

Update May 21, 2013

Hi Traders, Hope that your trading has been going good. I would like to share with you some important updates that have taken place at Zerodha in the last few days: New Password Policy: After getting approvals from the Exchange, you will now be required to change your trading passwords once in 90 days unlike […]

India's largest broker trusted by 1.5+ crore investors.
20 May 2013

Zerodha i3 – Introduction

We’ve now stopped offering i3 as a product. Traders, To profit from trading, you must have a winning strategy other than paying low brokerage (which you already do at Zerodha). What is also of importance to our higher volume traders is keeping the impact cost low. Here are some of the issues high volume traders […]

India's largest broker trusted by 1.5+ crore investors.
20 May 2013