Chrome extensions for Kite and pulse
I am very excited to let you all know that we have won the prestigious “Economic Times – Startup of the year award – 2016” in the bootstrap category. Coincidentally Aug 15th is also our sixth year anniversary. I, on behalf of the entire Zerodha team, want to take this opportunity to thank you all for the love and support over the last six years.
Chrome extensions
We’ve just introduced Chrome browser extensions for Kite and Pulse. If you are using Chrome, click on this link and click on “Add to chrome”. Once added, both the extensions will start showing up on your Chrome browser.
Kite Chrome extension
Access your Kite account from any website with just a single click on the extension. Click anywhere outside to hide the Kite popup.
Once the extension is installed, you will also see Kite buy and sell buttons next to NSE equity scrips on popular websites like yahoo finance, NSE, and Google finance to help you place your orders. If you own a website and want the chrome extension to support your website, send us an email to [email protected]
Pulse extension
Pulse aggregates latest business, finance, and market news from the last 24 hours from all major Indian news sources in one place – ad and clutter free.
Happy Independence Day,
Hey, Extention is not working… Please work on it.. Just do not earn money; please spent some money on your tradin platform and make it better and user friendly..
Please I can’t find a comment place in my account on loaded pulse i am not able to comment on loaded pulse please can you help me out
Kite Extention problem, Extention not working, can you please resolve this issue??
Hi Praneeth, we’ve discontinued the Chrome extension.
Any plan to readd the extension?
I am not able to see kite extension in chrome? is it removed ?
If not can you please share the link for the same.
Thanks in advance.
Hey Abhijeet, we’ve discontinued the Chrome extension.
Can we use the Kite full width chrome extension? Is it harmful with respect to privacy?
It isn’t an official extension by Zerodha so I wouldn’t be able to recommend it.
please provide add -on for zerodha margin calculator/
How to redeem Liquidbees units(which we got in form of dividends) from kite.I can see dividends in cdsl account but its not visible in kite.
Thanks for the Information!
hi, Thanks for the information!
Can you please list all the websites supported by kite Extension.
This is will really helpful…I am keen to use this….thanks, Zerodha…
Also, are you planning to implement Stock Price alerts in Kite app?….if yes, when can we expect it?
Excellent & Fantastic Add on. This will help to reduce our time to calculate. I’m very happy as a Zerodha User.
i’m not able to visit kite from my PC. it is showing that kite’s dns address cannot be found. and not even zerodha pi. i want to download zerodha kite web and pi for my pc. please help.
hmm.. can you email [email protected] with your client ID and contact details.
Zerodha is doing mind boggling stuff…sheer number of products that you guys have launched is awesome.
With the pace the tools that you people are developing , I think you will have to maintain a separate Wikipedia for them. Cheers . Keep up the good work. All the best.
if i select black background , day seperator line is too light so plz make it dark so that it can be visible very well
All the tab windows name are same … WHY?? name should be changed also script wise
Whenever you pop-out charts, the tabs are labelled with the scrip name. Not sure what you’re talking able.
whenever i popout diffrent chart all the label of the tabs name r same
We are pushing an update in a while that should fix this.
in supertrend whenever buy or sell signal generate there r 5 arrows plz remove 4 of them and make it only one that will be enough… five arrows looks very disturbing
The way the indicators look is determined by ChartIQ, the charting vendor that we use for Kite. The number of arrows shouldn’t really make much of a difference though.
every time i popout any chart in kite Volume panel automatically open in chart , i didnt save it though , this should not be happend
We’ll have this fixed soon.
how to change background color in chart in kite? i want to change white to black how can i do that?
You have to popout the chart, in display choose the night theme.
I cant find any theme option selection in DISPLAY Option
You need to popout the chart. Check this.
which browser u recommend for kite? best browser for kite??
how to get data window in kite? i.e. means how to get particular candle rsi value in kite?
Kite doesn’t have a data window as such. You’ll have to ascertain the RSI value for a given candle using the crosshair tool.
Can you please incorporate Camarilla Pivot Point in Kite Charting studies? Such a vital indicator helpful for intraday trading is missing iin Kite charts.
Dear Team,
Thanks for the wonderful technology you have been providing so far which makes you top of all the discount brokers. I have been enjoying the best in class service from you so far. I would like to request one thing from you, from your latest google add on service the BO & CO orders are not showing in you addon. Is it possible to add this in future?. Awaiting for your confirmation Thank you.
Yes, in some time.
If i draw any kind of line like vertical or horizental on chart in Kite and then delete it and then change the script and then back to that script which we draw study our deleted study automatically again shown their .. how can deleted line again shown their?? if i deleted it
Hi Manoj. The drawings on the chart are stored on the server end so that you can see your drawings across computers. The server storage is updated every 60 seconds. So, if you add a drawing to a chart and leave it there for 60 seconds, it gets stored on the server. The same goes for deleting. If you move away from the chart in less than 60 seconds, the server storage doesn’t get updated and so when you come back, you see the drawing. We’re working on reducing this time required to update the chart preferences.
how to save and then load different templates in kite?
Check this video.
I installed add on for first time . It is very innovative initiative with new technologies for better operation. I found Zerodha ‘s invasions are very impressive due to its simplicity but powerful. I give congratulation to ZERODHA team for their valuable effort I wiil see more in future .
Hi NIthin,
It’s been a week since I started trading with Zerodha. I must say “Bravo ! (in Colonel Hans Landa style 😀 )” . Although I am into stocks since 2006 but without technicals . So therefore the result was lost a huge amount of money (taking 2008 recession into account 😀 ) – somwehere around 12-13 lakhs ! but its fine – leanrt a lot and still learning . I believe stock market is ever learning process. When to enter and when to exit – one need to master on this and indicators provided in kite/pi helps a lot. These days I am searching for videos of each indicator/chart i see in dropdown list of kite and apply it very next day . The result is always positive . Whenever trade goes wrong , I analyse Kite charts and see where I went wrong and what I was thinking at that point of time. Lemme stop here.
the bottom line is you and the team are doing great job and very well done ! Thanks ! 🙂
i have selected black theme in chart in zerodha kite and if i draw horizental or vertical line or any kind of line i cant see that line beacuse default line color is black but i want to change color of horizental or vertical line how can i change that?
When you select line from the dropdown on the chart, you see a color box next to it. Select your color there.
Why there is no provision to carry stop loss order to next day, if one wants to keep overnight position?
currently, all the open orders gets cancelled at the end of the day.
Vishal, exchanges in India doesn’t still provide good till cancelled order feature. We are looking at building our own layer to store such orders. Will take some time.
Hi Nithin,
if that is the case then there is no way to carry open position next day, right?
how does swing trading works then?
Being novice trader, i am still in the making 🙂
Ah :), you can definitely enter a contract and hold it overnight. Only thing is that pending orders get cancelled end of everyday and you have to place it afresh the next day.
I have made several requests before for incorporating Live Options Greeks ( Delta, Theta, Gamma etc ) in the Kite platform. It will greatly help the huge number of traders who trade Options scientifically. Considering the fact that Options turnover accounts for over 75% of total turnover on NSE, I feel it should be your top priority. You can take the US platform thinkorswim for reference.
Is there such a release in pipeline ?
Yep, we have something in the works. Will take time though.
Dear Nitin,
I have raised number of times the issues of chart in Kite but still the problem persists which is very serious. The problem is the candle value and the mkt depth figures do not match. This is irrespective where you are on heiken ashi or pure candle.
Secondly the candle chart and the indicators unlock from each other. Meaning when you drag the chart with a mouse to previous weeks this problem happens. Again if you refresh it goes away to return again.
Please add browser extensions for Safari and Opera browsers.
Also, please add other popular websites like economictimes, moneycontrol, business-standard etc.
More than 50% of users worlwide use Chrome which is why it was built for Chrome. I’ll let my tech team know about your feature request.
Can you extend the support of Buy & Sell from moneycontrol through chrome extension?
I track my entier portfolio across different demat & mf through moneycontrol , if I can buy or sell directly from modeycontrol through kite it would be a game changer
We had it on moneycontrol earlier but they seemed to have a problem with it, so we had to remove it from sites we support.
Why is it not available in tradingview?
It should be. I can see it.
I have created couple of Views (Chart templates) in Kite. Once I do a fresh login and load chart, only I see the firstly created View.
My question is how to save templates under Kite and apply as required later on
Ashok, once you add a view, you need to keep it open for atleast 60 seconds for it to save.
Hi Nitin,
I have a few suggestions for PI Software.
1) The chart should move left and right with the keyboard buttons i.e. (left button and right button). (currently it only moves if the button on the upper right menu is clicked with the mouse)
2) Horizontal Line: In those choices, horizontal line option should be added. Currently its not there. We have to use mouse to click and then get horizontal line.
3) Fibonacci Retracement & Extensions really needs improvement: Right now, they are rigid, there should be a setting option for modifying the ratios. For example: Fib of 78.6% and 88.6% are not available at the current moment. Also Extensions which are so important for a trader as the trader looks to get out of the position at 127.2% and 141.4%, they are absolutely not there. How can a trader know when to exit if extensions are not available. Extensions is a must and must be added sir.
4) Chart goes out of the screen, this creates inconvenience. I dont know how i should explain this to you. But I am sure you get what i am saying here.
5) Whenever we click on the chart, it should give us the current price clearly. Example: If i click anywhere on the chart I should be able to see the price on the right hand side so that makes it clear. Currently a box is available and it is very inconvenient to find the current price from that box.
Mr. Kamath, you are doing a great job and I will be very happy if these changes are rolled in the PI software. Thanks.
1. Currently the chart moves left and right with key board side arrows.
2,3 Points noted.
4. Can you please write to [email protected] with more explanation on this.
5. Not advisable because during market hours it may create confusion with LTP.
any tutorial to learn any software
Application were forwarded last week. IPV was done last week Thursday. Minor observation on application was also cleared last week itself.
Was told that client ID would be made available in 02-03 working days. Was assured that it will be done by 15th.
While inquiring on 15th, was told that it will take another 02 days, i.e. by 17th (Thursday) and in worst case, maximum by 18th (Friday), i.e. today; way longer time than that was originally committed. Ok. Fine.
While inquiring today again, executives generally don’t pick up the phone to avoid feedback (personal feeling after making many calls over the week).
Finally could catch someone but the status of account opening is neither clear to them nor made clear to me.
Hope some feedback. Thanks.
Sorry for the delay, your account has already been created. You’ll receive your login credentials by evening.
Mr. Venu,
Negative feedback.
While calling upon evening @ 022-65152020 for login credentials, they said account has yet not opened.
It will take more time and no further deadline can be assured.
Kite extension is not showing… I can only see Pulse extension… Please do rectify asap…
Aditya, I can see it. Click on this link.
Got it. Thanks a lot…
All this is only window dressing and i think won’t matter for real traders here.
Still you have not updated ordering system.
Let me get straight: your ordering system is pathetic.
GTC ordering has still not been made available… Really has been pain to manually enter orders daily.
We cannot push orders into preopen automatically. Manually entering orders in that 7 mins window is harrowing.
Bracket & Cover orders cannot be converted to CNC when we want.
Have missed out on great trades due to inflexible ordering system.
Pi is not that good software. Hangs frequently when 2 or more market watch windows are open.
I’m new to zerodha, previously I was trading on TradeTiger. I have a trading strategy in which I observe the market at about 9:07-9:08 AM and till 9:14 AM I used to place orders in a “Bulk Order” window of TradeTiger (orders are not passed on to exchange at this time but software waits for you to press “Push Orders” button when trading session starts to send these orders to exchange). There would be more than 2 different stocks in the list with individual and different quantities.
cnc buy infy quantity 150 @price 901 tp 925
cnc buy wipro quantity 325 @price 410 tp 426
cnc buy sunpharma quantity 100 @price 690 tp 702
As soon as trading session starts at 9:15 AM you press the “Push Orders” button to push all the orders to the exchange all at once. So all the orders are open max within a few seconds. This also minimizes the execution time for multiple stocks and stocks are bought for desired and calculated prices.
Is there such provision in zerodha Pi or Kite too?
Vikram, the feature is called basket order. No, it is currently not available, but on our list of things to do.
The stability of the tool is in question. Last 3 days when there is lot of fluctuations in the market the tool is not at all stable. Is Zerodha management really looking into availability and stability of the system.
Renju, early morning we are having a few issues, we are working over the weekend to ensure it doesn’t repeat.
Hi Nithin
Since last 2-3 weeks i am observing that there is performance Issue with kite especially in the mornings. Charts take quite some time to open. Some times it does not show my open positions. Please take this feedback in positive intent. I am very happy and delighted about the progress ZERODHA has made in a short period of time. I hope you don’t loose the momentum. I hope i will see some improvement in coming days. Today i lost around 1500 INR because i couldn’t exit on time inspite of being in profit, as it was not showing my open positions. I had to log out, then login back and by the time its was all over.
Other than above i have referred 3 of my friends 1 year back and i still don’t see any referral amount in my account.
Having this checked, last week there were some issues that happened because exponentially more load. Nothing yesterday. About the referral amount, can you send an email to [email protected] with your client ID.
omprakash says:
November 11, 2016 at 9:28 am
Om, today morning intermittently people who were trying to login after 9.15am were having issues until around 9.45 am. We are working over the weekend to ensure this doesn’t repeat.
Hi ,
Great job on launching the product. I have installed the chrome additions and yet unable to see buy sell icons on moneycontrol. Any suggestions ?
Moneycontrol asked us to remove them as one of the supported sites.
Major problem with zerodha pi and kite , can’t see expiry in kite of mcx scrips , all scrips show expiry of 16novfut and in zerodha pi after adding mcx scrips it does not show expiry next to scrip it shows like ex- lead16novfut or zinc16novfut , please solve this as soon as possible it is very confusing to trade and select
Hi Nithin,
Regarding the pledging of my stocks-
How can I be sure that after debiting my stock from my demat, it is indeed pledged and is safe? Should’t I receive some kind of a receipt which shows that 100 shares of Infy were debited from client account “for pledging” and have been pledged with CDSL/NSDL on so and so date.
It is only your inhouse backoffice tool “Q” which shows pledged shares. There is absolutely no pther official receipt/record of my pledged shares. Sorry if this sounds rude, but why should someone believe only your inhouse backoffice tool? What’s the guarantee that my shares are actually pledged with CDSL/NSDL after debiting from my demat?
Also I read somewhere that the monthly demat holding report should show a separate column titled “Pledged shares”. But this is not part of the holding reports which I get from Zerodha. Please clarify.
I am not showing any mistrust, infact I truly appreciate Zerodha for its transparency, but just want to know.
Whenever there’s a debit/credit, there’s a trail of the transaction. If one were to generate the statement of transaction, it would show the recipient’s demat account details, which would be Zerodha’s in this case. There’s enough evidence to prove ownership of the stock using the reports in the depository module.
The report that you’re talking for pledged shares is when you pledge shares with a bank/nbfc and raise a loan against it. Pledge of such sorts would reflect under the “pledged shares” in the statements sent.
Hi nithin
Kite not working properly.many times shows error fetching code when try to open the chart.kindly solve this issue. My id DO0042
Dear Kamath,
1.User is able to place a buy order from the chart at mkt price.
2.User should be able to fix the lot size for repeatable trades.
3.As soon as a buy order is executed, the system shoots a sell order with a trigger for exit.
4.This sell order with trigger gets illustrated on the chart and user can drag and drop (Move the line) with a mouse to exit the market whenever they want for profit maximization.
This is nothing but high frequency manual trading based on chart. Trader is looking at .25 to 1 rupee most of the time and can exit when mkt reverses. It will be a boon for retail traders.
If ZERODHA can help it would be great.
Anand Krishnan
Is there any possibility to get facility like VTC order (Valid till cancel) or GTC (Good till cancel) from zerodha in coming year?
Yep, working on it.
Currently i work as Mutual Fund Agent. Do you have MF Distributor plan ?
Not as of now Ramesh,we will have it soon.
Any approx time frame?
No timelines as such Ramesh.
Hi! Will Zerodha be facilitating Indian investors to invest in the US, UK, Singapore or Australian markets? Is any of the mentioned markets is on the cards? Thanks! 🙂
Souvik, not for now. It is a pain to transfer rupees out of India, too many regulatory hassles.
Could i know about, http://teaspoon.io/.
We can see Zerodha logo and shown “Launching in the third quarter of 2015”
Teaspoon has been shelved.
Can investors without Indian heritage based in the UK and US/Canada open an account and take advantage of your margin/leverage/collateral offerings? Will Indians soon be able to invest in US stocks directly with Zerodha?
Quite tricky for foreigners to invest into Indian markets. Not possible currently with us. Indian clients investing in US is something that we might open up in sometime.
Please improve basic features instead of adding new ones.
For eg. today 14th October, I was not able to square off BO positions, and faced the inexperienced Zerodha support, who kept on telling me to log off and re-login 5 times, and nothing was happening. When I tried call & trade, the guy asked me to wait. Meanwhile, the system not only did not close my BO position, it created another MIS position on its own.
Helpdesk is of no use.
The Auto Square off didn’t happen which is why the position was squared off in MIS. Your intraday BO position has been squared off.
Thanks, but this does not address the basic issues that from 3 PM to 3.20 PM, I was not able to square off the BO positions, and the help desk & call n’trade were not able to do anything about it. The position was squared off after 3.30, because the Auto Square off did not happen at 3.20 when it should.
Helpdesk keep on giving parroted replies such as network failure & technical errors, which make no sense.
Not allowing a client to square off his BO position when he is in a profitable position is a crime.
Which is why I am requesting you to focus on basics like system response before adding newer features. Thank you.
Hi Nithin !.
can we expect limit order in CO and trade from charts for kite in near future?
it will help lot
We’re working on providing you these features on Kite.
I have joined zerodha on 24/08/2016.
Though I get the contract notes I am unable to know the individual scrip brokerage rates, let me know where I can get this.
This is necessary As I would have to calculate capital gains for Income tax purposes.
I have started with a capital of 312500 and intend to have holdings worth 1 cr by 31st March
Will write here when I cross the same/
I request the same as well. ICICIDirect gives me a breakup of brokerage & taxes / charges per scrip. Currently, I have to manually apportion the total charges in Zerodha. Thanks.
Has the minimum referral wallet withdrawal been increased from Rs 2,020 to Rs 10,000 ? Whats the rationale ?? Thats a huge increase
Request you to add customization features to Positions (for kite) and Admin position tabs (for Pi) wherein we can group the open positions into certain customized categories (like as per different strategies)
Currently in kite every time we move to different tab and come back to positions tab it gets scrambled. Only alphabetical sorting is allowed in this tab. Same for Pi.
I’ll pass on your suggestions to the respective teams.
Do you accept Gilt funds or other liquid funds as ‘cash equivalents’ for margin purpose? (Just like liquidbees)
We accept whatever the exchanges consider as part of liquid funds. For now, I don’t think NSE considers govt bonds as part of cash equivalent for now.
You’ll be able to download it from Q soon.
plz add ATP Line(AVERAGE TRADE PRICE) in chart . is very important to read chart
You can post feature requests here: Request form
how to genarate sound aleart with scanner like expert advisor. plz help with this.
thank you
I don’t think there is a provision for that. Reason being is as a design EA sound Alert is for individual stock condition met thing hence the sound alert. And the Scanner is for condition met search among a group of stocks. Hence no sound alert.
Though Zerodha can give “an Option”. 🙂
Dear Nithin,
How to post screenshot here?
1. How come autocomplete is not enabled for the stock name in kite popup chart window? One has to manually scroll down to stock name then click it. Pls allow autocomplete.
2. Pls allow chart selection directly from kite popup chart window, right now only those stocks which are in market watch can be opened for chart from popup chart window.
Haven’t got any reply on this.
1. Have put this on our list.
2. This is a little tricky to do technically, but let me have this checked.
Thank You for considering point 1.
I remember Point 2 was enabled in initial release of kite. And somewhere in between bug fixes and new features it got disabled.
For your information pls.
Hi Nitin, just wanted to congratulate u and ur comrades for your active role in this forum. As I traded with other charting softwares of other brokerages, one thing i would like to see is the hourly candle. In Pi every candle finishes at 9:15 or 10:15 which makes it a bit unreliable specially the last candle coz last candle would be from 3:15 to 3:30 but still it would appear in hourly chart. would like to see every candle finishing at say 10,11,12,1,2,3 and even if the last candle is from 3 to 3:30, still it catches the most volatile period of the day clearly.
Sandip, most people want it the way we have, some people want it the way u want it. As I said, in both cases, the first 15 and last 15 mins are the most volatile points of the day. First 15 is more important because people make a lot of trading decisions based on them for the rest of the day.
Hi Nitin, I would like to see the facility of trigger order as entry in Cover Orders. Currently, for entering a position through cover orders, we could only do by taking market px or limit px, cannot put a trigger to enter the position. I am happy with the second leg of the cover orders where we can just put the trigger as SL M. Would love to get a facility to trigger an entry.
This is on our list of things to do, some technical challenges.
Hi Nitin
I am now using Kite – both app and PC version for last 6 months for my trades. It would be a GREAT help if you can please add columns in the trade book to show the charges (brokerage, STT, taxes etc etc) and the net amount. This will help us enormously in reconciling the P/L with trades done. In its absence I have to go through the tedious process of referring the contract notes to get the net trade amounts. Hope I am able to convey the problem and looking for a positive reply 🙂
Arup, arent you using q our reporting tool? Check this section. You can login to Q.zerodha.com, we are launching a new version of this which will be fully integrated with Kite.
how to find crude oil daily volatility value
You can do this easily by using the “=STDEV()” function in excel. Please check this link for a step by step instruction – http://zerodha.com/varsity/chapter/volatility-calculation-historical/ .
The example used in the above link if for Nifty, but the exact same procedure is usable for commodities including Crude.
i am trading thorough kite terminal.From last 5 days i can’t been able to open nifty scrip.plz look into the matter it’s urgent.
Everything seems normal, can you send an email to [email protected] with your client ID
hi, there is another reliable and far more better than IMPS transfers called UPI (UNIFIED PAYMENT INTERFACE) when will zerodha have its Virtual address for this kind of payment… or can we use this to transfer funds to my trading account ?
Bharath, we will have a UPI in sometime.
Has Zerodha got the UPI VPA address for us to instantaneously transfer funds from our UPI based banking Apps.
with Best Regards,
Not yet, but soon.
Can we at least transfer money to zerodha account via UPI instead of NEFT.
Does Zerodha accept that ?
(Money from linked account via Phoe pe UPI)
You can use IMPS instead. Currently with UPI we don’t get to see the bank account number from where we are receiving funds.
My id: DO0042.The customer care in chennai alwarpet is really waste. I will use to call one person named Mr. Mousin really got fed up calling him. Phone will be busy any time Never picks my call and the even i sent message to him never call back . This is how you maintain your support team?Please try to resolve this issue.Provide a customer care number for commodity can assist till 11:00 p.m. Tried this two numbers after 8 pm (91 80 4040 2020, +91 80 3310 2020
+91 80 3310 2020) says support available in market hours but in your website mentioned till 9 to 11:55 pm.
Omprakash, Mousin is just a sales guy, best to call us up for support. The call n trade desk is open till market closing. When you call us choose the option call n trade, if calling after 7pm in the evening. Also do call us up only if you need help with placing commodity orders.
Superb Extension.
But I can’t see the Kite Buy & Sell buttons on moneycontrol.com
Moneycontrol had an issue with it (donno why), so we removed it from the list of sites we support.
Huge amount of issues with Q nowadays. 90% of the times I keep getting 502 bad gateway. What’s the issue and when is it getting sorted ?
90%? hmm yeah facing issues with it once a while. Should get sorted soon.
Hello Nithin,
Congrats on this success!
I will like to be very honest with you. The management team of Zerodha is excellent (product innovations, user friendliness, responsiveness etc). But believe me, you “REALLY” need to do something about your operational/back office team.
I am facing ‘n’ number of issues which are not being solved or even answered properly by your support team. It includes dividends not being credited on pledged shares (until I email them specifically), Bonds not being credited in demat after 1 month of purchase, errors in contract notes…….
I can go on. I guess these are all serious enough issues for your support team to pay attention to. But on most occasions I have got terse replies which I feel is almost an attempt to “clear one more ticket” rather than address my issues/questions with sincerity.
I suppose you will agree that the last thing a trader/investor wants is an un-reliable back office where he has to keep checking whether his shares were actually deposited, dividends were actually credited or not and all other operational aspects rather than focussing on his main task. Yes, the onus lies with the investor himself finally, but trust in broker is definitely shaken when things like this happen repeatedly.
Hi Abhay,
Thank you for your kind words of appreciation.
As far as the issues you’ve highlighted, would help if you could share specific cases. Dividends are reconciled every week and are paid out, bonds – are you referring to Sovereign Gold bonds? If yes, then the allotment happened directly from RBI, something which was out of our control, Errors in contract notes – again as I said, would help if you shared ticket numbers of specific cases which would help us give you clarity.
Hi Venu,
Here are the ticket numbers-
(1) Ticket #180743 : I purchased the gold bond in secondary market on 29 July, not in RBI auction. So I expected a normal T+2 days delivery.
(2) Ticket #534977 : I have pledged liqueedbees for daily cash margin. The unit dividends I receive on the same never match with what Goldman sachs liqueedbees dividend calculator shows they have paid.
(3) Ticket #162948 : Contract notes related
Hi Abhay,
1) The account you’re holding at Zerodha is a CDSL account. When you purchased these units, we received these units to our NSDL pool account. RBI/Depositories isn’t allowing depositories allowed to make inter depositary transfers (NSDL to CDSL or vice versa) because of which we aren’t able to give you credit of these units. This is beyond our control as well. Here’s the recent depository circular which talks about enabling inter depository movement: https://www.cdslindia.com/publications/commprocedure.aspx?eventid=DP6133
I believe someone from my team has called you and informed you the same.
Till such time that Inter DP transfers will be allowed, we wouldn’t be able to transfer these units. This is the reason we’ve disallowed buying units listed on the Exchange subsequently. We can give you an exit option though. Do let us know if you’d like to sell these and we can do it for you.
2) Dividends for pledged shares are reconciled on a weekly basis and are paid out within a maximum of 6 days of having received them from companies. Liquidbees dividends are computed on a monthly basis and are paid out. The rate of dividend paid out is different for corporate entities & to individual entities. Your pledged shares are held in a corporate account and hence such dividends would be applicable & paid.
3)It’s a common contract note cum bill, so your carry forward positions whould show. Will have this checked and fixed.
Thanks Venu for the link to the official circular. I wish your support team had informed it to me earlier. I had only received the email reply to my ticket and it had no satisfactory explanation whatsoever.
Regarding the last point on contract note errors, if you can also let me know the following- why am I charged a brokerage for the “exercised/assigned” options (which I had written and let them expire OTM. They were not squared off by me, so I should not be charged brokerage for that). This happened on CDS segment in August expiry. I checked from NSE trade verification and there is no ‘executed’ trade, which is obvious as I didn’t square them off (I had described the issue in my ticket, but never got a satisfactory reply)
Dear Sir,
Can you add the live feed for Stock Exchange such as NIFTY AND SENSEX in KITE Platform
NIFTY-8726 (+11) And SENSEX-28372.33 (+18.89)
You can add all indices on NSE(not sensex yet), check this https://kite.trade/docs/kite/#universal-search
helo, in macd right side point ” 0.00 ” if we try to mark it with horizontal line that line is changing ,usually sees the macd zero line fixed.
sir i have an out of track question
do we have the balance of power technical indicator in kite
We have an indicator called “On balance volume”
thanks for the reply
can the indicator be manually added
Not for now.
Hi nithin,
My wife already has an account with zerodha and i would like to open account as well. can you pl direct me to a responsive( not responsible) person.
Hi Sanjeev,
You can call Bosco on +91-9884414020 to get your wife’s account opened.
Both the extensions work nice … Way to go.
A small suggestion:
When I load pulse as a chrome extension or in some other mobile browser, it loads one very long page.
If I scroll down a fair amount on a mobile device, there’s no quick way to get back to the top of the page.
I suggest, adding a “Back to Top” button would be of much help.
its awesome …………..right now……….!!
Hello Sir,
In Kite Ex:At Present You can buy (or) Sell only one Stock at same time
Can you Add the Feature Multiple Buy (or) Sell the stocks at the same time
Yes CK, a basket feature is going to come up soon.
Hello Sir,
Fund Withdrawl Credited to bank may take 24 Hours
Can this can be Reduced to Same day by Using IMPS and UPI (1min or 10min)
Can you Add this Feature in Upcoming BackOffice?
Thank You
Yes, we are working on this in the new backoffice.
Dear Sir,
I am unable to create a beneficiary with alphabatic account number.
please suggest me
Check this: https://zerodha.com/fund-transfer#tab-deposit_funds, there is also the normal account number mentioned.
I have Observer That Trading Page in Kite.Zerodha is just less than 1kb while Updating live stock price. so i wanted to know that what the salary of your Software Team Employees.
it will be helpful to many IT Developers :).
🙂 lol, what can I say, we are lucky to have a talented team.
On Kite why does Completely formed Rangebars are getting errased?
When I was observing NickleMini for 50 Paise Range Bar found that a completely formed Range bar was erased. e,g Price Moved from 155 to 155.50 a bar was formed then it moved till 156 another bar was formed but as soon as it moved below it was erased…that’s ok. But when price moved from 155.50 towards 155 a new red bar should have formed instead it erased the previous bar which was completely formed, also 2 more previous bars also got erased.
Unless the next range bar doesn’t start, the current range bar is not complete and hence can get erased.
please read my comment completely. It says 2 previous bars got erased
your service is very well.sir i want to please proveide in hindi in these instruction. because uttar pradesh and bihar person know english very less.
When I am using Range Bar in Kite with a range of 50 Paise for Natural Gas I saw its changing pattern when I change from 1 H to 1D time frame, why? Aren’t range bar Time independent?
Having this checked. I am guessing the range of the bar itself is changing, can u see how much it changes to.
I checked it Range remains the same but pattern changes
That is because the starting point changes. Since starting point changes the pattern also can change.
When Range Bar is selected there Timeframe options must be disabled, so we will not have this issues.
Please launch an addon for Firefox browser as well.
Hi Zerodha team,
Good initiatives by zerodha. I’m also expect more about One Click Trade (like Icefx Trader Agent) on pi trading software platform. It’s ease of access and trade quick and stop-loss, target prices are change while drag and drop the horizontal line of vertical axis (price) and quick reverse (long to short and vice versa) trade, close all trade on single click and lot more and more etc., in single panel view. It’s real great to quick trading action. I hope, it’s may be coming soon on brokers software platform.
For reference please look in that video:
Thanks in advance.
I can see Buy and Sell button on Trading View website but giving below error if I click on it
“error_type”: “InvalidDataError”,
“message”: “No valid order entries found in the JSON payload”,
“status”: “error”
Hi Sandip,
Can you give us the link where you are getting this error? Will get this checked..
https://in.tradingview.com/ choose any NSE stock with the interactive chart and you should be able to see the buttons for Buy and Sell. Once you click on them you get above error
I am a iMac user. Is there any plan to provide software like Pi for these users? That would really be helpful.
Thanks and regards,
i appreciate the new initiatives taken by zerodha … but i want to point out one basic problem with zerodha that im facing if u can take it positiveley … im a full day trader and do it for my living. whenever at market opening i put a order in cash market say at 9.15.04 seconds the order get open status at 9.15.30 seconds ie delay of 26 seconds and many a times i have lost the trade for this reason … i have called n number of times at u r customercare and talked to manhohar talla …. he was helpful but no solution yet …… i would appreciate before doing bigger things these small but essential things are covered up by zerodha …….. awaiting a reply and u r attention to this problem …. earlier i used to trade by sharekhan and never got this problem ….. delay of few seconds on market opening is very crucial problem if u can understand that ….
for gosar enterprises
rahul gosar
In Kite , require the following features.
1. Scan BUY/SELL signals for multiple scripts as in the watch list, for Super trend indicator
2. Alert message when BUY/Sell occurs in the scripts added in the watch list, base don the recent chart setting time frame.
Thanks and regards
How to check real time option greeks table containing greek values of the available strike prices of the underlying (e.g., Nifty, Banknifty etc.) in Zerodha?
We still don’t have a product to show option greeks.
Its a real pain to put price, volatility, strike price, expiry etc every time we want to check option greeks. I was in search of something like option chain where we can go to site and all greeks will be displayed real-time without need of entering anything. But did not find anything for Indian markets so I created a small utility for myself. I will be happy to provide the same to zerodha if it can be useful to you guys without any expectations from my side.
Sumit, can you email me on [email protected].
Dear Sumit,
A suggestion:
You can add MIT license and put it on git hub. Would be helpful to many. Also, others might contribute to it.
If reliability concerns are sorted out then zerodha is second to none. I also agree that their support staff never agrees to technical glitches from their side and always point out fingers to vendors or NSE servers(price freeze or order not triggering etc.). Anyways, these things can be sorted out and if it does then it will really wonderful platform to trade with.
Zerodha is having such a large client base and now they must be having good resources too. You should really invest in best of the best in industry.
I always feel your Q backoffice is run on some cheap VPS vendor just to save some bucks. its pathetically slow and gives connection timeout most of the time. Works with few refreshes but why the need for the same.
Also there are some ‘MSG FAILURE’ etc messages coming recently in kite at the time of login. Logs in correctly with few more tries but things can be more polished and professional.
Best talent and best infrastructure will put you in first place in the ladder. Cost cutting in these two areas will not make anything good.
Sumit, the old backoffice Q is a layer that we have built over a vendor product (previously Omnesys, now TR). We are in the midst of a rebuild of Q, the new one should be up by November. The problem with the current Q is not because we are compromising on spending money, it is because the previous product on which Q is built as a layer is not that great.
Good to know this. Hope to see a much better product than Omnesys.
Dear Nitin,
Today at 14:05 mkt fell sharply. I was trading in AUG 8800 CE. I had to exit in panic and suffer losses. Your system was completely frozen. Even in the morning I was facing similar issues. This is not the first time. Subsequently when I call you support, they do not acknowledge it and quietly fix and do not even bother to let the customers know. This is not professionalism.
If your system can’t let me square off when the need comes, what is the purpose and who is to take the losses?
In the evening I find another funny thing. Your PI shows 8800CE AUG at 28.35 and KITE shows 19.40. At 14.05 your PI shows, there was no fall and the prices went upto 35 while KITE do not show those levels. This is serious. Your system has denied me fair playing ground.
I am very upset and am taking it very seriously. I can send you my screen shot if you want it.
I also got loss because of server issue erlier . when pi did not opened early in the morning on my system and my script fell and I could not sold that. I try to call support team but no one was there to pick up the phone for half an hour and after some time support team beg sorry for the system issue.
Zerodha is responsible for the client’s loss and this is clearly a lapse on their part and they should compensate their client.
If the client is not able to sell when he or she wants, then its whole lot serious.
Ananda, we didn’t have any issues with the platform today at all, no one else has pointed. It is important that while trading you have stable internet, internet fluctuations can cause the platform to freeze as well. Internet fluctuations may not really show up on other websites, but on a trading platform where u r getting live feeds, the impact can be more.
For the second bit, check this answer.
Dear Nitin,
The freezing is not the first scenario. Whole lot time I have observed that when market moves quickly the platform is freezing.
I am not talking of the look and feel and minor adjustments. Please check the screen shots which I have shared at your support.
hello is it possible to talk CEO OF ZERODHA ? ON HIS CELL NO.
Hi Nitin,
Nice addition by Zerodha.
I want to know when can we run PI and KITE simultaneously on PC because we need both as same time.
I love the way you are making traders life easy. I am the big fan of chrome extension feature which makes great improvements in the productivity. Now with this feature, I can track the position just click a button. Thank you very much for providing great service and you guys are the best to keep on inventing the new stuff. Awesome work guys… appreciate your effort.
Zerodha zooms to innovation. Indeed great job
As a user of zerodhA, I feel powered. Thanks!
Awesome…. thought of this feature of placing orders from difrnt charts in many occasions. Great ad on Mr. Kamath
I am with Zerodha since 2011 and it is been remarkable improvements since then..It has been good journey and i am sure it is only started now after winning “Economic Times – Startup of the year award – 2016”
Heartiest Congratulations to ZERODHA TEAM led by NITIN KAMATH, a great leader..
Sir, you are introduced new new thing for kite, its really good. But you are still missing windows phone. You are introduced kite app for iOS and Android, but still there is no app for windows phone. We have to login through browser. If one app develop soon for windows phone then it will be great….
Congratulations and thanks for the addons
Great!! Congrats Mr.Nithin & the entire team at ZERODHA!!
My account opening with Zerodha is in process. Looking at feedback of other customers, I think I too will have pleasant experience in trading with Zerodha. For a beginner like me study materials at Varsity are of great help. Very good work by Mr.Karthik.
All the best & Happy Independence Day to Zerodha Team.
Request following features in Kite
1) Ability to create different portfolios of stocks owned – for e.g., in my case it would help to separate short term holdings and long term holdings and check the overall portfolio returns separately.
2) Ability to see historical buy/sell transactions for a stock in the portfolio in a quicker fashion. Presently one has to go to Q or something instead of quicker way to check the history for a holding.
Yes, both of them are on its way. Will take us a few months though.
Awesome… Initiatives… Love you Zerodha…
after bying a share how many days it take to credt in our dp.
please reply nitin
2 days
Congregation..for 6th year anniversary..
Hi Nithin,
Nice Extension, need this for firefox also, i am with Firefox for almost 15 years, great browser,plz available this extension for Firefox also…
Great Nithin. Congrats on completing 6 years!
Can you also provide a live feed (live stock price) which can be placed on my computer screen all the time and simultaneously I can work on other things. Just a small window will work. I think similar to what’s available on Pi platform. I use Kite and unfortunately one can’t use Pi and Kite!
Thanks a ton!
very nice ,great work
Is it secure? I doubt as chrome it self sniffs the data for advertising purposes.
Extensions are very popular, completely safe.
Thanks Nithin
I will try it.
Great !!! Congratulations !!
Independence Day greetings and birthday greetings.
I have a small suggestion. Can you show the real time NIFTY and BankNifty ( only these two) in top of the computer screen ?
That will be of great help.
That’s great sir,
Congratulations to you and your whole team..
WOW what a great feature.
Just eagelry waiting for basket order in kite to place order for multiple stocks in single go (can be implemented by using checkboxes and button on each screens)
Pls look on another pain areas of your clients such as availiability duing peak hours and reliablity of the Kite application
Congratulations Nithin and Team Zerodha
Regarding Pulse.
Pulse should work like an auto time-update feed on their page. It should also auto-refresh.
If you could include this, trust me on the traction that you will see on Pulse!
On the extension, everytime there is new update, you see a new on the Pulse icon.
It’s a good feature. Nitin, since long I have been requesting Zerodha to please include myGTD orders for equities and futures.
It will really help us. It is really really very taxing and irritating to put sell/buy ( more sell orders than buy) orders everyday, even though you know at what price you will buy/sell the script.
Awaiting your response.
Some technical issues around GTD since exchanges doesn’t support these types of orders.
Thanks for taking out time to reply Nitin. NSE does support GTD orders..It will be really really helpful Nitin. Pls consider this as a humble request.
I completely agree with Mr. Novodaya. Pls pls consider adding MYGTD feature asap as it is really useful for trading purposes. This feature is d only reason why I still have to use Sharekhan for trading purposes inspite of Zerodha exceeding in all other parameters.
Hello Nitin,
Please add the following features to kite/Pi
GTD (Good till date) orders
PI is missing weekly and monthly charts
These are extremely important for positional traders.
Are you considering this feature? This would be very important feature for people who does SIP on equities. Please consider if it is not there yet.
super… but this does not work for F&O I think. Can you pls. include that as well.
Yes, F&o soon.
Mr. Nitin you really a wonderful and energetic person. Keep it up, my good wishes with you.
Please make an addon for firefox also
Getting this error while trying to do buying or selling via extension.
“error_type”: “InvalidDataError”,
“message”: “No valid order entries found in the JSON payload”,
“status”: “error”
“Getting body fat % in single digit is the next personal endeavor 🙂 .”
What a coincidence !
Today is also my starting day for single digit body fat percentage !
it’s really super.
Please Add separate drop down filter near Market watch Search Text box
with a option like NSE,BSE ,FUTURE, CALL,PUT so user can directly search.
i think combine all is confusing.
my fd income and LIC AGENT commision is less then 1 lakh,
but i trade (intrad-day ) in equity , commodites . f&o. etc,
turnover in a fincial year above 1 caror.
I did not file trading transation due to not profit ..
i show only fd and commison income.
i gate notice from income tax department..
please help
You just have to reply to the notice saying no income.
Even if no income in trading, it makes sense to file appropriate ITR (ITR4 for business/rental incomes). More than one benefits – You compile your trading log in one place, useful for analysis and improvements. More importantly, if you file returns and declare the actual loss of business, you can adjust it in profits for next 4 years. If you don’t file returns now, and make profits next year, then next year you will have to pay income tax, which can be adjusted against losses made in last few years. I am sure Zerodha varsity has details on this topic, Do read
Nithin and Team,
This just shows your tech maturity. There are lot of existing and simple solutions that can take productivity to the next level.
Your kite is simply fantastic. 2 clicks and i can buy or sell is amazing.
One suggestion is please provide permanent login to kite mobile app. Maybe you can ask password once in a month
or can u make it finger print enabled.
Working on doing something for longer standing passwords.
dear Zerodha
it’s really super
but I am expecting more then one Feature in your apps
I need stock price Trigger notification
kindly please add it
Kudos !!
Awesome, that’s what I like about zerodha. Innovation.
1. But pls look to introduce IPOs because of just this one would have to maintain two accounts.
2. Introduce direct mutual funds with continual of your flat free charge of 20
Dear Nitin, Congratulations to you and entire Zerodha team. One suggestion cum request is that the site or app should have high availability during market hours in order to extend reliability factor of Zerodha and it’s customers…Thanks again!
totally agree.. site and tools are awesome.. but sometime it is down and it may take a toll I think.
not able to install as error getting as administrator blocked
Nithin Sir, Congratulation and “Happy Independance Day”,
Thats It Sir, what we want, Grate addition very usefull….
Hats off to u sir.. u really done amazing so far.. I have so many broking account for trading purpose but kite is unique to handle the position in one tab.
Hi Nithin,
Added the chrome extension but not able to see the TAB To Place order can anyone from your team please help in the same
Got IT
Firefox is my numero uno browser. Please port to firefox
is there a similar extension to Mozilla?
Only for chrome
Great thanks
Nice addon. I find it useful. Thanks Nithin and Team 🙂
Hello Nithin,
Hats off to you for offering this out of the box solution to your customers. Thanks a ton.
Always the pioneer in terms of innovation. :):)
Hi Nithin,
I want to request you to update Kite for iOS platform. Application is really in need of update. Thank you.
very good addon.. Well done Zerodha..
very nice features.
Thanks for your great effort…
its fantastic,easy n used even on slower connections.
good job
If you guys can provide an “ALERT” feature for prices that would make things more exciting. I guess it has not been introduced in any of zerodha platforms. Alerts like the one we have in NSE NOW which pops up a dailouge box when the prices of a stock has reached a specific value(Value being User customized).
This is just Amazing work! Zerodha making trading easier day by day 🙂
Completely agree. Please have alerts on price touch and not the ones like greater than or less than x price.
amazing feature
Congratulation and doing nice job to inspire people to take part in trading activity at Share Market.
I am very few knowledge of finance and can’t imagine to take participate in trading share. But, your trading platform and shared information make it easy to me………..
are planning such extension on Firefox also.
Hello Nitin,
This is nice initiative! also thanks very for the wonderful tool kite. But as a small trader we are finding very difficulty to pay 2000 as subscription fees for the kite connect API to test our logic. is there any possibility to make any trail period to test our logic? so please check if there is any possibility to provide any trial period or some small amount for first one month to enable small traders test their logic. Because everyone using their known program to develop the application. So we need to test it first. So that would be great help for the small traders. Looking forward to the positive feedback. Anyway thanks much for the kite tool. thanks
Hi Bala,
We’re developing a sandbox environment for this purpose. This will take some time though as there are a lot of things to build before we can make it available to developers.
that’s great! Thank you so much
Hi Nitin,
One more amazing features in Zerodha! Thankyou. Happy Independence Day!!
Hello Nithin,
Great Work. Thank You. Will the Kite extension show Buy and Sell Buttons even for Future & Options contracts on NSE INDIA Website. I could not see the Buy and Sell Buttons Future & Options contracts
Deepak N
Fantastic work guys! Kudos!!!
Hello Nitin,
This is great. Its been quite a while since I am waiting for notification and customized watchlist functionality introduced in Kite. Any ETA on that please? It would be very very helpful to have notifications.
Also is there any way to have a functionality to place an order – after market or during, that persists – reapplies itself based on a target price.
I really happy for you guys. I recently opened account with Zerodha and I love kite app all simple and very easy to trade. I used to trade in HDFC earlier but after shifting to Zerodha absolutely I see a massive difference in speed, easy handling . All in all I’m very happy to be part of Zerodha. All the best.
You guys are the best……Keep it up
1. Fabulous Excellent Superb…
2. Congratulations for your 6th anniversary.
3. Your’s is best trading platform, What a innovative ideas. With this innovations always you will be the No. 1 in trading platforms. Thank you and all the best
Excellent work. expecting firefox also.
Advance wishes for 6th anniversary .
i am so proud to have you as part of the team, and hope that you keep up the good work for many years to come!
Hi Nithin,
Thanks for the extension and congratulations for completing 6 years and looking forward for the partnership in the futures to come.
Thank You,
Hi Nithin,
I am a great fan of Zerodha and your unique innovative tools with cost effective factors. No broker is providing these kind of add ons to their clients. once again hats off to Team Zerodha, Keep doing good things God Bless !!
Very good addition..loved it… But I am not able to see “Kite buy and sell buttons next to NSE equity scrips on popular websites”
Hi Amit,
As of now, it’s just on the sites mentioned in the above post. Can you email any suggestions for more sites to [email protected]?
Hi Nikhil,
I am not getting buy/sell buttons on all the sites mentioned in chrome extension. e.g. google finance,money control,yahoo finance etc. Later I noticed these buttons coming for NSE stocks but not the BSE. Is the BSE not supported? Also I am not able to see these buttons for derivatives(equity or indices) on nseindia.com.
Hi Amit,
As of now, this is only for NSE stocks. Will try to add more with time.
All platforms should make eligible to add on Android Chrome as Web App with >Add to HomeScreen< feature like Flipkart and In App site Auto refresh Notification should be activated for Pulse. I also wants to change my login credentials five qs answers but their is no option showingon site, its boring when after some haurs kite required complete login on mobile devices.
This is a very good add-on i must say. This will allow us to place the orders from any finance website. 🙂
Hi, Nithin
Great going……………….i am wondering how Zerodha cld able to bring out more innovations in short span of time.
GOD bless the team
awesome feature…thanks Nitin! Wish you also a Happy Independence Day!
Zerodha is probably the best broker in India – by heart <3
Well done!!
Nitin – can you advise me if i can ran the PI in Mac or anyother way to install PI in Mac except virtual desktop. I have tried with ‘Wine’ but it was not working out due to size of the content or other configuration. Any thought. Thanks
Really appreciated, The way Zerodha adding multi compatibility tools day by day. It gives more convenient way of trade, share knowledge and learn a lot . In short period of time I have learnt a lot .
Awesome work.. keep motivating to learn and trade.
This is the best thing. Thanks to Zerodha and Mr. Nitin Kamath 🙂
Nithin Sir,
The quality of tools and innovations you offer are simply amazing and it promotes such beautiful interfaces that keep the investor and trader in me happy alike. 🙂
Its indeed the best startup with inclusive and reaching out to the masses as your social obligation towards educating ppl on TRADING.
Great achievement. Calls for double celeberation on 15th Aug. 2016.
Warm regards
Congrats Nithin. You introduced great tool, this will definitely makes our trading more convenient. Wish you all the best for more awards and innovations. 🙂
Very Good and helpful
Hi Nitin,
Tracking you since last month as a nominee for this award & Finally congratulation of getting it.Really a good thought process which gave a new idea of Discounting brokerage.
Hope one day almost 100% trader will use this platform for this, need you to work more on server aspect also try to expand business in Mumbai. It’s not effectively penetrated yet. I know you’ll do it one day.
Warm regards,
Shraddha N.
Very nice
This is very good add on for people who working in pvt organization during their busy schedule.
also make for Firefox.
and for also the fastest growing browser Edge
WOW!! U people amaze me..
Great Work !!!
Thanks a lot…!!
Happy independence day…!!
Used it.. Kite extension was really Good..Appreciate your efforts !
Hani hani goodidare halla !!
These small changes will go a long way in making Zerodha an exceptional broking platform to trade with. Kudos to the team.
cool ,very usefull,its easy to trade and check the news.
Great additions!
Sir, please add a extension for scanner in Kite
Thanks Team. One more feather in your hat.
Awesome bro!. Congrats Zerodha!. I was thinking if zerodha can just start up a forum like MoneyControl.com where people can discuss every single stock in NSE and BSE… That’d be a great addition!.
Me too request this….Pls consider this.
Thanks Nithin,
For your personal effort to help.
Nice initiative…
This one’s a very good addon.
Very nice product…
Nice Feature
Nithin ji
I have transferred amount to my commodity account today at around 6.00 pm and uploaded the proof in back office…and mailed to support along with proof of transfer.
But your team is so lethargic they did not updated and given a limit to me till now.
I lost more than 85 points today till now.Do you still call your platform a next generation ?
Hi, until we get credit from the bank, our team can’t take the risk of updating funds. Ideally you should use the instant payment gateway so that you get it instantly.
I made IMPS Transfer. It will be credited to you instantly
Upload the proof of transfer here: https://q.zerodha.com/funds/display/
I have uploaded the proof of transfer and mailed too..