1. Ashok Kumar Nayak says:

    Fantastic story for child.Mindblowing lessons.Thanks a lot for sharing it.
    But my personal opinion to you for sharing this kind of story in both English & Hindi will be in favour of children also.

    • Karthik Rangappa says:

      Thanks Ashok. We do have the story in both languages, do check out our Youtube channel.

  2. Shubham says:

    That was amazing .. amazing efforts and this is really underrated
    I hope some day this series just go viral

  3. Gayathri says:

    Great Job Karthik. Thanks a lot for these videos. It’s really interesting and simple to understand. Beneficial for both kids and parents.

  4. Thiyagu says:

    Stories are good. Waiting for the next Topic…

  5. AMOL PATIL says:


  6. Kaushik says:

    Simply Amazing… Waiting for the next.

  7. Amaresh says:

    Fantastic videos, my son (12 years old) enjoyed the 3 videos a lot , but was sad that there were no more videos to watch. Thanks for these videos which really help in incorporating knowledge and values in kid. Its a fun way to watch and learn concepts (for everyone) ! Please keep them coming…


  8. Soumen says:

    Excellent thought provoking stories…beautiful lessons not only for child but also for everyone.

  9. Devaj says:

    Not that helpful, it should be labeled for which age group it is MORE specifically because I’m 11 and I already knew everything in these videos. They were like a recap.

  10. Karri Tirumala Venkatesh says:

    Amazing Job.. Very good and Informative Content

  11. Goddumuri Raju says:

    I really liked your videos. Very clear and hats off to your creativity ( animation and background music, content – very clear and it is easy to understand and get all necessary info). Interested follow all the modules and again I have lately realized this great resource until I came across Nithin Kamath’s blog ( found in his LinkedIn contact info).

    It required a lot of effort from your side to make this stuff. I really thank every one of your team for making this amazing stuff and I love your initiative to teach financial education ( you cannot get this in school or college education ) to all ( even 5th-standard students can able to understand )in very simple English – explaining financial terms ( investment, inflation, budget, savings, and more) using animation and through a small story.

    Thank you very much team!

  12. chinmai says:

    excellent and apt stories for explanation. not for kids, even for young people. teaches a lot more other things as well.

  13. Vijay Kumar says:

    I always feel to give this basic finance litracy to my kids, but they way I trie to explain is highly unorganized and less effective that makes my kids loose intrest in those topics…..But Thank you for making this work easy by presenting these topics in animation story in such a simple and easy way like a khichdi, easy to digest in little kids belly

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