#fundamental analysis


Qualified for an opinion or qualified opinion?

In one of the classes on financial reporting and analysis, my professor once asked us, “In a company’s annual report, what is the difference between an unqualified Opinion and a Qualified Opinion?” Our first reaction was that unqualified sounds like an unverified or unreliable opinion, and qualified sounds like a certified or verified opinion. Our […]

A CFA by qualification, Vineet writes about fundamental analysis, macroeconomics, and portfolio management.
18 Dec 2024

Varsity@Zerodha – December Update

Fellow Traders & Investors, Greetings from Varsity@Zerodha, It has been a month since “Varsity@Zerodha” – our online ‘Market Finance’ education initiative went live. The journey so far has been quite overwhelming; kindly allow us to share some numbers with you… 124 – The number of countries from which people have visited Zerodha’s Varsity 148 – The number of […]

Simple and secure, no nonsense investing and trading.
17 Dec 2014