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Pi – Overview and Feedback

October 13, 2014

Continued here – Pi Overview and Feedback Part 2


For all those interested in testing Pi, do fill up this survey form. Only trading on NSE- EQ, F&O and Currency allowed. 

We have over 200 people beta testing Pi (our new trading platform) currently. We will get more on board very soon. The following video should help understand the basic features and functionality for those starting off. We will have detailed videos and a complete section on Zconnect soon, dedicated to explain the plethora of tools available on Pi. Click here to watch this video on youtube.

@everyone beta testing it, we are just a few weeks away from our official launch. From now on, do post your feedback and suggestions in the comment section below. We have enabled attaching images while posting a comment on Z – Connect.

Happy Trading,


Founder & CEO @ Zerodha

Post a comment

  1. vikas says:

    Dear Sir, Category of stock as smallcap, midcap or largecap has been recently replaced with market cap in fundamentals section.Request u to please re-add the feature of stock category as it’s quite helpful in selecting the stock.

  2. Guruprasad R says:

    One of the troubles with this software is that it is not very refined. For example, it is very difficult to read the numbers quicky without comma seperators; especially the volume , ask bid volume numbers. Another irritating issue is that the market watch that you create resizes itself to a very small space everyday and you have to reload it all the time.

    • Matti says:

      Hi Guru, Pi is a third-party software built and maintained by TradeLab. I recommend you check out Kite, our flagship trading platform.

  3. lekhraj says:

    hi nitin,
    aapke trading platform me sab kuchh achha hai lekin aap ka trading system hamesa stuck ho jata hai. kal 27.2.2019 ko lambe samay tak aapka platform trading k liye available hi nahi raha, or koi order execute ho bhi gaya to exit nahi ho raha tha, iski wajah se na jaane kitne logo ne apne lakho rupye ganva diye honge, mera bhi 2000 rs ka loss sahi samay par order exit nahi hone ki wajah se hua, iska jimmedaar kon hoga. agar aisa hi raha to aapke platform se bahut jaldi lakho log apna account delete kar lenge.

  4. ATUL says:

    Everytime I log out from the PI, PI stops working next time and have to reinstall again. all the marketwatch and user settings washed away. all screen shots forwarded to zerodha support from the mail address mentioned above.

  5. Shivaputra Waggan says:

    Dear sir,
    Please make small changes in Pi software . When I make watch list of tow or more stocks I cant place the buy or sell order for that stock which I added most recently .After pressing F1 key it selects automatically for bottom one stock instead of fresh one. It makes me to manually select the fresh stock to buy or sell every time it makes little bit inconvenience. Please consider my request and make changes.
    Thank you.

    • Matti says:

      You can use the up-down arrows to select a stock before hitting F1 to select the stock you want to place the order for. The selected stock will have a lighter background.

  6. samrat says:

    request for awesome oscillaor in zerodha pi.
    how soon can we expect it?

  7. Mahendra says:

    I invested in mutual fund using zerodha platform, as said after 25k investment you would charge Rs. 50+gst which is terrible, for some reason i couldn’t continue the investment and kept 30K invested for almost close to a year paying Rs. 50+gst every month. A week ago i sold away the mutual funds with a profit of 800, 30000+800=30800, what i got in my account is Rs. 29931. Even after making a profit of Rs. 800, I had to take the loss of Rs69, reason being Zerodha’s charges + exit load.

    I think the better option is to invest directly by login to the website of the company where you want to invest. Simple example, i invested the same amount in kotak directly thru kotak’s website i am not paying a single brokerage and after a year there won’t be any exit load as well, the problem is your profit is eaten up by paying charges when you invest thru the broker.

    • Faisal says:

      Exit load differs from fund to fund. This will be charged if you choose to exit earlier than the minimum holding period regardless of where you invest(directly with the AMC or with Coin).
      The fee charged by Zerodha is a platform fee for the convenience we provide to our investors. You get to buy funds from 32 AMCs and monitor all of your holdings at one place(Also, these are stored in Demat form). More on the advantages of coin here

  8. z498s says:

    On trying to install the latest Pi patch my Windows 10 defender warns of a trojan included in the executable:
    Alert level: Severe

    Could you please look into this?

    • Matti says:

      Hi. This is a false alert. We’ll look at why Defender is doing this.

      • z498s says:

        ok. BTW, why are you not using the Q as the official distribution channel for downloading Pi? why are we being asked to download from a google drive? that creates confusion and poses concerns about security given that defender is also flashing trojan alert…

        • Matti says:

          The download link on Q should be updated shortly. Even now, the download link on Q is a file hosted on Dropbox. Where the file is hosted shouldn’t be an issue, but I get your saying that this should be on Q. Since the update happened over the weekend, the link wasn’t updated.

      • Nitesh says:

        This problem still persists….. Isn’t there a clean source of Pi?

        • Matti says:

          Hey Nitesh, this being a false alert, there really isn’t much we can do. As I’ve said before, this isn’t something to worry about.

  9. Krishna Priya says:

    could you pls let me know how I can use MT4 expert advisory in PI. if possible with instruction document. thanks in advance.

  10. akshay says:

    Is it possible to add ALPHA OMEGA ELLIOTT WAVE ADD-ONN to the charting in Pi- Trading platform

  11. mukesh says:

    Can You also import Awesome Oscillator indicators into Pi ?

  12. Pratyusha says:

    Really disappointed with the account opening process.What they write in emails and what they instruct on call are very different.It’s been over 2-3 months that I have registered and my account is still not active.

  13. Krishnan says:

    When we export the chart to excel,i have observed that for Directional Movement System,the DI- does not get exported.Is it possible to enable this by tweaking the settings?

  14. Partha Roy says:

    Pi working at my home n/w but not working in my office n/w.

  15. nitin kuamar says:

    dear mr kamath .

    sir your zerodha pi and zerodha kite are awesome software to use and simplified and easy to use
    i was using many other softwares before but this give the imense pleasure to use .thanks for that hard work that your team is doing ……
    i want to suggest that you add the corporate news and results that are going to announce and is anounced or ipo is going to come in the market in the zerodha kite and pi software so that the users can get the bulk of news on their kite and pi software when the are live or not live in the market many of the softwares are giving this facility like sharekhan and many more.. so this will increase the popularity of your softwatre and the users can get the essential inforamtion on their platform and they can make their own strategy before corporate results meeting announcements and other things .
    thanks and regards
    Nitin kumar
    (happy customer of zerodha kite)

  16. Rajesh says:

    pls add price alert in pi….except that all r good

  17. Gaurav Kumar says:

    Why Kite doesn’t allow to place buy/sell bid for cover order? we can only place bid at market rate in Pi. Everytime not possible to carry laptop with you. Kindly add Limit order facility in Kite also for cover order.
    Gaurav Kumar

  18. Akash Patel says:

    kindly add 2 leg orders for hedging orders like buy bnf and buy PE also simultaneously in Pi….
    i m waiting from 2014!!!

  19. Snehasish Dasgupta says:


    My account just got activated today and I just got to know that Pi does not run on Mac.
    I am new to this business and I just have one laptop. I came to zerodha trusting the name and the promises of its innovation.

    However, it is quite alarming and very dissatisfactory to see that such a motivated brand does not have a fundamental compatibility of its tools.

    Please recommend a temporary way around this problem and please do the needful to developed the mac version as soon as possible.

  20. Rhishikesh Agashe says:

    I am an active trader and use the trading platforms Kite and Pi very frequently. The poer that ‘Pi’, as a platform, gives the trader is immense.. The only issue that I find with Pi is that it allows only 12 charts to be opened simultaneously for us to apply our Advisers. Why is there such a limit?
    Can this limit be increased? If yes, how? If no, why?
    The power of Pi could be leveraged fully if around 50 charts could be opened simultaneously.

    Please answer my queries and do the needful.

    Rhishikesh Agashe

  21. 9003938 says:


  22. joseph amalan says:


  23. joseph amalan says:


  24. SIJU SUKUMAR says:

    hi , Nitin
    please add the awesome oscillator in pi which will be very useful for us in trading… which u have provided in kite,,, thanks

  25. SIJU SUKUMAR says:

    please add the awesome oscillator in pi which will be very useful for us in trading…thanks

  26. Laxmikant soni says:

    please add ATP Average traded price indicator in kite or pi

  27. Laxmikant soni says:

    please add two colour line (red and green) in Moving average indicator just like super trand
    when moving average is up green line show and than moving average is down red line show

  28. mirza says:

    sir your fund transfer is very poor infact it is against your policy itself…. I transfer money through instant payment gateway but money transfer after 2 days…is it your instant payment which takes 2days with 9 rupees charge????? I faced this problem two times…thats why I have to comment here bcz it is not good to complain every time we transfer money

    • Venu says:

      We use the facility of a payment gateway vendor to offer the instant transfer facility. If you’re making the transfer the right way, without closing the windows, there’s no reason for the funds to not get updated. By the way, are you referring to the transfer of Rs.900? If yes, the funds have been updated to your account already. If you’ve made an additional transfer, please send the details through to [email protected] so we could check.

  29. Laxmikant soni says:

    sir pi ke haikin ashi me problem hai
    kite main haikan ashi ka open, last candle ka open/close ke center se shuru hota
    per pi mein programing wrong hai
    please kuch kare
    laxmikant soni

  30. shibu ranjan saha says:

    Please look into the following suggestions to improve the PI platform.

    1. please make market watch, order book, trade book and admin position floating over PI in stead of pop out active window.

    2. Pl allow to see all trades of particular script in stead of all trade of all script.

    3. One column to display BEP may be added in Admin position window.

    4. Order popup window should open instantly on pressing F1 / F2.

  31. Laxmikant soni says:

    please add indicator
    haikin ashi exit

  32. Pranav Arneja says:

    Hey Nitin

    This mail happens to be an amalgamation of zerodhas pros and the arenas of further improvement
    Its said the soil stands most fertile for the seeds if you nuture it with the necessary ingridients and the success of tree over the years of hard work is the inevitable outcome. Zerodha happened to be a pioneer in obliterating the wall between the interests of traders and brokerages. Its history has been amongst the golden pioneers of businesses that mankind has hitherto not seen and henceforth shall be remembered in future. Over the months, the simplified platforms has been a mind friendly zone to all the investors at zerodha.

    Lately i was scrounging net for competitve brokerages and i believe that a one to give you a tough competition has just spread its wings wide enough to come under investors notice.


    I saw their pricing strategy and a with a flat 10 rate for any trade one executes i believe zerodhas % pricing for intraday trades and 20 to be top of the max may seem to be having a tough fight against it in future. As someone who would love to see zerodha grow exponentially here are some suggestions i thought i should share

    A rate of 10 or 0.01% of trading value whichever is lower

    No brokerages should one incur loss

    Continue to maintain 0 brokerages on delivery

    As a person who just started at an early age, like you, i would love to be providing suggestions to zerodha as its an entity thats got immense potential. I hope my views would find interest. Good day ahead.
    Hopefully would also want to work with someone as dedicated as you at zerodha. Passion is what that builds us after all

    Pranav Arneja

  33. Saurabh Saha says:

    Taken zerodha subscription and will start trading in Nifty Future from coming April. Right now I am just testing all features of Pi. Charts updation on real time basis is very important. If it is not done properly in Pi it will kill my purpose. Hope everything is fine.

  34. rsd says:

    Have been using zerodha for more than 2 months now and have a DP of more 3 lakhs. My observations:

    Kite: very buggy charts. If you pop out a chart and draw something using tools, than that drawing sticks even if you clear it. Chart settings cannot be individually varied. If you change time frame in one chart, it applies to all charts. HTML 5 is not all that appealing after all

    Pi: Charts do not update on a real time basis. Charts hang if you try to open more than 4-5 of them.

    No market calls; No reports;

    • RSD, yes no market calls and reports, that is not our business model. About charts, must be something to do with your system settings. Am getting our team to call you up on this.

  35. Aravind says:

    Hi Nitin,

    Everytime i use scanner, all the scripts loaded to scanner are getting displayed instead of only those scripts whose condition is getting satisfied.

    • siva says:

      In scanner all the scrips will be loaded and to know for which the condition is satisfied one need to check on alert time column. When scanner is started alert time will be same for all and will show start time, when condition is satisfied alert time column will show that time when condition is satisfied.

  36. Shivam Asija says:

    Hi nitin ji,

    i want to tell you if you can put one more feature in pi , then it will be great for us.

    the feature is:-

    when we place our mis order , the quantity should not exceed the allowed quantity , which is calculated by our funds available , margin allowed and price of share.

    this way one will have not to go to you margin calculator page again and again.

    i hope you must have understood my problem.

    please do reply.

    thank you very much.



    Is it possible for you to implement this in the PI

    1) A “Serial No.” coloumn in the “Market Watchlist” which would enable the user to sort stocks in group and would also enable the user to get rid of creating multiple watchlist unnecessarily

    example: Suppose I have added 9 bank stock at first it means from 1-9 all the stocks are bank stocks, then iadded 6 IT stocks so from 10-15 all the stocks are IT stocks again I added 5 oil stock so from 15-19 all are oil stocks and finaly I added 6 realestate stocks so from 20-25 all are realestate stocks. Also whenever I am sorting in ascending and descending order they are only arranging themselves from top to bottom and viceversa without changing their original serial no. In this way it would be possible to create diffent sectors stocks in a same market watchlist without opening multiple watchlist unnecessarily that would also reduce the resource load on software I guess.

    2) i) net change coloumn of market watch with color indicator like if net change is negative it will be red/orange and if it is positive it will be blue/green

    ii) ichimoku kinko hyo in chart i am not talking about expert adviser.

    Please Comment

    • Venu says:

      1. One can add scripts on to market watch and arrange as required, save it as Workspace by going to file menu. After next login load the saved workspace and it will load exactly the way it is saved, this should solve your request. Here’s a short video on how to do it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ukXciH0S_zs
      2. In our list of things to do.
      3. Will check on the possibility with our development team.

  38. Rohan Bandekar says:

    Can you please guide me from where can i get the PI download link.
    I need to reinstall PI and the link in the downloads section is not working.


    Sir, Please reply if you can do the following:

    i) net change coloumn of market watch with color indicator like if net change is negative it will be red and if it is positive it will be blue

    ii) ichimoku kinko hyo in chart i am not talking about expert adviser.

    Thank You

  40. RA9979 says:

    Venu says:
    August 1, 2016 at 12:48 pm

    The LTP of Stocks is already available. Right click on the Column header and select the LTP option to add it to the Holdings window.


    LTP column open and also my my required column added in stock holding window. but column profile not saved. When I reopen or relog to pi, some column comes or some not. or default open. I have to reset again. Same thing occurs when I saved my active workspace. after reload my saved workspace column arreng pi its own way not restore my setting. It is very pathetic to set every time. Also script sequence change. It is need to rectify in next patch.

    • siva says:

      Make sure the used application is dated 29/07/2016 by going to about zerodha pi under help menu.
      Goto view->user setting->market watch->select save layout on exit->apply->ok. This should save columns.

      • RA9979 says:

        no, it is not store column order way Lastly I set before closing pi. I also enable setting as you mention, and mi pi version as 29/07/16. My os is windos 10. Hope some bug still present in pi need to rectify. I also use Odin which also has column profile and stock profile separately .
        Pls add tools which can calculate or view pivot point with 3 support and 3 resistance after right click on stock. wait for reply from pi technical team.

  41. Rohit D says:

    Hi Nithin,

    I am not able to drag the charts into the second monitor that I use. How should I do it?

    • Siva says:

      First you have to popout the chart, go to view and select popout active window and then you can able to drag the chart to other monitor.

  42. Anupam says:

    Many Thanks for Pi developer team. New patch added Q-Buy AVg And Q-Sell Avg in admin section. very use full for calculate ultimate loss or profit. No need to open Kite/Q-back off to verify Avg buy or sell price.

    One feedback from my side that please add one column LTP in next patch in pi at “stock holding ” section. It will also help full to all user.

    • Venu says:

      The LTP of Stocks is already available. Right click on the Column header and select the LTP option to add it to the Holdings window.

      • RA9979 says:

        LTP column open and also my my required column added in stock holding window. but column profile not saved. When I reopen or relog to pi, some column comes or some not. or default open. I have to reset again. Same thing occurs when I saved my active workspace. after reload my saved workspace column arreng pi its own way not restore my setting. It is very pathetic to set every time. Also script sequence change. It is need to rectify in next patch.

        • siva says:

          Make sure the application in use is dated 29/07/2016 by going to about Zerodha-pi under help menu.
          Then goto view-user settings-market watch-select save layout on exit-apply-ok. This should save columns.

  43. Anupam says:

    Kite is not up to mark performance due to following reason, need to update
    1.All stock option script not shown.
    2. Can not delete script from android mobile.
    3. Main market index not shown on top
    Drawbacks for PI
    1. only windows OS support. no proxy support.
    2. New version support multi window by Ctrl+w but cant store those script or this new window. every time you have add script in new window by name.

    pls rectify those problem in new version…. waiting for that

    • Siva says:

      1) If one type the scrip followed by strike or with month name it will show up.
      2) One can swipe along the scrip, it will be deleted.
      3) Working on it.
      1) Yes, as of now.
      2) Goto view->user settings->market watch-> and select save layout on exit and market watch confirmation on exit and apply.It will save scrips added once.

  44. Bhaskar says:

    Chart is freezing sometimes when open multiple charts …… plz correct this problem

  45. Bhaskar says:

    often Zerodha Pi candle Stick chart is freezing. This is Major problem for those who’s trading based on chart. Plz resolve this problem

  46. Paulami says:

    Hi Nithin,

    Started using Pi and Kite for a week. However, below are few points which I would like to highlight in my first few day’s use:
    1. Please try to launch a browser based platform having a dashboard with details like daily high, low, prev close, weighted avg, S1-R1, S2-R2, volume etc. for multiple scripts like a tabular view where it is possible to have a one glance view of all the scripts I am tracking. This is seriously missing in Kite.
    2. Though Pi provides an extensive dashboard for a list of scripts, it does not run on mac or android. Also having an application installed in each device you use is a very old concept. Hence, you need to come up with a browser based solution which is emerging concept recently.
    3. In Pi I do not find any option to configure proxy server details, hence, it is not at all usable for me in office. Also it does not run on Mac, neither on Android, so I am completely crippled and cannot use it throughout the day when I stay connected in office network and when people usually trade.
    4. Zerodha does not support GTD (good till date) for Equity trading. This is a very useful tool in case you have to take a short break while you take a short business trip or go out for your holidays (in case you do not have all-time access to internet).

    Hope you will address these points in future releases of services and products from Zerodha and best of luck for your venture.


  47. Anand says:

    Thank you for your precious time.

  48. Anand says:

    can u please give me the script for super trend ?

  49. Anand says:

    Please add super trend indicator on Pi,
    i am not able to write the script for super trend……,,,

  50. kislay kumar says:

    Hi nitin , Can you please tell me in pi why ichimoku chart is not available in pi though it is in mobile version?

  51. Voyager says:

    I have observed that the Renko chart on Pi gives out lagging/delayed update on brick formation from actual ( one brick/box behind ).

    for example let say If box size is 50 on Banknifty and Spot price is 16811, the last brick formation closed at 16731, theoretically one more brick/box of 50 could have formed.

    Same with Nifty and other stocks as well, and noticed its always one or two brick/box formation delay.

    Is it any kind of issue/bug (technically) or it has to be like this only.

  52. Voyager says:

    How to get Heiken Ashi Smoothed chart on Pi, i am not talking about its code, i m talking about the chart type itself.

  53. In Pi when instead of candle chart, we go for Heikin Ashi chart day separator does not work i.e. if we prepare Heikin Ashi chart for five days, then days cannot be separated. This gives lot of problem in analysing the chart. Please provide day separation for Heikin Ashi charts also. Thanks so much.

  54. Sibasis says:

    If it in your future plan also to incorporate it then also it’s great !!
    Keep up your good work to the trading community. All the best.

  55. Sibasis says:

    Ok I am referring to “tick charts” such as 300- tick (As we can see in Amibroker settings) charts not “tick by tick” charts. Zerodha can incorporate it in Pi.

  56. Sibasis says:

    Sir, tick charts are very important in intraday trading. But Pi is missing this feature. If there is problem in providing tick data then I request you to provide some Custom X-Tick chart which you find to be useful. I heard some brokerage firm providing tick data in India so I request to please incorporate it in Pi trading terminals.

    • Venu says:

      No retail broker in India provides TBT (tick by tick) data as every second there are 1000’s of ticks that cannot be transferred through Internet. What’s referred to as ‘tick’ chart isn’t tick by tick data.

  57. MKC says:

    Respected sir..I am using a trading software & i am quite happy with that… i had also open an account in Zerodha…just need to confirm that the price are showing in PI or NEST or Zerodha Trader Terminal…is those the real price or not?…Sir, i am not worried about the Terminal Chart…just want to confirm whether the Terminal price is authentic & real or not…Thanks

  58. Vismadev Chatterjee says:

    Bollinger Band %b is already available with kite but not available with Pi as part of a technical analysis. And I follow this technical indicator / analysis to trade. So, Could you please add Bollinger Band %b as a technical analysis in Pi.

    Also make the saved chart template as the default opening chart settings, like kite. So, that once I set my chart and technical analysis and save them as template, it should be loaded every time when ever I open chart for any stock, just like Kite.

  59. v r patel says:


  60. Ram says:

    How can we add market depth overlay on price chart. if not can we import external chart template?

  61. Somdeb Chanda says:

    Is there a way to make Bracket orders through any through any other medium except for PI? Couldn’t find the way to give bracket orders in either PI or Z5?
    Is there any other way to give target and stop losses together for a new purchase excepting the Bracket Order?

    • Venu Madhav says:

      Pi allows you to place Bracket orders. Shift+F3 is the shortcut to buy and Shift+F4 to place a sell order.
      It isn’t available on Z5, Kite.
      There’s no other facility which allows you to place an entry order/SL/target on one click. You may have to place it all separately.

  62. Viraaj Badhwar says:

    Hey just thought id inform you about a small glitch i found while using pi.

    When you pop out the admin window, close the blank admin tab within pi, close the admin pop out window, and try to open it again, pi crashes.

  63. Aditya Sharma says:

    Hello, I tried opening Pi on Sunday afternoon but it didn’t open. It said “Unable to connect to the data server. Should be soon.” I wanted to analyse the data but not able to. Is chart on Pi not available on off days? If not, please let me know how can I analyze the data on off days? Thank you.

  64. Hemanth says:

    Can I do only quantitative calculations using trading script in pi instead of using Tech analysis.
    Can I calculate some formulas based on open, high, low, last trade, previous close, previous high etc.
    Is it possible to use some variables with these calculations and compare with live market prices like current high, low or LTP.

  65. nagesh says:

    Hi Nithin,
    When can we expect Pivot points plotted on the charts for PI.

  66. Gopi says:

    Bracket order firing from AMI is it possible?

  67. Gopi says:

    how to feed “order status” information to ammibroker?
    how ammibroker know the information about order is executed or not?

  68. dhanjaya2008 says:

    Hi.. i am new for pi user. The bse chart getting blank. Is only pie for nse only?

  69. Rahul Shah says:

    I have got PI enabled in q.zerodha.com but I have tried several times but I am not able to download it my internet connection is also good tell me what to do?????

  70. Harpreet says:

    Pi is very good. Can you please add Basket Order or Spread order window from NEST for placing multiple orders simultaneously. It helps to take strategic Derivative trades.
    Is there automatic update for PI available or i need to manually update it.
    I have also experienced that Pi hangs sometimes while placing new orders or while squaring positions – I had to kill Pi and restart it.
    I am looking forward for HTML version – hope its much better and improved, since NEST is already blocked in my office. PI is new so its not (YET !!)
    Keep up the good work!!

  71. jacob says:

    Hi Nitin

    While trading in Pi with Cover order, sometimes it is problematic to switch between charts n order page in order to exit a particular contract. We have to switch between the chart n order window. Can something be done to provide a button to exit a particular contract in the chart window itself once we have made a CO position in that particular stock.
    And one more thing is, can we see CO being able to be placed while in the chart window on a particular stock.

    thank you.

  72. pankaj says:

    Hi Nithin,

    Today also, we see issues with the chart.

  73. Happy says:

    Opened new A/c. Just installed Pi . Pls check today’s 1min & 5 min charts .

  74. Kumar says:

    Dear Nitin,

    The performance of PI has been degraded and it just hangs up. Could you check once.

    • Venu Gopal says:


      Even I have complained about the same as the above person long time back itself that whenever it receives a new alert or something about some script’s limit has reached or something like that, it hangs up for a while and then resumes and this happens every now and then. After selecting a buy or sell order also to pop that window of buy/sell order, it again hangs for a while.

      Also, I requested is there any way that if we do not want to see these alerts to bar all these alerts so that we can work smoothly.


      Venu Gopal

    • Having someone call you back, it shouldn’t hang unless there is something gone wrong while installation.

  75. Mahesh Shervegar says:

    Have problem with the charts please take a look of image of 1min nifty and 5min nifty futures chart. Please see the attached image and suggest.


  76. Venu Gopal says:

    Hi Nithin.

    I have been using Pi for well over the last 2 months. Few times i noticed a problem with charts where there will be error charts, which will dampen the quality of the studies that we could have done on the charts and will post a doubt of performance of Pi. For your reference I am attaching the chart that I got in the morning at 9:10 just before opening of the session and also attaching the correct charts from other broker for reference of same time.

    • Yes Venu, the last 2 days there have been some issues with not all data captured on the chart when you are pulling from the data server. We will have this fixed by the weekend.

  77. Sharat says:

    Hi Nithin
    In PI how to set line with dots charts like this

  78. NS says:

    Hi, Is there a way to import scrip scrip list of nse equity or nse futures in PI, manually adding all FnO scrips is very cumbersome, or is there a quick method ? or a ready made scrip list ?
    Please assist.

  79. M ANANTHA RAMAN says:

    Is there any option strategy builder is there in pi as we had in NEST PLUS.

  80. alankar says:

    hi nithin i recently opened a trading account with Zerodha. my account is activated .. i am facing prob with Nest trader … so i want to try pi .. can i access Pi ???

  81. How do i get access to Pi?

  82. Harish says:

    Too good to see fabulous features in PI. I am very satisfied. Need answer to 2 questions:
    1. May I know how I can add Exponential moving Average of RSI and get it displayed the way I shown in the attached image.
    2. How can I get the high, low, open and close value when I mouse hover on any given candle?

    Thanks for your answers in advance.


    • Thanks Harish,
      1. First add RSI on the chart. Now add EMA, while adding EMA you get a drop down box where you can choose on what you want to add the EMA on, Low, high, Close, Open, Volume, or RSI. Select RSI in the dropdown.
      2. Left click anywhere on the chart and then hover on the candle to see OHLC.

      • Krishna Kumar says:

        Hi Nitin,

        I tried adding first RSI and then EMA based on RSI. On clicking the apply button the whole chart candles gets shrinked and nothing visible….Pls help


        • Ah.. we will have this fixed. For now, when you add the EMA on RSI, you will see that all candles become really small, and then there is a straight line in the top frame. Click on this line, you will see white square boxes. Drag this to the RSI frame.

  83. Souvik Chanda says:

    I am new at zerodha… Just installed Pi. Its odd to not find the simplest of features – line charts!!!

    any plans on adding that?

  84. vel says:


    Can we have a CO option in mobile platform?…Is there any possibility to add thtat to in mobile application

  85. MITESH H PATEL says:

    your Pi software is good but not as good as sharekhan trade tiger. you see in image below when i point out at some candle i can see the price , volume and other strategy value at right side which is missing in pi.
    in pi i have to click in particular candle to see price value at the same time i cant find the volume value that i have to again shift the pointer to volume bar and click.
    so it is better if you do same as trade tiger.
    also its better if you add No. of buyers and sellers in top 5 buyer seller list. its helpful during trading that high quantity is by 1 buyer / seller of there is many buyers at the same price. this is also available in trade tiger.
    so right now i am using trade tiger for charting and analysis and pi for trading. if you make better pi version like trade tiger than i can use only pi for both trading as well as charting.
    thanking you

    • Mitesh, even on Pi if you left click and hover over any particular candle, you will be able to see the O H L C (from next release, you will see the volume as well). You can always initiate the snapquote to see the best 5 buys/offer.

  86. nayan says:

    i am unable to get charts, i am getting exception error, why ?

  87. roysoma says:

    The following can be opportunities while charting.
    1. The system downloads the chart data each time, is it possible to cache the chart data to a limit in the system and only the delta information getting downloaded each time.
    2. Is it possible to move between different time frames by selecting weekly, daily, hourly, minute or seconds chart

  88. R Valarmathi says:

    Hi Nithin,

    Thanks for giving us Pi. Its very use full.

    I would like to know how to save the charts that we create for a company with EMA, PSAR values for future use. If I login and exit the charts that I created are to be recreated is it possible to save the same..?

    Also can that be replicated to another share that I select..?
    Example: RELIND I have created a chart with values and now I select another company M&M
    can I replicate the chart values that I created for RELIND instead of repeating what I did..?

  89. roysoma says:

    Dear Sir,
    After placing orders in Pi I noticed that a block for cover orders keep showing. It interferes with the main screen and cannot be moved. Please suggest how this will need to be attended. the picture is attached. I had to exit pi to get this thing off my screen.
    Also, in the hourly chart, the up tick looks red while setting is green and down tick looks red while setting is red. To correct the situation, the uptick colour needs to be set as red and down tick as green. Request you look into the matter.
    Also, there is no provision to move between time frames on the chart (reference as in trade tiger).

  90. zulfi says:

    Please add Ichimoku Cloud.

  91. VNS Kodukula says:

    Is Pi works on Ipads ?

  92. panakal saseendran says:

    Hi Nithin
    This is a feedback and a couple of suggestions on PI
    on the whole pi is wonderful and I congratulate you and your team.
    I have been experiencing frequent hangs(system not responding) since two days back due to which my orders were either not sent or sent at the unwanted moment.I think this has something to do with the messages that get refreshed each and every moment or something to do with the server. I dont konow if anybody else is having the same problem .Anyway it is something serious due to which I cannot trade smoothly.
    Regarding charting,though great a few more things need to be done.
    1.when you click on a candle the details like price(high,low),time etc should be availabe,which is missing at present. Amibroker style vertical selection lines would be an advantage
    2.periodicity of day is not available now
    3.It would be of great help if pivot lines (pivot,s1,s2,s3 and r1,r2,r3)are given like in sharekhan trade tiger

    4.A default chart template should be there which once applied will be remembered by the system and the next time you open a chart it will be automatically applied.At present you have to apply a chart template whenever you open a chart which is very inconvenient
    That’s all for the moment
    Thank you

  93. B Sharma says:


    How to enable simple plain line graph like the graph shown in google finance ?

    I am a new user and i am still not friendly with Candle charts.

    please add them if already not available.

  94. manu says:

    please add supertrend indicator,

  95. Singaramani says:

    Is range bar chart available in Pi??

  96. AJit says:

    Hello Nithin,

    First of all many many thanks for wonderful product and all the efforts taken by you

    Two requestsq for Pi,

    1) Is is possible to add “Width” parameter to Moving Average Lines, so that we can add extra thick, thick, thin lines depending upon our needs.

    2) Is there any way to delete the indicator Panel?
    a) Either it should give user a list of Indicators used, so user can enable or delete multiple indicator at a time (something similar to Metatrador) or
    b) There should be an option to delete the indicator by right clicking on the panel it self same as Amibroker.


  97. VRR.Rao says:

    Customization of Market watch /Indices box is left to USER in case of Zerodha Trader ,a better
    interface is expected in PI ,like when day’s high /low is reached ,complete Strike is high lightened.
    Similarly for life high/low etc….

  98. varghese says:


    I am new to Zerodha and excited to see the pi features. I have one question, How can I fully automate a trade with strategies I have back tested? Can I leave the terminal unmanned and let pi do all trading for me?

  99. JD says:

    In Pi charts – Is it possible to display timer for completion of candle / start of new candle ?

  100. VRR.Rao says:

    What is required in INDICES BOX , variations based on TREND but not on TICKS.
    Often it is misleading.Change your default setting.

  101. vaibhav says:

    sir i m not able to find any zerodha pi download links on the net . can u pls give the download link .

  102. vishal says:


    I have been using pi version “VERSION – RELEASED ON 14/01/2015” for past few days. Following is my feedback-

    1. It is taking long time to login. (Showing a smaller window saying “60000+ contracts are loading”. It seems not suitable for intra day. It takes 6-7 minutes for login. And time taken in higher if someone has opened 2-3 charts in previous session.

    2. Pi hangs many times especially if someone has added 20-30 scripts, and then you have to restart it again and then you have to wait long for login to happen due to point 1.

    3. I am not sure till what time in history the historical chart is plotted. Duration is variable. I requested a chart of bharti airtel for interval 1 hr with 104 candles (software is putting limit that not more than 104 candles can be displayed for interval 1 hr.) but I got chart with only 21 candles. It should go at least 2-3 years back in plotting historical chart if requested which is needed for back testing.

    Its performance seems to be an issue to me.


    • vishal says:

      ,correction in point 3
      “I requested a chart of bharti airtel for interval 8 hr with 104 candles (software is putting limit that not more than 104 candles can be displayed for interval 8 hr.”

    • Vishal,

      1. Use quick login, it should log you in within a minute.
      2. Pi hangs, hmm shouldn’t happen, we are not experiencing this. Can you tell your system configuration and internet speed. Are you running other trading applications at the same time.
      3. Bharti airtel intraday chart is available for upto 1 year. For now you should be able to see a 1 hour chart from June 2014 onwards. Getting someone to call you back.

  103. VRR.Rao says:

    Yesterday ,I placed an order from CHART ,then with an error message it CAME OUT from PI.
    Entered again ,placed another order ,but with error message it came out of PI again.For
    a third time ,I entered PI and this time ,I placed order Normally.It was OK.I checked Order Book.
    My earlier orders were in PENDING status.

  104. Binu says:

    Hi Nithin,

    I get the attached error message when i try to open Charts in PI.I have checked all Prerequisites are installed.Can you please guide on troubleshooting steps?


  105. Sumit Patel says:

    how to use Pi in computer connected internet through LAN cable

    thank you

  106. JD says:

    I have downloaded new Pi and also activated.
    I need help on –
    – Plotting EMA on high and low prices, instead of close
    – Getting different color for bullish and bearish EMA.
    – Getting different color for bullish and bearish Parabolic SAR.
    – Removing volume panel
    – Getting Supertrend indicator with different color for bearish and bullish.
    – Entering bracket order where square-off (SL and Target) order is passed only after entry order is fully executed or pending qty is cancelled.

  107. Shyam says:

    Dear Mr. Nithin,

    Greetings of the day!!

    First of all I will appreciate and thank you Zerodha Team and Developers for such a Good Trading Terminal.

    I had used the Pi for only for a day and would like to share my feedback for the better final release and would share more if I encounter any such.

    1. Would have been better if Chart are enable with the shortcut keys like Home to take to the first candle of the Chart, End key to last or latest candle of the chart, Pageup/PageDown to scroll a chart.

    2. To Display label with Open,High,Low,Close of the candle on the chart.

    3. Candle to be Select-able to view Open,High,Low,Close of the candle on the chart.

    4. Popout active window has been provided from the view menu, it would have been better if same can be done from right click on tab or double click on the Tab 🙂

    5.Observed that adding number of technical indicators has been limited, would like to increase it to few more.

    6. Most IMPORTANT Once the chart has been plotted for some time interval, we have no option to shift/change the current running chart time interval.

    7. Export chart to Excel has been provided but throwing an error same is attached herewith.

    Once again Thank you.


    • The next release will have a limit of 15 indicators compared to the 8 now. Other things are on our list of things.

      • Shyam says:

        Thanks for the reply,

        day 2 experience:

        1. Stop Loss order modification is not happening.
        2. Chart zoom settings are not freezed while streeming chart is getting sqeezed.


  108. kalyan says:

    I am used to your automated trading with alerts. As these were not working since the last one and half month, i was not trading. So am i not a active trader. Am i not elignble for pi until the final version is released.
    Thanking You,

  109. santoshpadhy says:

    Hi Nithin

    still alerts are not working and the root cause I think is that the alert linked chart which is opening automatically when we start the alert is not getting data automatically—it just freezes after opening—–I told this to siva, but he is saying why do you need the alert chart!!!!

    He is not patient like you to listen and understand things. as per me the simple ligic is that when alert chart will not get data aotomatically –then how can it does its function properly???

    I had lot of hopes to see at least the basic things like alerts and scanners to be perfect in the final beta release (becsuse these two aspects only primarily makes PI distinctive from other softwares available in Indian market freely to the traders), but sadly no improvements at all in these two aspects.

    Hope to listen from you with things got done and dusted!!!



  110. Wasim says:

    Dear Mr. Nitin,

    PI is looking too good to be true. Thank you very much for the release of such a good platform in Indian market.

    I have only used it one day and my initial impression is very good.
    I didn’t find Daily Weekly Monthly charts options or I may have missed it. Also when I tried to view 4 hourly charts for Nifty future Jan contract I was limited to 200 candle view only.

    Please let me know if there is any plan to add more past history candles as well and where I can view Daily Weekly and Monthly charts as well.

    Aslo it will be great if Nifty spot chart for analysis is also available even though I know it is not tradable.

    Waiting for your reply.

    • Wasim, check this post. Yes daily charts will be added soon. Intraday data upto 1year is presently available for top 200 stocks. We will add it for indices very soon. Yes you can add spot nifty chart as well, check the link to the post I have mentioned above.

      • Wasim Mukadam says:

        Yes I got it now.

        Also I loved the feature of exporting OHLC data directly from the charts and I was wondering if it is possible that in the future all the data since inception is made available for exporting atleast for Daily, Weekly and Monthly candles.

        • As and when we start Daily candles, you will be able to export that as well to excel.

          • Wasim says:

            Dear Nitin,

            Thank you very much… Please launch the kite platform soon as it is still difficult to execute trades while we are away from home. As always with Zerodha I am having great expectations with Kite as well 🙂 . Please keep kite as light and as fast as possible.

  111. Allwin says:

    Nitin, what does bridging Pi to MT4 mean?

    • If you have strategies/expert advisors on MT4, you can use the bridge to directly trigger orders on Pi. So if an EA gives a buy, it gets logged on Pi in the alerts screen, you double click on it to trade.

  112. 9th Jan 2015

    So we are almost ready to launch the “final beta release of Pi” from monday, 12th Jan. If everything works well, we will have the final release of Pi within the next 3 weeks. For all those who have used the previous beta and given us feedback, it has taken us over 2 months to incorporate most of what you had requested for.

    1. We did a complete upgrade of trading servers last month, so the performance has gone up significantly.
    2. We have upgraded the servers that send data to the charts, so NSE, NFO, and Currency charts, will probably match up to data of the most expensive data providers in the country. Also adding indicators, drawing tool bar, and all issues around it has been fixed.
    3.All exchanges: NSE, BSE, and MCX are live.
    4. We have created a screen to log all your alerts from Expert advisors, Scripted alerts, and Pi bridge, for semi automated trading. Clicking on the alert places an order.
    5. Pi bridge is live for amibroker. We are working on having the bridge to MT4 soon.
    6. Issues around saving layouts is fixed.
    7. You will have 1 year of intraday data for the top 200 stocks and indices. We will slowly add more stocks to the list. You will be able to load upto 50,000 candles on a single chart.

    Bracket orders will take a little longer. Also, we presently have minute and hourly charts. End of day charts, will take few more days.

    We are going to start releasing Pi from monday, we will release it only to a few for the first 2 or 3 days, and slowly increase the pace.

    To enable Pi:
    1. From monday, you will see a Pi icon in Q(https://q.zerodha.com/). The ID’s that we had previously enabled for beta of Pi, won’t work from monday, you will have to put a new request.
    2. You will have an option to request for beta of Pi when clicked on the icon. We will be giving this beta only to our active client base, (clients who have generated atleast Rs 300 of brokerage over the last 30 days). If you are not our active client, you will have to wait until the final release.
    3. Once you place a request, you will get a download link, and a key. The download link, also has a readme doc, that explains the installation process. We have simplified the installation process quite a bit. Four clicks and you should be ready.
    4. Once you have done this, you will be notified on the same page when your login is enabled for trading on Pi on the same page in Q. How fast this happens will depend on the queue, and the speed at which we are releasing licenses.
    5. The link to enable “Pi bridge” to connect to Amibroker for semi-automated trading will be available by next weekend on the same page in Q.

    Note: It is still the final “Beta” version, so if you spot any issues do let us know. I will put up a blogpost with video on monday to run a quick overview of latest beta release of Pi.

    I understand this has gotten delayed quite a bit and having Pi out soon is quite important for us as a business. We hit multiple roadblocks along the way, hopefully as they say, ” Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet”.

    Happy Trading,

  113. RP0395 says:


  114. abhay says:

    i registered for Pi early last month, when I was told that charts, NEST PLUS are not available for news customers and since then have been waiting for my beta registration or pi release. Somewhere, above I read that it won’t be available to all customers.
    So, I request you to please clarify on your policy for the new software, because I may recommended few people to register with your brokerage house, and would like to inform them accordingly.


  115. Allwin says:

    Will Pi be compatible with Mac OS? , have u finalized on launch week of Pi?

  116. golig says:

    is darvas box method incorporated in the up coming pi software

  117. murtuza says:

    is pi free to use…………….

    • For our active clients it will be. What is active, we will let everyone know soon.

      • Ramesh Ramachandran says:

        Better keep a monthly charge for pi and deduct it against brokerage paid. A active user could become inactive for a few months.
        Hopefully terms of usage would be clear. NEST has become a big mess unusual for Thomson Reuters to get their name tarnished

  118. RP0395 says:


  119. VRR.Rao says:

    Our expectations on PI is too high.Initially it was ABOVE AVERAGE.
    Of late ,it touched rock bottom with so many errors/deficiencies.
    Comparison of PI with NEST is inevitable.
    We expect PI should be beat NEST in all respects.
    HAPPY NEW YEAR to you and all members of Zerodha.

  120. shiv says:

    Hi today is 1st Jan . zerodha has to release PI today with the fix. No update yet.

  121. pavan says:

    Happy new year to everyone. Now we are in the first week of Jan.Can we know when we can expect PI.

  122. VRR.Rao says:

    1.Earlier PI used to remember the price history.Now whatever the number is kept in BAR HISTORY
    it is starting from NEW CANDLE.

    2.while charting it frighten me with this message.
    UNABLE TO CONNECT TO SERVER.Connecting soon.
    Why this message?

  123. RP0395 says:




  124. HP says:

    Hi Nithin,
    Saw your video of Zerodha Pi. Really Impressive and tempting.
    Curious to know
    1. when are you planning to launch it
    2. would that be charged?

    And a few technical queries as well,
    3. Market starts at 9:15 so if I use 1 hr candle chart, then the first candle will close at 10:15 or at 10:00 ?
    4. Can we save our studies in charts?

  125. Ankit Kukadia says:


    Since past few days I get error this error when I right click on any chart to open – “Unable to connect to data server. Should be soon.” What can be the reason???


  126. VRR.Rao says:

    Good suggestion by SANDEEP DAS.Please indicate Over-bought/Over-sold area with Green/Red
    colours in PI also.

  127. VRR.Rao says:

    BAR CHART is very simple to implement.Just drawing a line from BASE to Close value.

  128. sandeep das says:

    In nest trader when we use money flow index or William %R ,if it indicates overbought then it goes green and if it indicates oversold then it goes red.Can that be done in pi?

  129. VRR.Rao says:

    Please introduce BAR CHART as soon as possible.BAR chart as available now is not a BAR chart .It is
    OHLC chart.Bar chart is a simple line from base to CLOSE.(Very easy)

  130. VRR.Rao says:

    Even NOV & DEC future/options are present.Make JAN as default series ,now.(At present NOV is defined as
    default series….? Funny.)
    With each version ,we expect a better performance of the software.But ,the present version is not as same
    as ,it was in November. Back fill was missing.

    • When you are logging in the next time, untick on the quick login box. This will make sure that all your previous contracts are removed and the new ones are loaded. We will have the new release on 1st Jan for everyone with all the fixes.

  131. Rahul says:

    Data will be as good as eSignal i.e. instant or is there going to be a delay(like incase of iCharts/Sharekhan, etc)

  132. Rahul says:

    Data is likely to be saved on our computer or everything will come directly from your server?

  133. sandeep das says:

    can you add Percentage Price Oscillator and kdj in pi final version ?

    • Sandeep, we are presently working on having everything that is already available working without any bugs. Once we do that, and have the release, we can add new indicators in due course of time.

  134. VRR.Rao says:

    Absence of BACK-FILL in PI ,is a BIG ,drawback.

  135. R. Saravanakumar says:

    Hi Nithin,

    Do you provide any software for offline Technical Analysis with EOD data?

  136. VRR.Rao says:

    Copy entire Market to excel (Link to excel) to a file is there???
    It is a must.If it is there already,please guide me.

  137. prabhakar says:

    do u guys have any plans for apple MAC users ?i mean the trading platform???

  138. Rahul K says:

    Mr. Nithin, When will your server issues be addressed? Facing consistent problems in executing orders in ZT. Made losses in past 1 week since the order did not execute on time and went into “pending order validation mode” when tried to execute MIS order at market price.

    Are you going to compensate for the losses or continue sending apology letters while we make losses ?

    • Rahul, getting someone to call you, we haven’t received any complaint as such. One of the issues is with the new NEST charts, which seems to be causing the systems to crash. The default chart was 22 days, and we have just reduced to 5, so ideally freezing because of charts also shouldn’t happen. Do show the guy who is calling what you are facing. 🙂

      • Rahul K says:

        Nithinj, this has nothing to do with NEST charts. I don’t even use NEST charts. When I faced the problems this week I called up your support and talked to 3 different people, they said “the problem is in the servers and we are resolving it”

        The problem happens on and off. Earlier there was no such problem. Though I am not facing it now but I don’t know when it will occur next.

        Rahul K.

      • Karthik says:

        Rahul – I have seen this happen to me bunch of times. Thanks for sharing.

        Hi Nithin, I have seen this issue before. Has happened to me few times causing orders fills to be messed up due to that delay. I have sent you an email as well.


  139. Kartikeya Rathore says:

    Hi Nitin,

    Will Zerodha Pi work on a Macbook?


  140. nikhildmane says:

    Waiting for an official launch of Pi terminal …

  141. Rajesh says:

    Nithin Sir,

    Unable to open charts. Its displaying message ” Unable to connect to the data server. Should be soon”. Any issues with my connectivity or your server.

  142. AJ says:


    Is it possible to have charts on four separate monitors? The Angel Broking speedpro provides four desktop feature but it is withing the same window.. more like using different tabs in the same browser. So, can we use pi on four screens to see four charts… Somewhat like TD Ameritrade’s thinkorswim platform?

  143. prasad says:

    07 Dec 2014 at 06:09 PM

    no answer to my query… pls check it nitin ji…

    • Prasad, the recent server upgrade caused a bunch of changes, so we will need a few more days before we can finally launch Pi, we are aiming for 1st Jan release.

      • prasad says:

        Thanks Nitin.My best wishes for launching Pi.I will wait for pi final release…One request Ami Broker giving astro tools to analyse market…iam looking for that kind of tool which can be used for deciding trend…even in intraday it was very usefull….right now im working with my own mobile program…but only problem is im not having live data…otherwise i will make intraday astro tool…ithink for semi auto trading we can take astro and teck support by programming…

  144. Ravi M says:

    JPYINR, USDINR Renko 1 hour charts are not coming correctly.

  145. Ankur Kumar says:

    Requested for Pi trading software (filled the online form) as well but still no download link!!
    Client ID DA2071

  146. Shiv says:

    Why my PI is not working .But some of user is using PI. How come this?

  147. agsuresh says:

    Pi chart still do not show data for the Dec-8th and Dec-9th.

  148. pavan says:

    its common now a days on zerodha .i had huge positions morning

  149. Saurabh says:

    What is happening with Zerodha. There are no price updates on Pi or Nest Trader. Phone call to your support just doesn’t go through. In name of best platform etc. the very basic requirements are not being met.

    • Between 9.18 to 9.30, one of our lines connecting to the NSE was down. So clients on this line, the orders were not going through. We have backup lines, but it took around 10 to 15 mins to switch.

  150. vparashar says:

    HI Nitin

    The most exiting part of Pi to me is placing the order on chart. Thanks & congrats for the wonderful efforts.
    Request you to add Bracket Order & Cover Order in PI. Also, if it is possible to place these orders on chart.


  151. pavan says:

    Nitin can you please let me know where to get Pi beta.

  152. kalyan says:

    is newer version of pi working ?

  153. Ankit Kukadia says:

    Seems some error in Hourly chart… Attached is chart of Tata Steel.. It shows hourly close at 460 whereas it actually closed @ 435 yesterday… That’s why there is gap down opening shown today… Saw similar error in other stocks too… Happening since latest release of Pi..

  154. pavan says:

    need Pi beta .Please proivde me the beta for testing

  155. Rahul says:

    For how long frustation will continue..when will mobile app be availabe..what kind of IT team do you have?????

  156. agsuresh says:

    On pi chart, data for Dec-5th is displayed. Yesterday’s data is not shown. (as of now : dec-9th 8:38AM).

  157. Sri says:

    Hi Nithin,

    It would be great if you get multiple marketwatches on the next release. Thanks.

  158. fazlur rehman says:

    hi nithin,
    updated pi is running smoothly. looks much better.
    1. pls add date wise separator lines on chart in new pi update.
    2. very frustrating to set column width and column position every time.

  159. VRR.Rao says:

    This was the position when I logged into PI at 3.15

  160. VRR.Rao says:

    Back Fill is not there.

  161. Paras says:

    Not able to login on Newer version of Pi and also on the web version i.e. trade.zerodha .com

  162. Gopal says:

    Not able to login PI post updating new version.

  163. Sri says:

    Unable to login since morning on the updated Pi. Says “Remote server returned an error. Error (503) unavailable”.

  164. VRR.Rao says:

    Darwas boxes available in VIEW menu of PI.

  165. stock hunter says:

    Hi Nithin,

    I downloaded new version of PI. Now i am facing more problem than previous versions..keep on stuck system..My machine is i5….Even login time also taking too much time than previous versions. I already send the mail to IT

  166. Gopal says:

    Dear Nithin,

    I have used most of the charting software over the years. It seems you opted for modulus kind of charting. I think you should use Spider (IRIS) or Reliable (Falcon) for zerodha charts as both are very good and reputed software in indian charting. and much more stable than modulus charts in all aspects.

    • Gopal says:

      Also charting experience is on another level on using both softwares. Hope you have used both products to understand my query.

  167. Raja says:

    hanging & not responding while executing orders ( Pi_setup_1.0.0.4(updated) )

  168. Sandip says:

    Issue in Chart after I tried to reopen it at 10.30.

  169. vijay says:

    unable to open pi now…9:45am

  170. prasad says:

    im attaching supporting image where false alerts generated

  171. prasad says:

    In live trading on friday i used scripted alert.script worked well on 12:55 gave sell signal late 13:12 gave buy signal as per script.after that giving false signals continuously withing minit…something wrong in scripted alert code pls verift and resolve this bug….in the backtesting if i gave 1minut 500 bars script worked well….
    In the backtesting also there are bugs like if i gave 500 bars in 1 min chart 12:55 sell signal given.but same thing didnt show while i gave 1500 bars.why that alert missed….its one bug….
    2nd bug was i written buy,sell,exit buy,exit sell script….some sell and exit buy same script that means it should show exit but first and then sell….but its skipping exit buy and only showing sell…its another bug i identified i hope these things should be rectified in coming pi update….

    in backtesting :one small request i do intra day trade so i think there should be a provision not take carry forward position so there should be a check box to square of existing position…here my aim is to get all intraday alerts…know how the strategy working…and give one time slot after that no fresh entry only exit signal or square of time….
    pi has great future it creates wonders in near future. all the best to zerodha and team
    Thanks for giving me a chance to test pi.

  172. manu says:

    I cannot use sell only script . if i give sell and sell exit script and buy and buy exit zero . it wonnt work. back test results are not accurate . if i backtest twice same script in same equity or commodity , it will give different results. backtest must be accurate. And i have another suggestion is that when doing backtest , equities or commodities names sholud be auto complete. please add indicator crossover ,like rsi over its moving average

  173. Nishant Jain says:

    Hello Nithin,
    Firstly, I want to appreciate all your and your team’s efforts on Pi. With the successful release of Pi, I truly believe Zerodha can be a game changer in industry.

    Can you please briefly list out what all technical indicators Pi will be having in final release.


    • Nishant, there are around 80 indicators right now, listing all of them out, hmm.. let me see. Even with the 80, there are atleast requests for another 40 🙂 , so we will look at adding some of the popular ones like supertrend, ichimoku, and others soon after the final release.

  174. Rahul says:

    When you add pivots make sure they are like this !!!

  175. SR says:

    Hi Nitin,

    Do we have ‘macd BB’ indicator in pi, if not then can we add.

  176. vu2tru says:


    Please see the image , it was taken at 9.51 am, and the chart is hourly hence the chart tooltip should indicate the daily OHLC , at the same time a screen shot of the snapquote was taken. The price of OHLC in the snapquote and the price in the tooltip of charts are different. Kindly look into the same.

  177. Anshu says:


    Have been testing PI for couple of days. It seems to be perfect with some minor scope of improvements.

    My initial observation are as follow

    1. When population charts, Say a 1 min Niftyfut chart for 10,000 candle , only data for around 3000 is populating.

    2. Zoom in and Zoom Out experience on charts could be improved if Scroll bar or Scroll button on Mouse is permitted to control it.

    3. There is Much more scope for including Key Board Short Cut for charting and otherwise as well.

    Thanks for amazing Services. And pi does justify itself as a Avant Garde Trading System.


  178. Rahul K says:


    Have been using Pi for a week now. The charting software is OK. I have used a ton of other softwares and still prefer those over Pi. So hoping once Pi gets out of Beta things will be much better.

    3 Feedback (Basic level which should be addressed first)

    1. Lack of crosshair
    2. Scrolling charts left and right is a ‘Nightmare’ because of the slow speed.(How can you guys miss this ? Seriously!)
    3. Pricing styles such as Point and Figure, Renko etc. sometimes work and sometimes do not.
    4. No pivot points? (India’s most advance charting soft Pi has no pivot points. Seriously? I mean – Seriously?? )

    Rahul K.

    • Rahul, Pi is a trading platform that can also perform charting. Don’t think it will be fair to compare this to only charting platforms, as a trading platform has to perform the primary function first, that is to be able to trade without any issues. We are looking at fixing that first, all that you said are on our list.

      Can you email us on [email protected] the next time, you don’t find point and figure or renko not working. It can’t work sometime and stop other time.

  179. HussainB says:


    My Feedback for PI

    1. Please add crosshair feature on chart,

    2. on trade from the chart feature, once order executed please show execution value on chart and also allow to change order by dragging rather than “cancel all order” and again placing

    3. all the trendline and marking on chart gets deleted once to logout and need to draw again, cant we have then saved on chart for reuse later.

    4. Can report from “Q’ be accessible to “PI”

    5.chart trading can be improved like in metatrader?

  180. Nitesh Sharma says:

    Hi Nithin,

    need A big favor from you , is there any way or any video Tool through which i can learn to backtest
    pls help

  181. Pavan Kulkarni says:

    Hello Nitin,

    Thank you for the update on Pi….
    It is neater and absolutely trade ready for me….
    Just two things….

    1. Please add the option to set default template.

    2. Please let the Order Form (F1 and F2) show the instrument of the chart we are on and not what is selected on the marker watch.


    Please add a SL-Limit order to chart trading.

    One of the two will definitely help….

    Otherwise, Pi performs better and at certain point, chart does freeze. I need to close and reopen the chart and also, if the chart of the same instrument is loaded, the candles are different compared with each other….

    Thank You….
    Looking forward to the final release…

  182. saravanan says:

    Hello Nitin,

    New tool is awesome. Please consider below , if possible

    Snap Quote Screen:
    1. shortcut for SnapQuote not works from other tabs
    2. Include Total Traded Value Field
    3. Please differentiate LTP value field (give different color)
    4. Include Total count of Best Buy Quantity and Best Sell Quantity Like ZT

    5. Include shotcuts like Ctrl+N and Ctrl+X
    6. Pivot points

    7. Expert Advisors screen takes longer time while loading Pi

  183. japjit100 says:

    my pi is not working

    client id rj0733

  184. Satya.c says:

    some impotent points
    in “chart tools”
    1 > trend line should extend right side of the chart
    2 > there is no option for CHANNEL LINEs
    3 > user should be able to add some more Fibonacci levels

  185. RC18 says:

    Hello Nitin,
    I was using Darvas Boxes effectively in the old chart system. Now, you have deleted “Darvas Box” from the system at all after new charts have been introduced. Hope you have this indicator in Pi.
    If not, please add.
    I have yet to get an access to Pi. Submitted the form today. Hope to get it asap.

  186. Raj says:

    Adv : of PI over nest

    Trading from charts.

    weak charting and slow compared to nest, Not good for day traders

    after checking few PI release….mandate improvements needed

    Improvement suggestion

    a) charting needs to be improved and fast as data is coming slow and incorrect, can falter the orders.

    b) stable drawing tools needed with selective option keep or apply the setiings to all charts.

    c) Autotrading option be it semi autotrade with very less slippage. as now trading from chart and autotrading is freely available on net.

    d) bracket orders without slits orders. atleast for small retailers or orders say 4/6 nifty or banknifty orders……..

    even 2lot order is exceuted in 2 orders……..big no for small retailers

    e) supertrend and some customised quant tools for charting and trading.Many indicators are missing, please add

    f) options greeks( volat,delta,vega rho calculation on realtime) for advance option strategies

    g) realtime risk and money management tools with autosuggestion before submitting the order and afterwards.

    h) ASK/BID/LTP and other price options for quickorder…..or seller order should be execute with highest price and buyers with lower price….

    please provide all the vectors of scripting……like what is called atp,todays close,day close,weekly close,monthly close…etc

    there is more scope for improvement but please make it work at good speed

  187. aravind says:

    Hi Nithin

    please add” ICHIMOKKU CLOUDS”


  188. RAJESH J says:

    Hallo Nithin
    Expert Advisor is Work Grate Job
    Pleas Set Same Buy & Sell Scrip Conditions Coding & POP UP Alert
    And Group Custom Scann CNX NIFTY / JUN NIFTY/MID/SMALL/NFO For Scanner
    It Will Be Donne For Active Trader

  189. iamakki says:

    Hi Nithin,

    Started using the latest version of Pi. Really missing the bracket Order in it. Right now I am using both Nest Trader and Pi simultaneously because I cannot trade without BO. Try to add BO facility to Pi ASAP or at least allow to log in both at a time until the feature is added.


    • iamakki says:

      I missed some points like we cant see the alerts gave by Expert Advisor script, it would be a better option to add the back and forward options in the Expert Advisor pop up window to navigate between the current and previous alerts. I think it shouldn’t make a huge difficulty to add this option. Please try to do this. Only if we know whats the exact alert we got, we can take some informed action.
      Hope you will take care of this.


    • BO should hopefully be up soon.

  190. Varman says:

    In general we can place CO(COVER ORDER) entry only by Market order, But I wanted to place CO entry by SL trigger? is it possible in PI, or will it be available in Future?

  191. kalyan says:

    I spoke to mr.siva and thanks to quick response. But Nithin, even today i tried to trade with expert advisors and scripted alerts. They disappear in less then 2 sec and it is not possible to use them. Can u atleast fix this issue so that we can make a minimal use of pi.

    In scripted alerts as long as there is no price offset, majority of our trades are not executed as the price drifts away, kindly look in to these two issues at the earliest.

    Latest version is not logging in

  192. Satya.c says:

    first some bars were missing on the chart . then the data is not correct , i compared it with nseindia.com
    few other stocks i checked . m getting wrong data . see the pic

      • Satya.c says:

        it should be as close as possible to the nse data. or we can’t be confident about the expert adviser or automated system .
        OHLC + V +OI .. these are basic data .

        • Karthik says:

          good points Satya.
          Nithin – it would be great if you could share metrics with respect to the following:
          (i) I am sure you are striving for order filling accuracy rates. Any data you may have with respect to this? [getting bad fills on my market orders based on the snapquotes]
          (ii) speed of execution

        • Satya, what I have answered on that link is that, you will not be able to find an exact match between any two charts. You can take TAME, AMI, or whatever.

          • Satya.c says:

            yah sir , that i fully agree , no data will be fully accurate or match with NSE/BSE , and in fact that(quality of data) is the main headache of every blackbox(algo) designer. …

            you are doing a great job, taking fit back from user and also answering them.

            thanks @Karthik

  193. Sandip says:

    Hi Nithin

    1. Indicators are still using single color. It would be good idea if they have different colors.
    2. Also once indicators are added there is no way to remove them

    • RK says:

      Color change is available and to remove indicator, left click on it once its selected right click you will get options edit series ,delete series.

    • Yep, on our list. You can remove indicators, but yeah indicators like bollinger bands which has multiple lines is not happening. Will be fixed soon.

  194. spacer says:

    Hi Nithin,

    Using Pi for a few days now and thanks for such an initiative. There was auto support and resistance option in Nest plus but that is missing in Pi. Also add DeM (DeMarker Indicator) as well as Fibonacci expansion option if possible. Please add level separators in RSI and other oscillators. (30, 50, and 70) or customization would be more helpful.

  195. Amit S says:

    First of all…thanks for resolving the issue of CDS prices coming upto 3 decimals only. Now the prices are coming till 4 decimal places. But still awaiting the implementation of the other issues i raised (See above)

    Now this issue while placing order. I have USDINR and NF on my marketwatch. I was on the NF chart and wanted to place order for selling NF. On pressing F2, the CDE sell window appeared not the NSE. Even when I selected the Sell option from the menu, I got the CDE sell window. The reason for this is that on the market watch, I had the USDINR row selected. When I changed the selection to NF, the appropriate window came up. The F1 and F2 button needs to be context sensitive. If I am on NF chart, I should get the NSE order window and if I am on USDINR chart, I should get the CDE window.

  196. Satya.c says:

    can you put the grid line where the day starts

  197. Ramdas Pai says:

    @Admin plz make separate thread for v1.0.0.4.. Now this page became too slow with all 1187+ comments and most of them are with images.. 🙁

  198. agsuresh says:

    Loading this msg board takes lots of time . See if you can do something about this (page wise loading etc instead of one single page of 1100+ msgs).

  199. Ankit Kukadia says:


    Margin available post squaring off short options position is not getting changed real time… If we press Refresh button available on Cash Margin, error shown in screenshot pops up…

  200. Saurabh says:

    Two suggestions-

    In market watch when we add any new scrip it goes to the bottom of the list. Can’t it be added below the currently selected row.

    Also can we have the color of window which opens on right click to be different from the main window (market watch) color.

  201. Saurabh says:


    Can you mention what all has changed with the new update.
    In case there is nothing significant , you can just state technical bugs corrected.
    It will be helpful to use/test Pi better once we are aware what all is working now.
    Is the scanner working now. Are the data servers up & running. did you add crosshair and so on.

    • This is a technical update. There might be another one that you will have to do by this weekend as we are completely revamping the infra to something which is 3x more powerful this weekend.

  202. agsuresh says:


    F& O still displays Nov-futures
    27Nov2014 – ABIRLANUVO14NOVFUT

    The list display, Nov, Dec & Jan series instead of Dec, Jan & Feb series.

    check it.

  203. RK says:

    Hi Nithin,

    1) Please enable shortcuts for BUY/SELL from numeric keypad +/-

    2) Enable Lock Application option.

    3)Changes made in chart view settings like color, scale,grids, panel sep, 3D doesn’t reflected on all open charts but only to the selected chart.


  204. Ethan says:

    Around 10.17 a,m I logged into this new beta version …. looks little faster 🙂 (thank u guys 🙂 ) ….. and in chart I found only minute and hourly charts …… after several attempts I logged into the system … and i clicked on 1 min nifty chart … have a look @ it ……

  205. Ethan says:

    Unable to connect after downloading the version …. please provide us the change log ……

    • Ramdas Pai says:

      Remove / disable (Unchecked) quick Login and try to log again. it happened me too.. after disabling quick login option i got access 🙂

  206. vinaynp24 says:

    Hi Nithin,

    I think the watch list of ZT, web trader and PI will not sync. if i add a script in web trader its not available in PI and also in PI I can still see NOV series option. pic attached. can you please get it checked.

  207. Jithu says:

    I have one req.plz update resistance & support level in PI

  208. japjit100 says:

    cnxinfra and cnxpse is not working

  209. vinesh kumar says:

    please break this comment sheet view in pages , it take much time to load , still it has to go long way to final release and afer that .

  210. vinesh kumar says:

    1) qu) charts not generating enough data in any segment to backtest or plotting higher moving averages , in commodities gettting only one day data
    ans) our data server is not working fully . …………; 50 days are passed since beta release, and you must be working on data server atleast 100-120 days back , then please tell us ,>>>>>>> why it is not working after 150 days ?
    2) qu) navigation to chart is little difficult, zoom in -out through icons , no scroll bars present, no cross hair.
    ans) these are in our list to do ,and included after final release,…………………………..; zoom in-out and cross hair are the basic necessity of any chart whether they are professional or basic chart, you are claming PI as 2020 but elemintry thing are not present, >>>>>>>> suggestion)> please make zoom in-out with + – buttons through key board and roller button through mouse. and crosshair with option to view/hide chart info , and enable these things before final release(without these thing your software looks like a child talking in english but do not know alphabets)
    3) no work has been done on the ways of saving market watch ,charts , column arrangement, column width arrangement, >>>>>>>>>suggestion ) > there should be a default template for charts to open with indicators what we applied last time on it , arrangement of column ,column width should be open as last used else there should be an option to save last saved layout for every thin in pi
    4) why it is necessary to view volume on chart every time ? why don’t you include option to remove volume from charts?
    5) some time charts and data misguide price and some time show delayed data, this kind of function may produce much much big problem (money wise) for active intraday trader

  211. Karthik says:

    I just installed the latest Pi Version. Working good for me

  212. Raj says:

    seriosly there something wrong with latest PI release……

    i installed /unistalled couple of times but its like only the software wecome screen for entire day……i am yet to trade with pi…..its not opening up…….i am typing this blindly as your welcome screen stays on top…….

  213. vijay says:

    hi nithin… unable to open pi for the last 2 days. it says the program is not responding. too buggy nithin. today i’ve downloaded the latest version but the same problem persists. totally frustrating, please help. i dunno if i’m the only one with this problem. my id is RV1365.

  214. H.C. says:

    Hi, Nithin,
    Is there any plan to activate MCX when final release is out. Or we have wait longer for that?

  215. Sukesh says:

    Hi Nithin,

    I would like to test Pi however could not find a download link on your Pi page. Could you please direct me to the download link?

    Also can Install both Pi & NEST on the same computer at the same time (ofcourse I will only run any one at a time)?


  216. fazlur rehman says:

    Hi Nitin,
    There is no latest version on my Q. Pls update on my ID DF 0036.
    Pi looks really great. Thanks for your sincere attempts for the betterment of traders.
    A few things we need in pi..
    1. Pi should open with the columns, indicators or study lines plotted on the chart until I remove or change them manually.
    2. The scrolling or zooming chart is a little difficult. pls have a look on the economic times chart.
    3. Scanning , backtesting , expert advisers need to be made easy. Explain how to use them.
    4. Pls add super trend, ADX indicators.
    5. Fib Extension and Pivot points is very much required.
    6. Pls add Bracket orders and VTD (valid till date) orders.
    These will be enough things required for me.

    Thanks and regards,
    Fazlur Rehman.

  217. VRR.Rao says:

    One of my friends (please visit traderji) entered into both PI and ZT simultaneously.
    It is a good idea, if you allow login into 2 instances.This is because ,PI has some POSITIVE
    aspects and ZT has some.Let USERs choose both for sometime now ,until before the FINAL
    release of PI.

  218. kalyan says:

    where can i see the data table

  219. kalyan says:

    I have been using pi since the last two days. Although the software looks great and it is a decent begining.It requires a lot more time even for the basic necessities:
    1. All the software is about technical analysis. The alerts in scripted alert or the expert advisor stay only for 2-3 sec. It doesnt even give us time to think. There is no option to look back at the alerts of expert advisor once they disappear. For scripted alerts we can see back the alerts but that doesnt include the price. It only shows the time of alert and whether it was buy or sell.
    2. If two expert alerts pop up at the same time or quickly one after another, there is no way to look at the alert back. Even a single alert missed makes a lot of difference.
    3. In algoz, when we go live , we had an option of price offset which ensured that the order was executed even if the price drifts by the offset. In pi, as there is no offset, majority of my orders are not executed as the price drifts.
    4. Scanner, i dont know how it works, i tried different settings but it doesnot work at all. Help nor your video gives any insight in to it.
    5. Practically, scripted alert nor the expert advisor nor the scanner were usefull,

    Probably they require a lot of work before they can be used for trading.

    Nithin this is a very humble request. Although you are putting a lot of efforts for getting a state of art trading platform, in the mean time it is very frustrating for many of us. Trading involves money and it means a lot. Is it nor possible to restore algoz until pi is ready for its final release with all the bugs fixed. I was not able to trade since the last three days and probably i will not be able to trade for the next few weeks. Kindly consider the request and restore back algoz until pi is fully ready

    • Kalyan, unfortunately our vendors Omnesys have stopped supporting algoZ/pulse. We will look at having all your issues fixed on Pi asap. I am keeping Siva in the loop and sending you an email, make sure to let him know any wish that you have on this.

  220. Satya.c says:

    hello sir
    this is my first day with Pi. here some things i think is impotent for a charting platform
    1 > i should should be able to see , OHLC & vol of any prior bar,
    2 > i should be able to flip the security and time frame . on the same chart .
    3 > i should be able to plot and REMOVE any indicator steady , on and from any chart . including volume.
    4 > if do some chart steady one the chart it should stay , like – if i drown lines on the chart , i should be able to see it next time i open the chart , stay until i delete them manually . (it will save a lot of time)

    plus , i found this price – volume mismatch for the same ticker (silvermic) .

  221. Sandip says:

    1. When I am trying to place an order for infy4350CE it says record does not exist.
    and there is nothing for strike of 2100 or 2150 in drop down of Infy.
    2. Every time I start Pi Nifty Index is missing and I have to add manually.
    3. In order window Buttons get overlapped if window size is reduced.PFA

  222. prasad says:

    I have one request for adding pivot point featue which will be very helpful in intraday trading….i hope it will add in pi soon…..

  223. vinay says:

    Hi Nithin,

    when i try to place the order in chart with Heiken Ashi type. PI pop up the message that, only order can be placed in OHL chart. Is it a normal behavior? or can we expect a fix for this.

  224. RAJESH J says:

    Hallo Nithin
    Scrolling & Zooming Problem on PI And How To Use Scanner on PI
    Thank For Your Regards

  225. NEO says:

    Hi Nithin,
    First of all kudos to the team for the new platform.While I believe Zerodha is a much promising team, there’s a long way to go.
    I would like to point out some basic issues in the platform that I faced. Request you to kindly look into these rather than enhance features..The user experience of the basic functionality doesnt seem good to me.

    1) Takes a lot of time to login..even for the the password box to become active, takes some time..

    2) I understand that some background data is being loaded during login, but 7-10 mins is a lot of time for quick login.
    Rest assured I have a stable net connection and a good config system. Please improve on this.
    Find a way to load incremental data instead of loading entire data each time.

    3) Is very slow for even not so intensive,small tasks..such as opening backtest window , clicking on “create scripted alert” etc..causes freeze of around 20-30 secs with “not responding”.

    4) The program freezes if I try to switch between tabs(with market watch,backtest,alert tabs open).
    Not always,but try clicking on tabs one after other, and eventually get a freeze after not more than 10 clicks.

    5) When some background intensive work is being done(such as backtest , chart creation), again switching to other tasks is not possible.
    program doesnt respond.

    Ideally even if some tasks take time, switching to other tabs/tasks shouldn’t be affected.
    Kind of frustrating and makes the software look naive.
    THese features form the core of any sofware. Please look into these basic performance issues.

    Some feature improvement suggestion:
    6) When the charting is done based on backtesting, all the variables get plotted. Have the option to retain/delete the required plots. placing a close button for each would solve the issue.
    7) As per ZT, let the user decide which market data he wants to download. For eg if I trade in only FNO I dont need to waste time to download other market data.


    • 1. Yes will be fixed in next few releases.
      2. Yes should be fixed soon, but use quick login option for faster login until then.
      3. Shouldn’t happen, can you send an email to [email protected], he will take you on remote and check this out.
      4/5/6. Siva will check this out.
      7. Yes, other market data is not downloaded. Just the scripmaster, so make sure to use quick login from the next time.

  226. RD0096 says:

    still not able to get the charts properly in Pi……………………Mr Nithin……can someone help me out ?

  227. YOGESH KALAL says:

    when the PI sytstem is released
    & can i use multiple chart sheet in single window like amibroker ,attach a copy how i get sheets
    & in PI system can i get this information about options delta , vegga, gamma ,iv,Change OI in percentage
    please clear my doubts
    Thank you

  228. Vishal Patil says:

    Got this error just now @ 11.37 AM. Also newer version 1.004 not displayed in Q. Client # DV0867

  229. RD0096 says:

    the problem that i am facing regarding pi charts is not yet resolved.

  230. Karthik says:

    Hi Nithin –

    Regarding snapquotes:
    (i) not sure if anyone commented on this before. Are you planning to have multiple snapquotes OPEN for multiple stock symbols at the same time? it is beneficial for day traders who are looking at multiple symbols
    (ii) It would be helpful to have hot buttons on the snapquotes with standard order size, like – “Buy 1000”, “Sell 1000”, “Sell Short 1000”, and if this hot buttons can be defined some where in the user settings with order size as well as type of order (market or limit).

    Thanks and appreciate you helping us with this COM API.

  231. RD0096 says:

    The data on the charts is not getting loaded………..not able to trade

  232. Ankit Kukadia says:

    Hey sometimes Pi gets closed and that DDF error pops up when we open Snap Quote by double clicking specifically when we double click twice by mistake… Also, please try and give multiple market watches like NEST as its very easy than to segregate between Portfolio stocks and F&O positions… All getting clustered up is very confusing!!

  233. japjit100 says:

    coal India today price is 355.75 but in charts its shows 392.8

    please fix it

  234. Bimal says:

    Hi, Nitish ! I encountered another problem towards the EoD. I could not execute any order, including a market square off order. Pi returned a message ‘Server not ready’.


    • Sandeep says:

      Same here. One both Pi and NEST shows server not ready. Had put bracket order. Don’t know if position squared off or not.

  235. Nitesh sharma says:

    HI Nithin

    Few Doubts arised while i started using the pi today .

    – Chart does not Give the option to change the time frame in the chart itself like from 1min to 5 min and vice versa
    – while starting the chart it starts from that time only it does not show the balance ones for the day ,suppose i started at 12 o clock on a 5 min chart but it starts from 12 o clock only does not show the chart for the previous 3 hours .

  236. RK says:

    Hi Nithin,

    Can we expect Pi before 2015? its really difficult to trade with this new nest charts,pls release Pi asap.


  237. ganeshms says:

    hi Nithin

    I have received the message version is available. When I downloaded the installed version is

    2. Not able to draw support and resistance level.

    3. Can we create separate market watch For Equity, For F&O, For Index etc.

    4. Short cuts not available to launch indicators (say for example when you type “R” it should go to RSI directly or any other indicator starting with “R”).


    Ganesh M.S

    • 1. The version number is mentioned in the about, under help.
      2. You can draw horizontal and vertical lines
      3. Not for now.
      4. Ah.. will add it on our list of things to do.

      • ganeshms says:

        Hi Nithin

        Thanks for your reply.

        1. The version number mentioned under the help is But I received the message saying is released.

        2. In the Zerodha trader the system used to give support and resistance level. But in Pi the system is not providing the support and resistance level.

        3. Can we watch the market watch and desired chart on the same tab instead the chart and market watch opens in separate tab.


        Ganesh MS

        • 1. You can see the help link, you will see the version number there.
          2. Checking this.
          3. Yes it is definitely possible, have a look at the video in the blogpost above, it is explained how.

  238. Bimal says:

    Nitin, I must admit that I am having a horrible time with both Pi and ZT since last few days. The Pi is not opening many times and hanging too often. In the ZT, I am not getting the charts. Tried to call your support few times this morning but nobody attended to the calls. Hope everything is right because for the first time I am seeing a bit of laxity in attending to customer and sorting technology related matters. I hope you can immediately provide Bracket Order facility in Pi. Thank you.

    • Bimal, the updates that has been made on ZT or NEST is unfortunately something that is not in our control. Our technology vendors Omnesys/Reuters were not able to support the old version of the charts. We are having an issue with our lines, if the line is busy it rings instead of the IVR saying busy. Technicians are working on fixing it right now. About PI, will get someone to call you back, shouldn’t happen.

  239. Sandip says:

    After 2oClock the chart it not getting updated. PFA

  240. Shiv says:

    NO price update in PI?

  241. Rajesh says:


    Sir, same problem here too. Unable to login. Screenshot attached.

  242. vu2tru says:

    ID RR3123

    Unable to log in due to error.

  243. Sri says:

    Have been using Pi since last week. I must say that it is a wonderful platform. But this morning, I was not at all able to login. When i tried to login it said “the remote server returned an error. 404 not found”. Kindly look into this.

  244. GAnilkumar says:

    Will there be a linux version for Zerodha Pi?. Is the Software based on Python language?

  245. Y Dharma teja says:

    Same as the message appeared to karthik when try to login pi.
    “Getting an error message this morning on the login screen – “the remote server returned an error (404) Not found”

  246. Karthik says:

    Getting an error message this morning on the login screen – “the remote server returned an error (404) Not found”. please help.

  247. Shobha says:

    I would like to test Pi. Please let me know how can I download this.
    Also please let us know whether commodities is supported on Pi or not?
    And does Pi will work on APPLE MAC OS as well or not.


    • Commodities is still not supported on Pi, NSE and BSE is, send an email to [email protected] to enable.

      • Shobha says:

        Will it be available for MAC OS as well?will tgis be available on MAC OS as well?

        • No it will be for windows only.

          • Riddhi says:

            I have no idea why MAC always get left out.But if Pi can’t be run natively can it be run on Parallels or Wine? If Pi is available on WINE in Linux Platform or Emulators on Mac it will be awesome.

            Another thing before you release Pi officially I hope Pi is made available for rest of us a week or two beforehand.Familiarity with a trading software is a big concern.Habits takes time to grow.

            Pi with Virtual Trading would be ideal for hands on practice.

            • MAC and Linux is used by so little people, that no one wants to take the effort to support it. We are building a virtual trading environment.

            • Raj says:

              You can run PI in linux using wine, use POL(play on linux) to setup an environment install .net 4.0 component and it works pretty well

              • Vinay says:

                Can you explain a bit more , please.

              • Vinay says:

                I mean, Which Linux operating system are you using?
                What was the version of Wine and POL you used ?
                And while installing Pi did you select 32 bit version of windows or 64 bit ?

                I finished installing in just wine. After I run pi.exe with Wine , nothing happens.
                after that as suggested by you, I installed it using POL. Now getting this error. Kindly see the image and help me . Thanks

  248. Rohan says:

    I cant see Nifty Futures Feb2014 contracts and cant able to select them form drop down as well.

    • Rohan, the next time you login untick the quick login button. It will download all the latest contract files, it is best to do this once after every expiry. We will have a fix for this by the next release.

  249. Usman says:


    I see this pop up every time i try to close the chart. i feel pop up is not required, if any one needs to save it, can right click n save. it would b easier if we have a short cut to close the tab as “Esc”

  250. sharan says:


  251. sharan says:

    Hi Nithin,’

    I notabule to install PI software getting error can you please help me out how to install ?

  252. VRR.Rao says:

    How to enable sounds?It is not working from USER SETTING menu.

  253. Sandeep says:

    I created an scripted alert but when i go live a chart is generated and nothing happens. Even the chart is not updating.
    eg. Nifty14DecFUT
    Buy : crossover(sma(close,5),sma(close,30))
    Sell : crossover(sma(close,30),sma(close,5))

  254. Ramdas Pai says:

    So many requests 😮 it looks like child is begging “mujhe Dairy Milk Silk wala hi chocolate chahiye woh bhi sirf 5 rs main” 😛
    apart from jokes some serious issues on charting is totally ignored by people / beta testers 🙂

    1. Where is Chart study remove button? i.e. : When I add RSI / any other indicator on plotted chart am unable to remove it there is no X (Exit/Remove) on Indicator panel… ( u r forcing me/everyone to close current chart and to plot new one.. from where u got this brilliant Idea 😛 it pains us a lot when we forced to close plotted chart)

    2. There is something called Changing Time Frames option on charts which one is totally ignored here on Pi…. all other trading / charting software provides this one as basic feature.. which helps us to shift from one selected (pre-occupied) time frame to another.. ( I know u ppl say Open new chart window with required TF.. It wont solve our problem because I/we do open multiple charts for stocks and Index.. 😉 )
    3. …………………….
    4. ……………………. 5.6.7. check E-mail 😉

  255. agsuresh says:

    I encountered an error.

    I had initiated a chart and my net connection got disconnected.

    The message panel showed this following msg
    [ERROR CODE]=13, msg= message build error.

    a few minutes later, the internet was ok. Though the Pi resumed to display data on marketwatch, it is actually in a hung state. I am not able to open any of the other utilities. Now I will have to force close it through “task manager” and again log in.

    look into the issue.

  256. kalyan says:

    please provid me the link for zerodha pi. I have also mailed the request to tsiva@zerodha

  257. kalyan says:

    Hi Nithin,
    Since one month, i have written various mails to it@zerodha, rms team zerodha but i couldnt get the link for pi. From tomorrow algoz is down. I wont be able to trade until i get the link for pi. It is quite frustrating. I even called up zerodha cutomer care on saturday but their mail doesnt contain the link.
    Is it not possible to continue algoz until pi is completely functional. Or else for the next 3-4 weeks, it will not be possible for people dependant on alogz and bracket orders to trade. I trade using bracket orders and algoz and both are not available for the next few weeks.
    also do provide me the link for algoz

  258. Vishal Patil says:

    Hi Nithin, is it possible to show option chain temporarily for a scrip? Maybe just below the watchlist. It would be great if we could place the order from the option chain thereby shown, by just clicking the appropriate element (bid/ask) for a given strike price.

  259. japjit100 says:

    hi i want know when pi full working is launching

    first time contact zerodha for account opening they tell me pi will launch 1th week of nov but till now nothing happened

    i open zerodha account because of pi

    please confirm launching date of pi

    i dont want to use bata version

  260. Pradeep says:

    TWIGGS MONEY FLOW INDEX.. is not working ?

  261. RK says:


    Please include Lock Application option like in ZT, which is very important to leave the system for a while

  262. Rajani Kanta Lenka says:

    Dear nithin,

    I want the awesome oscillator(By Bill Williams) and offset moving average , Awesome oscillator is MACD-histogram(5,5,34) on (high+low)/2. is it possible to get it in pi?

  263. kalyan says:

    i am speaking about bracket order and not basket order

  264. kalyan says:

    I have gone through all the comments above.
    1. I have received a mail from zerodha but i am not able to find the link for pi in the “q” back office as described in the mail.
    2. It was confusing for me as to ? is basket order available. Is it possible to semiautomate the basket order like the way it was possinle in nest plus using scripts/ strategy.

  265. VRR.Rao says:

    Add more indices.More indices means more closer to reality.
    Of course,Link to Excel ,is missing.

  266. Ankit Kukadia says:


    Is it possible to add Options Volatility Calculator in Pi??? NEST Calculator was not at all functional… Try and give good Volatility Calculator in Pi please!!!


  267. Sanjay Marathe says:


    I tried to plot historical chart in software but i don’t find any option. How I can plot historical chart in it.
    Please help

    Thanks & Regards,
    Sanjay Marathe
    Client code :DS1265

  268. SpacemanSpiff says:

    – Splash Screen should not be always on top. It blocks pc while pi loads
    – Add Link to Excel
    – Ordering
    – Cannot change price after ordering from chart
    – Allow SL-Limit order from chart. Give option to specify allowed slippage points for SL-limit orders
    – Option to set default number of lots
    – Option to move Orders using chart to trail SL – Perhaps by drawing B/S symbol and allow moving it.
    Confirmation on move, that also allows editing order details
    – Charting
    – Allow undo of last drawing using cntrl-Z
    – Allow Drawing Tools in Toolbar – have to go to menu. Also allow shortcuts
    – Option for Small Horizontal Line with only one price instead of start and end prices.
    Trend lines show aliasing which can be annoying to correct
    Horizontal lines take up entire screen. So i want option for short horizontal lines
    – Option to Remove/Add TA dropbox.
    – Scroll Bar for faster scrolling
    PageUp/PageDown for quick scrolling, End to quickly move to end
    – Zoom
    Zoom – have a configurable normal zoom setting to quickly go to default zoom
    Zoom Selected Area – also trigger this with double click instead of having to select it first after right click
    Comlete zoom out and then zoom selected area – candles do not resize to new zoom, zoom out/ zoom in fixes it
    – Volume Chart – how to show green/red candles?
    – Allow customizing candle colors + tails color
    – Nifty Chart + option to view Premium
    – Seperator line between days
    – Popout Window
    Option to show some tabs together in another window ( not just one window ) – can move this to 2nd monitor
    Popout window automatically on selectin tab and dragging it outside tab bar
    Option to pop-in active window, give option in the popped out window itself
    Show drawing tools in popped out window. Otherwise have to select the tab in main window which hinders multi monitor usage
    – Fast option to switch TimeFrame as in AB
    – Show Candle Details on mouse hover with 1/2s delay or better show them on top, including volume and mouse position
    – Option for 1st minute bar similar to icharts – Nest data has more noise
    – Allow editing Text symbol
    – Save Chart automatically without prompt, use some default place and name for it, load it automatically.
    I dont wont to manage chart files / workspace if i only use one workspace
    Currently chart is loaded but without drawings
    Save drawings for each scrip
    I want Pi to be in same state on startup as it was on previous close instead of having to load everything manually
    – Option to Save Market Watch automatically, dont prompt every exit

    – Bug – View Quicky Order is shown selected in menu after we close it using cross button
    – Documentation, Examples for Customization api?
    – Improve initial load time

  269. Giri says:

    Hi Nithin

    The Quick limit order is going to pending in some times when i do order place and some times it is gone to market price. so i wish it is continuously go to market price just like MT4 platform. pls modify it

  270. Prashant Warrier says:

    Hello Zerodha,

    One Generic question: Does Tradescript allow you to also place trades or is it simply a tool to help build new customized scanners and signals? Does it allow for coding to place orders based on pre conditions?

  271. Fahad Malik says:

    Can i place MCX order on Pi???

  272. Karthik says:

    Anyone having issues in Pi on the “pending orders screen” delayed updates to the pending orders on that screen for some reason?

  273. Ankit Kukadia says:


    Have one doubt… Why Nifty open price in hourly chart does not match with actual opening rate???
    Today Nifty opened @ 8516.80 but hourly chart opening shows at 8583.95… Why is tht so??

  274. Naveen says:

    Hi Nithin, I have been waiting for the launch since a while, can you update the status. And i would like use Pi beta version, can you give me the link to download it ?

  275. Bimal says:

    Hi Nitin, I too am getting same error as Nachiket.

  276. Nachiket says:

    I got this error today on the latest version of Pi.

  277. Ankit Kukadia says:


    I noticed that during post close, security reflects both bid and ask rate… Ideally it should be either be bid or ask but not both… gets confusing as to whether there are post close buyers or sellers…

  278. Raj says:

    Hi Nitin!

    following are the few feedback and experience on latest PI release.

    Happened while playing with charts / reporting /backtesting…today while placing order…hence did not place…


    whatever i do, if in any case it went to NOT responding mode…it never comes up,always had to manually restart. Believe me it goes to Not responding zone out of blue.

    It still Slow, compared to nest trader…..my amibroker is displaying quicker using nest traders data.

    Please add more price element apart from BID / ASK on quick order.

    Quick method for modifying or cancelling the order.

    Please allow the use of autotrading API(excel) for quick order placement.

    thanks for reading and replying to feedbacks

  279. DM0969 says:

    Hi Nithin,

    Can you please help me, why am i not able to see Day chart option in the drop down?


  280. roy says:

    I understand CQG data servers use only 10% of their capacity. This is deliberate so that during times of huge volatility there are no problems for the end user. Expensive perhaps but an example worth trying out?

  281. DM0969 says:

    Hi Nithin,

    Thanks to our IT team, they helped me install Pi today. I just wanted to check by when will you be creating a video about how to use all the functionalities of Pi… i know there is just one on YouTube.. but thats just an overview… i would look forward for the below ones 🙂

    1) Detailed about charting
    2) FAQ video


  282. Amit S says:

    Another issue : Price is being displayed only upto 3 decimal points for Currency Futures. It should be upto 4 places. This is true for the chart as well as the OHLC data table. I have sent a mail to support@zerodha about the same.

  283. Karthik says:

    Can someone please help me, when I tried to logging into Pi this morning, getting a error message “Root element is missing” on the login screen. I tried to uninstall and reinstall Pi. It is not working.


  284. Ethan says:

    Nithin I am currently using the latest version I guess ….. for confirmation I am attaching the screenshot ….. 🙂 🙂 If you look at the screenshot you can see in Pi it is showing the version ! I called your support team … the person with I was speaking told me that it is because I am using a slow internet connection but I am using a 4 mbps bsnl broadband connection ….. :p I am constantly getting 2 – 3.5 mbps …. please sort out the data server problem …. Dont release the final version of Pi untill unless everything gets sort out ….. Because I using real money …. slippage is there ….. make it light so it consume less data and Cpu usage ….. Give us trend line , indicators as I had mentioned above … I love the innovative functions of Pi …. look is refreshing …. enable double click zoom …. give little bit head and sideways space so I can draw my necessary calculations … best of luck 🙂 thanks for your reply ….. One day Pi will surpass its other predecessors …. 🙂 …. Oh one more thing give me option calculator ,, option strategy ,, other features of Nest plugin.. ASAP ….. 🙂

    • Ethan, though the installation file is the version on Pi says, that is okay and it is done by intent. Yep, the CPU and data usage will come down as soon as we take our new data servers live.

  285. Amit S says:

    1. Fully functional scroll bar for charts. Scrolling through mouse wheel is tedious and time consuming. Both horizontal as well as vertical scroll bar required. The scroll buttons on top are a joke currently. I need to click again and again to keep moving. At lease there should be an option to keep scrolling through the chart by keeping the scroll button pressed.
    2. Vertical lines to indicate start of a new trading session.
    3. Y values for the horizontal line should be displayed on the line. Similarly I should be able to enter the Y Value of the horizontal line to place the line exactly where I want.
    4. Crosshair.
    5. Candle data (OHLC) table on mouse over of the candle. Also, remove the script name from the O, H, L and C rows currently showing in the data table. It makes reading the data quickly difficult. Keep the script name at the top of the data table.
    6. Sorting by various columns in order book / trade book.
    7. The Chart tools should be available as icons for quick selection.

    Also can you please maintain a document where in you can list the most common issues raised by the traders with a brief status on their resolution. This will prevent folks from repeating the same issues as well as to keep up to date with whats the status of resolution.

    • You can use left and right arrows on your keyboard to move left and right. The other things you have mentioned are on our list of features to be added. Yep, along with the next release, we will put up a complete section for Pi on Zconnect.

      • Amit S says:

        Even with the keyboard, scrolling is painfully slow. I need to be able to quickly move through different areas of the chart by scrolling and / or zooming. Scroll bars would be helpful. Zoom function also needs to be improved.

    • Jayaraj says:


      Previously on Zerodha trader, we had option of Data table. with that we could get data without downloading it as Excel. now every time need to download as full file to check datas in another computation. so many files gets open and some time Excel crash. is such data table option available in PI? pl do confirm.

  286. Rudharan says:

    HI nithin,

    There is some difference between the charts when the data is coming real time and the historical charts from market watch window .
    Attaching the snapshot .


  287. Sandip says:

    Does it work on HP stream 14 ? Had anybody tried?

  288. iamakki says:

    Hi Nithin,

    First of all, Congrats for being the best stock broker for 2014. I am trading with Zerodha since early, 2011.
    I find you guys really doing some innovation in Indian markets. I must admit, I love the Varsity(looking forward for the remaining topics), Q and PI. You being CEO, answering all the queries in person shows your passion for trading,business and also friendliness to customers, which is the best part I find with Zerodha. I know once a business starts growing there are many people who want to bring them down but nowever days I see complaints with Zerodha Trader and customer service increasing in forums like Traderji. I hope you people remain grounded and really wish you don’t lose the name you have created.

    Coming to the real feedback, I see you have a great business plan, super support staff but the only thing missing with you guys was the charting tool and I hope PI is gonna fulfill this for you. I started using PI today, it is a “great platform in making”. I understand it would take some time to fix the issues and add new features. Here are some issues I noticed, Please go through them :

    1) First of all I am using Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit Dell Inspiron PC. I got two application errors while using PI. I attached the screenshots for them.

    2) I didn’t find the Bracket order option with this software, it would be great if you allow BO in PI, without which its really difficult to use PI instead of Trader.

    3) SuperTrend Indicator was missing(or atleast I wasn’t able to find it).

    4) Didn’t find the Top Gainers/Losers list.

    5) Nice if you could add support and resistance in charts like ShareKhan TradeTiger software.

    6) Unable to drag the chart using mouse, movement of the chart is slow and also the same with Zoom in & Out of Charts.

    7) Option to add Vertical line missing.

    8) Unable to remove the added Technical Indicators.

    9) It would be great if you offer some default tradescripts for normal traders(it will be helpful until we read the scrip guide you provided).

    10) It would be great if you can process the news little faster and also if possible, add pop-up option for the latest news instead of seperate tab for NEWS.

    11) Live updates of important events like RBI rate cuts, NSE or SEBI changes or any insider trading(I know about your website for information on insider trading but it is helpful for investors not traders as the details are not live). “If possible any FII or DII buying information, it would give a great edge for traders@ Zerodha using this platform” and also would help you increase your client base.

    12) Can I use Expert adviser script with SuperTrend indicator in PI now(coz supertrend is not available in PI).

    13) Also it would be great if you can add a tool which can show all the stocks/indices breaking intraday highs/lows. This tool is available in TradeTiger software(if possible please refer to it once, it is really great tool) any is very helpful for intraday traders.

    Finally, sorry if I really pissed you with such a lengthy passage. Don’t know how I am able to write it. Also would add, as most of the people or regular users of Zerodha are Intraday traders , so I request you to please focus more on tools that would help Intraday traders.


    • iamakki says:

      Wasn’t able to attach this image in the last post, so adding it here.

      First image is of Unhandled exception error and this image is of DDF Data stopped working.
      BTW, I am using the latest version of PI, downloaded today, it is of 23, Nov release I believe.


    • Hey Akki, most of what you are asking for is new feature requests. Presently we are working on releasing Pi with all the features already available bug free. We will add features as we go on. Vertical line is there, bracket order is coming soon. We will soon start taking queries on tradescript, until then check this post has many coding queries answered. Removing an indicator is little tricky, look at the video for the same. Other things, will come after the final release. Will check on the application errors immediately, probably someone from our team will send you an email.

      • iamakki says:

        Hey Nithin, yes many of them are suggestions which are important for Intraday traders like me but SuperTrend is an important indicator, if possible try to add it in the initial release. Also, you didn’t answer my question, whether I can use SuperTrend in the Expert Advisor script now, say I already have a script with that indicator??? BTW, I checked the post about coding. I don’t want it coded by you or someone but just want to check if I can use the indicator in the script(because it is not available in the indicators list). Also, I didn’t get any mail from your team yet.

        I already mentioned it might take sometime for you to add all this features into the software. I didn’t ask for everything in the initial release(as it would make the process more time taking). I understand it takes so much of effort to develop and debug such a software application. I appreciate your work. I am not asking for an overnight miracles, just a small suggestion.

        I request you to please keep all my suggestions in view and try to add them in the updates for PI.


  289. Bimal says:

    Nitin, I had very bad today with both Zerodha trader as well as Pi. The updated Pi was not proceeding beyond ‘Loading Expert Advisors…’. I am not being able to start Zerodha Pi. Once it opened. But after some 30 minutes or so. Then it hanged after some time. And the charts are not working in ZT. I made four calls to your support team but found no solution to the problem. It was my first bad experience with your team Nitin. It was so unlike Zerodha. What happened??

    • Bimal, our technology vendors Omnesys have been facing issue with charts. They are replacing the charts on ZT very soon. About Pi, when you are logging in, use the quick login option. It will log you in immediately. We will by the final release make sure that login happens a lot more faster.

  290. Nachiket says:

    I don’t know if this is a bug or problem with your data servers but the data in charts is not adjusted. Today was expiry for Currency Contracts, so up to 12.15 the charts should display the data of Nov futures and 12.16 onwards of Dec futures. Screenshot attached.

  291. Ethan says:

    I got this DDF dara error when i tried to buy a order …. 3 – 4 times ….

    If I get disconnected from internet , when I get back again I got a huge gap between the candles , I pressed reconcile still no luck .. I am reiterating again Pi consumes a lot of data unlike ZT …. I am little hopeful .. when You said data server will be faster than ZT .. looking forward to it … Please make it light . THOUGH LOOKWISE PI LOOKS GREAT ….. PLEASE ADD DMI, MARKET BREADTH (ADX) indicators etc …. make light so we can use all the indicators based on my choice …. they should work smoothly ….. take your time ….. as I am a scalper …. I mainly depends on indicators for my trading strategies ….. 🙂

    • Ethan, will get someone to call you back. Yes our data servers should make the ticks and everything else faster. We will add new indicators after the final release.

    • Ethan, if you are still seeing the reconcile button on Pi, I guess you are using the older version. Can you uninstall this, and download the latest installation from Q. This ddf error thing has been sorted.

  292. Bharat says:

    It is for the feedback to Zerodha on Pi software which has been installed finally yesterday on my system after a cumbersome process I have been went through because of technical glitch at your end wherein I was not able to install pi on my system after the link was activated but with the help of dedicated team @ zerodha it is finally installed but it is not the version for which the link was given initially. it is version which is the old one I guess. I’ll appreciate If you can provide me with the latest updated version. Meanwhile Below is the feedback for the version which I checked suferficially.

    Pi it seems to be amazing software with some new add on features never tried before, but lacks some basic required things like
    crosshair feature to see the charts levels,
    when we move cursor we are unable to see the particular candle levels such as open, close, high low.
    Though we can see through trend line but option to automatically set support and resistance levels is missing.
    Daily and weekly chart is missing
    option greeks calculator is missing.

    Pi seems to be a great and a next generation software if it possess basic required features before advanced level add ons. As per now it disappoints and not as expected.

    Kindly fix the basic required features for both fundamental and technical traders.

    All the best!

    Thanks & Regards

    • Bharat,

      Installation file says, but the actual version says, so don’t worry about that.

      Crosshair will take a bit. Left click and hover your cursor on the candle to see the OHLC. Daily and weekly will be up soon as our data servers are still not in place. Option greeks will take a bit.

  293. RAJESH J says:

    Hallo Nithin Pleas Set POP UP & Sound Alert For PI Scanner And Build Scanning options For Sector Vice CNX Nifty CNX MID & SMALL CAP & CNX 500 & ALL Stocks That’s Better Fore Swing Trading

  294. Satya says:

    hellow Nithin sir
    i have just opened account with zerodha , not yet started trading . so i don’t think i am fit for beta test .
    so without my hands on Pi, i feel , coding flexibility is the area where developers should concentrate .
    if we are walking on the path to automated trading , linux compatibility can be a advantage . it will make the game faster .

  295. fazlur rehman says:

    Hi nitin, I want to remind you some basic errors..
    1. Pls check the price figure position in newly added net change column. Should be at the right end.
    2. Candle details is not showing when we put the cursor on a candle.
    3. chart must open with the indicators we have set . Very irritating setting indicators again and again for every chart we open.
    4. some indicator should move on at the screen when loading something. Every second looks very heavy at dead screen.
    5. There is no day ,week or monthly chart. Even hourly chart is not showing 1000candlles.

    • 1. You can move the column wherever you wish. right click on the column header.
      2. You need to left click and then hover over the candle
      3. This is a little tricky one, there are people who want every chart to start afresh and others who don’t. The standard practice is to show afresh.
      4. didn’t get what you mean.
      5. Yes, our data servers will be up soon, and this issue will be sorted.

  296. saurabh says:

    Is it possible to feed data from PI or ZT to amibroker. Need to say Good bye to some of the data providers.

  297. VRR.Rao says:

    Of 80 indicators or so ,just 40 are very useful.
    Do not overload PI with more indicators.
    Instead add things like LINE chart ,BAR chart ,AREA chart …….etc.

  298. VRR.Rao says:

    In USER SETTING in VIEW menu SOUNDS is there.
    By CHECKING (enabling) the box ,Sounds are not heard.
    With Zerodha Trader it is OK.

    • stock hunter says:

      Yes , same problem i reported..but no action in new version

      Nithin please add simple alert option in future update..Simple alert means…each scrip right mouse we need a option alert… if we want to set any price or volume alert then just pop up message box or make some sound… sound is better..I know current alert option..it is more advance..most of the times it is not needed…..if their is no complicated condition then simple alert is enough

    • Can you send an email to [email protected] with your contact and a good time to reach you on this.

  299. vinay says:

    hi Nithin,

    I just got access to Pi, can you please tel me how do i enable data window. when i move the cursor on a candle in candle stick and heikin ashi charts.


  300. Murali krishna says:

    HI NIthin thx for reply..yeah screen shot

  301. agsuresh says:


    It takes as much as 20 minutes to load and become fully functional. I hope it is due to your present server setup and shall be resolved when the new system is operational.

    However I strongly feel that you should re-look at the program structure, flow chart and operational concept to make it far more efficient.

    I have a feeling that you are copying the operational core concepts from Netstrader and adding more utilities to it. If that is so, it may not be good idea.

    My internet connection is BSNL – 8MBPS with a consistent 3.5 MBPS speed. If this is having problem with data transfers, If it takes long to load with this connection, you can imagine what would be the state with slower ones.

    Just a few thoughts.

    • The login taking time when quick login not selected, that bit will be fixed soon. It is because our data servers are still not live. By the time we are done, it should be a lot more faster than NEST.

  302. agsuresh says:


    On the chart, you are showing the values of Indicators like “Simple Moving Average(close,100)= xxx.xx You can use the abbreviated form of Indicators as SMA(close,100)=xxx.xx. I used SMA indicators and there is only space for displayng two of the values. If you use the abbreviated form, more of them could be displayed.

    Also may I remind about the combined elder ray indicator (Line crossover) and line chart. I was expecting them in the current update.

  303. VRR.Rao says:

    How to enable sounds when a trade is executed.

  304. Shankar says:

    Hi Nitin,

    I’m a new customer at Zerodha. I have used other brokers for trading. I must tell you that I’m extremely satisfied at this point in time with your services and support.

    I started using Pi-beta only from today and I find it extremely refreshing and useful as compared to whatever other brokers offer. Most importantly, additional options like neural network, genetic algo etc.
    I used Heikin Ashi in Pi. Since I’m new to coding, it would be helpful if you can provide the script for smoothed Heikin Ashi. Hopefully, I’ll try to learn tradescript and do something good for myself using Pi.

    Good luck and keep up the good work!

  305. Murali says:

    HI Nitin as of now since its still beta version and a pressure to release to pi as soon as possible at first place its understandable–software is smooth now and bugs were low compared to last one.only thing noticed was when clicked display help then windows asking to close.except that its fine for me.one more thing and basic thing is please make candles small or make head room more for candles..bcoz in trending mkts candles were going to roof top..unable to notice were it is.I do know their is plenty of time in this world to fix them.Take your time.thx man.

  306. Saurabh says:


    Can we have the % gain/loss and No. of days( Time of Holding) column in the holdings window.

  307. Ankit Kukadia says:

    Noticed this in almost all contracts… where details in long drop down bar is incorrect… Also, if possible add decimal before paise i.e. Tata Steel 460 put reflect as 460.00 and not 46000..


  308. Ankit Kukadia says:

    Another such error is attached where its showing Adani Power 17.50 CE whereas its is 45PE…

  309. Ankit Kukadia says:


    This one error I noticed in snap quote.. The contract details in Put options not reflecting correctly.. Attached is the screenshot.. It is actually 8400 put of December series but details showing 2700 put!!!

  310. RAJESH J says:

    Hallo Nithin We Could Not Find User Setting PI Bridge on PI Latest Version & How To Set Alert Script CM/FO/CDSE I Hade Try But only Symbol Name View on There And STK / SMA Crossover on Immediate Candle Thank You

  311. Ankit Kukadia says:


    Charts are superb… One request.. Is it possible to add feature like say extend trendline when we join two higher lows or lower highs as the case may be???? also it will be helpful if we get details like OHLC and volumes when we move mouse on respective bars.. I tried but could not get OHLC details of hourly bar…


  312. balu says:

    After seeing the latest PI release, I could not understand what charting feature is better than Nest trader, I had lot of expectations on the hype of PI Release. No EOD Charting(DAY Candle) and not able to add EMA’s…etc which is basic need.
    A sample document of why, what, how “Expert Advisors” on pi tool, is used for could help everyone here.

    • Balu, it is still in beta, daily candles will be added soon. Not able to add EMA’s? that is quite simple to add, there are over 80 indicators there. Check out the video I have posted above. We will soon have a section on how to use all the features.

  313. Hi,

    Its a revolutionary software. Will you keep it free?

  314. Kirrick says:

    The tradescript language of PI … Is it similar to the scripting language of Nest Plus?

  315. Naga Lakshmi says:

    I am happy to note that PI is being continuously upgraded and updated. I suggest that, whenever you upgrading the version, please let us know the changes made. It helps in testing / using the additional features.

  316. Chetan says:


    I am getting only Minute and Hourly Charts.

  317. agsuresh says:

    I had downloaded the new version and installed it. It worked fine and I logged into it yesterday and today morning. However after 11 am I am not able to log into Pi. It is giving user id or password wrong msg some times. But I have logged using NestTrader.

    What could be the problem ?

  318. arumugam panneer selvam says:

    this is the first time i installed ‘PI’.
    at first some errors showed up.
    then i removed the quick launch. then it worked fine.
    installed in less than a minute
    adv: 1. trade from chart
    2. tabs for screens
    3. cash balance
    disadv: 1. back ground colour of buy/sell screen too guady/bright: i haven’t searched for any provisions to change the color/brightness for the same.
    2. gap in chart of mothersumi in the afternoon
    overall, on the face of it, really good.
    will get back to u later.

  319. Tarundeep says:


    I am interested in testing the software as well.

    I filled in the form today , anything else to do to register?


  320. Devendra Pitale says:

    Login ID : DD0314
    Thanks Zerodha for attempting to Provide International Trading Platform.

    1) Pl. make all the tools, commands, features from existing ZT and NestPulse
    Many things are missing such as, I cannot use +/- Keys to Zoom in/out chart.
    2) After Adding and modifying parameters for Applied Indicators and Saving Template, User can not set it as Default, So every chart opens with set template and one need not click on Apply Chart Template for Every chart opened.
    3) After Screen, Charts, Market Watch Window are arranged / set, User cannot save Layout and set it Default, So after Logging in One need not to set / arrange everything again and again
    4) Saving and Loading Workspace doesn’t work like Layout
    Sharekhan’s Trade Tiger has features like Saving Chart Template and set it as Default Template
    After arranging Screen / charts, Layout can be saved and set as Default
    5) Pl. add Supertrend Indicator, if possible
    6) Pl. make all existing keyboard Shortcuts available for Pi also (like Shift + P Opens chart)

  321. Ankit Kukadia says:


    Is it possible to add underlying LTP in FUT window??? Its very handy to know current price specifically in FUTCUR… Will be really helpful if it can be added!!


  322. Nitin P says:

    Hi Nithin ,

    I had initially asked two questions in the charting section not Pi .
    1. Can we have Tick Charts i.e Bars formed based on no. of trades . Right now we have only time based charts like 1m,5min ,30 min etc
    But I saw your response up somewhere that it will take time to incorporate this in Pi .

    2. I need to have the Y axis which is Price to be fixed at the interval I set it to be . For ex. for NIFTY i want the Y axis interval to be set at every 10 points and it should not adjust it self and remain fixed .
    For IOC i need it to be fixed at 1 point .
    Can this be done in Pi ?


  323. Sakthi says:


    After installing new version of Pi. It just waiting for Loading symbols in market watch and and loading experts advisers screen ..forever. please advise ..any thoughts. have mailed to team as well

  324. Suresh says:

    Hi Nithin,

    I am using a small laptop and it is taking almost 5 minutes for loading up the Pi. The problem what I am experiencing is not only the delay in loading but also the loading black box which is approximately 60% of the screen is covering the screen and I am not able to do anything other than watching and hoping that it will be over soon. If I switch over to another program, still the black box remains.

    Is it a problem only for me? Is there any way to get out of it?

    With regards


  325. churchill says:

    pi successfully installed. When I log in, I get a ‘no license’ notice. I have got the license key in Q but the problem is there’s no prompt asking for my license key.

  326. Vinod Hegde says:

    Hi Nithin,

    While Pi is overall a great platform, I found a few trivial issues that re making life difficult as of now:

    1) No Option for Multiple Market watch lists… very important in my opinion for multi asset/multiple style traders like me….
    2) No Option to insert blank spaces and arrange scripts within market watch,
    3) All calculators and options tools(Black Scholes, Option Chain etc.) present on NEST seem to be
    missing on Pi as of now….this is a little bit of a setback.
    4) Any plans to add tools for option orders like spread order entry(Verticals, Condors etc)? Manually
    entering multi legged option trades has been the bissgest pain point in Indian trading platforms…
    5) Lastly, I expected Pi to include all the features NEST had in the first place in addition to advanced charting/back testing tools that you were promising to add. Though the advanced features have been introduced a lot of simple and friendly features from NEST seem to have been deleted. Hope these can be fixed…


    • Vinod

      1. Will take a bit.
      2. To insert a blank space, just hit the enter key.
      3. Yes, we will be adding those calculators.
      4. Yes, but it will take us a bit. Most of what is approved by the exchanges are not really upto the mark.

  327. stock hunter says:

    hI Nithin, today i cant able to login PI, sunday i placed order (new version).Today I am getting key invalid error message..Any problem from your side??

    I appreciate your response

  328. fazlur rehman says:

    No Fib Extension
    No Pivot Point
    No Super Trend.
    Please add them.

  329. Naveen says:


    Feedback on Pi latest release.
    1. When I press Zoom In button its starts zooming from center of the screen as a result latest candle will disappears, again I have to press scroll right button to see latest candle. Is it possible to keep latest candle focused while zooming.?

    2. Chart scroll speed is quite slow, is it possible to increase it ?

    3. Please give option to remove volume bar on chart.

    4. Still no drawing tool bar available

  330. Fahad Malik says:

    Please do Add

    Fib Extension and Ichimoku Hayo Kinko