Insurance by Ditto


The basics you need to know when buying health and life insurance

Over the years, whenever we asked people what aspect of their personal finances they struggled with the most, the common answer was insurance. So we decided to do an Ask Me Anything session with Shrehith Karkera, co-founder of Ditto Insurance. We collected the most common answers from people with Shrehith answering them in detail.

Financial analyst and researcher at Zerodha
19 Feb 2024

Top reasons why Insurance companies deny your claim and what you can do about it

Most people don’t understand health insurance. Even those who do, may not fully understand how to navigate the claims experience. While insurance companies have a whole host of reasons to deny your claim, it doesn’t always mean you’re out of options. At Ditto Insurance we’ve been dealing with health and term insurance policies since 2020. […]

Co-founder at Finshots and Ditto insurance.
26 Oct 2023

Introducing Ditto—Insurance made easy

The first time we read the Finshots newsletter (then called Finception), we immediately reached out to the team, trying to figure out if there was a way to associate and help them reach a wider audience. Making it easier for Indians to learn finance is our top priority, and hence partnered with Finshots through our […]

Founder & CEO @ Zerodha
06 Sep 2022

How to protect yourself when a single event throws your life off course?

Consider for instance a trip to the hospital. It can drain you physically. It can drain you mentally. And it can drain you financially. The prospect of healing from physical and mental trauma is already daunting as is. But to deal with a massive financial burden as you’re recovering from a debilitating illness can be […]

Co-founder at Finshots and Ditto insurance.
11 Mar 2022