We recommend reading this chapter on Varsity to learn more and understand the concepts in-depth.

Key takeaways from this chapter

  1. Short straddle requires you to Sell the ATM Call and Put option simultaneously. The options should belong to the same underlying, same strike, and same expiry
  2. By selling the CE and PE – the trader is placing the bet that the market won’t move and would essentially stay in a range
  3. The maximum profit is equal to the net premium paid, and it occurs at the strike at which the long straddle has been initiated
  4. The upper breakdown is ‘strike + net premium’. The lower breakdown is ‘strike – net premium.’
  5. The deltas in a short straddle add up to zero
  6. The volatility should be relatively high at the time of strategy execution
  7. The volatility should decrease during the holding period of the strategy
  8. Short straddles can be set around significant events, wherein before the event, the volatility would drive the premiums up, and just after the announcement, the volatility would cool off, and so would the premiums.


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  1. Kunguma Karthik says:

    Please make videos on options strategies.. Eager to learn… and do share intraday strategies… for equity trading…

  2. Malik says:

    Hi Karthik,
    Can we please get Zerodha Varsity app for iPad also ? I think it is really really required.

  3. Dr Abhijit Biswas says:

    Congratulations, and many thanks for an excellent presentation. You addressed the subject with command, clarity and understanding. Many of us now understand the intricacies of options trading and how to deal with it much better. I especially appreciated your examples and the rule points you applied to each. I wish you success in your efforts to educate learners like me. Your slides and infographics made a convincing arrangement. Thank you for your careful preparation. Please let me know the names of the software packages that you have used for preparing this presentation.

  4. Zubaid says:

    You should have mentioned high risk in hedging with sell options. Where your 1 premium of 100 can become 0 and another premium of 100 can become 2000 and you’ll be eventually in loss of 1900 * 25 per lot. I wonder why didn’t you mention

  5. priya says:

    Thankyou Karthik and Prateek ji..
    As a beginner i learnt a lot. . awaiting for your next video series.

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