It’s the economy, stupid! Inflation’s high… or is it?
Headline inflation’s spiking, but core inflation’s steady, and not all food is to blame. RBI’s stuck in a tricky balancing act—control prices or support growth?
Headline inflation’s spiking, but core inflation’s steady, and not all food is to blame. RBI’s stuck in a tricky balancing act—control prices or support growth?
For the second month straight, BSNL gained market share from private telcos. A real turnaround or just a blip?
GDP growth declines in June. Corporate taxes swing wildly. Credit makes a quiet shift, while small IPOs balloon.
This budget shows continuity. The government has been reforming its fiscal health quietly – which carries on even with a coalition in power.
It’s growth all around: in GDP figures, tax collections, credit, deposits, housing prices and more. In this edition, we look at what it all means.