Quant – Sabermetric approach to trading
One of the best ways to improve your probability of winning while trading is by learning from your own trading history. Like they say, ”those who forget the history, are most likely going to repeat it”, a mistake often committed by traders. This could be either because of no access to tools/technology or not knowing the importance of learning from your past. We at Zerodha understand this, and that’s why we’re launching Quant, a financial behavioural analysis and visualisation tool. Q, our new backoffice, is a very intuitive reporting tool, but it’s mostly for contract notes, P&L statements, Trade/Order Books. Quant ups the ante and crunches your trading history and extracts useful insights for you to learn.
Quant, as the name suggests, will help you perform quantitative analysis of your trading past and also introduce you to a sabermetric approach to trading. Quant algos will go back in your trading history and intuitively depict things like, what was your trading size at which you made most profits, any pattern with time in terms of your profitability, did you make profit by trading with the trend or against, your most profitable scrips, and a lot more.
The first release of Quant will comprise of “Time based analytics” to help spot any trends in terms of your profitability based on when you trade, and “Portfolio Equity Curve” to help measure your stock holding performance against the benchmark (Nifty). Do note that all the figures are on gross basis (excluding brokerage and other costs).
You can start off either visiting http://quant.zerodha.
Time based analytics
Weekday overview
Tells you the best weekday for you in terms of gross profits made. You can either use the periods available already or mention a custom date range. For instance, you can see that this particular account has taken the biggest hit on a Tuesday.
The segment and symbol box will help you further refine to view the same analytics for a particular segment or symbol that you have traded.
Weekday breakdown
Shows your best weekday in terms of gross profitable weekdays to total number of weekdays traded. This will also help you figure out your chances of winning on expiry days while trading Equity derivatives and Currency.
The green line indicates the week whereas the rest are days. Clicking on each of the days will add on to the scatter plot to help you better visualize the number of times you have traded on a particular weekday and how many of those have been winners. As you can see above that this client has been most profitable on Expiry days and Fridays, with an almost 75% probability of winning. You can use the smaller graph below to zoom in or out of a particular time period.
Weekly overview
Similar to weekday overview, this will help you figure out which part of the month you are most profitable, 4th and 5th week being the last weeks of the month. This particular client has been most profitable during the 3rd and 4th weeks of the month while the second week being the worst.
Visualize your gross profit and loss either daily, weekly, monthly or yearly
Shows you what has been your maximum consecutive profit or loss making days. You will be also able to see your current and average winning/losing streaks.
Important to know
- The above reports may not match to your normal P&L because the profitability is calculated per day and not for a time period in your normal P&L statements.
- All the reports above are on a gross basis, it doesn’t consider charges and taxes.***
***Update – 3rd Nov 2014. By popular demand, we have decided to include approximate trading costs before displaying the quant. Computing exact costs is not available right now, but is planned for the future. Also, since all quants are meant to show you relative performance, we believe that it is reasonable enough to help you make decisions based on approximate trading costs. If you want to see your normal P&L statements with exact costs, it is available in the report section under Q.
Approximate Trading Costs
Equity Curve
The equity curve helps you measure the performance of your stock portfolio versus the benchmark (Nifty Index). You will be able to plot how Rs 100 invested in your portfolio would have performed as compared to Nifty. See the below equity curve for one of our clients and how he has outperformed the Nifty.
Time based analytics should help you better manage positions, reduce your trading size on time periods where you have historically not performed well and increase when you have.
Equity Curve will help you measure the true performance of your holdings. Yes 30% in a year is good, but not if the benchmark was up 60%.
The quest from when we started Zerodha has been to give our traders an edge over others while trading the markets. Be it lower costs, a good trading platform (Pi), reporting (Q), trading tools, initiatives like 60 day challenge or now Quant. Quant is the first of its kind tool offered to retail trading community, not just in India but across the world. This is just a start, and we will add a lot more in the next few releases for you to be able to figure out where exactly you can improve to help increase your odds of winning while trading. And of course, needless to say, Quant is absolutely FREE to all Zerodha clients.
Do help spread the goodness. If you’re a client, you can use the associate program.
Happy Trading,
sir the link provided in the description is not working -http://quant.zerodha.com/
@Nithin Kamath , HELP NEEDED PLEASE. Its petty that I need to come to social forum to ask help on my open ticket !
All my P&L is messed up and showing wrong which is stopping me from buying or selling anything. I am an inch away from switching to another broker.
I heard that many people are facing this problem. Why Zerodha is not sending some responsible communication out to everyone?
Many of my stocks’ average buy prices are messed up, also even when I have not received any bonus shares the system is showing me lot of discrepant quantities. When checked with Zerodha support they confirmed that there is some issue ongoing with their backoffice system & these issues will be resolved when the new backoffice system CRUX comes online.
Does anyone here know when the CRUX will be available to customers?
@NithinKamath, help please.
Hey Saurabh, I seem to have missed your comment. Sorry about that! Our new backoffice, Console, is now live. You can access it here. Please check it out. You can submit your feedback here, if you spot any issues.
Hi Matti,
I can login to the portal but portal shows me data about only the scripts that I have added this month or in the last month.
Prices for my holdings from past one year are all messed up on current portal and new portal has no data about those scripts. On the new portal it shows me bunch of discrepant quantities for lots of old stocks & for those stocks I have no discrepant holdings that I need to manually enter. My average prices are still wrong.
So, the new portal is just showing the same information as the old one with different layout !
Can you please help fix this for me? I have #20180810111119 open on your support portal for this.
Saurabh Joshi
Also, is this new app you mentioned a replacement for Q? I heard there is a new back office system called CRUX? Can you share link to CRUX? My mis calculated average problem is back office reconciliation problem.
I am not seeing Tata steel avg price in my portfolio.they are saying it will take 15 days to launch crus. Then it will be okay and you will see the avg pice correctly. I don’t think crux will actually be launched for customers. Is it? Is it really going to be happen?
I send mail to support regarding CRUX and they replied that it will be operational by the end of March.
Still no clue about CRUX, I am starting to believe that I made a mistake by switching to Zerodha.
Hey Dheeraj, we have indeed switched to Crux for most of the backend calculations. Crux is the name of the engine that runs in the background. The application you see will remain more or less the same, but the values will come from Crux.
i was thinking that new crux backoffice would have trading journal..and my day to day , week by week, year by year trade details in graphical form, would it be there when you launch new backoffice version ?
Hey Vikas, building a trading journal will take time and it’s on our list of things to offer. It won’t be part of our new backoffice at least in the initial versions.
When are you going to launch crux?
We request you to provide the NSE and BSE indices at Holdings in KITE mobile verson.
When we are watching the Holds we have to know whether the market is going up or down.
It is very useful to all pl arrange to activate the above.
Thanking you
With regards Janaki Lavu
hello team zerodha/ Last synced date: None
Hello! We’ve currently deprecated Quant as we are working towards bringing the next version of Quant in our new backoffice. We will not be able to sync your data any further and apologize about the inconvenience caused. Thank you for your patience!.
I am listening same thing for so long that Crux is going to launch soon. Now 31st March is coming nearer and we are also worried about LTCG CALCULATION and still Zerodha is silent. I am not getting any correct data over q.zerodha.com. Nothing synced. No body is really bothering in Zerodha. It’s is like govt dept where every project is always delayed and they never know when it gets finished. Whenever you ask they say “soon”, a simple one letter word to get rid of customers. That’s it. Best of luck Zerodha with your company management and technical team.
1. I have referred 5 persons 4 have joined (within 60 days) but in Q its showing only 2 persons joined yet.??
2. My referral doing intraday trading but referral commission deposited to my wallet is very much less then expected with respect to his trades.
Pl resolve both concern, since tried in many ways for solution but hopeless from response.. hope this forum will help me out or else it’s a demotivation act to refer peoples & get not what expected/committed.
Hi Admin
From the day i opened the account in zerodha, i am seeing the same thing in the below link
Last synced date: None
Hello! We’ve currently deprecated Quant as we are working towards bringing the next version of Quant in our new backoffice. We will not be able to sync your data any further and apologize about the inconvenience caused. Thank you for your patience!.
Sachin, we’ve indeed deprecated Quant for the time being. Should be back up with improvements in the new Q.
Same is the case with me. When will you update? can you please give a rough estimate?
My friend transfer stock in my account since 5 days.
But still i didnt get in my account .
Any one help me????
Can you write to support[at]zerodha.com with details? Account specific queries like this are best sent to support.
Let’s see how close it is.
Any update on Crux Launching date
No update. They just forgot it now.
The new Q should be out in a few weeks’ time.
I am listening few weeks for last 6 months.
Unfortunately, we underestimated the scale of the whole Q project. It has taken us longer than originally anticipated, but we’re close to a breakthrough.
Can i know when the Quant will be accessible. It has been years now, listening in a week’s time it will be accessible.
Please fix the option to check and manage P&L within specific dates in the q.zerodha.com
I was told that it will be implemented with the new platform CRUX but I am still waiting for is launch. Can you please inform when will CRUX be launched. For the while please fix the option on Q platform for checking P&L within specific dates.
Please fix the option to check and manage P&L within specific dates in the q.zerodha.com
I was told that it will be implemented with the new platform CRUX but I am still waiting for is launch. Can you please inform when will CRUX be launched. For the while please fix the option on Q platform for checking P&L withing specific dates.
There are many indices which are not given in Pi trading software.
Ex: NiftyPharma
Could you please tell me why is it like that and when you will add those indices in it ?
Sync button is not working in quant. I tried it for time based & time based analysis , however it does not provide latest data.
Kindly check and do the needfull
I am waiting for Crux launch. I have added discrepant value for same stock two times. Now I am unable to delete it untill Crux is launched. So I am asking for exact date when it will get launched. Why it is delaying for more than 1 year?
Nobody is repying now a days.
Rajnish, whats the query?
Rajnish, what’s the query?
Hi Sir,
I got the allotment message of 1 lot(60 shares) for Capacite Infraprojects Ltd.
But the same is not reflecting in Zerodha account in Holdings tab.
Please let me know what is the issue.
I have booked this IPO through SBI using zerodha account number.
Hey. I see that you haven’t submitted the Power of Attorney for your account. This being the case, you wouldn’t be able to see any stocks in your demat account on the platform. I suggest you courier the duly signed PoA to us at the earliest.
Please let me know what needs to be done now to reflect the holding tab.
Please let me know to which address I need to send you the courier. I heard there is a zerodha office in kadubisanhaali. Can I hand over the document in that office? Or I need to do courier to office mentioned in ECN form.
Yes, you can submit it at one of our branches, you can find out the nearest one here.
I have sent the documents on Thursday (5th October).
please let me know by when I will able to see the holding tab listing updated.
It would be better if we could get just the portfolio in the form of API, so that we can import the data in Excel or dashboard for further analysis. I know zerodha opened up a personal trader platform with 2000 PM price tag but not all are required for every day analysis.
Is Quant deprecated? I am not able to view any data in that page. I see a warning message that says Zerodha can not sync the data as they deprecated the Quant.
If so, is there any idea to bring any other new analysis tools?
We have taken it down for now, we will bring it up in the next 2 months.
Roadblocks cleared?
please let me know, if its going to take more than a month, I am going to subscribe Edgewonk
Some more time.
It will take us more than a month.
Hello! We’ve currently deprecated Quant as we are working towards bringing the next version of Quant in our new backoffice. We will not be able to sync your data any further and apologize about the inconvenience caused. Thank you for your patience!.
How long I have to wait for this? I am new to zerodha and want to use this tool because I have already lost some of my money for repeating the same mistakes and after reading this article i strongly believe that it will help me in future. Waiting for your reply Thanks
Partha, we are in the last leg, roadblocks which we had never expected.
It would be great to reverse the order of display comments/responses – have the latest showing up on top and the oldest at the bottom of the stack.
I have been trading for the past week, i tried to use the quant feature in q but was unable to do so, It displays “No Data available” for any timeframe. I called up zerodha support and the gentlemam there advised me that quant has not been rolled out yet and will begin only by August end. Going through the comments above i think it is already functional in some way. Please Advise.
Nikhil Varghese
Sorry, just noticed the recent replies. Will wait 🙂
NSE Call & PUT not be reflect after 11:10 Am also 10/07/2017
Issue from exchange, we are constantly updating it here: https://zerodha.com/marketintel/Bulletin/
When will be the new backend CRUX be released.
Data has been inconsistent for the corporate action related shares, be it in PNL statement or Trading platform.
Can you tell us a tentative date on which this will be released ?
We’re working on it, most of the bit is done. It’s undergoing the final testing phase and will be released soon.
I was told in April , that it might take 2 more months for the release, May and June are done, can we get a tentative date at least, Also there are inconsistencies in backoffice where holding duration sometimes appear and some times dont. This should also be made consistent. Can we expect our data to be consistent in atleast one month from now?
New Q should be out in a month, quant will maybe take some more time.
Thank you for the update. Eagerly awaiting to welcome the new Q.
I think one month has already passed, new Q is still not out? Again one more month?
All our resources are dedicated towards taking Q live, will be up soon. Sorry for the delay. We’ll keep you posted.
More than one year over…where is CRUX
All Important reports like P and L report, 60 day challenge report are incorrectly generated for me..I had raised ticket for fixing the same but nobody bothered to fix those existing issues. I understand you guys are focusing on bringing up a new backoffice but that should not compromise the quality of existing backoffice Q.
This is getting really frustrating for me since I don’t know how much I made or lost in past 2-3 months.
Until the new backoffice is live you guys should fix the issues with existing backoffice asap.
any expected date for releasing of new house backoffice, Crux?
I can’t see any data in Quant. Its been 8 months since I have opened my account. Not a single time I am able to see any data in Quant. Do I need to do something else for this?
Quant will be down since all of the tech resources are working towards building our in house backoffice, Crux.
Quant App is not displaying any data for me (user id : ZX4902). Is there any restriction?
Sunil, until the new Q is out, we have stopped supporting quant. It will come out in a new avatar soon.
I got following msg from support team… That there is no timeline for crux… This is furious
Dear Jagbir Randhawa,
Thank you for writing to Zerodha.
There is no time line for Crux. Once we lunch the Crux then you will get confirmation on the same.”
Hi there is a problem with Sync in quant when will it be rectified!!!
We are planning to take down quant until our new backoffice platform is ready.
Hey Nitin
Almost everyone is having sync issues since the beginning of 2017. Its been so long since this issue is being reported by so many users. Considering that Zerodha boasts of the being a top notch technology broker its a little funny that you guys havent been able to fix such a simple issue for the last two months.
Kash, we are pulling down Quant until our new reporting platform is out. The current one is built over a vendor based trade process platform, which we are replacing.
It helps keeping clients in the loop
i am unable to sinC quant NO. DN1071
Can you email [email protected]
Sync is not working …
It shows Last synced date: 08/11/16…
Kindly fix this issue ASAP…
Can you send an email to [email protected] with your client ID.
i am unable to use this feature of zerodha .. please help and i cannot find sync button on my portal .. My id is ZZ0931
sync button is not working plz fix it
Once you click on sync, it takes like a day to update.
Hi Nithin,
“Sync” button on quants is not working for anyone. Could you or Venu please follow up with technical team to fix it asap. Individually i have mailed this to [email protected] with my client ID but when i checked with my friends they all are also facing the same issue since Dec, 2016.
Tried “Sync” many times but it didn’t worked. Also, can you please consider displaying the Nifty spot price on Kite home page. Any help appreciated.
Can you email [email protected] with clientID for the sync issue.
Dear Team,
I am not able to sync my quant data…..
pls help me out…
Can u send account specific queries to [email protected]
Quant is not able to sync
Quant is not getting updated from 26-Dec-2016. I’ve tried to update it by clicking sync button many times. please fix this shortly
Hello sir
I just opened a/c in Zerodha, I like to know whether u give mkt tips to your member
No Niranjan, we don’t.
Quant is not getting updated from 28-Dec-2016. Please fix this
Can you send an email to [email protected] with your client ID.
i have already sent a mail
SYNC is not working
quant not updating since january. sync button never works. can you please let us know when this will be fixed.
My details in Quant has not been updated since last October week starting 17th. Please do something
Except Stamp charges, everything should match. You can send an email to [email protected] if you’re having any queries specific to your account.
I am small investor from a village from Hassan Dist.for people like us it’s very difficult to understand what and how much we have charged in a trade. Plz put it in a simple and results based instead of making complex. .we like to stay with zerodha thank you
Brokerage at zerodha is actually as simple as it gets. It is Rs 0 if you are investing, it is Rs 20 per trade if you are trading futures and options.
Hi Nithin,
While Time Analytics is a cool feature to view the profit and loss pattern, it does not take into account the profit and loss after brokerage and other tax related charges. This can be extremely misleading. For instance, Time Analytics show that I made continuous profits for two weeks, while in reality I lost Rs 650 due to trading charges two days in a row in the same week. I wish Time Analytics and all other analytics take this brokerage and tax charges into consideration for displaying analytics. Also, there is no way of knowing the total cost of my transactions (buy and sell) unless the next day (Kite does not update P&L even at 11:40 PM – 10 mins after close of commodity trading hours). While Zerodha provides a brokerage calculator, it is not very effective if you are dealing with a large number of trades.
Suggestion: Provide a display of estimated charges based on the last trade executed. The key word here is “estimated”. I understand that it is not possible to display real-time actual charges until close of trading day, but an estimate would be a big help.
Joey, we are in the verge of launching our new reporting tool, which is going to be much more cooler that the current version. It will have all that you are asking for.
Quant data is not updated from more than 3-4 months may be
We have given a sync button, you can click on it to update.
Sync not working for me.
Can you check now.
same here nothing visible no data available in quant
Please write to [email protected].
Please write to [email protected] from your registered email id.
“No data available” what is this?
everytime I want to check Time based analytics and other things it shows results, “No data available”. whether my investment data not with you?
Please write to [email protected] and one of our support staffs will sort this out for you.
Feature not working. everytime I want to check Time based analytics and other things it shows results, ‘Data not found”. this bug need to be fixed.
i m facing problem particularly in time based features.always i have to mail to support team for fixing the issue.today again i have mailed for the same.
earlier it was smooth now at regular interval i used to mail back office guys to solve.
We are adding a sync button on quant, you can do this yourself from now.
I can see the sync button in quant , but even after pressing sync the data is not updated.
quant data is not updated from past 1 month for me.
please solve the issues requarding quant data synchronization.
Can you send an email with your client ID to [email protected]
these features are not working in my account. Earlier I used to see all these but from a month or so, nothing is visible. All values it shows as zeros, and no charts no statistics are visible. It says no data to display. Whom to contact, can you give an email if your technical or support team??
Can you send this to [email protected] with your client ID
Time analysis reports are not getting updated in Q-Back office.
Can you please write to [email protected]? Our support staff will be happy to help.
my Q-backoffice analytics are not updated and this is happening second time. Earlier I have also complained on this issue. it does not get updated regularly.
Dear Nitin sir,
Is there any browser mandatory for quant or any minimum time period is required. Hats off to you for these type of inventions in indian market, Please continue it irrespective of useless comments & demotion by some pepole. I am big fan of yours for these type inventions. Those whose are not able to understand these things let them to dip in sea of heavy brokerage charges.
is the Market Trends report working in Quant, i am not seeing any results . please check and advice.
Can you email [email protected] with your client ID
My quant is not showing recent days data. I.e. after march this year. So please resolve this.
I have an account with a broker who does not provide automated trading,does zerodha provide automated trading .and if it provides which are the cos involved in providing automated trading on zerodha platform
Gautam, we don’t provide any algo’s as such. But if you have an algorithm and a auto trading setup, we can help you get exchange approvals for it. You can reach out to [email protected]
Guys, I have opened a new account with Zerodha (though I am not new to market). I heard alot of zeroadha, also you got award recently at ET bootcamp. But looking at some silly thing, I force to write about it. why your quant service is down, even though it is down why don’t you put some message there. I don’t it is big deal to do that. I am sure it is not your engg can’t do that, it is your management who can’t think about impact due to this on your branding which started on right foot but could not maintain it .
Rather giving focus on expanding business, fix running business. Or don’t give service which you can’t maintain.
Having this checked.
Recent data is not updated . Please do the needful
Hi, I am not able to see “Equity Curve” in Quant. It is saying “No equity holdings available”. My client id is: PR0379. Need help
The quant analysis tools are best tools so far seen in markets. But its only on papers. But past some days the Quant analysis tools are not working. Data are not updated. My friends who opened there accounts on Zerodha also found the quant tools not working. They were unsatisfied by first look.
So asking to please fix these problem. If the problems fixing is in progress, please put up the some message like “data are not reliable, issues being rectified” in front page.
For past few days I have noticed that Time Analytics data is not refreshed on Q. I can see it only till 24 Jun 2016. Activities after this are not reflected. It show something like it is being synced but remains the same
Equity curve in Quant is not showing result/graph until current date. It always takes 27th Dec 2015 as last date no matter which option I chose. Any fix for this?
Equity curve option is currently down. We will have it fixed soon.
Thanks.. I meant not only now. It always showed only till Dec 27th 2015, no matter what I selected.
Yes, there are some issues with equity curve. It is buggy, we will have it removed until we introduce it again.
I have been member of Zerodha since Feb 2014.
I am having best support every time from Zerodha Team.
Thanks for launching great tools like Zerodha pi, Q, Quant etc.
Their are some serious issues with Q,All the figures shown are ramdom and not related to my trading activities.For example its showing my profit till date is 58 crore and my 60 day challenge is -8 lakh.Many more such examples.Kindly rectify the errors.
Also their are issues with accounting of weekly bank nifty options.I see that funds post expiry are not added properly to the account funds.I have raised a ticket on this as well, but no response yet.
Vinit, there was some issue with Banknifty weekly options recently introduced. Having this checked.
Quant is not getting updated for last 4 days .. Not sure whether this technical issue is at my end or not ..However rest all other options are updated till date including 60 days challenge ..Pls suggest
We’ll have this updated.
Dear Mr.Kamath
I am account holder with Zerodha and have one suggestion….for equity trading….
Please ammend your software to include auto SIP in equity.
ie. I want to buy 10 RIL shares 10th date of every month.
I have seen this in IIFL account…
Please advise and also kindly send me mail on fiven email ID.
It is on our list of things to do. Will take some time.
I have started making profits…… 🙂
KITE………………………….. suits the BEST for my kind of person…………………….”” BUT “”
I have a very long list of shares in portfolio…………and hence……..badly NEED this “” ONE “” facility
which includes the BEST of features in Q and MORE……
( a ) specially a column for showing daily percentage change. ( and facility to ” SORT ” )
( b ) facility to ” SORT ” the profit…..from the LONG LIST of HOLDINGS
I am SURE EVERYBODY will welcome these changes…….&……….MORE
thanks again……
:), yes on our list to do.
Respected sir,
Every things are well and nice. I request you to have the font color in dark color . So that we can read content with out strain. and request make the images legible so that we can see the image well.
We are working on a new version of Q/Quant, will put this up to our design team.
Hi Nithin,
I am a losing trader since 10 years. But the happiest fact is that the applications which you guys are providing is simply amazing. I love PI, then the Kite and then the quant. You guys rock. These are very powerful tools.
Couple of request though:
1. In PI, I cannot have both RSI and EMA of RSI working on hourly chart specially on commodity charts of CRUDE and NATURAL GAS. Can you get this rectified?
2. In Quant, when you show analytics of by buy/sell on chart, can you please sort the buy and sell signal based on time? As of today it does not differentiate between long and short.
I am a very tech savvy person and very happy that I chose Zerodha. I would not only use your service for long time but recommend to my friends.
My Client ID is DH0569. You or your team can call me if you need further clarification.
i m currently using nest chart and amibroker chart . i have rs 500 per crore plan . is there any plan of fixed monthly brokerage for all the segments ? and online web based interactive chart . i like to see moving averages and macd. is there any branch in indore ? plz call 9179829710
Sabir, we probably have the best web based charting platform in India on Kite. http://zerodha.com/z-connect/tradezerodha/kite/kite-introduction. No, we don’t have any fixed monthly brokerage chart.
i forget password of pi how can i recover it?
You can reset it yourself by clicking on forgot the password.
Dear Sir,
I have found some issues with price alert in Zerodha trader. I have logged a ticket #113304 . But still I could not get the solution from your support team. Finally I have reported to the issue to Omnesys technologies also. Please go though it and expedite the solution to the problem.
Ramana murthy
Hi Nithin,
First of all would like appreciate you for just a great tool to figure out profit and losses however there is some problem in profitability on daily wise Just i was checking and trying to get the daily profitability record what i found some of days profit and losses and not there or missing. so could take this forward and i have already raised two – three time support ticket but there is no response from them.
Having this checked.
Hi, I am not sure if this is the right place to ask/comment, but I just installed PI (Absolutely excellent, and very intuitive trading platform), but I have a request. Is it possible for Q or PI to have an option where records for the same contract in different months are integrated. For position traders who roll their positions over, it is easier if we don’t have to manually add and subtract the same contract for Nov, Dec, Jan etc.
You mean to say to calculate profitability is it? So you would want to know the profitability trading Nifty futures throughout? Have you seen this: http://zerodha.com/z-connect/tradezerodha/q-reporting-analytics/quant/quant-contract-wise
Unfortunately, I am getting inaccurate displays there. I can show screenshots to the technical team if needed, the P/L on Q is perfectly accurate, but the Contract Wise display is extremely inaccurate for some contracts.
True, Me to getting wrong contract wise display….I have done only single trade in Essar Ports…Got 2000 rs profit as well…But It showing highest loss scrip ( Code- RJ0464)
How can trust these reports ???
Prabhat, will get our tech team to call you up.
Thank you for being so prompt, I really appreciate the excellent customer service. It’s nothing particularly urgent though, so it’s fine if you guys take your time on this one.
Whats the difference between folllowing reports in Time based Quant:
(a) Profitability > Weekly
(b) Weekly Overview
Also, following suggested:
(a) Profitability should be first report in time basd quant. Every thing else flows out of that.
(b) Profitability data (displayed below graph) can be better presented in tabulated manner. Same is true for all other data displayed below graphs.
(c) Streaks can be neatly displayed in tabulated manner alongwith profitability data.
(d) Week days Breakdown – Weeks (Green Rectangle) is not relevant to week dyas breakdonwn and is already covered in Profitability > Weekly.
Will be posting my comments on Trends and Cotract based quant views subsequently.
a. Profitability-weekly, is visually showing your profitability(P&L statement) over the last 1 year + in terms of week. So Oct 1st week,2nd week, Nov 1st week, 2nd week etc.
b. Weekly overview shows which week of the month (1st, 2nd, etc) overall have you been profitable. As in, your average P&L over the last 1 + year to see if there is any pattern in you making money say 1st week of the month or last.
Thanks for the feedback.
Thanks for clarification …. you may consider providing ‘weekly breakdown’ months wise (just the way you have ‘weekday breakdown’ weekwise for ‘weekday overview’).
Hi Nitin,
Wanted to check if you are relesing Pi tomorrow
Yes, the final beta release tomorrow onwards. We are releasing it to a few, and then will slowly keep increasing over the next week.
Hi, unfortunately, this problem with the splits is still there on the Q P&L.
Having our team check this, we will send you an email.
I just realized it has not adjusted prices or quantities post the stock-split of SBIN, can this defect be corrected, it started occurring only day before yesterday, but it’s highly confusing.
Prabhat, we fixed this issue of splits on Q P&L, we will fix it for Quant also asap.
Quant has suddenly developed some strange glitch. My realised Profit is suddenly displayed as a wholly inaccurate figure because since day before yesterday it has started recording my buy price for SBI Nov futures as 368.30 (It has not traded anywhere near those levels and my actual average was obviously much lower).
Hi Team Zerodha:
I have been a client of Zerodha for the past 2 years. Although, not a great player, feeling extremely happy with your technical service and innovations.Thank you and All the best for your future venture !
Hello ,
The quant is showing completely wrong data for my account as the pnl shown for month and yearly are completely wrong and the data is stuck at October .. Please advice. Thanks
Best Regards
This has been reported to our developers. I think you should be able to see accurate information by end of day today.
I am not able to see any report in quant… Since last 3 days, I get message that “Wait until we fetch your data” !!!
Anil, can you send an email to [email protected] with your client ID.
I am a user of zerodha trading platform since august this year.My quant was last synced on 01 october 2014 and the latest data in the quant available till 22 october 2014. Since 22 Oct I have made 10 trades till 4 nov 2014, however the data is not updating in the quant. I wrote to admin on friday received no ans. Any issue with the software or is this a localised issue. Quant helps me take informed decision , so pls solve my issue quickly.
Moumita, can you send an email to [email protected] with [email protected] in cc. Mention your client ID, should not happen.
Can we download this to excel or csv format?
That will still help us further more to derive calculation offline.
Kindly provide this info. Thanks.
No. If you want to download, you can go to Q and easily download both the P&L and tradebook in excel.
Hi Nitin
Glad to hear that going to launch PI trading soon. Is there a Indicator itchimoku tool availa
Not for now, we have 80+indicators, we will add more after the launch.
Hi Nitin nd Zerodha Team,
Awesome Work guyz..
Now i can check my Entire history of Trading(money minting Pattern)
Hi Nitin,
Zerodha Pi software Is there scanning facility (equity) like amibroker? Let say Intra day highest %movers or decliners ? or last 180 days highest volume spikers etc??? Is it possible through PI ?? second
Now Zerodha terminal is have some problem especially if u r login in different time zone countries…we cant get chart update after certain time…Is that problem solved in PI ???
I appreciate your response
Yes there are scanners available, but don’t know if it will work like what is on Ami.
Once you test Pi out, let us know if you face any issues, we can have that fixed.
Hi Nitin,
we are too excited about pi, and eagerly waiting for this tool, when will this be released ?
Ajay, we have around 200 users beta testing it, we should go live soon.
how long more will it take? can we expect it for sure in October?
Hello Zerodha, I am a prospective convert to Zerodha, I am currently using other trading platforms. The key thing i am looking for is a superior trading platform and i have been very impressed by what i am reading/hearing about “PI” and other supporting tools such as Quant. Analytics is a key component of a traders success and am glad Zerodha is doing what it can in that space…..My specific question today is does any of Zerodha’s platforms currently allow for a “cash linked Future order”….I.e. will I be able to put in a pre-market order that says if Nifty or any stock touches a particular price, immediately buy a future of Nifty or the stock. Simply put, instead of buying in equity segment at a particular price, i want to trigger a futures order at a cash price trigger.
If not currently available, does the new platform have this feature?
This is an important feature for a futures trader and i know only of IB that provides this feature. It would be a key differentiator.
Prashant, one trigger other is something that we will have on Pi in the future. This will take some time though.
Thanks Nitin for your quick response…..This responsiveness is what will prompt me along with some others from my trading community to sign up with Zerodha….Afterall, when this is driven from the top, I can expect the team to be as responsive to our needs…..Well done….we appreciate it. and do keep this focus even as you grow with many many more customers….Thank you
Hi Zerodha
While this is a commendable initiative that you are attempting to provide analytics capability and am sure with passage of time you will provide more insights and improve, but when i look at my reports currently, it all seem erraneous and the profit or loss amount shown on certain days, is clearly very wrong. There are huge spikes on certain days with profits and loss running very high (and i know for sure i have not done that much on a day 🙂 and on days when i know for sure i have made profit, the report shows loss and vice versa….even if you take the last 7 days data for me, it is producing erroneous reports…
Currently while these reports seem attractive initially, beyond that, they dont add any value as i cannot infer anything meaningful from this….
Should you need any data points, i can mail to your team.
Time based analytics is based on when you enter the trade. So for example, if you bought Nifty futures on monday and sold it on thursday for profit. The profit is added for monday, because this analytic is used to tell the best time to enter the trade.
But I have already emailed you, we are double checking and will get back to you soon.
Zerodha! once again have exceeded our expectations. Such products from a discounted brokerage was an unthinkable past. Just a suggestion, apart from time analytics, if you could also include stock specific analsis it would be great. For example, which script has given me consistent profit and vice versa and also the sector where I’ve gained and lost. Looking for more such features.
Yep that and a lot more soon. Thanks 🙂
Good initiative from Zerodha… My question is with regards to the granularity of data for time based analytics, Is it possible to drill the data down to the time (hh:mm) of day when one makes profit or loss?
It will be very tough to go to mm, but yeah hh is planned. So you can see your performance in the last 1 hour or first 1 hour of the day. Should be available in the next couple of months.
hello in pi charts time frames will be 15 also na
Yes, you can choose your time frame
thank you bro, we r just waiting for pi, we do have a great expectation about time frame 5-15 min and according to me pi will be the best platform in asia , all the best
Only the Quant logo is available. Quant tool is not working
We are making some changes, should be up soon.
although i have not yet tested the Q. but the idea is no doubt wonderful. thanks zerodha.
Hands down. Great effort. What a way to amaze the kids.
Seriously, asserting this so called “Quantitative Analysis tool” (Which is nothing but a bunch of graphs reflecting what a bank statement would do) as a way to improve your trading pattern or strategy, is laughable.
And that too from a broker who calls himself “modern” gives me hints about the desperate-to-market strategies of yours.
1. Your weekday strategy: Useless. Give me one reason that figuring out which day of the week has been most profitable to in last couple of months would increase my profit. Is it like that the God has assigned each one of us a “lucky weekday” trading on which we can earn bundles of cash? There is absolutely no relation between the day of week and the movement of any stock or commodity or currency prices.
2. Week of month strategy: Again Useless in the similar way. Copy my comments from above.
3. Profitability: Essentially same as the trading history with profits and losses. At least not completely useless.
4. Equity curve: Not an out-of-the-box offering but at least this reflects something. One get to know how he traded, can set a benchmark to rate future trading performances. But nothing that can improve his trading skills or help him earn more money. Its like Batting average of a Batsman, people can judge him(or have a good time killing discussion over it) with that number but knowing it won’t help him to refine his performances. Its just a bundle of figures, that’s it.
5. Streaks: Although it also doesn’t offer anything which could make traders earn more, but it may help them know about their trading style(which can make them wonder about figures which are essentially of no use but merely a topic of discussions).
You baffle me when you assert things as you’ve done in your first paragraph. Anyways, impressive initiative. Good Luck with your sales!
Hey Suresh, 🙂 thanks and appreciate your feedback. This is just Quant starting off, ideally we should have launched once all the reports were ready. But we were spotting trends that we thought could help our clients.
About our weekdays/week of the month report, what if it shows that in the last 40 mondays you are are down on 75% of them, but you are up 75% of the times when traded on friday. What if the report showed a client that he loses money everytime he trades on an expiry day? But yeah, debatable topic it is. 🙂
But in the next couple of months you will see reports like how you performed based on your trading size, how you performed while going with the trend and against the trend, how you performed based on the stop/target you used, and a lot more.
Do let us know, if there is anything that you would like to see. Quant is just starting off, and excuse me if you thought I was being too loud.
See, you haven’t actually contributed to counter my arguments, apart from using “what ifs”. But if you’re so confident with the percentages you’ve quoted after the “what ifs”, I would advise you to document it properly as a research work, you might make a Nobel Prize out of it. 😀 But on a different note, I hope your forthcoming reports would be lot more meaningful and interesting. Good luck.
Whatever little insights i got about my trading behavior using this new tool was definitely useful and again thank you zerodha for this. So please keep it coming.
@Santosh – At the very least someone on this Earth is trying to something to help his clients. What have you done ? If you are so called extra “smart” why not design and launch a better product ? May be then Nithin will listen to you. Until then use it or leave it! May be Nitin has not yet won Nobel Prize but have you even won Bharat Ratna for your smartness ? BTW is your IQ even been nominated ? Or why not you start another brokerage and impress us ?
@Nitin Today when companies are trying to highlight with data crunching (read EMC), i think this tool is doing what they are going. I am sure this tool in future will start showing things which even you may not have imagined. But i am sure you will be more than happy when this happens. Keep up the good work. Looking forward for more…
Awesome.. Let us know when you plan to be listed 😉
Hi. This is Phani. I am going through Quant. But it is showing “data not available”. Could u please check that?
Phani, we are making a few fixes, give it a couple of days it will be fixed.
@Nitin… Congratulations on Zerodha and all the new initiatives you have been providing for making traders life more easier.
I had prepared an excel file and Have been using it from long time now, where i manually put in the data and do similar kind of statistical analysis.
I am also happy that we have something in common that we are both from BIT.
Wishing you all the success …!!!
🙂 Thanks
Hi guys;
Great work on quant – I’m finding out all sorts of strange things about my trading record. (I literally suffer from statistically significant Monday morning blues, for example). However, the reflection of my record seems wildly inaccurate on days when I carry an overnight (options?) position. I can’t quite figure out how it’s treating it – whether it’s failing to mark-to-market or what, but for instance when I try to pull up the daily profitability record, there are several days where the daily profit figure doesn’t correspond with the figure in the trading P&L section. These appear to be days where I was carrying an overnight options position. It would be great if you could rectify this – so that I can figure out whether my Monday morning blues are real, or not!!
Really nice feature to have. Congrats Zerodha 🙂 BTW, I had requested for a feature showing my total turnover for the period. But, there seems to have been no response for the ticket that was opened. @ Nithin – You had mentioned in simple taxation discussion forum that Tax P&L would be enabled for 2015 as way to look up for the turnover. But, as of now it has not been enabled. So, is there any other way to know my turnover.
Yes we will have the tax P&L for this financial year enabled asap.
Hi Nithin, I am not able to login to Q. Please see. Thanks
Manish, can you shoot an email to [email protected]
I have been trading with Zerodha since 2011, How do I see the same analytics for all previous financial years?
Akbar, for now the data that is synced is only from April 2013, we are trying to get the older data on as well.
excellent …eagerly waiting for the new platform.
Hi Nithin,
I thank you and your team for this initiative. This is going to be a great tool for all.
I would also request you to consider having trading app for IOS devices as you have one for android. This is one thing missing since long time. Trading in nest web application in small screen is really difficult. Please suggest if there is other way available for time being.
Is there any mobile version of NEST web application available?
Hi Nithin,
I checked with your front office and came to know that there is an app !!! Exploring it. Thanks a lot..
I am using an app on ios.. search for zerodha.. you will find zerodha mobile there.. it is not fancy but lets you do basic trading
Hi Nithin,
Thanks for developing this tool and some interesting analysis. Can you provide similar analysis wrt leverage? I want to see historically how have I fared when I’m leveraged heavily vs a lightly leveraged scenario. I know that I tend to leverage heavily and then give away a big portion of my gains.
Yep, coming soon. 🙂
Hi Nithin,
Its a awesome tool but only thing is equity curve is not ploting properly.
I think the confusion is because of the date range, should be fixed by tomorrow.
we need pi soooooooon
Great work! Kudos for offering it for free
I do have a few doubts about how the metrics are calculated
My figures don’t stack up right with the quant.
My user ID is RP0910 and I suffered losses in MAR 2014 while the Quant shows profit for this month. I believe time periods start at the first day of the month for all the months. Also, the equity curve doesn’t seem to take leverage into account for calculating the return. Also, the case with streaks. They don’t match my longest winning streak which is 12 days. The losing streak of 8 matches but the dates differ. If required, I could send my data in the required format to the tech team.
I just want this platform to be better. (Not just finding faults :))
Thanks Ram, will have this checked asap. Can you also send me an email with the data you have to [email protected]
Congrats… Unable to Login 🙁
hi Nitin , I have already client of Zerodha, I cant able to see above mentioned reports..I am mainly doing EQ….client id RJ0464…….Any restriction ?
Can you check now, it should be up and running.
Yes the Quant logo is available now. 🙂
Given that most of them are beginning out trading via Zerodha (courtesy, the new platform, brokerage, pretty good customer service), Is there a way to import several years of trading history from other brokers, say by means of csv or excel or any other means to get a jump start on this Quant Tool. I believe that would really make sense.
Imagine, someone who really started out with zerodha will have little or no history and would take a while to build enough history to make any sense out of this tool. Pls throw some light on this thought!
Yep, we have already thought about it and working out on a way to import trades from other brokers as well. The equity curve already works, even if you had bought stock with another broker. When you transfer the stocks to Zerodha demat, Q will show up a discrepant quantity page where you can mention the price and date of acquisition which will be used to plot the equity curve.
Thats cool to hear. Even a mechanism to manually feed in the transaction history by a data entry page would really help. This is all a right foot in the right direction.!
Nithin .. QQ on PI … are going to have Fibonacci extensions too or just retracements?
There are Fibonacci- (arcs, retracements, fan and time zones). But we can definitely add if any popular charting tools are missing in the future.
Hi Nithin, Are there any plans of adding ADX & Ichimoku indicators on the Nest or nextgen tool Pi?
On Pi, but once we have the final release out.
Congrations Nithin once again on this new tool… BI is the name of the game and quants will provide us with huge deal of information which was tacit till today.
In mobile kite application we can not see sensex
Yes will come soon.
quant is a good idea and it is very helpful but it is not working from the beginning of 2017.i’m really very disappointed
nithin sir. kindly enable the quant,hope you will do it
thank you,
There is a sync button that you need to click on. I am getting this checked for your account.
i know.. problem solved immediately , thank you…!!
zerodha team member contacted me 🙂
Sync Button not working in my account. Kindly check
Can you send this to [email protected] with your client ID.
Sync button is not working in quant. I tried it for time based analysis, however it does not provide latest data.
Can you send email to [email protected] with your client ID.
When we will be getting new quant? Sync button is not working. It’s not a good idea to stop supporting running version until you release a new one.
Hi Rajendra,
Quant will be down as we are working towards building our in-house back office, Crux. Will take some time.
sir, quant is not able to sync time analysis and contrat wise details. i am geting bellow message
“Last synced date: 05/07/16
Hello! We’ve currently deprecated Quant as we are working towards bringing the next version of Quant in our new backoffice. We will not be able to sync your data any further and apologize about the inconvenience caused. Thank you for your patience!.” how much time will it take to upgrade an year?
We are working on a completely new Q/Quant, so it might take a couple of months more for this. The earlier version of Quant unfortunately couldn’t scale up the way we wanted (since it involves a lot of calculations on the fly). We are fixing this issue in the new release, you will have a lot more visualizations than before.