Social Stock Exchanges (SSEs)

  • 1. Social Stock Exchanges – An Introduction

    1.1 – Background We often feel like helping the poor, the underprivileged, or the oppressed with whatever little we can afford. A common question we face is who to donate to. We mostly doubt the ..

  • 2. Who can raise funds on SSE?

    2.1 – Introduction Now that you’ve understood what a social stock exchange is from the first chapter let’s dive into what kind of entities can get on the platform. The concept of all ..

  • 3. Modes of raising funds (Part 1) : ZCZP and other instruments

    3.1 – The Background In the previous chapter, we discussed who can raise funds on SSE. Here, we discuss the various modes of raising funds. What do companies do when they want to raise funds fro ..

  • 4. Modes of raising funds (Part 2)

    We discussed ZCZP (zero coupon zero principal) bonds and social impact funds in the previous chapter. Now, we will delve into two other instruments/modes: development impact bonds and donations throug ..