#trading account


What is DDPI in the stock market?

DDPI stands for Demat Debit and Pledge Instruction. Before we understand DDPI, let’s first see what a power of attorney is for a demat account. What is Power of Attorney (PoA) for a demat account? A Power of Attorney (PoA) is a document that a client submits to a broker, giving the broker permission or […]

Business Analyst, Zerodha
30 Jul 2024

Various Types of Accounts

Traders, At Zerodha you can open an Equity & Derivatives Trading account, Demat account and Commodity Trading account. Let me explain what can be done with each of these accounts: Equity & Derivatives Trading Account An Equity & Derivatives Trading account is what you open with a Trading Member (Stock Broker) of a recognized Stock […]

Simple and secure, no nonsense investing and trading.
16 Oct 2012