2. Vivek Sriramaiah says:

    My son enjoyed this, when are the next episodes getting published, it adds a lot of value to childrens learning

  3. Yatesh Yadav says:

    The content is amazing. You are making Finance concepts so much easy to understand by this interesting way.
    Thank you Karthik Sir and Team.

  4. Bee says:

    Hi Karthik

    You have highlighted the importance of compounding in education and finance.
    The characters are relatable, and the sprinkle of humor was well enjoyed by my child.
    Thank you for introducing Finance concepts for kids.
    I appreciate what you and your team at Zerodha are doing for the future generation.

    Best wishes,

    • Karthik Rangappa says:

      Thanks so much for letting me know, so happy that your kid enjoyed watching these vidoes πŸ™‚

  5. Ashok says:

    This is a beautiful piece of content for kids and grownups as well. Thank you, Varsity team, for making time and resources to simplify financial knowledgeπŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒOne small recommendation. It would be more engaging if the cartoon is in the color format.

  6. Ashish Ahuja says:

    Good Initiative, Every Kid needs to be introduced to this playlist!

  7. Rajani Ramesh says:

    Very nice content for children. very well explains the concepts at their level of understanding.

  8. Shashank says:

    I think this is the best initiative I have seen in personal finance education by far. Teaching kids about this crucial concept is something I feel even our school education system requires to be updated.

    Thanks Karthik Sir for coming out with this kids series.
    I will surely share in all my social groups.

    Please keep up the good work and keep sharing such amazing content!!

    • Karthik Rangappa says:

      Glad you liked the video, Shashank. Although time consuming, we will try and put up as many as possible πŸ™‚

  9. shravan says:

    please include subtitle on this video to understand the whole story.and thaks for your wonderful effort to doing this work.

  10. ABHINAV says:

    An excellent initiative for financial literacy for next gen.

  11. Laxmi Narayan says:

    Videos are very informative and useful for everyone

  12. kumar says:

    Dear Karthik,

    I can not express my gratitude in words here, How much we are thankful to you and zerodha efforts of educating young minds. Request is please add more videos periodically once in a week or 2 weeks or at least a month. You are impacting some young minds in this world, they remember you all the time. Please give high priority to this junior varsity series.

    Warm Regards

    • Karthik Rangappa says:

      Thanks for the kind words, Kumar. These videos take time to idea and produce, and hence the delay. But I’m looking at this as a long term project, in 2-3 years, we will have many such stories πŸ™‚

  13. Sunil Patel says:

    Not understand

  14. Priti Bhatt says:

    Awesome, so engaging. It struck the cord with my 7 year old one instantly..happy learning and compounding everyday!

  15. Yashwant Dewangan says:

    I am 25 years old and still watching this series. This is not only useful for kids but also for younger for very simplify and basics of financial knowledge. Eagerly waiting for upcoming episodes.

  16. Veeresh says:

    Paid for the certification test but was not able schedule the test please help

  17. Vikas Gheware says:

    it is very helpful for adult also. Thank you very much

  18. MILAN BHAKTA says:

    is the same content available in Hindi?

  19. Meha says:

    I’m Meha, 7 years old. Today I watched this video on suggestion of my mom as I wanted to learn about money, finance and getting rich.. for which I asked my parents to give 1000 rs every month to save or invest to compound and make it grow big as I grow big.

    This video is nice and good. Helps us to understand investing not only money but also our time and craft in different fields.

    I’m planning to invest my time and energy to build crafts and wealth.

    Please add such more helpful stories to learn more.

    Thank You

    • Karthik Rangappa says:

      Thanks so much for the kind words, Meha. I’m thrilled to see your message πŸ™‚

      We are working on adding more such videos, which we will in the coming days.

  20. Nitesh Agarwal says:

    Great initiative for Kids financial Learning

  21. Gurmeet Singh says:

    Too good

  22. Agyeya Gupta says:

    Both my children really enjoyed watching the videos. They were informative while continuing to be a treat to watch. They are eagerly awaiting future episodes. It would be nice to have content which deals with how kids can have and operate their own accounts. Instead of using a piggy bank, putting their gift money into a financial instrument.

  23. Arpit Mishra says:

    “Wow, what a captivating story! I thoroughly enjoyed following the journey of the children in the village as they discovered the power of compounding. The way the author intricately weaved together the simplicity of rural life with the complexity of financial concepts was truly masterful.The explanation of compounding within the narrative was both enlightening and thought-provoking.

  24. Bhakti Jagdish Sharma says:

    Great job team , this is a really nice step to educate our future generations on Financials. My son is eagerly waiting for more.. Would it be possible to have certifications created for Kids age groups like (10 to 12yr , 12 to 14yrs etc.)

    • Karthik Rangappa says:

      Glad you liked the stories, Bhakti. Not sure about the certificate, but will certainly give it a thought.

  25. Sankar Madhavan says:

    Where are rest of the videos??

  26. Gunjan says:

    Team – Appreciate your efforts of building this. It will help kids to have financial literacy.

  27. Kishor says:

    Very nice story of compounding

  28. Venkatesh Nalli says:

    These are very educational for kids. Thanks for doing this. When would the fourth and beyond episodes will uploaded? My kid is eager to watch and learn.

    • Karthik Rangappa says:

      Thanks for letting me know, glad your kid liked it. 4th one will take sometime Venkatesh. Will keep you posted.

  29. rimoy says:

    i am a kid i enjoyed all three episodes and i want more episodes hopefully they will teach me more about it so please make more episodes as soon as possible i hope next episode will be better

    • Karthik Rangappa says:

      Thanks so much for letting us know, Rimoy. We are working on this and will release more episodes soon πŸ™‚

  30. Randeep Kaur says:

    video is really amazing and motivating.it’s not just good for kids …even as an adult i learnt a lesson that we should be consistent in working towards our goals. Thank you for creating such a beautiful piece.

    • Karthik Rangappa says:

      Thanks, and I’m glad you liked the content episode. Please do check the other episodes as well. Happy learning πŸ™‚

  31. Vinayak Boralkar says:

    It is a great story from i understand the power of compounding. Thank you karthik.

  32. Sudha says:

    Thank you for your contribution and ideas to the younger generation for the better tomorrow!
    Keep up the good work Mr.karthik.

  33. Gokila says:

    Thank you so much for the effort to understand the basics on Finance management for the kids! This is amazing and easy to explain to the kids.

  34. G.Manikanta says:

    This is very good video , I liked this video very much

  35. santosh says:

    Thank you so much for these videos for our junior super heros…future of our country!
    Karthik Sir these videos are meant mainly for which age group children?

  36. Ujjawal says:

    I like the course and learning path on varsity. I also wanna ask is there any plan to make quant finance course.

  37. Ujjawal says:

    I am thankful to you brother you make things very simple for us to learn. And I also want to ask do you have any plans to release a course on quant finance and releated stuff.

  38. S G says:

    Hello Karthik,

    1. What are the tentative topics the team is considering for the fourth and the subsequent episodes? Also, can you share how many such episodes are being planned for upload this year?

    2. On this Teachers’ Day, planning to start an SIP for a few of my underprivileged students who are above 18 now through their Zerodha accounts. Wish to involve them in the decision making process. Can you please share any good resources / blogs / videos (preferably in Hindi) that guides one in selecting a good SIP?

    Acknowledge the efforts of you and the team working behind the scenes to share the foundational finance concepts of compounding, budget and inflation through simple and interesting storytelling.

    • Karthik Rangappa says:

      1) The next on will be out soon. Planning at least 10 more, but this will take time πŸ™‚
      2) I’m tempted to suggest a good index fund, but let me refrain. Please look at Zerodha Varsity Youtube channel for MF related videos.

      Thanks so much πŸ™‚

  39. Vijaykumar says:

    Howver Nowdays kids are watching youtube and funny videos , but this video i am sure it will compound their carrier πŸ™‚ please make it more videos like this and educate us and our kids.

    you and your Team made video to teach investment so you all are Teachers now so belated “Happy Teachers DAY” 5/09/2024

  40. Vysakh S says:

    Thanks Karthik and Team,
    Really appreciate the effort you guys are putting out to bring forth these beautiful and informative contents.

  41. CKS says:

    Great Initiate and easy to make learn to kids.
    My daughter is 7, and she is too much interested into these and keeps me asking when would the next episode be released.
    I had to make her understand it takes time to create a new episode. You will surely get to see the next one soon. I hope the same 😬.
    Thanks a lot for taking the efforts to make such Stuffs for kids as well.

    • Karthik Rangappa says:

      So happy to know that she likes the Varsity Junior episode. Btw, is that email id of yours correct? If yes, I’ll email asking your for your postal address. I’d like to send across Varsity Junior goodie to your daughter πŸ™‚

      Unfortunately, it does take time to make these episodes. The next one should be out within a month.


    Hello zerodha, actually i have registered and paid for the certificate exam slot , but i was unable to select slots due to some technical error from your end , and now the slot selection page is not visible , could you pllease help me with this.

    Hoping for an early response!

    With regards
    Aditya vardhan sharma


    Thank you it was done.

  44. Vinod says:

    Available in hindi

  45. Neelam says:

    Sir video hindi me available hai kya better understanding ke liye.please.

  46. Naman Kaushik says:

    It was really soo fascinating. The old times Really Impresive

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