demat account from IL&FS to zerodha. I was told it would take only 2 working days to get it done.
I walked into zerodha JP Nagar office and submitted all the forms required for demat along with IL&FS closure form on 22nd Sept. After a couple of days, I bought some shares. Since then I’ve observed that there is discrepancy in the number of shares listed in my terminal. The average buying price is also incorrect. I’ve called up support multiple times but no one is giving me a proper response. They just opened a support ticket to which no one responded.
I still dont know if:
– My zerodha demat is operational or not
– My IL&FS demat closure is done or not
– Why there is a discrepancy in number of shares and avg buying price displayed.
Highly dis-satisfied with the lack of response
Hey Ramnath, your ticket has been responded to. Your holdings will be back to normal once the shares are transferred from your IL&FS demat
My Client ID is XXXXXXXX, i want to fill IPO , BUT i READ ONLINE THAT IN bank website , i have to enter zerodha demat detail , so i have some query to register ASBA in AXIS BANK
1) Bank Asking Depository Name(NSDL/CDSL) , Client Id & DP IDIS Client ID as asked by Axis bank is same as Benefciary ID
MY detail is
Kindly help
Here are the details that you’ll have to fill:
Depository name: NSDL
Client ID: 11XX0X39
DP Id: IN300095
I’ve removed your account details from the post for privacy reasons.
I have Zerodha trading a/c and IL FS demat a/c. Today Rs.724 have been deducted from my saving bank a/c. I’m surprised as to why Rs.724 has been deducted??
I am guessing the AMC charge for 2 years? Can you email [email protected]
I have already paid AMC charges at the start and after 6 months, I get deduction of Rs 82 “Being DP AMC charges for period of April 2016 to March 2017.”. Please explain this.
Account opening charges are collected at account opening. AMC charges collected at end of every financial year at pro rata basis.
Hi Nithin,
The quality of service is getting degraded day by day. As a trading platform the first and foremost thing is to execute the orders when client place them. And in-ability to do that is a red flag about the stability and quality of the platform.
Kite having problem. Always getting “Error fetching quote:400” in very chart load.
Soumen, we were running some maintenance activity yesterday night.
I am unable to do trade due to chart problem (error fetching quote 400) I have also called to tenchical team but problem not resolved .Plz suggest
Hi Team,
The patterns that I draw on the Kite web chart do not get saved and I an unable to see the patterns on Kite Android app. I believe there must be some kind of auto-save feature which is not working well. There is no “SAVE” button for manually saving the charts either.
Can you please help me resolve the issue?
PS: I have been using charts from tradingview.com since last few months. The charts and drawing tools are visually appealing and very user friendly with so many tweaking options (compared to Zerodha tools). Unfortunately now they have started charging fees for live NSE/BSE data. I am sure you are going to consider this constructive criticism and start working towards making your tools better.
Charts & Patterns currently get auto saved every 60 seconds. Once it’s auto saved, you’ll be able to see the pattern on the mobile app also.
I had opened trading account in Zerodha, long back. My demat account is still with ILFS. Now I understand that you are providing demat service. I want to transfer the stocks from ILFS to Zerodha. But I have a question. I saw in some of the above answers that the process can take several days (best case) to weeks or months (in worst case). During this timeframe, can I trade normally ? If there is any possible impact in trading, please let me know so that I can time this changeover – based on my trading down time. I do not want to miss out any market opportunity due to this change. Please advise.
There’s no downtime as such. You’ll have to first get your Zerodha Demat account opened post which you’ll have to submit the transfer cum closure form to ILFS. ILFS doesn’t process any closure requests from 1st – 10th of every month.
Hi Venu,
Thanks for your reply but it does not address my question (or it tactfully bypasses the question I would say). My question is simple. During the transfer process (and I mean the entire end-to-end process, I am not interested to think about any specific part of it, that you have to take care), is there any chance of my trading to pause. Even if it is paused for a day, I have to think. You misunderstood my word “downtime”. I meant, if there is a possible impact on my trading while the transfer is happening, I will time this event when I am personally away… so that the transfer can happen without an impact. Please do not take it otherwise, but I think Nithin will be better able to address this question if possible, instead of you.
Once you open a Zerodha demat account, it gets mapped as your primary account and ILFS automatically becomes your secondary account. Subsequently, all shares that you purchase will get credited to your Zerodha demat account. The only bit of ‘impact’ that can happen is, if you purchase shares that you’re already holding in your ILFS account, which now get credited to your new Zerodha demat account, the holdings on the terminal will not club the quantities and show. It would show holdings of only one demat. So if you’re holding 100 shares of Reliance in your ILFS account and now buy additional 50 shares of Reliance, which gets credited to your Zerodha demat, holdings on the terminal would show of only one demat account and not combined holding of 150. Apart from this there’s no other impact. Nithin is currently traveling and has limited access.
Thanks Venu, it helps. I understand the purchase part now. But my worry is more on the sell part. When my Zerodha demat account is created, but my shares or options are not yet transferred from ILFS, how do I sell the shares or options lying in my ILFS account ? Is there a way to switch between Zerodha demat and ILFS demant from kite ? Because of the price fluctuation, it might become urgent to sell some of the old shares or options. If there is a possible impact on the sells until they are all transferred to Zerodha, I will rather wait for a time when my existing holding is minimum in ILFS and only then I will initiate this switch over. Please suggest.
Options are Derivative contracts, they don’t sit in the demat account. So you could possibly sell it anytime you want. You opening a new demat account will have no bearing on the option/future trades. As far as equity shares are concerned, on the platform, we show you shares held in both ILFS and Zerodha demat account. Nothing changes for you as an investor, you can sell your holdings from the Kite login. Depending on what stocks you’ve sold, the broker debits shares from the respective demat account.
Great! Thank you so much. I will then initiate this switch over process next week itself. If I get stuck, I will write back for help.
Hi Sir,
Today i checked ledger of my Equity account. Most of days DP charges are taken form my account. Can you the details that what are the DP Charges and how to avoid this. As i am new here please help me.
Check this link, has everything you need to know about DP charges.
Small suggestion for Kite Android App.
Kindly Add Percentage % Gain/Loss NetChange in Holding same like in web interface. Currently only amount shown in app.
You can add % gain/loss in to bracket with amount above amount.
Or above amount field and in line of Quantity which is currently blank space.
Awaiting positive response with update.
Ah sure, making a note.
Hi Venu/Nithin
I hope that you are aware about the limitations of CDSL depository where all companies have not admitted their shares for demat. Zerodha has now blocked buy on such companies which have demated shares only with NSDL. I am aware about at least one Such company. Such limitations must have been brought to customer’s attention and choice of IL&FS NSDL should remain present if customers want to trade such companies. See ticket 332135.
I am stuck in IL&FS to Zerodha transfer process since last 6 weeks. My ticket 243539 has been abruptly closed without any logical conclusion or guidance on how this issue can be resolved. One company that we hold is not admitted on CDSL and hence transfer is on hold, company is blocked for buying and no guidance by support team on how to come out of this deadlock?
There were average 4-5 errors in all three new Zerodha CDSL accounts and some of them are still unresolved after 4 weeks. Ticket 101442 is still open.
Hope to get your attention on this issue and active involvement by competent authority to find solution to allow trading on such companies.
Hi Hiren,
Companies listed on the Exchange may choose to get listed on either of the Exchanges or on both the Exchanges. It’s a choice left to them. Likewise, they can choose to get listed on either of the depositories or on both the depositories. In cases where the stock is listed in only one of the depositories, it isn’t possible for us to transfer stock to your demat account where it isn’t listed. I’ve gone through your feedback where you’ve said to hold back such stocks in our pool account. Please note that as a business, we don’t hold back any securities of our clients, mostly because they are fully paid. Plus the Exchanges & Depositories penalise brokers heavily if client stocks are kept in the Pool account. When we block a stock on the trading platform, it’s blocked to all clients. There’s no provision to allow a set of clients to trade in such stock. We will explore the possibilities of how this can be fixed and will try to come up with a resolution in the coming days. But for now, there’s no option to buy this stock.
Will get someone to assist you with the errors on the demat account. We’ll have this fixed asap.
Dear Venu
Thanks for giving attention. I understand the challenges. Unfortunately we will have to find another broker again for this requirement as ICICI like brokers restrict trading based on risk assessment and Zerodha is now forced to restrict buy of certain companies due to CDSL limitations.
I have received call from team member and rectification work has resumed. Appreciate the efforts.
Can anyone help me know my Client ID and DP ID that I have at Zerodha, and I need to fill an IPO, also is there any process through Zerodha to get the forms,
I am new to Zerodha, help from anyone will be appreciated,
Thank You,
Janish Jain
Janish, currently we don’t have IPO facility, we will start soon. If you login to Q.zerodha.com you can see Depository ID and Beneficiary ID. DPID followed by BOID is your client ID to apply for IPO. So it would be something like this 1208160000000017 (the last 8 numbers will be unique to you. first 8 numbers is Zerodha’s DP ID).
If I close my IL&FS demat account and move my holding to Zerodha demat account, would there be any charges (off-market debit, etc.) levied by IL&FS?
No, if you can send us the closeout letter (for ILFS), all shares will be moved free of cost.
Hi, Is there any way so that I can track all the shares which are Oversold from last last 5 days ie. RSI<30??
Not possible currently.
Thanks sir for your reply. I am holding an account with Zerodha and I always miss these features. My clientid is RN3833.
Is there any chances in future if we can have these features/reports to capture all the shares with below attributes. I believe If we have them, it will be truely a great advantage for us because we can’t track all.
1. All stocks Overbought(RSI>70) last 5 days
2. All stocks crossing RSI mid-line from last 5 days
3. All stocks Oversold(RSI<30) from last 5 days
4. All Stocks down 5 days in row
5. All stocks up 5 days in row
Yeah possibly in the future, but will take time.
I am holding an account with Zerodha and a DP account with ShareKhan (NSDL) too. Is it possible if I can do share transfers from Sharekhan to Zerodha. If yes, please let me know the process?
Thanks in advance.
No, we don’t allow transfer and subsequent sale from our trading account. If you wish to sell delivery stocks, you’ll have to have a demat account at Zerodha.
I am already holding a DP Account with Zerodha. I wanted to transfer shares from ShareKhan account to Zerodha.
You’ll have to fill the DIS and submit it to Sharekhan who will initiate the transfer.
Hey, got a confusion. My client id is RN3833.
My Sharekhan DP is NSDL but Zerodha DP is CDSL. So is it possible to transfer shares from NSDL to CDSL?
Yes possible. Ask Sharekhan for inter depository transfer slip. On that mention the Zerodha CDSL DP ID and transfer.
Thanks a lot
Thnks for help. Last and final query.. Can I use other bank/account to buy by giving demat details or have to use same account which is registered in zerodha?
Normally you’ll apply through a Bank’s login, the bank account could be different than what you’ve given to Zerodha.
I have opened zerodha demat account. How shall I know its a cdsl or nsdl?
I am trying to bid an ipo but its giving me these 2 options. Also if I select cdsl dp id is not editable but in case of nsdl its editable.
So confused which one to select because in case of cdsl only benificiary acc is enabled and in nsdl both dp and benificiary is enable.
If I select cdsl then how ipo ll be subscribed to my demat acount?
You need to choose CDSL, DP ID: 12081600 (it is the same for all zerodha clients) BO ID: (8 digit number unique to u.. u can login to https://q.zerodha.com/user/profile/ and check). While applying to IPO ention DP ID + BO ID
Really thanks for quick reply!
one question: For CDSL dp id field is disabled in HDFC netbanking option so i need to fill only beneficiary ID details there.
Yes, fill the entire 16 digit ID 12081600XXXXXXXX in the beneficiary ID slot.
Currently I have DP account with IL&FS and trading account with Zerodha. I have 20 scripts with different quantities. Inorder to move all the scripts to Zerodha demat.
1. Do I need to send you only the Zerodha demat account opening form and ILFS closure form?
2. Or do I need to include the Delivery Instruction Slip too?
Just the closure form is enough.
Thank you ! You guys are so fast. And I am very slow 🙂
I would like to open my Trading Account with Zerodha and have a Demat account with IL&FS is that still possible or I have not option but to open the Demat account with Zerodha only now that Zerodha has its own Demat account services are now live. Thank you.
Yeah Reema, no option to open ILFS now. You will have to open a demat with us.
i came across this advt on investar that mentions zerodha+investar . Whats the news ? it is a good choice to tie up with investar , they are delayed live & the software is great.
Please provide us more details
You can place orders directly from the investar software now. I guess investar will have more info on this for you. They have uploaded a webinar on the same.
1) when r u starting margin -lending for delivery?
2) Whenever a share purchased or sold immediately sms message will be received ( in Kotak Securities)…I suggest similar type of service from your end?
“The AMC charges for Zerodha Demat of Rs.300 are collected at the end of the financial year on a pro-rata basis and the Demat account opening charges are Rs.100.” — Quoted by Zerodha
I have paid the my demat account when I opened account with Zerodha. But As per your comments, you mention amount will be charged at the End of every year
If you have already paid, it won’t be debited.
Do you offer SLB
Hi Venu/Nithin,
I got zerodha dp account opening form.
a) From where i can find IL&FS DP account closing form?
b)Also i have pledge the shares which is present in IL&FS DP account. should i release the pledge before closing the DP account?
Please confirm.
a. Here is the link.
b. Yes, you will have to unpledge before closing.
Thank you Nithin. will be initiating the process next week.
I am in process to open demat account with zerodha . earlier my demat was with sbicapsec. how to transfer shares from sbicap sec to Zerodha.
Open your Demat account at Zerodha.
Fill the DIS (Delivery Instruction Slip), by entering the stock names and the quantities you wish to transfer. You’ll also have to mention your Zerodha demat account number in the DIS slip and submit it to SBI. On receipt, they’ll initiate the transfer to your Zerodha demat account.
Did this get resolved?
If so, would like to know where to find the DIS (online or offline) since I, too, am in the process of transferring from SBIcapsec to Zerodha.
My ILFS account already closed 10 days back, How to check my shares are transferred to Zerodha Dmat account?
You can login to Q.zerodha.com and look at holdings.
How do I login to the Zerodha DP and check the holding? Or is it the same Q dashboard with portfolio?
IT is the same Q dashboard with portfolio. I guess CDSL would have sent a direct login to their website, where you can see the same as well.
Hi Zerodha team,
I have trading account with Zerodha and Demat with IL&FS. I would like to switch to Zerodha demat. As per your above information, I understand that you need only the signed demat form “which is available under my profile” and IL&FS closure form right? No need of any other ID documents or bank cheque required?
Also, can I send the signed documents via email for faster processing?
Ela, we will not be able to accept online forms, you will have to print, sign, and send it to us.
Hi Nithin,
Thanks. Just the application form is enough right? or do you need any other ID documents or cancelled cheque from my side?
Just the form should be okay unless you have changed your address/bank. In which case send new proof of whatever has changed.
Another feedback:
Is it possible for you to incorporate a buffer zone within the Pi chart area ( above & below ) . The reason being one can place indicators & lines in advance once the price reaches the end of the chart area below or above.
You have this facility in Kite where one can shift the screen area within the chart to be ready for market movements upwards or downwards.
I have seen this facility hence my suggestion
On pi it will be little tricky. But yes on our list of things to do.
Hi Any update on ZERODHA DEMAT Pledging Nitin Sir?
we are now at mid of Jan?
we been told 1st Week of jan, Collateral facility for Zerodha demat will be ready…
Its taking a little longer than expected. We’ll let you know once its out.
When will we hear the Good news about :
1. Kite Android app
2. BSE enabled in KITE
Both eagerly awaited
Kite web version is absolutely amazing
Dear Nitin ,
i am happy using PI .
My sincerely request you to address the issue of Volume bars in Pi . Instead of blue color please change to red / green bars . All your other indicators are in color except the volume bars below in Pi charts.
there has been a recent small update in Pi and i was looking forward to this small change which i hope is taken care soon.
Hmm.. let me see if we can do it by next release.
Dear Nitin & Team Zerodha
Wishing you all the best for 2016.
Thank you for providing us the best & hope to see more exciting times ahead.
Previously I said that ILFS is responsible for dp migration confusion. No, Zerodha is responsible (for my case). Support team is denying that I sent them the closure form. Anyway I am sending it once again.
We’ll wait to receive the closure form and get your account closed.
Just a suggestion for kite mobile app for iOS and android.
Use of the Touch ID in IPhone or fingerprint sensor in android phones to login as well as for transaction password for the phones which are equipped with the fingerprint sensor would be useful for quick login s and transactions
Migration from ILFS to Zerodha dp is very confusing. I think ILFS is to blame for this. To close ILFS, I send the documents (including ILFS closure form) to Zerodha and paid all dues by net banking on 27.09. and mailed ILFS. In spite of this, they again debited my bank account by ECS on 28.09. Surprisingly, even after double payments, they are showing I have dues in my ILFS dp account. Zerodha has opened my dp, but it seems ILFS has not closed the account (I can login there and getting emails routinely)…I should not have issued ECS to ILFS…can Zerodha handle this?
Can you send an email to [email protected], we will speak to ILFS about this.
my client ID#DS2656, ten days back I couriered Dmat transfer forms, Still I dont know what is the status of my application. Please arrange to check.
i been in constant touch with zerodha support and pledge Emails for pledging my ZERODHA demat Account Holdings (nearly 1.9 Lacs) with 25 Stocks having mostly 5/6 K Value..
The reply i m getting from last 60 days ,i got So Upset..
First of all.. they say it soon.. we will be able to pledge the ZERODHA DEMAT from last 60 days..
Finally They now saying Jan 2nd Week Onwards.. Lets See will i able to PledgeMy Holdings or not…by JAN 2nd Week
They saying charge of 60 rs per line item(60 rs per stock)..
Last and Final Upset is..
minimum Stock value per stock is 50,000.. See as a common man i will not be able to Hold EACH stock Minimum 50,000 per stock..
MY Question To Zerodha is:
I have some other demats too(FORTUNE and PCSSecurities)
* They giving automatic Collateral for Whatever Holdings we have in DP ? Why then ZERODHA its Manual Process
* They are not charging 60 rs per stock holding.. ? Why then Zerodha Charging 60 Per line item
* There i dont see any Minimum limit like 50,000 per stock ? Why Then Zerodha keeping limit of 50,000 minimum value per stock to Pledge
Is then Zerodha Not for Small retailers (Who holds some 1.9 lacs with some diversified Holdings want to pledge and Trade safely in FNO using Some safe strategies in FNO targeting some safely monthly returns from the Pledged Capital) like Me..
Please dont just reply for a official purpose..Please give Proper Time bound and Valid replies
Mohan, the traditional ones who offer you margin without pledging stocks are doing so by lending money to the exchange on your behalf. They can afford to do this because the brokerage earned makes up for the money lending charges. Some of these guys even charge an interest for this. Our business model won’t allow us to offer you margin without pledging.
Until 3 months back, we had a partnership with ILFS for our demat business. We went live with Zerodha DP only recently and hence the delay in offering a pledging interface. We should have this up by 2nd week of Jan. yes, we will remove the minimum Rs 50k condition to pledge. As far as the pledging charges are concerned, we are charging as per actual. So this charge will continue.
Thanks Nithin for the Precise reply..
Looking forward to See The Pledging Enabled for Zerodha Demat Account soon
Hi Nitin,
Today is 12th Jan 2016..Still i Get “PLEGDING IMPOSSIBLE” with Zerodha Demat
Please give exact date or proper time bound replies…
I m fed up of keep tracking of this for last 2/3 months through [email protected]
We are waiting for some regulatory clearance. Should have some good news for you soon.
thanks you sir
Dear Team, The kite platform with live quotes is really helpful for me & the marketwatch can be made popout with other columns. The only challenge I see is I need to refresh every page after placing/executing the order to view the changes. Hope this will be taken care.
When you say DP charges are now with Zerodha, is there any difference in AMC charges comparing with IL&FS.
Yesterday it got debited “Being DP AMC Charges Debited: Rs 812.92”. Is this the yearly AMC charges you mean to say. So with IL&FS, is it Rs 812 irrespective of the transactions made throughout the year.
Jay, surprising that you are having to refresh every page. This should happen automatically. What browser are you using? Can you send an email to [email protected] with your client ID.
With Zerodha DP, the AMC is Rs 300 vs Rs 400 with ILFS. My guess is that you hadn’t been charged AMC for 2 years, and hence it was debited at one time.
I’ve been using Kite for a while and it’s been awesome. However, lately i keep getting “error fetching data”. This is starting to get very annoying as it costing me alot in my trades since i cant execute when i want to. Please sort this out.
Viraaj, last few days we have had connectivity issues. Should be sorted by the weekend.
I checked closure form target account details like DP ID and Client ID. I know DP ID but client ID I will not know until my new Demat account is opened.
So my question is, what should I fill for client ID?
Is it possible to send closure later once I my new Demat account is opened? In that case will it be still free transfer or ILFS will charge for it?
Yes, you’ll have to wait until your new demat account gets opened before you can transfer shares.
Yes, you can send the closure letter after the account is opened and transfer on closure is free.
what is RTA mentioned in demat opening form “I / We would like to share the email ID with the RTA”
RTA (Registrar & Transfer Agents) are people who store essential information relating to shareholders of listed stocks. They may choose to share relevant corporate information in regards to the shares you’re holding and its upto you to choose whether you’d like to receive such information on email.
I am happy with all the existing indicators on Kite . My trade experience has improved after using Kite which has some of the best indicators across trading platforms. I do tend to get swayed but confidence is high and i comfortably place high value orders thanks to Kite.
Keltner channels , Moving Average Envelope , ATR trailing , Rainbow MA , Ichimoku clouds all good indicators are available on Kite .
There is just a last one indicator request that i hope would be placed on Kite i.e Raff regression channel ( Linear regression channel ) .it forecasts the trend very well in advance and makes every trade profitable .
Also on priority at-least Please see if you can color the volume bars in Pi .It would be easy to differentiate between red & green in the volume which is currently monchrome blue only .
thanks thanks team zerodha
How many shares can i buy or sell in one intraday trade . For example can i place a intraday order of 2000 ril buy in MIS in one go, ( ofcourse subject to my cash margin availability ) . Does NSE have a restriction on the number of shares one can buy sell in one single trade in intraday. What is that limit , 3000, 5000, 10000??
There’s no restriction on the maximum number of shares that you can buy/sell. The restriction is on the order value which is Rs.1 crore/order
Hi Nithin,
Can you please look at adding the stock/ index comparison chart feature in Zerodha Kite… It will help us identify the strength/ weakness in a script visually. ICICI Direct trade racer has that feature…if you could add it to Zerodha Kite, that would be great. Thanks.
Yes, the compare chart bit should be up soon on Kite.
I opened demat with ILFS. Now I want to migrate to zerodha. I also want my current securities to be tranfered to zerodha demat. Will this be considered as selling the securities and buying them back? In other words, do I need to pay any tax for this transfer?
If you login to Q.zerodha.com and go to profile section, you will have a pre-filled demat account. Sign, print and send it back. No this won’t be considered as selling/buying. Transferring shares won’t affect anything in terms of taxation.
Why BSE is not being listed in the market watch?
SpiceJet is not traded on NSE!!
Whats wrong with you guys? Why don’t you mention it while opening the account in spite of asking it directly?
Kite is enabled only on NSE for now. BSE should be up soon. Until then if you want to trade on Spicejet you can login to trade.zerodha.com and purchase or download our desktop application pi.
Hi, I wanted to know whether it is possible to offer SMS service for informing about trades executed?? Actually I have field job and it’s kinda hard to get net connection at all places…
Currently we don’t, but we have plans to do this at an additional cost for all those wish to subscribe. Might take some time.
Hello Zerodha !
You guys are doing a fantastic work with all the advancements in technology you are making available in the hands of retail investors. Kudos !
Personally, I follow a strategy which is based on fixed price points, and now that you also have your own proprietary platform, I would like to know by when can we expect Valid Till Date (VTD) / Good Till Cancel (GTC) orders on the Pi platform ? It gets frustrating putting in After Market Orders everyday, and especially if doing in multiple stocks.
All the other major brokers with their proprietary platform have this service with them. So if this service is going to be rolled out soon, very well, otherwise unfortunately I will have to trade somewhere else in the meantime.
Yep, on our list. Hopefully very soon.
In PI, why is the EQ chart disabled if user doesn’t have demat account?? I mean to trade F&O we should be looking at underlying asset right?
The system doesn’t allow us to enable a particular segment and not allow trading in it which is why we’ve to activate Equity trading.
The Exchanges don’t allow trading in Equity segment without a demat account being mapped to the trading account. Since there are these dependencies, you have to have a demat account mapped. You can map your existing demat account also.
I am an existing customer, like to migrate Dmat account from IL&F to Zerodha, kindly arrange to send me pre-filled Dmat forms so that it can be done easily.
we want a great android app with all options to trade….not this crap app!!
On its way!
10 min chart where 11.10Am we are having new candle. In 10 min chart we should have only candles ending at 5 line. 9.15 am, 9.25 am, 9.35 am etc.,
Yes, this will be fixed soon.
Hi Nitin,
thanks for correcting 1 hr chart where new candle starts 15 min before. But 10 min chart has not been fixed yet. Please correct its asap.
Yes, getting this done.
Hi Nithin,
Kite is proving to be a great online tool but I feel that Pi is being neglected. Since I rely on BO I can only trade on Pi but the indicators that I prefer Ichimoku and SuperTrend are available in Kite but not in Pi. Please make it a priority to have the indicators in Kite available in Pi as well.
will zerodha pi get volume candle chart in future ?
On our things to do.
Hi , i dont know if this is the place for this but i had to say it , first of all i think you guys are great and are doing really good but still i have few complaints :
1. lately , Zerodha pi has been crashing a lot.
2. It takes atleast 5 minutes to place an order through phone
3. Kite shows in correct quotes many times
4. Today in muhurat trading i am not able to place order through trade.zerdha.com and it is all getting very frustrating now ..
I hope you take this in good taste and resolve this .
Getting someone to call you back. Pi, Kite issues aren’t really there, as in we haven’t received any complaints as such. Sreeni will call and check this out. ABout the order placing on the phone issue, we are working on increasing the team size to reduce the delay.
when are you planning to introduce co and bo in kite.?please consider it.
working on it, might take longer.
dear nitinji
plz update on ticket no 417663 i am Waiting from 5 days . but still zerodha team didnt replied me 🙁
We’ve already replied to your query. Your Zerodha Demat account has been opened. ILFS will process account closure after 10th.
i hav send a closer form of ILFS and opning account Zerodha demat account form to migrat demat account in Zerodha so in how much time to my demat account will migrate in Zerodha demat
Hi Kamath,
Why the dp charges are not included in brokerage calculator. When i compared with icicidirect, icicidirect is not charging any dp charges where as zerodha charging Rs 8 + depository charges
All brokers will charge DP charges. This is because the Depositories themselves charge the brokerages a flat fee of Rs.4.5 (NSDL) and 5.5 (CDSL) for every debit transaction from demat account. They may charge it separately as DP charges or the high brokerage they charge would cover for DP charges.
DP charges are only charged on when you sell any shares from your Demat account. BTST transactions although are delivery transactions in nature, would not attract DP charges. In light of these complexities, DP charges aren’t included on the brokerage calculator.
Similar to the quantity freeze limit on stocks, is there a 10000 quantity limit per order on Liquid Bees ? Larger orders are not going through….
Quantity limit: 10L
Value limit: 1 cr
This isn’t set by the Exchanges. This limit can be set by brokers.
Ok, I was told by your Support guys that its a limit that is imposed by the exchange. Can you pls help regarding increasing the limit
Its one limit set for all clients. Exchanges do require brokers to set a limit but don’t define the cap. This is to prevent rogue orders getting into the system and resulting in market manipulation. I’m afraid, the limits can’t be changed considering that its set at reasonably high. You can execute your trades in more than one order.
Please check the TBQ and BestBuyQuantity
Hi, Team
There seems to be an indexing issue in kite, i guess for some scripts. when i am searching for bank nifty index i am not getting any results even while i tired adding CNX before it, like CNX Bank NIfty, tried in capital and small letter so its not an issue as well. Only getting future and options ones not the index itself.
But it worked when i searched for index in search bar, i guess somehow it isn’t synced. Please look into it.
Akshay, if you want to add underlying indices, you have to search for index. If you want to add futures search for banknifty fut.
Nitin, Indexing means when we enter a word it should give us any results associating to that word.
I am searching for nifty it should give me nifty index as well as nifty future values, like it does for stocks,
eg. if u search for infy it will give you stock infy as well infy future and infy options, same if not true for indexes. That is what my point it, since Fut is month based and u cnt actually get accurate past results if u base ur strategy on futures.
if this cant be resolved or if it works like this, a FAQ should be added for this since I have seen lots of posts for the same query.
Indexing done for all contracts/stocks that can be traded. If you want to search for index only, then yeah, you have to search by index. We have updated it on this post, which is also linked as Help on kite.
Hello Zerodha!
I am very impressed with its advance technology for trading platform. I Request you please enable SM-L option for Bracket orders which will help advance traders. It is lacking in PI. Its humble request.
Yep, waiting to get approvals from the exchange for this.
Thank You! Well this will help the traders a lot, currently i am hesitate to use bracket orders, because it not in my trading strategy due to lack of entry at particular price. Please add soon as possible.
I got my demat account opened. I need to check whether my holdings are transferred from ILFS to Zerodha. Please let me know the link for login into Zerodha’s demat portal.
To view your holdings online on the CDSL platform you can get yourself registered for the easi facility provided by CDSL. You would receive an email from CDSL within 15 days of your demat account opening asking you to register yourself for easi.
Is there any seperate portal from Zerodha for this? If it so it would be great. 🙂
🙂 u can see the holdings in q.zerodha.com, but if you want to see it in CDSL, you will need to login to their website.
Please change the colors of DI+ and DI- in ADX indicator, its irritating to track which one is going up or down
Also Intraday Momentum indicator on Kite and Pi are Different(Over Bought and Over Sold) , Please look in to this
Please add Buy, Sell buttons on the pooped out chart windows. That would be more convenient to place buy or sell orders, rather going back to main window and then placing the orders.
Yes on our list.
I am given to understand that the exchange waives all transaction charges for liquid ETFs. Can you pls clarify why we are charged for the same
Sandeep, only STT (Security transaction tax) is waived off. Exchange charges are applicable
Hi Nithin,
Pls refer yesterday’s Business Standard article which states that transaction charges are waived off on liquid ETFs….
Ah, this is only for market makers. from the article- “One condition is that participants should provide quotes within specified limits for 80 per cent of the trading time, for 80 per cent of the trading days in a month”
Cool thanx
Nitin , Greetings
What is the next new in the pipeline for Pi ?
IDFC bank shares is allotted to who have holding of IDFC.
Zerodha is not reflecting yet.
IDFC BANK shares are allotted on friday, those shares are not reflecting in back office because this stock is not listed in secondary market, and ISIN code is not yet activated for the same stock. Once the stock get listed in secondary market those allotted shares will reflect in back office as well as in terminal.
I am planning to shift My existing ILFS account to Your Esteemed COmpany.
What are procedure.(Charges etc…)
As per ILFS I am not able to give Buy order In Z category Shares , I need to talk with ILFS Executive every time.Is this applicable with your company?
Pls send reply on my mail id.
Prasad pandit.
Prasad, with Zerodha demat you will be able to buy Z category as well. The issue with these stocks though is that they can get suspended anytime.
great work on kite. zmobile just looks so old now.
today i sent a sell order from pi for 40 shares at 350.45. only 1 got filled. later i modified it to 350.3. but in the modifying window instead of 39 shares it showed 40. so i changed it to 39. and the order went for 38 shares. is this intentional? is this the same in pi?
also when i first tried to modify the two buttons (modify and cancel) were visible. but if you go to orderbook after modifying the buttons disappeared. they were there, just not visible. when i clicked on the space they reappeared. i was using android chrome.
Gettign someone to get in touch with u, also we will try to reproduce this. You said this was done on Pi is it? But Pi can’t be opened on mobile, so little confused.
i was using kite from my android phone via chrome browser.
When will the feature of Bracket order be available on Kite web?
It will, but will take some time.
Pi Latest update has some bug. Current Days candle is merged with previous days candle in Daily chart and time frame for the current date Candle starts from the time chart is started e.g if I start the chart at 11 am today, plotting of current candle starts from from 11 am and price movement from 9.15 to 10.59 get marged with prevoius days candle. Same problem exist in Kite Also . Please check and rectify it ASAP.
Dear sir .
Some suggestions
1. Super Trend must be added in Kite as it is very popular indicator
2. Is it possible to chart VWAP for any scrip along with the LTP..?
3.Delivery percentage of any stock should be included .
1. on our list
2. No
3. Delivery percentage you get to know only after two days, and that too it is not very clear on how the exchanges compute this.
Hi Nithin
Am thinking of opening an account with Zerodha, and had a query. If I place a single order to buy 1000 qty of Nifty 8100 CE option, and the order gets executed in units of 500, 300 and 200, will I get charged a flat brokerage of Rs 20/-, or will I get charged Rs 20 x 3=Rs 60?
Flat brokerage of Rs 20.
How I can download zerodha trader for analyzing charts?
I can’t find it. if it’s possible please help me.
IF you are looking for charts, you should definitely try Pi or Kite. Check this section on how to get started on Pi, and click here for Kite.
Hi Nithin,
For migrating from ILFS DP to Zerodha DP, can you please provide an option for downloading pre-filled Demat a/c opening form for the existing customer? I mean what you had provided during initial a/c opening? It will make migration easier. Also, I don’t mind paying some nominal charges for the same.
Will get someone to email this out to you.
Kite certainly seems to an improvement over Pi. However have a few observations,
i) It seems the size of Renko bar is dependant on the script price and viewing area of the chart ie if only the renko chart is viewed (ex for Bank Nifty Fut, the brick size is 14.15). When an indicator is added the size changes to 17.05. Add another indicator the size again changes. Even the indicator value keeps on changing with the addition of additional indicator or removal of indicator. With the changing size of Renko bar, a new up / down bar is seen across diff charts at the same pt of time which disappears when the indicator is removed or added back. The chart interpretation becomes very confusing. Why not make the brick size a fixed% of the price range or better provide an interface for the brick size.
ii) If the chart lets say on an hourly TF is scrolled back and then the TF is changed to 15 mins, the chart jumps back to the present candle. The chart should stay on the same date range where scrolled to.
iii) Indicator value should be enabled on scrolling with crosshair
iv) Occassionally Kite freezes, prices / chart stop updating. This is a fairly regular occurrence. The dangerous part is that there is no apparent signal that prices are not updating in Kite.
1. Yes currently the renko bar size is not customizable. It changes with scrip and time frames. we will soon give an option to choose the box size.
2. hmmm… speaking to our tech team.
3. on our list
4. This shouldn’t happen unless for internet drop issues. We have done rigorous testing on this.
Please confirm my understanding is correct.
For opening Zerodha Demat account and to close ILFS demat account I need to send
1) Zerodha Demat account opening form
2) ILFS closure form
3) ILFS delivery instruction slip
Also In ILFS closure form, its asking for target DP Id. Will you guys fill it for me after opening Zerodha demat account?
Point 3 not required.
Yes we will fill the target DP IP once Zerodha demat account is open.
hello team,
All praise for your efforts for such kind of innovative tools.
When will 2 way communication pi bridge+ be out ?
In the next 1 week. The beta of the two communication tool is available, if you can send an email to [email protected], he will give u the link.
in ztrader 1st October data is missing on MCX chart, I called ur support team 7.30pm they says no support after 7.00 pm
ok there is no support after 7.00 pm, then who is going to fix this problem in your main trading platform showing such error… or
What happens if due to overnight gapping of the market, the MTM of an F&O position exceeds the margin retained and the client doesn’t have funds to cover the shortfall. Who bears the loss in such an extreme scenario ?
Sandeep, the client has to bear the loss. We call back and ask the clients to have the shotfall transferred immediately.
I am talking about an extreme scenario where the client goes under because of the leverage. In that case, does the broker bear the loss or is he protected by some emergency fund, etc ?
Broker has to bear the loss. Flip side of this business.
At the outset- Congrats on winning the prestigious award & gettin featured in TOI. As a satisfied customer since June 2015, there are only 2 pts of disappointment, one major & one minor.
MAJOR – MIS TIME: Pls revise the INTRADAY SQUARE OFF time from 3:20pm to 3:28pm. At least a couple of mins closer to 3:30pm. As an Intraday trader, I have observed scrips moving towards targets during those periods.
MINOR – MARGINS – NSE CASH: Since you’re 1 of d top 3 brokerages contributing to NSE, requesting you to revise the margins of few scrips from 3x to 7x at least if not 9x. I have read ur margin policies but many a time, I have been frustrated as my profits have been marginalized cuz of small margins. I don;t think the margins get revised often & remain unchanged max times.
Of late, this has prompted me to look at other brokerages that provide good margins.
Being a satisfied customer, I have also helped couple of my trading friends open account with you. I hope you’ll take this into consideration.
My I.D is RR3277.
Thanks for the immediate help from the support team regarding the issue of KITE web-site hanging on my computer.It has being resolved.
Thank you.
Congrats for your award from BSE consecutively. Happy for You 🙂
Zerodha Rocks 🙂
Dear nithinji,
My I.D is RR3277.
Your support team is not at all bothered for the member’s problems.Two days back on 28 sept,I had rang up the support team regard the issue of hanging up of the KITE web-site on my computer.She said
that the technical team will call me back to solve the problem and she will give complaint token number
to me.Neither the technical team has called back nor the complaint number has being given to me.
Please solve the problem and help me to use the KITE web-site for trading.
Sorry about this. Will have someone call you tomorrow and help you with it.
Hi guys,
The Rs.300/- you collect on demat while opening new account in zerodha is AMC for this year or opening charges?
If it is Opening charges was the same also with IL&FS?
300 is AMC that we will deduct end of the year. Opening charge is Rs 100 for demat and Rs 200 for trading. With ILFS it was 550 upfront (including opening and AMC for 1 year)
Hi nithin,
adding one feature request for kite and repeating another
1. Current price in charts in larger fonts preferably on top, like google finance
2. Current price in tab headings, so that when other tabs are open we can still get the glimpse of the price movement, and even when browser is closed current price is seen in tooltip, again like google finance
Today, I found my trading account linked to Zerodha DP as per backoffice (Q). Previously ILFS was my DP.
Today I bought shares under CNC. In the contract note still I find ILFS as my DP and client ID as the one with ILFS. It is not clear to my how come when I buy shares with Zerodha as DP, the contract note mentions ILFS as my DP and client ID mentioned is the one with ILFS?
Contract note is legal document hence if you mention ILFS as DP , then terms and conditions of ILFS apply and if you mention ZERODHA as DP, the terms and conditions of Zerodha applies.
I raised the ticket with support team, but the answer was not convincing.
But, for me, it is not big concern as I believe in Zerodha. I feel this is clerical error.
Ramana murthy
The contract note is prepared in a format as prescribed by the Exchanges. We are required to mention our own Demat account numbers on it, not yours. The Demat account number mentioned of ILFS is Zerodha’s demat account not yours.
I am getting below in the contract note even after moving to Zerodha DP.
This is our Demat account information, Zerodha’s not yours.
Where i can check the latest features that are added to Pi updates september?
Under Help menu on Pi, there is an option to check for updates. Click on that.
I am having trading account in ZERODHA. Now zerodha itself maintaining the DP account then what are the charges (brokerage and AMC). And how can I open demat account and what I have to submit.
AMC is Rs 300 per year, brokerage charges are the same. Sign the Zeordha demat application form available in the download section of our website. Along with this, sign and send an ILFS closing letter.
HI Nitin,
Got a query regarding margin calculation.
if I buy 7000CE and sell 7800CE than what should be the margin requirement?
span calculator is showing normal margin and showing n/a for 7000CE
For buying options there is no SPAN required. I guess you are seeing around 18k per lot, yes that is the margin.
But why there should be margin in the first place because risk is fully covered if lower CE is already bought.
Because exchanges also has to worry about execution risk of positions. What if you exit one of the two positions, and not able to exit the other due to no liquidity? Hence exchange asks for margins for such position as well.
Kite is a wonderful web app. Having said that, I found that the chart with max timeframe for intraday trading has been 1hr whereas in Pi its 2,4,6,8 hrs. Is it possible to incorporate the same into kite so that it would be beneficial and more or less make the app perfect.
Also, have observed that Pi doesnt have AMO sqaure off order button and also SL-L button. Whether it really not there or am not finding am not sure. Please do the needful
Once AMO is placed and executed, it becomes like a normal order type. So you don’t need a special AMO square off for that. Just go and square off like you would do normally.
The Sl option u see is actually SL-L
More timeframes on Kite, we will give it a thought.
Yes, but there are situations where near day close I would have bought few call/put options and would like to place a square off order before the market opens the next day (which was possible in zerodha trader and is also possible in Kite but not in Pi). So please find a solution for it. If there is already one, please let me know
There is after market orders on Pi as well. Try shortcut keys, Ctrl + F1 for buy and Ctrl +F2 for sell.
Dear Sir,
Does Zerodha charge extra money for AMO orders (like charging for call and trade)?
Ramana murthy
No extra charge.
Do you open NRI Dmat account also? I mean Zeodha NRI Dmat account?
Hi Nithin,
I am new to trading.I have recently opened the trading account with Zerodha and eagerly waiting for the Demat account to be opened with Zerodha.
Do you have any plans in the near future to release VTC(Valid Till Cancel) orders which can be used to place any buy/sell orders with a Limit Price which is valid for 45 days(this feature is currently available in ICICIDirect).
It will be really very useful for all those traders who can’t spend time watching the Market on a daily basis.If zerodha implements this step I am sure it can attract lot more customers.
Yes Pradeep, we are working on making this happen.
Wow that’s a great news.I am really excited and waiting to start my first trade with Zerodha but currently being blocked by Demat Account opening.Hope my Zerodha Demat account will open soon and I can start trading.
Dear sir,
VTC order concept is good. It is good if I want sell the existing shares at the target price. But for buy side, the money will be blocked.
Ramana murthy
Is it possible to open a BSDA instead of a normal demat a/c with Zerodha as DP? (Of course, the trading a/c would be with zerodha too). Will the transaction charges be different in that case?
Currently not possible. Also normal demat a/c is much better as transaction charges (DP charges) for BSDA will be much higher.
Nitin Sir,
You are absolutely right about BSDA. I have BSDA account with ILFS . The DP sell charges for normal (non-BSDA) account is Rs14/-. I have crossed Rs 50,000 transaction limit. I am paying Rs 54.50/- per each sell transaction. It is almost 4 times the non-BSDA account. So I waiting from Zerodha to shift my account from ILFS to Zerodha. Demat form has been submitted to Zerodha. ILFS closure form submitted.
What I thought money saving has become money spending. If we cross the threshhold value Rs 50000/- , it looks like penalty/punishment for investors. One need to read the fine print here. This is my experience
Ramana murthy
Charting tools – Is there a plan to incorporate the following.
1. I would like to save charting tools in the charts that are saved in the workspace so that when I load workspace I don’t have to redraw trendlines, retracements etc.
2. Can trendlines extrapolate automatically like they do in realtime technical analysis softwares ?
You can save indicators as templates, both on Kite and Pi. Drawing tools possible on Kite and not Pi. Use the views button at the bottom of the chart along with the + button on the same row to add ore templates.
Well, I am not pro in trading and don’t trade in F&O etc. For me a simple interface where I could watch details for my shares in single row that was available on trade.zerodha.com is simple to use.
I am familiar and comfortable with such that interface. It was easy for me to know form where I can see my orders, from where I can watch and convert positions from MIS to CNC etc.
Unfortunately Kite is not that easy, though I liked that now I can watch price movement for multiple shares on right hand side which was not possible with trade.zerodha.com.
I feel the new interface is even dangerous and by mistake I might end up selling my shares if I click on “Exit” link that appears on “holdings”. I don’t get any tool tip help to know what it means. Not sure if its because my internet connection is slow.
I will prefer to have same interface that I had with trade.zerodha.com as default for me and provide option to switch between old and new views.
BTW, I have observed that the first screen for old website appears as https://trade.zerodha.com but after providing ID, it says the communication is not encrypted. The next page (for password) uses http instead of https. I have opened support ticket however the support person wanted me to share screen remotely which is not possible for me. He said, the website trade.zerodha.com is not owned by Zerodha. I am surprised by that answer. How could I trust Zerodha for security?
Surprised that you are finding Kite confusing. Like they say, change is always tough. All buttons have a confirmation window before order is fired, so there is no worry even if you click exit. Unless u actually pres the buy/sell nothing happens. Position conversion is also quite simple on Kite. Am taking a blogpost live which explains this.
Of course trade.zerodha.com is our website. What the executive probably meant to say is that trading web application on trade.zerodha is a vendor based app (built by Thomson Reuters). You can be rest assured that there is nothing to worry about in terms of security.
I have started using kite and quite comfortable now. Just somewhere I read trade.zerodha.com should be used for BSE.
So today I checked and found that the password page now comes over HTPPS instead of HTTP. Someone has taken relook at my request probably Nithin you have directed right people to check what I want to say.
Based on my experience I think this (not using HTTPS for password page) happens when certificate expires or someone might be forgetting to do some configurations.
Anyways, I will stick to Kite.
(reposting my request from yesterday, since it may have missed your attention)
Just installed the latest Pi update. Thanks for splitting the day separator and pivots.
How do we enable the below?
3. CO/BO/Normal order market watch shortcuts should be able to invoke from active charts.
F1 is not working. I don’t see any option on Right Click too.
What am I missing here?
I too updated the latest pi …i hoped to see atleast one of my chosen indicator soon on Pi .
I am hopeful you would remove some indicators and add new ones which are demanded most by your users. Why not have a user poll on that and see what’s most in demand.
Chandru, if you see we have made the chart loading much much faster. New indicators will be added, will take a little longer though.
Ok Nitin boss… i will wait a little longer since Pi is currently my fav viewing software . Once some indicators are in place i will increase my stakes.
thanks for your response
Hi Nithin,
Can you please add Fibonacci Projections tool in Kite and Pi as well. As it is missing very useful tool in both platform.
Yep on our list.
As a retail investor/trader, KITE is pretty useful and simple too, for guys like me, who find it easy to login to KITE on mObile and place some orders.
It would be really great, if Bracket Order feature is inroduced in Kite also. The hassle of arresting losses by frequent visit to KITE is cumbersome; After trading on the go on Kite, I am afraid you should not ask us to stick to Desktop to use the Bracket order feature.
Yep BO will come on Kite soon.
I am getting a “Error fetching quote:502” message, when I try to view charts on Kite.
There were issues with charting on kite today because of the new feature we had added of unlimited data. It is sorted for now.
Hi Nithin,
Can you add daily MTM on kite, its easy to monitor and help resize positions.
Also do you have plans to add market profile charts to PI or Kite would be good to have MP prespective while trading. You can refer to market delta for all the different type of graphs they have.
Looking forward to a complete set in PI and Kite so we do not have to refer to different tools while trading.
When you click on the > button next to each position, a window opens which shows day’s P&L. This is basically the MTM
Market profile has trademarked product, so no won’t be possible.
Just installed the latest Pi update. Thanks for splitting the day separator and pivots.
How do we enable the below?
3. CO/BO/Normal order market watch shortcuts should be able to invoke from active charts.
F1 is not working. I don’t see any option on Right Click too.
What am I missing here?
can pi run in Nokia Lumia 930, Windows v8.1?
No, pi is a desktop application. Use kite.zerodha.com on your browser for that.
(i) Will be fixed.
(ii) Will report this to the developers
(iii) Will pass this feeback to the tech team
(iv) Would take some time
Used Kite during market hours, the interface is good & fast. Have a few obs,
(i) Todays candle seems to be missing in the Daily chart. (BNF chart attached)
(ii) The charts during live session sometimes stops refreshing. Even the price in market watch freezes. Tried using the refresh button but sometimes the price did update but the chart wasnt refreshing. Logged out and logged in – resolved the issue. Had other applications running live during the period, there was no net connectivity issue.
(iii) It would be nice if the chart which has been popped-out can be changed by typing in the script name in the box. Need not have to add a script to market watch, just to see a chart.
(iv) Is it possible to include VWAP band
Hi Nithin,
I was going through the new features added in kite. I was checking the renko chart feature. could you please guide how can we set the brick size on selection of renko option. I am not able to find it.
Vinay, currently the brick size for renko and bar size for range can’t be set. We will give you an interface to set this very soon. Currently the time frame itself is acting as renko bar size. Change the time frame, you will see the bar size changes. You can see how much the brick size by measuring using crosshair. Check this chart: https://kite.zerodha.com/share/HQWH9FMQ5T.png, renko bar size is 3 points. So every time frame has different brick size. For now, you will have to measure this brick size yourself. We will give you a UI soon.
How to add Bank Nifty index to order window? what to type in search box? I am not able to do this since weeks…
Search for index, you will see all indices. You can’t trade these, so you can only add to marketwatch and not order window.
Lack lots of data and customization. ATR, daily, weekly, monthly pivot, super trend missing which is very useful. Please make at least comparative to trade tiger.
Yesterday’s update has unlimited amounts of data, just keep dragging screen to the left and more data loads. 8 months of intraday data (most provided by anyone) and 5 years of daily data. Futures data is still not continuous, will take some time.
Kite is a wonderful interface. But there are few glitches
You cannot see some stocks on Kite like Oriental Carbon and Chemicals its traded on NSE and BSE but i could not see the stock in kite interface.
Zerodha support said that it was not traded on NSE for the past few days. But how does that matter i want to buy and the interface is not showing up the stock at all.
And Its best to have one interface for both NSE and BSE. Though you have Kite interface if i have to buy something which is traded in BSE alone i cannot use this interface.
I was told that Kite is only for Stocks in NSE.
Are we anytime soon adding BSE to KITE interface?
And we should be allowed to trade a stock on KITE though it is not traded on NSE for a few days (stock is listed on NSE), correct me if i am wrong.
This stock trades only on BSE and not NSE. Check this. BSE will be available on Kite soon.
Hi Nithin,
Feature request for Kite,
1. Current price in large fonts in charts/popup charts. At present price are shown on right in very small fonts
2. Volume is not available in indices (Nifty to say so), please make it available as soon as possible.
1. Checking.
2. No trading happens on Nifty, so there won’t be any volume to show.
Trading happens in nifty scripts, so there should be volume, isn’t it? Kindly look at this charts
sorry, posting the chart
Nifty is an Index. The Index doesn’t trade. The futures of the Index gets traded- Nifty Futures. The volumes maybe of Nifty Futures.
please check this link, I think volume is for Nifty itself.
Sharad, you should probably send an email to them asking for what volume it is. There is no way you can trade an index directly, anywhere in the world.
Is it possible to compile total volume of all nifty scripts and show it as Nifty volume? I guess it is what they are showing.
If they are compiling all scrips under Nifty, the volume will be much much higher than what is shown.
How do you open multiple charts view in Kite ? like in PI ?Like i want to view nse indices and reliance 3 min 5 min all in one frame of my computer
Chandru, you will have to popout the chart. You can also add different charts using the view button at the bottom of the chart. Each view can be saved as a template.
dear nitin ,
what i suggested was this view in the pic taken from Pi , I can view multiple charts at one go..
Ah.. that won’t be possible.
Thanks for the clarification
well in that case i have to stick with PI since this feature is the best in Pi.
You may have to reconsider my request to add Raff regression or Super Trend to
Is it possible to remove one of the Linear regression channel indicators and replace it with either one of the above. There are 4 Linear Regressions currently in Pi . I hope that Can that be done. It makes life a bit more easier with PI.
I wont hassle you with any other requests. Please reconsider .
Chandru Mehta
There is a simple way to do it.Create a popup chart in crome and click the tab and dragout .This action create a new window and these windows can be araanged side by side.
Don’t know if its only with me. I am not able to see the EOD candle/volume during trading hours or post trading hours. It’s visible only on the next day. Is it how it is programmed? or is it a bug?
Seems to be an issue, we will have this fixed asap.
Hi Nithin,
I have two trading account one with ICICI and another with Zerodha . My trading preference is with Zerodha and have already transferred my holding from ICICI to Zerodha .
My question is can i link my ICICI trading account to Zerodha Demat ? Reason i have to keep icici is for IPO which i do not get here . Please let me know the possibility so that i do not have to pay two AMC for demat .
You can map your ICICI demat account, no issue. The only limitation is that you’d only be able to buy shares with us. To sell, you’d have to use the services of ICICI. This is because on buying we’d be transferring shares to your ICICI demat account and wouldn’t be able to debit them when you sell.
In other words, my question is this. I have trading account with Zerodha and I have Demat account with ILFS. Now my trading account Zerodha is linked to Demat account with ILFS. Using the software provided by Zerodha (pi, kite, Zerodha Trader) I am able to buy and sell the shares.
Now replace ILFS with ICICIDIRECT. I have trading account with Zerodha and I have Demat account with ICICI direct.Now my trading account Zerodha is linked to Demat account with ICICIDIRECT. Using the software provided by Zerodha (pi, kite, Zerodha Trader) can I buy and sell the shares?
I hope my question is more clear to you now.
Ramana murthy
Buying is no issue, you can buy irrespective of what demat is mapped.
When you sell shares, Zerodha will need to have a right to debit your demat account and send those shares to the exchange.
If you sell it with ILFS account mapped, we have the right since there is POA that you have given to debit. If the mapped account is ICICI, we will have no way to debit the shares that you have sold, hence we won’t allow selling shares if the mapped account is ICICI.
Thank you for the response but you should intercept my message in other way . I will be using my ICICI only for IPO, that is for buying and i do not sell from icici as i have been transferring it to Zerodha after the shares credited in my ICICI demat. I only need to link my icici trading account to Zerodha demat and do not want to maintain a demat with ICICI .
So it is like Zerodha Demat ( along with trading )and Icici Trading account. Is it possible ?
Dear Nitin Sir,
Just about POA is executed in case of ILFS, what if I give POA to in case you ICICIDIRECT. will you be able to sell shares?
By the way, ICICIDirect told me that they do not allow linking trading account opened with with Demat account opened with ICICIDIRECT. I am pasting their response here for your reference. Also see that they told me POA is mandatory.
[email protected]
6:38 PM (1 hour ago)
to me
Dear Mr. Murthy,
We understand your concern.
This is to inform you that the NSDL and CDSL levies Depository charges on each sell delivery transaction. The charge is Rs 4.5 and Rs 5.5 per ISIN respectively on debit instruction for NSDL and CDSL respectively. This charged would be levied w.e.f. May 01, 2013. You can link only ICICI Trading Account to your Demat Account with ICICI. Also POA is mandatory for linking Trading, Demat Account and Bank Account.
We look forward for your co-operation in helping us serve you better and assure the best services in future.
Ashish Deshpande
Customer Service Officer
ICICI Securities Limited.
Ramana murthy
My guess is that ICICI will not be okay if you give POA to Zerodha for a demat account opened with them. You can try speaking to them, but my guess is no.
Yes you can link your ICICI trading to Zerodha demat for all your IPO needs. But you need to speak to ICICI and see if they allow that to happen. My guess is that they won’t as they will be losing their brokerage business.
Yes Nitin. You are right
As I mentioned in the other post, ICICI direct is not allowing linking with other DP.
But look at the CDSL website:
10. Is it necessary for an investor to open an account with the same DP as that of his broker for settling the trades done through the broker?
No. There is absolutely no compulsions on any investor to open his demat account with the same DP as that of his broker. Investor can open account with the DP of his/her choice and can carry on his trading activity through a broker of his choice.
But with the help of SCORES complaint system, we can make ICICIDirect to accept this. ICICIDirect is taking advantage of the lack of knowledge of investors.
Ramana murthy
Hmm.. that might be their business policy to not entertain outside demats. Don’t know if it is worth your time/effort. Your call.
Kite looks good. Tried the pivot values for support and resistance. The standard pivot values are wrong. Can you check this please.
Seems alright.
I have attached the snapshot for nifty on 23rd September of kite and pi. As you can see the PV, S1, R1 in PI are 7792.28, 7753.92, 7861.22 respectively while in kite they are 7854, 7932.94, 8515.44. I find that the values in PI match to a generally accepted way of calculation using previous day HLC but am not sure about the way it is done in kite. If you plan to make some changes do it in kite as the values in Pi seem correct.
snapshot of pi
I just used Kite for a few minutes to check out the interface. Looks great and wanted to use it going forward but unable to do so for the specific reason mentioned below, kindly help:
1. How to pop out the chart so that only the chart pops out (like Pi) without the entire browser opening (currently happens in Kite, atleast when I tried to pop out a chart)?
The max I was able to do was remove the bookmarks bar. Everything else remains, eating into the screen real estate, hence moved back to Pi. Using Chrome.
2. Will you introducing the best of Kite into Pi or will Pi be orphaned?
It would be a sad day if Pi is orphaned since Pi may appeal to a different set of users and Kite might appeal to a different set of users.
Have a great week ahead.
1. hmm this is a web app, so this is the only way to popout charts.
2. Kite and Pi are both worked on simultaneously. We have a new release of Pi this weekend.
hello team,
when will we be able to fully automated trading (2 way communication) through APIs ?
Fully automated is grey area as such. But semi automated two way communication will be available using Pi bridge by this weekend.
There is issue with kite website. The market watch is missing. I checked with chrome and Microsoft Edge. Please correct it.
No issues as such, and any account specific queries do send it to [email protected]
faced same issue first. check the zoom level of your browser it should be 100%
Nitin , Venu
There are many smaller NSE BSE chart sites that provide advanced indicators which i have been using for the past 2 years. I am hoping that Zerodha PI catches up pace quick enough so that we can concentrate our trading efforts through Zerodha.
Honestly bulk of my trading is on another platform the reason being i am waiting for Pi to reach a level of comfort trading . I dont mean Pi is basic, PI & Kite are good .Its like a 7 star property with low occupancy only because a lack of few addons. Its not a negative comment its my sincere wish to see your application fly higher.
This picture i am posting is of chart comparison feature between NSE & Reliance which is amazing . We need such indicators which are helpful in trading . In the future you may like to consider take some token amount for advanced premium indicators but please please give is indicators quickly .
wishing you the best
Kite will soon have compare option. Pi will take longer.
Nitin ,
thank you for your response.. Pl pl add some indicators to Pi. I read in the blogs about your plans to have updates for PI in the next few days.. i am eagerly looking forward to see some additions.
Just recap that you mentioned that you would check about the Raff regression / Linear Regression channel from tools to chart indicators so that it goes live and moves along with the chart stock market and not static & with parameters that can be changed.
b) Super trend is another great chart indicator
c) Saving of drawings on charts for future references.
looking forward to your promises
Chandru Mehta
Chandru, this update won’t have new indicators. We are working on backend of Pi to make it more nimble. Also some challenges adding new indicator on Pi.
Nitin ,
Fine is it possible to add them to Kite so that i can move from PI to Kite ? .I can use Kite as a medium of trading
a) Raff regression
b) SuperTrend
Super trends might be there soon. Let me check on raff regression. There are thousands of indicators, and not really possible to add all on a platform.
It seems all brokers are forgetting to include DP charges (and CDSL/NSDL) charges in equity-delivery in brokerage calculator. I request Zerodha to include them in their brokerage calculator.
Also the common practice is not including DP charges (and CDSL/NSDL) charges in daily contract notes. It will be good if I know all complete charges in one contract note. Please consider this.
Ramana murthy
It is tough to include this in the brokerage calculator. DP charge is charged once for all sell trades done in a single day on a particular scrip. The brokerage calculator calculates per trade brokerage.
DP charges is by depositories, and by exchanges. Contract notes show what happens on exchanges. So not possible to put it on contract notes.
Hi! Will there be a Kite iOS app? RKSV has come up with Upstox and it blows the competition away. Have you seen that?
Yep working on Kite ios app. Currently the competition has just put up snapshots, we will see how it turns out when it gets live. Login to Kite and check out how it feels, the entire interface is quite slick.
I am not able to connect in PI what is happening please help guys……
Seems to be working, send such queries directly to [email protected]
Thank you Venu for your response. This sounds fair. However can you please clarify on a couple of points.
A) Brokers generally say that PoA you’ve signed is a limited PoA which allows debit only to meet the payin obligation. How can then cases like Orion Securities happen…Please see below link-
“Of particular interest is -Client funds would have anyways been debited, but what is shocking is that the promoters even liquidated stocks lying in the client demat accounts to meet exchange obligations.”
How can a broker liquidate stocks lying in client demat accounts—clearly the POA is termed limited- But ultimately a broker can liquidate the stocks at its will and there is no safeguard to prevent it??
B) What can small investors do to avoid such frauds? It might not be possible to track financial status of brokers..even to find out where to find the balance sheet of brokers.
C)As per your response “A few of the CM accounts will be shifted for which we don’t have the account numbers yet which is why the account number is empty”.
How long will it take to open the DMAT account? It seems that it will be done only after you get new account numbers?
Its quiet hard to believe that such things happen in an Industry as regulated as ours. The sad bit is that everyone has to bear the brunt for actions of a few. If you go through that article, the broker was offering NF at Rs.2000/lot which in itself sounds unbelievable. In your own interest, its best not to take up any offers which sound beyond belief. Yes, the POA is limited to the extent where the broker can debit shares only in cases where there’s an obligation from the client towards the Exchange. In this case, all hell broker loose, no rules were followed and subsequently clients had to suffer.
You could find Balance sheets of Brokers online as most of them would be registered with ROC’s. But yeah, practically it isn’t possibly to verify these details before opening an account. Nowadays a lot of information is available online. You could look up on the internet for the credibility of a broker before you can make a decision to trade with them. There are forums are like traderji, mouthshut which can help you in this regards.
Our CM accounts are with M/s IL&FS and we’d be shifting them to our own DP within the next 3-4 days.
how much margin required for intraday banknifty fut.and niftyfut.
15k for banknifty, around 6.5k for Nifty check this: https://zerodha.com/margin-calculator/Futures/
Dear Sir,
When I filled in the form for opening Demat account with IL&FS, I do not remember whether I signed in Power of Attorney(POA) form or not.
Now I want to shift to Zerodha. In the Demat form , I found mentioning POA is voluntary.
Q1) Now I do not want give POA to any broker. What will happen to my trading activities? As of now, I am just buying and selling the shares using the trading platforms. I heard there is something called Delivery Instruction Slip (DIS) which I need to use in case POA is not given to broker(Zerodha). What is DIS? Is this activity to be done every time I buy or sell shares? Is this can be done through the trading platform or back office? What happens if I forget giving DIS?
Q2) When I contacted Edelweiss broker for account opening , their customer support/Sales person told me that POA is mandatory ( Which is factually INCORRECT) and for the POA execution , I have to pay Rs 500/- as per the Maharashtra State government order (their office is located in Bomay). What about charges for POA execution in case of Zerodha which is located in Bangalore?
Please provide the details.
Ramana murthy
1. Yes you would have given POA with ILFS also. Check this post. Online trading not possible without POA.
2. POA is not mandatory, but like I said u can’t trade online without signing that. We execute it in Bangalore, it is much lesser. (we don’t charge you anything for this).
Dear Nitin,
Thanks for your reply. My association with Zerodha is that it very reliable broker in terms or transparency and integrity. I hope the same continues. I do not have any issues in giving POA to Zerodha.
I want to taste what the hurdles I get if I do not provide POA to Zerodha. I think I can open two Demat accounts with you. You provide me BUY ONE and GET ONE FREE option. There will be AMC for the first, and the second one will be AMC free for life time. I will give POA for the first one and second one will be without POA. I will operate the second on using TRUST/EASIEST facility by CDSL for providing Delivery instructions Slip (DIS). Let me experiment (with hurdles) withsecond Demat without POA.
[ I read ” breaking all barriers that I personally faced as a retail trader for over a decade” from your quote] I also want to face barrriers.
Ramana murthy
:), we can’t open two demat/trading accounts for the same client. We are currently not live on Trust/easiest facility. You will probably have to check this bit with a broker who accepts this.
In a Popup chart, Can we make a Amibroker Like Scrip Browser On the Left?
See the attached image.
With this we can quickly browse through price charts of all scrips in out market watch by only using our keyboard Arrow and Pg Up Pg Down Keys.
This would be time saving
We don’t have to have multiple scrip price charts in, in multiple tabs.
So this way it would save memory(RAM) consumption also.(I guess)
If this not possible can we make 1,2,3,4,5,6… keyboard shortcuts in a popup chart to quickly shift between scrip charts in market watch in the same window.
This is already available, the white box left to the min box. You click on it, all scrips on your marketwatch will show up there. U can’t really use up down keys, but let me speak to the guys here about that.
Kite is cool. Can you know incorporate the same features in Pi? especially Tools.
I have currenly dp with ILFS. Wanted to close it and open account with Zerodha, so downloaded the Zerodha form. I was surprised to see that the POA form has all the Annexture B Dmat accounts left Blank. I understand you might want to expediate the process of inducting new clients, but isnt it a violation of Sebi Guidelines? Shouldnt the annexure B of POA be prefilled? We might trust Zerodha that asking to sign a blank Axxexure B POA will not be missused..But is it an appropriate thing to do by Zerodha, leader in discount broking segment
Hi Abhishek,
A few of the CM accounts will be shifted for which we don’t have the account numbers yet which is why the account number is empty. We’ll be stamping the account numbers and sending you the scanned copy of the Poa post execution. The PoA you’ve signed is a limited PoA which allows debit only to meet the payin obligation.
Hi Nitin
Are you aware ShareKhan appears to be copy-paste Zerodha in themselves ? I have an account with ShareKhan (Which i no longer use) and got mail regarding their Software Upgrades with new features.
Guess What – They have introduced Order Placement right from Charts along with few new Charts which Zerodha has introduced – Renko Chart, Heinkin Ashi Charts etc… Many of Zerodha Pi and Kite features have been been released.
You may want to check out their portal for more on their copying of Zerodha 😉
Varun Agarwal
Please sir.
Add super trend and daily, weekly, monthly pivot line. Very disappointed with limited time historical chart. When you give that?
Yes, you will get more historical data soon.
Dear Nithin
Congratulations for Zerodha Demat and kite as wonderful trading platform.
Can you provide us kite or any better iPhone and iPad app. I know you said about android but are you guys working on iOS9 compatible apps as well.
One more thing I can not find option for longer order validity like ‘GTC’ and ‘GTD’ in kite. There are only Day and IOC.
Dr. Prabhanshu
Yep Dr, both ur requests are being worked on.
really bad,in crude oil daily chart available only up to 40 days.please give us more data for all .very poor.
Currently futures data shows for when the contract has been live. So Sept crude will have only 2 months of historical data. Continuous futures data is something we are working on.
what abt a better mobile app based trading platform
Yep, on its way.
Additional Kite Feature Request Part -3
The moment we take entry with all exit levels entered . notice the way they are shown on the chart itself.
If we implement these features in KITE it would be awesome!!
Trading from charts will start soon.
Additional Kite Feature Request Part -2
just Look at the simple order window! Everything in one place!
We are still working with Thomson Reuters/Omnesys as our back end. So little limited in customizing stuff like these. But yeah, u will see all of this with us as well.
Kite is Most Exciting thing happening to Zerodha Trading.
I wish further some feature updates as shown in images below to make is a complete and most competitive package,
Please see the attached images I have captured from trading view dot com.
There charting is fantastic like us with additional features we should learn from.
Please see the attached images which are self explanatory.
Quick buy/sell on the chart coming soon. Others will take a little longer.
If PENDING ORDER BUTTON along with BUY or SELL button , is also made available ,it will be easy to modify a pending order
Dear Nitin and Zerodha,
I would be thankful if you provide the information /reply to below:
Q1. Your DP business is live. Thats good. Demat account charges are free for opening. Double good. What about AMC charges? Some brokerages are having one time (life time ) AMC free plan if we pay Rs1500/- or pay deposit of Rs 2000/- (refundable if Demat account is closed after one year). Do you have any such AMC free plans?
Q2. Suppose I open Demat account with Zerodha. And also suppose that I open just trading account only (NOT Demat account with) other broker ,say, XYZ. Can I link the trading account of XYZ with Demat account with Zerodha? In that case, the two trading accountss , one with Zerodha and another with XYZ are linked to the same Demat account with Zerodha. Is this allowed? How many trading accounts can be linked to one Demat account?
Request you to reply in detail.
Ramana murthy
1. No, we will charge AMC of 300 payable at the end of the year.
2. Yes u can link any number of trading accounts with one demat with us.
Hi Nitin,
Thanks for the reply. I am very much satisfied with your response.There are more than enough reasons to shift from IL&FS to Zerodha. I am going to do that. But I have two supplementary queries on the one Demat account linked with multiple trading accounts. Suppose Zerodha Demat account is linked with trading account from Zerodha and trading account from some broker say XYZ.
Suppose I purchase shares for delivery(CNC) through both Zerodha and XYZ
Q1. In my DP account, how can I know which shares are purchased through Zerodha and which shares are purchased through broker XYZ?
Q2. In the back office of Zerodha, can I find the shares purchased through broker XYZ? Similarly, in the backoffice of XYZ, can I see the shares purchased through Zerodha?
Q3. Obviously, I need to pay only one AMC per year though I am purchasing shares through Zerodha and XYZ. Please confirm it
Please clarify.
Ramana murthy
1. If you have seen our reporting tool Q, we are probably only brokers in India to give you discrepant quantity field. So basically we tell u the stocks for which we don’t have a buying price (using our tradebook). You can even enter the buying price and date, so all P&L can be done by Q itself.
2.ON Zerodha Q, you can see shares that have come from other brokers as discrepant quantity. But we will not be able to tell u if it is XYZ or ABC, we will tell u that it has come from outside. Through Broker XYZ, you have transferred shares out, so no he won’t beable to tell.
3. Yes, only one AMC per demat account.
Dear Sir,
Today I sent filled in the Demat opening form to your office. Also sent the filled in ILFS closure form. I request you to open the account as soon as possible. I have given POA to Zerodha.
But still one legal point is not clear to me. Why Delivery Instruction Slip or POA is required only for Sell , not for buy. Why POA/DIS not required for buying of shares, Can you provide detailed document or link to fully understand this legal concept.
Ramana murthy
Your demat account is very similar to your savings bank account. To transfer money to your account, I just need your account number. To withdraw money, I will need POA. Similarly, to transfer shares to your demat, just your DP ID, to withdraw POA.
Apply the logic you’d apply to a bank account. When would you write a cheque? When you’ve pay someone. Would you need to write a cheque to receive money? No.
Similarly, when you buy stocks, stocks are auto credited to your account. However when you sell, shares have to be debited and the shares can be debited either by client signing and submitting the DIS (which is like a check book to debit shares) or by the broker executing the PoA. Online brokers don’t allow DIS submission, they execute a PoA and debit shares.
Dear Sir,
Thanks for the reply.
When buying the shares your take my money from trading account and go to exchange market (NSE/BSE) and give the money to some at the exchange and bring back shares in return. But to take money from trading account to Exchange(NSE/BSE), does it not require POA or some kind of authorization. When I put orders in kite/pi/ZT, does it amounts to legally saying “Zerodha, please take my money from my trading account and buy shares for me at Exchange?”.
Ramana murthy
Trading account is opened with a purpose of buying/selling, so yes broker doesn’t need any authorization to debit it when you trade. Demat is used for safe keeping, so the POA is required to debit it.
Hi Nitin,
I would like to bring this to your notice that i am facing, not sure if it is same with other .
Whenever i login the 2 Security question pops up same for two to three attempt .I can not login in one attempt . I can only login when the two different security questions displayed .This is a repeated issue . Could you please fix ASAP .
Missed to attach file
Hi Nithin,
Can you please add Backtesting feature of Pi to Kite?
Abhishek, you don’t want to kill the goose which lays golden eggs. Let the Kite fly high, before you hang it like Pi.
Nitin, when can we start trading MCX on Kite?
Already available. You can commence trading in MCX.
Recently i have received mail stating that Zerodha DP business has finally gone live.
I have seen 2 forms one for opening DP account with Zerodha and second one for closure of IL&FS DP Account.
Kindly let me know the procedure and charges that are applicable if i want to transfer the same from my IL&FS DP Account to Zerodha Account.
What will be the impact of my trading during the transfer.
In case if i transfer the share from IL&FS to Zerodha how short term and long term capital gain is calculated.
Just sign both the forms and send it to our office. No charges to open a new demat with us, and no charges for transferring shares from ILFS to us. No impact on ur trading account or capital gains.
In kite 30 minute chart problem is still there in the current candle and the previous one . plotting of the candle starts from the time chart is loaded. Therefore, each time chart is reloaded shape of the current candle and the previous one becomes different. Please check it.
Yes, getting this fixed.
Love you Zerdha for adding MCx in Kite… I was longing for watching charts in mobile.. Got it now.
Waiting for kite app.
Dear Nitin ,
CONGRATULATION, As far as charting software is concerned when it comes to KITE you and your team have cracked it . SIMPLY AMAZING WONDERFUL MIND BOGGLING JOB, ONLY NEED TO ADD 2 THINGS 1) a COMPLETE MARKET WATCH WINDOW SAME AS PI . WHERE YOU CAN SEE THE % change , volume , where you have the ability check the data in ascending descending order at once glance 2) A buy and sell quick window on the chart ITself .. IF YOU DO THESE 2 THINGS ….KITE WILL BE NOT ONLY BEST SOFTWARE IN INDIA BUT THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD . Once again CONGRATULATION on launch of KITE .
Faruq Shaikh
Buy and sell on chart will come soon. Point 1, we don’t want to show everything all the time. It will make the whole thing cluttered.
Nitin ,
Things won’t get cluttered just imagine that you are giving the same market watch window which you give in PI with all its functions and abilities in Kite with a POP out window which can be dragged and placed same as in PI ..SIMPLE …besides in PI you can have max 50 scripts but in kite i believe you can just have 12 or 13 i believe ….every thing else is just up to mark ..what you do is your call anyways i am still using PI and will use PI until untill ” Quick limit order window ” is not placed in the Kite chart for buying and selling ..also you cannot Login in PI and kite at the same time even if that is possible the customers can use the combined power and features of PI and KITE at the same time only a suggestion ..or i have to open an account with my wife’s name with zerodha and then log in in PI using my wife’s User ID and password and logging kite using my user ID and password to have best of both the world ..so even if you tel the customers use The same User ID and password to logging into PI and KIte at the same time ..ALL THE ISSUES WILL GET RESOLVED ANYWAYS
🙂 , we will give you multiple marketwatch’s on kite soon. Quick orders from charts are also on the agenda.
Thank you Nitin you are SUPER STAR , as the saying goes “There’s a way to do it better – find it.” – Thomas A. Edison .
waiting for it 🙂
Couple of times during the week candles are missing in Pi. Even yesterday, candles were formed from the time of loading chart. Today, the crude chart as of now is showing candles from yesterday’s 19:33 onwards.
Yes, the missing data for commodity from yesterday will be repopulated soon.
Kite has been smashing good so far, much better compared to Pi which has let me down many a times since May. Thanks for this.
Yet the scripts stop updating themselves if I log in & leave for a few mins especially when there is some volatility & volume in the markets. Also the ‘Market Depth’ for many contracts take ages to load up, never comes for cash market trades debentures.
Can you please have ’em looked in to by the team?
Scripts stopping updating has to do with the internet. If internet drops, kite will try connecting back 5 times, and then it will stop trying to connect. You will have to refresh the browser to connect again. About market depth, yeah, we are working on it.
Is kite got approval to trade in mcx. Shall we place orders in mcx?
Login ID : DD0314
I have 3 questions :
1)Can u please add Layout feature in Pi
So that one need not to apply template on every chart and resize windows again and again every time after login.
Sharekhan’s Trade Tiger has this feature, we can use desired indicator, save template, apply it to various charts opened, arrange and resize each window and Finally save it as Layout and set it as default layout
so next time when trader logins he automatically gets the screen which was set previously.
IF Zerodha could even provide Save and Apply Layout, It will be of great help
2) Can u do it for Kite also ?
3) Can one open multiple charts in Kite at the same time ?
Thanks in Advance
Kite already has it. Pi should have it in some time. Yes multiple charts possible.
Dear Zerodha,
Where should I sent Zerodha Demat and ILFS Closure form ?
To the address mentioned in form. ie. Zerodha demat to 153/154, 4th Cross, 4th Phase, JP Nagar, Dollars Colony
Opp. Clarence School, Bangalore – 560078
and ILFS to Andheri, Mumbai Address
send both to
175/176, Opp. Purva Heights,
Bannergatta Road,
Bangalore – 560076
To this one: 153/154, 4th Cross, 4th Phase, JP Nagar, Dollars Colony
Opp. Clarence School, Bangalore – 560078
Dear Zerodha,
Many traders said that I hate Pi, etc,etc
But I think Pi is not that Bad at all, you guys have put lot efforts for Pi
So it is worth praising
can I open multiple charts in Kite ?
Can I save entire screen as Layout and set it as Default ?
Pi has become super popular, and it is a work in progress.
yes, you can open multiple charts and save templates which can be applied by default (use the views button and + at the bottom of the chart).
Is their any way to change the color of candle bar in kite ?
In mobile phone I’m not able to select Bollinger band its out of range.please provide scrolbar…please fix it
Yep on our list of things to do.
Yes the missing data will be filled by eod.
My id DO0042. I am using kite in mcx. I can see price diff in prev close and open price in 5 min candle since i am using sharekhan terminal too. Why there is s price difference in kite and sharekhan terminal..
Today, we had some missing data, so there might be mismatch. But otherwise also, charts need not match with each other. Check this: http://tradingqna.com/8843/technical-charts-google-finance-yahoo-finance-amibroker-match
all the goodies for kite 🙂 when are the goodies update happening for pi?
Dear Teach Team,
I am facing one issue in kite that when i log in to kite it is showing MCX chart from 19:33 P.M. today on 17th September while the market opened at 17:00 PM . Please help to resolve this back fill issue
Yes some issue with the database today, we will have the missing data filled after market closing.
First of all cheers for Kite, its simply awesome. I really wanted such web application so that i can trade from my office with charts LOL. I just want to suggest few things here, i am unable to apply bollinger bands on chart, because create option is not visible on web page. I have attached the screenshot for more info.
Dear Saket,
Increase your screen resolution. I can find the create button. Please find the screen shot
Thanks, looks like it is more compatible with Chrome.
kite is good platform…even better then pi..its just need all feature of pi application..and at least 10 year historic data..
What will be charges from ILFS & NSDL for transferring shares – from one DP/Depository to different DP & depository ? Can someone pls comment on that.
Dear Nitin & Team,
Kite is extraordinarily light weight charting tool, it is difficult to imagine such an excellent product from discount brokers. Even full Service brokers could not provide such a charting tool. I have/had accounts with brokers like ICICIDirect, Indiabulls,Sharekhan,AnandRathi, SMC Global , Religare. None of them have such a light weight charting tool. Congrats and keep going.
Ramana murthy
when r u going to add bracket order in kite?
Kite is excellent. User friendly. Please keep it up. Regards
Dear Sir,
The charts are showing from 2nd Jan 2015 only. How to get charts for last 2 years?
Ramana murthy
WE will start giving more data soon.
really nice platform,
thank you zerodha
Lots of new indicators in kite especially ichimoku. Any chance of it being added to pi?
Is there no option to type TEXT on the chart ?
Why is the gap-up on 16.09.15 shown as big green candle ?
I am seeing Kite for the first time.
Select tool on the left top of the chart has annotations and callout. U can write text using this.
Don’t know what u r talking gap up.
Thanks for quick reply Sir. Sorry i forgot to mention, I meant gap openings in Nifty futures as shown as candles, not gaps as it should be.
In continuation to my earlier comments my suggestion is to provide Heiken candlestick option as an indicator option rather than an normal charting . to be precise i like to view normal candlestick and heiken candlestick at a time .
Not able to find a tool for making a trendline … pls help ..
Use segment in ‘ select tool’ options where horizontal lines etc are available
Kite is excellent. Few suggestion for the chart:
1. Please provide an option to save the charts, or provide automatic savings. I am not sure but looks like you are using charts provided by ChartIQ, as it is very similar to the charts provided by Economic times. The good thing with ET charts is that, once I login, all my trendlines drawn on the chart are automatically saved. If you can provide this facility in Kite, then it will save lot of efforts, and we need not draw all the lines again and again.
2. Like in Pi, if you can show the value MACD histogram, RSI etc. when we put the crosshair on a particular candle. Currently if I put crosshair on a candle, I cannot know what was MACD histogram value at that particular candle. I need to guess it using crosshairs. This facility is provided in Pi.
Dhawal, the charts with all indicators gets saved automatically. You can also save different templates using the view option at the bottom of the chart.
Checking on the MACD thing
Thanks Nithin. Its getting saved and its very nice. 🙂 Thanks for checking on MACD.
Nice initiative with regard to Kite with charts .But i am facing a problem when trying to click studies and selecting ichimoku cloud unable to select “Create” button in the option .
It has got to do with the resolution, we are fixing this. Until then can u minimize the browser from zoom of 100% to lesser. U will be able to add this way.
I want to trade in zerodha, i belong from Rajasthan, can i open an account in gurgaon office, Nitin sir plz help me
Yes u can open an account at Gurgaon office. U can see the contact details here: https://zerodha.com/contact-us
I absolutely hated Pi. But Kite has blown me away. It is super-awesome from every angle. Congrats to Zerodha , you guys are really breaking barriers! I am yet to test it on my Linux machine, hope it works there also.
All the boys building Kite use Linux, so it better work. 🙂
Hi Nithin Sir,
Overall kite is simple and awesome now, keep it simple. If more features are added, it may decrease load and performance. As you know technical issues(like not able to login during crucial times, charts not loading, not able to modify orders…….etc) cannot be avoided but now its is time for handling technical challenges/issues and increasing the performance of the softwares and environments that are used in this overall hardwork.
some minor suggestions for kite:
1) on the home page before login, display indian indices, global indices.
2) Major upcoming events within a week.
Yep on our list of things.
please add horizantal line indicator for previous close visible by default on chart.
Kite is simply suuuper . this is first time i have seen so innovative web based trading platform . especially charting is awesome , all other interface is super . one small question. intraday charts i have seen for 8 days and daily/weekly charts from feb 15 only. is there any chance of these time frames extention . like intraday for 1 month/ 6 month and daily/weekly charts for 5/10 years .
Thanks, u will start seeing a lot more data within a week.
I think kite charts are better than pi
keep it up nithin sir
we r with u always
thanks for your efforts for retail trader
sachin deshmukh
This is a good start but Pls provide chart save and reopen functionality (as I have requested for Pi). Without it, kite is not suitable for trading. I do not mean template saving, I want to see the chart the same way I closed with, including the indicators, custom drawings, time scale (e.g https://www.tradingview.com/)
Everything gets saved the way it was when u logout. But u will have to still click on a scrip and say open chart to see it all again.
Hi Nitin,
Not everything is saved in kite. For example, if I select fibonacci retracements in Tools, it will not be saved. If I open new chart, I have to again select fibonacci retracments from drop down menu. I found it cumbersome. Could you please help me in this regard?
Ramana muthy
Ramana, Fibonacci retracement is plotted based on the two points u connect on the chart. So if you open another scrip or same scrip different time frame, how is it possible to draw fibonacci retracement if u haven’t mentioned the two points? So yeah, this will not be possible.
Dear sir,
That is not my point. Under Select Tool drop down menu, we have Measure/Channel/Doodle/Fibonacci/Gartley/Pinchfork etc.
When Select Fibonacci for the current chart, it shoud stay selected if I select the another chart. For this new chart I will select the two points high and low. Every time I change the chart, I have to scroll down to Fibonacci and select it.
Ramana murthy
i) Would like to have Indices Watch feature in Kite also
ii) Yesterday night the charts still seemed to be checking for fresh price data. The chart was adding dots after the last 1530 hrs candle
iii) Multiple tabs for market watch where prices for multiple scripts can be reviewed quickly instead of having to scroll up / down & locate the script.
iv) Does Kite have any option for indicator based alert
v) Alert based on price of script reaching a particular level
Alerts will take some more time. We are working on other suggestions.
how to plot indicators please help. my chart looks like this
Hello sir,
Please try to update mobile application as well it needs lots of improvements like cannot place after market order, cannot know why transaction rejected, live price are not changing while making transaction on top, after market my watch list doesn’t display last traded price, on buy/sell page not displaying current live price. I know it is difficult to address all these quickly but just let you know. Thanks
Hi Nitin,
When we expect BO order in kite and can you pls look into following features to add into kite when it will implement on android version.
1. Single sign on. That means when user logged in kite at android , session will not expired until he/ she try to login manually from another platform like web , pi, ..etc.
Advantages for this:- we can see how market going then place order withouy lossinh time of login and waiting to open market dashbord.
2. Please add notification on android kite version which same as facebook.
Eg. When order executed , then notification will show in mobile notification list.
When alert triggered , then same notification will show in mobile notification list as like facebook, when we receive notification about friends request, commented on our post.
Advantage for this: – we can see how order executed and know p&l as soon as possible. In case loss, we can maintain low risk.
I hvae mentioned these points by considering workinh person, who is unable to access pi version while he is busy during workinh hours.
Pls mail me vijayksp10.trade@gmail for more discussion.
i am untersand you chat, we are trading option but your chat are not so well so i loss , and u have not got nay type of margin in sell what will u do.i ma not unersand your chart
1. Please provide support for PineScript in Kite
2. Buy and Sell window on Advance chart
3. Sound Alert on execution
4. Please also include William VixFix and SuperTrend as indicator
I am not able to log in Pi software please someone help me
Do send an email to [email protected] with ur client ID for account related queries.
Your DP business is online, does that mean we can trade in Mutual Funds as well as IPOs through Zerodha?
Please enable Mutual Funds so that we dont have to go to another broker for that.
MF will start soon, IPO little longer.
well have been using kite from 2 months and it is good.
Mr. Nithin can we have option chart and market watch facility available here?
if it does happen, it wont be required to open nse or option charts of other trading websites.
Ravi, u can of course add options on the marketwatch and open charts. of course there is marketwatch also. 🙂
Correction: REPOSTED
On checking NSDL and CDSL Sites, i could see your Zerodha at CDSL along with its Charges. I presume Zerodha offering currently is with CDSL.
Hi Nitin and Team
First of all Congrats for getting your own DP. Now Zerodha is a full fledge Stock Broker compared to other Stock Broker.
On checking NSDL and CDSL Sites, i could see your Zerodha at CDSL along with its Charges. I presume Zerodha offering currently is with NSDL.
Second, i was a little disappointed with DP Charges being same as earlier DP. Rs8+CDSL+ST 🙁
Third, can you brief on differences between CDSL and NSDL ? Advantages as well as disadvantages ? Internet is full of stupid info for this and would like to hear your perspective. I hope this will help all users as well. Will put lot of anxiety to rest 🙂
Once again, thank you for all your efforts and congrats on your growth.
ONE LAST REQUEST, can you expand scope of Varsity to include more on charts and drawing tools. Will help more for all of us.
Varun Agarwal
There is no difference between CDSL/NSDL. Yes we are with CDSL. What we are charging is among the least in the industry, most charge Rs 25 or 0.03% whichever is higher. If you have opened the ILFS NSDL account, u can continue holding that. The advantage of having a demat at CDSL with us is that very soon u will be able to start purchasing mutual fund in demat form with us. Also pledging shares for margin will become easier.
Sir.. I have a CDSL ilfs demat with another broker and a trading account with you. When I contacted your team, they said it’s not possible to link my old broker’s CDSL DP, because zerodha only operates on NSDL. But now, you’re saying just the opposite. Could you please link my old CDSL DP with my trading account in zerodha: I just wanna do intraday.( I perfectly understand, I cannot sell my shares from my original DP through you). And as I’ve opened a BSDA account, I cannot open another DP account too. Kindly do the needful.
Yes, this is possible. Send an email to [email protected]
Can u pl. add Bulls Power and Bear Power Indicator in kite. I am using it in Pi
They are present , choose Elder Ray….Bull and Bear are combined
1. Zerodha’s demat is with CDSL and not NSDL?
2. Are there any advantages of CDSL over NSDL?
3. I have heard that not all securities on NSDL are on CDSL (for ex., infrastructure bonds that are not listed). If that is true, it won’t make sense to open account with CDSL.
How to auto refresh the Kite chart? It is painful to refresh the chart every few minute to see the price movements.
Everything on Kite is live, my guess is that u r working behind firewall in an office which is probably blocking live feed.
Hi ,
I am using Kite for 2 months, which is quite helpful for intraday. I see time stamp in charts showing local machine time. it is better if we can use Indian local time.
It is Indian local time. The dates are mentioned in the international format though. month followed by day.
i love the simplicity but seesm difficult to take a particular contracts as i have to type in the full contract name. miss the market watch also.
Change is always a little difficult to adapt but is always for the good 🙂
Its only a matter of time before you get used to the screen. We’ll flood it with features that you don’t miss the marketwatch 🙂
I use Kite for daily trading. Quite superb.
May I know when the HTTP REST API would be publicly available?
Rest API for institutions is available. Some regulatory issues around making it public, but we should have something on this soon.
Can you provide any use case scenario how what type institutions would use this api and for what purpose, etc?
Anyone can use Kite API’s and build trading front ends. These trading front ends will need to be approved by the exchange though.
Also the price markers on the right are hiding the right side of the chart. Please create a padding between the end of the chart and the price markers so that the last bars are clearly visible. Also it would be wise to have an option to move the lines, moving averages under the price bars instead of above it like its right now.
Take a look at the image
Have given the feedback to the tech team. We’ll have it rectified.
Right now after using the new Kite for a while. There is a issue with the chart navigation that happens a random automatically after using a drawing tool. Normally the chart can be zoomed with the mouse wheel and can be scrolled right and left using the mouse and also the left/right keys. But after using a drawing tool sometimes the scrolling function just doesn’t work. What i mean is that suddenly the mouse pointer and the left/right keys are zooming the chart and not moving it from left to right or vice versa. Can you please fix this issue as soon as possible because its quite distracting.
Also after placing a line ( be it a horizontal, vertical, segment, etc) , there should be option to change the color, thickness and type by selecting it. Right to change it the old lines need to erased and new lines have to placed again. Please enable this feature. Other than these Kite is running awesome so far.
Dear Sir,
im using kite which is very great step for benefit intraday traders…
Just now in crude chart i found some thing in the bar.im posting 2 images which show the mistake.please rectify it asap…see bar time is mismach and also bars mismatch
second screenshot
same thing in 30min bar also…
Have intimated this to the development team. We’ll have this fixed.
my id is DD0314, I have opened ILFS demat
Want to migrate but here are my questions
1) What are ILFS demat and DP charges at present ?
2) what are the benefits of migration from ILFS to Zerodha
1) ILFS DP charges: 8+NSDL charges (4.5) + Service Tax
2) Faster Demat Account opening
Clarity in Charges
Better Customer Support
These for now.
We have a few new initiatives lined up which is when the advantage gets amplified.
Whoa whoa whoa ! This is awesome !! I mean really guys this is like a super awesome thing . You know what i mean. KITE.. Its flying high and have broken all the boundaries. I mean its just what i was like dreaming you know. That there would be this super cool trading platform that would run on any device anywhere. Which will have super smooth navigation and drawings. And here it is. A Kite. Its like a Kite as a birthday gift. I can’t thank you enough for this. Much much needed and here it is now.
Kite has fulfilled the need to have a equally powerful and useful trading platform replacement for Pi. That can be run on any devices.
One little suggestions. So far the trend lines and the horizontal lines works perfectly with custom colors and thickness ( all the more reason to switch from Pi ). But the delete button should be a separate button not right click. Cause an accidental right click will delete an important trend line in the midst of trading and its not gonna help.
I have one more query. Is the order placements fully working in Kite. I mean i know that the chart orders are not there yet. But its not a problem right now, if the normal orders are working perfectly. One more kudos to the automatic selection of the Lot Qty for orders. In Pi i had to manually increase the lot but here it already have a selection list. Which is really awesome.
Again Congratulations for this. Kite is a really good platform and all thanks to you guys we finally have a full featured device independent trading platform in India.
Kite is simply marvellous ! Even it runs quite well in Android .Another master piece from Zerodha team. … Thanks to zerodha team . I just want draw your attention to one small flaw in Kite chart . Time break while ploting of 15/30 minutes candle is different from that of Pi. It should be 9:15, 9.45, 10:15 ..like that. Please check it .
Thanks for the spotting this 🙂
Will pass on the feedback to the Tech team. Will be fixed.
even on 5 min chart, candles are starting from 9.30 am but not 9.15… please fix this.
Yes, this is getting fixed soon.
Hi Nithin and Venu,
Will you be adding price alerts to Kite ?
Awaiting your response.
This will take some time.
Kite is really wonderful platform, I am amazed, so lightweight ..
I use kite on desktop and android chrome(tried on dolphin,opera too)
few issues I face
1) more than 20 I can’t add
2) sector wise watch list can’t be created, anyhow can I bring z5 scrips?
3) some time the browser window hangs when click on watchlist.
4) yes BSE is needed.
Another issue:
5) On holding page in desktop too I see no holding sometime but Q it shows correctly
On the trading platforms when the trade process for the day is happening or if we are running our EOD/BOD process(between 12 midnight to 7.30am), holdings and account value may not be showing right. Best to refer Q at those times.
1. We will give multiple watchlist soon.
2. Once u have multiple watchlist, u can create sector wise.
3. hmmm… shouldn’t happen. Can you send a screenshot the next time this happens to [email protected]. We will call and check.
4. Yes, soon.
Sir please give me some idea when is kite android app will be launched. Now I am using kite through opera browser in my mobile which is taking half my battery. Please please please . I am trading both in PC and mobile since I am working. I like desktop kite. Superb. But for mobile no app. So I am using now platform which is very bad in desktop but good in mobile. So please give android app so that I can use both platforms conviniently
Kite Android is under development. Will take some time before its released. Will keep you posted.
in kite.zerodha.com
for crude hourly chart is not working today, i have just added 21,34,50 sma. I dont see any hourly candles from the morning till now. but the same is working for 5min chart. please get back to me asap.
Checking why it isn’t showing. We’ll have this fixed.
its still not working …
I tried using Kite web (i am an investor and not a trader).
When compared to Z5, Logging in is much faster.
Few feedback:
1. For Holdings, only option is EXIT. Please also add “BUY”.
2. I am not able to add BSE only stocks (such as Prima Plastics). Is BSE not added yet?
3. For Orderbook, if i choose EDIT, it shows the original Qty of shares and not the pending Qty of shares. Can you please fix it?
4. One of the biggest problems that i faced with Z5 as well as kite now is that if a stock is traded in BSE and NSE, it would be easier if i add the stock once and should be able to choose NSE or BSE (depending on price at that time) easily at the time of placing trade. Currently i need to add NSE and BSE as 2 items for a given stock. Also if you can display the CMP in both exchanges, it would help to take arbitrage advantage.
I like Kite’s simplicity when compared to Z5. Please improve it with user feedback.
1. Will let the tech team know about it.
2. We don’t have approvals for BSE yet.
3. Will give this feedback to the tech team.
4. If you’d want to track the price of the Stock on both Exchanges, its imperative that you add it to the marketwatch. Since we don’t have approvals for BSE yet, we aren’t displaying the Exchange since its all NSE.
Do keep the feedback coming. The idea with Kite is to give the user the best trading experience 🙂
kite is simple and powerful platform .
if we can fire orders through kite charts it will be awesome .
put buy & sell icons in pop out charts
Kite is a minimalistic, intuitive, responsive trading platform. Buying and selling from charts – Will share it with the tech team 🙂
kite is cooooool.
when the BO/CO will be made available on kite web page ? Is there a plan …
there has been a long wait to get it done in PI ….. it was difficult to watch the graph in one window & navigate to the market watch window to place a BO/CO order …
to some extent that is addressed ( watching the graph & placing order ) .. however integrating the BO/CO feature is needed .. pls address this on priority ..
BO/CO will take some time.
I am your client since April 2015, Let me know what is the demerit if I retain my demat account with IL&FS. There is mere difference of 50 paise in DP transaction charges. They are charging Rs.14 and you will charge Rs.13.50 per scrip.
I don’t understand the advantage of moving the demat account to Zerodha. The difference in cost is very minor, even though AMC would be charged subsequently. Also, margin funding remains same. And hassle of opening new account and transferring, etc.
Would be helpful if you tell us the advantages. Thanks.
Faster Demat Account opening
Clarity in Charges
Better Customer Support
These for now.
We have a few new initiatives lined up which is when the advantage gets amplified.
Kite is wonderful web trading platform , especially Charts are Superb !!! When CO and BO features will be available on KITE?
CO/BO would take some time. Will keep you posted.
Not able to login KITE with my registered password
Please send the screenshot to [email protected], we’ll sort it out for you. If you’re able to login to ZT/Pi, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t be able to login to Kite.
I had paid DEMAT charges for this year at the time of opening with IL&FS in the month of June 2015. As per the post, moving will be free. However will i be charged again at the end of year by Zerodha ?
In IL&FS i was charged Rs.15 on selling of shares. Will there by any charges with Zerodha on purchase or sale of shares ? If Yes, What will be the charges ?
Varun Agarwal
If you choose to move to Zerodha, you can request ILFS to close your demat account. AMC will be refunded to you for the pending period.
Yes, transaction charges will be levied on selling shares from Demat. Rs.8+CDSL charges+Service Tax
I only have Trading account with Zerodha and my demat with ICICIDirect which is connected with my Zerodha Trading account.
Please let me know how I can open an Demat account with Zerodha.
I already contacted my account manager via email but no response till date
Yes, why not? Here’s the links to the forms: https://www.dropbox.com/s/rd7m72qlkilbet6/ZerodhaDsep15.pdf?raw=1
Sign and send us the forms and we’ll get your demat account opened. You’d have to pay Demat opening charges of Rs.100.
Just 15 days back I have opened a demat account with IL&FS thru Zerodha. Now if I transfer to Zerodha DP, do I have to pay annual charges 11.5 months from now? I have already paid advance for 1 year with IL&FS , so will this be adjusted for the first year payment to Zerodha DP ?
We’d be collecting the AMC at the end of the year unlike IL&FS who collects it in advance. Should you decide to close your ILFS account & open a new demat account with Zerodha, the AMC paid would be credited back to you via NEFT/DD after charging pro rata AMC for the period for which you held the account.
Please try and give margin trading on portfolio holding without making and removing pledge… I had read in one of the post of Nithin sir that Zerodha is planning to give this facility once Zerodha has its own DP… As there is market correction recently, portfolio is lying idle with cash stuck… Technically I don’t think there will be any problem as even if we sell shares used as margin, Zerodha can withhold the sales proceeds up to its margin requirement..
There are a few technical limitations in doing this for now. But this will definitely be up on our ‘things to do’ list.
Looking forward to that! One more thing, any other documents required for full transfer of holdings from il fs to Zerodha like CML etc..
First, you’ve to open a demat account at Zerodha. You’d have got a DIS booklet for your IL&FS account, you’d have to fill that and submit for transfer of shares to your new demat account.
Ok got it.. So filled DIS also needs to be submitted to Zerodha Banglore office? There is Option B in Account Closure Form of IL & FS. Won’t that directly transfer the shares to our new Demat Account if we select that and write new Demat Id there? Also, what will be cost of transfer to Zerodha demat? Thanks for reply!!
Yes, you can do it.
That’s what’s updated on the blog: If you already have opened an IL&FS demat account, make sure to also send the ILFS closure letter so that all stock can be moved from ILFS to Zerodha demat with zero cost.
Wow, thanks for a true html5 ecosystem.
Is there any way to have a dark theme. Sometimes I analyze at night and it’ll be less harsh on the eyes
Not yet. Till such time you can use flux: https://justgetflux.com/
Kite is certainly the best way to trade from my android device. However one issue that I face is while viewing charts, when I change the timeframe to more than a minute I.e. 5 min or 15 min the very last candle that gets drawn is very extended in range. Every time I shift from stock view to charts n change the timeframe the last candle is misleading. It makes me turn to other site for charts. Please fix this.
What will be the new account opening charges for equity, f&o and currency as IL&FS used to charge 400 as AMC.
Moreover, I am an existing client of yours, I am in the midst of my AMC payment made. Will it be carried forward in case I migrate and pro-rata payment be made?
AMC for your Zerodha Demat account will be billed at the end of the year unlike advance AMC that IL&FS collects. If you wish to migrate, you’d have to clear your AMC dues. Pro-rata charges will not be carried forward.
Account opening for eq, f&o, currency = 300 if you’re printing your own forms and 400 if we’re sending you the forms.
300 includes first years AMC?
AMC is collected at the end of the year. This is just the account opening fee. AMC is also Rs.300
Nitin and Entire Zerodha Team, Just One word Awesome!!!, Terrific Job.
The bottom portion of the studies is been truncated. There should be scrollbar for studies in non popout window.
thanks and regards
Thanks for the feedback. Will have the tech team updated about this. Will be fixed soon.
how to plot indicators in kite. my dashboard is looking like this.
On the right top u see a drop down called studies. Click on that, u will see all the 99 indicators.
Wow… I really love the tech charts in Kite.. but am looking it to trade in MCX. will you please tell me when it will enabled trading for MCX
You can trade MCX.
Hi Nithin,
I just love the Kite platform. Awesome job!
And it was very much needed actually especially the MASSIVE PAIN I had in using PI.
Awesome work guys!
Hi Guys!
If I opt for Zerodha Demat Account, do I still need to ‘pledge’ and ‘un-pledge’ shares in order for them to be used for margin-ing F&O exposure?
Also, are there any (other) such operational differences between a Zerodha Demat Account and the existing IL&FS one?
Yes, you’d still have to pledge and request for unpledge. There wouldn’t be any difference for you as a client, everything would remain same.
Then y when all other brokers are giving margin for trading based on holdings after considering haircut, zerodha not able to do so.
The main problem in the current scheme is after pledging if I want to close that share I have to de pledge it and I can sell it next day only. It is bad for short term traders who buy shares with short term holding.
It has been great pleasure to me by hearing about staring of Zerodha DP
As being an existing client I am also willing to switch in Zerodha DP
Let me know the followings…
Should I send the IL&FS DP closing form along with Zerodha DP opening form? i.e. will you submit the closing form to IL&FS on behalf of me?
I have learned that IL&FS will refund the AMC on pro rata basis, but what about yours? How much will zerodha charge? If I open A/c in the month of October 2015….. would it be charged on pro rata basis, when you will charge on the end of calendar year or financial year (as per the case may be)
Because it would be unfair if Zerodha askes for entire year’s AMC when someone is having A/c only for few months
Due to this switching I have to transfer my Shares held in my existing IL&FS A/c to the new zerodha A/c…what about the debit charge generated due to this particular transfer, I think zerodha should pay the same.
Yes send the ILFS closure along with new Zerodha DP forms. We will submit the closure to ILFS. When ILFS closes the account, they will transfer all the stock to Zerodha demat of yours free of cost. Zerodha AMC will be Rs 300, we will charge it at the end of the financial year.
Hello Sir,
Is it mandatory to close the ilfs demat to open demat with Zerodha since I don’t have any shares in ilfs demat account.
Not compulsory to close. In your own interest, its best to close to avoid paying AMC.
Hi Nithin,
I had submitted closure form for ILFS and demat opening form directly in zerodha office on 12-oct. I had to call up again to check if everything is fine. Finbally got an email notification about DP being activated on 20-oct. The status quo remains after that. The zerodha dept dealing with this is “non-communicative” and customers don’t get visibility of the current status. Do you have any process at all to track things to closure or it happens in an adhoc basis? I’m greatly disappointed and generally found the support to be sluggish with complacency. I’m writing to you with the hope things will improve in future.
Indira, this was like the first month of demat business, a bunch of things that will get ironed out soon. Will get someone to have a look at your ticket immediately.
Thanks. I had got 2 support tickets opened to get my queries answered. But as expected no response from the support team. Had called up and spoken with support executive yesterday and he said concerned dept will call back. Since that didn’t happen, called up the support again and understand the following:
1. Client Master List will be sent 24 to 48 hrs from today for the account activated on 20-Oct. (very adhoc) Normally when opening a new account, welcome kit with cml will be delivered by a typical brokering agency.
2. ILFS account closure will take another 8 working days from today. Submitted my account opening and closure form on 12-Oct.
Making the support respond back to customer is a tough job and we should followup on phone to get things moving, this has been my experience so far.
Thank You.
Hi Indira,
Will have the CMR copy sent across to you rightaway. Being online brokers, we don’t send any physical copies.
ILFS will intimate you of account closure once its done.
Embedding full features of graph in same page is too good.
When can we expect CO/BO in kite.
I’m looking forward to it too