BTST/ATST( Buy/Acquire Today Sell tomorrow)
In this blog we shall talk about BTST/ATST which stands for Buy Today / Sell Tomorrow or Acquire Today / Sell Tomorrow.
This is a facility offered by most of the stock brokers in India (including Zerodha) where you can buy stock today and sell it tomorrow before you get the delivery of the shares. Using this facility has its own merits and demerits and you will need to understand the equity settlement cycle before we go ahead with the topic.
In India, we follow a T + 2 settlement cycle when trading stocks (please note we are talking about only stock/equity trading).
What this means is that if you buy 100 shares of Reliance on Monday, you will get delivery of it (get delivery means it will be credited to your demat account) only on Wednesday evening (Monday is T day, Tuesday T + 1 day and Wednesday T + 2 day). Similarly if you sell shares on Monday, you will receive the funds into your trading account on Wednesday (T + 2 day). Please note that Saturday/Sunday/Public holidays will not be considered for delivery, so if you buy some stock on Friday, you will get it in your demat account only on Tuesday evening (Friday is T day, Monday is T + 1 day and Tuesday T + 2 day).
Another query people usually have is what is a trading and demat account, what is the difference? Demat account is basically an account where your stocks sit in a dematerialized format and this is the only use of the demat account. It is very similar to a safety locker in the bank where you keep your valuables, in the bank locker you keep the valuables in physical form and in a demat account you keep your stocks in an electronic form. Trading account is where all the action happens, trading account is where you keep your funds, trading account is where you buy/sell stocks/F&O, trading account is where your futures and options contract stays, where the intraday position stays. In case you buy a stock for delivery in your trading account, after 2 days the stock is credited to your demat account mapped with your trading account and when you sell stocks the same is debited from your demat account. For trading F&O, you don’t require a demat account as F&O are contracts and they stay in your trading account till the end of expiry.
Getting back to the main topic,
When you buy a stock, ideally you should sell it only once you get delivery to your demat. So if you buy some stock on Monday, you should ideally sell it only on Thursday onwards. But this is not an ideal world and sometimes opportunities arise much before that and people would want to take an exit decision before getting delivery. At Zerodha we let you buy and sell before getting delivery. What this means is that if you buy a stock for delivery on Monday, you can sell it on Monday, on Tuesday , on Wednesday and Thursday onwards. A common phrase used in the stock markets today is BTST/ATST and used for trades when you buy stock for delivery and sell the immediate next day.
At Zerodha, If you want to buy a particular stock for delivery, the product type that you need to use while purchasing is CNC – Cash & Carry (you need to have a demat account for taking delivery of stocks, otherwise this option will not be enabled).
Assume you bought 100 shares of Reliance on Monday using the product type CNC and the present price of Reliance is Rs. 800. To purchase as CNC, you will need Rs. 80000 in your trading account (Rs. 800 x 100).
First Scenario: You bought at Rs. 800 in the morning and by 3 PM you saw the price is Rs. 810. You decided to book the profit and you sold the Reliance as CNC. Though you have bought and sold as CNC, this will be considered as an intraday trade and all taxes/brokerage will be according to intraday charges.
Second Scenario: You bought on Monday and Tuesday the price of Reliance was Rs 810. You decide to sell the shares, so you choose the option CNC and sell it (you are doing a BTST/ATST trade). On ZT, we show all these positions as T1 Holdings. T1 Holdings will show you the stocks that you have bought the previous day.

Viewing T1 Holdings on Zerodha Trader
Third Scenario: You bought on Monday and the price of Reliance went to Rs. 810 on Wednesday. You haven’t still got the delivery as it happens only on Wednesday evening. You can still sell using the CNC option. Again, if you want to see such holdings you will have to click on T1 Holdings as shown in the above picture.
Fourth Scenario: You bought Reliance on Monday and on Wednesday evening you get the delivery of stock, if you want to sell these shares anytime after Wednesday you can sell it using the CNC option. If you want to view shares which are in your demat account, click on the Holdings link as shown in the above picture.
Merit of having an option to do BTST/ATST (sell before getting delivery of the stock to your demat account) is that you have the flexibility of exiting anytime after buying the stock. Also when you do BTST/ATST, you don’t have to pay any DP charge. DP charge is what you pay when stocks are debited from your demat account (IL&FS charges Rs. 8 + NSDL charges Rs. 5), for every stock/scrip sold at the end of day, no matter how many times you sell during the day. And because you are selling the stock before it hits your demat account, you don’t have to pay any DP charges.
Update: BTST transactions are settled by first crediting shares to your account on the day it is received from the Clearing Corporation. On the same day, your shares will be earmarked for delivery against the sell leg of the transaction you would have already carried out. By transferring the shares to your account, subsequently earmarking and then debiting for sale settlement, you will be ensured of getting credit for all corporate actions like dividends, bonus directly in your name. Similarly, if any TDS was deducted for dividends, the same would be filed against your PAN and would reflect in your 26AS instead of it being passed on from the Broker’s PAN. Since the shares get credited to your demat account and then debited for BTST transactions, there will be DP charges that will be applicable like normal delivery transactions.
Demerits: If traders are looking to convert intraday positions to delivery, you need to keep in mind that STT (Securities Transaction Tax) will go up almost 10 times if you decide to keep your intraday positions overnight.
Stocks sometimes are moved to T2T Segment(Trade to Trade Segment) by the exchanges to curb speculative interest. When a stock is moved to T2T, you will have to compulsory take delivery if you buy and give delivery when you sell. When a stock is moved to this segment, you will not be able to do intraday trading or BTST/ATST trading.
How do you know if a stock is moved to T2T segment? : If you look for the stock in either of the exchange websites, you will see if it is in normal market or T2T. Also another way to know this is, while adding the stock on the marketwatch, you get an option to choose EQ or BE, EQ is for normal market and BE for T2T. If the stock is trading as BE and not EQ, it means the stock is in T2T.
The most important thing to know about BTST/ATST is:
RISK OF BTST/ATST( Selling shares before you have received delivery of the shares to your demat account):
Let me explain with an analogy:
You have deposited a cheque into your bank account for Rs. 10000 and are expecting the cheque to be cleared by Wednesday evening, you write a cheque in favor of a friend on Tuesday. You know that your friend will present the cheque to his bank on Wednesday and by the time it reaches your bank, the other cheque would have cleared. Ideally, if the cheque you deposited gets cleared on Wednesday, the cheque you have given to your friend also clears. But we are not in an ideal world, what happens if the cheque you deposited into your bank account bounces on Wednesday? Yes the person who gave you the cheque is penalized by his bank, but you are also penalized now because your cheque would have also bounced on Thursday.
Similarly when you buy shares and sell it before delivery, what happens if you don’t get the delivery?
This is called short delivery (could be partial/complete), this would happen when the person who sold you shares doesn’t deliver stocks to you, this could be because the other person had shorted for intraday and didn’t cover his positions, stocks hitting upper circuits and similar reasons. The role of the exchange is to ensure that when you buy stocks, you get it!!! So what the exchange does is that on T+2 day(between 2pm to 2.45pm), it conducts an auction and purchases the stock which the other person defaulted to give you and this is credited to your demat account on T+3. The other person is then charged with the auction penalty which can sometimes be as high as 20% of the stock price or more.
Read this blog for understanding short delivery.
So when there is a short delivery, the stocks that you bought on Monday, instead of you getting delivery on Wednesday (T +2) you will now get it only on Thursday (T+3).
Here is the problem that can arise when you do a BTST/ATST trade and there is a short delivery.
You bought shares on Monday and you sold them on Tuesday, so you assumed that the person selling you shares on Monday will deliver it to you on Wednesday evening and what you are selling on Tuesday will be adjusted with stocks you receive on Wednesday. But unfortunately you had a short delivery, so on Wednesday evening you don’t have any stocks, so what happens is that on Thursday when you are supposed to deliver the stocks, you don’t have any (stocks from auction will come to you only on Thursday evening, but what you sold on Tuesday has to be given to the exchange latest by Thursday morning). In such a case, similar to the cheque bounce example, you default. When you default, the exchange will now put that auction penalty on you.
Basically what you need to remember is that when doing ATST/BTST trading, try trading only on liquid A group stocks, because the short delivery risk is reduced and hence chances of you having to face an auction penalty. The auction risk goes up quite a bit when you trade ATST/BTST on illiquid stocks. Please note that whenever you decide to sell stocks before taking delivery, you are taking the onus of any auction penalty that may arise because of short delivery.
Hoping that none of you have to ever face an auction penalty,
Happy Trading,
If I buy or sell options of nifty or banknifty, when it will be credited to my account, same day or later ?
Hi Sathees, the proceeds from selling options of Nifty or Banknifty will be credited to your account on the next trading day.
Very Nice details given to understand the trading activities
Can anyone explain me, if I’m having a stock which is at price 10rs, and today that price will be 20rs with a profit. if I’m sell that stock what will be the amount i got (including all deduction) and on what calculation is did behind this please explain me.
Hi Sankar, amount equivelant to Price * Quantity will be credited to your account and the difference bewteen your buy and sell price will be your P&L. You can check the applicable charges here.
Hello, Can someone please explain the AVG price based on the below scenario:
Buy Today (Monday): Price : 100
Sell Tomorrow (Tuesday): Price : 150
Buy back the sold shares on the same day (Tuesday) ; Price : 200
Average Price shown in Holdings is : 100, T1 holding.
Hi Mahesh, selling shares from holdings and buying back the same day will be considered as a intraday trade. This does not have any impact on buy average price of holdings. Explained here.
Dear friends,
i am vinod goud now i am taking trading coaching plz guide me,
if what ever i have dout i will ask you plzz help me,,
Now the settlement cycle has changed to T+1, still can we do BTST ?
Hi Santosh, yes you still carry out BTST. However, proceeds from selling T1 holdings will not be available for further trades on the same day. These will be available on the next day. Explained here.
Sir I got following message
Your purchase of 20 quantity of MAZDOCK was short delivered. You will either have your purchased shares delivered to your demat account or the funds credited to your ledger (in case of non-receipt of stock) by 2023/07/12. You will be able to see the stock in your Kite holdings one trading day after it is delivered.
What does it mean?
Hi Kapil, you can learn all about short delivery in detail here.
I have a question,
If I bought a share on Monday as cnc and sell it on Tuesday and buy it on the same day , then what will happen?, Any extra charges? Any problem in doing so? Pls reply
Hi Pramod, when you sell shares from holdings and buy it back on the same day, it’ll be considered as an intraday trade. The charges will be levied as per intraday. You can do this, there’s no issue. Read more.
If I have shares in my demat, I sell them today (may be for tax harvesting – as I was in loss). There can be two scenarios.
1. I buy them immediately – will this be considered as intraday ?
2. I buy them the next day (T1 or T2) . Is it possible ? If yes, what category of trade does it fall under ?
Hey Sachin, selling shares from holdings and buying back the same day will be considered as intraday trade, even if you sell on NSE and buy on BSE. For tax-loss harvesting, the shares have to move out of the demat account through a delivery sell transaction and can be subsequently purchased the next day.
What happens in following scenario:
I buy shares on Monday. The dividend record date is on Thursday. I sell shares on Tuesday/Wednesday.
Question – Will the dividend be credited to me? The Credit to my demat account would happen on Wednesday evening i.e. on record date of Thursday I have the shares and I should get the dividend .. right?
So, considering short delivery scenario, the risk is reduced (or almost no risk) if we sell on T+2 days?
Consider we bought on Monday, and sold it on Wednesday (T+2 days) morning before 10:00 AM. In this case if default happens and I didn’t get any share on Wednesday (which i bought on Monday) by evening I am still safe because my selling settlement will happen on Friday(T+2 days) and I will get the share on Thursday at any cost? Right?
I bought 160 kpittech and it is in my holding
Later after a week i bought 160 kpittech more and in the next day i sell it btst…
Whuch one get debitted. The ine in holding or 9ne which is t1…
Or how do i choose to sell t1 and nit my holding stocks.
I am new to trading, I read the article and most of the comments and this is what I concluded about DP charges in BTST:
Bought a stock on T day, sold it on T1 day then no DP charges.
Bought a stock on T day, sold it on T2 or T2+ day then DP charges applicable.
Here’s what happened with me:
A few weeks back I have made two BTST trades buying on T day and selling on T1 day, I have not incurred any DP charges.
This week I have made three BTST trades buying on T day and selling on T1 day, DP charges have been charged.
I don’t understand why this happened, I have also raised a ticket for the same, no reply yet.
hey, @sagar same has happened to me. when I called the customer executive to resolve my queries about this she just told me that the rules have been changed and from 7th of this month they have started to charge on BTSt trades too. but still, Zerodha hasn’t informed us about this till now through the kite application neither we can find any article regarding the same. so this is very unprofessional behaviour and I do not expect this from a unicorn startup Zerodha. also when I said to the customer executive that I am still not satisfied with her answers, she told me she is not there to satisfy me. So I would request to all who have been charged DP charges on BTST trade to generate a support ticket and complain about the same as I think it’s wrong to charge us without informing us.
Hello sir,
I brought 20 different shares on 3 june 2021 and sold them on 4th june 2021. According to this article DP charges should not be there, but I am charged with DP charges, the rule for DP charges have been changed?
Hi ,
Can i sell a share in the morning and buy the same in the evening??
Is their any penalty for the same.
Hi ,
I have bought some share on Monday in CNC and I am selling it on Wednesday morning.
Will DP Charges will be levied ?
Is Bajaj Finance is a preferred stock to do BTST trading ?
Hello Sir,
If we sell equity on T+2 or beyond, we essentially sell the equity that we own in our Demat.
I bought a share on Monday and sell them on Wednesday, Are the the stocks are owned by me or not?
As far as my knowledge, you get the shares delivered to your demat account only on T+2 evening and so you actually own them only in the evening of T+2 . So, if bought shares on Monday and you want to sell them only after owning them, then you should sell them on Thursday and not Wednesday.
Great Explanation
What if I sell stock which is in my account and buy it again next day using CNC?
I Just got confused with short selling and BTST concept. So If I buy one stock of Rs.10 on Monday and sell on Tuesday at Rs.11 on Tuesday(any time of the day), then can u explain me in simple words how much profit would I have with cutting all charges in zerodha. So it would be easier for me to understand the concept
Where can I find penalty/auction charges for a BTST trade?
on monday i bought 4 stocks of GRASIM @915 and sold on tuesday @940 , basically my fund balance should show me 3760 amt but it is showing me only 3006 !!!!(after immediately selling stock ) . why? i`m missing something?or i got penalty of 20%?
Hey Vishvesh, only 80% of the value of the stock sale is credited on the day of the transaction according to the new peak margin rules. Read more here.
Hi Sir,
I do BTST buy today and sell tomorow , if i buy today (monday) and sell tomorow(tuesday) so basically it comes to my demat in T+2 days but my question is i do this in NSE 50 share and suppose i buy today i sell tomorrow not wait for T+2 days in that case i can do right i mean next day i can sell or i need to wait for T+2 days
is there any penalty or charges if i sell next day not after T+2 days
I bought 100 share on thurday and sold it on Monday (T+1) day and again bought back on T+1.
Will it be considered as intraday trading ???
I mistakenly did BTST in a T2T stock. Is there a way for me not to be charged a penalty and the shares be taken from my Demat?
are DP charges applicable for BTST trades
Hi ,
I bought some nifty bees yesterday (31.08.2020), when I Can sell the script as per the new rule.
Bought shares on Thursday , Sold them on T+1 at profit. Bought them again on T+1 at a higher price.
Holdings show profit but Positions show loss.How to interpret this?
I have sold my shares from holdings long back, still the amount is not credited to my account. Can you please chek and update me the reason. (Alokind-50 Shares)
Hey George, please create a ticket on our Support Portal for such account-specific queries.
i am new to zerodha.
1) Kindly confirm CNC trade can be done thro’ Algo. Whether multiple buy or sell order will be go on or the order will get stopped automatically after one transaction of buy or sell.
2) Are DP charges +CDSL chargesapplicable to each and every shares (ie for every 1 shares of a company)?
3) Are the DP charges+ CDSL charges applicable to ETF units also?
4) Please make provision to see the profits made by a client (p&l should not change minutes to minutes) for the trades done upto previous day (profit/loss earned may kindly be static) as done by ICICI Direct under ‘portfolio’. If it is already available , pl guide me to access the same.
k narayanan
Demerits: If traders are looking to convert intraday positions to delivery, you need to keep in mind that STT (Securities Transaction Tax) will go up almost 10 times if you decide to keep your intraday positions overnight.
Please can you explain this in a little more detail ?
My shares had gone to short delivery on 24th july 2020 but till today, 4th August, 2020 i didn’t receive those shares neither money… Plz help me out
A little confusion regarding selling the stock in Equity on the next day of buying (BTST) and even before T+2…. is it allowed still..? Y/N
from 1st Aug 2020 no more BTST?
Things remain unchanged as of now.
I just opened a trading account, have some queries-at the time of buying clicked in mis option for intraday but sometimes later realized that it could be in on CMC option so in this case how will change the mode “MIS to CNC” to avoid auto square off ……
You can click on “positions” and convert the position from there.
I want to to know what will be my final Profit/loss with below transaction.
1. I bought 5 shares of Naukri at Rs 3160/- on Friday in CNC.
2. I sold them on Monday at Rs 3225/- in CNC. (Profit should be Rs. 325/-)
3. On same day(Monday), after selling stocks, I again bought same 5 stocks at Rs. 3105/- in CNC. (showing profit of Rs. 600)
So please help to understand my final Profit/loss. is it Rs 325+600?
I have one question ,
If Mr x sells a share and Mr y buys it on the same day say T day.
Now Mr y sells the share on T+1 day to Mr z hoping his transaction would be settled on T+2 day.
But somehow Mr x was found of short selling and penalty is levied upon him. So in this scenario Mr y would get the settlement done on T+3 day thus failing the promise given to Me z.
So does the penalty would be applied on Mr y as well in this scenario.
Y would have to deliver to Z on T+3 ((T+1)+2), by which time the shares have been delivered.
If we consider shares bought on Monday but sold on Wednesday ie T+2 (instead of Tuesday ie T+1 in the above example) , then the seller default resulting in shares coming on Thursday evening would cause no problems as they would be settled/sold only by Friday evening. Could you please confirm that is correct or explain if not? Ie BTST with sell part being done on T+2 of buy part has no risk at all?
And I must say that Im very impressed n happy with Zerodha’s cost structure, the tech platform, the support / knowledge base! Im only unhappy that i didnt discover it years ago. Hope i dont jinx myself or Zerodha by saying that.
That is true in case you actually get delivery on T+3 in auction. Auction settlement can happen with the stock being delivered to you, or with cash.
I did BTST for can fin homes shares today(bought yesterday sold today). I can see the profit under Margin used as Negative. However the actual trade value is not reflecting. When will those funds reflect in my account.
My friend did similar BTST in heromotocorp. He can see both the profit and trade reflected in his margin used (- value of the entire trade).
Can you please help me understand what might be the reason
You receive cash for these trades on T+2.
Suppose Monday I bought 100 XYZ share at 2900 through MIS to CNC conversion. So on Tuesday 100 shares sit at my Holdings with Quantity(T1:100). On Tuesday if I sell those 100 shares for 2950.
Will the 5000 Profit added to my account by deducting brokerage charges? When will the transaction clear me. Any conditions?
Stock is fully liquid like Reliance or Bajaj Finance. Very curious to know. Please provide answer.
It will be added to your account on T+2 from sale date.
I took BTST position and bought Reliance share on CNC on Monday(yesterday) and sold it Tuesday (Today).
I have used EXIT button from the holdings tab in Kite, did the TPIN authorization and went ahead with the trade. But now when i compare my Trade Book, I see I have purchased in NSE and even though I used EXIT option in the holdings section, it still went through BSE which I didn’t notice.
Now I am curious, is it still a good trade or it will come under Auction penalty?
Still a good trade, no auction penalty for simply selling on a different exchange. Why the default holding changed to BSE is explained here.
Sir I had sold Shares of Bhel today It told me that Sell Completed but still it is showing in holdings position and the second question what if I buy The Same share today as CNC order What happens in that case
If you buy it back the same day in CNC, it’ll be considered an intraday trade. Your holdings will not be affected. Seeing a position when you sell form holdings is normal. Read more here.
What are the charges for Intraday,BTST and delivery @ zerodha?
My problem is on yesterday I bought share of KPIT two times at different quantity…but upto 3.30 pm they were in pending order after that in afternoon they shown in Executed order…I bought it as CNC…..but today…( Next day of purchasing) I didn’t saw share of KPIT….
and I didn’t got my fund back…..So, is there any problem with this share or any other problem….. please guide me…. waiting for your kind reply..
I bought RIL RE BE share today and i didn’t know that it is T2T stock. As per the blogs what I understood was I have to wait T+2 to get the delivery. If i decide to sell tomorrow what will happened and what risk will I have and will it allow me to sell these stocks if I consider it as T1 holding. Please advice.
You’ll not be allowed to sell it until you receive delivery.
lets say i bought a stock on Monday, 10 shares at rs. 100 each, i.e. RS 1000 worth of stocks and i sell the same shares on Tuesday morning at 110 rupees hence making a profit of 10 x 10=100 rupees. Now as day progresses the share value starts to fall and goes to 90 rupees from 110. now what is the total profit I make in following cases;
Case 1: Buy share again at 90
Case 2: Don’t buy share and just exit
please help me in understanding the profits i make in both the cases.
thank you
If I bought 100 shares at Rs 100 on Monday and sold it at Rs 110 on Tuesday. After that the shares appear in my portfolio and the portfolio shows profit then when those shares come back at Rs 105 I bought them back in cnc. Then my holdings see the shares back for only Rs. 100 and today’s profit is seen by buying and selling in the portfolio. This is right or wrong and can lead to some fines.
Can you be clearer?
I bought some stocks on monday and sold on tuesday. But Banking holiday was declared on thursday so would there be any short delivery of stocks.
Today I sell tata motors 480 qty. @ 92.81 but unable to buy this because of at 3:30 uper circuit. This stock goes for auction
Can I able to buy this stock at higher price.i f I have a money in account for buying this for cnc
can I avoid penalties or charges
Can zerodha broking firm help me for avoid penalties or reduce penalties
Today I sell tata motors 480 qty. @ 92.81 but unable to buy this because of at 3:30 uper circuit. This stock goes for auction
Can I able to buy this stock at higher price.i f I have a money for buying this for cnc
Can you please give a list of all type of charges that are levied on a trader by the exchanges, DP holders and brokers? A bit of explanation on those charges would further assist me in understanding them.
Sir, I want to know that if I sell my share today, can I purchase another share from that amount of money on same day which I sold or until I have to wait for to first debit from my demat account. can I use full amount to buy another share without deducting my dp charges. I have doubt regarding this?
I bought 511 shares of SupPetro on 09/04/20 on CNC and sold them on 13/04/20 but today I got a mail from Zerodha that my purchase of 80 quantity of SUPPETRO was short delivered and I have to face consequences.
I would like to inform you that I sold what I bought and that too after 4 days. I am also attaching the statements with this email.
I hope you will look into the same and do the needful corrections.
It isn’t 4 days, because only working days are considered. You bought on Thursday and sold on Monday. Just two days later, before you received delivery or intimation of short delivery.
What will happen now? How much will I be charged for this? Am I not supposed to sell before getting the delivery? How come does it talk about 80 shares and not whole 511 shares?
Hi there, today I bought shares under CNC category, and sold the same day. Then my question is
1) when the both buy and sell order completed in same day, why I was charged CNC category charges and taxes?
You would be charged for an intraday trade, not CNC.
Hello sir,
For eg. I bought 100 share of company A in NSE on Friday under CNC category. Then I buy 100 Share of Company A in NSE on Monday under MIS category and Sell 100 Share of Company A in NSE on Monday itself under MIS category. whether the selling is considered as Intraday or BTST..?
If it is considered as Intraday then my CNC is not affected and deliver to me on ending of T+2 day, am I right..? If it so, Is it not contradict with FIFO….?Kindly explain the relation of these two parameters.
If it is BTST then, whether I am suppose to sell remaining 100 shares to complete MIS trade of the day…?
Thank you in advance.
I have brought some shares no it’s t+3 day it in my demat account equity so how i can sell them ??
Simply go to Kite and place a sell order from your marketwatch or the holdings page.
Can this scenario exist in BTST/STBT.
E.g. I have bought 500 RIL shares on Monday in BTST. I sell 400 on Tuesday at a profit. I sell the remaining 100 shares on either Wednesday/Thursday. Same example for STBT (short 500 and then buy in a staggered manner)?
Please confirm.
thank you.
BTST is possible. STBT isn’t.
i bought some shares on monday ,sold it on t+ 2 (wed).on same day my broker told me that you have to square off because someboday shorted on monday and you dont have delivery today(wed).so i again buy same shares.
I feel my broker cheated me.wats your view.should i lodge a complaint in sebi.
This is entirely possible. Best check with the exchanges.
How check with exchanges.pls guide.
i get the shares on t+3(thursday) which i can deliver on friday.
what i think is my broker point is suspicious.because if i dont buy on t+2 i get full payment on t+3.though i also short on friday but i have to pay less.
What i feel my broker retain the payment and deliver me shares from some other account on t + 3.
Whats your view.
I Brought 5 BharathForge Shares on Monday @ 566.95, And Sold on Tuesday @560.00 on a loss of -6.95 Rupees.
Then on the same day (Tuesday), I Brought it Again @ 549 and then sold @ 549.
like below
Monday: Buy (CNC) 5 Shares @566.95
Tuesday: Sell (CNC) 5 Shares @ 560, [ -6.95]
Buy (CNC) 5 Shares @ 549,
Sell (CNC) 5 Shares @ 579. [+55]
in Tuesday is Like Intraday [ sell – buy – sell ]
how is this Considered, BTST/ATST
in the end, I got lost or profit?
The first Selll-Buy on Tuesday will be considered intraday. The second sell will sell the stocks you bought on Monday. Overall, you’d be in a profit.
I have one query, let’s say I have 10 stocks of Stock X ( Delivered) , 10 Stocks of stock X (T1), bought today 10 stocks of X , sold 10 today of stock X. Which stocks will move out?? ( All CNC)
Had it been sold 15 stocks from which brackets it will go out??
If you’ve bought 10 today and selling 10 today, the 10 bought today will be sold. In case you bought 10 today, have 10 in T1 and 10 in delivery and are selling 15, the 10 stocks bought today and 5 from holdings are debited. The precedence goes Intraday>Delivery>T1. This is because all intraday trades are settled and then all non-intraday trades are settled in a FIFO fashion.
sir if i take any stock like adanigreen as CNC and sell it on same day if i seeks profit,is there any chance of default or penalty
Hey Aditya, if your buy and sell orders are executed on the same day, they’re not-off and you needn’t worry about defaulting. This will be treated as any intraday trade.
Hi zerodha team,
I bought share of X company on friday and i sold them on Wednesday. Then why zerodha charged DP charges on that trade.
According to zerodha, stocks are credited in demat account on Wednesday evening, and i sold them before 3:30pm
Hey. The stocks are credited on Wednesday afternoon. Your sell order is processed on Wednesday, but the delivery happens on the next Friday after debiting the shares from your demat.
Hi Team,
I am unable to find the right forum to add this query so adding it here.
I had bought share X on T1 at Rs. M and then sold it on (T1+30) days at Rs N. Now, I know that I will receive Rs. N in my trading account but when I view the statement in console, I am unable to see Rs. N getting credited anywhere. Please note, it has been more 6 days when I sold share X i.e. (T1+36) days.
Can someone please help me answer this question?
I want to know whether BTST sale is to be adjusted using FIFO of the scrip or against the immediate purchase.
Both my Depository Participants adjust using FIFO when creating reports.
It is always done on a FIFO basis.
But then there would be implications for the Demat account, which is not the case for BTST. I am interested in the legalities of this . Would like to know how IT treats it, for instance.
For all purposes, the correct way to do it is FIFO.
if i bought a share of 100 rs and sell next day of the script that trades everyday . suppose i bought a share for 100 rupees and sell it next day cnc 110. and after t+2 days it gets to 95 . i have already booked profit next day . how it will get settled . will i book profit .. exchange will settle it by itself .. little confused … thank you …
Can you explain the concept of BTST along with Pay in and Pay out timings of the exchange for the respective BTST trade.
Sir, on which stocks i can do BTST and STBT?
i have shares in Geojit BNP paribhas, I wish to transfer partially to Zerodha account. How to do it online ?
Dear Shri Nitin,
I have been trading with zerodha since quite some time. The experience has been awesome and love to continue with zerodha.
In addition to the trading terminal, zerodha is providing many other utilities such as sentinel, varsity, trading q&a, console, coin, pulse, z connect, margin calculator, screener etc etc.. I suggest you to revamp the website to for enhancing the visibility all your products so that they can be put to a greater use by users. Within the home page, you may provide links to all products. This will be easier for navigation too. I understand that all the products are listed under ‘Menu’ in current web layout.
Hey Raju, thanks for the suggestion. Helping users discover all our products has indeed been a challenge for us, and we’re working on something like what you’ve suggested. 🙂
I had 50 shares of jet air bought in feb 2018, on 15 nov 18 i bought 40 shares of jet air on cnc & sold 40 on 16 nov using cnc, since settlement is t+2 the shares i sold on 16 must be deducted from shares i bought in feb, so for p/l calculation i can take shares bought in feb vs shares sold on 16nov & claim STCL right? Plz Help
Sir, i have bought some options 100 lots (7500) of nifty @Rs.16 which is equal to my complete account value and sold them on the other day with a profit of Rs 0.5.
Because that i sold them after buying and not shorted anyway, do i still need span & exposure margin?
If not there the margin in my trading account do i have to suffer penalty or interest on the margin that will be covered by you.
Please explain this because i have been exposed to this situation of deduction of money from my account on the third day from the day i bought these options.
Thank You.
Hey Syam,
Margins won’t be applicable to close your positions. It is possible you have tried to close the position with a different product type (NRML/CNC). Please get in touch with our Support team at https://support.zerodha.com
I have a question similar to this.
For ex, Today I have 100 shares of something in CNC(Avg price 50), which I sell on profit(let say 60).
Same day if it goes down and I buy it again, it is considered in intraday. And my CNC shares remain there.
Like we can do in buy today and sell tomorrow. Can we do in this, I sell them today and buy tomorrow, if it goes down?
I bought Options on 11th march (holding for overnight) and sold them on 12th march. Value of options bought was Rs.14,200. I have got a little profit of Rs.600.
Question: Does it require margin for selling on 12th march in my account (although i have not shorted initially and only sold holding options) else it may lead to penalty on 13th march ?
What happens if I sell a stock from my current holdings and buy the same stock within a day. So, is there a chance of becoming a defaulter for the above actions?
Is there any risk of short delivery in the first scenario of your article?
First Scenario: You bought at Rs. 800 in the morning and by 3 PM you saw the price is Rs. 810. You decided to book the profit and you sold the Reliance as CNC. Though you have bought and sold as CNC, this will be considered as an intraday trade and all taxes/brokerage will be according to intraday charges.
Is there any risk of short delivery in the first scenario of your article?
Dear Nitin Ji,
One of my holding getting suspended (Comfort Intec ) due to some compliance issue. My problem is the share is not showing in my holding statement.Kindly resolve. Thanks in advance.
Hey Probal,
When stocks are suspended due to a corporate action, it is not shown in your Console/Kite holdings as the ISIN (International Securities Identification Number) for the scrip will be blocked. In this case, Comfort Intech is suspended because the stock is undergoing consolidation. The previously held shares will be debited in your demat account and the new shares with a new ISIN will be allotted. To verify your holding in Comfort Intech, you can refer your demat holding statement. CDSL has an online portal called MyEasi through which you can view and keep track of your demat holdings, read more here. You can also raise a ticket to us requesting for your demat holding statement.
Will I be eligible to receive Dividend if I buy shares a day before Ex-Dividend date and sell on Ex-Dividend Date. i.e., BTST. Though this is has been discussed above, the answer is not very clear. Kindly clarify.
I fully understand how BTST works etc in the following scenario
1) I sell 100 shares of EQUITY A which is in T+1 mode in the morning say 10:30AM and I make a good profit
2) I buy 100 shares of same EQUITY A in the afternoon say around 3PM. So now I have 100 shares in my account
What will happen in exchange shortage happens? Will I still be penalized?
If you sell and but the same day, then it’s an intraday trade with no implication on the settlement cycle. If you don’t receive shares on T+2, then the exchange will take the seller to auction and credit shares or cash to you.
Sorry you did not understand my question
1) I sell 100 shares of EQUITY A which is in T+1 mode in the morning say 10:30AM and I make a good profit
That means only yesterday I had bought the 100 EQUITY A shares and I am selling the same shares today in T+1.
I understand the exchange penalty will happen id there is a shortfall
2) I buy 100 shares of same EQUITY A in the afternoon say around 3PM. So now I have 100 shares in my account
This is the twist in the question. Now what happens if an exchange shortfall happens? Since technically I still have 100 shares left in my account?
Please advise
Hi Nitin,
Thanks, Quick question…
if I convert the CNC sell order to MIS, will I have to pay heavy penalty(brokerage) charges?
consider this scenario
I bought(CNC) 1000 shares of reliance on price 100rs long back. i am selling(CNC) all those 1000 shares today(t-day) on price 150. After that I noticing that reliance price drops to 140rs in the same T-day. if I convert the CNC sell order to MIS, then I can go for buy with 10rs margin on each share which gives me 10000rs benefit.
I assume that I still keep my holdings(1000shares) at the end of the day.
How much brokerage or any other charges will be made for such trade?
I bought shares on Thursday using CNC and sold on Friday using CNC and again sold the shares of same script on Friday (same day) using CNC again. what will happen? will I face any auction penalty. What shall I do in this case?
If you’ve placed a CNC sell order for the stocks once on Friday, the second order would be rejected. Only if you have stocks available to sell will you be able to sell a CNC sell order. The first order would mean that your stocks bought on Thursday are blocked and you can’t sell the same again.
I am trying to develop algo(with Kite API) for monitoring/trading some scrips. It will maintain long positions only. The algo will not know whether it will sell the bought scrips on the same day or whether it will hold it for many days. I am thinking to design it to trade equity with CNC. So scenarios emerge where the algo can sell before delivery of scrip is received and can buy the scrip again immediately.The algo will be tracking the portfolio hence would not sell without buying first ( No short position). I will be trading highly liquid equity scrips only.
1. Is this possible? Do you see any non feasibility with this approach?
2. Will the buy and sell orders be correctly tracked by the broker and the exchange or will it lead to confusion when dealing in CNC product? I do not want to get into auction penality
Please give your valuable suggestion.
Operationally, there is no problem with this as CNC product type will not allow you to sell if you are not holding the stocks.
Hi Friends,
I am new to this platform and has just tried something new and understood that it is a BTST scenario, and stuck in the below situation, Bought a 800 Share in CNC on T, sold 800 on T1 start of the day and market fell by Rs.30 low by end of T1 and I though I will re enter and bought at the end of T1 in CNC 500 shares the same share and now my price of the 500 share is reflecting the same that I bough on T. and the current holding for this share is showing me a huge loss.
Does the above means that though I have made a purchase on T1, the system is going to take this transaction of 500 on End of T1 with lower value, only belongs to the transaction that I made on T
How is this going to actually result,
1 > Will my Purchase value of 500 shares on T1 will change according to the transaction that I made at the end of T1 at when the market fell upto Rs.30 ?
2 > when Will I be able to sell the 500 shares ?
1. The T1 Day Sell and buy is treated as an intraday trade. Hence, you booked a profit by buying back at a lower price. Your holdings will show the buy average of the stocks as on T Day.
2. You are free to sell the shares as long as you see it in your holdings.
I bought 400 shares on yesterday Monday, but it is not showing in delivery list. Still in BSE pending list. When will it show sell mode
Assume I have about 100 shares of SBI in my holdings which I bought long time ago
Now today I buy 25 SBI shares in delivery position (Cash and carry) and sell 25 SBI shares today itself in delivery position.
I know 25 buy/sell will be considered as intraday transaction but my question is which 25 SBI shares will be sold? The shares which I bought today or the 25 shares out the the 100 shares in my holding account?
If 25 shares are sold from the 100 shares in my holding what STT/brokerage fees etc I need to pay? Is it intra day charge or delivery equity charge?
Assume I have about 100 shares of SBI in my holdings which I bought long time ago
Similarly please explain what happens if I buy 200 new shares of SBI and sell 200 SHARES of SBI today itself?
Will my old 100 shares be touched?
Hey Rakesh,
Refer to this this support article.
In case it doesn’t answer your query to your satisfaction you can raise a ticket and our support rep will help you out.
Hello sir Am just new here in the world of share market (With Zerodha). I would like to ask you- is it possible to place a limit order (buy or sell) before the exchange time means before 9.15AM or after 3.30PM. Also for equity the delivery is free in Zerodha right? is it applicable in both buying and selling?. Can you please clarify. Thanks and looking forward.
1. I am not able to place Bracket order on kite. It’s showing product not enabled
2. I did BTST on one stock but not able to withdraw the amount on T+2 day also. The amount is showing in Q dashboard but not in withdrawable funds
Can you please explain
does zerodha give any leverage for shares on bse exchange for bo intraday order/if yes what is the leverage for premier synthetic ?can i book intraday orders in pre market
Hi , I bought some shares of SIGNETIND on Trade no 3298500 & 5082500 on 10 Augest . Iam able to see the holdings in statement but unable to see the positions/holdings in kite . How can I find my shares ?
Hi. In order to issue a DIS booklet, we’d need you to send us a DIS request form, as per regulation. I believe our team has already shared the request form with you. Please submit the same and we’ll issue the DIS immediately. Also, you can use Zerodha Trader/Pi if you need a desktop application. Pi can be downloaded from https://q.zerodha.com/pi. Zerodha Trader is available here.
How to do BTST in zerodha website
You can simply buy stocks in CNC and sell them the next day.
considering very simple scenario. If i buy a stock on monday with CNC, by which time stock will reflect in my demat account?
This would be settled on T+2, i.e., Wednesday.
Thanks much for this article. I was doing BTST without any knowledge earlier. This gave me a clear picture. One doubt remains- what can be the penalty in case of short delivery? Any illustration on that and where to see how much I was charged will help.
In My Portfolio 10 shares of Sbi In Dp and 8 Shares in T1 pool. i have 18 Shares of Sbi total out of which 8 share in T1 Pool. Now I wanna to Sell 5 Share of Sbi . I waana to ask Which Shares Will be Sold First – (A)Shares in T1 Pool(8) or (b)Share present in Dp (10).
Also give Brief explanation on this situation
Holdings are sold on a FIFO (first in-first out) basis, so 5 stocks from your demat account would be sold.
Hi..When we sell a stock, the amount gets credited immediately in our trading A/c right? Why is it written that funds are received only on T+2?
Because we receive the funds only on T+2, until then, we just offer margin equal to the sale proceeds for trading.
My question is in position tab you let us see the profit or loss as one of the output .For Intraday trade I understand what losses I made or profit I made seeing at Positions section or fund section .
But for BTST or CNC delivery stocks why is Profit/Loss shown in positions tab i.e,if rates of stocks increase from the price that I sold than it comes as loss….Is it actually a loss/profit in case it was BTST or CNC share and not an intraday position . If I sold the stock at particular price but it kept on rising and I don’t want to buy it again so am I occurring the losses .
This has been answered here, Nitin.
will u provide margin amount to buy in BTST or total cash to be available in Account?
You’ll need to buy stocks overnight.
Sir, can you exlplain more about dp charges
Is it possible to sell first and convert the position and buy the stocks next day.
I am new to trading, i am having one question. How many time i can buy shares for particular stock in a day for Intraday trading ?
I have not done any commodity trading so far.
I buy shares for cash hold till it comes to my DMAT….and then sell when it reaches a reasonable profit level.
Now, my question is that can we adopt a similar strategy in commodity trading…….THAT IS….BUY for CASH…..hold it till a reasonable profit level is reached.
I wish to buy SILVER in that way…hold it till profitable rates are reached.
Then what exactly should I BUY in SILVER commodity.
I am totally new to commodity trading
so, please suggest way to begin.
Commodities are traded as futures contracts. Check out this module on Varsity.
sir, If i buy 1000 share of comp X for BTST. PLEASE tell me if company X is under FO stocks then there is risk?
I am a newbie to trading as well as Zerodha.
1. Just to confirm my understanding, if you execute a CNC trade on T+1 day, the settlement would be done only by T+2 evening, including the credit. Correct?
2. Also, can I convert CNC trade to MIS on T+ 1 day and sell. Will it be considered as intraday and funds credited immediately. Any drawback with this approach, if it’s possible?
3. How many times can you do this conversion, say on T+1 day I am converting to MIS and again before square off if I convert back to CNC?
Thanks in advance.
Sir, i want to buy the equity shares for long period , is that only option CNC in zerodha ? or any other options for long period,
i have recently started trading with zerodha. I have traded with soem other big brokers too earlier.
whenever i convert my intraday positions, zerodha requires 100% cash to carry it the next day. However with other brokers i always get t+6 days minimum ( now increased to t+90) to pay the amount.
This is getting difficult as it leads to lots of losses just for a single day and arranging cash immediately is also difficult.
I Want to know when can i expect this facility in zerodha, as this is the only drawback with u guys.
please help with a solution.
On 9th April 2018, i have bought 10 shares of “weizmann forex” and on the same day i sold it back.And on the same day i have purchased another 10 shares relating to the same company.problem is i can’t find these shares in my holdings but these shares are reflected in my back office.
Hey Abhishek, this has been answered here.
On 21st of march I bought few shares of Rcom at 25.65 Rs and I sold them on next day at 25.90 Rs. now the same day in afternoon the stock went down and again I bought it at 24.20 Rs . but in holding it was showing 25.65 Rs as average buying price. For the next 2 to 3 days it was showing me as 24.20 Rs as average buying price. But after that again it is showing as 25.65 Rs as average buying price.
Can you tell me what is my average buying price?
Since you sold and bought back on the same day, the stock never left your demat account. Hence, the buy average would be 25.65.
if Short selling in Equities in india only for intraday how can someone short a stock and not cover his position the same day and why didn’t broker square off his position and this case led to default for the counter party assuming counter party did BTST.
The broker will try to square off the intraday position, but this can’t always be guranteed as to square-off a counter order is required. If there are no sellers available when the broker tries to square off at the end of the day, it would lead to a default.
Hi Nitin,
I need some clarification
I bought CNC stocks on Monday 2nd April 2018 and plan to sell today (5th April 2018) as i was getting good profit. But it is reflecting as T1 stock. In this portal only, I read selling T1 stock is bit risky because T1 holdings are the shares which have been bought from the exchange but the delivery has not yet been received in the demat account.
One more thing to highlight, I bought on Monday as mentioned and able to place selling on orders on Tuesday (as profit margin not reached my expectation orders are cancelled), but same thing when i trying place sell order today it was showing as T1. How it is possible?
Question is,
1.How stocks are showing T1 on Thursday, which are bought 3 days back (Monday).
2. Now is it safe to sell T1 orders?
On 28mar I have purchased 1300 shares of JP associate but today on 29mar that 1300 shares are not reflecting anywhere in zerodha also my fund balance is showing nil balance.pls reply.
if I buy a stock as an intraday MIS order , is it possible to sell it after 3:20 PM as CNC order. So in a way it becomes buy today sell today CNC . Or will there always be a short delivery of such a transaction because the stock will be delivered to me on T+2 and it has to be delivered to the purchaser of the stock (i.e the person who purchase this after 3:20 PM ) also on T+2 days.
If this is not possible, then from what I understand, it seems that for any intraday purchase of a stock(which is converted to CNC), trading effectively ends at 3:20 PM because after that you can only sell it the next day. Can you please advise?
If you buy a stock using MIS, you can only sell this back to the market before 3:20. Failing this, our system will square off the position automatically.
one more query sir,
to avoid risk of auction penalty, can i keep fixed amount of shares of some particular company in my dp. and do btst everyday. in short my question is does dp shares get avergaed for each buy and sell or not.
for example
if i keep 10 shares of TCS constantly in my dp
and do successful btst for 10 shares everday ….in case of short selling anytime, i have stocks in my dp..
so question is ..will i be in profit or my share price get averaged and will lead to loss…i hope u got my point.
What charges i have to pay, if i sell and again buy the same quantity of same share on same day? I have purchased that share long time back.
Can we sell the stock on T+2 day before the shares hit our demat account and avoid the short delivery.
sir in 08.03.2018 day i feel the kite3 softwere not work properly beacause my all given order cancelled example limit order or mis order and i have loss maximum money my id is YU3416 kindely verify it,
Hi Nitin Sir, I am new to Zerodha trading. Only yesterday I have sent the POA which will take 3-4 days to reach you. I purchased 300 shares of TATAMOTORS on Friday, now want to sell it today(T+1). Can I do it? If yes, how can I do it as I am not able to see exit option in my holding.
Hey Mridul. Only intraday equity trades are possible without the PoA. For anything overnight, the PoA needs to be processed first.
regarding btst.
respected sir, if i buy shares through cnc and sell as btst, after sold some times, position profit if grater then sold profit, can i buy again the same day?
Yes, you can.
Nithin Sir,
Possible to improve your system to calculate the Averages as per trade days instead of waiting for T+2 days. I am most of the time having this problem, I buy shares for 3 continuous days but when it comes to averaging in Zerodah kite its take the stocks bought on day3 to complete T+2 to reflect the actual or correct average. I didn’t had this problem when I was using ICICI Direct. Most of the times I wanted to sell these stocks but because of wrong avg prices not able to sell.
From the above discussion I got to know that STBT option is not available in cash market (Equity).
I want to know if this option is available in Future? Can we play both BTST and STBT in Future?
STBT isn’t available for stocks unless the broker provides you with an SLB option Debashish. You can always short futures and hold the short for as long as you want until expiry.
Do I need to install another application “nest” to do BTST in Zerodha? How do I get to know that my POA form is received and the same is updated in my account? How is POA form and BTST linked?
I bought some shares on Thursday and sold the same on the Friday so basically I did short selling. I want to know, when would the sale proceeds of the sold shares be credited to my account ? Is it going to happen on T+3 i.e. on Tuesday when the auction will happen ?
Also If the shares which i bought originally got delivered to me on Monday i.e. T+2, can it avoid the Auction by transferring the shares to the buyer on T+3 i.e. on Tuesday when it was supposed to be transferred.
Awaiting your reply.
Hey Prateek, short delivery only happens when the buyer you bought the shares from on Thursday does not give you delivery of the stock by Monday. If you do receive delivery, these same shares are offered up to the person you sold to on Tuesday by the broker.
Is there any risk in of short selling or penalty in buying using cnc and selling the same day as cnc- intraday
Sir,I have purchased shares of pc jewellers.on 2/2/18 Friday @ ₹ 257 in CNC now I want to sell this stock on Monday ,can I sale this share or not .is it risky to sale in btst.and is there is auction risk in pc jewellers and also tell me what are liquid stock.is there is any list of liquid stock.
There is an auction risk in any BTST trade you make. The degree of the risk depends on the stock you’re trading. If it’s a liquid, well-traded stock, the risk is lower. If it’s an illiquid stock, the risk is more.
Is BTST same as Futures contract ? Only difference being in expiry (last thursday of every month) v/s T+2 days and also in lot size?
If shares are getting delivered on (T+2)th day’s evening to the buyer, then why it doesn’t get adjusted against the shares received through auction on the same evening on the (T+3)rd day of the BTST original transaction date?
If i sell CNC stocks on T+2 day, still that risk of auction penalty exists?
If you’ve received delivery, then the risk of auction penalty doesn’t exist.
Sir I am also a zerodha trader,what about UNITECH, Is it a liquid stock or illiquid stock.
You can check the market depth and see the spreads between successive bids/offers. This should answer your question.
Suppose if I bought 100 shares of Reliance or any other stock which is illiquid stock on Monday for about 800Rs. on Tuesday morning I see that stock trading at 810rs. I decide to book the profit and sell the stocks at 810rs on CNC. Now by afternoon I see the same stock trading at 800RS and I buy it again on CNC. In such case what are the charges applicable to me intraday or CNC ? also What will happen to if I fail to give delivery to person to whom I have sold the stocks at 810 Rs. can my broker debit those stocks from my holding and deliver it to my client ?
If you sell and buy back on the same day, it’ll be considered an intraday trade and you’ll be charged accordingly. Also, if you have the shares in your demat account, you wouldn’t have to worry about giving delivery as debiting your account and delivering the shares is done by us. However, if you don’t have the shares available in order to give delivery, you’d be taken to auction and a penalty would be levied by the exchange.
I have bought shares of universal credit securities under CNC . But when i try sale this shares immediately on next day , the kite app didn’t allow me to do that. Because of this i am not able to sale those shares. Now there is no buyer for this shares.
If there is no issue of liquidity then BTS Tomorrow or BTS day after tomorrow will be considered as delivery trades and not as intra day right? Moreover since we did not actually take delivery the charges will be less than delivery trades right(since DP charges are avoided)? Or are there any other charges with respect to BTSTomorrow? Moreover will BTSTomorrow(Assume I have only very few BTSTomorrow) come under short term capital gains(ITR 2) or Speculative Business income(ITR 3)?
I am not able to do BTST on BSE stocks. Is it not applicable to BSE stocks?
Depends on which category they’re trading in. If they’re in the T/X/XT category, then intraday isn’t allowed.
How can I identifiy a particular stock is liquids or illiquid?
Check the impact cost on the bis-ask spread. Check this chapter for more.
I have account with Zerodha; however not invested as of now. My question is if i have Rs.10,000 and buy x no. of shares for this margin and for how many days i can keep these shares before you debit i dont wanna take delivery?
This is only possible for intraday trades. If you let the trade stay overnight, you’ll receive delivery.
i want to know if i had purchase reliance shares at lets say 100 yesterday ( CNC) and today i want to do Intraday but by mistake i did CNC sale of reliance and sell it at 105
now i want to know what is position if
i am purchasing again reliance today using CNC
holding affect due to this ? when i get dilivery ?
sir its urgent plz reply me
i purchased shares at 28 but today morning shares reach at 32 i assumed that its peak point of today so i sell it CNC using code
now i want to know that if i use to buy using CNC it is intraday transcation and i show loss in my position tab why ?
That is normal behaviour. Read why here: https://tradingqna.com/t/why-does-the-p-l-in-the-positions-page-fluctuate-even-after-my-holdings-are-sold-in-cnc/9374
If you sell and buy back on the same day, holdings will not be effected.
thanks matti
I am struggling to get my account working.
I have already submitted the signed copy of my PoA but I keep getting messages that PoA has not been received.
If I track my courier status, it is saying that it has already been delivered.
I am already in touch with Zerodha support regarding this but I do not see any progress.
Let me know if I need to mail my PoA again.
If we’ve received the PoA, it’ll be mapped within 72 working hours. In the meanwhile, you can ignore the emails.
Your explaination about everything is awesome. Especially for noobs like me in share trading, this is like the bhagvad gita. Thank you buddy. We owe you ?
proud to have an aamche gello like you. ?
I have few questions on Futures trading in Zerodha. Please clarify.
Lets say I’m trading in futures in stock X with Expiry 28 Dec 2018, Total value of the stock is 6 Lakhs and margin required is 1 Lakh and I have margin of 1 Lakh in my account.
1. If I hold the stock futures until the expiry, do you charge any interest for 5 Lakhs as I’m carrying position until expiry (1-30 days)?
2. If there is any MTM losses lets say 25000 in the account in between that 15 days, do I need to have that money in my account even If i do not sell the position until expiry ? If yes, and If I do not have that MTM loss amount what will happen?
1. If the NRML margin required is 1 lakh and you have this in your account, no interest is charged.
2. Cash needs to be brought in for any MTM losses. Failure to do so will lead to the position being squared off.
In T2T segment, can we sell share on T+2 day or we have to wait for delivery on T+3.
You will have to wait for the shares to hit your demat account before being able to sell.
Thanks for explaining this. I do have one query. Is BTST a separate option ? I bought 300 shares On Thursday and can see stocks in holding as “T1:300” , so I need to wait for exit till it gets added in my account. (Removing T1), If I sell those shares on Monday (with shares still not credited as its T+2) will it consider BTST by default? or is there any option I need to chose for BTST? Asking because I do not want to be in BTST situation. If shares not in my account it should not able to sell. (Short delivery )
I bought shares as CNC- Regular – Is there any other option for BTST? Like BO/MIS/CO (Intraday)
You’ll have to wait for the shares to go from T1 to holdings to sell without doing a BTST trade.
Thanks for your reply. So there is no such option to select BTST(Like BO/CO). If we buy shares on T1 and sell it on T2 with normal CNC option it will consider as BTST. Right?
That’s right Kunal.
On 07-12-2017 I bought 500 MEGH shares on NSE @102.20. The stock shot up to around 109 or so by end of day. However since I follow daily chart trends and I saw further upside I decided to hold it. Next day it indicated T1:500
Next day on 08-12-2017, it made a high of around 115, I kept a stop loss at 108.5 (the swing low) , as I like to place stop loss on most of my holdings everyday. Around 3pm the stock was sold at 108.5 (unexpected), and it stabilized soon after that.
However, I decided to take a risk and buy back the stock. I bought 1000 MEGH @108.5.
All trades were CNC.
Today, I saw my holdings. They are indicating T1:1000, average price @108.5
Actually if average price for 1000 shares is 108.5, what happened to my shares which I bought at 102.2, and where are my gains?
Hi, I m new to share market and started doing trading and investment..
I wanna know zerodha rules and regulations..
More about Zerodha and transction we do everyday..
Is there any section where can I get complete information about rules, regulations and transctions restrictions
Hi Nithin,
why all BTST not falling under Auction Penalty ?
Because it’s a rolling settlement, if you make a BTST trade, the stocks you buy and sell are actually delivered on the exchange. It just never hits your demat account because you sold before delivery. Auction only happens if the person you bought from doesn’t deliver the shares. Read more here.
Hi Matti , Thanks for the reply … Here is the small NOTE from BTST Short Delivery from Nithin …
” ” Here is the problem that can arise when you do a BTST/ATST trade and there is a short delivery.
You bought shares on Monday and you sold them on Tuesday, so you assumed that the person selling you shares on Monday will deliver it to you on Wednesday evening and what you are selling on Tuesday will be adjusted with stocks you receive on Wednesday. But unfortunately you had a short delivery, so on Wednesday evening you don’t have any stocks, so what happens is that on Thursday when you are supposed to deliver the stocks, you don’t have any (stocks from auction will come to you only on Thursday evening, but what you sold on Tuesday has to be given to the exchange latest by Thursday morning). In such a case, similar to the cheque bounce example, you default. When you default, the exchange will now put that auction penalty on you . ” ”
what I understood here from the above Note ,
[ Monday – Bought shares
Tuesday – T1 Day
Wednesday – T2 Evening get Delivery of Stocks … ]
But we have done like this
[ Tuesday – Sold
Wednesday – T1 day
Thursday – obliged to give Delivery … ]
My Interpretations ,
One, We will face a Short delivery Situation when the Seller ( we bought ) on Monday not Deliver the Stock to us on Wednesday. He himself had Short Delivery and because of that we also had Short Delivery … Am I right ?
Two, On BTST, Monday Bought, we get proper Delivery on Wednesday ( Seller Delivered the Stock on Wednesday )… Tuesday Sold, We need to Deliver the stock on Thursday ( we already got the Stock on Wednesday )… Even we do BTST also this is the process going on, I hope ….. If this is the process BTST trade also come to DP [ here is the conflict in logic ] …
Please correct it if I am not right …
If it is a intra day.. Will t+2 applies for it.. If i buy today i want to sell(when it reached my target) tomorrow whether i can sell? its confusing.. Kindly reply to it.
Can you please be clearer?
Let me explain this to you in simple steps using an example
> You buy a security on Monday
If you sell all the securities on Monday itself, it will be called an intra-day trade.
If you don’t sell the all the securities on Monday by 3:30pm then you have to take delivery of the shares you bought. Hence the trade ceases to become an intra-day trade and instead becomes a delivery trade.
Now you can sell these shares on Tuesday or Wednesday at some risk but you are risk free when selling these shares on Thursday.
So you can sell shares the next day of buying the shares but there is some risk while doing so.
In icici direct they have provided a list of BTST stocks. Is there any such list in Zerodha?
Thanks in advance,
All stocks except for those on this list.
If I bought a stock in CNC and existed that position on the same day,will there be any extra charges levied for the same?
No extra charges, just the regular brokerage of 0.01% or Rs. 20 is charged.
Hello Sir,
i have bought sum shares on friday and today is wednesday and in my account the script is still showing in T1. So,
what should i consider i have received the delivery or by today i’ll receive the delivery?
Can i sell the same share by today in T1?
do have i any risk of penalty?
You should have got the delivery of shares on Tuesday evening so unless you made another trade on Monday, the situation that you are explaining should not happen. If you are doing any trade before the shares are received in your Demat account, you risk penalty.
The risk of selling shares not in your demat have been explained in the post above, however, shares that you purchased on Friday should be delivered by Wednesday. Maybe they were short delivered. In such cases, you’ll receive an email stating the same.
I am new to BTST and is planning to start this. Kite app on mobile is the interface I use, if going with BTST will this work?
1) Buy 500 shares of X in CNC
2) Sell 250 shares of X in T+1 day in CNC from Holding
3) Sell 250 shares of X in T+2 day in CNC from Holding
Can these selling be done from Kite App holding tab? Or we have to do the BTST only on the Pi app only?
Is there any other tab/page which lists only the T1 and T2 holdings from where we can sell it directly.
If i sell that same day or t1 is there any charges?or penalty?
Thank you guys for the platform.
BTST is like normal trade except that you will have to sell through the “holdings” tab instead of “open position” tab.
You don’t need to go into Pi, you can sell it through Kite.
There are no extra charges for same day selling or T+1 selling. However you have to remember that once you keep the shares over night, you will be taking delivery of shares at some point so STT would increase multiple times but Zerodha has zero brokerage charges for delivery based trades so that is a plus point.
Please understand the risk of BTST properly. Also when you sell a share from Holdings, that share will be shown as sell position on “open positions” tab and the amount will be moving towards negative as the share price would rise further. So don’t get perturbed by it.
The risk of non delivery from the person you purchase the share is a legitimate concern so be careful.
Ideally you should sell a share only on Thursday if you purchased a share on Monday unless you are receiving huge profits and you can afford to take the risk of defaulting on delivery of shares by yourself.
I need a clarification in regard to BTST trade.
I bought some shares of various companies on 23/11/2017 and I want to sell them on 24/11/2017.
The shares I purchased are showing in holdings as T1 and when I try to sell them today using sell in CNC option, the system transfers them to open positions as sell i.e. the system is treating it as short sell rather than selling the actual shares I have in my holdings (and then the ticker in open positions start moving in negative direction).
As per BTST system this should not happen and I should be able to sell my shares right ?
I am not able to do BTST for a stock and reported it to customer care under ticket number 675185. They replied
Thank you for writing to Zerodha.
This is to inform you that in BSE stocks it is not possible to do btst so please try to sell it after the T+2 working days settlement period.Once it comes to your quantity section only then you can sell bse scripts.
Please get in touch with us if you need any other information by calling 080-40402020 or writing to [email protected]
I am super surprised.
Sarabjit, stocks in the XT group are settled on a trade to trade basis, meaning compulsory delivery and hence you cannot do intraday trades in such stocks. Check this post to learn more about stock categories.
Dear Team, Zerodha do not allow MIS purchasing of some shares from NSE like Morpean Laboratories, Rain Industries, Satin, JP Infratech , MIRC Electronics etc
I want to know reason of this.
Also i want to know that
1.If i will purchase these scrips on CNC and sell out on the same day, will you allow this as intraday trade? I do not want any leverage on these scrips but i want to square off some trades on the same day in which i earn profit.
2. Is there any limit for such type of trade which is known as buy today and sell today for these specific scrips? I have read anywhere on internet that such type of trade is allowed only 3 times in 5 business days
3. Is these type of selling of CNC on same day of purchasing can lead to short delivery in any rare case?
Hey Nikunj,
Whether to allow or disallow a stock from trading in MIS is a decision made by the risk management team looking at the market conditions for the given stock.
1. If you purchase these stocks in CNC, you can sell them on the same day, provided these stocks aren’t trading in a T2T (trade fro trade) category at the exchange. If it is, you won’t be able to sell until you get delivery.
2. No limits as such.
3. Since you’re buying and selling on same day, no risk of short delivery.
Thanks a lot for reply ….it has clear all my doubts
i bought genu paper shares(17/11/2017) but i want sell shares but not able to do it. Giving error you don,t have any holdings. Even in market watch page on genupaper shares count is not visible. 080404020 is also not reachable. Please do the needful asap.
i bought genu paper shares(17/11/2017) but i want sell shares but not able to do it. Giving error you don,t have any holdings. Even in market watch page on genupaper shares count is not visible. 080404020 is also not visible. Please do the needful asap.
Your holdings will be visible as soon as we map your POA.
Sir can I buy shares today in CNC and can I sell them tomorrow
Sir can I buy shares today & can I sell them tomorrow
If one buys shares today and sell them tomorrow and unfortunately doesn’t get delivery of shares in time, one becomes defaulter towards the person he sold the shares and pays the penalty, but at the same time is he not the victim himself as he didn’t get the delivery himself too. So, in such case, the person pays penalty towards what he sold and gets the delivery of shares for what he had bought. So he can sell the shares again. Am I right, Sir?
This is how it works – the exchange on T+2 day conducts an auction and purchases the stock which the other person defaulted to give you and this is credited to your demat account on T+3. The other person is then charged with the auction penalty which can sometimes be as high as 20% of the stock price or more.
Does all stocks which are available for intraday eligible for BTST transaction.
Dear Sir
i have buy 20 shares in Bharti Airtel two days before today i want exit the stock but it not exiting could you advice me above issues
Ghandiraj, best if you contact our support desk – zerodha.com/contact.
Hello sir
Urgent query on short sell as I am new to it. I today shorted JSPL and put a CNC buy limit order, which didn’t complete. I thought that Zerodha will buy it at the end of day at whatever is the last price of stock. But that didn’t happen. So Can I buy this share tomorrow for delivery so as to cover it? or will I face auction panelty/ heavy STT?
Pls respond.
Suresh, your MIS short position would have been automatically squared off. Your CNC buy limit would not have squared off your short position but rather if it was executed it would have created a fresh buy position. In order to place an SL you need to use SL/SL-M orders. Check this post for more
Hi Sir,
Suppose in case of doesn’t have demat account,if i buy any stock with CNC /regular and unfortunately unable to sell that day what i have bought.in this case how my shares will be delivered?…can i sell them tomorrow?
ex: bount 100 shares of bharati airtel (CNC/regular) and not executed sell call at the end of the day. but dont have demat account to hold.
Sir I sold Hindalco and BPCL as BTST yesterday in muhurat trading and bought vedanta 55.. but problem is, today I can see vedanta as T1:55 but not able to see what margin is used or even what is my amount invested in vedanta? below my holding page it is showing amount invested 0, pl 0… but in normal days I was able to see my holdings by the very next day morning..
Hi , I bought some shares of Icici bank yest i.e 18/10 . Iam able to see the holdings in q back office but unable to see the positions/holdings in kite . I tried selling some shares today using cnc sell option but got rejected . How can I sell my shares ?
Sahana, today was a settlement holiday and stocks bought yesterday will be not be visible in your holdings. You will be able to see these stocks on Monday.
Ok ..thank u for your reply
I would like to set a SL Price and Target Price for a Stock everyday so that I dont need to watch market whole day. But when I inquired Support, they said either one of them is possible.
is there any other way we can achieve this?
All i need is to Set the limits and target and leave for the day.
Kindly advice
Hey Renganathan, that’s correct. You cannot place both target and SL for holdings and there is no other way I’m afraid.
Renganathan, I’m afraid not.
This is really awesome blog …very thoroughly explained in easiest way possible…loved the blog as any other from Zerodha…amazing.
Reason for picking this is…this happened to me last Thursday(12-Oct-2017) , I bought TVSELECT and later in evening got mail for stocks being short delivered from seller’s end and hence i didn’t receive the stock.
Now I had no clue about this, how come money got debited and I didn’t receive the shares. And in the same mail, there was this URL for understanding the issue. I read the block and now I’m clear that shares will appear in my demat holdings by 16th-Oct-2017(T+3) EOD , as 14th and 15th-Oct were weekend .
Thank you team. It’s enlightening. Request you to keep sending a daily mailer for individual topics so that we keep learning slowly. Regular mailers will help a lot.
I am new to BTST and is planning to start this. Kite app on mobile is the interface I use, if going with BTST will this work?
1) Buy 500 shares of X in CNC
2) Sell 250 shares of X in T+1 day in CNC from Holding
3) Sell 250 shares of X in T+2 day in CNC from Holding
Can these selling be done from Kite App holding tab? Or we have to do the BTST only on the Pi app only?
Is there any other tab/page which lists only the T1 and T2 holdings from where we can sell it directly.
Thank you guys for the platform.
Kumar, you can do this from any of our platforms. You can either click exit from holdings and edit the quantity or place sell orders.
Ref. to previous topic, I think you are not got my point, I asking about charges what is the charges and any penalty for CNC Monday buy Monday sell, T+1, T+2, and any calculator available to you for this, if I convert from cnc to Mis any charges and penalty have there if yes how much, pls ans for all quires in details.
If you are selling on T+1 or T+2 no brokerage will applicable but the normal statutory charges will be. You can calculate this yourself using the brokerage calculator. There are no charges for order conversion. Also, I think you should check out the Kite user manual for more.
this things is asked by many people you also given ans although I want to know, Buy by CNC Monday sell on it Monday or Tuesday or Wednesday what is deduction or penalty for each case and any company’s limitation? if yes how its know. and Monday’s buy share sowing in mobile app portfolio-holding portion, in mobile app BTST option where, and what is btst during buy there have no this type of option so why its term (BTST) is coming , how login into demat account portion, I have already trading login and q-back office login is it same to Demat account.
Shuvankar, BTST is put simply buying a stock today and selling it tomorrow in the hope of making a profit. You will be able to see your BTST positions in holdings and you will see a label T1.
I purchased 19 shares of yes bank on Thursday (5th Oct) at average price of Rs. 361.93 per share and sold it at Rs. 365.95 per share on Friday (6th Oct). So as per calculations I made a profit of Rs. 76.38. But the profit is showing up in my account.
Jestin, brokerage and statutory charges will be applicable. You can check your contract note for a detailed breakdown.
Sir plz tell me whether E group stocks have more liquidity or group A stocks. which category among A&E is MORE SAFE for BTST to avoid short delivery/ auction penalty?
Aamir, check this post to know the basis of stock categorization. So, A group comprises of the most popular stocks.
SIR IN BTST. IF I BUY FOR EG. TATA POWER 1000 SHARES AT 5TH OCT 3.28PM @ Rs 78 per share and i sell it tmoro
at 9.20 am @80 rs— then i gained a profit of 2k . And if i again want to buy at 3.28pm on 6th oct n say if the price is 82 then do i need to cover this 2k loss n take fresh postion….if this happens what is the use. i want to do this daily with equal amount and equal no. shares.. plz clarify.
At any point, you need to have funds equalling no of shares X quantity.
Hi Nithin,
One question.
Why is STT so high for a Delivery trade when compared to F&O?
Jestin, STT is decided and levied by the central govt.
Sir is intraday trading as risky as BTST. What is the difference in the process?
Shubhkiran, in an intraday trade, you buy and sell on the same day. In a BTST trade, you buy today and sell tomorrow. I would suggest you check this out.
Hi sir ,
If I buy share on CNC and sell on same day like intraday so am I ready for auction penalty.
How much is auction penalty charges in case of BTST ?
The penalty is only in case of short delivery. There is no fixed penalty. The difference of price at which exchange buys stock in auction and your selling price, the difference you have to make good of. On auction day, it depends on price of stock and liquidity. Sometimes it can be 20% higher, sometimes 0.
Dear Sir,
I am not able to see the latest PL Statement and Tax PL statement from back-office. What is the frequency of updation and/or is there any issue currently going. Any workaround or any timeline when this get sorted out.
You should be able to see it every day. Can you email [email protected] with your client ID.
How much is the auction penalty that will be charged for say 1000 shares of VISASTEEL in case of BTST?
Tough to say. It depends on the demand of stock on auction day.
Today i have bought 50shares of sms pharma as CNC and today only i sold the same stock in CNC type but after that when i ordered to buy any other stock then it goes to open order i.e.it didn’t get executed.
Are my funds got blocked or anything else happened.
And also is there any risk attached if i sold on same day in cnc trading.
Hi Anas, The only time an order can go into Open status is if you’ve mentioned a price at which you want the order to be executed but such price isn’t available in the market. Eg: If you’ve placed an order to buy a stock at 110 when the ltp of the stock is 120, such an order will be an open order in your order book. There’s no issue if you buy and sell the stock under product code CNC, it’ll be considered an intraday trade, unless it’s a T2T scrip in which case, buy & sell in CNC will not be considered an intraday trade since it’s compulsory to give delivery and then receive delivery for all T2T scrips.
today i sold 8 shares of dixon tech which i got through.
i sold in cnc and shares still showing in position.
kindly tell more about it.
The position tab indicates your position for the day, and since you’ve sold shares, they would be showing with a minus (-) under your position tab. If you’ve received allotment in the IPO, then they’ll get debited from your demat account.
today i purchased 250 shares – JP [email protected],3:28pm in cnc
im allowable to sell these shares tomorrw?
if yes how i will be charged
is there any penalty i have to pay for selling before T+2
Yes you can sell this tomorrow. But there will be small risk of short delivery. Check this post.
hi, if i buy some shares as BTST, next day can i convert this position to CNC ?
To do BTST, you have to buy shares as CNC itself.
Consider a stock xyz which is not available for MIS order and I have bought it as CNC order. If I want to sell it on the same day then is it possible to do so?
I tried selling it as CNC but the order gets cancelled with the reason: check holdings, no holdings present
and with MIS the reason was: blocked for nse mis blocked
Is there any way to exit the position on the same day??????
Vibhor, certain stocks which are in T2T can’t be sold until delivery is taken. So not possible to sell same day. Check this.
So if I bought on Monday then I could sell only after Wednesday? And will the stop loss order I placed be of any use until Wednesday?
And Sir, is the exceptional list “MIS (1x) allowed on all stocks except for those on “THIS LIST” gets updated regularly?
Because on Friday I traded one stock intraday but today I am unable to trade the same stock on intraday basis.
They’ll hit your demat account Wednesday which means you can sell on Thursday onwards.
The list of stocks on which you can trade Intraday is here: https://zerodha.com/margin-calculator/Equity/
You said that I can sell the stocks only after getting delivery i.e. from Thursday onwards but it got sold with CNC order type today(Monday) itself on the Stop Loss price which I had set for that stock.
I was unable to sell the stock on limit/mkt. order type both on MIS & CNC but to my surprise, it got sold on the Stop Loss order.
Can you tell me the reason how this happened?
Will I face any penalty for this or should I stop worrying about this?
CNC/MIS/NRML are different product codes allotted by brokers to facilitate clients to identify if it’s a delivery/intraday purchase. At the Exchange level, there’s no concept called CNC/MIS etc. So if you buy on CNC & sell on CNC the same day, it’ll be an intraday trade.
If it’s an Intraday trade, there’s no delivery obligation and hence no risk of auction.
Ok, that means I can buy any T2T stock as CNC and sell it with Stop Loss on the same day without facing any problem.
No, you can’t 🙂 T2T scrips are compulsory delivery scrips, which means that even if you effect an Intraday transaction, you’ll have to deliver what you’ve sold and you’ll receive delivery of what you’ve bought. T2T trades aren’t netted off.
Oh no! 🙁 For the last two days I have been trading T2T stocks only.
So the brokerage and other charges will be charged as per the delivery equity norms?
Suppose i did not have stock and did short 4 shares of xyz @100 . According to my expectation price went down on same day up-to 95, then i bought same no of shares @ 95 from Mr. P.
In 1st scenario , if seller Mr. P delivered 4 shares on T+2 day, then whether i would be consider as defaulter or not to deliver share , although i have share in my Demat on T+2?
In 2nd scenario, if seller Mr P did not deliver me 4 share on t+2 day, then who would be defaulter either me or seller Mr. P?
If you’ve bought the stock, then your transaction is said to have been completed; in this case it’ll be construed as an Intraday trade; and no deliveries get impacted.
Hi Nithin,
I appreciate, all the efforts Zerodha is taking to deliver Brokerage free platform. I just want to highlight one concern regarding Average Price calculation, which I believe is incorrect and creates lots confusion while buying and selling Stocks.
For E.G
Mr. A Bought 1000 Shares of Stock A @ 95.50 and considering tax and all it came around Rs. 96 per Share
Avg Price is Rs 96 Per Share
After few Days stock price of Stock A goes down and 1000 Shares Bought @ Price of 79.60 and including tax it comes @ Rs 80 Per Share.
Now Mr. A Holds 2 Lots of 1000 Shares ~ 2000 Shares with Average Price of Rs 88/- Per Share
Few Days after Mr. A Sold 1000 Shares @ Price of 87 Per Share which means Avg Price of Remaining shares i.e. 1000 Shares should go up from Rs 88 Per Share to Rs 96 Per Share, whereas I have noticed it’s coming Down to 83/84 .. this is just an eg… 🙁 🙁
Could you and your team please look into this matter, for smooth and Rapid Transaction.
I am not able to view any shares which has gone past T2 days. Where will I be able to see. Please help me. Client ID: ZA4244
Kaushal, looks like your demat is not yet mapped. You may not have sent your POA document yet. Can you email [email protected] for account related issues.
1.i have just applied for opening an account with zerodha how many days will it take to complete the process
2.if i buy a stock as CNC and sold the same stock on same day as CNC(like intraday) then when will be funds be credited to my account………………………………..on same day or onT+2 day
1. If you have gone through the aadhar process, in 1 day.
2. Any profit will be credited same day, you can withdraw it from your account only the next day.
Dear sir,
I am confused in that is it possible to do stbt without having shares in demat account..
Example i sell today in CNC and i can buy tommrow ..??and book profit..
Not possible to do STBT without holding stocks in demat.
, I have one question about account. My question is that why you are not providing margin facility for delivery for short term. i.e 5 Days or 7 days like other brokers. It will be helpful for small traders like me. Thanks.
We have plans to start this Amol.
Hello Nithin/Zerodha,
Very detailed still easy to understand article. Quick question,how exactly DP charges are calculated. For example, if i have 100 shares (1000rs each) of reliance in my DMAT and I try to sell 100 shares at the price of 1006 each, will I incur loss due to the fact that DP is RS 13/share. (100*1006) – (100*13) .
Buy price – 100*1000=100000
Sell price- (100*1006) – (100*13) = 99300
Ansh, Rs 13 is not per share. Rs 13 is for the day when you sell a stock from your demat irrespective of the quantity. So in your example, if you sold 100 shares of Reliance, it would be just Rs 13 as DP charges.
Great,thanks for the clarification Nithin. From your experience, how risky do you feel BTST is? considering below space for probability,how many times out of 100 do you feel penalty will be incurred? This is something that many people may want to know,however risk related info is very scarce online
1- Playing with nifty share
2- small quantities , say 500 shares/day.
Chances of short delivery on Nifty 50 shares is maybe once every 1000 times. This keeps going higher as the stock being traded is of lower repute. So if you are doing BTST on penny stock, it can be as high as 20 to 50 every 1000 times.
Hello, can you please answer a few of my questions regarding this?
Case 1:
Say I buy 100 INFY today (20th) as CNC. And I sell them tomorrow (21st). What charges do I pay in this case?
Brokerage = 0 or 0.01%/20?
STT = 0.1% both sides or 0.025?
DP Charges = Nil or 13?
My best guess (as per my understanding) is that you’ll charge 0.01/20 as brokerage and 0.025. And DP charges will remain nil.
Case 2: Say I buy 100 INFY today (20th) as CNC. And I sell them day after tomorrow (22nd). I am selling them before the delivery i.e sometime around 1 PM.
How do the charges change in this case? Do I encounter DP charges? And what do I pay as Brokerage and STT? Talking of both the days i.e. buy day and sell day.
Case 3: I buy 100 INFY at 100 today (20th) as CNC. I sell 100 tomorrow in the morning for 150. Then price fells and I buy 100 INFY again at 120.
How will you charge brokerage? As 0 on 20th, 0.01%/20 on 21st? Or some other way?
How about STT? 0.1% or 0.025?
DP Charges = Nil or 13?
Please provide a detailed answer as you can. I do not want to be wasting your time again by asking again and again.
Case 1:
Brokerage will be 0 since it’s a delivery trade
STT = 0.1% on both sides since STT is charged for delivery trades
DP Charges = Nil since it’s a BTST trade.
Case 2:
All charges will remain as above, DP charges will be charged if you sell on T+2 day.
Case 3:
Day 1 will be considered a delivery trade and charges charged as above.
Day 2 will be an Intraday trade, no DP charges for the sale transaction. STT will be Intraday STT @ 0.025% on sell side.
Thanks you so much! One thing more – How do i differentiate and find out if I’m on T+1 or T+2 day? Because to what I can remember, all holdings show as T1 till they are delivered.
Yes, all holdings show as T1 till they are delivered.
The day you buy the stock, it’s T day. T+1 and T+2 are the 2 working days after the day you’ve bought the stock.
I am new to zerodha and purchased 25 shared of infosys and 100 shares of jpassoxciates. The orders got executed. But when i checked in night hhe sell’orders got executed during close of market. Not sure zhat option i selected during buy order. Can you please help me in understanding this. Thank You.
There are different product codes under which you can buy sell – CNC, MIS, NRML etc. You can read more about it here: https://support.zerodha.com/kb/faq.php?id=150
I’m guessing you’ve bought the stock under product type MIS which is our intraday product code which is why your position was closed just before market close.
I had 20 shares of jk tyres which i bought at 148.5.Today I sold 20 at 141.2.So My loss should be 146.But its keeps on increasing as the price of jk tyres increases.Want clarity on this
Hi ,
What if I buy commodity stock in Normal on Monday ? Can I sell it On tuesday ? Can I do BTST in commodity ?
In futures and options there is no concept of delivery. So it is not commodity stock, it is commodity futures. And yes, you can sell immediately, next day or anytime till expiry. Do go through the F&O module here: https://zerodha.com/varsity/
Please make it in hindi language. to understand ezily
One query…. Does zerodha charges for CNC to mis conversions and vice versa
No charges for conversion.
Case1 – If I bought a share on Monday and sold it on Wednesday,will it lead to a short delivery.As I sold it on Wednesday,I have to give delivery by Friday evening.
Case 2- If something goes wrong when I bought on monday(short delivery) and sold it on Wednesday,then I could be able to get it on T+3 Thursday,but I have to give this delivery by Friday evening,will it lead to short delivery.
1. Very less chances, but it is still there.
2. Sometimes instead of settling in stock, exchange settles in cash in case of auction. If it is settled in cash, then yeah on friday you will have no stock to give. Extremely small risk, but it is there.
Nice and informative.
Since you have bought and sold, there is no short delivery chance.
Since you’ve bought & sold, it’s considered an intraday trade (unless it’s a T2T scrip) and there’s no obligation, so no chance of auction.
No issues.
If a stock is trading in T2T, you will see the price change when you add the T2T scrip. You can also check here https://www.nseindia.com/products/content/equities/equities/equities.htm, click on current market reports and download the EQ/T2T report.
I bought 100 shares @ Rs:120 yesterday. 1 share raised Rs:30 (120+30= 150) today, how to sell the shares today without risk and any passible?
Hmm.. if you sell before getting delivery (2 days), you will have the short delivery risk. If you sell after 2 days, no risk.
I bought a stock(CNC) yesterday and sold it today(BTST). why is it transferred from holdings to positions(looks like shorted) instead of getting squared off. what are the implications. Any help would be great.
You can ignore this, check this link.
Thanks for the reply. I read the link but one thing I don’t understand. If I buy back the holdings the same day, will the price of my holdings get affected or will it still be the same price at which I bough initially?
If buy back same day, holdings won’t be affected. It will be treated intraday.
I bought Berger paints for 254.20 on Friday 21st July and sold it for 256 on monday 24th July.
On 24th after the sell. I bought Berger paint for 253.6 again. But Zerodha is not updating average price to 253.6 it is sitting there @254.2. What was the point of buying it for 253.6 when Zerodha will not give it for my buy price?
And what will happen if I bought for 255 instead of 253.6. Will it update then? or will give me at a price of 254.2 instead of 255. Where the difference money goes in?
Which order is Intra day in it?
Abhilash, only if there is a net buy or sell at end of the day will your holdings get affected. If not, all of them will be treated as intraday trades. In this case, your sell at 256 and buy back at 253.6 would have resulted in a profit of Rs 2.4 per share. This profit would have been credited into your trading account. The holdings price will continue to remain the same.
Auction issue is the same with all brokers. If you buy today and sell tomorrow this risk is always there.
thanks sir ……
I do not see an option to do BTST in Kite app, how do i go about doing so with a T1 holing?
Either go to watchlist, select a stock and hit sell for the quantity using CNC. Go to holdings and click exit holdings. There is no separate CNC option, the way you buy, same way you have to sell.
Hello sir.
Currently I am doing delivery basis transactions and now will do Future for the first time. Can we do BTST in future trade & if yes then lets say I bought 1 lot of reliance today but sell on tomorrow itself then are there any charges or penalty that I have to pay?
In futures there is no concept of delivery and all. SO no issues.
Hello Nithin,
On 13th of July I sale(MIS) 300 shares of CDSL @441.05. On the same day CDSL has touched the upper circuit due to which my 300 CDSL shares has been moved to auction. I waited till T+3 day but on 17th July I got an auction note saying my 300 CDSL shares has been buyed at @483.07 where as on 17th July CDSL has not been crossed above 395. So here my question is how my 300 CDSL shares has been bought @483.07 where as on 17th July it has not crossed 395. For this I bare a huge loss of Rs 12606.
Please help me to understand this scenario..
This auction happens by the exchange, so there are times when it is much higher in % than actual market price.
Dear Nithin,
Thanks for explaining so do you mean that we can convert intraday positions into STBT/ATST if want to do so, The intraday margin will intact in this case? example…I bought shares of 1.40 lakhs with margin of 14x(actual amt in account=10k) so if at 3:15pm I think to convert intraday into delivery(STBT/ATST) for all shares, can I do it using same 14x margin and 10k funds?
No, you will need to have full money if you want to buy and full stocks if you want to short.
Hi sir…
Im trading under zerodha…have one doubt..
if i by under CNC On monday n sell it on monday itself…n if i buy as CNC on monday n sell on tuseday….in both cases, whether the chances of auction penalty is same, or it increases when i sell next day, as in 2nd case…
If you buy and sell on same day, there is no chances of auction penalty. But it is if you buy on monday and sell tuesday before getting delivery.
What r the chances of penalty in BTST…is tere people with such penalty….i buy d share at closing time, n sell at opening…but after reading this, afraid to do so….plz, give probability of such penalty n if possible no. of people with such prnalty, each day ….thanku in advance…
Luck of draw. But chances are lesser in the top 500 stocks.
I want to buy between 9:00 AM and 9:15 AM like pre booking/selling. but when I placed the order in kite.zerodha.com at 9:08 AM everytime it is getting Rejected, can you tell me how to buy between 9:00 AM and 9:15 AM and will there be any additional charges for prebooking?
I also wanted to know if I put a stop loss SL-M for stock at price 100 and if I put a SL-M trigger to 90 and if stock suddenly jumps from 100 to 80. will my stock sold at existing higher price market price BID like 95 rupees / existing Lower market price BID like 60,70. please elaborate on this
You can’t place orders after 9.08 AM. Check the video on after market orders here.
As soon as the trigger is hit at 90, a market selling order is sent. Stock will sell at whatever is the best price. Check the video on SL as well.
will there be any additional charges for pre booking?
Best price means higher price?
No additional charges.
Dear sir,
I want to know, suppose if i buy any stock on suppose monday and sell it say first case on tuesday, second case on wednesday then when ( in both cases) the corresponding amount obtained by selling shares will be credited back to my account so that i can use same amount for another buying. I hope you got my question.
Thank you very much.
You get money to buy more shares immediately. But if you want to withdraw, it takes 2 days from when you sell.
Hello Nithin Kamath
The information is very good.
For example, I have about 200 shares of a company and purchased using CNC and shares are now in DEMAT account. Now can I buy today and sell tomorrow 200 shares of same company and reduce the risk of short selling/short delivery/auction penalty/auction risk?
Thank you.
In the above situation of short delivery involving 3 parties, it is clear that if 2nd party fails to deliver, he will be at fault and penalised by the exchange. Similarly, will the 1st party be penalised and will that be paid to 2nd party?
Yes, it will.
Do you mean that the 2nd party will receive the penalty from 1st party even if he hasnt held it in demat a/c before selling to 3rd party (I mean btst) ?
Ah no, there is no concept of one party receiving penalty from another. If anyone defaults on delivery exchange collects the stock in auction, and in auction the rates are usually higher, so the person short delivering ends up paying more like a penalty.
I need one clarification please.
If I buy a stock on day “T” and sell them on “T+1” as BTST and that “T+1” day happens to be ex-Divided date would I still receive my Dividend. As I understood I will not receive any delivery of my shares in my Demat account for the above, hence bit not clear.
No, you won’t. Check this post.
I found another post in the chain of FAQs which suggests to the contrary that I will receive Dividend, so please clarify will I receive dividend or not for BTST cases falling on ex-dividend date ?
Correction to what Nithin’s said, you will be eligible to receive dividends. As Akshay’s mentioned on the tradingqna post, your broker will receive it and will credit it to your trading ledger.
Hi Bina,
You had a very good question. I am eager to know the confirmed answer for this if you have. Thanks in Advance.
I saw in zerodha posts that If I buy shares using CNC, I can also sell on same day using CNC. I just want to know below few scenarios.
First Scenario related question:
if I buy 100 shares using CNC at 800 rupees and sell all 100 shares on same day at 810 rupees using CNC.
all the three below questions related to above mentioned buying process.
1. what happens if no one is ready to buy the shares even if the price is quoting at 810 rupees at market closing time?
2. will there be any STBT/others charges if no one is ready to buy on that same day as there are no buyers?
3. I saw the zerodha brokerage calculator for delivery, if I buy 100 shares using CNC at 800 rupees and sell all 100 shares on same day at 810 rupees using CNC. the total tax is 167.45 rupees.
3.a) does zerodha charge this 167.45 at the time of BUYING or SELLING also?
3.b) what will be the charges if I sell 20 shares for 5 times on same day?
please answer these four questions
1. You will end up taking delivery of the stock.
2. No additional charge, just that STT for equity delivery trades is higher. 0.1% compared to 0.0125% if intraday.
3. Both buying and selling. If you sell intraday using CNC, the charges will still be intraday.
Brokerage will be 0.01% or Rs 20/trader whichever is lower for each of those 5 different trades.
What a great explanation here. Totally understood. So you have to check weather the stock you have bought previously got reflected on your demat account or not on T+2 daYs to make sure all going well if you have sold it on T+1 daYs to settle it with exchange in (T+3 morning) so that you yourself will not be a defaulter. It’s very annoying when you have purchased something but not getting it on time (by T+2 daYs evening) due to the fact that someone else being a victim of defaulter. But hey that’s the waY system works right. Be in a liquid stock always. Happy trading 🙂
If i have to go for BTST, should i select or tell you guys to enable the BTST feature ?? How do i place the order? Can i use MO, LMT O??
BTST is same everywhere, it works same with Idirect or us.
Dear Sir, i have a doubt exp: i buy a lot of auropharma future on Monday (Normal) can i sell Tuesday morning through BTST ?
If you buy futures you can sell it next min or next day or anytime until expiry day. No issues. Check this module on F&O on varsity
what is settlement value which is showing in ledger in EQ Segment and how its calculate?
You would have received a day bill which will have calculation of settlement value. Check your email inbox. Essentially it is credit if you have sold shares and debit if bought – including all charges.
Hi Nitin ji,
I bought some shares of Flora Corp on 06/06/2017, but now I am unable to sell those as every time the Order stays pending for the whole of the day and subsequently cancelled after the trading hours. Is there a way to come out of it despite of my losses.
Unless the stocks trade at your price, unfortunately no real way to exit.
Hi Nithin,
I think i understood what you have mentioned above in Blog.
I just have one question , hope you clarify the same.
I buy a share of ‘XYZ’ on Monday, Now i buy with intention that if price get shoot up i will sell on same day.
If price of stock does not move up or rather goes below my buying price i don’t want to sell same day rather i will keep that position open till stock get delivered.
So in above mention scenario, if i buy share with ‘CNC’ would be the best possible option for me. There is no conversion of Intraday position (as i am buying with CNC) so no higher STT charges and obviously no BTST.
Am i right ?? Please confirm.
Yes, you can buy as CNC and sell as CNC intraday, STT will be lesser as per intraday.
sir i there any rules how many shares i want to buy/sell and how much i want to invest in single company share for intraday and delivery
No Restrictions.
Hello, Is it possible to delete the data of the “rejected” orders from the order book ie the one’s that are displayed under executed orders and status shown as “rejected”? It is occupying un-necessary space/row and is of no consequence. Thanks
Ah not possible currently.
If I am doing intraday do i need to worry about BTST problems?
Not unless you short for intraday and stocks go circuit up.
Don’t need to worry. Only time you will have to is if you are holding an intraday position in stock and stock hits circuit. In which case you will end up holding position to the next day forcibly.
What is upper circuit?
If I have to evade short delivery should I/zerodha not be forced to square off my position with whatever price the stock is trading at EOD. For example I sold the shares at Rs. 800 and now the price is 850. Why should’nt I buy at 850 and book loss. Why am I in a circuit with no way out?
Kavitha, that is the risk of shorting. For us to square off your sell position, you have to be able to buy back the stock. But if no one is ready to sell at 850, you automatically short.
Sir . Nithin kamaht , i bought 495 shares of eros media on Tuesday 16/05/17 and sold it on Wednesday 17/05/17 .will i be penalised ? Plz do reply. Thank you
If what you bought on 16th, you don’t get delivery of it (the person who sold to you defaults), then there will be an auction to recover the shares you have sold. So you will have to wait till 18th to get to know about it.
Am i in trouble ??
Hi Nithin,
I have two questions–
1. Lets say if i buy 100 shares of Script A, today (Monday) and I will have my 100 shares in my DP by Thursday… Lets say if i sell 50 shares on Thursday and 50 Shares on Friday of Script A– Will I be paying DP charges twice (13+13), as i am not selling the shares in One GO?
2. If do a BTST for a Script B , how will i know, If my shares went for Auction or it went through the normal process.
1. Yes there will be DP charges twice
2. You will get to know next day from us. If stock not received for what was bought, we will email you.
Hi Nithin
good article.
But I have a doubt. i had purchase 100 shares by CNC today and sell tomorrow morning.
Question 1: how much charges will that have in case of CNC ?
Question2: can i Buy the same share in the evening before market close?
hope your reply
1. No brokerage charge as they are delivery trade.
2. Yes, if you do, that becomes a intraday trade for which we charge Rs 20 or 0.01% whichever higher per trade.
If I buy 10 share of reliance and sold 5 share of reliance after 10 days .
Is dp charge applicable ?
Yes Ashok, It’ll be applicable. The stocks would have been credited to your demat account and when you sell it gets debited from your the account and hence you’d incur a DP charge. If you sell it the next day, then it’s not applicable. Check this: https://tradingqna.com/t/dp-charges-and-stt-charges/5637
Hi Nitin,
Wonderful article.
I have following questions:
1. There are some stocks, even when the order is complete (bought in CNC), I am not able to sell them on the same day or the next day. I can sell only after I get the delivery. i.e. T+2. Reason? at least it should allow me to do intraday.
2. Why there is no margin on particular stock in MIS?
Thank you.
1. If stocks are in T2T category, exchanges block intraday trades on them. Typically penny stocks.
2. Again, MIS can be offered only on stocks which exchanges allow.
Hi Sir, can we sell Adlabs in BTST or On Tplus2 day? Thanks !
i have 100 share of sbi in demat,
I sell 50 share in cnc and buy 50 share next day,
is it stbt?
do i have to pay demat charge on it, as quantity still remain same?
Me too have the same query
Yeah, since you have sold and hold position overnight, we end up debiting demat next day morning. There would be a DP charge on such trade. What you sold on Monday has to be given to exchange by wednesday, what you bought on tuesday, comes to your account only on thursday.
Is there any immediate means to check whether any unpleasant consequence has occurred as a result of BTST transaction?
Your reply is highly appreciated with due thanks,
No immediate means, you will get to know only on T+2 days whether the person you the shares short delivered or not.
how to do intraday in zerodha .I am new to this can you please help me by giving one example with screen shot.using zerodha kite
Can you check our youtube channel we have daily demos and video playlists. https://www.youtube.com/user/zerodhaonline
I am being charged DP charges for sales done on T2 also. I thought sells on both T1 and T2 will not attract DP but only from T3. Please help. Thanks
DP charges will apply if you sell on T2. It’ll also apply if you sell on T1 if you have the same stock in your holdings. This is to ensure that the client doesn’t suffer the risk of auction in a BTST trade. If you have previous holdings, then we debit them instead of settling the BTST trade. This ensures that you don’t face any losses because of auction.
I loved your post. Although I just want to know that what if I buy shares On Thursday. Will be waiting for your reply
Would you help me with the context of this question? I’m unable to relate it to the above post.
How do we figure out in kite whether the stock is a Group A Liquid stock before buying?
The scrip group doesn’t show on Kite yet.
I have bought shares of Suzlon .
Can I sell those in Btst ? Please reply.
Thanks .
Yes, you can.
I have purchased some share in equity using CNC option yesterday. My target is not reached yet. When am trying to place a limit sale order for the same quantity in CNC . My order is getting repeatedly rejected. How could I sell my shares ?!!
Would help if you could let us know the rejection reason.
in ATST, what brokerage is charged. Intraday or Delivery
Delivery Brokerage.
HI Nithin,
In Dashboard Under holdings, Is it possible to show only P&L and hide total investment and current value as it avoids someone /colleagues accidentally seeing the total investment and current value which avoids unwanted attention on person’s financial status.
there is something that needs to be looked upon in ‘forgot password’ section. the password and reset password was visible in URL when the page was reloaded. It shouldn’t happen. have screenshot of the same if you required.
best regards
Can you email me on [email protected]
Hi Zerodha,
Can you please provide any link where i can obtain the list of the all shares which are in T2T segment and which are in Normal Trading segment for BSE and NSE. ???
Thank You.
Hey Himanshu,
You can find out all the securities trading in the T2T segment on the NSE site. Check this link for more.
Thank You zerodha.
If i bought some shares today and sold shares on the next day, Whether funds will be available immediately for me to do next trade or i have to wait for T+2 DAYS and in Zerodha can we trade in NCDEX ?
I have bought some shares yesterday, today is the ex date for the share’s dividend. The stock is showing T1. Am I eligible for dividend?
No. When you bought the stock yesterday, you would have bought it ex-dividend. Check this link.
Hi Nithin,
Thanks for a lot for such wonderful blog and your service.
Since I am new in Zerodha and espceially, new in this market, I contacted many time your customer service and got reply within a good time limit.
I have some quarries please reply
1. If a person (say my spouse) has no income or very poor income from some temporary source (like tution etc) Zerodha and starts investment? (Assuming she got some initial investment money from some source)
2. If I buy some shares (say 10) on Monday @100 and some (say 10) @110 Wednesday, on Friday want to sell 10 (out of 20) only, is it BTST? Is there any risk like auction penalty etc? What will be avg. price then (100 or 105)?
3. I am an full time employee of other company, will be I treated as “active traders or businessman” for BTST?
4. Can I give my account details to my reliable relative so that he/she can operate my online trading, I mean is there any problem from legal point of view?
Thanking you again.
Please read 1. as
1. If a person (say my spouse) has no income or very poor income from some temporary source (like tution etc), Is she able to open an account in Zerodha and starts investment? (Assuming she got some initial investment money from some source)
1. Yes, she can.
2. BTST is when you buy on Monday and sell on Tuesday. If you receive delivery of the shares that you purchased on Monday, you can sell the same on Friday with no risk of auction.
3. It would depend on your trading activity. Here’s more on it to read: http://zerodha.com/varsity/chapter/classifying-your-market-activity/
4. It’s a risk you have to take, It’s similar to asking ‘Can I share my debit card and ATM Pin with my relative?’. You’ll have to do it at your own risk. There aren’t any legal implications as such since you’re sharing them voluntarily.
Thanks for your reply, but Q2 is still not clear, you did not mention anything about avg price.
Always FIFO is applied (first in first out). So if you sell on friday, what was bought on monday is adjusted for. So the buy average for the remaining 10 will be 110.
thank you for your reply
If i sell and buy on same day say Alkyl Amine. AND also have the investment position in same stock.
Is it confirmed true that my old (investment) position will not be treated as sold.
This is very important for me for taxation purpose.
Thanks in advance. Truly appreciate the passion with which you work.
No, if you sell and buy same day, it will be treated as intraday trade. Doesn’t affect your holdings.
Is the information given in this article still valid?
There is another BOX……saying……DELAYED PAYMENT ( Interest ) Charges.
For the Whole of LAST Year the AMOUNT is TOTALLY about Rs 15000. ( Fifteen Thousand ).
So…actually wanted to know what are these charges for…….????????
At present I do ONLY CASH BUY / SELL……… and BTST.
kindly clarify on these charges….
thanking you…..
The interest would be for such period where your account balance was negative. I can’t see any debit of Rs.15,000 though as you’ve mentioned.
Dear Nithin, Some of my orders automatically got cancelled and more than that what worrying me is my holdings are not displaying correctly. Ex: I bought LUPIN before some 4 days, all of a sudden today it is not listing under my holdings. I have created a support ticket 366307, but no response as of now. I am bit worried. Can you please help and try to get the issue resolved at the earliest.
Dear Nithin, Some of my orders automatically got cancelled and more than that what worrying me is my holdings are not displaying correctly. Ex: I bought LUPIN before some 4 days, all of a sudden today it is not listing under my holdings. I have created a support ticket 366307, but no response as of now. I am bit worried. Can you please help.
Thanks for immediate reply.
I bought Dlf stock at 146.50 and placed a sell limit MIS order at 148.70 , but it executed immediately
at 145.90. Now my question is why it got executed. In more information it’s showing trigger price 148.70
and avg. price as 145.90 . Does SL-M order sell gets executed above current price.
You have to use limit sellingorder and mention 148.7. If you use selling SL-M (stoploss order) and put trigger as 148.7, it will get triggered immediately and selling market order will be placed.
ZERODHA….has a great future…
I have a question ..
1 ) If I buy shares of BIG TOTAL VALUE ( say worth Rs one lakh ) ONLY for cash …. in CNC.
and.. then….sell It SAME DAY at a profit.
will this be considered as an INTRA-DAY TRADE.
what willl be the brokerage …..Rs TWENTY….plus govt duties….?????
Please clarify…..
Thanking you….
Yes, intraday. 0.01% or Rs 20 whichever is lower, so for 1lk it will be only Rs 10 for buying and Rs 10 for selling.
Sir, You are the best.. Helping small investors like me immensely..Its just not about the brokerage.. The entire experience, the knowledge you share is just superb. I wish you all the very best and really wish from the bottom of my heart that very soon you be declared as the biggest and best brokerage house of the country.
I am quite a new member of your brokerage firm. I was actually impressed with the no brokerage chg’s for equity investing concept and opened an account. All good. But since I do not buy many shares at one given time , it may be just 1 or 2 scrips of each company at a time, based on my financial circumstances. ( small time investor). Just yesterday I opened the ledger and to my dismay I see that there are DP charges (rs.15/-) levied for every transaction. Is this applicable for the sale of even 1 or 2 shares. In which case it’s a rip off. What do you suggest OR, what other way to circumvent this anomaly? Also why do you charge Rs.50/- for changing one’s profile details. It is not the case with many other brokers.
Check this link. DP charges are per debit transactions and it is a flat charge, no way to circumvent this. This is lowest among other brokers.
Hello Sir,
First I would like to thank you first for all services which Zerodha offers. Its awesome.
I wanted to understand about the brokerage charge.Let says I buy 100 shares of xyz company and hold it for a month or half year or long time so what would be the brokerage charge for the same.
Vikas Nawal
Vikas, we charge 0 brokerage for equity investing.
isn’t that 0.1………..because that is the charge that i see everytime on my contract notes as the brokerage charges. and i only do equity.
correct me, if i’m wrong.
The contract note shows a Rs 0.01 or 1 paise flat for every trade. The reason it shows 1 paise is because we can’t keep it as 0.
Hi Team,
Can someone please help me out to figure out the BTST stocks. what to check in the delivery volume and where to check the delivery volume and how to find out the inference out of the volume and how to take action on the same. Is there any website which will give all this information.
with regards,
Prabhu Selvaraj
Have you checked out http://zerodha.com/varsity/, not exactly on BTST, but will help you lot in learning what stocks to buy.
Can we do BTST from Kite?
can i do btst by using margin?
Hi Nithin,
How many people on a particular trading day on an average face Auction Penalty? … Just so that we can get an estimate.
hmm.. that is quite a broad question. I’d say the risk of doing BTST is 1 in 10 in case of not very liquid stocks, upto 5 in 10 on penny stocks, 1 in 100 on pedigree stocks.
Pls explain this very liquid,penny and pedigree stocks ?
penny stocks are those with marketcaps less than 200 to 300 crores. Pedigree are the Nifty top 200 stocks. Very liquid are Nifty top 500 stocks where there are atleast tens of thousands of trades everyday.
Got it sir…Thanks…!!!
Querie :
1.If i buy with CNC and sell on same day,will it be considered as BTST and the risk of penalty will effect me ?
2 if i buy on monday with CNC and sell it on Wednesday (T2) when i ll get amount back in my trading account and when i can buy with CNC again ?
3.If i buy on monday with CNC and sell it on Wednesday (T2).how much risky it would be ?
1. No, it’s considered an Intraday trade even though you’ve bought and sold in CNC. There’s no risk of penalty.
2. You’ll get the funds immediately. You can use it to make further purchases.
3. There’s still a degree of risk. If the Exchange settles your purchase through a cash credit owing to unavailability of shares, your sell trade will result in an auction. Always best to take delivery to demat and sell.
Thank you very much…!!!
In query no.2 If i do sell on Wednesday(on T2),i ll get funds into my trading account in Friday(T+2) as system.then how can i get funds immediately and make another purchase right away on Wednesday ?
Atin, when you buy on wednesday, exchange takes money from us on Friday morning. Hence we allow you to purchase immediately.
Got it sir…Thanks…!!!
I bought 10 shares on monday.
On tuesday I found my holdings the stock was listed but the quantity was zero.
I sold the shares on tuesday but a short position was initiated instead of selling.
hmm.. can you send such account specific queries to [email protected]. Also check this video on exit orders.
Hi Nithin,
In my Holdings, for some of them I see something like (T1:50) -1 or (T1:40) -1 for Qty.
And the current value of those holdings are (49)*(share value) and 39*(share value).
I don’t understand why the quantity is reduced by 1 in these holdings. Am I missing something here?
Hmm.. can you send such account specific queries directly to [email protected]
I am holding 10 share of a company in demat.If i buy 10 share as btst and want to sell only 10 share.Which share will consider ? Can i sell only T1 share ?
Whatever you sell first gets debited from your holdings. This is to avoid your sale resulting in an auction.
Dear Z Team,
suppose I sold my stocks (AMO) today, putting some limit and stock didn’t meet that limit price. Will my orders will be deleted after trading hours and I have to place sell order again next day?
Yes, all pending orders (normal and AMO) get cancelled at end of day.
Dear Nitin Sir
If I sell my stock BTST, when fund will appear in my account so that I can use them to buy fresh stocks?
You can buy fresh stocks immediately.
I hope someone will surely see my question. I bought a handful of stocks from BPCL & HDFC using the CNC option & the very next day they started popping up in holdings. I then Exited them the very next day from holdings & they went back under positions with negative quantities. Basically when I sold them, they should have inactivated & trading shouldn’t have allowed but I’m seeing those negative quantities as active. Why? Do I need to do something else to settle them as sold completely? Please explain.
i want to learn trade scrip language please guide
Dear Sir,
Please tell me how to find out best pullback stocks for swing trading?
Hello Sir…
Sir brought BANKNIFTY Dec Future yesterday under NRML, sold in the morning for a small margin, brought again and sold at the end of the day for a margin….just wanted to know if I have washed my hands off of the scrip at the end of day…again make fresh trade the next day…Thanks and Regards,
Nagaraj S
Yes, all your positions should have gotten closed on the basis of the trades you’ve said you executed.
I request the margin for BTST orders as like Intraday margins.
Hi there,
My question is whether I can sell my holding stocks on T+2 day?
as you mentioned, it is safe to sell the stock from T+3 onwards.
1. Is the risk more or less the same compared to T+1 day?
2. Will I be charged with the Demat account charge of holding shares (not be confused with STT) as technically I have sold my stocks before it hits my Demat.
1. The risk on selling on T+2 is lower than selling it on T+1.
2. Demat charges will be charged, Stock will hit your Demat account on T+2 and will get debited again if you’ve sold.
Thank you so much, I have joined Zerodha last week only and m finding everyone so helpful in this community.
Hello Sir,
Suppose i buy 100 share on Monday.
i sell those on Tuesday and again end of the day i bought 100 same share.
Wednesday it will still display T1:100 in holding
should i again sell this share ??
and on which day it will credit in my account?
is it after complete t+2?
Your trade of Tuesday will be considered an Intraday trade and the shares bought on Monday will continue to show under T1 holdings. These shares (bought on Monday) will get credited to your demat on Wednesday (T+2) and will start showing under Holdings on the trading platform from Thursday onwards.
Hello Venu,
Thanks for Reply
as per your answer is it possible to sell and buy same share(buy on Monday) on Wednesday??
Wednesday is T+2 day and in account will show Thursday so should i sell and buy on Wednesday?
Yes, you can. Whatever you buy and sell during the day is an Intraday trade that won’t affect your delivery position.
1. Suppose to i sell same share on Wednesday and forgot to buy again there is any problem is occur?
2. In my demat 10 share availabe of ABC company. and if i buy same 25 share and after sell 25 share as BTST that time which share is sell BTST or 10 from demat and 15 from BTST?
1. What happens if you buy shares intraday and hold it to the next day? Will it get automatically squared off at the end of the day or will it get converted to delivery?
2. What happens if you buy shares intraday but there are no buyers for the shares(in an ill-liquid stock)? Will there be a penalty? or will it become delivery?
1. If you’ve bought them under product code MIS (Intraday), they’ll automatically get squared off at the end of the day, provided there are buyers/sellers in the stock at the time of square off.
2. If you end up buying shares that hit circuits, you won’t be able to square if off for the lack of buyers. The purchase will result in a delivery and the stocks will hit your demat account. There’s no penalty for buying, you’ll only have to ensure that you have sufficient margins in the account to cover up the day’s debits, else interest would be levied for such debit balance.
Eg: Your account balance is RS.12000, you buy Stock X for Intraday on which you get 3X leverage. So effectively you buy stocks worth 36000 with only 12000 in the account. At the end of the day if you aren’t able to sell it, you’ve to take delivery of such stock. Your ledger gets debited for Rs.36000 leaving your net balance as -24000. You’ll have to bring in these funds failing which interest will get levied.
Penalty/Auction will happen only when you short sell stock and aren’t able to deliver it.
I am NRI and have demat and trading account with other provider. When I buy some shares, sometimes I do not get delivery of those shares because of short selling by someone I think, instead I get cash back. Am I right that this is the reason for not getting delivery of the shares?
You said somewhere that at Zerodha, this situation can not happen. It is sure to get shares even when there is short delivery. Am I correct in this? Can I open account with Zerodha as NRI?
Please clarify.
Yes correct, check this post.
Hmm.. it can happen at Zerodha as well. You buy shares on an exchange, where we will not know the counterparty. If he defaults, exchange will try getting the share in auction market on 3rd day. If they are not able to get, only then it is settled in cash (highly unlikely).
Yes, you can open an account as NRI with Zerodha.
Hi Nithin,
I am current NRE account holder with Zerodha, I would like to know , Is NRE account holder has the possibilities of doing BTST? as we are prevented from Intrday…
Hello sir…
When will u start STBT facility in zerodha….
If you have stocks in your demat, you can sell today and buy back tomorrow. Without stocks in demat, you can’t do STBT with anyone.
I had a question. If a company declares a rights issue with record date of say, 20th Dec (ex-date:19th Dec). Will I be eligible for the issue if I do the following BTST transactions:
18th Dec: Buy x shares
19th Dec (ex-date): Sell x shares
Thanks in advance
No, to get any corporate action benefit, you need to be holding the stock in your demat account on the record date.
Dear sir,
Many broking firms allowing to their customers to keep the BTST items for one week – provided a small amount of interest is charging after the T+2 sessions! Whether such any facilities we could expect form zerodha, if so please explain.
Yeah, hopefully in 3 to 4 months. We are working on launching our new backoffice/reporting tool, once done we will look into this.
Hi Sir,
I bought Ashoka Refineries Ltd. 200 shares on 4th Nov and i choose CNC. This is been short delivered i think. In current position what should i do to exit the position.
You should have received delivery of the stock subsequently or credit of funds to your ledger in lieu of the stocks.
I received the delivery since it is showing in my holdings but am not able to sell what might be the possible reason, is it because it is not a liquid stock. The avg value LTP and Current value all are 0.
Stock isn’t liquid, you’ll have to wait till you find a buyer.
I had bought Dish TV, 215 Nos. @ Ra 120.00 in 2015. On 11.11.16, I bought Dish TV, 68 Nos, @ 87.50, which I may sell in the coming days if it reaches my target. However, in the holdings both the trades are put to gether showing a quantity of 283 Nos. Pls.advise, how to sell the 68 Nos. bought on 11.11.16. Because, if I sell 68 Nos., in the normal way, there are chances that 68 Nos., out of 215 Nos, will be sold, resulting in loss to me. Kindly reply.
Suresh, all stocks once they hit the demat are grouped together. IF this is for taxation purpose, FIFO (first in first out) is used to determine what you are selling. So yes, automatically what was bought first will be considered to be sold when u sell. So you can’t really do what you are asking for. You can’t select the latest 68 that you bought an say that you will sell that. (even IT deparatment won’t consider this).
Hi Nithin,
I have a query on BTST. If I buy a stock on Monday in CNC and sold it on Wednesday don’t u think there would not be any risk of short selling. As even if there is any auction it would be over by T+3 i.e. Thrusday and by the time my selling settlement occurred on Friday I have stocks in demat a/c. Secondly what would DP & STT charges in such case.
Yes, the risk is reduced to almost 0 if selling on T+2 day. The only issue could be when on the auction day, instead of getting stocks, you are settled in cash.(This is possible when exchanges don’t get stock in auction). So now you have cash instead of stocks, and if you have to deliver, you are still short. But this happens very very rarely.
Dear Mr.Nithin,
I would like you to confirm my below conclusion for the above article.
Conclusion: So if I buy stock based on CNC, to avoid auction penalty, it is better to sell on the same day ( considered as Intraday not ATST/BTST) or after delivery.
Hello Sir..
Want to correct the above query…
If I feel that a share price may go down at the end of the day, which I don’t hold or own, can I sell that in the morning…and If yes…what happens at the end of the day..do I get that share into my demat a/c, or it is squared of just as a trade and my account is in debit/credited with loss/profit…
Nagaraj, you can sell/short a stock for intraday using product type MIS. All MIS orders are covered by 3.20pm, so it is bought back. This way end of the day your net position is 0
[…] this post that explains the risk of selling stocks before taking delivery or when they are showing in T1. […]
Dear Kamath,
First I would like to thank you first for all services which Zerodha offers. Its awesome.
I wanted to understand whether we can do ST/BT. Selling it today and buying tomorrow?
Many a times we understand that particular stock is going to fall in coming days. So it gives an opportunity for ST/BT.
Is it possible to do so? How to do it?
Roshan, not possible unless you already hold stock in your demat.
Why aren’t we allowed to do ATST/BTST trade in the OFFER FOR SALE shares. I was told by your team that we can sell OFS shares only when they are credited to the demat account.
There seems to be some confusion. You can do BTST trades.
It was showing the stock in trading account on Monday but on Tuesday it stopped showing. When I contacted support they told that it will show only when it gets into demat account. When I asked why it was showing on Monday(T+1 day) they were themselves not sure about it. As a result I was not able to sell it on Tuesday(T+2 day) and had to wait for wednesday to sell that.
Suppose I buy 10 shares of ABC on 1st oct and is being delivered to demat account and then again 10 shares of ABC on 20th oct . If I sell 10 shares on 21st oct , will it be BTST trade or will it be debited from demat account.
Is there an option to execute a BTST trtade instead of demat debit in such a case?
We’ll debit it from your demat. This is to avoid the risk of possible auction.
can sell with t1 holding ?
For Example: Reliance Buy on Monday and sell Tuesday
When exactly im able to complete my trade ? t1 status, t2 status ? t3 status ?
Yes, you can. There’s a risk though in selling before taking delivery of stocks.
please provide bse and nse option in one stock only directly to avoid delay by selecting seperatel bse itc and nse itc diferently.
please provide buyback option in kite to sell stocks under buyback directly
Buyback can’t really be done online like the way you are asking for.
please provide btst stocks list in kite so that it is helpful to buy quickly after 3pm
Sivaji, we allow BTST on all stocks (except T2T).
Please remove the loss or profit amount after stock is sold in postions which is confusing always.it is not a need to any customer.
I would like to ask that if I buy stock in CNC, the same stock can I sell as intraday, BTST or later?
also when stocks showing in my holding there not showing that these stocks are available for BTST.
Hi Mr. Nithin, My query is, if I bought 500 share @250 in CNC & sold it tomorrow @254. Now it is showing in my open position like -500 @254 & again bought it same day @ 246, again sold in @246.5 same. Will I get all profit or what?? Plz explain. Totally confused.
Yes,you get to keep the sum of all such gains you make.
[…] BTST/ATST( Buy/Acquire Today Sell tomorrow ) – Zerodha – Traders, In this blog we shall talk about BTST/ATST which stands for Buy Today / Sell Tomorrow or Acquire Today / Sell Tomorrow. This is a facility offered by most of … […]
So, we have an option to buy shares as delivery, so my question is what other option we have to buy shares, instead of delivery?
And my second question is, what option should i choose if i want to hold the shares for long term..?
Thank you..
You can buy shares for intraday as well. You need to use CNC if you want to buy shares for long term.
Nice article, worth reading
Hi, I have a query. If I buy a stock for intra day trading in NRML/MIS on Monday and sell it within the same day. Would I be levied a fine if the person I am buying the stock from does not deliver shares to my DEMAT account by Wednesday? I understand that this fine will be levied if I am using CNC, however will this fine be levied even if I am using NRML/MIS?
Ashish, as long as you are able to buy and sell on the same day (irrespective of whatever product type you use), you will have no obligation/counterparty risk.
Thank you Nithin. 🙂
If any buyer is not available for CNC sell order how long i have to kept CNC order. Is there any other procedure to exit CNC order anyhow
You just have to place an order and hope someone buys.
I had bought 8 shares of v-guard on 29th August for 1=1826 as cnc. on 30th August v-guard shares split into 10 share for one share ratio(10:1) and started trading from 1= 178, at the same time holding showed only 8 shares and when it reached 1=192 I sold it. Now after T+3 days(30,31,1,2) I have only 8 shares money. where is my other 72 shares? had Wrote to support @zerodha and got advice to read this blog. but didn’t get the answer.so help.will i get 72 shares and at which price.?
As I am new for this field so I need to clarify few doubts.
1. How can we identify the liquid stocks, as you mentioned that the risk of BTST will be quite less on them.
2. If we do BTST then the STT charges will be for Intra-day or Delivery.
3. As you said for the case of Delivery, the shares will be credited to the Demat Account on T+2 day (between 2PM to 2:45PM). Is there any chance to credit the shares to the Demat Account before the mentioned time?
4. If the shares credited to the Demat Account and after that if I sell then the DP charges of Rs.15.53 will be taken. If suppose I do BTST (shares not credited to the Demat Account) then the DP charges will be taken?
5. Some times after buying the shares, the “Margin Used” shows negative value. Why and in which case?
6. If suppose I buy few shares as MIS, the brokerage charges of Zerodha will be applicable. On the end of the I thought to convert the positions as CNC of the same shares then on that case the brokerage charges of Zerodha will be taken?
1. Try to be in the top 200 stocks. Check this list.
2. Delivery
3. Exchange delivers around this time, so not possible before unless the seller is also a Zerodha client (internal adjustment).
4. Yes DP charges on BTST also, as the shares credit is taken into demat for BTST as well.
5. I guess you mean, after selling shares it shows negative value. Negative margin blocked value is like positive margin to buy stocks.
6. IT will be considered delivery if you hold it for overnight.
thanks for prompt response sir,but what about the other taxes.are the other taxes charged more for an intra day trade or for a delivery based trade??
STT is much higher for delivery compared to Intraday (almost 10 times higher). Everything else is almost the same.
sir one doubt.suppose i buy 100 shares of xyz under cnc (or vise versa) and decide to sell on T+1 day.so as per you its BTST. i have two doubts:
1. if its an BTST trade then how are brokerages and other applicable taxed charged??? is it the same that is applied for intraday ????
2. is STBT possible in equity cnc mode?if not how can that be done
thanks in anticipation
1. No BTST is considered like delivery brokerage, so zero brokerage
2. No
1)feature contract :: first sell then 2 or 5 days after buy, this is possibility..
2)same as option contract, this is possibility
3)ple explain sir and send me my mail id
1. Yes
2. yes
Suggest you to read through the futures and options module here: http://zerodha.com/varsity/
Hi Zerodha,
Do you provide margins for BTST (CNC)?
Not yet.
I am just beginner and started trading first time on 1st august. I have buy 20 share as CNC on 01.08.2016 and 100 Share as CNC on 03.08.2016 of Apollo Tyre. Then, I sell all 120 shares of Apollo Tyre on 05.08.2016 at 3 pm, in which only 20 shares shows in demat, 100 shares shows in T1.
Is it correct to sell, please clarify…. I am very confused……….please suggest for future sell transaction for delivery
It is best to sell shares only after it comes to your demat. In T1 you take a BTST risk as explained above. But if you have done, it is okay, on a stock like Apollo, BTST risk is quite small.
I have had a mixed experience.I had bought equal quantities of a particular share on both NSE and BSE (Day 1). It was a normal buy.The next morning(Day2),I placed a sell call (BTST) on both the lots in respective indices and made a good sum and my account didn’t have any share of this company.By afternoon, there was some good news in the company and I again bought the same quantity of shares on NSE in a Normal buy. However, the broker’s statement shows an intraday trade for NSE and a loss!Also the shares that had been bought and sold from BSE were reflected in my account the next day, instead of the second set that I bought on day 2.Is the broker right in terming it as an intraday trade(that too a short as my sell price was lower than buy price of set 2) when I had placed a Normal buy ?
If any shares are sold/bought or vice versa during the day, it will be considered intraday. It will not consider delivery holding from yesterday.
Thanks for your reply.So essentially it means that my trade was wrongly termed as intraday. The transactions were as follows:
500 shares bought of XYZ company at 2pm on NSE on day 1 in normal buy order
500 shares bought of XYZ company at 2:15 on BSE on day 1 in normal buy order
500 shares sold of XYZ company at 9 am on NSE on day 2 from margin
500 shares sold of XYZ company at 10:15 am on BSE on day 2 from margin
No position in DP by 10:15 a.m as also confirmed by broker.
again bought 500 shares of XYZ on NSE at 2:15 pm on day 2 in normal buy.
Day 3 shows 500 shares of XYZ company bought from BSE on day 1.
Contract note considers transactions of day 2 done on NSE as short sell in intraday trade and shows a loss in account.
Is this right?
If I got it right,
You should have 500 shares of NSE in your demat. 500 shares sold and bought on Day 2 is intraday.
You should have no shares of BSE as you bought it on Day 1 on BSE and sold it on day 2 on BSE>
500 shares that was sold and bought on NSE on day 2 is an intraday trade, that loss will show up on a contract note.
Best to send such queries directly to support desk of the brokerage.
Thanks for your prompt reply.yes, you are right.
Have already had a lengthy discussion with broker. That’s why wanted another opinion.
Thanks once again.
Hii Nithin Sir Big fan of Urs Admire ur knowledge a lot..
I must thank you for providing us this awesome awesome platform.. In love with Kite..
And would like to request you to pls start providing leverage on Delivery and BTST trades and charge daily interest on debit balance at d end of each day..
Sir This wl help us to amplify our profits significantly..
Thank you!!
sorry for the incomplete message..
Thanks for your reply.This is my frist trading day with zerodha and as per conversation with your sales head today evening he told me that selling within t2 will attract brokerage .
Only intraday trades are charged. You buy today and sell tomorrow, no charges.
hello,is there have any brokerage on BTST or its free as delivery??
No brokerage for BTST trades.
In case stock was bought in cash on moday and sold also on same day, how will it affect me?
It will be an intraday trade, so either profits are credited or losses debited.
hi sir can u please tell me about f&o stocks, does there more money is required to invest in them?
we can do buy today sell tomorow for f&o stock.
Yes you can, suggest you to first learn about F&O here: http://zerodha.com/varsity/
Can I get leverage from holding value for intreday trading.I am new in your platform please help me.
Hello Nitin,
In India, “we follow a T + 2 settlement cycle when trading stocks,” then what is the settlement cycle for Option trading since “F&O are contracts and they stay in your trading account till the end of expiry.”
For ex, in intraday trading, I buy 1 lot Nifty Call option premium @ Rs 100 at 9:20 AM and sell @105, at 9:30 AM. In this case:
1. May I go for another position immediately after selling of that particular lot (i.e. at 09:31 AM)?
2. If not, how much time it takes money to reflect in my trading A/C of sold lot?
3. If yes, can I use my profit amount to do another trade (in this case, one market lot of 75 no’s, Rs Rs 105-100 = Rs 5×75= Rs 375/- profit excluding brokerage and other taxes).
4. When I will be able to withdraw my profit money from my AC in intra-day option trading?.
1. Yes you can take another position. But the profits will be available only from next day as settlement is on T+1
2. You will be able to withdraw both profits and option selling value only on T+1
Really Great work Nithin, specially Kite API is unbelievable.
I have a query regarding the risk you mentioned for BTST.
After reading the risk of short delivery in case BTST, I also thought that the same risk is also involved in the short selling on intraday trading (If after short selling circuit is reached). Since intraday short selling is highly leveraged, I think it has many folds of risk than BTST.
Please correct me if I am wrong.
Absolutely right. It is best to short only F&O stocks for intraday as they don’t have any circuits.
hi sir, i wanted to know whether the bank account is reqiured to open demat account (or) no need of bank account to create demat account???
Bank account needed.
I want to know, if I sold some delivery shares of mine in morning, I get the margin Money updated . can i purchase some new Shares with that money on the same day or I have to wait till T+1 , T+2 to get that money credit ?
Yes you can buy more on the same day.
Sir,i want create an demat&trading account but iam little confused with the instructions can u please say me the instructions in short of creating an account in zerodha
Check this post.
Suppose I have 100 reliance shares in my DEMAT account. Now if I do a intraday or STBT/BTST trade. Will I incur any DP charges. What happens in case of short delivery.
Thank you in advance.
Yes, DP charges are deducted.
When you do a BTST trade, there’s still a risk of short delivery which is why, to safeguard the interest of our clients, even if it’s a BTST trade, we debit shares from the available balance and meet your obligation so there’s no risk of auction.
” Buy strength and sell weakness – Strength is represented by a bullish (blue) candle and
weakness by a bearish (red) candle. Hence whenever you are buying ensure it is a blue candle day and whenever you are selling, ensure it’s a red candle day.” These lines are taken from Zerodha varsity, Module 2-1,Chapter-4, page 30. I am having a confusion with it. Why should we buy a stock on a blue candle day when the price is high and sell it on red candle day when the price is going down. We will incur loss. Rather it should be opposite, that is, the share should be bought at the end of the red candle day when the price is low and sold at the end of the blue candle day when the price is high. I need a justification. Sorry for bothering you, I am new to this.
Aryan, it is best you ask this question on the same Varsity chapter.
I want to know that can we trade in shares whose per share price is low like 5 Rs per share at zerodha? If not then what is the lower limit?
Yes, you can trade any share that is trading on the exchanges that you want.
now clear sir thank u for ur reply
thank u sir for ur reply in last you replied “‘but until then you can use this funds to trade more”its not understanding to me sir can u please simplify it sir
If you sell 1lk worth of stocks on tuesday, you can withdraw it to your bank account on thursday evening. But if you want to use this 1lk to buy more stocks, you can do it tuesday itself.
sir,i had one doubt if i invest at 2:00pm on monday and i sell it on tuesday morning if i see the company in profit when my profit in credited in my account. i am little bit confused about risk management in btst can u explian with simple example
When you sell stocks, you get the money on T+2 days to withdraw. So if you sell on tuesday, you get it on thursday to withdraw, but until then you can use this funds to trade more. In BTST, you are buying paying 100% of the money, so no risk of any positions getting squared off.
Is in Future Zerodha planning to provide Short selling in overnight retained Equities.
I understand, right now short selling is allowed only in MIS and not in CNC trades.
Yuvraj Singh
Hmm.. donno if we will allow this in future.
Where can i see my dp code in zerodha kite
Go to Q from within Kite and check out profile.
In interaday trading-:
How many times we sell Nd purchase stocks in mis trading…….
You can do it as many times as you want.
sir i have one doubt. Can I Do that If i bought 100 quantity of X stock in CNC option on Monday at 70rs and i sell at T-1 (Tuesday) in CNC option at 75 now again i buy 150 quantity of same X stocks on same day (tuesday) at 80??? Now What will be my net quantity and price display in cash position or admin position??
On tuesday, 100 sold at 75 and 100 (in 150 bought) bought at 80 will be considered intraday trade. So there will be a loss of Rs 500. You will continue to hold 100 bought on monday at 70 + 50 bought at 80 on tuesday
1. In the case of short selling what happens if i’m selling in the morning and at the covering time in the evening not enough volume is there to cover, in that case what happens ?
2. Is there level 2 data available in case of pi ?
3. When is it possible to withdraw money from my account ?
4. Do pi software needs high end laptop or pc to trade? Which setup is required?
5. Can you name some people who do well in day trading ?
1. It becomes a forced short.
2. Yep
3. You don’t need a high end laptop, but more powerful the better the performance will be.
4. Name? 🙂 don’t know.
Hi Nithin,
Where is the button option for BTST in Pi.Pls help as I am using Pi for the first time.
Chandana, no separate button for BTST. You can buy all stocks normally (using product type CNC) and you could sell it tomorrow using same product type CNC.
Thanks Nithin
In such case what week be stt. It will be as per intraday or as per delievry trade
STT as per delivery.
Hi nithin, im jithin.
I’m having doubt, suppose im having 10000 in my account and im buying Aarey Drugs & Pharmaceuticals Ltd at 40 rs 250 shares (10000 worth share) and i’m selling it at 42rs (2rs profit per share on the same day) (Monday intraday).
Will i be able to trade on the next day (Tuesday) since my account would be empty bcz of the last trade because of 3 day Rule. i heard it will take 3 days for the money to be transferred into my account or will i have to wait until the process is over ( 3days) ?
Please help
If you do intraday, the money is available immediately to trade more. Even if you buy stocks and sell tomorrow, you can use the credit to buy more immediately.
Hi Within,
In this article, you have mentioned:
Demerits: If traders are looking to convert intraday positions to delivery, you need to keep in mind that STT (Securities Transaction Tax) will go up almost 10 times if you decide to keep your intraday positions overnight.
By the above statement, do you mean evertytime we convert Intraday stocks to delivery, we need to pay 10times STT?
Yep, if you buy stocks and hold it to the next day STT goes up 10 times. But note that this is not for converting product type from MIS and CNC.
Yes, the rate of STT for Intraday transaction is 0.025% on the sell side whereas for delivery transactions it’s 0.1% on both sides. So effectively it’s 4 times over as per current rates.
Second Scenario: You bought on Monday
and Tuesday the price of Reliance was Rs
810. You decide to sell the shares, so you
choose the option CNC and sell it….
ok tell me one thing that…
if i sell share Tuesday about 11 am or before ..when
when will cash balence credited in my trading account for another trade or position…???
can i do another buy or sold on tuseday by that money….???
The money from sold shares will be received on T+2 days to be withdrawn. But you can use the credit from the sale to buy more.
What all charges will be applied for T1 qty shares while selling them.
DP charges will be additional, Rs 13.5 per scrip sold.
Hi Nitin,
I am new to trading. Need your assistance on something. Here’s what happened:
> On 25/04, I bought 3 stocks worth approx 15k (CNC)
> Next day on 26/04, i squared all of them off to contain my losses
>In such case, the funds should reflect in my free cash and i should be able to take new positions from 26/04 itself, right?
> If so, that’s not the case as on 27/04 EOD, my cash is still blocked and i am unable to take any position and my equity holdings shows the same approx 15k amount and holding shows the same stocks as QTY 0, T+1 QTY (original quantity bought)
>I dont have any open positions either.
Kindly advise when will my cash be unblocked and i’ll be able to take new positions?
Also, i heard you get a contract note on the registered email id at the end of each trading day with the trading done and brokerage charged for the same. It seems i am not getting the same ( i have also checked my spam folder) .
Please help. Thanks for your time.
Ajaz, send all such account specific questions to [email protected] with your client ID.
Hi Nitin,
I am new in trading and wanted to check few things regarding BTST, Bracket and F&O.
1) How do I enable the BTST option in the software PI?
Example – 1) I have bought 100 scrips of TCS on April 26. If I am not sure whether I want to sell my scrip on April27 or maybe wait more than T+2 for better price. So If I enable a BTST option but sell it on T+4 do I end up paying more charges/taxes instead of selling it on T+1
Example -2)If I convert my MIS to CNC position what are the additional charges? E.g I Buy 100 TCS scrips @2500 expecting it to go up intraday. Hoever noticing a fall in the price I convert it to MIS/
2)If I have made a MIS Bracket order of buying Infy shares can I convert the position to CNC and carry my position overnight or T+2/3/ whatever?
3) Can you please let me know the tab options in the software PI to access Futures and Options
1. BTST is enabled by default for everyone. So you can sell any stock on the next day itself or anytime you want. No additional charges.
2. No, you cannot convert brackets to CNC. You will have to square off bracket and place a new CNC order.
3. Check this webinar on Pi or dedicated blogposts.
Hi Nithin,
Thanks for the info.
Is Zerodhaa provide any margin for btst/atst like intraday or I can buy only the amount of share depend upon the cash present in my account
Hi nithin sir,
Please add btst/atst option in zerodha mobile application version or atleast in zerodha kite website.
I generally trade on mobile but there is no option in mobile app and neither on kite website.
Fazal, you just have to sell using product type as CNC. There is no separate BTST option. So u can do BTST on both mobile and kite web.
Today(01/04/2016) I tried selling some shares of bhel which i bought yesterday(31/03/2016) selecting the product type as cnc but the order get rejected.
Reason mentioned was:
1st time:
RMS:Rule: Check holdings for entity account-RF0164 across exchange across segment across product
2nd time:
error user/user_target not logged in
We had shared this on terminals and as a SMS: https://zerodha.com/marketintel/Bulletin/166. Since it was a depository holiday, no BTST was allowed.
Hi, quite informative blog. I have a query. Suppose I buy 10 shares of X at 100 rupees each today from BSE and then sell 10 shares of X on the same day at 110 rupees each at NSE. So how does this work, since I ll get delivery only on T+2 and what about the scenario where I buy and sell it on the same exchange on same day. Since delivery of stocks can happen on T+2 day at evening and I am supposed to give the stocks to exchange where I sold them on T+2 morning.
This is not really possible. Check this answer: http://tradingqna.com/2163/arbitrage-buying-equity-nse-and-selling-it-bse-is-it-possible
Nithin sir please clear my confusion.
Suppose I buy 20 stock at rs 100 and after that the price go down to rs 95 and again i buy 5 stock at rs 95.total buy stock=15. now the stock price is 98.now if i sell 5 stock then which stock will be sold?means the stocks which i bought at rs 100 or the stocks that i bought at rs 95?
It is always first in first out, so what was bought first will be sold first. I am guessing you are asking this in regards to taxation, because other than taxation this doesn’t have any significance.
In Zerodha trading options, when be buy any share under MIS category , it remain active for intraday only and on the same day, adjustment happened by selling shares at 1500 Hrs. However short selling is not active under MIS category.
But how can be prolonged the transaction for 2 days i.e. if purchase on Monday under MIS category and sell the same on wednesday.
Leverage currently is available only for intraday. Not possible for the next day. We will start this soon.
How to get the list of stocks in nse which are “liquid stocks”. please provide me the link.
There’s no list as such. Normally all stocks that form part of Index & such stocks that belong to group A are liquid in nature.
Suppose I will use btst facility.On Monday I buy the shares.Tuesday I sell it.then on Thursday how could I deliver the share to exchange as already sold it on Monday?Where can I get the deliver to exchange option in kite?Within which time I have to deliver it to exchange on thursday.Plz somebody help.
If you’re an online client who has signed the PoA, your broker will settle the shares by executing the PoA. There’s nothing you have to do to settle the transaction. Same with BTST, the only difference being the broker not being able to settle it on account of short delivery from the Exchange.
why when i buy shares net value shows in – (eg -3500) even if i had sufficient amount in account.
Net value shows where? Can you explain it a little more in detail.
hi, if we sell some shares as CNC which are already in our demat account and the very next day we buy back same amount of shares( as CNC) of that very company at a lower price, will the shares which we sold the previous day will get debited from our demat account or not ?
Yes it will get debited.
Hi I bought 75 share of Tata motors yesterday using CNC and now sold it the same through CNC but the amount is reduced from my margin. How do I know that is BTST of fresh sell?
I do not hold zerodha demat
IF you have sold it as CNC it is BTST itself.
I trade using MIS prduct code , and buy and sell stocks same day . Is there chance of auction penalty ??
Same day if you have bought and sold, no delivery happens. So no auction penalty.
1. I received a mail today regarding 25 shares of Filatex India which I bought on 25 Jan, among which 5 shares have been short delivered. I thought shares get short delivered if it hits Upper Circuit. The script didn’t hit UC in this week. How does it get short delivered? Doesn’t the brokerage firms auto square off the short positions when there is a provision to do so?
2. I also noticed in some scripts where there is a big gap between bid and ask price, when I place a buy order, a higher bid is placed at the same time. If I cancel the order, the higher bid gets cancelled too. It is as if someone wants me to bid higher. Is it a sign of operator manipulation?
3. Is there any leverage for option buying in MIS, or BO or CO?
4. Is there any extra leverage for option writing as BO or CO if my stoploss is 10 points?
1. Not all brokers auto square off positions. So the person who sold you 5 shares didn’t deliver to the exchange.
2. Hmm… don’t really think it is manipulation if it is for really small quantity of stocks.
3. Only for Nifty options we give leverage if you use BO or CO.
4. Yep, 25% of option writing margin or 4 times.
Last year I found some errors in P&L statement. The actual Capital gains were around Rs.30000/-
where as your statement was showing around Rs.10000.I think you should do sample cross check by another software. It is actually not a software but it is a simple excel formula without any macros. It is FIFO_Sumwise. It is available on internet. It gives buying cost if trades are sorted in ascending order by dates.
I believe your P&L software is based on FIFO and It takes care of any number of trades of buy and sale trades.
Yes, we consider FIFO for all computations.
Considering above example of Wockhardt shares, if I purchase 20 share in 2 trades at price 10 shares for Rs.995 and 10 shares at Rs.1005.Then I sold 12 shares in 3 trades on same day at price of 4 shares at Rs1025,4 shares at Rs.1050 and 4 shares at Rs.1060.What would be the purchase price considered for calculating capital gains for remaining 8 shares when those will be sold after say one month.
It would depend on the method of accounting you’re following. If you’re following FIFO, then the average price will be 1005 (last 8 purchase price). If you’re following weighted average method, your average price will be 1000 {(995*10)+(1005*10)}/20 = Rs.1000.
Just make sure the method of accounting is kept consistent.
How btst trade is treated for taxation,speculative or short term?
It can be taken as Short term capital gain.
I bought 20 shares of wockhardt for Rs. 1000 and sold 10 shares on same day for Rs. 1050 and retained 10 shares. How trade is treated MIS and CNC or only CNC?
10 shares as MIS, 10 as CNC
Dear Nitin, I bought 140 shares of Tainwala on 4th Jan 2015 and sold all of them on 5th Jan 2015…out of which 40 shares got short delivered….now today its 13th Jan….and in my holdings i can see 20 sharez of Tainwala with buy value as 0 and P/L as N/A…and my some amount (4426 rs) is blovked for it….now i need to understand what is to be done with it to free 4426 rs…and for the same i have raised a ticket (Ticket #201129) too…but no response yet…kindly help.
You did a BTST transaction where you bought and sold 140 shares. 20 shares were short delivered to the Exchange. So we’ve posted an auction for 20 shares on 07/01/2016 and have delivered these shares to you. An auction contract note would have been sent to your email Id.
So i hold 20 shares in my demat and to get my money, i need to sell…is it??? Kindly help…
Thanks Venu for a quick response…Viraj has provided me the solution as “Yes, you can sell the shares and get the credit in your account whenever you required.” Thanks a lot Viraj and support team.
I have a few questions.
1. If I buy a share in BSE can I sell it on NSE on T+1 or T+2 day?
2. I noticed there is no DP charge if I sell shares within T+2 day. But suppose I got 100 of X shares in demat holding previously and bought another 50 of X on T day. Now if I sell 25 of X on T+1 or T+2 day, will it cost any DP charge?
3. For currency trading the exchange is selected as CDS. Doest it mean NSE, BSE or MCX-SX? How can I do currency trading in BSE?
4. How can I do commodity trading in NCDEX?
Your zerodha Pi terminal is wonderful. Thank you for providing such elegant trading software.
Thanks & Regards,
1. No, you cannot sell stock across Exchange without taking delivery. Once the shares hit your demat account, you can sell it on any Exchange.
2. Yes, in the interest of our clients we debit shares in demat first. Although you may have to pay a small demat fee, you’re free from risk of auction in case shares aren’t delivered by Exchange
3. It means NSE. If you’ve opted for MCX-SX, you’ll find an option called MCX-SX CDS. We’re yet to go live on BSE CDS
4. We’re not live yet.
[…] delivery is the risk you take when trading BTST (Buy Today, Sell Tomorrow), read this blog for […]
Hi Venu,
I had a similar situation recently with my shares. I had bought 225 shares recently and as per the T+2 rule received only 129 with 96 short. After the auction took place I received 96 on T+5 but what happens to the penalty amount that is due to me. Since I lost the potential sale opportunity to liquidate at a higher value in those days. In fact i traded 129 at a higher rate and now this 96 shares that i have are being traded at a lesser value than what i bought it at thus making me lose the opportunity to book profits on total 225.
The Exchanges guarantee settlement, in the sense for money paid towards shares, you’ll either receive shares or will receive money back. The probable profits that you could have made is debatable. The only logical explanation could give is to buy the shares back with the same credit that you’d have received if its trading at around the price that you bought it.
Hello Nithin,
1) Regarding Trade settlement, either T+2 or Auction in wors