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  1. S.P. MAHTO says:

    Hello, though I have set up dark background theme but the background is having various thin horizontal and vertical lines which creates confusion while reading with chart of few indicators.

    please advise how to make background plain.

  2. prabhakar says:

    Sorry i want to know what is the advantage of night mode than present set up. Please elaborate if anyone

  3. Parag says:

    Ye exactly i need black theam

  4. Mohan Nair says:

    For charts Dark mode is available already. In the chart click on “Display” Menu and the last option is “Dark”. You might have to scroll a lot down as this menu is longer than the screen height.

  5. Madhavan says:

    Great I searched this and got it from you today .. Its awesome 🙂 Thanks a lot.

  6. Sumit says:

    People are requesting for dark theme in kite web for so long. Why can’t u guys do it?

  7. SATYANAND says:

    Please provide Dark theme in Zerodha trading account. My eyes strain while trading. Every time I used to decrease brightness to trade, which makes me to lose control on my investing & trading decisions. Kindly consider my request.

  8. Arvind says:

    Bumping this up since there’s still a huge need for this

  9. harsh nandan says:

    Please provide dark theme for the kite website. i am not able to use it properly

  10. Pritish says:

    Yes please. Dark theme for kite web.

  11. User says:

    Please provide dark mode for web kite

  12. Paritosh says:

    Please add dark mode for trading view on kite web aswell

  13. Ilayaraja Ramasamy says:

    So many Requests and still no action? It is really strain on the eyes looking at that white bright screen for longer time.

    I had to install a custom theme with stylebot, but still its being a pain everytime to change the chart to dark and it is possible only with Tradingview chart and there is not even any display setting option in ChartIq.

    Please provide a dark theme for the web i guess it isn’t that difficult, A good application should have features to enhance user experience not strain their eyes.

  14. shree says:

    From Dec 2019 till date a simple dark mode cant be done, So funny that Zerodha is having advanced tech guys.
    1. dark mode 2. absolute/percentage format for stocks in same time as in mobile 3 tabs spaces very big 4 font sizes

  15. Abdul majeed says:

    kindly update the charts

  16. rakesh says:

    hey Zerodha please provide dark theme mode in kite web platform , peoples are requesting youu from so much time

  17. Nakul says:

    At least increase the contrast of the colors of fond. Will help to read them easily. In dark theme the text color contrast automatically increases. (like in kite app).

  18. Shreyas says:

    Kindly provide a switch for dark/light theme for web app as well. Whole tech world is moving to dark theme but I dont see any response from zerodha team regarding this inspite of lot of requests coming in for the same.

  19. AkshayMathur says:

    Please provide a dark mode for web as well.

  20. N says:

    The selected display settings are not applied in the Zerodha VarsitycAndroid app. I selected the dark theme and there is no button to save or apply. Also, if I just go back, the setting change is ignored. It still shows the default white theme.

  21. Kaushik says:

    Please add dark mode support!

  22. Kapil says:

    Hello, kindly bring a “Night Mode” or Dark Theme to Kite Web. Really pissed with so much of bright white lights from the screen during night trades. This would already make the work half stressful. Thank you.

  23. Umesh says:

    Please add dark theme for kite web

  24. Hemang says:

    add Dark theme

  25. Hemang says:

    Dark theme please, have mercy on our eyes

  26. Chundi Somasekhar says:

    Pls you must provide dark theme, othewise, your Kite sucks.

  27. Ashok says:

    please make dark theme for kite web….

  28. Nilesh says:

    Hi Everyone!!
    I am using the “Dark Reader” Google Chrome Extension. Home–>Extensions–>Dark Reader. It works absolutely fine and provides dark UI for all web browsing. Give It a try, working great for me.

  29. Alok says:

    please make dark theme for kite web….

  30. kaushik says:

    please make dark theme for kite web….

  31. KRUSHNA says:

    hi, it will be pleasure if you get provided a dark theme for kite web.
    thank you

  32. Praneeth Potluri says:

    Please provide dark theme for web as well.

  33. DayTrader says:

    Please add Dark Mode on Kite Web

  34. Saurbh kumar says:

    please provide dark theme in kite web mode, it is very useful just as dark mode in your mobile app.
    please !!

  35. Ujwal Nimgade says:

    I was searching for a dark theme solution for zerodha kite for a long time, but could not find any good solution. many dark themes change the colour scheme to such a contrast that lines & numercials are not visible.
    Finally i tried “Dark theme for all websites – by super solution ” extension for opera. it works very good.
    Now finally u can view zerodha kite charts in dark mode just like trading view..

  36. arshad says:

    my dear zerodha
    please update kite with dark theme……

  37. Praveen Kumar Bangera says:

    Please provide dark theme..

  38. Shlok says:

    Please add a dark mode feature for kite web, a lot of people are requesting for that. Moreover have the option to increase the boldness of the fonts on kite as it’s very light. Maybe dark mode would solve that problem

  39. Nitesh says:

    Today I have installed Chrome Extension called “DARK READER”.

    After installing I have used “Filter+” option in “More” Tab.

    Now Kite web is perfect with all its colours in dark mode!!! Try it! It’s wonderful…..

  40. Karthik says:

    Please provide dark mode for kite web for TV charts as has been provided for ChartIQ. Along with watchlist panel also.

  41. Abhishek Anand says:

    Yes Dark Theme would be really helpful for the zerodha web applications as well similar to Android app.

  42. Sachin Patil says:

    Yup, we all need dark mode in web as well like the mobile app.

  43. Sonal Poddar says:

    Please provide DARK MODE in Kite Web

  44. Dhairya Vajpai says:

    Please provide dark theme for the kite web. Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please

  45. Arun says:

    Please its a must feature, we want the dark theme asap

  46. Anil says:

    Please provide dark mode.

  47. Hima says:

    Please provide dark mode for zerodha kite web.

  48. PINTU BUVADE says:

    please provide dark theme for kite Web , it is very useful for users as they have to sit for a long time behind the Computer screen. Bright screen gives stress to eyes and mind also.

  49. Arshad k a says:

    please update the dark theme


    please provide dark theme in your kite web and mobile app it is a desirable and user friendly option i saw the the user interference of upstox they really did a good job on that. dark mode really put a lot less stress on eyes and your brain.

    • Matti says:

      Hey Noushad, actually, strain on the eye depends more on your screen brightness than the colours you’re seeing. If you really are experiencing a lot of strain, I recommend you reduce the brightness on your screen. Also, the Kite mobile app does have a dark mode you can switch to. Check this.

      • Manish says:

        Matti, I would want you to try this once… Keep using zerodha chart for 10-15 mins and then switch to tradingview chart with dark theme. You would see your theory of brightness failing. No issues with the charts, its just dark theme we are requesting.

  51. Dhruv Aggarwal says:

    A dark mode for Kite web would be fantastic and really easy on the eyes.

  52. Hitesh Pandya says:

    Please provide dark theme with bold fonts in kite web.

  53. PURVI says:

    Request to provide Dark Theme and Font Size option in Kite Web Dark theme and Bold Fonts avoid eye strain while using kite web.

    Please update ASAP.
    Thank you

  54. Hitesh says:

    zerodha please provide darkmode for kite web too…… this is need of the time! dark mode reduces strain on eyes….plz

  55. Satish says:

    Hi Matti,

    please please provide dark theme to zerodha Kite Web similar to what you have provided for mobile apps.

    This is really really useful feature. Dark theme avoid eye strain while using kite web.

    Please prioritize and provide this feature ASAP