Why Venture Capitalists are flocking Zerodha today
A full page feature on the journey of Zerodha till now on “Economic Times”
The year was 2009. Nithin Kamath, a 29-year-old stock trader, was badly in need of funds to roll out a business idea: an internet broking platform that offered significantly lower brokerage rates than the industry.
Read the entire article here.
I am unable to sign into zerodha pi. pls advise
Amazing performance Nithin !!! All our support and best wishes are with you. SARASWAT BRAHMINS are the ARYANS who lived on the banks of SARASWATI RIVER in near AYODHYA. VEDAS were written on the banks of Saraswati River. When Saraswati River completely dried up ( it does not exist today), they migrated to south.
Now in Karnataka, these Saraswat Brahmins are doing great job in economy. TMA PAI, TA PAI, KV KAMATH…..to name them a few. Now our young NITHIN KAMATH is getting added to the list !!! KUDOS TO NITHIN.,,, JAI HO !!!
Best Regards,
VS Bhat and Gurudutt Kamath.
Keep growing Nithin. We want to see Zerodha IPO soon.
Congo Nithin once again 🙂