Launching the all-new Streak 3.0 Beta
The Streak team has been working for the past few months on revamping the platform to make your experience better, based on your feedback. Here is a post from the Streak team introducing the new Streak 3.0 beta platform. You can write to [email protected] with any feedback you may have.
We have all come a long way as traders. Before Streak, our trading days pretty much looked like this: staring at the screen for 9 hours a day, trying out some complicated software that needed to be installed and maintained, trading based on impulse and hearsay, searching for that excel sheet where you had worked out a good trading idea and slamming your laptop shut at closing bell thinking about the “what ifs” and “maybes”.
With Streak 2.0, magically all our trading problems were solved in an instant with a clean and easy way of trading strategically: from opportunity identification to covering your positions while getting notified along the way, allowing you to go about your day-to-day.
But it’s time to up your trading game and your performance as the markets are getting more fierce with increasing algorithmic volume and new entrants to the stock market.
We are launching Streak 3.0, with the single goal of upping your trading performance. After a lot of consideration and internal debate with experts, we have launched the hero feature of 3.0 – “Discover”.
Here’s a sneak peek.
Discover Strategies
Trading ideas are dime a dozen, however, trading strategies that fit the right opportunity at the right time are not. For the first time in trading history, we are proud to say that we have built a strategy engine that allows you to take advantage of top-notch trading strategies that are personalised to your trading style and preference. The best part is, this feed gets refreshed every single day and factors in current market conditions and time frames.
Scroll through and filter out strategies and quickly view their performance across stocks, currency futures, futures contracts and commodities.
Use this section as a beginner’s guide to strategic trading until you master the art of building your own strategies. Please note, these strategies are meant for inspiration and are not to be construed as recommendations. You can modify these strategies anyway you like before taking it live.
View Backtest
We understand that every second matters. Our new interface allows you to quickly slide through backtest results of multiple stocks in a single view for each strategy, whether it’s a strategy you are discovering or whether it is a strategy you created yourself. As always, you can edit the backtest parameters to your fancy and re-run it again.
Paper Trade
For those who don’t know what a paper trade is, it’s just another word for virtual trading or simply put placing hypothetical trades based on real-time stock market prices. If you are trying out Streak for the first time or if you are new to the stock market in general, we highly recommend you paper trade the strategies before taking it live.
If you are happy with your strategies, you can always deploy it again and take it live to receive notifications with an order window that lets you place orders with a single click.
As always, we are offering free access to the new Streak 3.0 Beta platform to all Zerodha users from 4th Dec 2019 to 10th Dec 2019. The plan will entail 20 backtests, 2 live deployments, and 20 scans per day.
We will be launching our mobile version of 3.0 soon and will keep you posted.
Do write to us at [email protected] for any assistance.
Quick links:
It is good and simply understanding,all good
Thank you for your feedback Kishan!
I am doing trading with chartink scanner and my strategy in chartink is working good.
But as for algo trading i have created my charink strategy in zerodha streak but it is not working properly.
Please do the needful.
Hi Shahnawaz,
Please write to [email protected] with the details of your strategy and we shall help you with this.
is paper trading free and how to do it
Hi Lalitha,
Streak is a paid platform, you can refer to the plan details in the following link.
You can read and understand paper trading here: https://blog.streak.tech/paper-trading-on-streak/
How to user open interest indicator for buy signal and sell signal
It depends on what your idea is,
Suppose you want to buy when Price and OI is increasing, you can write
Close higher than Period Max(20, High) and OI higher than OI MA(20, Simple,-1)
I did the registration, but so far didn’t get the feedback.
Hi Rubens,
Please write to [email protected] for issues regarding your subscription. Also, mention your Kite ID in the mail for this.
i am using this since 6 montsh its great but now i am using camarilla strategy manually which is not present in this ALGO please include PIVOT CAMARILLA in streaks. Now, only pivot standard and facinocci is available if you include camarilla its helps me a lot and if possible please include ” n “candle trailing stoploss… i am eagarly waiting for your reply
Hi Ramkrishna,
This has been noted.
Regarding ”n“candle trailing stop loss, please elaborate on the requirement. You can write to [email protected] with the details.
HI if i build a strategy n induct for 15min chart type…… “and” MULTIFRAME COMPLETED(DAY,STOCHASTIC MTM) LOWERTHAN NUM(0) as supportung condition …….its not working……when MULTIFRAME(only multiframe like in scanner) will be introduced IN CREATING STRATEGY ????????
Hi Adhi,
Please refer
Thanks for the reply and also MULTIFRAME COMPLETED is working now and there was technical glitch from streak end.Thanks for faster resolution.
Dear Zerodha Team,
Its always great to connect with the most innovative fintech company in the nation. I have a humble suggestion regarding possibility of options feature with Streak. If possibly you can source minute wise data for options especially for index, i think that can help solving the problem of back-testing and live implementation. That shall solve the mathematical problems associated with time decay and IV.
Even with that feature the backtesting will be limited to expiry based options, i think thats where the real money lies.
I think the customers will be comfortable in paying an extra premium for it.
Impatiently looking for options enabled with streak.
Hi Nayan,
These are some great points suggested by you. Our team also have been ideating on an approach for the same, and we would like to hear more from your vantage point as a customer and experienced trader.
We would request you to write to [email protected] with your contact details so that we can have a more detailed discussion on the same, we will make it worth your time 🙂
Hi Team ,
1.Can you bring fractals Chaos band indicator ?
2. Can you bring a time between when to take a trade like 11am to 3.15 ?
Hi Sarnab,
1. We have taken note of this
2. This is already present. Refer to the following link.
Can it be used only for cash buy or cash sell with out giving exit details?
Hi krishnan,
For any strategy that you create, you need to mention an entry condition and an SL and target. An exit condition is not necessary. Please refer https://help.streak.tech/
Hi Adhi,
Please refer
Hi Team,
After creating stratergies the backtest range is of only 1 month, what if i want to do 3 month backtest in a single go?
Currently, for 1min timeframe the maximum allowed backtest range is 1 month. You cannot backtest 3 months at one go but you can run the test 3 times to test on 3 months’ data.
Does streak also cover nifty options trading.
Streak does not support Options Contracts because they have a component of time decay associated with it which makes backtesting tricky. Streak currently supports only Equity (Cash) and Equity, Currency and Commodity Futures.
How I can open the chart of a scrip in Streak?
Currently, charts are not supported in Streak. However, we will be adding charts in the future. You can use kite charts to verify signals.
Hi sir I have doubt in getting notifications from streak. How will I get signal from streak. Should I run streak app in background to get notifications or should I keep the streak app always open to notified. Is there any way to get signal notifications like msg which we notified top on our mobile screen.
Hi Nithyaraj, you need to install the Streak app in your mobile phone and login using your account details. All notification would be sent to the app. The notifications would appear in your notification drawer like WhatsApp messages.
Hi have few queries and clarification. Appreciate your response.
1. How to create a condition to enter at the beginning of 9.16 AM. giving time as a condition?
2. How to select the Day open price as entry condition?
3. Can I store the purchase price in a variable and use in exit condition?
4. How to set entry time frame and exit time frame?
5. How to set an else ccondition if exit condition not met till certain time such as 1 pm?
6. If exit condition not met , what will happen? will it auto square of at 3.30pm for margin trade?
7. How to find days high till certain time of a day? like till 1 pm high price of the day.
8. Any option to add if else conditions?
9. How to place sell order x%above day open price?
Please write to [email protected] with all your queries.
I have an demat account in zerodha. If we use streak algo for auto trading in intraday equity then will we get margin leverage?
Hi Ritu,
Streak does not support auto-order placement. You will need to confirm the actionable notification sent to your device to place the order.
The margin requirement while using Streak will remain the same as using Kite since leverage is given by the broker.
How do I perform backtest on NIFTY-I futures as a continouts data in Streak? Actually, without this feature Streak is not useful at all and you folks are simply misleading newbies.
Hi Koushik,
You can backtest your strategy on Nifty Spot to determine the credibility of your strategy. There is a very high correlation between spot and future.
Currently, we do not support continuous data for backtesting any futures instruments. However, we will be adding continuous data soon.
Please can you let me know the current symbol for NIFTY in streak which can be used for backtesting?
I just logged into streak mobile app using kite to see what it is. Does it mean that am already subscribed and will be charged? I didn’t intend to subscribe now. Will there be charged for logging into the app?
No, when you login for the first time you get a free trial. During the trial period, you can test the platform and learn how it works. You will not be charged during the trial.
For any subscription-related issues/queries, please write to [email protected]
Technicals – Stop Loss & Resistance levels are showing incorrectly when i switch from 15 min to 30 Min and above.
For lower timeframe it works
Please write to [email protected] in case you face any other issues.
How to add 2 conditions with OR and 3rd condition as AND like below :
Positive MACD crossover AND (RSI crossover above 50 OR RSI crossover above 30)
You need to create conditions as
MACD crosses above MACD signal and RSI crossover above 50 or MACD crosses above MACD signal and RSI crossover above 30
You will get more information here: https://help.streak.tech/create/#combining-conditions-with-andor
I would request you to consider letting users implement strategies on Options. I agree they cant be backtested. But by introducing that feature, you might help lot of retail traders to develop a system and stick to it. Thereby you are removing the emotional aspect of trading as well. And it might do wonders for the brand of ZERODHA.
Check out Sensibull for options trading and strategies!
Team, streak is really good for partial automation, but unable to perform options. Even though backtesting is not possible in option, still we can implement our technical strategy to automate the options. Hope option feature is available very soon. please take it as a serious note that most of them likely to see the options in streak.
I fully agree with you that launch the feature without backtesting for Options. I also requested Streak team many times in the past about this feature but they are not paying any heed to customers on this request.
This is really annoying and so I left streak for the moment.
I will take subscription once they implement this feature.
Hi Govind,
We hear the clients requirements and focus on adding possible features, kindly know that adding some things take more time than other and the team works on many features at a time, currently, we are working on many such features, and would appreciate your support and patience regarding, we will keep you posted as soon as we have updates regarding the same.
Thanks for reply this time.
Streak’s platform is already functional for Strategy feature for other segments. Streaks team need to implement this for Option segment and this work is not a huge task.
Nonetheless, do steak’s team has defined timelines to implement this feature.
This is the fundamental need of Options Traders
Dear Mr Manohar
tradetron is aggressively introducing automation for algo , the only handicap is strategy is not readymade like zerodha , why zerodha is not looking out of box solution as many midsize algo expert are offering automation through zerodha api , hope your tech team will soon launcha solution
Automated trading isn’t allowed for retail, so offering a platform for it isn’t possible.
I am aa new user, a very basic question, anyone aware please answer – what does 200 backtests means, is it 1 strategy on 10 stocks , then it will counted as 20 backtests?
Wonder why this query has not been replied as yet by Streak…I can see all above and below queries of this post replied appropriately.
Will streak be giving a provision of automatic exit in a particular strategy. Since right now both entry and exit have be confirmed manually when signal is received. There should be an automatic exit when stoploss condition is triggered so one can minimize losses
Hi Sudhir,
This is already available.
After you deploy a strategy when you receive an entry notification and take action on it, you receive an SLM order notification as well, immediately after your entry order is executed at the exchange. The SLM order remains open for execution as and when the price hits your SL or goes beyond the SL.
Is CRUDEOIL near month continuous chart available in Streak for back testing ?
If so what is the ticker name and what interval it is available?
Hi Partheeban, Crudeoil continuous chart is currently not available. It will be added in the future.
Someone asked about the same thing in 2017 and Zerodha replied same thing, Soon it will be implemented.
And we have since added this on Kite. Streak is yet to implement this. Since they’re a newer business, it’s only natural they’d need some more time.
The SL order in % terms in not a good idea. I would like to provide a SL condition, for e.g. X points below an inidicator or low of signal candle etc. Please provide this in future updated to make it a more reasonable system.
Hi Anita, we are working on this and it would released soon
why “Maths functions , up by,down by comparator ” are not present in streak..??
Actually i was making one strategy to sell the stock whenever there is 1 % percent movement in 1 min candle. This is possible in scanner but not while making strategy. Is there any way i can get this logic executed with current indicators in streak ..??
please answer my question.
Is it possible to get the result of the strategy as api call?
Say for example I want to check whether the first three 10 mins candle are green… is it possible I can check these through api call ?
Streak does not provide any API to users. If you want to code a a custom logic, you can check out https://kite.trade/
Is this fully automated algo trading app or software?
Hi Gaurav, fully automated trading is not allowed for retail traders in India. Streak allows you to run a strategy and will alert you whenever there’s a trade as per your strategy and you’ll have to click to place it.
I did back-test for a stock & the start time is 10:15 AM. but while doing back-test buying is happening as 9:45 AM itself. What is the issue? Thanks
Hi Arun,
This is because Streak list the Open time in the backtest result. Assuming that you are backtesting using 30min timeframe, the opening time of the 10:15 AM candle is 9:45 AM.
Please refer to the following resources to get more information on this.
In case you need further help, please write to [email protected]
can also trade in bank nifty and nifty option ( call and put ) or not
Streak does not support Options Contracts. Please refer to
so many times i contacted streak customer care regarding how to place BUY,SELL,SHORT,COVER orders using streak, in create my strategy, i could only see ENTRY and EXIT CONDITION, i think this condition only places BUY,SELL order, then what about SHORT and COVER order, i did’t find tutorial on this
Hi Manohar,
We apologize for the inconvenience caused.
We have checked and you have sent one mail on March 31st regarding this. The response has already been sent on the same date with links to the respective resources for reference.
In case you are unable to understand them, please write to [email protected] with stating your Kite ID and we shall arrange a callback with one of our Customer Education Specialists.
Is there an option to compare different statergies and know ,which one is better
Hi Sridhar,
There are no options for comparison since the strategies are judged using a number of metrics and can be subjective as well.
Please check out the following post:
Does Streak 3.0 support range-bar based strategies?
Hi Rajesh,
Streak does not support Range Bars currently.
If i getting some problem to create strategy on regular basis, whom should i contact to resolve the issue and who can help me on creating the strategy.
Best write to support[at]streak[dot]tech.
How can i create below strategy for back testing:
Condition to buy:
1) Buy to be initiated after 9:45 AM
2) Buy to be initiated in any time of the day, if the price level crosses the high of 9:00 am to 9:45 am
3) Not to buy in case difference of high and low of 9:00 to 9:45 is more than Rs 5.
4) SL to be 2% and target to be 2%.
Condition to Sell:
1) Sell to be initiated after 9:45 AM
2) Sell to be initiated in any time of the day, if the price level crosses the low of 9:00 am to 9:45 am
3) Not to sell in case difference of high and low of 9:00 to 9:45 is more than Rs 5.
4) SL to be 2% and target to be 2%.
I have just joined streak.
Hi Gaurav,
You can implement both strategies. However, the 3rd condition cannot be implemented in the strategies currently.
You can use the following condition to implement the long strategy.
Timeframe: 1 min
Entry: Close crosses above Opening Range (High, 45min)
TP: 2%
Similarly, you can create the short strategy.
Do we have Java API to interact with Streak notifications of deployed strategies?
Hi Kiran, currently this feature is not supported. However, it is in our roadmap and would be released in the future.
HI Streak,
There is any estimation in progress to release API for notifications? I am planning to write my custom code with kite connect, But its taking lot of effort..If streak allow reading notification throw API.It will be very helpful
Unfortunately, we cannot provide any estimation regarding this currently. However, we will reiterate that it is going to be released soon. Stay tuned!
Can you please add the feature which will enable us to use the scanner for the customized list of stocks from which we can scan rather than from the basket. We should be able to add the stocks just just we have the ability to that while creating the strategy.
The feature requested by you is called custom basket feature. It is already a part of our road-map and will soon be launched with our upcoming updates.
can we buy & sell with supertrend
Hi Sandeep!
Supertrend Indicator is available on the platfrom.
Whether any documentation is available of various ‘Indicators’ present in Streak 3.0. Finding it a little tough to understand a few of them like
– In ‘Previous N’ indicator. For example: Prev N(High,-5,day) is the high of previous 5th day or highest value of last 5 days
– morning star(bearish,0.0,0.0) what are these ‘penetration’ and ‘offset’ values
Hi Rahul!
Please refer to our manual at : https://help.streak.tech/
For any further help, please write to us at [email protected]
First of all I would like to say thanks to Zerodha’s Streak team to create this platform which is immensely helping working professionals /retail traders like me who can’t remain in front of screen. Streak gives us power to fairly work at par with professional traders.
Now the real problem which I am facing as on now is that I primarily deals in options and Options are not available in the Streak. Although in FAQ you already mentioned that time decay will impact back testing & therefore its not added in steak and that reason is acceptable BUT you can launch OPTION feature without back testing feature.I HAVE (I am sure many retail traders also have their own validated strategies) MY OWN VALIDATED STRATEGIES AND I WANT A PLATFORM WHICH CAN SEND ME BUY & SELL ALERT AS PER MY STRATEGIES.
Hi Govind,
Yes sir, we are considering it and will keep you posted.
I really appreciate the vigour & agility of streak team to consider users’ requirements ! KUDOS !!
Waiting for streak version with the strategy section for options.
Is paper trading available for equity futures?
Hi Suneetha!
Paper Trading Option is available for Equity Futures also.
Can we code our strategy in python rather than using the interface?
For this, you can check out Kite Connect.
Is paper trading available for equity futures?
Yes its already available.
When would yu update it to fully automated
Hi Kunal!
We do not provide completely automated execution due to SEBI regulations. Whenever the regulations are updated, we shall be able to provide the feature.
I have two queries,,
1) when 3.0 will be launch for Android mobile??
2) Unable to find commodity section like crudeoil etc in Discover section in streak 3.0 on Laptop??
Hi! Shyamal!
1) Work is in progress for the Android Version of V3. It should be released soon.
2) You may add commodities to the strategies already available in Discover. Different sectors will be made available in upcoming updates.
Is there an ORB strategy in Streak ?
Hi Rangarajan!
Yes, you can create opening range strategies on Streak. Please write and send your exact requirements to our support E-mail ([email protected]) so that we can assist you.
Hi Team,
Why you removed banknifty spot and nifty spot back testing..it was very useful now we can’t backtest banknifty more than 1 month
Thanks & Regard
Hi Dhananjay,
You can still backtest nifty, banknifty and other indices. They have not been removed. In case you are not able to backtest indices, please write to [email protected].
Noop not able to find banknifty spot and nifty spot symbol while backtesting before i used to but now can’t find symbol can you chk and tell me if it’s there
Will the order be placed automatically once the conditions are met…
Hi Prithiv,
Once your conditions are met, an actionable notification will be sent to your system. You need to click on the notification and confirm to place the order. As per regulation, this cannot be automated.
For any deployed strategy if anything triggered why Everytime we need to take action (buy/sell) why it is not automatically executed
Hi Arunava,
As per regulation, order placement cannot be automated. You need to click on buy/sell button to place the order.
Why all BSE stocks are not available for trade in Streak?
Hi Ram,
Streak does only supports NSE scrips, currently.
Streak mobile is not working in abroad.
Don’t you have an option to use out of India…?
Yes of course. Please write [email protected] and the team shall help you with this.
AtR trailing stoploss using 1mnt chart. Strategy
I also waiting for this version in mobile.
Launch as soon as possible,
Hi Avishek,
ATR trailing stop loss will be added with several other indicators. We are already working on the Android app and it would be released soon.
Finally zerodha did something called paper trading 😂😂 is it free or u want some fee for using it😂😂
Hi Deepak,
You need to subscribe to use Streak.
You can check our subscription details from the below-mentioned link.
However, we are offering free access to the new Streak 3.0 Beta platform to all Zerodha users from 4th Dec 2019 to 10th Dec 2019. The plan will entail 20 backtests, 2 live deployments, and 20 scans per day.
Work in price action ?
Yes, you can create and implement price action strategies as well.
kindly add CPR PIVOT OF pivot boss..frank ochoa..thank u.total all pivots from monthly to be added..
Hi Raj,
This will be added soon.
I have been using some logic but believe only consider 1..2 parameter of all the given ones though I have added AND between these
Can someone help to discuss on this over this week preferably Saturday time
Hi Sandeep,
Please write to [email protected] with the details of your request and the team shall you implement the same.
Is there any number to contact where we can discuss discrepancy is strategy……
Or its just email id which needs to be contacted
You have to send an email to [email protected]
Is Paper trading free? Or only seven days or need to subscribe
You can use our 7-day trial, free of cost. After the trial period, you need to subscribe to use the platform to papertrade or deploy.
Hi,when will be partial booking implementation done like trgt1,trgt2
Hi Kapil,
This is under discussion and there are no updates on this yet.
Fractal chaos band is not included in streaks. Please add.
Hi Sachin,
We have noted your requirement. Please write to [email protected] with further requests.
Streak and zerodha dont have option of indicator on indicator.
Hi Anshu,
You can do this for some indicators. For example, RSI moving average. However, in case you are not able to implement your requirement, you can write to [email protected] with the deatils and the team shall help you with this.
back testing of option trading possible?
Streak does not support Options Contracts because they have a component of time decay associated with it which makes backtesting tricky. Streak currently supports only Equity (Cash) and Equity, Currency and Commodity Futures.
If provide tradingview chart platform directly streak app is better identify and check statergy now i am only checking zerodha after only we will do execution better provide direct chart access
Hi Parameswaran,
Thank you for your feedback.
We already have this in our roadmap and would be released with our future updates.
Can we deploy our strategy as scanner ?
As of now we need to put input in stratagy also for creating scanner also any option can be possible we can convert our stratagy in to scanner ?
Yes, you can implement your strategy logic in the scanner manually. However, we would be introducing features that will allow users to replicate their scanner, with the click of a button, in the future.
Thanks a lot for adding the feature to select variable quantity. But you could have made that automatic using max loss per trade or max percentage loss per trade so that people wont have to manually adjust the quantity every time.
This is already in our roadmap and will be released with our future updates.
When will the automation feature come out? Can you use streak with a third party virtual private server to automate?
I was wondering if entry & exit for option trading would be possible based on nifty index.This is very critical as we cannot keep SL & Target based on option prices.This is specially for intraday trades.
Streak does not support Options Contracts because they have a component of time decay associated with it which makes backtesting tricky. Streak currently supports only Equity (Cash) and Equity, Currency and Commodity Futures.
Is Streak available on android app
We will be releasing our updated Android app soon.
I am also waiting for mobile versions
Pls launch soon.
how can we download it
Streak is available on the cloud. You can visit http://www.streak.tech and log in with your kite credentials.
Hello team,
why can’t you put open interest Indicator in streak which is critical for creating live strategy for F&O stocks.?
Hi Pratik, we are already working on this and it will be available soon.
Can we create our custom strategy ?
Yes, of course you can. Please visit http://www.streak.tech and log in with your kite credentials.
Please keep Streak free to use as options of auto trading is emerging very fast using Java , Python development and reduce cost of API .
Hi Sunando,
Our focus has always been to provide the best of the technology to our clients and reduce their efforts and help them take informed decisions based on proven past record of their strategies using backtesting, paper trading, etc.
To further enhance the experience, we conduct regular webinars to educate our clients about the platform. We have also focused on building a strong support team to support our clients whenever they need help with the platform and we also do provide a free trial to each client to get comfortable with the platform and understand if it suits their trading style before they subscribe. We have also put up a unique ultimate plan where one can consult our platform expert over the phone for 30 minutes to get all your doubts cleared regarding technicals and the platform itself and get educated in every aspect of using the platform.
We are only charging our clients for huge server cost that we incur for carrying our various operations and services that we provide including backtests, deployment, data, scanner and quick support, which we offer at the most competitive rates in the industry. We have also incorporated different pricing plans based on the requirement of different users.
For any further clarifications, help or doubts, please feel free to write to [email protected]
Can i use this strategy on BANK Nifty Options ?
Streak does not support Options Contracts because they have a component of time decay associated with it which makes backtesting tricky. Streak currently supports only Equity (Cash) and Equity, Currency and Commodity Futures.
Streak login error. Please contact support at [email protected]
Kindly solve the problem.
Please write to [email protected]
Login error
please write to [email protected]
getting login error
Please write to [email protected]
Will it work in BANKNIFTY and nifty Call and put??
Streak does not support Options Contracts because they have a component of time decay associated with it which makes backtesting tricky. Streak currently supports only Equity (Cash) and Equity, Currency and Commodity Futures.
Why can’t we allow for options as well without back testing.
I m waiting for the update
Hi Madan, this has already been released. In case you are not able to access, please write to [email protected]
keep it up…
Thank you Dharmesh
is new streak 3.0 chargeable or free of cost , please reply. thanx
Hi Sachin,
You need to subscribe to use Streak.
You can check our subscription details in the below mentioned link.
I am waiting for the update
Hi Ramakrishna, this has already been released. In case you are not able to access, please write to [email protected]
Nice initiative..
getting error to log in !!! Please fix it
Please write to [email protected] and the team shall help you with this.
Can I create a strategy based on multiple time frame in Streak 3.0?
No, we will be releasing multi timeframe function for the create page soon.
Most awaiting feature
Useful Info
Are you Trading..
Is the multi time frame available yet
My paper trading auto working properly but when I executed live trading its not working auto algo trading
please help me