Shortcut keys – Pi

March 12, 2015

Shortcuts keys on Pi

Functionality Shortcut Keys
Change Password Ctrl+Shift+F9
Exit Alt+F4
Buy Order F1 or Alt+F1
Sell Order F2 or Alt+F2
Cover Order Buy Shift+F1
Cover Order Sell Shift+F2
After Market Order Buy Ctrl+F1
After Market Order Sell Ctrl+F2
Order Book F3
Trade Book F8
Admin Positions F11
Cash Position Ctrl+Shift+V
Stock Holding Alt+F9
User Settings Ctrl+P
View Market Index Ctrl+M
View Quick Order Ctrl+Q
Scrip Property Shift+F7
Snap Quote F6
Chart Settings Shift+C
Add blank line in Market Watch Space Bar
Delete (symbol from market watch, or selected indicators/drawings from Chart) Delete
Reconcile Ctrl+R
Chart Shortcuts: Zoom In/Out  |  Scroll Left/Right Arrow Key: Up/Down  |  Arrow Key: Left/Right
Switch between Pi Document Tabs Ctrl+Tab
Lock Pi Ctl+Alt+L
Go 100 candles before the end of chart HOME
Go to the end of chart from where you are END
Modify Order in Order Book Shift + M
Cancel order in Order Book Shift + C
Cancel all orders in Order Book Shift + A
Exit order in Order Book Shift + E
Bracket Order Buy Shift + F3
Bracket Order Sell Shift + F4
Cancel order in Order Book Shift + K


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  1. ankush says:

    Shortcut to add script or any share in Marketwatch?

  2. Naveen says:


    Is there any shortcut key to view the chart of next Watchlist symbol? For example up and down arrow keys or space key in tradingview.

  3. rajdeep says:

    any hotkey to instantly enter specific lots of bnf options. like i press a key and enter in a 4/5/6… lots position?
    impossible to manually do it that fast

  4. Ashish says:


    Are there any shortcut keys available to switch the candlestick time duration like switch between Daily to weekly or monthly view of candles. Or have plans to add this feature as this will be handy feature to use.

  5. Aditya Gupta says:

    Can I use my customized shortcut keys. I am currently using NSE Now as well as Pi. But I am finding difficulty on trading in Pi. For example, for buying or selling, all you need to do is plus or minus key on right side of keyboard which i am used to but in Pi I have to use F1 or F2 in which i am having a great difficulty. So can I set my own shortcuts?

  6. raj says:

    please guide,
    how to fix bar charts as constant / default chart ,
    i tried in chart setting, but problem continues

  7. raj says:


    i would to have bar charts as default chart.But even after saving bar chart as default template chart setting, but i still not able to open next scrip as bar chart.
    please guide


    i already having some holdings in stocks and some positions in future , if i want to place AMO order for selling for both in PI and NEST trader , how to do same. plz. guide.
    in kite i have to click exit in holdings and i will ask for limit price but in zerodha PI and NEST trader how to do.
    plz. guide.

  9. Rahul says:

    Where is cross-hair option in charts (pi) ?

  10. Venkatesh Prasad says:

    Pi was a good application when launched, it has remained there unfortunately.
    Bracket Order – Kite has SL limit order feature missing here.
    Scanner – See Chartink has simple to use better scanner features
    Visit any forum – I have’nt heard any good word about your data- Chart data, I have also noticed this in comparison with NSE Charts and Sharekhan.
    Don’t ask for samples if you are serious get your tech team to do some real study.
    Good day

  11. Vasanth says:

    Scanner please add orb strategy script code.
    Gap up, gap down script code
    Hot key to change stoploss

  12. Kajal Nishad says:

    I use to see multiple charts (4 Charts) on a single screen in zerodha pi. But when I want to open a chart on full screen, I am unable to see it. Dear developers, kindly provide a zoom out button to open an individual chart from multiple chart screen.


  13. Sourabh Goyal says:


    I am using pi function “link to excel” for live feed on my excel files. In doing so, by default pi generate some columns. But for F&O, I want to add more columns to my excel which are already available in pi (“choose column”). The columns which I want to add to excel are “Series/Expiry”, “Expiry date”, “Lot qty”, “Predictive cls price”, “Net change”. But I don’t know pi script code for these columns.
    Please guide me.

    • Matti says:

      Hey Saurabh, there’s no option to customise fields with the link to Excel option right now. We’ll pass on your feedback to the Pi team.

      • Sourabh Goyal says:

        I think you misunderstood my problem.

        Let’s say for getting Trading symbol in excel, we use the formula

        =RTD(“pi.rtdserver”, ,”NFO_ADANIPORTS18APRFUT”, “TradingSymbol”)

        Where “TradingSymbol” is the label for this query. Similarly I want to know labels for the following queries, so that i can manually add these columns in my excel files. The columns are “Series/Expiry”, “Expiry date”, “Lot qty”, “Predictive cls price”, “Net change”.

  14. HAR1 says:

    I am a day trader. I want to use some macro software to use with zerodha pi so that I can fill the orders faster with just a single click of hot keys. I dont know programming. I tried autohotkey. but it is not working with pi. Please suggest me some solution. How can I use autohotkey to work on pi or suggest some other software that can record my macro and execute them with hotkeys without much programming.

  15. Ravi says:

    Need more shortcuts for charts i.e changing time frame, quickly add lines, switch between cross Hair to pan, add study…

  16. BVPReddy says:


    1) I hate candlesticks and I am forced to change the charts from candlesticks to bars every time I login.
    Can you please an option available to change the default settings of charts from candlesticks to bars ?

    2) Is it possible to add the indicator Volume at Price indicator ?


    • Matti says:

      1. You can go to the Chart menu and save your preferred chart type as a template. Once done, you can apply this template to any chart you’re looking at.
      2. No, this indicator isn’t available right now. May see it in future releases.

  17. Sharad says:

    Cancel order short cut is not working in PI version Please check

  18. Hassan says:

    how to remove blank space in market watch ?

  19. sahil says:

    Please add hotkeys feature to zerodha pi platform.
    In case you don’t know about hotkeys, what it does is that it provides keyboard shortcuts to place entry and exits at predefined size (which is already added in the settings)
    Keyboard shortcuts like
    1. Ctrl + 1 for purchase order at ask rate.
    2. Ctrl + 2 for sell orders at bid rate.
    3. Another shortcut for buying/selling above/below the market price i.e. placing orders in advance of the market before the stock hits our desired price.
    What this does is allow us trade at faster speed to get in & out of the trades at our desired levels.

  20. l paul says:

    How to logout from Zerodha-Pi ? please reply…

    • star says:

      Goto File menu on top left hand side and select Exit option to logout from Pi alternatively can use (Alt+F4) as shortcut to logout.

  21. Rohan Karan says:

    How can I highlight and provide a color to the cursor (+ sign) while reading the chart.
    I mean here when I will click on crosshair and will go to the chart there will be a + sign, I want to add a color to this plus sign.

    Please let me know.


  22. Dhruv says:

    I am using Pi, and I have 4 queries:

    1) I have a market watch of around 20 scripts. If I have opened the chart for a script, how do I go to the chart of next script and so on without having to go back to the market watch and manually open another chart?

    2) Also, I have 4 templates, how do I go to the next template at the push of a button (say for example the right arrow key or something similar), without having to right click and select “Apply Template”.

    3) I am using the split screen option, with my Market Watch on the left and a chart on the right. Is is possible to select a script from my market watch and see that chart on the right side, instead of the chart opening on top of my Market Watch?

    4) Is it possible to change the colour of indicators (other than the main colour)?

    • star says:

      1.That is not possible but one can select chart button(search scrip) on tool bar and open any other chart.
      2. Not possible because already all the keys are used for other functions.
      3. Will check on this.
      4. In our list of things to do.

  23. Anoop says:

    Is it possible to make custom shortcuts?
    I want to have these shortcuts:
    1. Buy a lot at limit ask +50ps.
    2. Sell a lot at limit bid -50ps.
    3. Sell half/full positions at limit bid -50ps.
    4. Buy to cover half/full positions at limit ask +50ps.

  24. CHETU says:

    plz add advances/decline iindex

  25. Noel says:

    There is no shortcut to add Stock Fut by clicking on the Stock – Eq name in Marketwatch. ALso, no Short cut to add option chain . In Ventura Pointer, U can add the near month future by selecting the stock and pressing CTRL+1, For Calls, its CTRL+3 and PUTS is CTRL+4… it wil be nice to have something like this in PI.


    Sir i just install pi n found not that much impressive as other charts available on web … Feel sad what i can do in pie extra feature than other .. N pls tell me shortcut key for vertical line n horizontal line draw.

  27. AMITAVA DAN says:

    Sir, how to use “TWS utility” in zerodha pi, to know the dividend date, bonus etc…..

  28. Vaibhav says:

    Hi Nithin,
    This one is not regarding the hot keys.
    Please confirm if there is a feature for opening multiple charts of different time frames when a single script is searched. For example, having opened 3 charts for GAIL i.e 1 min,5 min and 1 day chart side by side, I want to switch to LUPIN charts for all the three time frames(with all the same indicators and overlays). So,is there an option to do so without having to search 3 times on 3 different charts. If not, is there a chance you could bring that up in next update.

  29. Richter says:

    While i am using kite mobile application there is a horizontal and vertical line moving with our touch. This is very helpful. I like to get the same in pi. How can i turn on the mouse indicators (horizontal and vertical lines) which moves with the mouse arrow ?

  30. Harshvardhan Srivastava says:

    Hey Nikhil . I am an active intraday trader who mostly finishes his trades before 11 am. I would like to know if there are Hotkeys/Shortcut keys for squaring of a particular size of my position on market price. For eg. if i brought 1000 shares of a stock and i am in profit and i want to scale out to insure my profits . then is there any hotkey that can sell 500 of my shares at market price without opening any ‘Order forms’. And also is there any hotkey that can set my stop at breaken by calculating the breakeven point. And if this hotkeys don’t exist atm , In what amount of time can you guys bring them? Thanks.

    • Hmm.. they don’t, let me bounce this off our team.

    • jaideep siddula says:

      hey there!
      hey harshvardhan srivastava …how can you finish your trades before 11 am??
      can you help us telling how you enter trades?

      • Harshvardhan Srivastava says:

        I look for gappers . And after that i enter them on good breakout patterns like flags or ORBs’. They can easily move 1-3% in a matter of minutes. And using leverage of 10x . We are talking about 10-30% gains on a trade in a matter of minutes. Basically you can get more info about it . By searching about momentum trading articles.

        • ramesh says:

          sounds interesting but I am not able to understand how to do it…thanks for info 🙂

        • Pankaj says:

          Which scanner do you use to find gappers ? I can’t find one with gappers filter. Also at what time in the morning do you look for gappers ?

  31. Jayant says:

    Please help to select scrips:
    For example:


    suppose i have currently selected aban, now I want go to dlf, I press dlf it doesnt move to dlf.

    Please help me how to go to script by pressing keyboard.

  32. Raja says:

    Hi, is there any option to exit all open positions at a time in Pi terminal?

  33. tarak says:

    Please refer above table:

    Shift + C and Shift +K are doing the same thing ??

    Please confirm. thanks

  34. harshil says:

    how to cancel
    ctrl + f2 trade

    After Market Order Sell Ctrl+F2

  35. sukesh kumar says:

    zerodha please provide shortcut key for MIS buying and for MIS selling please …. it’s humble request please provide us as soon as possible..

    • Venu says:

      Press Ctrl+P to open Preference settings on Pi. Under the “Order window” tab, you can set the default order type to MIS. This way whenever you hit F1 to buy/F2 to sell, the product code selected will be MIS.

  36. SS0384 says:

    Pi is the only best software for intraday trading. i have DB account with many broker like geojit, Religare, goodwill commodity, alice blue, ventura, sharekhan. but i like zerodha only. I am expecting next PI Update. any date?

  37. Vipul Mistry says:

    Hi, It will be very helpful if you can provide short cut to open chart templates? I usually switch between chart time frame. So this feature will be very helpful for traders like me.

  38. SS0384 says:

    What is Auto square of key?

  39. Sebastine says:

    There is no short cut key for modifying all of outstanding bracket order position in order book at once. suppose an order for Buy 100 scrips gets executed by one each. That means there are 100 sell entries outstanding in that bracket order to finally wipe out positions. But if we want to modify sell targets of that positions, we have to modify open targets 100 times, which is very tedious and time consuming. In all major platforms, it is possible to modify positions by one stroke. In spite of many a good features, this is a major handicap of Pi platform. It should be easy to remedy it. please work out a solution. May be it could be modified at one stroke from Admin position window easily. Pl attend to it.( I am attaching a file where a sell bracket order is executed by so many trades. It is a herculian task to modify all even once)

  40. Rakesh Sawant says:

    Dear Sir,
    is it possible you to add one more information below the “MTM” ie. current trade profit(Rupees) in snapquote? it will helpful for multiple trade.

  41. ashok says:

    what is use of Lock Pi ?

  42. narottam says:

    earlier I used to get snap quote in Pi chart, but since last update it is not appearing after pressing F6 Keay as well as cliking in user setting.

  43. Jeetu says:

    Every chart needs to be opened from market watch. This doesn’t allow us to change the scrip in the open chart itself. Its just not practical to open charts for every scrip by going to market watch first.
    Also, this can be one big drawback in charting as you cannot have your own chart template for every chart you open. Please incorporate this feature asap please.
    BTW very good software. Congrats Team for the great efforts…!!!

  44. Naveen says:

    Hi Nithin,

    1. Is it possible to provide option to disable blinking/color changing from red to green of LTP column in PI.
    2. Ray line option in drawing tool.?

  45. K L AGARWAL says:

    sir, what do you mean key IN KITE platform

  46. rijascp says:


    please include some more features in charting tools in pi software .

    1. trendline copy paste type. if the trendline can be copy pasted we can draw a perfect trendline .
    2. order on the charts is fantastic . but if its just like ninja trader , it would be awesome . in ninjatrader
    we can move the limit orders from time to time .
    3. it would be nice if we see the position we have taken on the chart itself

  47. sukhen says:

    Hi Nithin-
    Reg: PI Platform
    A few requests from a scalper.
    1. Drag the Take Profit and Stop Loss on Chart
    2. Fibonacci Extensions
    3. Digital Indicators – at least FTLM and RSTL
    4. MT4 Plugin

    Thanks much

    – Sukhen

    • 1/2. on our list.
      3. We will start adding new indicators once we are stable with everything else.
      4. MT4 unfortunately doesn’t let you fire order outside the MT universe. We have tried this but unsuccessfully.

  48. RV0430 says:

    Also please provide more drawing tools with coloring options

  49. RV0430 says:

    Please allow pi window resizing, once I logout window is back to default size at next login

  50. K R ANAND says:

    Nithin, one more humble request !
    I know that you are trying your best to provide the best facilities to your clients and your efforts do reflect fantastic results. Thanks a tonn for that. The charting development in Pi is going superb. Still, if you permit, I would like to make one suggestion. I have a little experience of Trading software ‘Falcon- F7’ (developed by The system is marvellous. The varieties of scanners, hi-tech Technical Tools and smooth and attractive presentation – all will certainly fascinate you too. I know you are providing all the systems free of cost and whatever you are giving must be treated as bounty but, seeing your affection and care for the traders like me, I am telling you that please get a chance to have a glimpse of the Falcon software so that our Pi Trading software OUGHT TO BE the Best in the Country.
    Thank you for your constant and consistent support and care.

  51. K R ANAND says:

    Thank you

  52. K R ANAND says:

    As Hanan had said that we can change short cut keys as per our convenience with help of hot keys (in ZT), can it be possible in Pi? If yes, please tell me the procedure.

  53. amar says:

    Quick order option is not available without chart. kindly enable it in market watch also

  54. SANDEEP KUMAR says:

    is there any facility to trade and maintain one screen for three trading accounts of my family members .

    i mean can three family trading accounts be operated from same pi trading software.

  55. deepak says:

    Dear Nithin,

    Please add hot keys for day separator, horizontal line etc.. (right click option in chart page).


  56. Krishan86 says:

    Hi Nithin,
    Can u please open a thread called “Suggestions from User” where we can post features that we would love to see in next version of ‘pi’.

  57. ashish Gupta says:

    how to add blank line in Pi between the market watch script

  58. Krishan86 says:

    Hey Nithin,
    Is there any option in pi to auto enable cross hair for every new script i add. By default it is not enabled, hence i have to manually enable it every time.

  59. Asmit says:

    No Nithin, couldn’t expand the window horizontally by dragging, its stuck there.

    BTW, my screen resoln is 1024X768. Any workaround is appreciated.

  60. Asmit says:

    In PI > Admin Positions(F11), two buttons for “SQUARE OFF” are visible, and there is no button for ‘Position Conversion’. Kindly rectify it

  61. susmit basu says:

    hi der ,
    how to modify pending order in pi is der any shortcut

  62. Amarjeet Singh says:

    Amazing software Pi make me proud to be associated with ZERODHA. Hats off to you.
    However I don’t know how to see long term historical charts. I get charts only up-to February 2015 in the history. I love to see charts at least up-to 5 years in history. Is there a way to setup that.

    Hope you have historical charts that can be setup until 5 years past.

    Another query from my side is “Why is’nt there any option of 3 months, 1 year, 5 years options in charting options. These are must for serious traders.

    Thanks again for the great work.

  63. Varun says:

    We also need a shortcut to add trendlines quickly in Pi Charts.
    That will be very helpful, instead of having to click each time for each new trendline.

    Also, if we can enter :
    1. Stop loss line
    2. Entry line
    3. Exit line
    in chart (with keyboard shortcuts), which will show us risk-reward ratio, like in Trade-tiger, it will be very helpful.

  64. Ajit A says:

    Is there any shortcut key to cancel the order? It says F3, but it won’t work in pi.

  65. s. natarajan says:

    “add symbol” is an essential factor in any watch list and it is absent

    • Shortcut key to add symbol is it?

      • Dhanik says:

        Hi Nithin

        What is the shortcut key to add a new Symbol on existing chart? When I am on a chart and I want to quickly bring up another chart how to do that? Currently I have to to use mouse to click on search scipt and then type. But what is the keyboard shortcut to open search script?

      • himanshu says:

        in pi application on tool bar
        file>lock zerodha(shortcut = ctrl+atl+l) function use it?
        so knowlage about it

    • Avinash says:

      Shortcut key to add symbol is it?

    • Manish kumar loya says:

      What is the shortcut key to buy and sell fixed quantity at market price?
      Can we add a fixed preference like sell at 5% less the buy order and sell at 5% high the buy order?

      Eg. Buy 300 banknifty 44300 pe 4th October expiry at mkt pricewith sl at 5 %

      Sell at market on shortcut key command

    • Manish kumar loya says:

      What is the shortcut key to buy and sell fixed quantity at market price?
      Can we add a fixed preference like sell at 5% less the buy order and sell at 5% high the buy order?

      Eg. Buy 300 banknifty 44300 pe 4th October expiry at mkt pricewith sl at 5 %

      Sell at market on shortcut key command?