#credit score


You need 10+ years if you pay just the minimum due on credit cards!

India is adapting to the culture of credit cards at a staggering pace. While credit cards may seem like a means to financial freedom and accessibility, in many cases, they can be dangerous for your financial health. My cousin, for instance, is an IT professional living in Bangalore who enjoys a comfortable lifestyle. He has […]

Business Analyst at Zerodha
16 Jul 2024

What is a credit score, and why is it important for you?

As soon as you get your first credit card or open a bank account, you start hearing people preach about credit scores. And, if you have chosen to be blissfully unaware, here’s a simple explanation.  A credit score is a three-digit number between 300 and 900 that defines your creditworthiness; the lower levels reflect low, […]

Business Analyst at Zerodha
20 Feb 2024